EMS :: Volume #3

#213: Source of first round deep air/Qi ===

The source of Chapter 213 Nether Qi 第213章冥气之源 This time was lucky that the Junior Brother Xiao take action reverse situation, these Nether Fruit you then pick several.” Yang Haixin the eyes shows a smile, expression not when that chilling, her beautiful eye blinks even has several points of extraordinary splendor to reappear, the long eyelash provokes, appears bright-colored moving. “这次多亏萧师弟出手扭转局势,这些摩罗冥果你便多摘几颗吧。”杨海芯眸露笑容,语气不在那么冷硬,她美眸眨动时甚至有着几分异彩浮现,长长的睫毛挑动,显得明艳动人。 Em.” Xiao Yun is impolite, immediately from the puddle on cane of that growth has taken off several Nether Fruit. “恩。”萧云也不客气,当即就从水潭边那生长的摩罗藤上摘下了几颗摩罗冥果 This Nether Fruit efficacy is very strong, so long as properly speaking cultivator enough quenchinged the within the body impurity. 这摩罗冥果药力很强,按理说一个修者只要一颗就足够淬炼出体内的杂质了。 However Xiao Yun has picked conveniently several. 不过萧云顺手多摘了几颗。 Here Nether Qi is rich, the nearby also several rivers extend from the giant puddle, the river bank length of side has filled cane, above , not only has Nether Fruit, many Rubbing Silk Flower, but regarding these flowered few people ideas. 这里冥气浓郁,附近还有几条河流从巨大的水潭中延伸出去,河岸边长满了摩罗藤,在上面不仅有摩罗冥果,还有许多的摩罗之花,不过对于这些花很少有人主意。 Xiao Yun also hesitates, like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds generally these Rubbing Silk Flower total revenues in pouch. 萧云也迟疑,风卷残云一般就将这些摩罗之花全部收入了囊中。 Hehe, this Rubbing Silk Flower is containing the air/Qi of rich deep essence, to quenching mind of person has very big benefit, but is useless to the average person, Junior Brother Xiao one collects that many, thinks that on has the forte in this together?” Yang Haixin smiles gracefully, she has also picked several Rubbing Silk Flower, although this thing is good, may very be also difficult to her the too big effect, therefore not greedy. 呵呵,这摩罗之花蕴含着浓郁的冥精之气,对淬炼人的心神有着很大的裨益,不过对一般人却没有用,萧师弟一下采集那么多,想必在这一道上有着过人之处吧?”杨海芯盈盈一笑,她也摘了几颗摩罗之花,这东西虽然不错,可对她也很难有太大的效果,所以也没有贪多。 This Rubbing Silk Flower indeed is I needs.” Xiao Yun let go the palm to smile, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in that Swallowing the Heavens Tower was yelling that making him take in the tower some Rubbing Silk Flower, if not for are many concerned about here person, it already came out. “这摩罗之花的确是我所需。”萧云摊了摊手掌一笑,那吞天塔内的吞天雀在已经在大叫,让他将一些摩罗之花摄入塔内,若不是碍于这里人多,它早就出来了。 „.” Heard that said the Yang Haixin eye one brightly, the beautiful pupil narrowed the eyes, is having several points of mysterious expression, said that „, if Junior Brother Xiao wanted many Rubbing Silk Flower, Haixin knows but actually a good place, actually not to know you were interested in searching in the past.” “哦。”闻言杨海芯眼睛一亮,美眸微眯,带着几分神秘的语气,说道,“若是萧师弟想要更多的摩罗之花,海芯倒知道一个好地方,却不知你有没有兴趣过去一探。” Where?” Sees the Yang Haixin such mysterious appearance, Xiao Yun feels somewhat curiously. “什么地方?”见杨海芯这么神秘的模样,萧云感到有些好奇。 „The source of this Nether Qi.” Yang Haixin said. “这冥气之源。”杨海芯说道。 „The source of Nether Qi?” In a Xiao Yun pupil light congealing heart were many several points of interest. 冥气之源?”萧云眸光一凝心中多了几分兴趣。 Good.” Yang Haixin said that not only has massive Rubbing Silk Flower in the source of that Nether Qi, even also has some Yuan Soul Realm animal bones skeletons, if will obtain some later will refine, will could some achievement Spirit level Magic Item.” “不错。”杨海芯道,“在那冥气之源不仅有大量的摩罗之花,甚至还有着一些元婴境的兽骨尸骸,若是得到一些以后将之加以炼制,或许可以成就一些灵级法器。” Yuan Soul Realm animal bones skeleton?” This makes in the Xiao Yun heart move. 元婴境的兽骨尸骸?”这让萧云心中一动。 Must know that general Magic Item collects the skeleton of Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast generally, or is some rare fine gold refinements. 要知道,一般的法器一般是采集元丹境妖兽的骨骼,或者是一些稀罕的精金炼制。 As for that Spiritual Item, that physique of Yuan Soul Realm Monster Beast as well as rarer fine gold. 至于那灵器,那就得元婴境妖兽的筋骨以及更加稀罕的精金了。 In Southern Border, Yuan Soul Realm cultivator is top level powerhouse, these stepped into this boundary Monster Beast are extremely rare general existences, even if has met, who can kill it extinguishing? Same level war, Monster Beast not in the least compared with the human cultivator difference! 南疆,元婴境修者已经是顶级强者,那些踏入了这个境界的妖兽更是凤毛麟角一般的存在,就算遇到了,谁能够将之灭杀?同级一战,妖兽可是丝毫不比人类修者差啊! Even some Monster Beast have Bloodlines inheritance, the strength is more terrifying. 甚至有些妖兽拥有血脉传承,实力更加恐怖。 Therefore Spiritual Item is quite rare in Southern Border. 所以灵器南疆极为稀罕。 What kind , can you interested?” The Yang Haixin flesh like the snow, above has the jade-green light twinkle, is similar to the ocean waves fairy being near dust, she smiles gracefully, the beautiful pupil is bringing several points of gentleness, is staring at Xiao Yun, the smiling face on face makes the hundred flowers probably be overshadowed. “怎么样,你可有兴趣?”杨海芯肌肤如雪,上面有着碧光闪烁,如同碧波仙子临尘,她盈盈一笑,美眸带着几分柔和,将萧云盯着,脸上的笑容让得百花都要黯然失色。 „The source of that Nether Qi where?” Xiao Yun hesitates slightly, afterward asked. “那冥气之源在哪里?”萧云略微沉吟,随后问道。 He knows that here definitely has the risk, was the enticement of that Spiritual Item is too big. 他知道这里肯定有着风险,可是那灵器的诱惑太大了。 If own obtained a treasure while convenient, later is to go to Profound Yuan Battlefield participates in that Hundred Sect's War to be also many several points of background, therefore since now has an opportunity also uncommonly to wrestle, furthermore, he does not believe that is must die the bureau. 若是自己得到了一件趁手的宝物,以后就算是前往玄元战场参加那百宗之战也将多几分底蕴,所以如今既然有着一丝机会也不凡搏一搏把,再者,他也不相信那是必死之局。 After all that Yang Haixin is not person not awfully. 毕竟那杨海芯也不是不要命的人。 This here.” The Yang Haixin clear pupil winks, glanced to take a look to the front that giant puddle. “就这这里。”杨海芯清眸眨动,眼波瞅向了前方的那个巨大的水潭。 Here?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, there Nether Qi is rich, gushing out of continuously, that Nether Qi rich his Spiritual Consciousness feels the palpitation, does not dare to survey rashly, once otherwise in the middle of thorough Nether Qi, his Spiritual Consciousness also will be corroded. “这里?”萧云眉头一弯,那里冥气浓郁,源源不断的涌出,那冥气之浓郁就连他的灵识都感到心悸,不敢贸然探测,不然一旦深入冥气当中,就连他的灵识也会被腐蚀。 Swallowing the Heavens, how do you think?” Xiao Yun asked to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 吞天,你觉得如何?”萧云问向了吞天雀 Can try.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hesitates slightly, afterward said. “可以一试。”吞天雀略微沉吟,随后说道。 Its urgently needed promotion strength, is not willing to miss any opportunity. 它也急需提升实力,不愿意错过任何机会。 Good.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, afterward takes a look to Yang Haixin said that „, since Senior Sister Yang has this boldness, I abandoned the life to accompany the beautiful woman.” He also knows that this Yang Haixin draws in own is thinks many helper deals with these unknown dangers. “好。”萧云眸光一凝,随后瞅向杨海芯道,“既然杨师姐有这魄力,那我就舍命陪美人了。”他也知道这杨海芯拉上自己是想多一个帮手去应付那些未知的危险。 That many thanks Junior Brother Xiao.” The Yang Haixin brow stretches, the eyes shows a happy expression, has arrived at that giant puddle at once. “那多谢萧师弟了。”杨海芯眉头舒展,眸露笑意,旋即走到了那巨大的水潭边。 Her pupil light concentrates, that sea heart moon cuts in the sky, the jade-green corona then turns toward in that puddle to cut together. 眸光一凝,那海心月轮当空一斩,一道碧色的光轮便向着那水潭中斩下。 Buzz! 嗡! jade-green light like the blade edge, is powerful, that Nether Qi tearing, then cuts above that puddle, under that formidable fluctuation impact, the current of water in puddle wells up but actually on, raised piece of stormy sea (difficult situation), the wave best pupil had more than ten meters. 碧光如刃,气势如虹,生生的将那冥气撕裂,而后斩在那水潭之上,在那股强大的波动冲击下,水潭中的水流倒涌而上,掀起了一片惊涛骇浪,浪高足有十余米。 Afterward, Xiao Yun at present one bright, was sees in the middle of that puddle to reappear piece of light runes restriction. 随后,萧云眼前一亮,便是看到那水潭当中浮现出了一片光纹禁制 This puddle really has the strangeness.” Xiao Yun the eyes reveals surprised. “这水潭果然有古怪。”萧云眸露惊讶 Junior Sister , helping me to eradicate this restriction.” A Yang Haixin face with deep veneration, said toward apprentice sisters. “诸位师妹,助我破除这禁制。”杨海芯一脸肃然,向着身边的师姐妹说道。 Yes!” Sea Mist Sect disciple hear speech/words, arranges formation , helping Yang Haixin take action immediately. “是!”海岚宗弟子闻言,立即结阵,助杨海芯出手 They will be brought here by Yang Haixin, for is at this moment. 她们会被杨海芯带来这里,为的就是这一刻。 Because here restriction are least also comparable with Yuan Core Realm to strike can eradicate. 因为这里的禁制最少也得堪比元丹境一击才可以破除。 But the Yang Haixin own strength merely is infinite close Yuan Core Realm, therefore with the aid of external force. 杨海芯自己的实力仅仅是无限接近元丹境,所以得借助外力。 Whoosh ! 刷! The sea heart moon rays of light twinkle, changes into one greatly round every month cuts in the sky, restriction in that puddle was torn immediately then an opening, where after mysterious fluctuation spews out vast Nether Qi was similar to found one to proclaim the drain port anger volume. 海心月轮光芒闪烁,化为一轮巨大的月月当空斩下,那水潭中的禁制当即便是被撕裂出了一个口子,当一股晦涩的波动从哪里喷涌而出后浩瀚的冥气如同找到了一个宣泄口怒卷而出。 You outside marquis, if felt that has anything not to be right, immediately withdraws from this rock cave, must manage my life not by any means.” Induces fluctuation that under that restriction is transmitting, Yang Haixin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, at once reviews to take a look to behind these Junior Sister fierce [say / way], „do you know?” “你们在外面侯着,要是感觉到有什么不对,立即退出这石窟,切莫要管我的死活。”感应着那禁制下方传来的波动,杨海芯黛眉微蹙,旋即回眸瞅向身后的那些师妹厉声道,“你们知道吗?” She as if also knows that this line of dangers are incomparable. 她似乎也知道此行危险无比。 Knows.” In a native of US heart of Sea Mist Sect has one to be moved, knows that this Senior Sister semblance chilling is always conceited, is the heart is good, but they also know the weight of matter, therefore opened the mouth to accept in abundance. “知道。”海岚宗的美人心中都是有着一丝感动,知道这个师姐外表冷硬一向自视甚高,可是心地却不错,不过她们也知道事情的轻重,所以纷纷开口应承了下来。 Good.” A Yang Haixin pupil light revolution, said that Junior Brother Xiao we get down.” “好。”杨海芯眸光一转,道,“萧师弟我们下去吧。” A Yan Shifei face worried, always thinks about not to abandon taking a look that to Xiao Yun, although some worried that has not actually opened the mouth to obstruct. 颜诗妃一脸担忧,念念不舍的瞅向萧云,虽有担忧,却并没有开口阻扰。 She knows that this youth knows innate discretion, with idea, as woman, only then after behind silently supports. 她知道这少年知道自有分寸,与想法,作为女人,只有在身后默默支持。 I will not have the matter.” Xiao Yun said that „outside you fall back on first.” Was feeling that restriction below fluctuation, he also knew this matter no small matter, must complete the damage control measures, otherwise the consequence was hard to expect. “我不会有事情的。”萧云说道,“你们先退到外面去。”在感受到了那禁制下方的波动,他也知道此事非同小可,必须做好善后事宜,不然后果难以预料。 You feel relieved.” Huang Jianghe stands saying that we protect and sustain Junior Sister to draw back now together.” “你们放心吧。”黄江鹤站出来说道,“我们现在就护持着师妹们一起退出去。” This is best.” Yang Haixin nodded, leaves.” “这样最好。”杨海芯点了点头,“动身吧。” Em.” Xiao Yun has not hesitated, the body moves, while that restriction was torn an opening the time leapt. “恩。”萧云也没有迟疑,身子一动,就趁着那禁制被撕裂出一个口子的时候跃了下去。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun submerges in the middle of that Nether Qi, suddenly vanishes does not see. 萧云没入那冥气当中,眨眼就消失不见。 Afterward Yang Haixin received sea heart moon, the body such as jade-green light also submerged in the middle of Nether Qi together. 随后杨海芯收起海心月轮,身子如一道碧光也是没入了冥气当中。 At this time that restriction cicatrization slowly. 这时那禁制才慢慢的愈合。 We also walk.” Huang Jianghe said toward these Junior Sister. “我们也走吧。”黄江鹤向着那些师妹说道。 Yan Shifei beautiful eye blinks, appears some does not abandon. 颜诗妃美眸眨动,显得有些不舍。 „The following matter we cannot help, only then waited outside.” Yan Yueying said toward Yan Shifei. “接下来的事情我们也帮不上忙只有在外面等候了。”颜月莹向着颜诗妃说道。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun will not have the matter.” Yan Shiyan that small girl is pupil light is firm, mindless saying. 萧云哥哥不会有事的。”颜诗嫣那小丫头却是眸光坚定,没心没肺的说道。 The people left this rock cave along with retreat, the old route returned, because their goals have been achieved do not need to stay behind. 众人随后退出了这个石窟,原路返回,因为她们的目的已经达到也没有必要留下了。 After Xiao Yun submerges in the middle of that Nether Qi, body one light, the Spiritual Consciousness slightly sensation, a vast ancient aura fluctuation is similar to that mountain general oppression, under this fluctuation, his floating in empty/sky personal appearance slightly trembles. 萧云没入那冥气当中后身子一轻,灵识略微感知,一股浩瀚古老的气息波动便是如同那大山一般压迫而下,在这股波动下,他那飘然于空的身形都是微微一颤。 Fluctuation of very powerful.” In the Xiao Yun heart shakes, felt a greatest oppression. 好强大的波动。”萧云心中一震,感到了一股莫大的压迫。 This oppression compared with any Yuan Core Realm cultivator also strong, that Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy that even strong initially he had also seen. 这压迫比任何元丹境修者都还强,甚至还强过当初他见到的那个天都域使 Under surprised, Xiao Yun Spiritual Consciousness sweeps toward the four directions, immediately then issuing all income in eye. 在惊讶下,萧云灵识向着四方一扫,当即便是将下发的一切收入了眼中。 Meanwhile, his mind also shook has shaken. 与此同时,他的心神也是为之震了一震。 Under is a giant cavern, inside Nether Qi surges, is similar to the fog general winding around four directions of space. 在下方是一个巨大的洞窟,里面冥气涌动,如同天上的云雾一般缭绕四方。 Carefully is looking that actually has a giant altar in the middle of this cavern. 在仔细看去,在这洞窟的中间竟然有着一个巨大的祭坛。 This altar for the ancient black deep stone construction, on each giant stone is carving mysterious runes. 这祭坛为古老的黑色冥石构建而成,每一颗巨石上都刻着玄奥的符文 This moment this altar rays of light blooms, has huge vortex to evolve, but is towing four directions Nether Qi to collect in the altar. 此刻这祭坛光芒绽放,有着一个巨大的气旋演化而出在牵引着四方的冥气汇集于祭坛。 Outside Nether Qi was collected to come by this altar?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, had discovered afterward underground has Nether Qi to overflow, was quick he to understand, here was the source of Nether Qi, has Nether Qi to overflow, but this altar was actually collecting these overflows Nether Qi. “外面的冥气就是被这祭坛汇集而来的吗?”萧云微微一怔,随后又发现了地下有着冥气溢出,很快他就明白了,这里是冥气之源,有着冥气溢出,可这祭坛却是在收集那些溢出的冥气 Does not know that in the altar is anything.” Xiao Yun releases strongly Spiritual Consciousness, wants to see clearly the thing on altar. “也不知祭坛中是什么。”萧云灵识竭力释放开来,想要看清楚祭坛上的事物。 That resembles a huge vertebrate.” Xiao Yun mind moves, Spiritual Consciousness saw clearly an outline by that Nether Qi fuzzily, but is actually not able to see clearly that monster completely is anything, because that Nether Qi was too strong, is almost very difficult to penetrate. “那似一个庞大的脊椎动物。”萧云心神一动,灵识透过那冥气模糊的看清楚了一个轮廓,可是却无法完全看清楚那巨物是什么,因为那冥气太强了,几乎很难穿透。 Is intensifying some efforts.” Xiao Yun mind moves to release unceasingly Soul Power, wants to see clearly the thing on that altar. “在加大些力度。”萧云心神一动将灵魂力不断释放出来,想要将那祭坛上的事物看清。 Finally, giant beast then appeared under his Spiritual Consciousness sensation. 终于,一头巨兽便是出现在了他的灵识感知下。 This is a head length reaches the hundred zhang (333m) giant beast, just like the python, in the body is covering entirely the black scale, but its hypogastric actually lives four fingernails, that sharp claws are sharp, pass send out the shining cold brightness, that rays of light makes people feel the palpitation, has black single horn in its top of the head, resembles to pierce the vault of heaven, under that vast aura, is seeming to be terrifying Bloodlines. 这是一头长达百丈的巨兽,宛若巨蟒,身躯上布满着黑色的鳞片,可是它腹下却生有四爪,那利爪锐利,透发出灿灿寒光,那光芒让人感到心悸,在它头顶上有着一个黑色的独角,似要捅破苍穹,那股浩瀚的气息之下,似有着一股恐怖的血脉 That fluctuation, lets the person palpitation. 那波动,让人心悸。 This giant beast occupies in the altar, the double pupil shut tightly, resembles to fall into the deep sleep, cannot induce its obvious fluctuation. 只是这巨兽盘踞在祭坛上,双眸紧闭,似陷入了沉睡,感应不到它的明显波动。 This is Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon.” “这是血睛冥蛟。” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound resounds in the Xiao Yun mind unexpectedly. 吞天雀的声音蓦地在萧云脑海响起。 Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon?” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, within the body has raised stormy sea (difficult situation). 血睛冥蛟?”萧云心中一动,体内似掀起了惊涛骇浪 The King of flood dragon for the beast, legend has True Dragon Bloodlines, strength heavens frightening, in antiquity times is also overlord existence. 蛟为兽中王者,传说有着真龙血脉,实力惊天,在上古时期也是霸主般的存在。 This existence Heavenly Capital Domain was rare, let alone this Southern Border. 这种存在就连天都域都难得一见,就更别说这南疆了。 Has not thought that will have this variation beast in this.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also slightly feels surprisedly. “没有想到会有这种异兽在此。”吞天雀也是略感惊讶。 ( ( …… ……
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