EMS :: Volume #3

#212: Shares Xiao to say? First round ===

Does Chapter 212 share Xiao Yun? 第212章共享萧云 Ding! 叮! After the flame dissipates, handle golden light shining treasure blade falls to the ground, the sound was clear, has shocked all people. 在火光消散后,一柄金光灿灿的宝刀落地,声音清脆,惊呆了所有的人。 Xu Yankui person?” The Huang Jianghe double pupil is startled, is staring at the front, reveals the whole face to be vacant. 许闫愧人了?”黄江鹤双眸一怔,盯着前方,露出满脸茫然。 The front flame dissipated, but where also has that Xu Yankui person's shadow! 前方火光已经消散,可是哪里还有那那许闫愧的人影啊! The there remaining handles are only sending out the shining rays of light long blade, as well as the great youth who is similar to the mountain stands erect generally! 那里只剩下一柄散发着灿灿光芒的长刀,以及一个如同山岳一般屹立的伟岸少年! Such solved Xu Yankui?” Yang Haixin is also startled, reveals several points of surprise, when takes a look to Xiao Yun in the pupil flood the intermittent ripples, have resembled to be many for several points to appreciate, are many for several points to have subdued, in brief this usually the chilling goddess at this moment finally moved. “就这么将许闫愧解决了?”就连杨海芯也是一怔,露出几分诧异,瞅向萧云时眸中泛起了阵阵涟漪,似多了几分欣赏,又似多了几分折服,总之这素来冷硬的神女此刻终于是动心了。 Must know that she still was Xiao Yun was a moment ago worried, reminded his take action to resist, was suddenly, that was formidable Xu Yankui that linked her to have a headache about so to vanish into thin air, this contrast was too big, in the Yang Haixin heart cannot be tranquil. 要知道,刚才她还在为萧云担心,提醒他出手抵挡,可是眨眼间,那强大得连她都头疼的许闫愧就这么烟消云散了,这种反差实在太大,杨海芯心中也不能平静。 This did Xiao Yun have fought the Yuan Core Realm strength?” In the male hearts of Sea Mist Sect another two True Yuan perfection boundary all shakes, after looking at each other has the awe of whole face to size up to go toward front Xiao Yun. “难道说这萧云已经有了一战元丹境的实力?”海岚宗另外两个真元圆满境的男子心中皆是一震,在相视一眼后都带着满脸的敬畏向着前方的萧云打量而去。 That expression on is looking at a freak simply probably. 那表情简直就好像在看着一个怪胎。 When did Heavenly Yuan Sect leave such terrifying disciple?” In people heart surprise. 天元宗什么时候出了一个这么恐怖的弟子?”众人心中诧异不已。 Senior Brother Xiao is really fierce.” 萧师兄真厉害。” Was a pity that he famous grass had main.” Xiao Yun will shortly write off Xu Yankui to let Sea Mist Sect these female disciple quick love-struck fool, the pupil wave circulation, reveals the whole face love, how many their time is in danger is this youth finally bravely steps forward, strives to turn the tide, if own has such an outstanding companion in the side, why must be worried about these issues? “可惜他已经名草有主了。”萧云顷刻就抹杀了许闫愧让得海岚宗那些女弟子都快花痴了,一个个眸波流转,露出满脸迷恋,她们几次遇险都是这个少年最后挺身而出,力挽狂澜,若是自己有这么一个优秀的伴侣在身边,何须担心这些问题? Hehe, Elder Sister Shifei, we discussed that was inferior that you gave me to be good this Senior Brother Xiao.” Female disciple smiles gracefully, does not give a thought to any face, that beautiful eye blinks, after bringing several points of love-struck fool was taking a look at Xiao Yun to take a look to Yan Shifei. 呵呵,诗妃姐姐,我们商量一下,不如你将这萧师兄让给我好了。”一个女弟子盈盈一笑,根本不顾什么面子,那美眸眨动,在带着几分花痴瞅了一眼萧云后瞅向了颜诗妃 „, Your this also was too whoops greedy.” Nearby stature fiery female disciple sways from side to side the kidney to arrive at side Yan Shifei saying that Shifei younger sister, I look at this, was inferior that your I wait on Junior Brother Xiao, how? You felt relieved that I will not wrest away his.” “哎呦,你这也太贪心了吧。”旁边一个身材火热的女弟子扭动着腰子走到颜诗妃身边道,“诗妃妹妹,我看这样,不如你我共侍萧师弟,如何?你放心我不会霸占他的。” How can this be short of us?” “这怎么能少了我们呢?” Suddenly, several female disciple chirp, do not give a thought to the present aspect, said toward Yan Shifei. 一时间,几位女弟子叽叽喳喳,根本不顾现在的局面,向着颜诗妃说道。 This makes nearby several Sea Mist Sect man faces envy. 这让旁边的几位海岚宗男子一脸羡慕。 These female disciple usually were usually arrogant, they want to pursue difficultly, appears quite chilling, such as iceberg beautiful woman. 这些女弟子平日里素来高傲,他们想要追求都难,显得颇为冷硬,如冰山美人。 But now? 可是现在了? These pretty such as does the tender person of flower fight for a youth under the big crowd of people unexpectedly? 这些貌美如花的娇人竟然在大庭广众之下争抢一个少年? This called any matter! 这叫什么事情啊! Even several female disciple also spoke without reservation wanted several female sharing. 甚至有几个女弟子还直言不讳的愿意几女共享。 This was simply enviable! 这简直就是让人羡慕死了啊! These females natural talent are all uncommon, is extraordinary, outside places absolutely is existence of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 这些女子个个天赋不凡,气质出众,放在外面绝对是倾国倾城的存在。 But felt that now was like the miss in that flowered lane to be unconventional? 可现在怎么感觉像似那花巷里的姑娘放荡不羁了? Was this person changed, did the way of the world change? 是这人变了,还是世道变了? Sea Mist Sect several men feel to be completely muddled for a while, probably the world must change. 海岚宗的几个男子一时感觉晕头转向,好像天地都要变了。 I go, the heaven, must attack the person like this!” In the people heart sad cry, the corners of the mouth completely are the bitter and astringent smiling face. “我去,老天,要不要这样打击人啊!”众人心中悲呼,嘴角尽是苦涩的笑容。 Hey, you have skill own to look for him!” Facing teasing of these apprentice sisters, Yan Shifei is light smiles. “嘿嘿,你们有本事自己去找他啊!”面对这些师姐妹的调侃,颜诗妃却是淡淡一笑。 Hehe, Elder Sister Shifei do not install, we know that this Junior Brother Xiao is the wife manages strictly, how without you opens the mouth to allow him to feel all right with us is good.” Female disciple smiles gracefully, appears quite bold, that beautiful eye blinks is the eyes ripples, takes a look toward Xiao Yun. 呵呵,诗妃姐姐别装了,我们都知道,这萧师弟是妻管严,没有你开口允许他怎么好意思和我们好呢。”一个女弟子盈盈一笑,显得颇为豪放,那美眸眨动是秋波荡漾,向着萧云瞅去。 Now she more looked that more thought this youth whole world is rare. 如今她是越看越觉得这个少年举世难得。 Snort, I did not agree that you were saying I may get angry.” Yan Shiyan is not calm like Yan Shifei, she purses the lips the long eyelash to raise, wicked takes a look toward that several Senior Sister, looks at that appearance completely is guards the stance of own man. “哼,我不同意,你们在说我可翻脸了。”颜诗嫣却不像颜诗妃那么淡定,她撅着嘴长长的睫毛扬起,恶狠狠的向着身边的那几个师姐瞅去,瞧那模样尽是一副扞卫自己男人的架势。 Hehe, Shiyan younger sister, do you are do, has the good man not to hide, everybody is the good sisters to share is.” Senior Sister said with a smile, look you and your wasn't Elder Sister shares?” This Senior Sister smiles quite ponders. 呵呵,诗嫣妹妹,你这是干什么呢,有好男人别藏着啊,大家是好姐妹得共享才是。”一个师姐笑道,“这不,你和你姐姐不就是共享吗?”这师姐笑得颇为玩味。 Now these people also knew the thoughts of this small girl. 如今这些人也是知道了这小丫头的心思。 Snort, I did not agree.” Yan Shiyan very firm saying, expression appears quite overbearing. “哼,我就是不同意。”颜诗嫣很坚定的说道,语气显得颇为霸道。 Have not made, solemn Sea Mist Sect rising star disciple actually here snatches a man, this highly improper.” Yan Yueying jade face belt was cold, sweeps people one eyes to say. “你们都别闹了,堂堂的海岚宗新秀弟子却在这里抢一个男人,这成何体统。”颜月莹玉脸带寒,扫了众人一眼说道。 She also feels regarding this group of sisters quite speechless. 对于这群姐妹她也是感到颇为无语。 Not only here several male same side, side also had dozens loose cultivator. 这里不仅有几个男同门,旁边还有几十个散修了。 How these girls others have regarded the air? 怎么这些妮子都一个个将别人当成了空气? It is necessary such love-struck fool? 有必要这么花痴吗? However when her corner of the eye split vision takes a look to the front that youth, in the heart also slightly moves, in pupil flood an extraordinary splendor. 不过她眼角余光瞅向前方那少年时,心中也是微微一动,眸子中泛起了一丝异彩。 Has to acknowledge that this Xiao Yun is indeed outstanding, was also hard to find a such man in entire Sea Mist Sect. 不得不承认,这萧云的确优秀,在整个海岚宗也难以找到这样的一个男子了。 Also no wonder these girls inner world rippled. 也怪不得这些丫头都心海荡漾了。 Facing these sounds, Xiao Yun is actually appears quite indifferent, his palm strokes that handle falls in the long blade of ground curls up. 面对身边这些声音,萧云却是显得颇为淡然,他手掌一拂将那柄落在地上的长刀卷起。 This blade should with the skeleton of Yuan Core perfection boundary Monster Beast, be joined to some special fine gold refinements, is false Spiritual Item.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound conveys, was a pity that this Spiritual Item needs the corresponding Bloodlines stimulation of movement, does not make a sound to gather with you.” “这刀应该是用元丹圆满境妖兽的骨骼,配上一些特殊的精金炼制而成,算是一件伪灵器。”吞天雀的声音传来,“可惜,这灵器需要相应的血脉催动,与你并不响合。” This is but actually indifferent.” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, passes on tone channel, this Magic Item rank is good, I can exchange some corresponding Magic Item depending on this in Sect, or is spiritual medicine, this has been enough.” Then, he has taken in this Magic Item Swallowing the Heavens Tower. “这倒无所谓。”萧云淡淡一笑,传音道,“这法器等级不错,我可以凭此在宗门内兑换一些相应的法器,或者是灵药,这样已经足以。”说完,他就将这法器摄入了吞天塔内。 Except in addition, ground also Storage Ring, after is that Xu Yankui dies stays behind, by Xiao Yun receiving. 除此外,地上还有一个储物戒,是那许闫愧死后留下,也被萧云给收了起来。 After completing all these, Xiao Yun pupil light to move, takes a look to the front. 做完这一切后萧云眸光一动,瞅向了前方。 Is all staring Xiao Yun that the pupil dew dreads there one crowd of loose cultivator. 在那里一群散修皆是眸露忌惮的将萧云盯着。 Some and what is more strength slightly low cultivator directly were frightened to urinate, trembles. 更甚者一些实力略低的修者直接被吓尿了,一个个瑟瑟发抖。 That almost made these person of eternal lives hopeless a moment ago. 刚才那一幕几乎让得这些人永生难望。 Thinks their eldest children must go well, who would have thought this youth so will be terrorist, the whole body blooms the dazzling flame, resembled bright sun to explode, punctured the person pupil to be painful, when they opened the pupil, their eldest children were reduced to ashes. 本来以为他们老大就要得手了,哪知这个少年会那么恐怖,周身绽放出耀眼的火光,似曜日爆炸了开来,刺得人眸子生疼,等他们睁开眸子时,他们的老大已经化为了灰烬。 Now looks at Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade as well as that Storage Ring that falls to the ground, appointed everyone knows that their eldest children were reduced to ashes. 如今瞧得那落地的天狼妖刀以及那个储物戒,任谁都知道,他们老大真的化为了灰烬。 This is only a matter suddenly! 这只是一瞬息间的事情啊! comparable with Yuan Core Realm cultivator on such die! 一个堪比元丹境修者就这么殒落了! Moreover die in a 17-year-old youth hand, such result, appointed no one has expected. 而且还是殒落在一个17岁的少年手中,这样的结果任谁都没有料到。 How do these people process?” Huang Jianghe walked, asked to Xiao Yun. “这些人怎么处理?”黄江鹤走了上来,问向萧云 You look at the office.” Xiao Yun took a look at these people lightly, afterward said. “你们看着办吧。”萧云淡淡的瞅了一眼那些人,随后说道。 These person of strengths are good, there is several True Yuan perfection boundary powerhouse, but relatively speaking compared to Sea Mist Sect actually to miss. 那些人实力都不错,有几个真元圆满境强者,不过相比而言比起海岚宗却差了许多。 Because Xiao Yun also saw Yang Haixin strongly take action one, that battle strength was also infinite close Yuan Core Realm 1-layer. 因为萧云也看到了杨海芯竭力出手的一幕,那战力也是无限接近元丹境一重了。 Then killed.” Yang Haixin pupil light one cold, said. “那么都杀了吧。”杨海芯眸光一冷,说道。 No, asked you, has put us.” These loose cultivator pupil dew are panic-stricken, begs for mercy hastily. “不,求求你们,就放了我们吧。”那些散修眸露惊恐,连忙求饶。 Now their old mostly die, the people lost the pillar, did not have fighting intent again. 如今他们的老大都殒落了,众人已经失去了主心骨,再也没有了战意 Has put you?” Huang Jianghe pupil light one said coldly that you haven't wanted to capture our Sea Mist Sect disciple a moment ago?” These loose cultivator were in power a moment ago, appeared quite rampant, wanted to humiliate these tender people, was eliminating a potential informant. “放了你们?”黄江鹤眸光一冷说道,“刚才你们还不是想虏获我们海岚宗弟子吗?”刚才这些散修得势,一个个显得颇为嚣张,想要凌辱那些娇人,然后在灭口。 Now the situation reverses, how could to let off these people? 如今大势扭转,岂能放过这些人? arranges formation! Kills!” Yang Haixin pupil light concentrates, shouts to clear the way. 结阵!杀!”杨海芯眸光一凝,喝道。 Yes!” Heard this order sound, when these a moment ago also chirp, love-struck fool female disciple immediately face cold frost, in pupil cold brightness twinkle, black hair Feiyang (flies upwards) appears valiant, they was also hates in the bone regarding these loose cultivator. “是!”听到了这命令声,那些刚才还叽叽喳喳,一副花痴的女弟子顿时一脸寒霜,眸中寒光闪烁,青丝飞扬时显得英姿飒爽,对于那些散修她们也是恨到了骨子里。 Not difficult to imagine, how pitiful situation if not for a moment ago Xiao Yun prompt take action they will reduce. 不难想象,刚才若不是萧云及时出手她们将会沦落到怎么凄惨的地步。 Also is this they to Xiao Yun except for the admire, has the gratitude of not being able to say. 也是这样她们对萧云除了爱慕,也有着说不出的感激。 Blinks, these female disciple on arrangement to turn into formation, then combined, with the jade-green light twinkle, Formation also evolves, rich True Yuan is similar to fills top pours into the Yang Haixin top of the head generally, was introduced in that sea heart moon completely. 只是眨眼,这些女弟子就排列成阵,然后组合了起来,伴随着碧光闪烁,一个阵法也是随之演化而出,浓郁的真元如同灌顶一般注入杨海芯头顶,然后完全被引入那海心月轮里面。 The sea heart moon stimulated to movement, blooms ocean waves, is similar to the sea appears from out of the blue, one round blue moon/month float middle. 海心月轮被催动,绽放出一片碧波,如同大海破空出现,一轮碧月悬浮当中。 That vast fluctuation fills the air, making the person have feeling faced with sea, there are numerous wild waves to tumble. 那种浩瀚的波动弥漫开来,让人真的有着一种面临大海的感觉,有重重骇浪在翻滚。 Xiao Yun induces in side, feels to this Formation as well as that sea heart moon Magic Item somewhat curiously. 萧云在旁边感应,对这个阵法以及那海心月轮这件法器也是感到有些好奇。 This Magic Item might has not stimulated to movement obviously completely, not difficult to imagine, perhaps if middle might will show that might really to be able with Yuan Core Realm cultivator to contend all, is so, can need these many person together blessing energies. 法器的威力明显没有完全催动出来,不难想象,若是将当中的威力尽数施展开来那威力或许真的能与元丹境修者抗衡了,也是如此,才会需要这么多人一起加持能量。 Is feeling this imposing manner, these loose cultivator have been flustered, some people retreat immediately, some people but under the water leakage resists. 感受着这股气势,那些散修一个个心慌了,有人马上溃逃,也有人无奈下出水抵挡。 Whoosh ! 刷! The moonlight cuts together, with the vast sea tide, is similar to the blue sea rises simply the moon/month, that imposing manner is frightening. 一道月光斩下,伴随着浩瀚的海潮,简直如同碧海升月,那气势让人心惊。 The sodium hyposulfite moves, then submerged several True Yuan Realm cultivator, did not have Xu Yankui keep watch, even if these True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator also collapsed at the first blow, was only the twinkling, cultivator were shaken to fly, in the mouth fresh blood put out to be seriously injured. 海波一动,便是将十几名真元境修者淹没,没有了许闫愧坐镇,就算那些真元圆满境修者也不堪一击,只是瞬息,一个个修者被震飞出去,口中鲜血吐出身受重伤。 Kill! 杀! At this time Yang Haixin alone take action, killed to the people. 这时杨海芯才独自出手,杀向了众人。 That Huang Jianghe body such as in the water the crane, soaring, has intercepted unexpectedly several retreating loose cultivator immediately. 黄江鹤身如水中之鹤,蓦地腾飞而起,当即就截杀了几个溃逃的散修 This fights miserably almost does not have a suspense, Xiao Yun not to meddle, quick can end. 这惨战斗几乎没有一丝悬念,萧云也没有插手,很快就得以落幕。 In the cavern blood stream place, aura slightly is strong, Sea Mist Sect disciple is actually face cold severe, not too many expressions. 洞窟内血流一地,气息略显浓重,不过海岚宗弟子却是一脸冷厉,并没有太多表情。 After this experience, Yan Shiyan also knew own must become stronger be able to protect own, let alone others. 经过这次历练,就连颜诗嫣也知道了自己必须变强才能保护自己,何况别人了。 After these loose cultivator solve, the people also calculate that relaxed collects pupil light in the middle of the front puddle. 当那些散修解决完毕后,众人也算松了口气都将眸光汇集在前方的水潭当中。 Has rich Nether Qi to fill the air there, a moment ago that terrifying fluctuation is unable to shake it completely bursts. 在那里有着一股浓郁的冥气弥漫,就连刚才那种恐怖的波动都无法将之完全震溃。 Because in the puddle has almost Nether Qi continuously fills the air. 因为水潭中几乎有着冥气源源不断的弥漫开来。 Here is growing many Nether Fruit, even if presented everyone to be enough. 在这里生长着许多的摩罗冥果,就算在场每个人一人一颗都足够了。 The Yang Haixin clear pupil takes a fast look around four directions, afterward said that we take off these Nether Fruit immediately, so as to avoid late occurrence of trouble.” 杨海芯清眸扫视一眼四方,随后道,“我们立即将这些摩罗冥果都摘下,免得迟了生变。” Yes!” The people bring the whole face to like, after accepting one, then immediately turns toward nearby that puddle to walk. “是!”众人带着满脸欢喜,应承一声后,便立即向着那水潭附近走去。 This is they come this's goal! 这可是她们来此的目的啊! Now after layer on layer dangerous, finally must obtain the own fruit. 如今经过重重危险,终于是要获得自己的果实了。 This excited mood is hard to speak. 这激动的情绪难以言说。 ( ( …… ……
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