EMS :: Volume #3

#211: Striving to turn the tide first round ===

Chapter 211 strives to turn the tide 第211章力挽狂澜 Vast soul fluctuation tilts, mind of all people shake, such as was struck by lightning. Ha 浩瀚的灵魂波动倾覆而下,所有人的心神都是一震,如遭雷击。哈 Also at this moment, that Xu Yankui mind trembles, blade glow that in the hand is going to drop has also stopped. 也就是在此刻,那许闫愧心神一颤,手中将要落下的刀芒也是停顿了下来。 Shout! 呼! Yang Haixin deeply inspired, stands firm the personal appearance while this crevice, the footsteps such as the floating clouds backdrift ten meters, has avoided thrillingly that strikes, hereafter her heart cannot bear one jump as before crazily, for it heart startled, standing tall and erect full shrugs unceasingly. 杨海芯深吸了口气,趁着这个空隙稳住身形,脚步如浮云向后漂移十米,避开了那惊险的一击,此后她那芳心依旧是忍不住一阵狂跳,为之心惊,高耸的饱满不断耸动。 This struck a moment ago was too dangerous, that Xu Yankui strength has far exceeded her expectation. 刚才这一击太危险了,那许闫愧的实力远远超出了她的预料。 Half Yuan Core Realm cultivator approached Yuan Core Realm, now this Xu Yankui uses the Martial Spirit's strength fusion monster blade, stimulated middle the strength of Bloodlines, so strikes, has been enough comparable with that Yuan Core Realm 1-layer powerhouse struck. 半步元丹境修者本来就已经接近元丹境了,如今这许闫愧动用武魂之力融合妖刀,激发了当中的血脉之力,如此一击,已经足以堪比元丹境一重强者的一击了。 very powerful soul's intimidation power.” At this time Xu Yankui was actually mind trembles, such as was shelled by the iron hammer, in the pupil revealed wipes surprisedly, that formidable Soul Power made him feel to dread, was seeming to be Spiritual God arrived, making his body shiver, but this person of strength was greatly strengthened, finally stood firm mind, pupil light moved then turns toward the four directions glance to go. 好强大灵魂震慑力。”这时许闫愧却是心神一颤,如被铁锤轰击,眸中露出一抹惊讶,那强大的灵魂力让他感到畏惧,似有着神灵降临,让得他的身子都为之颤抖了起来,不过此人实力极强,最终稳住了心神,眸光一动便向着四方扫视而去。 Also in Xu Yankui pupil light sweeps to the four directions, a fluctuation of burning hot fills the air unexpectedly, Magic Seal that flame condenses fierce shells to come toward him, is only the twinkling, that Magic Seal appeared before his body the distance is about two meters. 也就在许闫愧眸光扫向四方时,一股炙热的波动蓦地弥漫开来,一股火炎凝聚成的法印猛的向着他轰击而来,只是瞬息,那个法印就已经出现在了他的身前距离不过两米。 Xu Yankui pupil light dodges, had discovered unexpectedly not far away has a youth also to follow closely to plunder toward own. 许闫愧眸光一闪,蓦地发现了不远处有着一个少年也紧随着向着自己掠来。 Very obviously, a moment ago was the ghost who this youth did. 很显然,刚才就是这个少年搞的鬼。 You court death.” Xu Yankui pupil light is fierce, backhands a blade, must cut toward that Magic Seal. “你这是找死。”许闫愧眸光狰狞,反手一刀,就要向着那法印斩去。 Bang! 砰! That knowledge does not wait for his prompt take action, that Flame Seal exploded fiercely, a terrifying fluctuation wreaks havoc to give to shake the flying several rice him. 那知不等他及时出手,那火印猛的爆炸了开来,一股恐怖的波动肆虐开来将他给震飞数米。 Thump! 咚咚! Xu Yankui body retreat, the within the body vitality tumbles again and again, air current of burning hot wreaks havoc to come to resemble toward him to cover him, burns for the nihility, startled, Xu Yankui hastily operation True Yuan, this that burning hot air current resisting. 许闫愧身子连连后退,体内气血翻滚,一股炙热的气流向着他肆虐而来似要将他笼罩,焚为虚无,惊慌下,许闫愧连忙运作真元,这才将那股炙热的气流给抵挡了下来。 The bonus is so, his corners of the mouth have fresh blood to put out as before. 饶是如此,他嘴角依旧是有着一口鲜血吐出。 Boss, you how?” Sees the Boss to be repelled unexpectedly, these loose cultivator the eyes reveals surprised moved forward to meet somebody hastily, simultaneously on that face was also appears to wipe the panic-stricken color, that inexplicable oppression made them feel a palpitation a moment ago. “老大,你怎么了?”见得自家老大竟然被人击退,那些散修一个个眸露惊讶连忙迎了上去,同时那脸上也是浮现出了一抹惊恐之色,刚才那股莫名的压迫让他们感到一阵心悸。 All right.” Xu Yankui pupil light concentrates, light said that pupil light rose afterward, takes a look to the front. “没事。”许闫愧眸光一凝,淡淡的道了一句,随后眸光上扬,瞅向了前方。 In there, a youth stands gorgeously, coldly gives to stare at him. 在那里,一个少年巍然而立,正冷冷的将他给盯着。 A moment ago was that Yang Haixin that this youth take action rescued?” These loose cultivator all are pupil dew surprise. “刚才是这少年出手救下的那杨海芯?”这些散修皆是眸露诧异。 Looks at this youth is about 17 years old, has this clock battle strength? 看这个少年也不过17岁罢了,怎么有这钟战力 But a moment ago their eldest children the strength defeated Sea Mist Sect completely disciple! 刚才他们老大可是力败海岚宗全部弟子啊! Until this moment, that Sea Mist Sect disciple has also restored the look. 直到这一刻,那海岚宗弟子也是恢复过了神色。 These a face was sad a moment ago, is several men who Yang Haixin worries about after looking at the latter are safe and sound, that heart thoroughly has also put. 那些刚才还一脸悲伤,为杨海芯担忧的几名男子在瞧得后者安然无恙后,那颗心也是彻底放了下来。 The goddess in people heart finally is safely, is gratified. 众人心中的神女终是安然,也算是一种欣慰。 Although cannot have, but can look at this female, these people were pleased. 虽然不能拥有,可是能看着这个女子,这些人已经感到很满意了。 While of relaxing, the people are bringing rays of light stand forth of whole face surprise, there was seeming to be a familiar form stands erect, this makes them feel some doubt, especially Huang Jianghe as well as another two True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary talents, they have opened the mouth, wants to open the mouth to call out in alarm, for a very long time is actually hard saying that words, in the heart some shock. 在松了一口气的同时,众人都是带着满脸诧异的光芒向前走去,那里似有着一个熟悉的身影屹立,这让她们感到有些狐疑,特别是黄江鹤以及另外两个真元后期圆满境的天才,他们张大了嘴巴,想要开口惊呼,却久久难以将那话语说出来,心中有的只是震撼。 „Is that Xiao Yun?” Finally, slightly latter surprise sound. “那是萧云吗?”终于,稍许后一声诧异声响了起来。 Is Senior Brother Xiao!” Has the female beautiful pupil to reveal the color of love. “是萧师兄!”有女子美眸露出迷恋之色。 Until at this moment, the Huang Jianghe brow one curved, took a deep breath, the innermost feelings have raised stormy sea (difficult situation). 直到此刻,黄江鹤眉头一弯,深深吸了口气,内心掀起了惊涛骇浪 The form of youth he again also familiar, but somewhat is hard to believe this fact that's all. 那少年的身影他再也熟悉不过了,只是有些难以相信这个事实罢了。 Their take action, had not obtained Xu Yankui to strike a moment ago fully, can this youth strive to turn the tide? 刚才他们全力出手,都没有得到许闫愧一击,这少年又怎么能力挽狂澜了? This makes people feel the surprise. 这让人感到诧异。 Very obviously, this sudden youth Xiao Yun. 很显然,这突然出现的少年正是萧云了。 „The Yueying elder sister, you are all right.” When is at the people surprise, the Yan Shifei sisters are also rushing to that Sea Mist Sect disciple group. 月莹姐,你们没事吧。”就在众人诧异时,颜诗妃姐妹也是奔掠至那海岚宗弟子群。 All right, is a minor wound, you came fortunately.” Sees the Yan Shifei sisters to catch up, Yan Yueying deeply breathed a sigh of relief, the brow stretches, so long as if Xiao Yun, all issues may be easily solved, side other pretty such as colored apprentice sisters also relaxed. “没事,就是一点轻伤,还好你们来了。”见得颜诗妃姐妹赶来,颜月莹深深舒了口气,眉头舒展,似乎只要萧云在,一切问题都可迎刃而解,旁边另外一些貌美如花的师姐妹也是松了口气。 Before these people, has experienced the Xiao Yun strength, when the latter the muzzle energy resists with all one's strength that Li Jiansong, thinks that can also fight with this Xu Yankui, nearby Huang Jianghe as well as Yang Haixin and the others in the heart some are surprised as well as shocks. 这些人之前就见识过萧云的实力,后者当初能力敌那李剑嵩,想必也可以和这许闫愧争锋了,不过旁边的黄江鹤以及杨海芯等人心中有的却只是惊讶以及震撼。 Until now, they start to believe the matter that initially Yan Yueying said is true. 直到现在,他们才开始相信当初颜月莹所说的事情属实。 Boy, are you Sea Mist Sect person?” Xu Yankui brows tightly frowns, the front sudden youth makes him feel that has a restlessness, this youth seems like young, but in the foreheads appears very indifferent, even has several points coldly to reappear severely. “小子,你是海岚宗的人?”许闫愧眉头紧锁,面前突然出现的少年让他感到有着一丝不安,这少年看似年纪轻轻,可是眉宇间显得很淡然,甚至有着几分冷厉浮现。 This is not True Yuan initial-stage boundary cultivator should have the expression that very much obviously. 这很显然不是一个真元初期修者应该有的表情。 But his Xu Yankui genuine goods at reasonable prices cultivator of half Yuan Core Realm, average person how could such indifferent facing him? 许闫愧可是货真价实的半步元丹境修者,一般人岂能这样淡然的面对他? Therefore, he not anxiously take action, but inquired. 所以,他并没有急着出手,而是询问了起来。 „It is not.” Xiao Yun lightly saying. “不是。”萧云淡淡的说道 Hehe, such being the case, this matter whether to relinquish?” That Xu Yankui said with a smile, waited me to solve the Sea Mist Sect person, a here Yuan fruit your I divided equally, how?” That soul's intimidation power made him feel that a moment ago dreaded, therefore planned that won over Xiao Yun by this. 呵呵,既然如此,此事能否作罢?”那许闫愧一笑道,“待我解决了海岚宗的人,这里的摩罗元果你我平分,如何?”刚才那股灵魂震慑力让他感到忌惮所以打算以此拉拢萧云 Divides equally with you?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, said that why I can divide equally with you?” “和你平分?”萧云眉头一弯,说道,“我为什么要和你平分?” What do you mean?” Xu Yankui pupil light concentrates, said that you can go well a moment ago are sneak attack, if must fight, you were also not necessarily able to ask for the advantage, let alone you were also not Sea Mist Sect disciple, why for they did violate the danger?” “你这是什么意思?”许闫愧眸光一凝,道,“刚才你能得手不过是偷袭罢了,若真要一战,你也未必能讨得了好处,何况你还不是海岚宗弟子,何必为了他们犯险?” First, I, although is not Sea Mist Sect disciple, but my woman is Sea Mist Sect disciple.” Xiao Yun is staring at that Xu Yankui, saying every single word or phrase, second, I and you fight, discussed what Fanxian? Kills you, but will be shortly matter that's all. “第一,我虽然不是海岚宗弟子,可是我地女人是海岚宗弟子。”萧云凝视着那许闫愧,一字一句的说道,“第二,我与你一战,谈何犯险?杀你,不过是顷刻之间的事情罢了。 Looked that does not hesitate to violate the danger to come here by the body in you, departs in light of this, I can not go into one's past.” “看在你也不惜以身犯险才来到这里,就此离去,我可以既往不咎。” The Xiao Yun words were very cold, making the Xu Yankui complexion thorough gloomy. 萧云的话语很冷,让得许闫愧的脸色彻底阴沉了起来。 However, in the disciple heart of Sea Mist Sect is actually one happy. 不过,海岚宗弟子心中却是一喜。 Especially Yan Shifei, in the heart moves a happiness. 特别是颜诗妃,心中感动一阵甜蜜。 Xiao Yun that my woman was Sea Mist Sect disciple made her satisfy a moment ago. 萧云刚才那句我的女人是海岚宗弟子让她甚是满足。 Boy, you were too rather extremely arrogant.” Xu Yankui pupil light circulation, after sizing up Xiao Yun, the complexion sinks, said that your also True Yuan initial-stage boundary, even if there is any secret technique to be uncommon, but I had the protection, how could you go well.” “小子,你未免太狂妄了吧。”许闫愧眸光流转,在打量了一眼萧云后,脸色一沉,道,“你也不过真元初期境罢了,就算有什么秘术不凡,可我已有了防备,你岂能得手。” Said that you do not want to retreat.” Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, said. “这么说你是不想退走了。”萧云眸光一冷,说道。 That is.” Xu Yankui coldly snorted said that my Xu Yankui since making a debut, has not drawn back, how to be fooled by your this young fellow, today I must have a look but actually, how you shortly will kill me, snort|hum, if you are not good, is not only you, your woman must meet with a disaster.” “那是。”许闫愧冷哼道,“我许闫愧自出道以来,还从来没有退过,岂会被你这个毛头小子唬住,今天我倒要看看,你到底如何顷刻间杀我,哼,你若不行,不仅是你,你的女人也要遭殃。” The ice-cold words fall, Xu Yankui mind moves, that long blade rays of light twinkle, an ancient aura fluctuation is similar to the tide sweeps across immediately generally, his Sea of Consciousness deep place, seemed to be that a wolf shade emerges, immediately coincides with that long blade. 冰冷的话语落下,许闫愧心神一动,那长刀光芒闪烁,一股古老的气息波动顿时如同潮水一般席卷而出,他识海深处,似有一尊狼影涌现而出,当即与那长刀相合。 soul and blade fuses! 魂与刀合 Suddenly, the Xu Yankui whole person imposing manner rises suddenly, he grasps the long blade, then turns toward Xiao Yun to kill. 一时间,许闫愧整个人气势暴涨,他手持长刀,便向着萧云杀来。 Carefully looks that can discover also has the light runes twinkle in this Xu Yankui whole body, closely protects him. 仔细看去,可以发现在这许闫愧周身还有着光纹闪烁,将他紧紧护住。 This is to guard against the soul is invaded. 这是为了防备灵魂被侵入。 soul and blade fuses! But actually has several points of mysterious intent domain.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, Spiritual Consciousness releases, is inducing this fluctuation, is inexplicable, he was seeming to be a comprehension, caught anything probably, but actually also felt badly a little. 魂与刀合!倒有着几分玄妙的意境。”萧云眸子微眯,灵识释放出来,感应着这股波动,莫名间,他似有着一丝领悟,好像抓到了什么,可是却还感觉差了那么一点。 Junior Brother Xiao is careful, this attack is extremely powerful, sufficiently comparable with Yuan Core 1-layer cultivator.” Sees Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil one to sense anything's appearance, Yang Haixin brows tightly frowns, opens the mouth to remind hastily, nearby Huang Jianghe and the others mentioned the throat eyesight the heart. 萧师弟小心,他这攻击极为强悍,足以堪比元丹一重修者。”见萧云眸子微眯一副在感悟什么的模样,杨海芯眉头紧锁,连忙开口提醒,旁边的黄江鹤等人却是将心都提到了嗓子眼力。 „Is this boy, up to mischief?” “这小子,在搞什么鬼?” This time was the opportunity of sensibility?” That several True Yuan perfection boundary cultivates to worry such as the ant on hot pot. “这个时候是感悟的时机吗?”那几个真元圆满境的修着急得如热锅上的蚂蚁。 They also counted on that this Xiao Yun broke through. 他们还指望这萧云解围了呢。 But this boy as if must fall the chain at crucial moments! 可这小子似乎要在关键时刻掉链子了啊! This boy is really the pit father!” In the Huang Jianghe heart sad cry, a face is bitter and astringent. “这小子真是坑爹啊!”黄江鹤心中悲呼,一脸苦涩。 However Yan Yueying and the others do not worry, more thrilling they have seen several days ago, already had the immunity, now had a blind trust to Xiao Yun, several females even called out in alarm the latter this time to be simply cool. 不过颜月莹等人却一点也不着急,在几天前更惊险的一幕她们都见过了,早就有了免疫力,现在对萧云已经有了一种盲目的信任,几个女子甚至惊呼后者此时简直是帅呆了。 It is not on the point of death chaotic, who with it comparable with? 临危不乱,谁人与之堪比 Hehe, at this time you, since is sensing? Does not know really should say you are extremely arrogant, was as silly as the family|home.” Xu Yankui that jumps to kill cannot bear laughs loudly, his body Heavenly Wolf soars to come , a handle long blade tearing vault of heaven, shortly will appear in the Xiao Yun top of the head. 呵呵,这个时候你既然在感悟?真不知该说你是狂妄,还是傻到家了。”那纵身杀来的许闫愧更是忍不住放声大笑,他身子似一头天狼腾飞而来,又似一柄长刀撕裂苍穹,顷刻就出现在了萧云头顶。 Only needs half breath, he can cut to kill Xiao Yun. 只需半个呼吸,他就可以将萧云斩杀。 This......” this makes Yang Haixin turn very quiet, in the limpid pupil completely was the tense look white hands has gripped tightly. “这……”这让杨海芯都是不由屏住呼吸,清澈的眸子中尽是紧张的神色玉手紧握了起来。 Extremely arrogant?” At this time the Xiao Yun sudden pupil raised, sobered from that condition, at once sees only his palm to move, a flame bloomed, this flame was similar to the hot sun helps radiantly dazzling, the side bloomed, dazzling rays of light was flooding the entire cavern. “狂妄?”这时萧云突然眸子一扬,从那状态中清醒了过来,旋即只见他手掌一动,一片火光绽放开来,这火光如同烈日帮璀璨耀眼,方一绽放开来,刺眼的光芒就充斥着整个洞窟。 Follows closely a terrifying aura fluctuation is being sweeps across. 紧随着一股恐怖的气息波动便是席卷开来。 This fluctuation is unexpectedly more intrepid than the Yuan Core 1-layer boundary. 这波动竟然比元丹一重境还要强悍。 This fluctuation is somewhat familiar!” In Xu Yankui heart one startled, double pupil stubbornly stares below Xiao Yun, in the mind is having thousands of thoughts to glitter, his pupil dew suddenly, the eye pupil shrinks unexpectedly, loses one's voice to call out in alarm said that several days ago, right, that Black Cloud Gorge surrounding several days ago suddenly has an enormous fluctuation to be fleeting, that fluctuation to this is the same.” “这波动有些熟悉!”许闫愧心中一惊,双眸死死的盯着下方的萧云,脑海中有着千万个念头闪烁,蓦地他眸露恍然,眼瞳一缩,失声惊呼道,“在几天前,对,就在几天前那黑云涧外围突然有着一股极大的波动稍纵即逝,那波动就与此一样。” Is it possible that is that person you?” Thinks of here, the Xu Yankui body hit one to tremble, in the pupil completely was panic-stricken. “莫非那人就是你?”想到这里,许闫愧身子都不由打了一个哆嗦,眸中尽是惊恐。 You know was too late.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, in the middle of that flame, was seeming to be sharp claws tearing is void, one gives to hold that Xu Yankui, then that sharp claws move, such as is turning a bird this -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm cultivator crumbs. “你知道的太晚了。”萧云眸光一凝,那火光当中,似有着一只利爪撕裂虚空,一把就将那许闫愧给抓住,然后那利爪一动,就如扭着一只小鸟将这一个半步元丹境修者捏碎。 Shout! 呼! The flame dodges, this Xu Yankui was burnt as the nihility. 火光一闪,这许闫愧就被焚为虚无。 His mother, -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm are cultivator also rampant?” That flame dissipates, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow not indignation muttered one, immediately submerged in Swallowing Tower, in this cavern burning aura dissipated gradually, all as usual, no one has discovered its take action. “他娘的,一个半步元丹境修者也敢嚣张?”那火光消散,吞天雀不忿的喃喃一句,顿时没入了吞塔内,这洞窟中炙热的气息逐渐消散,一切如常,谁也没有发现它的出手 ( ( …… ……
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