EMS :: Volume #3

#210: Day wolf monster blade

Chapter 210 Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade 第210章天狼妖刀 In the end of that channel, is a giant incomparable cavern. 在那通道的尽头,是一个巨大无比的洞窟。 This cavern width amounts to thousand zhang (3.33 m), has the hundred zhang (333m) high, simply probably is a little world. 这洞窟宽达千丈,高有百丈,简直就好像是一个小天地。 In the middle of cavern, has in a giant puddle Nether Qi to wind around, is similar to the mist fills the air generally. 在洞窟的中间处,有着一个巨大的水潭里面冥气缭绕,如同雾气一般弥漫开来。 The entire cavern wound around by these fame. 整个洞窟都被这些名气所缭绕。 Vaguely can see that has creeks to diverge from this puddle, does not know that which side flowed. 依稀可以看到,有着一条条小河从这水潭中分流而出,不知流向了哪方。 However, near that puddle, is having one crowd of cultivator at this moment at the war, that wild fluctuation sweeps across to shake that Nether Qi unceasingly tumbles, is similar to has the fog sea to roll simply, that scene appears is quite strange and magnificent. 不过,在那水潭附近,此刻正有着一群修者在大战,那狂暴的波动席卷开来将那冥气都震得不断翻滚,简直就如同有着雾海在滚动,那场景显得颇为诡异及壮观。 cultivator that this crowd fought impressively was Sea Mist Sect disciple. 这群正在大战的修者赫然就是海岚宗弟子了。 Is one crowd of appearance is fierce in their opposite, pupil dew obscene light man. 在她们的对面则是一群面目狰狞,眸露淫光的男子。 These people together enter this Black Clouds Cave loose cultivator, now that is the youth of head, corners of the mouth shows a smile, grasped a handle long blade to kill to Yang Haixin, this long blade rays of light twinkle, the knife inscribed the monster wolf totem, passed sends out to absorb the fluctuation of person. 这些人正是一起进入这黑云窟散修,如今那为首的青年,嘴角露笑,手持着一柄长刀杀向了杨海芯,这长刀光芒闪烁,刀身刻有妖狼图腾,透发出摄人的波动。 Each blade falls, void shivers, seemed to be that the wolf roar shocking, shakes nearby mist all bursts. 每一刀落下,虚空都为之颤抖,似有狼啸震天,将附近的雾气尽数震溃。 This personal name is Xu Yankui, is loose cultivator, has composed a small influence. 此人名为许闫愧,为一个散修,组成了一个小势力。 However this person has half step Yuan Core Realm cultivation level, in the hand this long blade is effective, is close Spirit level Magic Item. 不过此人有着半步元丹境修为,手中这长刀更是威力不凡,为一件接近灵级法器 This Magic Item might is not worse than the Yang Haixin Haixin moon. 法器的威力丝毫不比杨海芯海芯月轮差。 Hehe, Yang Haixin, you at all are not my match, is obedient being without a fight.” Xu Yankui smiles fiercely, he grasps large blade, opens greatly gathers greatly, kills forward, when that blade glittering such as has a leader monster wolf to kick out. 呵呵,杨海芯,你根本不是我的对手,还是乖乖的束手就擒吧。”许闫愧狰狞一笑,他手持大刀,大开大合,向前杀去,那刀光闪烁时如有着一头头妖狼扑出。 This monster wolf imposing manner is greatly strengthened, monster qi soars to the heavens, probably is Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast kills simply, even though Yang Haixin fully take action, is hard to get a winning side, in the middle at this moment, her pair of bright limpid pupil was appears to wipe finally dignifiedly. 这妖狼气势极强,妖气冲天,简直就好像是一头元丹境妖兽杀来,纵使杨海芯全力出手,也难以占据一丝上风,在此刻,她那双明亮清澈的眸子当中终于是浮现出了一抹凝重。 At first she has not cared to this loose cultivator. 起初她对这个散修并没有在意。 Coped with half step Yuan Core Realm cultivator by her present strength as well as background sufficiently. 凭借她现在的实力以及底蕴足以对付半步元丹境修者了。 Green Sea Overflowing the Heavens! 碧海覆天 Sea Within the Bright Moon! 海中明月 Yang Haixin take action, the flesh is fully glittering and translucent carving, resembles that radiant jasper, has the wave to sweep across from her within the body, tilts toward front Xu Yankui, that wild waves are billowing, the imposing manner is astonishing, immediately then submerges the great wolf that in that blade shade glitters. 杨海芯全力出手,肌肤晶莹剔透,似那璀璨的碧玉,有着波浪从她体内席卷而出,向着前方的杨闫愧倾覆而下,那骇浪滚滚,气势惊人,当即便将那刀影中闪烁出来的巨狼淹没。 Whoosh ! 刷! The blue wave sweeps across, the Yang Haixin jade steps fully, is similar to treads the wave the line, in the hand the sea heart moon cuts in the sky, was similar to a round crescent moon has torn the wild waves, that swift and fierce moon glow cut the crack to be void, then sends out the violent confrontation with blade glow that Xu Yankui evolved directly. 碧浪席卷,杨海芯玉足迈动,如同踏浪而行,手中海心月轮当空斩去,如同一轮弯月撕裂了骇浪,那凌厉的月芒斩裂虚空,直接便是与那杨闫愧演化出的刀芒发出猛烈的交锋。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, rough sea waves heavens frightening, the terrifying fluctuation is similar to the strong winds wild waves, wreaks havoc to let the person palpitation toward the four directions. 一声巨响传出,巨浪惊天,恐怖的波动如同狂风骇浪,向着四方肆虐开来让人心悸。 This fluctuation is infinite close Yuan Core Realm powerhouse strikes. ” Hehe, Sea Mist Sect Green Sea Arts is really fierce, what a pity your True Yuan perfection boundary, the strength eventually missed, you think that my loose cultivator insufficient was the worry, how could it not be to know Xu once to obtain chance within the body True Yuan to be quite pure, compared with your God's favored ones not in the least micro inferior, but my this handle Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade was false Spiritual Item, to take bone of refinement monster wolf, inside had Bloodlines of Yuan Core Realm monster wolf, the might is also wanting on a strong point compared with your sea heart moon. ” 这种波动已经是无限接近元丹境强者一击了。”呵呵,海岚宗碧海诀果然厉害,可惜你不过真元圆满境,实力终究还是差了一些,你以为我一介散修不足为虑,岂不知许某曾经获得了机缘体内真元极为精纯,比起你们这些天之骄子也毫不微逊色,而我这柄天狼妖刀更是一件伪灵器,为取妖狼之骨炼制而成,里面拥有着元丹境妖狼的一丝血脉,威力比你那海心月轮还要强上一分。” How do you fight with me?” The Xu Yankui brow selects, appears quite haughty, that corners of the mouth appear to wipe smile evilly, said that „, I merely had used 40% strength a moment ago, this Heavenly Wolf Profound Gold Blade might may be also far from displaying.” “你如何与我一战?”许闫愧眉头一挑,显得颇为狂傲,那嘴角浮现出一抹邪笑,说道,“嘿嘿,刚才我可是仅仅用了四成力罢了,这天狼玄金刀的威力可还远远没有发挥出来。” In side, Huang Jianghe is actually dealing with other loose cultivator with other Sea Mist Sect disciple. 在旁边,黄江鹤与另外一些海岚宗弟子却正在应付另外一些散修 Hateful! This Xu Yankui so is unexpectedly fierce, is stronger than the general talent.” Sees Yang Haixin take action actually unable to have a superiority fully, that Huang Jianghe and the others the brow is the tight wrinkle, although their strength is not weak, but these loose cultivator many people, Sea Mist Sect disciple is very difficult to have the superiority, even also has the trend of gradually being at a disadvantage. “可恶!这许闫愧竟然如此厉害,比一般的天才还强。”见得杨海芯全力出手却不能占据一丝优势,那黄江鹤等人眉头皆是紧紧一皱,他们实力虽然不弱,可那些散修人数众多,海岚宗弟子很难占据优势,甚至还有着逐渐处于下风的趋势。 „To make me be without a fight, you have a dream simply.” The Yang Haixin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tightens, coldly snorted said that my Sea Mist Sect background is vigorous, if you dare to continue to pester, when the time comes my Sect elder acts, will certainly you wipe to extinguish all, I urged good that you in light of this gave up, so we can also share here spirit materials, otherwise did not take it ill our fight in which both sides perish.” “想让我束手就擒,你简直就是做梦。”杨海芯黛眉紧锁,冷哼道,“我海岚宗底蕴浑厚,你若敢在继续纠缠下去,到时候我宗门长者出面,必将你们尽数抹灭,我劝你还是就此罢手的好,如此我们还可以共享这里的灵萃,不然休怪我们鱼死网破。” Sea Mist Sect elder?” The Xu Yankui pupil dew is fierce, said that we, if takes you here, who knows? If not sees you is the appearance if angel beautiful woman, my these many idle talk, will not be asking your one, if not resign oneself to extinction, did not take it ill my heavy hand to destroy to spend.” 海岚宗长者?”许闫愧眸露狰狞,道,“我们若在这里将你拿下,谁会知道?若非见你们皆是貌若天仙的美人,我也不会这么多废话了,在问你一句,若不束手待毙,休怪我辣手摧花了。” Hey, I did not mind but actually later devastates you turns, was killing.” “嘿嘿,我倒不介意待会把你蹂躏一翻,在杀了。” If outside, this Xu Yankui will also dread to Sea Mist Sect that is in this Black Clouds Cave, who how him? 若是在外面,这许闫愧海岚宗还会有所忌惮,可是在这黑云窟,谁人奈何他? What matter here handles, why must to dread? 在这里做什么事情都神不知鬼不觉,何须畏惧? cultivator that this time comes is only True Yuan perfection boundary, almost unmanned may with it being a worthy opponent, therefore natural disposition of this Xu Yankui after entering Black Clouds Cave revealed that became starts unscrupulously, present he is half Yuan Core Realm, so long as were obtaining Nether Fruit, physique transformation, once stepped into Yuan Core Realm, swept away same level existence sufficiently. 这次来的修者都都只是真元圆满境,几乎无人可与之匹敌,所以这许闫愧在进入黑云窟内后本性就露了出来,变得开始肆无忌惮了起来,如今的他已经是半步元丹境,只要在获得了摩罗冥果,体质蜕变,一旦踏入元丹境,足以横扫同级的存在了。 Snort, the shameless one, thinks really I how you?” Yang Haixin pupil light one cold, True Yuan of whole body surges to pour into the blue heart moon, the above green marks twinkle, is similar to has the sea tide to tumble, a terrifying aura fluctuation fills the air. “哼,无耻之徒,真以为我就奈何不了你了吗?”杨海芯眸光一冷,全身的真元涌动注入碧心月轮之内,上面的碧纹闪烁,如同有着海潮在翻滚,一股恐怖的气息波动弥漫开来。 Buzz! 嗡! The jade-green light twinkle, is similar to stormy sea (difficult situation) takes away as many things as possible toward the front together. 一道碧光闪烁,如同惊涛骇浪向着前方席卷而去。 Bang! 砰! The wolf shade is defeated and dispersed, that Xu Yankui body trembles, was shaken the flying several feet. 狼影溃散,那许闫愧身子一颤,被震飞数丈。 Under that formidable fluctuation, nearby these loose cultivator were also affected, was raised to fly. 在那股强大的波动下,就连附近那些散修也是受到了波及,被掀飞了出去。 This Yang Haixin body has Sea Spirit Physique, now is stimulating to movement Magic Item fully, that might is far from the generation of commonplace may compare. 杨海芯身具海灵体,如今全力催动着法器,那威力远非等闲之辈可比。 Junior Sister arranges formation , helping me to cut to kill this male servant immediately.” Yang Haixin shouted to clear the way toward nearby these Junior Sister. “诸位师妹立即结阵,助我斩杀这厮。”杨海芯向着旁边那些师妹喝道。 Yes!” At this time Sea Mist Sect disciple seized the chance to arrive at Yang Haixin, the people quite had pinching of tacit understanding to move magic arts, the whole body jade-green light twinkle, was similar to has waves to raise, finally collected in spatially, changed into a vortex irrigation on Yang Haixin. “是!”这时海岚宗弟子都趁机来到了杨海芯的身后,众人颇有默契的掐动法诀,周身碧光闪烁,如同有着一片波浪掀起,最后汇集在空,化为了一个气旋灌注于杨海芯身上。 That vast True Yuan ocean waves collect, is similar to that sea fills the top simply, making the Yang Haixin whole person imposing manner multiply. 那浩瀚的真元碧波汇集起来,简直如同那大海灌顶,使得杨海芯整个人气势倍增。 In this moment, her imposing manner is not weak in that half Yuan Core Realm Xu Yankui. 在这一刻,她的气势丝毫不弱于那半步元丹境许闫愧 Boss, the imposing manner of this beautiful pretty little girl as if has multiplied!” Some loose cultivator collect in together, having several points to dread to say. “老大,这美娇娘的气势似乎有所倍增啊!”一些散修汇集在一起,带着几分忌惮说道。 Sea Mist Sect background is actually uncommon, really also has this jointly attacking Formation.” Xu Yankui is also the eyes reveals surprised at once his corners of the mouth pulls, said with a smile ferociously, you had trump card, can promote battle strength, didn't I have trump card?” 海岚宗底蕴倒是不凡,竟然还有这种合击阵法。”许闫愧也是眸露惊讶旋即他嘴角一扯,狞笑道,“不过你们有底牌,可以提升战力,难道我就没有底牌了吗?” How dare doesn't have has several points of background I to move your this Sea Mist Sect Core Disciple?” “没有几分底蕴我岂敢动你这海岚宗核心弟子?” Grey Wolf Martial Spirit...... Fuses to me! 苍狼武魂……给我融合! Unexpectedly, this Xu Yankui double pupil concentrates, in the middle of that pair of profound pupil was seeming to be a dark green wolf from headstrong Desolate appears. 蓦地,这许闫愧双眸一凝,那双深邃的眸子当中似有着一头来自莽荒的苍狼浮现。 Following closely, a monster different aura is then sweeping across from the body of that Xu Yankui, that imposing manner fills the air to make people feel that the scalp is one tingles with numbness, carefully looks that the double pupil of that Xu Yankui completely becomes scarlet, demon. 紧随着,一股妖异的气息便是从那许闫愧的身上席卷而出,那气势弥漫开来让人感到头皮都是一阵发麻,仔细看去,那许闫愧的双眸都完全变得猩红,邪魅了起来。 What is this fluctuates?” In Huang Jianghe heart one startled, he felt a dangerous aura from that Xu Yankui. “这是什么波动?”黄江鹤心中一惊,从那许闫愧身上他感觉到了一丝危险的气息。 „Is this Martial Spirit?” Is condensing the imposing manner, prepares in the Yang Haixin heart of take action also to be fully startled. “这是武魂?”正在凝聚气势,准备全力出手杨海芯心中也是一惊。 Such being the case, that comes a fight in which both sides perish.” Although in heart surprised, but this Yang Haixin is also quite calm, her pupil light concentrates, sea heart moon brilliance in hand blooms, was similar to has ocean waves to ripple to change into the blue sea piece by piece. “既然如此,那就来个鱼死网破吧。”虽然心中惊讶,不过这杨海芯也颇为淡定,她眸光一凝,手中的海心月轮光华绽放,如同有着一片片碧波荡漾开来化为了碧海。 Follows closely that sea heart moon to float in void, unceasing increasing. 紧随着那海心月轮漂浮在虚空,不断的变大。 vast fluctuation also fills the air from that moon along with it, that imposing manner was already infinite close Yuan Core Realm. 一股浩瀚的波动也是随之从那月轮当中弥漫开来,那气势已然无限接近元丹境了。 This smelly woman has several points of background.” Feels that such as the mountain general terror imposing manner, Xu Yankui is steeling one's heart, the Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade rays of light twinkle in hand, has a Bloodlines fluctuation to fill the air suddenly, middle the light runes twinkle, then resembles to with it body gather. “这臭娘们有几分底蕴。”感受着那股如山岳一般的恐怖的气势,许闫愧把心一横,手中的天狼妖刀光芒闪烁,突然有着一股血脉波动弥漫开来,当中光纹闪烁,便似要与之身合。 soul and weapon unites! 魂兵合一 Xu Yankui coldly snorted, the illusory shadow twinkle behind him, has a monster wolf to evolve. 许闫愧冷哼一声,在他背后虚影闪烁,有着一尊妖狼演化而出。 Finally that monster wolf rays of light twinkle, unites with that handle Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade unexpectedly, integrated completely middle. 最后那妖狼光芒闪烁,竟是与那柄天狼妖刀合一,完全融入了当中。 In this moment, the Xu Yankui body is faintly recognizable, partly visible, as if the blade and body gather, with the body and blade , the imposing manner of his whole person became incomparable swift and fierce, the next quarter, that void trembled, wiped golden blade glow to tear the space, then forward cut. 在这一刻,许闫愧身子飘渺,若隐若现,似乎刀与身合,与似身与刀和,他整个人的气势变得无比的凌厉了起来,下一刻,那虚空一颤,一抹金色的刀芒撕裂了空间,便是向前斩去。 This blade falls, void as was cut the crack, is similar to has one to come from the ominous wolf of headstrong Desolate to brandish the great claw to fall in the sky. 这一刀落下,虚空似被斩裂,如同有着一只来自莽荒的凶狼挥舞着巨爪当空落下。 Also such as a rainbow passes through spatially, irresistible. 又如一道长虹贯空,势不可挡。 very powerful.” Huang Jianghe and the others are the eyes reveals surprised. 好强。”黄江鹤等人都是眸露惊讶 Green Moon Cuts the Sky! 碧月斩空 Yang Haixin pupil light concentrates, that wheel crescent moon before body also in the sky cuts, takes that such as the fearful attack of wolf blade. 杨海芯眸光一凝,身前的那轮弯月也是当空斩去,直取那如狼似刀的可怕攻击。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, the people see only the front great wolf to roar, resembled to stretch out the great claw to grasp to that wheel curved blade edge. 一声巨响传出,众人只见得前方巨狼咆哮,似伸出了巨爪抓向了那轮弯刃。 At once rays of light blooms, a terrifying fluctuation is also bursts out, that fluctuation starts the intermittent ripples in the cavern. 旋即光芒绽放,一股恐怖的波动也是迸发而出,那波动在洞窟中掀起阵阵涟漪。 The Yang Haixin personal appearance trembles, feeling own must be submerged by the wild waves, afterward the whole person body is flying upside down. 杨海芯身形一颤,感觉自己要被骇浪淹没了,随后整个人身子便是倒飞而出。 In her behind, these Sea Mist Sect disciple in abundance retreat, raising fly by that terrifying fluctuation, the battle formation that the people compose also along with it being defeated and dispersed, changed into piece of rays of light, dissipates in this void, being incapable of failure emerges in the people heart immediately. 在她身后,那些海岚宗弟子纷纷后退,被那股恐怖的波动给掀飞,众人组成的阵势也是随之溃散,化为了一片光芒,消散在这片虚空,一股失败的无力顿时涌入众人心中。 Thump! 咚咚! Several disciple fall to the ground one after another, in mouth has fresh blood to overflow. 十几名弟子陆续落地,口中有着鲜血溢出。 That Yang Haixin tender body is also staggers to draw back, that beautiful face is pale, the corners of the mouth have the bloodstain to reappear. 就连那杨海芯娇躯也是踉跄而退,那玉容苍白,嘴角有着血迹浮现。 Hehe, Sea Mist Sect, is mediocre.” When Yang Haixin and the others the rout, the front rays of light twinkle, that Xu Yankui grasps Heavenly Wolf Monster Blade then to kill to this, his body moves fast, resembles the implication intent domain and treasure blade coincides. 呵呵,海岚宗,也不过如此。”就在杨海芯等人溃败时,前方光芒闪烁,那许闫愧手持着天狼妖刀便是向此杀来,他身子飘忽,似蕴含着一种意境宝刀相合。 Whoosh ! 刷! The long blade cuts the crack to be void, turns toward the Yang Haixin nape of the neck that staggers to draw back to fall directly. 长刀斩裂虚空,直接向着那踉跄而退的杨海芯脖颈落下。 Senior Sister!” 师姐!” Haixin Junior Sister!” In an instant, Sea Mist Sect disciple is all startled. 海芯师妹!”刹那间,海岚宗弟子皆是一惊。 How many male disciple almost eye socket cracked, not difficult to imagine, if that knife point does cut on this beautiful woman that can be what kind pitiful? 几个男弟子几乎目眦欲裂,不难想象,那刀锋若是斩在这美人身上那会是何等的凄惨? Such beautiful woman, if cherishes hatred in this, heartrending! 这样的美人,要是饮恨于此,让人心碎! Stop!” Also when the people heart is about to break to pieces, a coldly snorted sound resounded unexpectedly. “住手!”也就在众人心都快碎了的时候,一声冷哼声蓦地响起。 Following closely, vast soul fluctuation is also is similar to that heaven screen generally tilts under. 紧随着,一股浩瀚的灵魂波动也是如同那天幕一般倾覆而下。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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