EMS :: Volume #3

#209: From behaving badly, cannot live!

Chapter 209 from behaving badly, cannot live! 第209章自作孽,不可活! Zheng Tianwei is having several points of fierce color, has arrived at side Xiao Yun. 郑天伟带着几分狰狞之色,走到了萧云身边。 This boy in practice?” Looks at that closed the eyes Xiao Yun, Zheng Tianwei is puzzled. “这小子在修炼?”瞧得那闭目萧云,郑天伟一脸疑惑。 Nearby Zheng Tianxiang is the brow selects, sneers saying that such just right, we can kill him effortlessly.” 旁边的郑天翔则是眉头一挑,冷笑道,“这样正好,我们可以毫不费力就杀了他。” Then, his pupil light concentrates, middle was seeming to be the golden light twinkle, wipes killing intent then to emerge from the pupil immediately. 说完,他眸光一凝,当中似有着金光闪烁,一抹杀意当即便是从眸子中涌现而出。 At once, the Zheng Tianxiang palm turns, handle golden blade then appeared in the hand. 旋即,郑天翔手掌一翻,一柄金刀便是出现在了手中。 This golden blade rays of light is radiant, blooms eye-catching rays of light, punctures the person eyes is painful. 金刀光芒璀璨,绽放出夺目的光芒,刺得人眼睛都是生疼。 The knife inscribes rune seal, sends out boundless vast fluctuation, that imposing manner is stronger than general top level Magic Item. 刀身刻有符篆,散发出一股磅礴浩瀚的波动,那气势比一般的顶级法器还强。 This very obviously was close Spirit level Magic Item. 这很显然是一件接近灵级法器了。 This is Zheng Tianxiang when going out to be informed and experienced the treasure that obtains. 这是郑天翔在外出历练时得到的宝物。 Zheng Tianxiang has the blade to fall, almost does not have one to hesitate, immediately turns toward Xiao Yun to cut, that very ruthless and lets nearby Feng Liang and Li Ji resolute is the heart lives to admire, said that kills kills, this is the person of important matter, forever is not they can hope to attain. 郑天翔手起刀落,几乎是没有一丝迟疑,当即就向着萧云斩去,那种狠辣和果决让旁边的冯亮李吉都是心生佩服,说杀就杀,这才是做大事的人,永远也不是他们能企及。 Sees elder brother own take action, a Zheng Tianwei face grins fiendishly, in the heart likes. 自己兄长出手,郑天伟一脸狞笑,心中欢喜不已。 Covets my woman, but also wants under the killer to me, your this to be courts death.” In that blade glow falls has been shutting tightly the Xiao Yun fierce opening both eyes of double pupil, his double pupil is similar to the stars is generally vast, inside as if has star sea to tumble. “觊觎我的女人,还想对我下杀手,你们这是找死。”就在那刀芒落下时一直紧闭着双眸的萧云猛的睁开双眼,他双眸如同星辰一般浩瀚,里面似乎有着星海在翻滚。 A terrifying imposing manner sweeps across from his forehead along with it. 一股恐怖的气势随之从他的眉心席卷而出。 „Is this?” This imposing manner lets Zheng Tianxiang the eyes reveals surprised. “这是?”这气势让得郑天翔眸露惊讶 Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens! 魂海滔天 Extinguishing Soul Spear! 灭神之矛 A forehead chart mark twinkle of Xiao Yun, is similar to piece of star sea tilts toward the front at once under. 萧云的眉心一个图纹闪烁而出,旋即便如同一片星海向着前方倾覆而下。 Buzz! 嗡! Entire trembles void, vast soul fluctuation is similar to the raging tide of that angry volume turns toward the front to wreak havoc to go to the twinkling generally then to give to submerge that Zheng Tianxiang, he only thinks that such as has Heavenly God to arrive, a terrifying oppression shakes his soul is trembles. 整个虚空为之一颤,浩瀚的灵魂波动如同那怒卷的狂潮一般向着前方肆虐而去瞬息便将那郑天翔给淹没,他只觉如有着天神降临,一股恐怖的压迫震得他灵魂都是一阵战栗。 Zheng Tianxiang double pupil delay, tight is staring at the front, is similar to saw really sea will curl up face rough sea waves submergence. 郑天翔双眸呆滞,紧紧的盯着前方,真的如同看到一片大海卷起一脸巨浪将之淹没。 Under this frightening, long blade in his hand, stopped take action unexpectedly same place, the whole person. 在这种震慑下,他手中的长刀一顿,竟是停止了出手,整个人都愣在了原地。 Also at this time, light twinkle, short lance cleft the waves, has torn the vault of heaven, took that Zheng Tianxiang forehead. 也就在这时候,光影闪烁,一根短矛似破浪而出,撕裂了苍穹,直取那郑天翔的眉心。 Bang! 砰! A dull thumping sound spreads, Zheng Tianxiang only thinks that the own soul was hit by thunder, afterward is defeated and dispersed in light of this, the whole person consciousness to dissipate, within the body True Yuan is also in light of this lax, vitality certainly, True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator, in handling against under light of this die. 一声闷响传出,郑天翔只觉自己的灵魂被雷霆击中,随后就此溃散,整个人意识消散,体内真元也是就此涣散,生机顿绝,一个真元圆满境修者,在措不及防之下就此殒落 Shout! 呼! The next quarter, Xiao Yun mind moves, that vast soul fluctuation was similar to the river water that flowed backwards emerged in Sea of Consciousness immediately. 下一刻,萧云心神一动,那浩瀚的灵魂波动顿时如同倒流的河水涌入了识海内。 The loss of so strong stimulation of movement this secret technique to Soul Power is enormous. 如此强势的催动这秘术灵魂力的损耗极大。 However this Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens soul's intimidation power has also far exceeded the imagination of Xiao Yun. 不过这‘魂海滔天’的灵魂震慑力也远远超出了萧云的想象。 This is a big trump card in his hand, can become critical moment reversal situation killing move. 这将是他手中的一大王牌,可以成为关键时刻逆转局势的杀手锏 After that Soul Sea dissipation, soul oppression then weakening in this cavern slowly. 当那‘魂海’消散以后,这洞窟内的灵魂压迫这才缓缓的减弱。 Ding! 叮! At this time a clear sound resounded, actually saw treasure blade in that Zheng Tianxiang hand to fall to the ground, when hit ground ejected the dazzling flame, followed closely his whole person also face up to fall down, the person who soul routed was almost killed violently immediately, not escaped by luck certainly. 这时一声清脆的声音响起,却见得那郑天翔手中的宝刀落地,撞击地面时碰出耀眼的火光,紧随着他整个人也是仰面栽倒地,灵魂被击溃的人几乎是立即毙命,绝无幸免。 Shout! 呼! Looks Zheng Tianxiang that is dropping down, nearby Zheng Tianwei and the others held breath cold air, in the marrow the chill in the air lived suddenly, when pupil light took a look to Xiao Yun completely was the terrified meaning, especially Zheng Tianwei, his face delay, cannot believe the present matter simply. 望着那倒下的郑天翔,旁边的郑天伟等人都是倒吸了一口凉气,骨髓里寒意骤生,眸光瞅向萧云时尽是惶恐之意,特别是郑天伟,他一脸呆滞,简直不敢相信眼前的事情。 This how possible...... How can you kill my big brother?” In the Zheng Tianwei pupil is bringing at a loss, calls out in alarm said. “这怎么可能……你怎么能击毙我大哥?”郑天伟眸中带着茫然,惊呼道。 Early half a month ago he with a Xiao Yun war, although own is defeated, but he can feel Xiao Yun battle strength. 早在半个月前他才和萧云一战,虽然自己落败,可是他可以感觉到萧云战力 If not for that time Xiao Yun stimulated to movement Martial Spirit strongly, but also coordinated that damaged halberd, absolutely was not his match. 那时候的萧云若不是竭力催动武魂,还配合了那残戟,绝对不是他的对手。 But now so will be fierce? 可现在怎么会那么厉害? Did this moment Xiao Yun second kill unexpectedly is True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary Zheng Tianxiang? 此刻萧云竟然秒杀了身为真元后期圆满境郑天翔 This let nearby Feng Liang and in the Li Ji heart has also raised stormy sea (difficult situation). 这让得旁边的冯亮李吉心中也是掀起了惊涛骇浪 Must know that several days ago they saw Xiao Yun and that Lu Yanfeng war. 要知道,就在几天前他们才见到了萧云和那陆炎风大战。 Although the Xiao Yun win, may also take not the small effort obviously! 虽说萧云取胜,可明显也是费了不小的力气啊! „Did he keep the strength?” The twinkling, in the people heart glittered myriad thoughts, finally obtained such a result, except in addition, them could not think of other reason again, because all these were too inconceivable. “难道他保留了实力?”只是瞬息,众人心中就闪烁出了万千个念头,最后得出了这么一个结果,除此外,他们再也想不到别的理由了,因为这一切太不可思议了。 Is this True Yuan initial-stage of the same generation youth? 这还是一个真元初期的同辈少年吗? Facing several people that these looks fluctuate, Xiao Yun is actually face cold severe, his double pupil like the blade edge, has swept Zheng Tianwei and the others, filling the air that killing intent not minces, in a moment ago him, when trained Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens to induce these people's arrivals. 面对这些神色变幻的几人,萧云却是一脸冷厉,他双眸如刃,扫过郑天伟等人身上,当中的杀意毫不掩饰的弥漫而出,就在刚才他在演练‘魂海滔天’的时候就已经感应到了这些人的到来。 Has not arranged in order outside, this Zheng Tianwei and the others the conversations were also received in the ear by Xiao Yun, is so, he meets murderous aura to soar to the heavens. 没有列外,这郑天伟等人的交谈也被萧云收入了耳中,也是如此,他才会杀气冲天。 Initially this Zheng Tianwei dares to bully Duan Ling'er in Heavenly Yuan Sect, now also keeps thinking about on Yan Shifei, how could to get angry? 当初这郑天伟天元宗就敢欺负段灵儿,如今还惦记上了颜诗妃,岂能不怒? Such person simply is scum, the degenerate. 这样的人简直就是人渣,败类。 What words can you have to say?” Xiao Yun pupil light ice-cold, could not see that a mood fluctuates, making people feel to dread. “你们可还有什么话要说?”萧云眸光冰冷,看不出一丝情绪波动,让人感到畏惧。 I......” Feng Liang and Li Ji body shiver, under the glance of Xiao Yun pupil light, was afraid to unable to speak unexpectedly. “我……”冯亮李吉身子颤抖,在萧云眸光的扫视下,竟然害怕得说不出话来了。 A moment ago that Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens imposing manner was too strong, although these people have not met the attack also to be shaken the soul to tremble. 刚才那‘魂海涛天’的气势太强了,虽然这几人没有遇到攻击也被震得灵魂战栗。 Present Xiao Yun probably is a god, Killing God, making people feel to dread. 如今的萧云就好像是一尊神,一尊杀神,让人感到畏惧。 „If no words, then suffers to death.” Xiao Yun face cold severe, said. “若是没话,那么就受死吧。”萧云一脸冷厉,说道。 No, do not kill me, we may be the same side!” hear speech/words, the Feng Liang both feet one soft entreated hastily. “不,别杀我,我们可都是同门啊!”闻言,冯亮双脚一软连忙哀求道。 Right, a moment ago we simply do not begin the meaning!” Li Ji also hastily opens the mouth saying that was Zheng Tianwei must covet your woman a moment ago, right, was he, we absolutely did not have any idea, Junior Brother Xiao, no, Senior Brother Xiao you forgave us.” “对,刚才我们根本没有要动手意思啊!”李吉也是连忙开口说道,“刚才都是郑天伟要觊觎你的女人,对,就是他,我们根本就没有任何想法,萧师弟,不,萧师兄你就饶过我们吧。” Is Zheng Tianwei?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the corners of the mouth raise wipe the curve, took a look to Zheng Tianwei. “都是郑天伟?”萧云眸光一凝,嘴角掀起一抹弧度,瞅向了郑天伟 „Hadn't your useless things, thought on them a moment ago?” Zheng Tianwei pupil light sinks to say. “你们两个没用的东西,刚才还不是想上她们吗?”郑天伟眸光一沉说道。 Where?” Feng Liang said that how we will be inferior to your such animal?” “哪里?”冯亮说道,“我们岂会向你这样禽兽不如?” Good, good, such being the case, you also die.” Zheng Tianwei pupil light sinks, the palm changes long spear to appear, fiercely thorn to nearby Feng Liang, in this handles against, Feng Liang was pierced by a spear|gun, fresh blood flows. “好,好,既然如此,你们也去死吧。”郑天伟眸光一沉,手掌翻动一杆长枪出现,猛地刺向了旁边的冯亮,在这措不及防下,冯亮被一枪洞穿,鲜血流淌而出。 You......” the Feng Liang double pupil breaks out, stubbornly is staring at Zheng Tianwei, under cannot think of the opposite party to meet this evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. “你……”冯亮双眸突起,死死的盯着郑天伟,怎么也想不到对方会下这黑手。 Since I cannot live, do not want to live.” A Zheng Tianwei face is fierce, killed to nearby Li Ji. “既然我活不成,你们也别想活。”郑天伟一脸狰狞,又杀向了旁边的李吉 Whoosh ! 刷! Which, when Zheng Tianwei long spear selects to Li Ji, a spear|gun front revolution unexpectedly, killed to Xiao Yun. 哪只,就在郑天伟长枪挑向李吉的时候,枪锋蓦地的一转,就杀向了萧云 Dies.” A Zheng Tianwei face is fierce, the imposing manner of whole body bursts out completely, a bayonet has approached Xiao Yun. “去死吧。”郑天伟一脸狰狞,全身的气势完全迸发而出,一枪刺向了萧云 Xiao Yun, you have killed same side, suffers to death.” That Li Ji is also take action, sneak attacks unexpectedly together, wants to kill Xiao Yun. 萧云,你杀了同门,受死。”那李吉也是出手,竟然一起偷袭,想要袭杀萧云 Carves the insect small technique.” Regarding the sneak attack of Zheng Tianwei and Li Ji, the Xiao Yun eyelid has not jumped, the body stands in as in same place, in Sea of Consciousness boundless Soul Power is similar to the mountain torrent sweeps across generally, immediately turns toward this two people mind invasion. “雕虫小技。”对于郑天伟李吉的偷袭,萧云眼皮都没有跳一下,身子依旧是站在原地,识海内一股磅礴的灵魂力如同山洪一般席卷而出,当即就是向着这两人脑海侵入。 This soul attack, the speed is by far faster than the material attack speed of reality. 这灵魂攻击,速度远远比现实的物质攻击速度快。 Shout! 呼! The twinkling two people mind trembles, the soul trembles, the body stopped in same place. 只是瞬息两人脑海一颤,灵魂战栗,身子就停顿在了原地。 Fire Yuan Finger! 火元指 Afterward the Xiao Yun finger moves, two purple glow twinkles, are similar to arrow generally pierce that the throat of Zheng Tianwei and Li Ji. 随后萧云手指一动,两道紫芒闪烁,如同箭矢一般将那郑天伟李吉的咽喉洞穿。 The purple glow dodges passes, in this two people throats the blood blister is still agitating, the aura still , the double pupil is only stubbornly stares at the front, the corners of the mouth is wriggling, could not say a few words. 紫芒一闪即逝,这两人喉咙间血泡还在鼓动,气息尚在,双眸只是死死的盯着前方,口角蠕动,却又说不出一句话。 Previous time I have given you opportunity, who would have thought you actually do not know to repent, but also is thinking terrorizing men and take their women, now has this fate is you from behaving badly, cannot live!” Xiao Yun is taking a fast look around Zheng Tianwei and the others lightly, face chilling saying. “上次我已经给了你们机会,哪知你们却不知悔改,还想着欺男霸女,如今有这下场是你们自作孽,不可活!”萧云淡淡的扫视着郑天伟等人,一脸冷硬的说道。 These degenerate natural talent , is also remains is the calamity, therefore Xiao Yun almost does not have a lenient meaning. 这些败类就算天赋在好,也是留下来为祸,所以萧云几乎没有一丝手软的意思。 Also has him, otherwise that Duan Ling'er already fell into the Zheng Tianwei palm. 也是有他在,不然那段灵儿早就落入了郑天伟手掌。 Furthermore, this time , if not his strength suffices, how could also to resist the sneak attack of that Zheng Tianxiang? 再者,这次如果不是他实力够强,又岂能抵挡住那郑天翔的偷袭? Resembled to hear the Xiao Yun words, that Zheng Tianwei mouth shut, the whole person fell to the ground in light of this. 似听到了萧云的话语,那郑天伟嘴巴一闭,整个人就此倒地。 That Li Ji and Feng Liang also accordingly fall to the ground. 李吉冯亮也是应声倒地。 Although this two people is only a personal servant, but is not difficult to imagine, once they will have enough strength certainly also to terrorize men and take their women. 两人虽然只是跟班,可不难想象,一旦他们有了足够的实力一定也会欺男霸女。 After writes off two people, Xiao Yun has taken down their Storage Bag as well as Storage Ring, has uncovered some goods and Magic Item. 在将两人抹杀后,萧云取下了他们的储物袋以及储物戒,搜出了一些物品及法器 Afterward in his hand the flame dodges, burns these people for the nihility. 随后他手中火光一闪,就将这些人焚为虚无。 clouds!” At this time the Yan Shifei pupil opened, set out suddenly, has arrived at the Xiao Yun side. “云!”这时颜诗妃眸子睁开,霍然起身,走到了萧云的身边。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun.” Yan Shiyan also sets out, in that free of evil intention pupil reveals several points of fear, said that these person of qualities!” 萧云哥哥。”颜诗嫣也是起身,那无邪的眸子中露出几分后怕,道,“这些人好坏啊!” Their two people had induced a moment ago, because has not left in practice at crucial moment. 刚才她们两人都有所感应,只是因为在修炼关键时候才没有动身。 One crowd of degenerate that's all. Xiao Yun said with a smile, „should not be worried.” “一群败类罢了。萧云笑道,“别担心。” Em.” Yan Shifei nodded, in the heart is also knows the strength important. “恩。”颜诗妃点了点头,心中也是知道实力的重要。 If the Xiao Yun strength is not very very difficult to imagine them to have any fate. 若是萧云实力不够很难想象她们会有着什么下场。 I will certainly try hard practice.” Yan Shiyan also grasps the powder fist, the long eyelash raised, quite earnest saying. “我一定会努力修炼。”颜诗嫣也是握起了粉拳,长长的睫毛扬起,颇为认真的说道。 Xiao Yun smiles lightly, had not said that but in his heart had actually planned. 萧云淡淡一笑,并没有多说,不过他心中却已经有所打算。 Then should seek for that Nether Fruit. 接下来就该寻找那摩罗冥果了。 Only then obtained this Spirit Fruit to change these two female physique, later they can become powerhouse. 只有得到了这灵果改变这两女的体质,以后她们才能成为强者 We have a look to have the outlet.” Xiao Yun smiles, palm purple light twinkle, leading the Yan Shifei sisters to approach the throat. “我们去看看有没有出路吧。”萧云一笑,掌心紫光闪烁,带着颜诗妃姐妹就向前探去。 In this rivers Nether Qi winds around, but also is very rich, thinking the upstream should be the Nether Qi gathering place.” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, afterward welcomed in the cavern that rivers to walk, how long they had not seen light screen. “这河流中冥气缭绕,还很浓郁,想必上游应该是冥气聚集之地。”萧云暗自沉吟,随后就迎着洞窟内那条河流走去,果然,没有过多久他们就看到了一个光幕。 „Is this outlet?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, careful induction. “这难道是出路?”萧云眸光一凝,仔细感应。 In putting out a stone, throws into that light screen, discovered after not having the danger, Xiao Yun then leads two females to enter inside. 在拿出一块石头,丢入那光幕内,发现并没有危险后,萧云这才带着两女进入里面。 rays of light dodges, they arrived in a channel. 光芒一闪,他们就来到了一个通道内。 This channel in the dim, careful induction does not go, has the air current to sweep across, that Nether Qi even more is also rich. 这通道不在是那么的昏暗,仔细感应而去,有着气流席卷,那冥气也越发浓郁。 Bang! 砰! Xiao Yun walked was not far, a fighting sound then spread to the ear. 萧云才走了不远,一阵打斗声便是传入了耳中。 Front should have the person, we have a look.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, immediately then stand forth. “前面应该有人,我们去看看。”萧云眸光一凝,当即便向前走去。 Now his Soul Power was more formidable, only has actually been able to penetrate these rich Nether Qi clear inductions to the thing within kilometer. 如今他的灵魂力强大了许多,却也只能透过这些浓郁的冥气清晰的感应到千米内的事物。 However cultivator that along with pulling closer of distance, one crowd fought finally presented under his Spiritual Consciousness sensation. 不过随着距离的拉近,一群正在大战的修者终于呈现在了他的灵识感知下。 Is they!” Xiao Yun eye one bright. “是她们!”萧云眼睛一亮。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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