EMS :: Volume #3

#208: The soul sea is dreadful

Chapter 208 Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens 第208章魂海滔天 This Soul Power practice Cultivation Technique is very simple, but wants to cross the threshold actually must look at natural talent. Kazakh 520 novels 灵魂力修炼功法很简单,可是想要入门却得看天赋。哈520小说 Yan Shifei two sisters practice get up, unexpectedly exceptionally quick, was indistinct among spirit as if to induce light. 颜诗妃两姐妹修炼起来,竟然异常的快,隐约间灵台间似乎感应到了一丝光明。 „Is this Soul Power?” In Yan Shifei heart one happy , to continue practice magic arts, to achieve to cross the threshold. “这就是一丝灵魂力吗?”颜诗妃心中一喜,继续修炼法诀,以达到入门。 Yan Shiyan is the whole face likes, likes to this magic arts. 颜诗嫣更是满脸欢喜,对这法诀喜欢不已。 Sees two people to start to cross the threshold, Xiao Yun then sits cross-legged to sit in side, starts to fuse that Rubbing Silk Flower efficacy. 两人都开始入门,萧云这才在旁边盘膝而坐,也开始融合那摩罗之花的药力。 This Rubbing Silk Flower is containing greatly strengthened Nether Yuan Essence, this essence is very overbearing, if utilizes appropriately actually washes, quenchings person best spiritual medicine of mind, this inside essence also is very simultaneously pure, can promote cultivator own Soul Power. 摩罗之花蕴含着极强的冥元精气,这种精气很霸道,只是若运用得当却是洗涤,淬炼人的心神的最佳灵药,同时这里面的精气也很精纯,可以提升修者自己灵魂力 Xiao Yun had swallowed about 27 Rubbing Silk Flower a moment ago at one fell swoop, these efficacies were refined by Swallowing the Heavens and Extinguishing Soul unceasingly, now his magic arts revolves, mind moved, communicates Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts, the a wild and tyrant essence direct impact mind has made his whole person soul shake. 萧云刚才足足一举吞噬了近27朵摩罗之花,那些药力被吞天灭神不断提炼,如今他法诀运转,心神一动,沟通了吞天灭神诀,一股狂霸的精气直冲脑海让得他整个人灵魂都是一震。 This impact has one type greatly by the feeling of great mountain hit. 这种冲击大有着一种被巨山撞击的感觉。 Following closely, Xiao Yun mind is moving, the Sea of Consciousness brilliance glittered, evolves vortex, started to absorb these essence. 紧随着,萧云心神一动,识海光华闪烁,演化出了一个气旋,开始吸收这些精气。 Shout! 呼! The essence emerges in vortex, starts by the soul absorption of Xiao Yun. 精气涌入气旋内,开始被萧云的灵魂吸收。 This is a very small light group, is the Xiao Yun soul is. 这是一个很小的光团,也是萧云的灵魂所在。 After these essence were inhaled inside, he felt that as if has a maneating savage to attack. 当那些精气被吸入里面后,他感觉到似乎有着一个凶悍的野人冲击而来。 These essence, unceasing wreaking havoc, is attacking Xiao Yun own soul. 这些精气,不断的肆虐,冲击着萧云自身的灵魂。 The pain that one type in this process is hard to imagine spreads over mind, making the body of Xiao Yun unable to bear twitch. 在这过程中一种难以想象的痛楚传遍心神,让得萧云的身子都忍不住抽搐了起来。 After he has endured this moment, spiritual, has one to show cool, the soul as if inexplicable promotion of whole person, he felt that own perception seemed to be stronger than before, this was a transformation, after wreaking havoc of Nether Essence, the Xiao Yun own soul obtained quenching, was equal to dispelling the distiller's grains, has left behind essence. 只是当他忍过这一刻后,精神一阵,有着一丝清凉透出,整个人的灵魂似乎莫名的提升了许多,他感觉自己感知力似乎比以前更强,这是一种蜕变,经过冥之精气的肆虐后,萧云自己的灵魂得到了淬炼,等于是祛除了糟糠,留下了精华 Furthermore, is relying on Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts, he also absorbed these Nether Essence to change into oneself to use. 再者,凭借着吞天灭神诀,他还吸收了那些冥之精气化为了己用。 This made the Xiao Yun soul stronger. 这就使得萧云的灵魂更强了。 Rubbing Silk Flower is really the good thing.” In feeling the own soul after promotion, in the Xiao Yun heart one starts to control these to be refining the essence that happily slowly from Rubbing Silk Flower emerges Sea of Consciousness slowly in carries on the fusion absorption. 摩罗之花果然是好东西。”在感觉到自己的灵魂在提升后,萧云心中一喜开始慢慢控制着那些从摩罗之花中提炼出来的精气涌入识海在慢慢的进行融合吸收。 This process is very slow, Xiao Yun does not dare completely these efficacy absorptions, otherwise the essence of that crazy tyrant will let his soul collapse. 这种过程很慢,萧云不敢全部将那些药力吸收,不然那种狂霸的精气会让他灵魂崩溃。 That consequence gain does not equal the loss. 那后果将得不偿失。 Time little in the past, Xiao Yun soul in unceasing enhancement. 时间一点点过去,萧云的灵魂在不断的增强。 Meanwhile, the Yan Shifei sisters have also harvested, Yan Shifei starts to swallow Rubbing Silk Flower, is trying in the middle of the refining efficacy, in her Sea of Consciousness has Little Purple, own Soul Power was very strong, therefore practice has this magic arts to be also quick. 与此同时,颜诗妃姐妹也是有所收获,颜诗妃开始吞食一颗摩罗之花,试着炼化当中的药力,她识海内有着小紫在,自身灵魂力本就很强,所以修炼起这种法诀也很快。 Yan Shiyan slightly was slow, after Yan Shifei takes Rubbing Silk Flower a half hour, she starts to swallow. 颜诗嫣就略显慢了一些,在颜诗妃服用摩罗之花半个小时后,她才开始吞食。 Xiao Yun gives their sisters' Rubbing Silk Flower not is very mature, medicine efficacy relatively speaking also insufficient, therefore they swallow not to be dangerous, may forgive is so, when that quenchings mind the pain of bringing is also makes these two sisters bodies shiver, in that fine appearance the beads of sweat fall, even has the blue vein to break out, the tooth fastens to nip, a very uncomfortable appearance. 萧云给她们姐妹的摩罗之花还不够成熟,药效相对而言还不够,所以她们吞食起来也没有那么危险,可饶是如此,那淬炼心神时所带来的痛楚也是使得这两姐妹身子颤抖,那精致的容颜上汗珠滑落,甚至有着青筋突起,牙关紧咬,一副很难受的模样。 May this, these two seem like the delicate girl is actually stiffly very past, thought that do not give up, this tenacity, even if some men only feared that must feel ashamed of one's inferiority, is hard very to pass very much, because of the mind pain, often compared with body, clear hundred times, a lot, but in this two people heart has a faith, finally has insisted. 可就算这样,这两个看似柔弱的丫头却是硬生生的挺了过去,没有一丝要放弃的念头,这种坚韧,就算是一些男子只怕也要自愧不如,很难以挺过去,因为心神的痛楚,往往比身子强,清晰百倍,千百,可是这两人心中有着一个信念,最终坚持了下来。 This faith is must/will become stronger. 这个信念就是要变强 Because Xiao Yun was too outstanding, they have to promote the own strength. 因为萧云太优秀了,她们不得不提升自己的实力。 Buzz! 嗡! All efficacies were absorbed, in Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness clear and bright, the light group originally reduced gradually, changed into a point star glow. 所有药力被吸收,萧云识海内一阵清明,原本的光团逐渐缩小,化为了一点星芒 This is the Spiritual Consciousness shape, the thought moves as if penetrates all, looks through fabricatedly.” In the Xiao Yun heart one felt happily the soul unprecedented great strength of own, at this moment, he had already stepped into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer big accomplishment, even must approach the Peak boundary. “这才是灵识的形态,意念一动似乎穿透一切,看破虚妄。”萧云心中一喜感到自己的灵魂空前的强大,这一刻,他已然踏入了灭神诀第二重大成,甚至要接近巅峰境了。 This time should be able to open restriction on Swallowing the Heavens Tower 2nd-layer.” Xiao Yun mind moves, sank to the Dantian Swallowing the Heavens Tower place, he watches by mind, now takes a fast look around to go, that Swallowing the Heavens Tower at present became in him clear. “这次应该可以开启吞天塔第二重上的禁制了吧。”萧云心神一动,就沉入了丹田吞天塔处,他以心神观看,如今扫视而去,那吞天塔在他眼前变得更加的清晰了起来。 Above plain trace, as if traceable, before was not like that fuzzily is hard to approach. 上面的古朴纹路,仿佛都有迹可循,不在是以前那般模糊难以接近了。 2nd-layer restriction, opens to me!” Xiao Yun aroused Soul Power, is similar to the sharp knife blade goes toward the restriction impact of 2nd-layer together, in his heart, has an inexplicable excitement, once because opened this above restriction to mean that he will be also many one point of trump card. 第二重禁制,给我开!”萧云鼓足了灵魂力,如同一道利刃向着第二重禁制冲击而去,在他心中,有着一丝莫名的兴奋,因为一旦开启了这上面的禁制就意味着他又将多一分底牌 Buzz! 嗡! The Soul Power impact on that tower wall, swung ripples immediately, a formidable fluctuation was also sweeps across to open. 灵魂力冲击在那塔壁上,当即就荡起了一阵涟漪,一股强大的波动也是席卷而开。 This fluctuation is very strong, if beforehand Xiao Yun is unable to contend absolutely, but he has one type to rout the feeling of that fluctuation the present easily, his mind moves, sharp knife blade that Soul Power condenses fierce cuts forward, sees only the 1-layer ripple flood, that restriction light runes has been defeated and dispersed unexpectedly, does not have the accident, on the tower wall runes reverses, a chart runes as if free wheeling. 这波动很强,若是以前萧云绝对无法抗衡,可是在现在他却有着一种可以轻易击溃那股波动的感觉,他心神一动,那灵魂力凝聚的利刃猛的向前斩下,只见得一重波纹泛起,那禁制光纹竟然溃散了开来,没有意外,塔壁上符文扭转,一副图文似乎活转了过来。 Following closely, this chart runes was carrying some complicated information to integrate in Xiao Yun mind. 紧随着,这图文携带着一些繁复的信息融入了萧云心神之内。 Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens, Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens, is such one secret skill and Extinguishing Soul Spear coordination uses unexpectedly, in handling against under to be able the second to kill all same level matches, but this can only regard is trump card, cannot use easily, must guard against other Magic Item to resist.” Xiao Yun mind moves these information to understand clearly completely, even on chart runes with tower wall has had some contact. 魂海滔天,魂海滔天,竟然是这样的一种秘技灭神之矛配合使用,在措不及防之下可以秒杀一切同级的对手,不过这只能当成是底牌,不可轻易动用,得防备别的法器抵挡。”萧云心神一动那些信息全部了然,甚至与塔壁上的图文取得了某种联系。 Now meets the True Yuan late-stage boundary also definitely to fight.” Xiao Yun muttered one, started in secret technique that in Sea of Consciousness evolved that just to obtain, only then thorough will achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, trained unceasingly, can know this secret technique fit and unfit quality truly. “现在就算遇到了真元后期境也完全可以一战了。”萧云喃喃一句,开始在识海内演化那刚得到的秘术,只有将之彻底融会贯通,不断演练,才能真正知道这秘术的优劣。 Shout! 呼! In Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness, his mind moves, piece of rays of light glitters, is similar to the sea evolves, the rough sea waves must mix the vault of heaven dreadfully, a terrifying aura fluctuation fills the air, might crush myriad things, not difficult to imagine, once this attack will display intrepidly how. 萧云识海内,他心神一动,一片光芒闪烁,如同大海演化而出,巨浪滔天要搅动苍穹,一股恐怖的气息波动弥漫开来,似可碾压万物,不难想象,这种攻击一旦施展出来会多么的强悍。 This is completely the phenomenon that is evolved by Soul Power! 这可是完全由灵魂力演化出来的异象啊! Soul Power is extremely scattered, deterrent effect will weaken significantly.” In the Xiao Yun heart hesitates secretly, is analyzing this secret technique practical strength. 灵魂力太过分散,震慑力会大大削弱。”萧云心中暗暗沉吟,分析着这秘术的实用力。 Then, Xiao Yun tries Soul Sea to evolve slightly that. 接下来,萧云试着将那‘魂海’演化得小一点。 „To control this Soul Seasize by Soul Powersomewhat to be difficult.” Is training two, Xiao Yun slightly frowned. “想要以灵魂力控制这‘魂海’大小还有些困难。”在演练两次,萧云微微皱眉 Evolves this Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens secret technique to consume massive Soul Power, can evolve by his present cultivation level is good, wants precise control that Soul Sea the size actually as before somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like, but more is this more can exercise his soul. 演化这‘魂海滔天秘术将耗费大量的灵魂力,以他现在的修为能演化出来已经算是不错,想要精确的控制那‘魂海’的大小却依旧有些力不从心,不过越是这样越能锻炼他的灵魂。 On such Xiao Yun diligently is training this secret technique. 就这样萧云孜孜不倦的在演练着这秘术 In the cavern, Xiao Yun, the Yan Shifei sisters are immersing in the middle of practice. 洞窟内,萧云,颜诗妃姐妹都在沉浸于修炼当中。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, this cavern flood ripples, several people appeared. 蓦地,这洞窟泛起一阵涟漪,有几个人出现在了此间。 Where is here?” “这里是哪里?” We also in Black Clouds Cave?” When these people appear after cavern the screams also along with it resounding. “我们还在黑云窟内吗?”当这几人出现在洞窟内后惊呼声也是随之响起。 If carefully looks that can discover, these people of Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple. 若是仔细看去,就可以发现,这几人正是天元宗弟子 Middle one person impressively is Zheng Tianwei, as well as his elder brother Zheng Tianxiang. 当中一人赫然是郑天伟,以及他的兄长郑天翔 Also has that Feng Liang as well as Li Ji by this two people. 在这两人旁边还有着那冯亮以及李吉 However, Feng Liang and Li Ji on at this moment fresh blood is dripping, especially that Li Ji, the back has a huge grasping mark, resembled to be torn flesh and blood, the bones of the dead densely obviously, in a moment ago, they experienced several life and death to touch formation mark to arrive at this place. 不过,此刻的冯亮李吉身上鲜血淋漓,特别是那李吉,背部有着一个巨大的抓痕,似被生生撕裂出了一块血肉,白骨森然可见,就在刚才,他们经历了几番生死才触动一个阵纹来到此地。 The people appear in the cavern, Zheng Tianxiang take out a torch, brilliance glitter, making in this hole remove dark. 众人出现在洞窟,郑天翔取出一个火折子,光华闪烁,使得这个洞内黑暗褪去。 Well, front has the person.” Suddenly, that Feng Liang eye one bright, points at the front to say. “咦,前面有人。”突然,那冯亮眼睛一亮,指着前方说道。 For a while, these people have several points vigilantly to look forward. 一时,这几人都带着几分警惕向前看去。 Is Xiao Yun.” Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, is bringing several points of gloominess, saying of coldly, has not thought that will run into him here is really the enemies often cross each other's path!” When speech, he starts stand forth, wants to examine Xiao Yun this time situation. “是萧云。”郑天伟眸光一凝,带着几分阴森,冷冷的说道,“没有想到会在这里遇到他真是冤家路窄啊!”说话时,他开始向前走去,想要查看萧云此时的情况。 Zheng Tianxiang also slowly stand forth. 郑天翔也缓缓向前走去。 Well, two beautiful women.” When walks approaches, saw Xiao Yun Yan Shifei sisters by flame two people impressively, Hehe, isn't this Sea Mist Sect disciple? This two people is really beautiful, enchanting moving, simple-hearted.” “咦,还有两个美人。”当走得靠近一些,透过火光这两人赫然看到了萧云身边的颜诗妃姐妹,“呵呵,这不是海岚宗弟子吗?这两人真美啊,一个妖娆动人,一个天真无邪。” Hehe, initially this Xiao Yun harmed me to lose that Duan Ling'er, has not thought that now has actually delivered two beauties to me.” Zheng Tianwei smiles fiercely, stand forth, pupil light is passing several points of dreadfulness, double pupil tight pasts on Yan Shifei. 呵呵,当初这萧云害得我失去了那段灵儿,没有想到现在却送了两个大美人给我。”郑天伟狰狞一笑,向前走去,眸光透着几分猥琐,双眸紧紧的在颜诗妃身上流转。 Really beautiful.” Feng Liang two people also walks, swallows the saliva unconsciously. “真美。”冯亮两人也走来,不觉中咽了咽口水。 Such beautiful female they are really unusually have also seen. 这么美的女子他们还真是少有见过。 „For those a beautiful woman.” Zheng Tianxiang is also moved, looked at Yan Shifei. “到是一个美人。”就连郑天翔也是为之动容,不由多看了一眼颜诗妃 Now the Yan Shifei sisters double pupil shuts tightly, calmly like fairy, passes sends several to branch out the dust the makings to be infatuated with. 如今颜诗妃姐妹双眸紧闭,静如仙子,透发着几分出尘的气质让人迷恋。 Hehe, Big brother, since you have also moved, was inferior that we did get up them?” Zheng Tianwei smiles to say fiercely that in any case here is Black Clouds Cave, does not have the bystander, even if killed their also nobody to know why not go ahead with it?” 呵呵,大哥,既然你也动心了,不如我们上了她们吧?”郑天伟狰狞一笑说道,“反正这里是黑云窟,也没有外人,就算杀了他们也没有人知道,何乐不为了?” The Zheng Tianxiang pupil dew hesitates. 郑天翔眸露迟疑。 Big brother, on this Xiao Yun has the treasure, although that hot halberd is damaged item, is very fierce, if we obtain, can perhaps go to Sect to exchange more formidable Magic Item, like this after you, participated in Profound Yuan Battlefield to be also many several points of assurance.” The Zheng Tianwei enticement said. “大哥,这萧云身上可是有着宝物,那火戟虽然是残器,却很厉害,我们要是得到,说不定可以去宗门兑换一件更加强大的法器,这样你以后参加玄元战场也就多了几分把握。”郑天伟诱惑道。 So but actually.” Zheng Tianxiang hesitates slightly, afterward said that this female I on first.” He points at Yan Shifei to say. “如此倒可以。”郑天翔略微沉吟,随后道,“不过这个女子我先上。”他指着颜诗妃道。 That is natural.” Zheng Tianwei smiles, I like that young, simple-hearted, on like this has the flavor.” “那是自然。”郑天伟一笑,“我喜欢那个年纪小的,天真无邪,这样上起来才有味道。” Nearby Feng Liang directing current saliva, a face is fiery. 旁边的冯亮直流口水,一脸火热。 Anxious anything, later must have your advantage.” A Zheng Tianwei face sighed, said that these people cannot remain, therefore also made you also enjoy turns, such beautiful woman in society was difficult, really has been a pity, if they were ordinary cultivator were good, can receive my harem actually, but they were Sea Mist Sect disciple only then silenced a witness of crime.” “急什么,稍后少不了你们的好处。”郑天伟一脸叹息,说道,“这些人可不能留,所以也就让你们也享受一翻,这样的美人世间难有,真是可惜了,要是她们是普通修者就好了,倒是可以收入我的后宫,只是她们是海岚宗弟子只有杀人灭口了。” ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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