EMS :: Volume #3

#207: Blood deep imaginary butterfly

Chapter 207 Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly 第207章血冥幻蝶 Here sunlight is beautiful, birds cried, simply was a beautiful mountains and rivers picture scroll. 这里阳光明媚,还有禽鸟啼鸣,简直就是一副美丽的山河画卷。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, did we leave Black Clouds Cave?” Yan Shiyan is drawing the arm of Xiao Yun, asked. 萧云哥哥,我们离开了黑云窟吗?”颜诗嫣拉着萧云的手臂,问道。 Yan Shifei is also pupil light that throws to have doubts. 颜诗妃也是投来疑惑的眸光 Here is very strange.” Xiao Yun could not say, when sized up four directions felt some non- natures. “这里很奇怪。”萧云也说不出,只是打量四方时感觉到有些不自然。 Here mountain breeze slowly, the flowers and plants bloom, the bird beast runs in the jungle. 这里山风徐徐,花草绽放,还有飞鸟走兽在丛林中奔跑。 But Black Clouds Mountain Range obviously is the fog winds around, even if the mist dissipates now, few places meet full of vitality such as here! 可是黑云山脉明明是云雾缭绕,就算如今雾气消散,也很少有地方会如这里生机勃勃啊! Good attractive flower.” The Yan Shiyan mood appears very good, swept the anxiety, walked toward nearby bunch of flowers and plants. “好漂亮的花。”颜诗嫣心情显得很好,一扫刚才的紧张,向着旁边的一簇花草走去。 There flower blooms, brilliant purple and red, but also sends out the intermittent flower fragrance to let person mind is. 那里花儿绽放,姹紫嫣红,还散发出阵阵花香让得人心神都是一荡。 This flower fragrance has the issue.” Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, felt that this flower fragrance made his mind start absent-minded. “这花香有问题。”萧云眉头微皱,感觉这花香让他的心神都开始恍惚了起来。 „It is not right, here definitely has the issue.” Xiao Yun mind concentrates, resists the corrosion of that flower fragrance finally. “不对,这里肯定有问题。”萧云心神一凝,终是抵挡住了那花香的侵蚀。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, you looked that this butterfly is quite attractive!” Not far away, the Yan Shiyan smiling face is bright, turns head to take a look to Xiao Yun, afterward then turns toward in the front flowering shrubs to walk, there has one flock of colored butterflies to dance lightly, this girl white hands stretch out, resemble to make that color butterfly stop fall in the hand. 萧云哥哥,你看这蝴蝶好漂亮啊!”不远处,颜诗嫣笑容灿烂,回头瞅向萧云,随后便向着前方花丛中走去,那里有着一群彩色的蝴蝶正翩翩起舞,这丫头玉手伸出,似要让那彩蝶停落在手中。 This girl.” Nearby Yan Shifei smiles gracefully, the own younger sister age was eventually smaller, appears very curious regarding these new things, but she has not prevented, so long as younger sister were happy that all do not matter. “这丫头。”旁边的颜诗妃盈盈一笑,自己妹妹年纪终究还是小了些,对于这些新鲜事物都显得很好奇,不过她并没有阻止,只要妹妹高兴,一切都无所谓。 Even if Yan Shifei knows that this girl also likes Xiao Yun. 哪怕是颜诗妃知道这丫头也喜欢萧云 All these are the illusions.” Also at this moment, the Xiao Yun pupil concentrates, releases completely Spiritual Consciousness, the present scenery immediately changes, the blue sky dissipates immediately, but presented a dark cavern, in the front has an underground river. “这一切都是幻象。”也就在这时,萧云眸子一凝,将灵识完全释放出去,眼前的景色立即一变,蓝天白云顿时消散,而是出现了一个暗黑的洞窟,在前方有着一条暗河。 Near the underground river, is growing some black plants, above bloomed completely the flowers, that flower petal was bright, has several points of monster different flavor, took a quick look around, probably was a beautiful woman is dancing lightly simply, clothing in unceasing removing. 在暗河边,生长着一些黑色的植物,上面开满了花朵,那花瓣鲜艳无比,有着几分妖异的味道,一眼看去,简直就好像是一个美人在翩翩起舞,衣衫在不断的褪去。 The beautiful woman face appears gradually, changed into the Yan Shifei appearance unexpectedly. 那美人脸庞逐渐浮现,竟然化为了颜诗妃的模样。 Illusion, all are illusions.” Xiao Yun turns very quiet, does not know that absorbs these flower fragrances, present illusion dissipation, presented monster different flowers, that Yan Shifei tender body dissipated completely, but a young girl in that flowering shrubs was running to go. “幻象,一切都是幻象。”萧云屏住呼吸,不知吸收那些花香,眼前的幻象消散,又呈现出了一朵朵妖异的花朵,那颜诗妃的娇躯完全消散,只是在那花丛中一个少女正奔走而去。 Shiyan.” A Xiao Yun brow wrinkle, Yan Shiyan this moment face smiling face, appears simple-hearted, must stroke that butterfly. 诗嫣。”萧云眉头一皱,颜诗嫣此刻一脸笑容,显得天真无邪,要去抚摸那蝴蝶。 She was confused by that illusion as before, does not know own also in the cavern. 她依旧被那幻境迷惑,不知自己还在洞窟内。 Shout! 呼! A color butterfly, vibrates the wings to fly toward Yan Shiyan. 一只彩蝶,振动着双翼向着颜诗嫣飞去。 In must approach Yan Shiyan that color butterfly reveals a pair of monster different pupil unexpectedly, red such as scarlet flame. 只是在要接近颜诗嫣时那彩蝶蓦地露出一双妖异的眸子,红如赤炎。 This is Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound conveys suddenly said that it is good at confusing person mind, in the potential of according to thunder, derives blood essence of person, takes this as the food, this is Nether Race monster butterfly, little cherishes with hard to deal with, will appear in this unexpectedly.” “这是血冥幻碟。”吞天雀的声音突然传来道,“它擅长迷惑人心神,在以雷霆之势,汲取人的精血,以此为食,这是一种冥族妖碟,很少稀罕与难缠,竟会出现在此。” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound appears somewhat surprised. 吞天雀的声音显得有些惊讶。 Anything! Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly, but can also derive blood essence of person?” The Xiao Yun eye pupil shrinks suddenly. “什么!血冥幻碟,还可以汲取人的精血?”萧云眼瞳骤然一缩。 He fixes the eyes on looked that Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly approached Yan Shiyan, then that body moves, then prepares to throw to the latter nape of the neck place. 他定睛一看,那血冥幻碟已经接近了颜诗嫣,然后那身子一动,便准备扑到后者脖颈处。 You court death.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, formidable Soul Power takes away as many things as possible forward. “你这是找死。”萧云眸光一凝,一股强大的灵魂力向前席卷而去。 Buzz! 嗡! That Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly trembles, the personal appearance has stopped unexpectedly. 血冥幻碟一颤,身形蓦地停顿了下来。 Shout! 呼! At once, purple light twinkle, actually sees a Xiao Yun finger of light point to be void, arrived at flame is similar to the sharp knife blade passed over gently and swiftly generally void writes off that Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly at one fell swoop, hence, that Yan Shiyan double pupil started a restoration look slowly confusedly. 旋即,紫光闪烁,却见得萧云一指轻点虚空,一到火炎如同利刃一般掠过虚空将那血冥幻碟给一举抹杀,至此,那颜诗嫣双眸迷茫才开始慢慢的恢复一丝神色。 However she is the whole face is as before dim. 不过她依旧是满脸朦胧。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, you how that butterfly killing?” Yan Shiyan is puzzled, asked. 萧云哥哥,你怎么将那蝴蝶给杀了啊?”颜诗嫣一脸不解,问道。 Yan Shifei is also throws the surprise pupil light. 颜诗妃也是投来诧异的眸光 Here is the illusion.” Xiao Yun said that these are Imaginary Nether Flower, a moment ago this was Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly.” “这里都是幻象。”萧云说道,“这些是幻冥花,刚才这是血冥幻碟。” Then, his palm moves, the purple fire twinkle, all burnt down these monster different flowers immediately. 说完,他手掌一动,紫火闪烁,当即就将那些妖异的花给尽数焚烧了。 Slightly, Yan Shifei and Yan Shiyan only think that the present thing changes, that blue sky is not, own returned to the dark cavern, in the cavern, is growing some strange plants, as well as that burnt down Imaginary Nether Flower. 稍许后,颜诗妃颜诗嫣只觉眼前的事物一变,那蓝天白云不在,自己又回到了黑乎乎的洞窟内,洞窟里面,生长着一些奇怪的植物,以及那被焚毁的幻冥花 A moment ago was really the illusion?” Yan Shifei beautiful eye blinks, in the heart somewhat is disappointed. “刚才真的是幻象?”颜诗妃美眸眨动,心中不由有些怅然。 Em.” Xiao Yun said that this Imaginary Nether Flower can affect mind of person, Blood Nether Imaginary Butterfly confuses the will of the people by this in food person blood essence, Shiyan younger sister had almost incurred a moment ago, here is very strange, we must select carefully do not wander about aimlessly.” “恩。”萧云说道,“这幻冥花可以影响人的心神,血冥幻碟则是以此迷惑人心在食人精血,刚才诗嫣妹妹就差点中招了,这里很怪异,我们都得小心点不要乱走。” Is so dangerous?” Hears Xiao Yun to mention, Yan Shiyan is also fear. “这么危险吗?”听得萧云说来,颜诗颜也是一阵后怕。 You!” Xiao Yun sighed, extended take action to knock the back of the head of that Yan Shiyan to her a lesson, in looking at latter that eyelash winked, a simple-hearted appearance, in the heart was some does not endure, must take back the palm. “你啊!”萧云叹息一口,伸出手想要敲一下那颜诗嫣的后脑勺给她一点教训,不过在瞧得后者那睫毛眨动,一副天真无邪的模样,心中又是有些不忍,只得收回了手掌。 Others will not dare next time.” Yan Shiyan spits the tongue, then pulled the arm of Xiao Yun. “人家下次不敢了。”颜诗嫣则是吐了吐舌头,然后挽住了萧云的手臂。 Shifei, you also with tight.” Xiao Yun hints nearby Yan Shifei to say. 诗妃,你也跟紧点。”萧云示意旁边的颜诗妃道。 Em.” Yan Shifei followed closely to come, to hold on the Xiao Yun front piece. “恩。”颜诗妃紧随而来,拉住了萧云的衣襟。 The cavern is very dark, but is also very spacious, front has an underground river, the crossflow, Xiao Yun one step stepped to discover on the front hole wall impressively the timbo that Nether Qi wound around, was blooming some black flowers above. 洞窟很暗,不过也很宽敞,前面有着一条暗河,横流而过,萧云一步跨出去在前方的洞壁上赫然发现了一条条冥气缭绕的树藤,在上面绽放着一些黑色的花朵。 These flowers are very plain, not monster different, is actually smooth like the jade, above is winding around the faint trace mist. 这些花朵很古朴,并不怎么妖异,可是却光滑如玉,上面缭绕着丝丝雾气。 The careful induction goes, Xiao Yun has suddenly discovered an extremely boundless essence fluctuation on these flowers. 仔细感应而去,萧云在这些花朵上竟然发现了一股极为磅礴的精气波动。 These essence fluctuations are somewhat wild, making his Spiritual Consciousness slightly tremble, does not dare to approach rashly. 只是这些精气波动有些狂暴,让他的灵识都微微一颤,不敢贸然靠近。 Hehe, this is Rubbing Silk Flower.” A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face is wild with joy, does not have directly from that Swallowing the Heavens Tower. 呵呵,这是摩罗之花。”吞天雀一脸狂喜,从那吞天塔内直接没出。 Rubbing Silk Flower.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, said that these flowers but actually indeed and Rubbing Silk Flower in legend is similar, but how side to have Nether Fruit?” Xiao Yun is somewhat stunned, normally has the Rubbing Silk Flower place should also to have Nether Fruit! 摩罗之花。”萧云眸光一凝,道,“这些花倒的确和传说中的摩罗之花相似,只是旁边怎么没有摩罗冥果了?”萧云有些错愕,按说有摩罗之花的地方应该也有摩罗冥果才是啊! Here Nether Qi is too thin, therefore cannot breed Nether Fruit.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that is these Rubbing Silk Flower essence is also limited, Ha Ha, but there are always to compare not to have, this time really not in vain this line, so long as my Soul Power is strengthening, has the opportunity to restore the Yuan Core 2-layer boundary.” “这里冥气太稀薄,所以未能孕育出摩罗冥果。”吞天雀说道,“就是这些摩罗之花精气也有限,哈哈,不过有总比没有好,这次果然不枉此行,只要我的灵魂力在增强,就有机会恢复元丹二重境。” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow appears very excited, bird claw moves, then on Rubbing Silk Flower toward that hole wall grasps. 吞天雀显得很兴奋,鸟爪一动,便是向着那洞壁上的摩罗之花抓去。 It is Monster Spirit, wants to restore strength not only to need the massive source essence, such as Fire Yuan, wait / etc. supplies. 它身为妖灵,想要恢复实力不仅需要大量的本源精气,如火元,等等补给。 What is most important is its Soul Power must strengthen, this is the foundation, if Soul Power is insufficient, even if it swallows concise two Fire Vein is very difficult to go a step further, therefore met this Rubbing Silk Flower to make this Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow excited nearly to let success go to the head. 最重要的是它的灵魂力得增强,这才是根基,若是灵魂力不够,就算它吞噬凝练两条火脉也很难在进一步,所以遇到这摩罗之花让得这吞天雀兴奋得近乎得意忘形了起来。 „Is this only Fire Bird?” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to appear, some Yan Shiyan surprise, wink the pupil of that clever actually uncommonly to act rashly, because she felt that on former's body an extremely terrifying aura fluctuation, that fluctuation has made the life fear. “这是只火鸟?”见得吞天雀出现,颜诗嫣有些诧异,眨动着那灵动的眸子却不凡妄动,因为在前者的身上她感觉到了一股极为恐怖的气息波动,那波动让人生惧。 Has not thought saying that the side also has this existence.” Yan Shifei expressed admiration, was only this bird can be disadvantageous to him?” This makes her slightly feeling worry, because this Fire Bird was too only strong, is not Xiao Yun can very much obviously with it being a worthy opponent. “没有想到云,身边还有这种存在。”颜诗妃则是啧啧称奇,“只是这鸟会不会对他不利了?”这让她略感担忧,因为这只火鸟太强了,很显然不是萧云可以与之匹敌。 Shout! 呼! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow bird claw extends, one grasped four to hide Rubbing Silk Flower, then bird mouth swallowing. 吞天雀鸟爪一伸,一把就抓来了四躲摩罗之花,然后鸟嘴一张将之给吞噬一空。 I go, you leave are so ruthless, remains to me!” Xiao Yun is speechless, dares to hesitate, goes forward hastily one step, the big hand sways, several Rubbing Silk Flower grasping, at the same time, he revolves Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts, before the body, appears vortex to give to swallow that Rubbing Silk Flower, starts concise. “我去,你别这么狠啊,也给我留一点啊!”萧云无语,也敢在迟疑,连忙上前一步,大手拂动,就将几朵摩罗之花给抓到手中,与此同时,他运转吞天灭神诀,身前浮现一个气旋将那摩罗之花给吞噬,开始凝练。 Then Xiao Yun continues take action, otherwise in the delaying moment, only feared these Rubbing Silk Flower to by Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow snatching up. 然后萧云继续出手,不然在耽搁片刻,只怕那些摩罗之花都要被吞天雀给抢光了。 Little Yun, you were too ruthless, did swallow that?” Saw Xiao Yun take action anxiously, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also hastily shouted to clear the way. 小云子,你太狠了吧,一口去就吞了那么?”见萧云出手,吞天雀也急了连忙喝道。 Where has you to suppress, your swallowed several.” When Xiao Yun rebuttal take action, is not willing to yield hastily. “哪有你狠,你一口都吞了十几朵了。”萧云反驳之时也连忙出手,丝毫不肯让步。 This Rubbing Silk Flower is also very important to him. 摩罗之花对他也很重要。 Present Xiao Yun only missed one step to achieve Extinguishing Soul Arts big accomplishment, to have missed how possibly the opportunity of this promotion strength? 现在的萧云只差一步就可以达到灭神诀大成了,怎么可能错过了这提升实力的机会? Extinguishing Soul Arts is stronger, his background is more abundant, this Rubbing Silk Flower naturally the more better. 灭神诀越强,他的底蕴就越雄厚,这摩罗之花当然是越多越好了。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is speechless, with the Xiao Yun idle talk, is not turning toward nearby cane to fly hastily, appearance that must sweep. 吞天雀无语,也不在和萧云废话,连忙向着旁边的摩罗藤飞去,一副要扫荡的模样。 Then, a person of bird, is competing for Rubbing Silk Flower in this cavern. 就这样,一人一鸟,在这洞窟内争夺着摩罗之花 Hee hee, Elder Sister Elder Brother Xiao Yun really has a such amusing bird.” Yan Shiyan at first also to that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow awe, in looking at the latter and Xiao Yun that fights , after appearance of running on, that awes nothing left, even has several points to despise. “嘻嘻,姐姐萧云哥哥竟然有这么好玩的一只鸟。”颜诗嫣起初还对那吞天雀敬畏不已,在瞧得后者和萧云那争抢,挤兑的模样后,那股敬畏荡然无存,甚至有着几分鄙视。 This only Fire Bird a little powerhouse style?” In the Yan Shifei heart is also the whisper, this obviously is a brazen!” “这只火鸟有点强者风范吗?”颜诗妃心中也是嘀咕不已,“这明显就是一个赖皮啊!” However is also this, in her heart also breathed a sigh of relief, looks at this appearance Xiao Yun to be as if balanced with this bird relations. 不过也是这样,她心中也是舒了口气,瞧这模样萧云似乎和这只鸟关系还算平衡。 How otherwise this Fire Bird will allow that Xiao Yun and it does snatch these Rubbing Silk Flower? 不然这火鸟岂会容许萧云和它抢那些摩罗之花 Looked at this bird one person, Yan Shifei has not been smiling on own initiative, in the heart has several points of inexplicable happiness. 瞧着这一鸟一人,颜诗妃不自觉笑了起来,心中有着几分莫名的甜蜜。 If own can so accompany this youth, looks at his laughter , anger , sorrow and happiness that would be nice! 要是自己能一直这般陪着这少年,看他的喜怒哀乐那该多好啊! Hehe, this harvest is not small, when Grandpa Tian absorbs these Rubbing Silk Flower efficacies completely.” Sweeps is spatial, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to laugh after these Rubbing Silk Flower, then changed into a flame to submerge in Swallowing the Heavens Tower in Xiao Yun Dantian to start the refining efficacy. 呵呵,这次收获不小,待天爷将这些摩罗之花药力完全吸收。”将那些摩罗之花扫空后吞天雀哈哈大笑,然后化为一道火光没入了萧云丹田中的吞天塔内开始炼化药力。 Was absorbing that many Rubbing Silk Flower, Xiao Yun also felt that own soon broke through. 在吸收了那么多的摩罗之花,萧云也感觉自己快要突破了。 Shifei, Shiyan, this is Rubbing Silk Flower, can quenching human body mind, after my below gives you one set of magic arts your practice crosses the threshold, in distinguishing take Rubbing Silk Flower, then, after your souls increase, will not be affected mind by foreign object.” Xiao Yun has given the Yan Shifei sisters two Rubbing Silk Flower, passed on one set of magic arts while convenient. 诗妃,诗嫣,这是摩罗之花,可以淬炼人体心神,我下面给你们一套法诀你们修炼入门后在分别服下一颗摩罗之花,如此一来,等你们的灵魂增加后以后也就不会被外物影响心神了。”萧云将两颗摩罗之花递给了颜诗妃姐妹,顺便还传了一套法诀 This is one set of special practice Soul Power magic arts. 这是一套专门修炼灵魂力法诀 Because Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts needs specific physique to be able practice, therefore Xiao Yun is unable the to divulge to an outsider. 因为吞天灭神诀需要特定的体质才可以修炼,所以萧云也无法外传。 practice Soul Power?” Hears this words, these two sisters stare. 修炼灵魂力?”听得此话,这两姐妹都是一愣。 However, after thinking of own was affected the mind matter by that Imaginary Nether Flower a moment ago, two people has not hesitated to defer to that heart law practice immediately, they also know, only then oneself enough can follow this youth, therefore that mischievous Yan Shiyan also immediately practice. 不过,在想到刚才自己被那幻冥花影响心神的事情后,两人也没有迟疑立即按照那心法修炼了起来,她们也是知道,只有自身足够强才能追随这少年,所以就连那调皮的颜诗嫣也立即修炼了起来。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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