EMS :: Volume #3

#206: Touches a mark

Chapter 206 touches formation mark 第206章触动阵纹 In that is not in very broad channel, monster bat of one crowd of watermelon sizes vibrates toward Sea Mist Sect disciple that this wings blots out the sky, when the wings vibrates, vast fluctuation is also is similar to the tide generally tilts, but under is flooding the entire cavern. Kazakh 520 novels 在那并不是很宽阔的通道内,一群西瓜大小的妖蝠振动这双翼铺天盖地的向着海岚宗弟子袭来,双翼振动时,一股浩瀚的波动也是如同潮水一般倾覆而下充斥着整个洞窟。哈520小说 These monster bat unexpectedly strength comparable with True Yuan Realm!” “这些妖蝠竟然实力堪比真元境!” Now these many one takes off, in the cultivator heart of that imposing manner True Yuan late-stage also unavoidably hit one to tremble. 如今这么多一起飞来,那种气势就连真元后期修者心中也是难免打了一个寒颤。 These monster build are very big, the minimum two fist sizes, the sharp claws are also curving, might tear void. 这些妖幅体型很大,最小的也有两个拳头大小,利爪弯曲,似可撕裂虚空。 What is most surprising is these monster bat speeds is quick, but before a blink has flown the body of people. 最让人惊讶的是这些妖蝠速度很快,只是一眨眼就飞到了众人的身前。 arranges formation copes with these monster bat.” Facing these monster bat, Yang Haixin not flustered, after ordering one, own is also immediately take action, one that the blue heart moon in hand shouted then turns toward that front to cut, shining jade-green light bloomed a formidable fluctuation to shake piece of monster bat immediately flies. 结阵对付这些妖蝠。”面对这些妖蝠,杨海芯并没有慌张,命令一声后自己也是马上出手,手中的碧心月轮呼的一声便向着那前方斩去,灿灿碧光绽放开来一股强大的波动立即将一片妖蝠震飞。 But also had monster bat from avoiding this attack flew from one side, raided to nearby these Sea Mist Sect disciple. 可是也有妖蝠从避开了这攻击从侧面飞来,袭向了旁边的那些海岚宗弟子 Buzz! 嗡! At this time Sea Mist Sect disciple started to stimulate to movement magic arts, has formed formation. 这时海岚宗弟子已经开始催动法诀,结成了一个大阵 This Green Sea Blue Sky Formation is Sea Mist Sect unique defense type Formation, once stimulates to movement, that defensive power will be equal to these cultivator several folds, but faces that continuously monster bat attack, only this Formation is unable to resist, let alone went forward. 碧海蓝天阵海岚宗特有的防御类型阵法,一旦催动起来,那防御力将等于那些修者的数倍,可是面对那源源不断妖蝠攻击,单凭这阵法根本无法抵挡下来,更别说前进了。 Because the quantities of these monster bat were too many, the imposing manner like the mountain torrent, is irresistible. 因为这些妖蝠的数量实在太多了,气势如山洪,不可抵挡。 Yang Haixin also walks with difficulty. 就连杨海芯也是步履维艰。 whoosh whoosh! 刷刷! In the cavern light twinkle, Yang Haixin with several disciple take action, cuts to kill these monster bat actually radically to kill endless together unceasingly. 洞窟内光影闪烁,杨海芯与几个弟子一起出手,不断斩杀那些妖蝠却根本杀之不尽。 Xiao Yun in side, brows slightly wrinkle, is the feeling is quite thorny. 萧云在旁边,眉头微微一皱,也是感觉颇为棘手。 These monster bat were too many, extinguishes very much difficultly completely kills. 这些妖蝠太多了,很难全部灭杀。 But Inextinguishable kills, cannot continue to go forward. 可是不灭杀,又根本不能继续前进。 Makes me lead the way.” Hesitates slightly, Xiao Yun approaches. “让我来开路吧。”略微沉吟,萧云主动上前。 You?” Yang Haixin nearby two youth pupil dew doubts, as if do not trust the Xiao Yun strength. “你?”杨海芯旁边两个青年眸露疑惑,似乎对萧云的实力并不信任。 Xiao Yun is light smiles, at once pupil light concentrates, formidable soul fluctuation then sweeps across from Sea of Consciousness. 萧云只是淡淡一笑,旋即眸光一凝,一股强大的灵魂波动便是从识海内席卷而出。 Buzz! 嗡! Monster bat that Soul Power, these fly fully immediately personal appearance, that is similar to the mountain torrent general imposing manner has also weakened, so, making Sea Mist Sect cultivator feel surprised, „?” 灵魂力一出,那些铺天盖地般飞来的妖蝠顿时身形一顿,那如同山洪一般的气势也是有所减弱,如此一幕,让得海岚宗修者都是感到惊讶不已,“这是怎么回事?” In people heart doubt. 众人心中狐疑。 When at this time doesn't take action treat?” Xiao Yun coldly snorted, both hands inspire purple Flame Seal at once then condense the forming. “此时不出手更待何时?”萧云冷哼一声,旋即双手引动一个紫色的火印便是凝聚成形。 Flame Seal fierce kills to go toward the front bang. 火印猛的向着前方轰杀而去。 Bang! 砰! The flame blooms, a fluctuation of energy of burning hot fierce, in the front exploded. 火光绽放,一股炙热的能量波动猛的在前方爆炸了开来。 Buzz! 嗡! Under this fluctuation, the entire cavern is fierce trembles, as if wants the avalanche to get down general, the people see only a purple mighty current, submerges that innumerable monster bat, at this time they recovered, condenses the attack to kill hastily toward these monster bat. 在这种波动下,整个洞窟都是剧烈一颤,似乎要崩塌下来一般,众人只见得一股紫色洪流,将那无数的妖蝠淹没,这时他们才回过神来,连忙也凝聚攻击向着那些妖蝠杀去。 Kill! 杀! Huang Jianghe and the others are holding Magic Item outside, killed to these monster bat. 黄江鹤等人在外持着法器,也杀向了那些妖蝠。 One time goes well, what then brings is more monster bat, this Xiao Yun continues to stimulate to movement Soul Power, frightens the group monster. 一次得手,然后引来的是更多的妖蝠,这次萧云又继续催动灵魂力,震慑群妖。 Had the previous experience, Yang Haixin and the others has not been hesitating, immediately take action killed together to these monster bat. 有了上次的经验,杨海芯等人都不在迟疑,立即出手一起杀向那些妖蝠。 Although monster bat are many, but under Xiao Yun that Soul Power frightened to lose the consciousness, has not collapsed at the first blow including the strength of resisting. 妖蝠虽多,可是在萧云灵魂力震慑下已经失去了意识,连抵挡之力都没有自是不堪一击。 Later, in this cavern piled up with the corpse of monster bat, blood energy has soared to the heavens, the Sea Mist Sect person had the confidence gradually, did not have the beforehand that fear again, the people started to forward unceasingly, has come suddenly to the end of this cavern. 不大一会,这洞窟内就堆满了妖蝠的尸体,血气冲天,不过海岚宗的人却逐渐拥有了信心,再也没有了之前的那种恐惧,众人开始不断向前,眨眼间就走到了这洞窟的尽头。 This Xiao Yun is immeasurably deep.” Many people hesitate secretly. “这萧云深不可测。”许多人暗自沉吟。 This walks, the people also hold in high esteem to Xiao Yun, knows latter's uncommonness. 这一路走来,众人对萧云也是刮目相看,知道后者的不凡。 Has not thought of some of his really abilities.” Before that has had provocative flavor Huang Jianghe not to dare to Xiao Yun to speak rashly the provocation, in the heart hesitated secretly, takes a look is indistinct to Xiao Yun pupil light starts for several points to dread. “没有想到他真有些能耐。”就连那之前一直对萧云颇具挑衅味道的黄江鹤也是不敢在贸然出言挑衅,心中暗自沉吟,瞅向萧云眸光隐约间开始多了几分忌惮。 Observes after him discovered impressively this youth has the special ability, might frighten mind of person, is not very simple. 经过他观察赫然发现这少年有着特殊的能力,似可震慑人的心神,很不简单。 Shouted!” After the person kills the end of that channel in the presence of everyone, finally breathed a sigh of relief. “呼!”当众人杀到那通道的尽头后,终于是舒了口气。 This fought a moment ago was too soul-stirring, monster bat in groups as if killed endlessly, if not has the Xiao Yun opening, the people do not know when really this must kill, especially Yang Haixin, when her pupil rotation, took a look to that youth were many several points of curiosity. 刚才这一战太惊心动魄了,成群的妖蝠似乎杀不尽,若非有着萧云开路,众人真的不知该要杀到什么时候,特别是杨海芯,她眸子转动,瞅向身边的那个少年时不由多了几分好奇。 Initially she heard that the Xiao Yun strength was good, this will invite him to travel together. 当初她只是听说萧云实力不错,这才会邀请他同行。 Now looks like, own initial decision really not wrong. 如今看来,自己当初的决定真的没有错。 If not for there are him, unavoidably some damages. 若不是有他,难免会有些损伤。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao, this time may many thanks to you.” When the Yang Haixin words are gentle, takes a look to Xiao Yun the corners of the mouth raise rarely wipe the smiling face, this smiling face made this cavern resemble to increase several points of rays of light, nearby several male disciple looked at one to be in a daze. 呵呵,萧师弟,这次可多亏你了。”杨海芯话语轻柔,瞅向萧云时嘴角难得掀起一抹浅浅的笑容,这笑容让得这洞窟都似增加了几分光芒,旁边的几个男弟子看得一阵发呆。 Here crisis-ridden, only then everybody worked as one to cross safely.” Xiao Yun smiles lightly. “这里危机四伏,也只有大家齐心协力才能安然渡过。”萧云淡淡一笑。 Hey, I already said Elder Brother Xiao Yun is very fierce, these you believed.” Yan Shiyan purses the lips to smile mischievously, pupil light unintentional taking a look to that Huang Jianghe, as if before the latter is very discontented with the provocation of Xiao Yun, therefore spoke running on. “嘿嘿,我早就说了萧云哥哥很厉害,这些你们相信了吧。”颜诗嫣抿着嘴调皮一笑,眸光有意无意的瞅向了那黄江鹤,似乎对后者之前对萧云的挑衅很不满,故此出言挤兑。 Junior Brother Xiao indeed extraordinary natural talent.” The Huang Jianghe eyelid jumped to squeeze a smiling face, said. 萧师弟的确天赋异禀。”黄江鹤眼皮微跳挤出了一丝笑容,道。 Was good, is going to enter the Black Clouds Cave genuine key position to be, everybody must be careful.” Yang Haixin said suddenly. “好了,接下来将要进入黑云窟的真正枢纽所在,大家要小心了。”杨海芯突然说道。 The people nod, does not dare to neglect. 众人点头,都不敢怠慢。 Walked the moment, at present presented light screens, mysterious fluctuation also fills the air. 走了片刻,眼前出现了一片光幕,一股晦涩的波动也是随之弥漫开来。 This light screen impressively was the end of this channel. 这光幕赫然就是这通道的尽头了。 Before arriving at the light screen, Yang Haixin has not gone forward rashly, instead is reveals to be stern-faced. 来到光幕前,杨海芯并没有贸然前进,反而是露出一脸凝重。 The Yang Haixin palm moves, the jade-green light twinkle appeared and disappeared together into that restriction. 杨海芯手掌一动,一道碧光闪烁而出没入了那禁制内。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, the front light screen trembles, flood ripples, absorbs the fluctuation of person heart and soul at once is similar to heaven screen generally tilts, mind of all people tremble, Xiao Yun mind also shakes, feels somewhat blurry. 蓦地,前方的光幕一颤,泛起了一阵涟漪,旋即一股摄人心魄的波动便是如同天幕一般倾覆而下,所有人的心神都是一颤,就连萧云心神也是一震,感到有些迷糊。 Panic-stricken, his mind moves resisting hastily that fluctuation. 惊骇下,他连忙心神一动才将那股波动给抵挡下来。 But at this moment, that Sea Mist Sect disciple has formed formation, is resisting this fluctuation. 而此刻,那海岚宗弟子已经结成了一个大阵,抵御着这股波动。 Really is this pass/test.” After feeling that fluctuation, Yang Haixin brows slightly wrinkle, said afterward, under this will close will be very dangerous, has restriction Formation, may confuse person mind, everybody to form formation method, to resist this fluctuation, will separate not by any means.” “果然是这一关。”当感受到那波动后,杨海芯眉头微皱,随后说道,“下面这一关将十分危险,有着禁制阵法,可迷惑人心神,大家结成阵法,以抵御这种波动,切莫分开。” Afterward, under she also entered that Green Sea Blue Sky Formation rays of light to cover. 随后,就连她也进入了那碧海蓝天阵光芒笼罩下。 After completing all these, Yang Haixin provides leadership, one step has stepped into that light screen. 做好这一切后,杨海芯身先士卒,一步踏入了那光幕。 Buzz! 嗡! A force of traction attracts, all person body anteversions submerged in an unknown space. 一股牵引力吸来,所有的人都身子前倾没入了一个未知的空间内。 Xiao Yun does not arrange in order outside, followed the people to enter inside. 萧云也不列外,跟随着众人进入了里面。 Where is this?” During breath, people only think that the body of own one light went to another place. “这是哪里?”只是一个呼吸间,众人只觉自己的身子一轻就来到了另外一个地方。 Xiao Yun pupil light moves, turns toward side to take a fast look around to go. 萧云眸光一动,也向着旁边扫视而去。 Sees only at present is only a piece of misty white, takes a broad view to look, only thinks own in the middle of the fog. 只见得眼前只是白蒙蒙的一片,放眼望去,只觉自己在云雾当中。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, how I felt that has a cool feeling.” The Yan Shiyan eyelash winks, takes a look to the four directions felt that some hearts are startled. 萧云哥哥,我怎么感觉有着一股凉意。”颜诗嫣睫毛眨动,瞅向四方感到有些心惊。 Why did not know, her felt a aura of threat here. 不知为何,在这里她感到了一丝威胁的气息。 Do not fear that had me, you two followed not to leave in my side.” Xiao Yun took a fast look around four directions, felt that here uncommonness, he has released Spiritual Consciousness, is unable to survey anything unexpectedly, has a fluctuation resisting his Spiritual Consciousness imperceptibly. “别怕,有我在了,你们两都跟在我身边千万别离开。”萧云扫视了一眼四方,也感觉到了这里的不凡,他将灵识释放出去,竟然根本无法探测到什么,无形中有着一股波动将他的灵识给抵挡了下来。 Here inscribes formation mark.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow releases Spiritual Consciousness, the induction said slightly afterward. “这里刻有阵纹。”吞天雀灵识释放出来,略微感应随后说道。 formation mark?” Xiao Yun asked that had the danger?” 阵纹?”萧云问道,“有没有危险?” Properly speaking these formation mark will die generally since birth, two types, one type touches will bring in murderous intention, one type will transmit.” “按理说这些阵纹一般会有生死,两种,一种触动就会引来杀机,一种将传送出去。” Was a pity, my strength no longer in the past, is hard to endure to break these restriction mark.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said with a sigh. “可惜,我实力不复当年,也难以堪破那些禁纹。”吞天雀叹息道。 At this time Yang Haixin was also sizing up four directions. 这时杨海芯也在打量着四方。 Do not move first, and makes me have a look around situation.” Yang Haixin said. “你们先别动,且让我看看附近的情况。”杨海芯说道。 Yes!” Sea Mist Sect disciple stands in same place, does not dare to act rashly. “是!”海岚宗弟子纷纷站在原地,不敢妄动。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun.” Yan Shiyan arrives at side Xiao Yun hastily, wants to pull his arm. 萧云哥哥。”颜诗嫣连忙走到萧云身边,想挽住他的手臂。 Here mist winds around, passes sends out a gloomy fluctuation, lets the person palpitation. 这里雾气缭绕,透发出一股阴森的波动,让人心悸。 This fluctuation can affect mind of person. 这种波动可以影响人的心神 Buzz! 嗡! Who would have thought Yan Shiyan just stepped footsteps piece of light runes then to bloom, complete package, a force of traction fetter. 哪知颜诗嫣刚迈动脚步一片光纹便是绽放了开来,将之完全包裹,一股牵引力将之束缚。 Elder Sister.” Yan Shiyan does not feel wonderfully, pupil dew is startled, calls out in alarm hastily. 姐姐。”颜诗嫣感觉不妙,眸露惊慌,连忙惊呼。 Shiyan!” Yan Shifei sees this to have a big shock, the white hands held Yan Shiyan hastily. 诗嫣!”颜诗妃见此大惊失色,玉手连忙抓住了颜诗嫣 Shifei, Shiyan!” Xiao Yun one startled, where he felt that formation mark was starting, desperate under also held the white hands of Yan Shifei hastily, then rays of light dodges, then the their three people package, but vanished in suddenly same place. 诗妃,诗嫣!”萧云一惊,在哪里他感觉到了阵纹在启动,情急下连忙也抓住了颜诗妃的玉手,然后光芒一闪,便是将他们三人包裹,只是一个眨眼间就消失在了原地。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Where did they go to?” Looks several people that side is vanishing inexplicably, a disciple heart of Sea Mist Sect is startled. “她们去哪里了?”望着旁边莫名消失的几人,海岚宗弟子一阵心惊。 They touched formation mark, was transmitted another place.” Yang Haixin frowns saying. “她们触动了阵纹,被传送到了另外一地。”杨海芯皱眉道 „Can they have the danger?” A Yan Yueying face worries to ask. “那她们会不会有危险?”颜月莹一脸担忧问道。 Should unable.” Yang Haixin said that according to the news that I obtain, here formation mark will transmit the person to the different places, if the luck good also to obtain the chance, if the luck is not good, that will encounter the danger, once rushed that has been able to achieve the Black Clouds Cave abdomen.” “应该不会。”杨海芯说道,“据我得到的消息,这里的阵纹会将人传送到不同的地方,若是运气好还可以得到机缘,若是运气不好,那将遇到危险,一旦闯过那么就可以达到黑云窟的腹部了。” Has Nether Fruit there.” She resembles about Black Clouds Cave knew. “在那里将有着摩罗冥果。”她似对黑云窟十分了解。 „.” Hears the Yan Shifei sisters not necessarily to have the danger, that Yan Yueying then relaxed. “哦。”听到颜诗妃姐妹并不一定有危险,那颜月莹这才松了口气。 Too should not be worried that has that Junior Brother Xiao, thinks that they will not have big obstructing.” Yang Haixin hesitates slightly said at once that you hand in hand, we will touch formation mark not to disperse as the matter stands, so can also deal with the accident together.” “你们也不要太担心,有那萧师弟在,想必她们不会有大碍。”杨海芯略微沉吟旋即说道,“你们都手牵着手,这样一来我们触动阵纹就不会分散了,如此也可以一起应付变故。” Em.” The people nod, hastily hand in hand, if were dispersed came them, but has not grasped withdraws! “恩。”众人点头,连忙手牵着手,若是被分散了开来她们可是没有把握脱身啊! Thump! 咚! Also in this time, Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei Yan Shiyan only thinks that the body in falling downwards, fell on a mysterious place afterward. 也是在此时,萧云颜诗妃颜诗嫣只觉身子在下坠,随后落在了一个神秘的地方。 Several people at present one bright, then saw a piece of emerald green wooded mountain. 几人眼前一亮,便是看到了一片翠绿的山林。 Here has the small bridge over the flowing stream, the mountains and rivers flows, the nearby is green and luxuriant, the hundred flowers bloom, a wisp of sunlight sways, but under makes the person be refreshing. 这里有着小桥流水,山河流淌,附近葱葱郁郁,百花绽放,一缕阳光挥洒而下让人神清气爽。 Where is this?” Looks at present one, Xiao Yun slightly is also startled, feels somewhat bewilderedly. “这是哪里?”瞧得眼前的一幕,萧云也是微微一怔,感到有些莫名其妙。 A moment ago wasn't also in Black Clouds Cave?” This makes people feel the surprise. “刚才不是还在黑云窟内吗?”这让人感到诧异。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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