EMS :: Volume #3

#205: Enters the dark clouds hole!

Chapter 205 enters Black Clouds Cave! 第205章入黑云窟 In various factions also many people want to come to here to try one's luck alone, but in looking at various faction all some people came also to join in the middle of own Sect hereafter, cultivator that moreover some liked acting alone also ambushed in the rear area, has not planned instantly to leave. Ha 本来各派中还有许多人想单独来这里碰运气,可是在瞧得各派皆有人来此后也就加入了自己宗派当中,另外也有一些喜欢独行的修者还潜伏在后方,并没有打算立即动身。哈 In True Yuan perfection boundary, but actually does not need to be worried.” “都在真元圆满境,倒不用担心。” That person really has half Yuan Core Realm.” Many people after taking a fast look around four directions, secret nod. “那人果然有着半步元丹境。”许多人在扫视了一眼四方后,暗暗点头。 In these teams of troops also only then in that crowd of loose cultivator has -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse. 这几队人马中也就只有那群散修中有一个半步元丹境强者 Hehe, the Boss, this Black Clouds Cave inside treasure definitely was our.” In the middle of that crowd of loose cultivator wears soft armor, is red a guy pair of upper arm is being similar to the copper bell common pupil is taking a fast look around the four directions, after seeing several groups of troops does not have half step Yuan Core Realm powerhouse, he cannot help but fierce smiles, that sound appears quite wild, dissolute. 呵呵,老大,这次黑云窟里面的宝物肯定是我们的了。”那群散修当中一个身穿软甲,赤着膀子的大汉一双如同铜铃一般的眸子扫视着四方,在见得几路人马中都没有半步元丹境强者后,他不由得狰狞一笑,那声音显得颇为狂暴,放肆。 You look, many attractive females.” “你看,好多漂亮的女子。” Ha Ha, these younger sisters as pretty as a flower, if can get up them, is crisp!” Some people are also the quite dissolute glance go, after discovering Sea Mist Sect disciple, some people almost flowed out in the middle of the saliva meaning to be self-evident. “哈哈,这些妹子一个个都如花似玉,要是能把她们上了,多爽啊!”一些人也是颇为放肆的扫视而去,在发现海岚宗弟子后,一些人几乎都流出了口水当中的意思不言而喻。 Gives me the convergence point, that is Sea Mist Sect disciple, do not talk too much.” What is the head is a stature slender man, the years 20 over, pupil light is very profound, in the foreheads passes sends out for several points ruthlessly severe, he after was taking a fast look around four directions lightly said that all entered Black Clouds Cave to say.” “给我收敛点,那是海岚宗弟子,不要多言。”为首的是一个身材修长的男子,年月20出头,眸光很深邃,眉宇间透发出几分狠厉,他在淡淡的扫视了一眼四方后道,“一切等进入了黑云窟在说。” Yes!” Nearby person immediately shuts up, when takes a look to Sea Mist Sect these disciple that wipes fiery is as before difficult to cover conceals. “是!”旁边的人都立即闭嘴,不过瞅向海岚宗那些弟子时那抹火热依旧难掩掩饰。 One group of motley crew.” Huang Jianghe pupil light one cold, dark snort|hum, has not paid attention to these loose cultivator. “一群乌合之众。”黄江鹤眸光一冷,暗哼了一句,并没有理会那些散修 Takes a fast look around the front as for Yang Haixin, in inducing fluctuation in river, she must choose the place that most suits flies acorss. 至于杨海芯则是扫视前方,在感应着河中的波动,她要选择一段最适合飞渡的地方。 Big brother, you looked that Xiao Yun came to here unexpectedly.” In the Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple group, Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, said. “大哥,你看,那萧云竟然来了这里。”在天元宗弟子群中,郑天伟眸光一凝,说道。 This boy unexpectedly and Sea Mist Sect person in the same place.” Nearby Li Ji and Feng Liang have also discovered Xiao Yun. “这小子竟然和海岚宗的人在一起。”旁边的李吉冯亮也是发现了萧云 Xiao Yun?” Zheng Tianxiang pupil light moves, has not thought that he came to here unexpectedly.” This makes him feel curious. 萧云?”郑天翔眸光一动,“没有想到他竟然来了这里。”这让他感到好奇。 Big brother, do we want?” The Zheng Tianwei pupil dew is sinister and ruthless. “大哥,我们要不要?”郑天伟眸露阴毒。 Does not need to worry.” Zheng Tianxiang lightly saying, „, since he must go to Black Clouds Cave also to fear that doesn't have the opportunity to cope?” “不必着急。”郑天翔淡淡的说道,“既然他要去黑云窟难道还怕没有机会对付吗?” Afterward, he continues to observe the front, must find a place to fly acorss. 随后,他继续观察前方,要找一个地方飞渡。 Now the Monster Beast imposing manner in that river unceasingly is still dropping, the people also best opportunity ford and other. 现在那河里的妖兽气势还在不断下降,众人也在等一个最佳的时机渡河。 Shout! 呼! In rear area, some people appear here, some people in threes and fours, some people alone come this. 在后方,又有人出现在此,有的人三五成群,有的人则是独自来此。 restriction became less crowded.” 禁制已经松动了。” This group of fellows so timidly are afraid of getting into trouble, unexpectedly also in?” Some person of coldly smile, after pupil light glance four directions, immediately takes out Magic Item, the stimulation of movement, will then turn toward the front rivers to fly acorss to go, planned that must rely on Magic Item to fly directly this river. “这群家伙如此胆小怕事,竟然还在等?”有人冷冷一笑,眸光扫视四方后当即取出一件法器,将之催动,便向着前方的河流飞渡而去,打算要直接凭借法器飞过此河。 This person of age had about 30, was loose cultivator, has achieved True Yuan perfection boundary. 这人年纪有近30了,是一个散修,已经达到了真元圆满之境 „A boorish fellow.” Sees this person directly to go to forward flight, various group of troops all some people exude the coldly snorted sound. “一介莽夫。”见得这人直接向前飞去,各路人马皆是有人发出冷哼声。 Shout! 呼! brilliance glitters, that person treadonned flight Magic Item of disc shape to pass over gently and swiftly void. 光华闪烁,那个人脚踏着一个圆盘形态的飞行法器掠过虚空。 Then, in this person flies is void, below river, Nether Qi mixes, a shadow glitters unexpectedly. 然后,就在此人飞到虚空时,下方的河里,冥气搅动,一道黑影蓦地闪烁而出。 Bang! 砰! The black light twinkle, is similar to cold glow has delimited the void, racket maliciously on that cultivator flight Magic Item. 乌光闪烁,如同冷芒划过虚空,狠狠的拍在那个修者的飞行法器上。 „It is not good, is True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary Monster Beast.” The formidable strength wreaked havoc to come, to make void start ripples, was similar to has the wild waves tumbling to it submergence, panic-stricken, that cultivator put forth handle blade line of Magic Item hastily, take action resists. “不好,是真元后期圆满境妖兽。”强大的劲气肆虐而来,让得虚空都掀起了一阵涟漪,如同有着骇浪翻滚要将之淹没,惊骇之下,那个修者连忙使出一柄刀行法器,出手抵挡。 When is at his take action, in that river the shadow twinkle, several Black Clouds Nether Beast are also the take action sneak attacks. 哪知就在他出手之际,那河里面黑影闪烁,几头黑云冥兽也是出手偷袭。 Under counts, actually has four True Yuan perfection boundary Black Clouds Nether Beast simultaneously take action. 细数下,竟然有着四头真元圆满境黑云冥兽同时出手 Although these Monster Beast imposing manners have been weaken, but these many take action, cannot be underestimated together as before. 虽然这些妖兽气势有所减弱,可这么多一起出手,依旧不容小觑。 Bang! 砰! Puts in an appearance, that cultivator was torn by Monster Beast, then the whole person and Magic Item have crashed in the river. 只是一个照面,那个修者就被一头妖兽生生撕裂,然后整个人与法器都坠落了河里。 At once these Monster Beast sneak in the water immediately. 旋即那些妖兽立即潜入水中。 Good terror.” Sees this, all people turn very quiet, for this reason feels a palpitation. “好恐怖。”见得此幕,所有的人都不由屏住呼吸,为此感到一阵心悸。 Zheng Tianxiang and the others are actually a face hesitates, as if had expected already. 郑天翔等人却是一脸沉吟,似乎对此早就有所预料。 A moment ago, what first take action is a black python, afterward is some Black Clouds Nether Beast coordination attacks.” Xiao Yun relied on formidable Spiritual Consciousness to receive in the eye completely, started carefully to analyze, this person, although had flight Magic Item, but that Magic Item obviously was most low-level did not have the defensive power, will therefore collapse at the first blow.” “刚才,首先出手的是一头黑蟒,随后才是一些黑云冥兽配合袭击。”萧云凭借着强大的灵识将刚才的一幕完全收入了眼中,开始仔细分析了起来,“这人虽然有飞行法器,不过那法器明显是最低级的根本不具备防御力,所以才会不堪一击。” Does not know that what Magic Item this Yang Haixin does have?” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly. “也不知这杨海芯有什么法器?”萧云暗自沉吟。 Senior Sister Yang, did our several tenths assurance cross here?” Yan Yueying asked that she behind many sisters were also pupil inquired. 杨师姐,我们几成把握渡过这里?”颜月莹问道,她身后许多的姐妹也是眸露询问。 90%.” The Yang Haixin words are not many, is very simple. “九成。”杨海芯话语不多,却很干脆。 90%?” hear speech/words, the people relaxed. “九成?”闻言,众人都是松了口气。 Had a Liezi, many people do not dare to leave rashly. 有了一个列子,许多人都不敢在贸然动身。 Until after a double-hour, the Monster Beast aura in river is weaken unceasingly, the people start to get ready to leave. 直到过了一个时辰后,河里的妖兽气息不断减弱,众人才开始准备动身。 Yang Haixin pupil light moves, the control then presented a small boat of round jade-green light twinkle immediately, above trace circulation, but also inscribes rune seal, is similar to ripples the small boat in sea, she has pinched magic arts, during pours into, this small boat saw to rise immediately against the wind, changes into one to have seven meters great boat, piece of jade-green light also bloomed. 杨海芯眸光一动,手心当即便是出现了一轮碧光闪烁的小舟,上面纹路流转,还刻有符篆,就如同一艘荡漾在大海中的小舟,她掐了一个法诀,注入当中,这小舟立即迎风见涨,化为了一艘能有七米长的巨舟,一片碧光也是随之绽放了出来。 „, Steps into the boat.” Yang Haixin said in a low voice. “诸位,踏入舟中。”杨海芯低声道。 Yes!” After Sea Mist Sect disciple hear, has leapt immediately forward in that jade-green boat. “是!”海岚宗弟子听后,立即都跃入了那碧舟内。 During Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei sisters are also fall. 萧云颜诗妃姐妹也是落入当中。 This Magic Item has as if surmounted top level!” Nearby seeing must this thing, in the pupil all reveals fiery rays of light. “这法器似乎超越了顶级啊!”附近的见得此物,眸中皆是露出火热的光芒 Also was at this time, Yang Haixin stimulated to movement Magic Item, then turned toward the front to fly. 也就是这时,杨海芯催动法器,便向着前方飞去。 She has chosen a quite narrow section, is not only because here narrow, but also inside Black Clouds Nether Beast are extremely also few. 她选择了一个比较窄的河段,不仅是因为这里窄,而且里面的黑云冥兽也极少。 Here many are some high Black Netherworld Tiger and black deep blood eyeball beast. 这里多数都是一些高黑冥幽虎及黑冥血睛兽。 The flying boat to spatial is not high, only then hundred meters, because then has restriction to fluctuate above hundred meters, is impassable. 飞舟离空并不高,只有百米,因为在百米之上便有着一股禁制波动,不可超越。 Otherwise touched restriction is very dangerous. 不然触动了禁制将十分危险。 After this flying boat enters is spatial, people pupil light concentrates, tight is staring at the front. 当这飞舟入空后,众人都眸光一凝,紧紧的盯着前方。 Such some people of explorer, the people are also are glad idly. 有这么一个探路的人,众人也是乐得清闲。 Shout! 呼! After flying boat enters is spatial, the light glitters, formidable fresh breeze is similar to the sharp knife blade generally in the sky cuts. 就在飞舟入空后,光影闪烁,一股强大的劲风便如同利刃一般当空斩来。 Fluctuation of very powerful.” This fluctuation makes that flying boat in void tremble, appearance that creakying, inside some female disciple face dew are tight, that loose cultivator fate made them have to the heart raise a moment ago. 好强大的波动。”这股波动使得那飞舟都是在虚空为之一颤,一副摇摇欲坠的模样,里面的一些女弟子脸露紧张,刚才那个散修的下场使得她们不得不把心都提了起来。 Draws back to me.” Yang Haixin pupil light concentrates, that Magic Item sea heart moon in the hand, then wards off immediately to that shadow. “给我退。”杨海芯眸光一凝,那法器海心月轮在手,当即便是向那道黑影辟去。 jade-green light has delimited together void, is similar to crescent moon cuts, the curve is exquisite, is middle strength is frightening. 一道碧光划过虚空,如同弯月斩下,弧度优美柔和,可是当中的力量却让人心惊。 Bang! 砰! jade-green light dodges, void splashes immediately together the blood light, then some people then discovered that a python tail falls in the sky. 碧光一闪,虚空中当即溅起一道血光,然后有人便是发现,一条蟒尾当空落下。 The python mixes in the river, exudes a pitiful yell sound. 巨蟒在河里搅动,发出一阵惨叫声。 Shout! 呼! However at this time, the nearby had several Black Clouds Nether Beast to soar. 不过在这时,附近有几头黑云冥兽腾飞而来。 These Monster Beast can fly, flies acorss the long river biggest enemy. 这些妖兽可以飞行,是飞渡长河的最大敌人。 Ties Green Sea Blue Sky Formation, resists these Monster Beast together.” Yang Haixin shouted to clear the way toward Junior Sister. “结碧海蓝天阵,一起抵挡住这些妖兽。”杨海芯向着身边的师妹喝道。 Yes!” Flying boat inside female looks had this plan, the respective magic arts stimulation of movement, the jade-green light twinkle, has haunched light halo, they are similar to place oneself in the middle of the blue sea blue sky, is treading the boat the line, several Black Clouds Nether Beast wield the claw attack to come, makes that jade-green light tremble merely, flood ripples, flying boat as before during continuing advance. “是!”飞舟里面的女子找就已经有此打算,各自法诀催动,碧光闪烁,就撑起了一个光圈,她们如同置身在碧海蓝天当中,正踏舟而行,几头黑云冥兽挥爪攻击而来,仅仅只是使得那碧光一颤,泛起一阵涟漪而已,飞舟依旧在继续前进当中。 Kill! 杀! But at this time Yang Haixin, Huang Jianghe and other True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator started take action, kills to these Monster Beast. 而这时杨海芯,黄江鹤等几个真元圆满境修者已经开始出手,杀向那些妖兽 Is also resisted in Monster Beast that under this coordination these sneak attack. 在这种配合下那些来偷袭的妖兽也就被抵挡了下来。 Two breathed this flying boat to go forward several hundred meters, has achieved the river opposite shore. 只是两个呼吸这飞舟就前进了数百米,已经达到了河对岸。 After arriving at the river opposite shore, immediately has many Monster Beast pursuit. 到达河对岸后,立即有着更多的妖兽追击而来。 However relatively speaking, the people were actually relaxed. 不过相比而言,众人却是轻松了许多。 Xiao Yun stimulates to movement Soul Power to frighten, to cause Monster Beast that secretly, when pursues first was startled to stop same place. 萧云暗自催动灵魂力震慑,使得当先追来的妖兽一怔停在了原地。 While such time, Sea Mist Sect disciple killed under the opposite mountain wall. 趁着这么一个时间,海岚宗弟子就杀到了对面的山壁下。 The front mountain wall has many caverns, each has restriction to reappear, is similar to light screens flood the intermittent ripples. 前方山壁有着许多的洞窟,每一个都有着禁制浮现,如同一片光幕泛起阵阵涟漪。 This cavern restriction already very weak, enters inside opportunity.” After Yang Haixin pupil light concentrates took a fast look around these caverns of four directions, chooses restriction fluctuated weakly to plunder, her palm turns, stimulates to movement that sea heart moon then broken to go toward that restriction. “这个洞窟的禁制已经十分薄弱,正是进入里面的机会。”杨海芯眸光一凝扫视了四方的那些洞窟后,选择了一个禁制波动最弱的掠去,她手掌一翻,催动那海心月轮便是向着那禁制破去。 Buzz! 嗡! jade-green light dodges, directly is arbitrary breaks into that General restriction to tear an opening. 碧光一闪,直接是蛮横的破入那禁制上将之生生撕裂出一个口子。 „Did restriction open?” Sees the tone that this was torn, some Sea Mist Sect disciple are ready to make trouble, the pupil dew is excited. 禁制开了吗?”见得这被撕裂开来的口气,海岚宗一些弟子蠢蠢欲动,眸露兴奋。 Perhaps everybody, this entrance multi- danger exists carefully, must maintain the vigilance.” Yang Haixin said toward the people. “大家小心点,这入口也许多危险存在,一定要保持警惕。”杨海芯向着众人说道。 Em.” Yan Yueying and the others nodded, was plunders into that cavern. “恩。”颜月莹等人点头,便是掠入了那洞窟内。 Xiao Yun led the Yan Shifei sisters also to enter inside. 萧云带着颜诗妃姐妹也进入了里面。 After the person entered in the cavern in the presence of everyone, Yang Haixin enters inside. 当众人都进入了洞窟内后杨海芯才进入里面。 Afterward, she pushed to the front, stands in the front line, that Huang Jianghe and the others in the rear area guarded. 随后,她一马当先,站在了最前方,那黄江鹤等人则在后方防备。 Xiao Yun is Yan Shifei and the others in the middle. 萧云则是与颜诗妃等人在中间。 After entering the cavern, inside cold wind is intermittent, a piece jet black almost, is hard to see the thing three meters away. 进入洞窟后,里面阴风阵阵,一片漆黑几乎,难以看到三米之外的事物。 Xiao Yun releases Soul Power, brow jumps immediately, he felt many life aura in inside. 萧云灵魂力释放出去,眉头当即就是一跳,在里面他感觉到了许多生命气息 Inside has Monster Beast, everybody was careful.” Xiao Yun said. “里面有妖兽,大家小心。”萧云说道。 Has Monster Beast?” The people are tense. “有妖兽?”众人都是一阵紧张。 Your this boy do not play tricks in this.” Saying of that Huang Jianghe coldly. “你这小子别在这装神弄鬼。”那黄江鹤冷冷的说道。 Xiao Yun also being disinclined manages him, is only in side secretly vigilant, prepares take action at any time. 萧云也懒得理他,只是在旁边暗自警惕,随时准备出手 Here will indeed have Monster Beast to appear and disappear, everybody carefully.” Yang Haixin took the lead also to feel a different place. “这里的确会有妖兽出没,大家小心点。”杨海芯走在前面也感觉到了一丝异处。 Her white hands raise, sea heart moon jade-green light blooms, illuminates the front completely. 她玉手一扬,海心月轮碧光绽放,将前方完全照亮。 Also a sharp cry resounds in this channel at this moment unexpectedly. 也就在这时一阵尖锐的叫声蓦地在这通道内响起。 Shout! 呼! Following closely, a sound of instigation wing is similar to that sea tide is generally overlapping, then blots out the sky resounds through. 紧随着,一阵煽动翅膀的声音如同那海潮一般层层叠叠,然后铺天盖地的响彻开来。 „It is not good, is one flock of monster bat!” The person eye pupil of Sea Mist Sect shrinks suddenly, the screams also resound through. “不好,是一群妖蝠!”海岚宗的人眼瞳骤然一缩,惊呼声也是随之响彻开来。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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