EMS :: Volume #3

#204: Blustery

Chapter 204 is blustery 第204章风起云涌 The time passes, in the wooded mountain has Monster Beast to collect to come from the surrounding unceasingly, what is extraordinary is they have not attacked Sea Mist Sect these people, but directly soars that Black Cloud Gorge to go, finally collected there, but enormous a fluctuation in the middle of that mountain stream was increasing unceasingly.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 时间流逝,山林中不断有妖兽从外围汇集而来,出奇的是他们并没有攻击海岚宗这些人,而是直奔那黑云涧而去,最后汇集在了那里,只是在那山涧当中一股极大的波动在不断增加。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] This fluctuation makes many people feel that a heart is startled. 这种波动让得许多人感到一阵心惊。 Here Monster Beast are many!” Yan Yueying and the others brows tightly frowns, if so many Monster Beast gather in that mountain stream, how general cultivator can cross to enter into that Black Clouds Cave? This obviously is impossible matter! “这里的妖兽不少啊!”颜月莹等人眉头紧锁,若是如此多的妖兽都聚集在那山涧内,一般的修者如何能渡过迈入了那黑云窟内?这明显是不可能的事情啊! Xiao Yun is also secret surprised, does not know that this Black Cloud Gorge has any positive result. 萧云也是暗暗惊讶,不知这黑云涧到底有什么名堂。 Because this was too strange. 因为这实在太奇怪了。 In perhaps this Black Cloud Gorge really has the secret.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is stern-faced, said. “这黑云涧内或许真的有着秘密。”吞天雀一脸凝重,说道。 Secret?” Xiao Yun asked that what have you discovered?” “秘密?”萧云问道,“你发现了什么?” Also is hard to determine.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that here should be somewhat dangerous, hopes we will not meet.” “还难以确定。”吞天雀说道,“这里应该有些危险,希望我们不会遇到吧。” We?” Xiao Yun stares, „can't you deal with?” This makes him feel the surprise. “我们?”萧云一愣,“连你也不能应付?”这让他感到诧异。 Must know that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow can fight Yuan Core 2-layer boundary powerhouse! 要知道,吞天雀可是能战元丹两重境强者啊! Does not need extremely to be worried.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that we want carefully, should not have the matter.” “也不用太过担心。”吞天雀说道,“我们只要小心一点,应该不会有事。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, his goal is Nether Fruit as well as that Rubbing Silk Flower, so long as obtained these things, once encountered any danger to leave immediately is, he not for that so-called chance will take risk. “恩。”萧云点头,这次他的目的是摩罗冥果以及那摩罗之花,只要得到了这些东西,一旦遇到了什么危险立即抽身就是,他可不会为了那所谓的机缘去冒险。 After all also has the Yan Shifei sisters in this side! 毕竟在这身边还有颜诗妃姐妹啊! You looked that some there people are also waiting.” Suddenly, some people said low voice. “你们看,那里也有人在等候。”突然,有人小声说道。 „The person who leave alone they, this time come has, we attended to own on the line.” Huang Jianghe lightly saying. “别管他们,这次来的人有很多,我们顾好自己就行了。”黄江鹤淡淡的说道 Side these disciple secret nods, was not saying. 旁边那些弟子暗暗点头,也不在多说。 Big brother, this Black Cloud Gorge collected that many Monster Beast, how later can enter that Black Clouds Cave?” On another hillside, several youth crowd around silently are paying together also attention to the sound of front mountain stream, middle person of Zheng Tianwei. “大哥,这黑云涧汇集了那么多妖兽,待会怎么能进入那黑云窟吗?”在另外一处山坡上,几个青年簇拥在一起也是默默的关注着前方山涧的动静,当中一人正是郑天伟 To the mid-night, Nether Qi restraining, restriction touches, when the time comes the Monster Beast strength plummets, so long as our take action naturally can arrive at that Black Clouds Cave with joint forces.” Zheng Tianxiang smiles lightly, afterward took a look to several youth said that Junior Brother Cheng, Senior Brother Zhou, the people of this various factions collected here, if we worked as one, thinks that also has strength of the struggle.” “到午夜时分,冥气收敛,禁制触动,到时候妖兽实力骤降,只要我们合力出手自然可以到达那黑云窟。”郑天翔淡淡一笑,随后瞅向了身边的几个青年说道,“程师弟,周师兄,这次各派的人都汇集在此,我们若是齐心协力,想必也还有着一争之力。” This we know.” Nearby youth, both hands holds the chest, said that we, since is the same side, naturally cannot cheap others.” “这个我们知道。”旁边一个青年,双手抱胸,道,“我们既然是同门,自然不能便宜了别人。” This personal name is Cheng Yue, has True Yuan perfection boundary cultivation level. 此人名为程悦,有着真元圆满境修为 This Cheng Yue and Zhou Zhen are Core Palace Dragon Leaping Peak disciple, at this moment comes for Nether Fruit. 程悦周震都是核心殿龙跃峰弟子,此刻正是为了摩罗冥果而来。 „The person who Hehe, this time comes although are many, but that several hard to deal with fellow has not arrived, our several people have nothing to dread with joint forces.” The Zhou Zhen corners of the mouth pull, say with a smile, that several loose cultivator strengths seem to be good!” 呵呵,这次来的人虽然不少,可那几个难缠的家伙并没有到,我们几人合力也没有什么可畏惧的了。”周震嘴角一扯,笑道,“不过那几个散修似乎实力不错啊!” loose cultivator?” The Zheng Tianxiang brow selects, takes a look toward a not far away mountain top, where has one crowd of loose cultivator impressively, from each kingdom, does not belong to major Sect, looks some fluctuation just like people who there sends out to achieve half Yuan Core Realm. 散修?”郑天翔眉头一挑,向着不远处的一个山头瞅去,在哪里赫然有着一群散修,来自各个王国,并不属于各大宗派,瞧那里散发出来的波动俨然有人达到了半步元丹境 Why must to dread them?” Zheng Tianxiang shot a look at a that direction lightly, afterward then took back pupil light to say with a smile, we were the Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Palace talents, can it be how many can loose cultivator compare? Was saying, so long as I and others must break through, half Yuan Core Realm hasn't divided minute's of matter?” “何须畏惧他们?”郑天翔淡淡的瞥了一眼那个方向,随后便是收回了眸光笑道,“我们可是天元宗核心殿的天才,岂是几个散修可比?在说了,只要我等要突破,半步元丹境还不是分分钟的事情?” Hehe, how many Senior Brother, extraordinary natural talent, in Leaping Dragon Peak is existence of best pick of the crop, can it be that can these people compare? Waited this time to obtain Nether Fruit, certainly can on the 1-layer building, climb up the road of Peak.” Nearby some True Yuan late-stage youth echo to say. 呵呵,几位师兄,天赋异禀,在跃龙峰都是拔尖的存在,岂是这些人可比?等此次获得了摩罗冥果,一定可以更上一层楼,攀上巅峰之路。”旁边一些真元后期的青年附和道。 Zheng Tianxiang and the others slight bow. 郑天翔等人微微点头。 Their here altogether 23 people, middle have achieved the True Yuan perfection boundary three people, the True Yuan late-stage Peak six people, other has achieved True Yuan middle-stage Peak or True Yuan late-stage, such battle formation places in Southern Border major Sect young disciple to calculate that is not weak. 他们这里一共有23个人,当中达到了真元圆满境的三人,真元后期巅峰的六人,其余的都达到了真元中期巅峰或者真元后期,这样的阵势放在南疆各大宗派的年轻弟子中都算不弱了。 Meanwhile, near Black Cloud Gorge, Southern Sea Sword Sect cultivator is also paying attention to this matter. 与此同时,在黑云涧附近,南海剑派修者也在关注此事。 Various group of talents get together in this, in waiting silently. 各路天才齐聚于此,都在默默的等候。 Suddenly, in this mountain has the feeling that a wind and rain wants but actually. 一时间,这片山间倒有着一种风雨欲来的感觉。 Has not known how long, weather is gradually black, but the fog between this wooded mountains actually unceasingly pasts, slowly formed giant vortex all Nether Qi to collect to this in the black Yuan gorge unexpectedly, then as if submerged in the middle of bottomless black hole. 不知过了多久,天色渐黑,可是这山林间的云雾却不断流转,慢慢的竟然在黑元涧形成了一个巨大的漩涡所有的冥气都在向此汇集,然后似乎没入了一个无底黑洞当中。 These do Nether Qi start to collect unexpectedly?” Xiao Yun is startled to feel somewhat surprisedly, he releases to induce that Black Cloud Gorge strange place Spiritual Consciousness hastily, unexpectedly, he discovered fuzzily that these Nether Qi as if submerged in the middle of a great river unexpectedly. “这些冥气竟然开始汇集?”萧云一怔感到有些惊讶,他连忙将灵识释放出去以感应那黑云涧的诡异之处,蓦地,他模糊的发现,那些冥气竟然似乎没入了一条巨河当中。 This great river Nether Qi tumbles, probably is connecting earth arteries unceasingly, continuously Nether Qi wells up to inside. 这条巨河冥气翻滚,好像连接着地脉,源源不断冥气不断的向里面涌去。 Moreover, Black Cloud Gorge Monster Beast also collects by this great river, the body has faint trace Nether Qi to overflow. 不仅如此,黑云涧妖兽也汇集在这条巨河旁边,身上都有着一丝丝冥气溢出。 What's all this about?” Xiao Yun vaguely felt that these Monster Beast are plummeting along with the Nether Qi overflow strength. “这是怎么回事?”萧云依稀感觉到那些妖兽随着冥气的溢出实力在骤降。 What may feel strange is these Monster Beast is very serene, stays in side, appears systematic, has one type to listen respectfully to the feeling of instruction. 可奇怪的是那些妖兽很安详,都呆在旁边,显得井然有序,有着一种在聆听教诲的感觉。 In the middle of Nether Qi has a slight fluctuation.” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun felt has probably similar Spiritual Consciousness and so on fluctuation flutters in the Black Cloud Gorge air, that Spiritual Consciousness is lax, but actually gives people an extremely restless feeling. 冥气当中有着一股细微的波动。”蓦地,萧云感觉到好像有着一股类似灵识之类的波动在黑云涧的空气当中飘荡,那灵识涣散,可是却给人一种极为不安的感觉。 This Black Clouds Cave has the powerhouse deep sleep.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “这黑云窟强者沉睡。”吞天雀说道。 powerhouse in deep sleep?” Xiao Yun stares. 强者在沉睡?”萧云一愣。 Em.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that present that powerhouse is passing on the law.” “恩。”吞天雀说道,“如今那位强者在传法。” Passes on the law?” This made Xiao Yun more curious. “传法?”这让萧云更加好奇了。 If I guess right, that powerhouse should be injured, source essence is dissipating, elegantly in this stretch of world, therefore he needs to condense in body these source essence, so can maintain the own strength does not drop.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that these life became in Monster Beast of this region for it condenses the source essence existed best.” “如果我猜得没错的话,那强者应该是受伤了,身上的本源精气在消散,飘逸在这片天地,所以他需要将那些本源精气重新凝聚于体,如此才可以保持自己实力不下降。”吞天雀道,“这些生活在这片区域的妖兽就成为了替它凝聚本源精气的最佳存在了。” You were said that this former did send out a thought to teach these Monster Beast practice?” The Xiao Yun pupil dew asked suddenly. “你是说这位前者散发出一丝意念在教这些妖兽修炼?”萧云眸露恍然问道。 Good.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „when other Monster Beast practice to certain extent, he will make them put out Nether Qi, but unceasingly will pass on the law, directs these Monster Beast practice, therefore when this time, had Monster Beast to collect in this.” “不错。”吞天雀道,“等这些妖兽修炼到一定程度时,他就会让它们吐出冥气,可是又会不断传法,指点这些妖兽修炼,所以每到这个时候,都有妖兽汇集于此。” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow saw this Black Cloud Gorge clue is. 吞天雀一眼就看出了这黑云涧的端倪所在。 Such exaggeration.” Xiao Yun pupil dew surprise. “这么夸张。”萧云眸露诧异。 This some big methods! 这得有多大的手段啊! This world is very big, true powerhouse sends out a thought that can also control a side big domain. “这世界很大,真正的强者就算散发出一丝意念,也可以控制一方大域 This powerhouse only feared that was very weak.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “这个强者只怕很虚弱了。”吞天雀说道。 „Do we also want to go to Black Clouds Cave?” Xiao Yun asked. “那我们还要去黑云窟吗?”萧云问道。 Goes, naturally goes.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that believes us, so long as does not disturb him should not to have the matter.” “去,当然去。”吞天雀道,“相信我们只要不打扰他应该不会有事。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, was digesting the information slowly. “恩。”萧云点头,在慢慢消化刚才的信息。 Afterward, Nether Qi was inhaled in earth arteries unceasingly, time also more and more near midnight. 随后,冥气不断被吸入了地脉内,时间也越来越接近午夜了。 Unknowingly, the mist that Black Cloud Gorge winds around is unceasingly thin, nearby air also becomes fresh. 不知不觉,黑云涧缭绕的雾气不断稀薄,附近的空气也变得清鲜起来。 A wisp of moonlight sways, helping the person in mountainside to see the Black Cloud Gorge thing. 一缕月光挥洒而下,使得山腰中的人可以看到黑云涧的事物。 At this moment, all cultivator shaking have shaken by the present picture. 这一刻,所有的修者都被眼前的景象给震了一震。 What presents in the people present is rivers, above mist suddenly, is similar to continuously the black fog, a leader Monster Beast ambush in the river, has the black deep blood eyeball beast, has Black Clouds Nether Beast, has Black Netherworld Tiger, has the black bear, blood eyeball Wu Lang, Great Strength Demon Ape. 呈现在众人眼前的是一条河流,上面雾气猛然,如同缕缕黑雾,在河里一头头妖兽潜伏,有黑冥血睛兽,有黑云冥兽,有黑冥幽虎,有黑熊,血睛乌狼,大力魔猿 Various clan Monster Beast gathering same place, is quite magnificent, if under counting, several thousand heads, almost every have achieved Innate Realm, majority in True Yuan Realm, but at this moment they appear slightly weak, because these Monster Beast within the body True Yuan are overflowing unceasingly. 各族妖兽相聚一起,颇为壮观,若是细数之下,足足有数千之头,几乎每头都达到了先天境,大部分在真元境,只是此刻它们显得略微虚弱,因为这些妖兽体内真元正在不断溢出。 Carefully looks that has similar altar general existence in mountain stream that great river, at this moment during massive Nether Qi emerge. 仔细看去,在山涧那巨河中有着一个类似祭坛一般的存在,此刻大量的冥气正是涌入当中。 Good mysterious existence.” Is looking at this, in many person hearts shakes, already heard Black Cloud Gorge is existence of similar restricted area, has not thought that so will be weird, looks at this appearance, has the powerhouse cloth to get down any Formation to absorb Nether Qi very much obviously! “好神奇的存在。”望着这一幕,许多人心中一震,早就听说了黑云涧是一个类似禁地的存在,没有想到会那么邪门,瞧这模样,很显然是有着强者布下了什么阵法在吸收冥气啊! Buzz! 嗡! At this time, the front mountain wall spread a slight fluctuation, immediately caused countless people looked askance. 这时,前方的山壁传出一丝细微的波动,立即引得无数人侧目。 Is Black Clouds Cave restriction.” “是黑云窟禁制。” restriction became less crowded!” People eyes one bright, immediately had discovered on the opposite mountain wall the ripple twinkle, mysterious fluctuation fills the air, carefully looks that has several rock cave caverns to reappear impressively light screens on that mountain wall. 禁制松动了!”众人眼睛一亮,立即发现了对面一出山壁上波纹闪烁,一股晦涩的波动弥漫开来,仔细看去,在那山壁上赫然有着几个石窟洞窟浮现出了一片光幕。 Originally is Nether Qi is absorbed, causing the strength of restriction to drop.” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, now Nether Qi dissipates his Spiritual Consciousness also definitely to touch that mountain wall, some inside clear fluctuations were also given to receive in the eye by him. “原来是冥气被吸收,导致禁制之力下降。”萧云暗暗沉吟,如今冥气消散他的灵识也完全可以触及到那片山壁,里面一些清晰的波动也被他给收入了眼中。 restriction becomes less crowded, group monster strength plummets, is the golden opportunity.” Looks at this, various group of cultivator are the pupil dew is excited. 禁制松动,群妖实力骤降,正是大好时机。”瞧得此幕,各路修者都是眸露激动。 This moment people also understood why said this enters the Black Clouds Cave best opportunity. 此刻众人也是明白了为何说这是进入黑云窟的最佳时机了。 Leaves!” In the mountainside, leader pupil light of various group of troops concentrate, then turns toward the mountainside to plunder. “动身!”在山腰中,各路人马的领头人眸光一凝,便向着山腰掠下。 „!” Yang Haixin that bright pupil moves, turns toward under to plunder. “出发!”杨海芯那明亮的眸子一动,也是率先向着下方掠去。 Whistling! 呼呼! Instantly, in the wooded mountain the sound is from out of the blue unceasing, more than hundred cultivator forms glitter under the moonlight, shortly will appear at the foot of the hill. 霎时,山林中破空声不断,百余名修者的身影在月华下闪烁,顷刻就出现在了山脚下。 In the front of these people, is a great river. 在这些人的前方,为一条巨河。 The great river is very wide, the widest place can have the kilometer, wants to enter the front mountain wall, must cross this river to be good. 巨河很宽,最宽的地方能有千米,想要进入前方的山壁,就必须渡过这条河才行。 But is gathering many Monster Beast at the riverside, where therefore chose fords became the important matter. 可是在河边聚集着不少的妖兽,所以选择从哪里渡河就成为了至关重要的事情了。 The foot gorge edge, several teams of troops also continued appear under the moonlight. 山脚涧边缘,几队人马也相续出现在了月华下。 These people took a look at front that Nether Qi to tumble first, are being dormant thousands of great rivers, then sized up to go toward nearby various group of troops, because to the present, not only need guard against these Monster Beast, nearby cultivator was also the potential enemy. 这些人先是瞅了一眼前方那条冥气翻滚,蛰伏着数以千计的巨河,然后便是向着旁边的各路人马打量而去,因为到了现在,不仅要防备这些妖兽,旁边的修者也是潜在的敌人。 Xiao Yun and the others collected after mountain stream edge, starts to size up to go toward nearby various group of cultivator. 萧云等人汇集在山涧边缘后,也是开始向着旁边的各路修者打量而去。 Under the moonlight, here influence is almost clear. 在月华下,这里的势力几乎是一目了然。 Southern Sea Sword Sect, there are two teams of troops, total 17 people. 南海剑派,有两队人马,共计17人。 Heavenly Yuan Sect, there are one team of troops, 25 people. 天元宗,有一队人马,25人。 Sea Mist Sect one team of troops, 24 people. 海岚宗一队人马,24人。 In addition one team of loose cultivator, the population are most, has 49 people fully, is True Yuan Realm cultivator. 另外还有一队散修,人数最多,足有49人,皆为真元境修者 Has True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary cultivator in these troops, the strength is also about the same. 在这些人马中都有着真元后期圆满境修者,实力也在伯仲之间。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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