EMS :: Volume #3

#232: Double fights

Chapter 232 pair of fights 第232章双强争锋 Then after Xiao Yun observed secretly turned Heavenly Performance Court disciple, has taken back pupil light. 萧云暗暗观察了一翻天秀苑弟子后便收回了眸光 In Heavenly Performance Court also only then two people may become his match, one of them is Li Zun, another person was Zhao Zheng. 天秀苑也就只有两人可成为他的对手,其中一人是李尊,另外一人便是赵政了。 May also merely be the match. 可也仅仅是对手而已。 Now Xiao Yun obtained a Martial Dao true meaning, the whole person is having a natural self-confidence, as well as formidable fighting intent, in his heart, a fearless faith continually is multiplying, takes root, wanting the undefeated to be fearless, is unprecedented good. 如今萧云得到了一丝武道真意,整个人拥有着一股天然的自信,以及强大的战意,在他心中,一种无惧的信念在不断滋生,扎根,想要不败就必须无所畏惧,一往无前才行。 Along with passing of time, Heavenly Performance Court as well as that five peaks disciple challenge tournament also arrived at the last act. 随着时间的流逝,天秀苑以及那五峰弟子的挑战赛也到达了尾声。 Who can you also probably challenge?” On that high stage that in Heavenly Performance Court disciple is , a referee takes a fast look around the people sinking sound track. “你们可有谁还要挑战?”在天秀苑弟子所在的那个高台上,一个裁判扫视众人沉声道。 pupil light, a people piece of silencing, has placed now has almost determined. 眸光所过,众人一片静寂,如今排名已经差不多确定了。 Although these people want to enhance the own position, but the strength was inferior that the person challenges constantly will only make own be injured. 虽然这些人都想提高自己的名次,可是实力不如人一味挑战只会让自己受伤。 In Core Palace, you because, if were injured to delay ten days of half a month time, perhaps behind will have many people to exceed you, therefore little some people will challenge these match who under the balance was hard to defeat, counted breaths the time passing unmanned start to talk. 核心殿,你如果因为受伤耽搁了十天半个月时间,后面或许就会有许多的人超越你,所以在权衡之下很少会有人挑战那些难以战胜的对手,数息时间过去无人开口。 Such being the case......” sees unmanned start to talk, that referee also announced the completion on the preparation. “既然如此……”见无人开口,那裁判也就准备宣布结束了。 Meanwhile, Rising Stars Court individual disciple is ready to fight, appearance that a preparation must challenge. 与此同时,新秀苑个别弟子则是摩拳擦掌,一副准备要去挑战的模样。 Xiao Yun was also waiting for the conclusion of Heavenly Performance Court challenge tournament, so he can challenge Heavenly Performance Court disciple. 萧云也在等候天秀苑挑战赛的结束,如此他就可以去挑战天秀苑弟子了。 However, in this time, ranks in that second, has narrowed the eye to sit well Zhao Zheng tightly in position suddenly has actually opened the pupil, his look is solemn, in the middle of that profound pupil has to make people feel the rays of light twinkle of palpitation together. 然而,就在此时,在那排位第二,一直紧眯着眼睛端坐在位置上的赵政却突然睁开了眸子,他神色冷峻,那深邃的眸子当中有着一道让人感到心悸的光芒闪烁而出。 The next quarter, he sets out suddenly, pupil light moved, takes a look to Li Zun. 下一刻,他霍然起身,眸光一动,瞅向了身边的李尊 Li Zun Senior Brother, comes out a war.” The Zhao Zheng expression is simple-hearted, is nearly solemn, light said, turns toward front challenge stage to walk directly, his step is very steady, the mood is calm, cannot see to have the unnecessary mighty waves. 李尊师兄,出来一战吧。”赵政表情木讷,近乎冷峻,淡淡的道了一句后直接向着前方的一个挑战台走去,他那步伐很稳健,情绪平静,看不出有着多余的波澜。 As if regarding challenging Li Zun, Zhao Zheng not too many pressures as well as excitements. 似乎对于挑战李尊,赵政并没有太多的压力以及兴奋。 This youth so expression, to person an immeasurably deep feeling. 这青年如此表情,给人一种深不可测的感觉。 This Zhao Zheng actually character.” Not far away, the Xiao Yun pupil moves slightly, were many that Zhao Zheng. “这赵政倒是个人物。”不远处,萧云眸子微动,不由多了一眼那赵政 It looks like from the aura of this youth, this person seems having the enormous self-confidence, even if faces that Li Zun as before so. 从这青年的气息看来,此人似乎拥有着极大的自信,哪怕是面对那李尊依旧如此。 Since you must fight me then to accompany.” Li Zun shrugs, as if the challenge to Zhao Zheng had already expected that immediately the pupil moves, glitters to wipe the fine glow, if at once the body the lightning, plundered unexpectedly to that challenge stage. “既然你要一战那么我便奉陪到底。”李尊耸了耸肩,似乎对赵政的挑战早就有所预料,当下眸子一动,闪烁出一抹精芒,旋即身若闪电,蓦地掠向了那个挑战台 That can Zhao Zheng challenge Li Zun?” “那赵政要挑战李尊吗?” They are the Heavenly Performance Court two most top level talents, may be called the monstrous talent level!” “他们可是天秀苑两个最为顶级的天才,堪称妖孽级!” It is said that Li Zun has 72% Spirit Physique values, is the unusual person may compare in entire Core Palace.” “据说那李尊拥有72的灵体值,在整个核心殿也是少有人可比。” That Zhao Zheng is also uncommon, he is having Martial Spirit, the inheritance value is 69%, is not the average person may compare!” “那赵政也是不凡,他拥有着武魂,传承值为69,也不是一般人可比!” Now these two people fight, does not know that who can aspire to seize first?” “如今这两个人一战,不知谁能问鼎第一?” When sees Zhao Zheng and Li Zun opposes after challenge stage, entire martial arts stage boiling. 当见得赵政李尊对立于挑战台上后,整个演武场沸腾了起来。 Several thousand disciple from five peaks, as well as Core Palace disciple reveals the whole face to be fiery, whoops. 来自五峰的数千弟子,以及核心殿弟子都露出满脸火热,议论纷纷。 This is the genuine God's favored one, now both sides must fight, the people want to feast one's eyes on. 这可是真正的天之骄子,如今双方要一战,众人都想一饱眼福。 These Peak Lord and Deacon on high stage also very much want to look at the confrontation of these two people. 就连高台上的那些峰主执事也很想看一看这两个人的交锋。 On challenge stage two youth oppose, the nearby air as if coagulated. 挑战台上两个青年对立,附近都空气都似乎为之凝固了起来。 A Zhao Zheng face is simple-hearted, is nearly solemn, in the middle of the profound pupil has a swift and fierce twinkle. 赵政一脸木讷,近乎冷峻,深邃的眸子当中却有着一股凌厉闪烁而出。 The Li Zun figure is slim, handsome uncommon, when long hair flying upwards has several to branch out the dust the makings. 李尊身材修长,英俊不凡,长发飞扬时有着几分出尘的气质。 This moment two people both eyes oppositions, fighting intent is also unconscious fills the air from both sides both within the body. 此刻两人双目对立,一股战意也是不自觉的从双方都体内弥漫而出。 Shout! 呼! Slightly, Li Zun air trembles, a formidable imposing manner is bursts out. 稍许后,李尊身边的空气一颤,一股强大的气势皆是迸发而出。 True Yuan late-stage, the boundary of big accomplishment! 真元后期,大成之境! After feeling this imposing manner these new disciple brows of challenge stage not far away are tight wrinkle pupil dew to dread. 当感受到这股气势后挑战台不远处的那些新弟子眉头都是不由紧紧一皱眸露忌惮。 In the middle of Heavenly Performance Court disciple, steps into True Yuan late-stage has several people, but achieves small accomplishment also merely has three people. 天秀苑弟子当中,踏入真元后期的有几人,可是达到小成的也仅仅只有三人。 But achieves True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment only feared also only then this Li Zun! 可是达到真元后期大成的只怕也只有这李尊吧! When the people are surprised, that Zhao Zheng eyelid moves slightly, a formidable imposing manner is also bursts out. 就在众人为之惊讶的时候,那赵政眼皮微动,一股强大的气势也是迸发而出。 This imposing manner is not unexpectedly weak in Li Zun! 这股气势竟然丝毫不弱于李尊 „Has Senior Brother Zhao also stepped into True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment?” 赵师兄也踏入了真元后期大成?” Their two people imposing manner quite, whom also doesn't know to be able even better?” The people pupil dew fiery filled to this competition has hoped. “他们两人的气势相当,也不知谁会更胜一筹?”众人眸露火热对这场比赛充满了期许。 You have really stepped into late-stage big accomplishment!” Li Zun pupil light concentrates, lightly saying. “你果然也踏入了后期大成!”李尊眸光一凝,淡淡的说道 practice path, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, nobody can become eternal first.” Zhao Zheng lightly saying. 修炼一道,不进则退,没有谁可以成为永恒的第一。”赵政淡淡的说道 Hehe, but you want to obtain the first that to look at you to have this skill.” The Li Zun slightly narrows the pupil smiling face like the wind, he already had expected, because before , he once went to that Martial Dao inheritance cliff to delay ten days. 呵呵,只是你想获得第一那得看你有没有这个本事了。”李尊眸子微眯笑容如风,对此他早就有所预料,因为之前他曾经前往那武道传承崖耽搁了十来天的时间。 Moreover mind when study and understand has been damaged and controlled one's breathing for several days. 而且在参悟心神受损又调息了几天。 These days this Zhao Zheng can pursue again also normally. 在这段时间里这赵政能追上来再也正常不过了。 In Core Palace is so, temporary delaying will bring in very big variable. 核心殿便是如此,一时的耽搁都会引来很大的变数。 He has enormous confidence similarly, because he suffices. 只是他同样有着极大的信心,因为他够强。 „A war competes!” The Zhao Zheng words are very simple, his pupil light concentrates, in the hand then presented long spear immediately, an obscure aura fluctuation also fills the air from this spear|gun's body, this is top level Magic Item, is Sect grants. “一战决高下!”赵政的话语很简单,他眸光一凝,手中当即便是出现了一杆长枪,一股晦涩的气息波动也是从这枪身弥漫开来,这是一件顶级法器,为宗门所赏赐。 Li Zun smiles lightly, has stimulated to movement Magic Item, is handle long sword, rays of light is sharp, sends out the formidable fluctuation. 李尊淡淡一笑,也催动了一件法器,为一柄长剑,光芒锐利,散发出强大的波动。 This is top level Magic Item, the spirit is also threatening. 这也是一件顶级法器,锐气逼人。 This two people is Heavenly Performance Court best disciple informed and experienced emerges in various duties, therefore obtained granting. 两人身为天秀苑的拔尖弟子在各种任务历练中得脱颖而出,所以得到了赏赐。 Two contend, will be doomed is a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents! 两强相争,注定将是一场龙争虎斗! two people of many languages on challenge stage have almost not been simultaneously take action, attacked to the opposite party. 没有过多的语言在挑战台两人几乎是同时出手,攻向了对方。 The Li Zun swordsmanship is light and lively, such as Heavenly God brandishes a sword, has an inexplicable flavor, each sword seems like at will displays, but also the offense and defense has both . Moreover the swordsmanship engagement, is similar to the passing clouds and flowing water, enabling the match simply not to have the opportunity. 李尊剑法轻灵,如天神舞剑,有着一种莫名的韵味,每一剑都看似随意施展出来,可是却又攻守兼备,而且剑法衔接,如同行云流水,使得对手根本没有可乘之机。 Compares this Li Zun continuous exquisite, the attack of Zhao Zheng appeared must be more aggressive. 相比这李尊的连绵细腻,赵政的攻击就显得要霸气多了。 His long spear waves, is similar to star arrow has delimited void, if the potential the startling thunderclap, each spear|gun such as must pierce lets the person palpitation void. 长枪舞动,如同星矢划过虚空,势若惊雷,每一枪都如要洞穿虚空让人心悸。 But facing the defense of Li Zun, he for a while is also hard to go well. 可是面对李尊的防御,他一时也难以得手。 The two people strength quite, Magic Item is also almost the same, then wants to decide the victory and defeat to be possible not to be easy. 两人实力相当,法器也相差无几,如此一来想要分出胜负可就没有那么容易。 Unknowingly two people has fought more than hundred rounds, has not decided the victory and defeat unexpectedly. 不知不觉两人已经大战了不下百个回合,竟然还没有分出胜负。 Along with fight carries on two people within the body True Yuan also in the gradual consumption. 只是随着战斗的进行两人体内真元也在逐渐的消耗。 Li Zun has been defending at first, occasionally attacks is maintaining the within the body True Yuan smallest consumption. 李尊起初一直在防守,偶尔进攻一直保持着体内真元最小的消耗。 But Zhao Zheng every time is strongly take action, although the crazy tyrant, may consume many, if will continue to be difficult to sustain. 赵政每一次都是竭力出手,虽然狂霸,可消耗很多,若是继续下去将难以为继。 This Li Zun swordsmanship is continuous, actually does not lose swiftly and fiercely, the present is only the choice bears patiently temporarily, when waits to the hand power uses up to give thunder to strike, the so calm disposition is actually good, I thought that this Zhao Zheng 20 moves are going to be defeated.” On high stage, elder slightly narrows the pupil, the review said. “这李尊剑法连绵,却又不失凌厉,现在只是选择暂时隐忍,就等着对手力竭时给予雷霆一击,如此沉稳的心性倒是不错,我看这赵政不出20招就将要落败了。”高台上,一个长者眸子微眯,点评道。 Otherwise, this Li Zun within the body True Yuan is quite indeed pure, exceeds Zhao Zheng several points, but do not forget this Zhao Zheng to have Martial Spirit, now he has not used this trump card, although Li Zun is good, but Spirit Physique is very eventually difficult to promote battle strength.” Another elder swung swinging, has the opinion of opposition, Spirit Physique can be intimate with the world naturally to cause the cultivator practice speed promotion, but was actually inferior that Martial Spirit comes mysterious, sometimes formidable Martial Spirit sufficiently changed the situation. “不然,这李尊体内真元的确比较纯粹,胜过赵政几分,可是你别忘了这赵政拥有着武魂,如今他还没有动用这底牌了,李尊虽然不错,可灵体终究是很难提升战力。”另外一个长者摇了摇,持着反对的意见,灵体可以亲近天地自然使修者修炼速度提升,可是却不如那武魂来得神秘,有时候一个强大的武魂足以扭转局势了。 Hehe, be that as it may, but Spirit Physique can also tow the strength of world to use for oneself, this Li Zun obviously to the world naturally also has several points of sensibility, otherwise that swordsmanship so continuous nature, you will not look that his each sword displays the effort angle just right.” That elder said that you look at this sword, seems like very optional, but that strength and angle grasped the pinnacle, can therefore melt Zhao Zheng ingeniously swiftly and fiercely that struck, fully explained that this Li Zun was uncommon.” 呵呵,话虽如此,可是灵体也能牵引天地之力为己用,这李尊显然对天地自然也有几分感悟,不然那剑法不会如此连绵自然,你看他每一剑施展出来力度角度都恰到好处。”那个长者说道,“你看他这一剑,看似很随意,可是那力量与角度都把握到了极致,所以才能巧妙的化解赵政那凌厉的一击,足以说明这李尊不凡。” „This Zhao Zheng face is firm and resolute, fierce incomparable, has not changed the war to the present look, obviously has an assurance.” “这赵政一脸坚毅,勇猛无比,大战到现在神色都没有变过,显然是有所把握。” ...... …… Suddenly, several elder on high stage state views, supports that talent that own is favoring respectively. 一时间,高台上的几位长者各抒己见,各自拥护着自己看好的那个天才。 As Core Palace Palace Lord, Jiang is light smiles. 作为核心殿殿主,姜老却是淡淡一笑。 These two talents are good, have the enormous potential, so long as cultivation level in further can also participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield. 这两个天才都不错,有着极大的潜力,只要修为在进一步也就可以参加玄元战场了。 Has two people pitifully.” Palace Lord Jiang sighed slightly, if such shocking and stunning talent are many how many this well? “可惜只有两人。”姜殿主微微一叹,若是这样惊才绝艳的天才在多几个该多好? Although Leaping Dragon Peak disciple has almost achieved True Yuan perfection boundary, is natural talent, the potential can go to this situation are extremely few. 虽然跃龙峰弟子几乎都达到了真元圆满境,可是天赋,潜力能达到这地步的却极少。 Not is only these people are paying attention to this war, Xiao Yun also tight is staring at the front. 不仅是这些人在关注此战,萧云也是紧紧的盯着前方。 Because in the middle of this two people will certainly have the goal that a person becomes he will challenge, must therefore understand that some opposite party trump card are. 因为这两人当中必将有一人会成为他挑战的目标,所以得了解对方一些底牌才是。 That Zhao Zheng similar strength used up.” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun eye one bright, discovered that the Zhao Zheng aura started badly. “那赵政差不多力竭了。”蓦地,萧云眼睛一亮,发现赵政气息开始不济了。 Bang! 砰! As a dull thumping sound spreads, on that challenge stage the rays of light twinkle, the body of Zhao Zheng trembles slightly, was shaken flies beyond seven meters. 随着一声闷响传出,那挑战台光芒闪烁,赵政的身子微微一颤,被震飞于七米之外。 Because of the physique issue, Zhao Zheng within the body True Yuan is inferior to Li Zun to be pure, therefore consumes in a big way. 因为体质问题,赵政体内真元远不如李尊纯粹,所以消耗起来也大。 Should fight it out!” At this time on Li Zun that face of outstanding ability the smiling face collected, within both eyes was also flashes through wipes swiftly and fiercely, the imposing manner of his whole person rose suddenly, grasps long sword, boundless Yuan Qi was similar to the hurricane generally turns toward him to collect. “该一决胜负了!”这时李尊那张俊逸的脸庞上笑容敛去,双眸中也是闪过一抹凌厉,他整个人的气势暴涨,手持长剑,一股磅礴的元气便如同飓风一般向着他汇集而来。 Li Zun stands erect high stage, top of the head Yuan Qi surges condenses all on that long sword, a terrifying strength is collecting unceasingly. 李尊屹立高台,头顶元气涌动尽数凝聚在那长剑上,一股恐怖的力量在不断汇集。 His is borrowing the Spirit Physique superiority to tow world's spiritual energy to use for oneself. 他这是在借用灵体的优势牵引天地灵气为己用。 Each body has Spirit Physique cultivator more or less to tow corresponding Yuan Qi to increase the own imposing manner by this. 每个身具灵体修者或多或少都可以牵引相应的元气以此增加自己的气势。 But is similar to Li Zun can bring in such big sound is quite rare. 可是如同李尊能引来这么大动静的却极为少见。 The Yuan Qi collection in his top of the head, exudes the illustrious rumor is the air/Qi river is flowing rapidly simply surprisingly. 在他头顶上元气汇集,发出赫赫风声简直就是气河在奔流让人惊讶。 This Li Zun was too strong, to have Spirit Physique value 72% God's favored ones worthily!” “这李尊太强了,不愧为拥有灵体值72的天之骄子!” By this superiority, he contended with more formidable existence sufficiently!” The square cultivator pupil dew shocks, are many for several points to have understood to Spirit Physique, World's Yuan Qi that formidable Spirit Physique tows, can definitely cause the imposing manner large scale enhancement of cultivator. “凭借这种优势,他足以抗衡更强大的存在了!”四方的修者眸露震撼,对灵体不由多了几分了解,强大的灵体所牵引来的天地元气,完全可以使修者的气势大幅度增强。 „The potential of hauling world!” Xiao Yun also slightly changes countenance. “牵引天地之势!”就连萧云也是微微动容。 This is the Spirit Physique superiority, depending on this can also easier sensibility world Grand Dao. 这就是灵体的优势,凭此也可以更加容易的感悟天地大道 Also is this Li Zun has not harvested in Martial Dao inheritance, otherwise his battle strength will be more terrorist. 也是这李尊并没有在武道传承有所收获,不然他的战力将更加恐怖。 ( ( …… ……
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