EMS :: Volume #21

#2014: The blood dyes the border pass

God. 神界。 Before the second strategic pass, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Kong Qi Young Master, Jiang asked the day by five Supreme ambushes. 第二雄关之前,吞天雀,孔七公子,姜问天被五尊至尊伏击。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and a Kong Qi Young Master dyed in blood war, as before was actually struck successively retreats. 吞天雀孔七公子染血一战,却依旧被击得节节溃退。 Burns my blood energy!” Jiang asked the day, Kong Qi Young Master, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, all combustion blood energy, must strongly a war. “燃我血气!”姜问天,孔七公子,吞天雀,一切燃烧血气,要竭力一战。 Immediately, their blood energy soar to the heavens, the shining world, that dazzling rays of light is dazzling, is similar to the sharp knife blade must pierce the world simply generally. 顿时,他们的血气冲天,照耀天地,那耀眼的光芒刺眼,简直如同利刃一般要刺穿天地。 Has Supreme to burn a blood war?” In the second strategic pass, many cultivator induced this terrifying power and influence. “是有至尊在燃血一战吗?”在第二雄关内,许多的修者都感应到了这种恐怖的威势。 Supreme dyed in blood......” 至尊染血……” Is Swallowing the Heavens and Kong Qi Young Master as well as asks day Young Master!” In the middle of strategic pass, but also some people are managing. “是吞天孔七公子以及问天公子!”在雄关当中,还有人在主持。 These people in the management strategic pass, must stabilize Dao Mark, condenses formation, is good to prevent the strategic pass to be crushed. 这些人在主持雄关,要稳定道纹,凝聚大阵,好防止雄关被击碎。 If the strategic pass were crushed, the Demon Race army will push directly into, so, person sovereign territory, Hao Heavenly Domain danger! 若是雄关被击碎,魔族的大军又将长驱直入,如此,人皇域,昊天域将危! „Do we want to save him?” Xiao Qianlong knits the brows. “我们要不要去救他?”萧潜龙皱眉。 At this time he is Venerable. 此时他已是尊者了。 But trivial Venerable collapses at the first blow in front of Supreme as before. 可区区尊者在至尊面前依旧不堪一击。 Therefore he manages formation in the middle of the strategic pass, is consolidating defense formation of strategic pass. 所以他在雄关当中主持大阵,巩固着雄关的防御大阵 Outside is Supreme, we exit also uselessly!” Side has the Venerable sigh. “外面的都是至尊,我们出去也无用啊!”旁边有尊者叹息。 Facing Supreme, they collapse at the first blow. 面对至尊,他们真的是不堪一击。 Whatever such they did die in battle?” Xiao Qianlong knits the brows, his pupil light is scarlet, that fist grips tightly, the nail pricks in the middle of the flesh and blood. “难道就这么任由他们战死么?”萧潜龙皱眉,他眸光猩红,那拳头紧握,指甲都刺入血肉当中。 fresh blood flows from his palm, each drop blooms vast blood energy. 鲜血从他掌心流淌而下,每一滴都绽放出浩瀚血气 This is the war, must some people die, our responsibility are to protect the strategic pass, if our take action, the strategic pass were broken, that death is not 12 individuals, that is counts by 10 billion, 100 billion subjects, the Qianlong brother, you must be calm, now, our people are repairing an emperor soldier, when that emperor soldier becomes, must be possible to sweep away Demon Race!” “这是大战,必有人死,我们的职责是守护雄关,若是我们出手,雄关被破,那死的可不是12个人,那是数以10000000000,100000000000记的子民,潜龙兄,你得冷静,如今,我方的人正在修复一件帝兵,当那帝兵成,必可横扫魔族!” In the city in the main hall, the ginger northern heavens said. 在城中大殿内,姜玄天说道。 Now he also became Venerable. 如今他也成为了尊者。 Now yes, the Qianlong brother, we must do is the protracted time, waited for that the emperor soldier repairs successfully, thus sweeps away Demon Race.” “是啊,潜龙兄,我们现在要做的就是拖延时间,等待帝兵修复成功,从而横扫魔族。” Venerable of various large clans open the mouth in abundance. 各大族的尊者纷纷开口。 Hateful! If I for emperor, my brother why this?” Xiao Qianlong deep sigh, in the middle of that eye has the tears to stay behind. “可恨啊!若我为帝,我的兄弟何必这样?”萧潜龙长叹,那眼睛当中有着泪水留下。 This blood and iron son, fearless dies! 这铁血男儿,无惧一死! But, he actually cannot look that the own brothers were dying in battle at present! 可是,他却不能看着自己的兄弟在眼前战死! But he is also helpless, cannot with it fighting side-by-side! 而他却又无能为力,不能与之并肩作战! ...... …… Outside strategic pass! 在雄关外! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow three people of imposing manners rise dramatically, but their take action, has not been waiting for the opportunity rashly, wants to kill Demon Race powerhouse certainly. 吞天雀三人的气势飙升,不过他们并没有贸然出手,都在等待机会,想要绝杀一个魔族强者 To them, the life and death already setting outside, they only strove for being able when dying also to draw spacegoat. 对于他们而言,生死早就置之于外,他们只求能在死时也拉一个垫背的。 As the matter stands, the Demon Race strength sharp decline, wanting the broken city not to be easy! 这样一来,魔族的实力锐减,想要破城也就没有那么容易了! At least in the middle of this strategic pass person can also delay some date and time, is Human Race obtains the fighter aircraft. 至少这雄关当中的人还可以多拖延一些时日,为人族取得战机。 Ha Ha, bites blood Heavenly Art, swallows to me!” Supreme of that blood group smiles fiercely, the blood cloud wriggled, evolves a giant large-mouthed vessel huge mouth, then toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Kong Qi Young Master, as well as Jiang asked that the day swallowed, that blood-stained mouth swallowed, their blood energy of that combustion were similar to the mist soars, unexpectedly turned toward that blood-stained mouth to direct. “哈哈,噬血天功,给我吞!”那血族的至尊狰狞一笑,血云蠕动,演化出了一个巨大的血盆巨口,便是向着吞天雀,孔七公子,以及姜问天吞去,那血口吞来,他们那燃烧的血气如同雾气腾升,居然向着那血口引去。 Burnt blood essence to promote their battle strength. 本来燃烧精血能提升他们的战力 But these blood energy instead were actually swallowed by Supreme of this blood group at this time. 可此时这些血气却反而被这血族的至尊吞了。 Under this blood energy supplies, the imposing manner of that blood cloud is getting stronger and stronger. 在这种血气的补给下,那血云的气势越来越强。 Ha Ha, if swallowed your three Supreme blood energy, the this King strength will certainly increase, could step into the boundary of accurate emperor at one fell swoop.” “哈哈,若是吞了你们三名至尊血气,本座的实力必将大增,或许可以一举踏入准帝之境。” When that blood energy brought, in the middle of the blood cloud, Supreme of that blood group smiles fiercely. 当那血气被引来,血云当中,那尊血族的至尊狰狞一笑。 This blood group method unexpectedly so heaven defying!” Sees this, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and the others a brow wrinkle. “这血族的手段居然如此逆天!”见此,吞天雀等人都眉头一皱。 So to be why must troublesome, a blade will put to death is!” Nether Race Supreme pupil light ice-cold, he grasps the deep blade, wards off toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “何须那么麻烦,一刀将之诛杀了便是!”冥族至尊眸光冰冷,他手持冥刀,向着吞天雀辟去。 In side, Demon Race Supreme also take action. 在旁边,魔族至尊出手了。 Suddenly, in this void, the deep blade falls, a stretch of nether world world follows, middle has endless resentful spirits to whin, must swallow the person essence. 一时间,在这片虚空,冥刀落下,一片幽冥天地跟随而下,当中有着无尽的怨灵哀嚎,要吞人精气。 That demon bayonet thorn the thorn, has demon Dragon Pu to go. 那魔枪刺刺刺刺刺去,有魔龙扑去。 Except in addition, dark lineage/vein Supreme also take action , he if walks in the dark night, he evolved one to do several things at the same time suddenly to appear in Swallowing the Heavens actually and Kong Qi Young Master, before and even Jiang asked the day body, facing the attacks of these people, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow evolved huge Swallowing the Heavens vortex, middle flame tumbled, must burn to extinguish the world. 除此外,黑暗一脉的至尊出手了,他如行走在黑夜当中,他演化出一个分身瞬息间就出现在了吞天却和孔七公子,乃至姜问天身前,面对这些人的攻击,吞天雀演化出巨大的吞天气旋,当中火炎翻滚,要焚灭天地。 Jiang asked that the day evolves six samsara, that six world carry the strength of vast world to go toward the front Supreme bang. 姜问天演化出六道轮回,那六个天地携带着浩瀚的天地之力向着前方的至尊轰去。 Kill! 杀! On Kong Qi Young Master bright light blooms, that all colors world appears, then howls toward the front, has the peacock to flutter in that world. 孔七公子身上彩光绽放,那五彩的世界浮现,便是向着前方呼啸而下,在那世界当中有孔雀振翅。 Shout! 呼! Three Supreme take action, evolved the most powerful god Through Heavens place strongly, that Swallowing the Heavens vortex agitation, the rock was towed to come, then smelting. 三名至尊竭力出手,都演化出了至强的神通天地,那吞天气旋搅动,山石被牵引而来,而后熔炼。 So the imposing manner, the world as if can embezzle. 如此气势,天地都似乎可以吞没。 Jiang asked that day that six world, each world is containing the strength of formidable world, when he comes, void cuns (2.5cm) disintegrations. 姜问天那六道世界,每一个世界都蕴含着强大的世界之力,当他呼啸而来时,虚空寸寸崩碎。 The strength, seems so without a peer. 如此力量,似乎不可匹敌。 Kong Qi Young Master this peacock flutters, illumination god, that bright light, as if has been able to melt Myriad Laws, that Nether Qi in gradual ablation. 孔七公子这孔雀振翅,光照神界,那彩光所过,似乎可以化解万法,那冥气都在逐渐的消融。 Resists stubbornly!” Opposite five Supreme sneer, that demon spear|gun like the dragon, turns toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow Swallowing the Heavens vortex to puncture directly. “负隅顽抗!”只是,对面五尊至尊冷笑,那魔枪如龙,直接向着吞天雀吞天气旋刺去。 This demon spear|gun institute, that vortex was pierced an opening, then this demon spear|gun was is similar to the crazy dragon generally entered in the middle of this Swallowing the Heavens vortex. 这魔枪所及,那气旋被生生刺穿了一个口子,而后这魔枪便是如同狂龙一般进入了这吞天气旋当中。 Bang! 砰! After demon bayonet thorn the thorn pricks in Swallowing the Heavens vortex, an astonishing strength fierce explosion, making that Swallowing the Heavens vortex tremble, fierce disintegration. 当魔枪刺刺刺刺刺入吞天气旋内后,一股惊人的力量猛的爆炸开来,使得那吞天气旋一颤,猛的崩碎。 Then, that vast demon prestige shakes, shakes on sharp decline Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that original imposing manner flies. 而后,那浩瀚的魔威震荡开来,将那本来气势就锐减的吞天雀震飞。 puff! 噗! In the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow mouth fresh blood puts out, that body hit maliciously in the city wall in that 2nd-layer strategic pass, the great strength has shaken, stimulated above Dao Mark. 吞天雀的口中鲜血吐出,那身子狠狠的撞击在了那第二重雄关的城墙上,巨力震来,激发了上面的道纹 Suddenly, has dazzling rays of light to bloom, the body of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shakes, was raised directly flies, falls, in that has might connect under the strategic pass of world. 一时间,有着耀眼的光芒绽放开来,吞天雀的身子一震,直接被掀飞,落在了那似可连接天地的雄关之下。 When Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow falls to the ground, moreover one side, that deep blade tearing is void, his it cut directly to Jiang asked six samsara world that the day evolved. 吞天雀落地时,另外一边,那冥刀撕裂虚空,他它直接斩向了姜问天演化出的六道轮回世界。 Whoosh ! 刷! The deep blade, the cold brightness has bloomed, this rays of light, the world has ripped open. 冥刀所过,寒光绽放,这光芒所过,天地都撕开了。 Then the person in strategic pass then can see that the first world of human beings of that six samsara world was torn, following is bastard is torn. 而后雄关内的人便是可以看到,那六道轮回世界的第一个人界被撕裂,接下来的便是畜生界被撕裂。 ! 嗷嗷! Meanwhile, above that deep blade, Nether Qi tumbles, has a nether world macrocosm to tilt, incomplete six world covering. 与此同时,那冥刀之上,冥气翻滚,有着一个幽冥大世界倾覆而下,将残缺的六道世界给笼罩。 resentful spirits in this nether world macrocosm howls, in unceasing is swallowing the strengths of six samsara world. 在这幽冥大世界当中怨灵呼啸,在不断的吞噬着六道轮回世界的力量。 Samsara!” When six world unceasing disintegrations, Jiang asked that day take action, evolves the samsara strongly, must that deep blade introducing in the middle of the samsara. “轮回!”当六道世界不断崩碎,姜问天竭力出手,演化出轮回,要将那冥刀给引入轮回当中。 Broken! 破! Also Demon Race Supreme. 只是,又有一尊魔族至尊袭来。 That evil clutches such as the day, have patted directly. 那魔爪如天,直接拍了下来。 Under this vast strength impact, Jiang asked that day that six samsara world thorough disintegrations, the strength of impact terrifying world comes, making his body also be struck to fly, hit maliciously in the city wall, then crashes, fell on the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow side, was spitting big mouth fresh blood. 在这浩瀚的力量冲击之下,姜问天那六道轮回世界彻底崩碎,恐怖的天地之力冲击而来,使得他的身子也是被击飞,狠狠的撞击在城墙上,而后又坠落而下,落在了吞天雀的身边,吐着大口鲜血 Bang! 砰! Moreover one side, the Kong Qi Young Master all colors world was routed. 另外一边,孔七公子的五彩世界被击溃。 Whoosh ! 刷! The blade light cuts together, has delimited his body directly, an arm was cut to fly in light of this, the blood of peacock dyes spatially, such as the rain sways under. 一道刀光斩下,直接划过他的身子,一条手臂就此被斩飞而出,孔雀之血染空,如雨挥洒而下。 Kong Qi!” Sees this, that still loudly shouted in Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow of big mouth spitting blood, his eye socket cracked, killing intent was arrogant, what may be more was is only incapable. 孔七!”见此,那还在大口吐血的吞天雀大呼,他那目眦欲裂,杀意凌人,可更多的只是无力。 Even though they are the talents of having god-given wisdom, but three Supreme, want strength to fight five Supreme, somewhat is really insufficient. 纵使他们都是天纵之才,可三名至尊,想要力抗五名至尊,真的还是有些不足。 Must know that these five Supreme method others do not miss many! 要知道,这五名至尊的手段也并不别人差多少啊! Bang! 砰! The body of Kong Qi Young Master was struck to fly, falls, in that has been possible to connect under the strategic pass of world. 孔七公子的身子被击飞,也落在了那可连接天地的雄关之下。 His left arm was cut, fresh blood is dripping, but after achieving this boundary, can definitely rely on blood essence, condenses an arm. 他的左臂被斩,鲜血淋漓,不过达到这个境界后,完全可以凭借精血,重新凝聚出一条手臂。 When the body falls to the ground, Kong Qi Young Master is weak, his intention moved, breaks the arm to stop the blood to flow under. 当身子落地,孔七公子虚弱无比,他心念一动,断臂止住了血液流淌而下。 But he has not grown the new arm. 可他并没有重新衍生出新的手臂。 Because this will exhaust massive blood essence, affects battle strength. 因为这将耗竭大量的精血,影响战力 Kong Qi, you how?” At this time, nearby Jiang asked that day and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is struggling setting out. 孔七,你怎么样了?”此时,旁边的姜问天和吞天雀挣扎着起身。 Could not have died!” Kong Qi Young Master has been adjusting the vitality also along with it setting out. “还死不了!”孔七公子在调整了一下气血也是随之起身。 Is only, now our situation some are not wonderful!” He gained ground, takes a look to front void. “只是,如今我们的情况有些不妙啊!”他抬头,瞅向了前方的虚空。 At this time, that five Supreme collect in together, is the coldly bird's eye view Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and Kong Qi Young Master three people. 此时,那五尊至尊汇集在一起,皆是冷冷的俯瞰着吞天雀孔七公子三人。 „Does Hehe, live also what Huan dead also what to fear?” Jiang asked that day clear and resonant voice said with a smile, at the worst died, my Jiang asked that Heavens Hate only hated my strength to be bad, cannot prove the emperor, cannot bless my Human Race subjects, what a pity, lamentable! Today dies, does not know that my Human Race subjects who will bless?” 呵呵,生亦何欢死亦何惧?”姜问天朗声一笑道,“大不了一死,我姜问天恨只恨我实力不济,未能证帝,不能庇佑我人族子民,可惜,可叹啊!今天一死,也不知我人族子民将会有谁来庇佑?” His face sigh. 他一脸叹息。 Yes!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sighed, said that was a pity, lethal I cannot meet with Xiao Yun this boy, does not know that he did die?” “是啊!”吞天雀一叹,道,“可惜,致死我也不能和萧云这小子相见,也不知道他到底死了没有?” His whole face sigh. 他满脸叹息。 Since the legend Xiao Yun proving the dao failure, lives in light of this perishing [say / way] disappears, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow has wanted to step Nine Heavens, investigates thoroughly, what a pity it has not proven the emperor, wanted the life and death. 自从传说萧云证道失败,就此生殒道消后,吞天雀一直想要踏上九天,去查个清楚,可惜它还没有证帝,就已要生死。 Xiao Yun?” Kong Qi Young Master is also the whole face regret, in his mind, reappeared past that initially to enter Monster Territory youth Xiao Yun. 萧云?”孔七公子也是满脸遗憾,在他脑海当中,不由浮现出了当年那个初入妖域的青年萧云 At that time, they have never thought will have in such one day that the god name Venerable! 那时候,他们何尝想过会有在神界称尊的那么一天! Thinks of here, its blood cannot help but boiling. 想到这里,它的血液不由得沸腾了起来。 Ha Ha, my Kong Qi this life can run into your brothers, is enough!” Kong Qi Young Master smiles suddenly loudly. “哈哈,我孔七今生能遇到你们这些兄弟,足以!”孔七公子突然放声而笑。 Good, although we body die, actually lives has a clear conscience, sufficed!” Jiang asked that the day nods. “不错,我们虽然身死,却活得问心无愧,也够了!”姜问天点头。 „, Makes us do strikes finally!” In the middle of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that eye reveals the color of ruthless offense. “那么,就让我们做最后一击吧!”吞天雀那眼睛当中露出狠戾之色。 Good!” Kong Qi Young Master, Jiang asked that day pupil light concentrates. “好!”孔七公子,姜问天眸光一凝。 Immediately, has the terror strength to condense on them, their Divine Soul (mind) such as the flame is burning. 顿时,在他们身上有着恐怖的力量在凝聚,他们的神魂都如火焰在燃烧。 Obviously, these three people planned that must burn own Bloodlines and Divine Soul (mind), does final strikes. 显然,这三人打算要燃烧自己血脉神魂,做最后的一击。 Dies, must draw spacegoat!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light dodged, has locked front several Supreme. “就算死,也要拉个垫背的!”吞天雀眸光一闪,锁定了前方的几尊至尊 „Do these fellows want to do strike finally?” Sees this, that five Supreme have revealed look of dreading. “这些家伙要做最后一击了么?”见此,那五尊至尊都露出了一丝忌惮之色 Supreme counter-attack at the point of death, that is the accurate imperial capital must dread continually! 至尊的临死反扑,那可是连准帝都要忌惮的啊! Sends one chapter first, later will continue to renew, after finishing god Desolate Emperor Dragon , to continue to write the following story, hopes that everybody pays attention much 【先发一章,以后会继续更新,写完神荒龙帝后,继续写后面的故事,希望大家多多关注】
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