EMS :: Volume #21

#2015: Xiao Yun gets rid

Saw the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow three people not only to burn blood energy , a preparation combustion Divine Soul (mind) war, that several Demon Race Supreme has also revealed look of dreading. Net 吞天雀三人不仅燃烧了血气,又准备燃烧神魂一战,那几个魔族至尊也是露出了忌惮之色。网 Fears anything, we have then been OK in the distant place attack, so long as they burn Divine Soul (mind) blood energy, immediately avoids that to kill certainly strikes.” “怕什么,我们在远处攻击便可以了,只要他们燃烧神魂血气,就立即避开那绝杀一击。” Middle Demon Race Supreme coldly snorted said. 当中一尊魔族至尊冷哼道。 Good!” Then several other Supreme nod. “不错!”而后另外几名至尊点头。 At this time the people of major battlefields are paying attention to here. 此时各大战场的人都在关注这里。 Because this second strategic pass, if broken, Demon Race also will then occupy a big territory. 因为这第二雄关若破,魔族便又将占据一片大域。 This is an important war. 这是至关重要的一战。 Ha Ha, the ginger fictitious, your 2nd-layer day Guan Jiangyao was defeated!” “哈哈,姜子虚,你们第二重天关将要被击破了!” I thought that three Supreme must cherish hatred in the border pass today.” In void of distant place, the Demon Race accurate emperor smiles fiercely. “我看那三个至尊今天是要饮恨于边关了。”在远处的虚空,魔族的准帝狰狞一笑。 At this time they with the ginger fictitious, 20 eight Imperial Uncle as well as the Flood Dragon accurate emperors, wash Tian Lian as well as god Jiang Yuanxu and other top level powerhouse wars. 此时他们正在和姜子虚,20八皇叔以及蛟龙准帝,沐天莲以及神界的姜源虚等顶级强者一战。 Except in addition, Human Race also has top level powerhouse in other keep watch regions. 除此外,人族还有顶级强者坐镇其它的区域。 Asked the day!” Ginger fictitious pupil light dodges, is away from the infinite distance, saw the 2nd-layer day closes the matter that has. “问天!”姜子虚眸光一闪,便是隔着无限距离,看到了第二重天关所发生的事情。 In there, Jiang asked that the day three people started combustion Divine Soul (mind). 在那里,姜问天三人正已经开始燃烧神魂了。 Kills!” Does not wait for Jiang Zixu and the others to make anything, Demon Race, Nether Race, dark lineage/vein, blood group person already powerful take action. “杀!”只是,不等姜子虚等人做什么,魔族,冥族,黑暗一脉,血族的人就已经强势出手 Be not thinking rescued them.” The Demon Race accurate emperor sneers, immediately carries emperor soldier take action. “你们就别想着去解救他们了。”魔族的准帝冷笑,立即携帝兵出手 Hateful!” Jiang Zixu knits the brows, his take action, evolves six samsara strongly. “可恶!”姜子虚皱眉,他竭力出手,演化出六道轮回。 Wanyuan Grand Dao!” Demonic Path Supreme take action, evolved Wanyuan Grand Dao unexpectedly. “万源大道!”一尊魔道至尊出手,居然也演化出了万源大道 His that Grand Dao world tilts, has resisted the six samsara of ginger fictitious. 他那大道天地倾覆而下,将姜子虚的六道轮回抵挡了下来。 And the accurate emperors of various clans collaborate, surrounds them. 并且各族的准帝联手,将他们困住。 At this time, in the second strategic pass, Xiao Qianlong in front of them has a wheel to get back one's composure the mirror. 此时,在第二雄关内,萧潜龙他们面前有着一股轮回神镜。 Evolved impressively in the middle of this mirror wild the battlefield near the distant place. 在这镜子当中赫然演化出了在远处边荒的战场。 In there, the accurate emperors of both sides fight. 在那里,双方的准帝大战。 What a pity, Human Race and a Monster Race Emperor Fang Zhun is unable to do several things at the same time take action. 可惜,人族妖族一方准帝根本无法分身出手 „Aren't our accurate emperors able to aid?” Sees the accurate emperors of one's own side to be constrained, the people all are brows tightly frowns, the pupil reveal sad intent. “我方的准帝也无法援手吗?”见得己方的准帝被拖住,众人皆是眉头紧锁,眸露悲意。 I hate!” Xiao Qianlong cried loud and long, his eye socket cracked, in the middle of eye tears twinkle. “我恨啊!”萧潜龙长啸,他目眦欲裂,眼睛当中泪花闪烁。 He knows, if no accurate emperor to aid, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Jiang asked the day, Kong Qi Young Master these brothers is going to cherish hatred outside the strategic pass. 他知道,若无准帝援手,吞天雀,姜问天,孔七公子这些兄弟就将要饮恨于雄关之外了。 But he actually can only look helplessly the own brothers died in battle! 可他却只能眼睁睁看着自己的兄弟战死! That no use, that dismal, making him brokenhearted! 那种无助,那种悲凉,让他心碎! Nearby these is a face is also sad. 旁边的那些尊者也是一脸悲戚。 They know, after Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow they died in battle, Demon Race all-out attack strategic pass. 他们知道,吞天雀他们战死后,魔族就会全力攻击雄关。 Once this strategic pass were broken, they are also unavoidable the battle dead. 一旦这雄关被破,他们也难免会战死。 Suddenly, that sad intent covers the entire main hall. 一时间,那悲意笼罩整个大殿。 Kills!” But at this time, that second strategic pass is , the Demon Race Supreme start to talk, that long spear pierces directly void, thorn to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “杀!”而此时,那第二雄关所在,魔族至尊开口,那长枪直接洞穿虚空,刺向了吞天雀 This is the long-distance range attack, even if Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow combustion Divine Soul (mind), erupts the fluctuation of terror, he same can evade to fall back on the distant place to be void promptly. 这是远距离攻击,就算吞天雀燃烧神魂,爆发出恐怖的波动,他一样可以及时避退到远处虚空。 Kill! 杀! After this demon take action, several other Supreme also follow take action. 在此魔出手后,另外几尊至尊也跟随出手 Bang! 轰隆隆! Sees only five Magical Powers, each carries the potential of world, the oppression is resulting in an cuns (2.5cm) disintegration that void the strategic pass is. 只见得五道神通袭来,每一道都携带着天地之势,压迫得雄关所在的虚空都在寸寸崩碎。 Looks from afar that void before second strategic pass has cracks is similar to the crazy dragon general chaotic dance, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow under that strategic pass, Jiang asked the day, Kong Qi Young Master is covered by this terror strength completely, this time they only then a combustion Divine Soul (mind) war, otherwise they must be annihilated. 远远看去,第二雄关之前的虚空有着一道道裂缝如同狂龙一般乱舞,那雄关下的吞天雀,姜问天,孔七公子完全被这恐怖的力量笼罩,此时的他们只有燃烧神魂一战,否则他们必然是要被湮灭。 Swallowing the Heavens!” 吞天!” Asked day Young Master!” “问天公子!” Seven Young Master!” The sad cry sound in the second strategic pass gets up. “七公子!”在第二雄关内悲呼声响起。 „!” Person sad cry, burning with impatience. “啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!”一个个人悲呼,心急如焚。 Swallowing the Heavens......” peacock princess sad cry one, is faints, seems hard to accept this fact. 吞天……”孔雀公主悲呼一声,便是晕倒在地,似乎难以接受这个事实。 Kills!” Facing this offensive, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow start to talk, his whole body has the flame combustion, Divine Soul (mind) changed into flame, must strongly take action. “杀!”面对这攻势,吞天雀开口,他全身有着火焰燃烧,神魂都化为了火炎,要竭力出手 Swallowing the Heavens, Kong Qi, Jiang brother, you do not need so, these people give me then!” In this time, together the low and deep sound resounds. 吞天,孔七,姜兄,你们无需如此,这些人交给我即可!”就在此时,一道低沉的声音响起。 This sound......”, when this sound spreads, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that eye pupil of combustion Divine Soul (mind) is shrinking suddenly, his Divine Soul (mind) forgot to burn. “这声音……”当这声音传出,正在燃烧神魂吞天雀那眼瞳骤然一缩,他的神魂都忘记燃烧了。 Is Xiao Yun, Brother Xiao!” Jiang asked that the day smiles loudly, in the middle of that eye the mist is dim, is excited that body to be able help shivering. “是萧云,萧兄!”姜问天放声而笑,那眼睛当中雾气朦胧,激动得那身子都忍不住要颤动起来。 Brother Xiao?” Kong Qi Young Master feels some illusions, his pupil light concentrates, then gains ground, takes a look following the region that sound conveys. 萧兄?”孔七公子感觉有些梦幻,他眸光一凝,便是抬头,循着那声音传来的区域瞅去。 Shout! 呼! Sees only void before strategic pass, the blood cloud that covers wriggles, the person's shadow dodges, is has one to wear the azure color long gown, the whole body from the blood cloud is strolled by the man who Primordial light runes covers. 只见得雄关前的虚空,那笼罩的血云蠕动,人影一闪,便是有着一个身穿青色长袍,浑身被混元光纹所笼罩的男子从血云当中漫步而出。 After this youth strolls, but, sees only him to stroke conveniently, a vast mighty force sweeps across, that piece of blood Yun Bian is little being defeated and dispersed, changed into the nihility instantaneously. 当这青年漫步而出后,只见得他随手一拂,一股浩瀚的伟力席卷开来,那片血云便是一点点的溃散,瞬间化为了虚无。 Before the second strategic pass, immediately has the blue sky white clouds to reappear. 第二雄关前,立即有着青天白云浮现。 Dazzling rays of light shines, fell has worn azure robe the color of male that and calm face of outstanding ability on that. 耀眼的光芒照耀而下,落在了那个身穿青袍的男子那张俊逸而沉稳的脸庞之色。 Who is!” When this youth appears instant, the person in second strategic pass discovered immediately. “是谁!”当这青年出现的刹那,第二雄关内的人立即发现了。 Before that strategic pass, suddenly under shines rays of light just like is the ray of hope, making that also whole face sad Spiritual God however live the hope a moment ago. 那雄关前突然照耀下的光芒就宛若是希望之光,让得那一个个刚才还满脸悲戚的神灵然生了希望。 Immediately, pupil light collect on that sudden person's shadow. 顿时,一道道眸光汇集在那突然出现的人影身上。 The people take a quick look around, is discovered that male whole body was covered by Primordial rays of light, he is similar to is juniors of the Primordial. 众人一眼看去,便是发现那男子全身被混元光芒笼罩,他就如同是一个混元之子弟。 In he strolls, that Primordial Energy was reserved, has revealed an incomparable face of outstanding ability. 在他漫步间,那混元之气内敛,露出了一张俊逸无比的脸庞。 Sees only this youth to be of outstanding ability, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, actually calm like mountain, his pupil light looks disdainfully, as if can control the world, like that imposing manner, Supreme for it palpitation. 只见得这青年俊逸,剑眉星目,却沉稳如山,他眸光睥睨间,似乎可以主宰天地,那般气势,就连至尊都为之心悸。 Who isn't this man Xiao Yun is? 这个男子不是萧云又是谁呢? Is Xiao Yun Young Master!” “是萧云公子!” Xiao Yun Young Master, is Xiao Yun Young Master!” Looks at this, in the middle of that second strategic pass, Venerable in main hall and god Monarch lose one's voice to shout loudly. 萧云公子,是萧云公子!”瞧得此幕,那第二雄关当中,大殿内的尊者和神君一个个失声高呼。 Jiang Xuantian and the others also feels inexplicable rousing. 就连姜玄天等人也是感觉到莫名的振奋。 Xiao Yun...... 萧云…… This was for 100000 years the god legendary character! 这可是近100000年来神界的传奇人物! He is also these for billion years the outstanding person is outstanding! 他也是这千百万年来的盖代人杰! Even if longevity, Ming Ziyu and he compares as before is inferior. 哪怕是长生耶,铭子羽和他比起来依旧是逊色许多。 What a pity, 100,000 years ago, the legend Xiao Yun impact Saint boundary failure, the body perishing [say / way] disappears in light of this, Divine Soul (mind) was annihilated. 可惜,100000年前,传说萧云冲击圣境失败,就此身殒道消,就连神魂都被湮灭了。 Also is so, he in the god idol disintegration. 也是如此,他在神界的神像都崩碎了。 But...... 可是…… At this time he appeared in people at present. 此时他却出现在了众人的眼前。 So, lets the Venerable Spiritual God feelings of various clans shock is also some such as dream is imaginary. 如此一幕,让得各族的尊者神灵感觉震撼之余也是有些如梦似幻。 „Hasn't he died?” In many person hearts whispered. “他没有死么?”许多人心中低语。 Xiao...... Xiao Yun Young Master?” Then is distant place that battlefield, Jiang Zixu and the others also induced that sudden Xiao Yun. “萧……萧云公子?”便是远处那战场当中,姜子虚等人也感应到了那突然出现的萧云 „Is this Hao Tian Great Emperor?” The Flood Dragon day Venerable that pupil light to dodge, reveals surprised look. “这是昊天大帝吗?”蛟龙天尊那眸光一闪,露出惊讶之色 Tianyu!” Washed the Tian Lian innermost feelings to shake, has started the numerous mighty waves. 天宇!”沐天莲内心一震,掀起了重重波澜。 She induces to go carefully, who isn't the present man Xiao Yun is? 她仔细感应而去,眼前的男子不是萧云又是谁? Ha Ha, is Tianyu, is the Hao Tian Great Emperor of my clan!” 20 eight Imperial Uncle smile loudly, appears rouses. “哈哈,是天宇,是我族的昊天大帝!”20八皇叔放声而笑,显得振奋无比。 He can the clear feeling on Xiao Yun fill the air is familiar. 他能清晰的感觉到萧云身上弥漫出的熟悉起来。 Who isn't that the Hao Tian Great Emperor is? 那不是昊天大帝又是谁? Present Xiao Yun that makings aloof that's all. 只是如今的萧云那气质更加的超然罢了。 Hao...... Hao Tian Great Emperor?” Opposite, that Demon Race accurate emperor was completely scared, the present man they naturally are also familiar incomparable. “昊……昊天大帝?”对面,那魔族的准帝完全傻眼了,眼前的男子他们自然也是熟悉无比。 In the past the Hao Tian Great Emperor proved the emperor, but has caused the entire god stir! 当年昊天大帝证帝,可是引起了整个神界轰动啊! Must know, before Xiao Yun proves emperor, entire god has not had a Great Emperor for a long time. 要知道,在萧云证帝前,整个神界许久没有出过一尊大帝了。 If traces, Xiao Yun proved Xiao Zhantian of emperor before! 若追溯起来,萧云之前证帝的正是萧战天 It can be said that their fathers and sons carry on the task, became an outstanding character. 可以说,他们父子承前启后,都成为了一个盖代人物。 „Wasn't he proving the dao failure, die?” Immediately, these Demon Race accurate emperor look at each other in shock, that heart was actually sinks the valley. “他不是证道失败,殒落了吗?”顿时,这些魔族准帝一个个面面相觑,那颗心却是沉到了谷底。 A Great Emperor of disappearance appeared, making them feel restless. 一个消失的大帝出现,让他们感到了不安。 Aura that especially on Xiao Yun lends, as before so aloof, when making them feel the soul to tremble is also fearful and apprehensive. 特别是萧云身上散发出的气息,依旧是如此的超然,让他们感到灵魂颤栗之余也是心惊肉跳。
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