EMS :: Volume #21

#2013: God demon war

Above Nine Heavens, the Xiao Yun Zhengsheng, was actually punished Sage to cut to kill by the day. 九天之上,萧云证圣,却被天罚圣人斩杀。 Finally, he integrates this stretch of world, entered the place of world source. 最后,他融入这片天地,进入了世界本源之地。 In there, his soul was unique, knew this stretch of world was extremely finally secret. 在那里,他灵魂超脱,知道了这片天地的终极之秘密。 Here, is only in world of kamikaze god. 这里,只是神风界神的内世界。 This for example, after Xiao Yun Zhengsheng, in the world takes shape gradually, has the life to appear. 这就比如,萧云证圣后,内世界逐渐成型,有生灵出现。 Later, his world will also be born many lives, will have every, god, and even highest heaven world. 以后,他的世界也会诞生诸多的生灵,也会有凡界,神界,乃至九霄天地。 Because, any god, wants to be formidable, must continually improve the own in world. 因为,任何界神,想要强大起来,就必须不断完善自己的内世界。 World is more perfect, represents regular order to control exquisitely. 世界越完善,代表规则秩序掌控得更精妙。 Even, domain that many Xiao Yun have not involved at this time. 甚至,当中还有许多萧云此时还没有涉及到的领域。 ...... …… After the Xiao Yun auxiliary kamikaze god puts to death that two god, Ling Fei also understood the vastness of world. 萧云辅助神风界神将那两个界神诛杀后,凌飞也明白了世界之浩瀚。 Meanwhile, he also knows, if kamikaze god die, in the middle of that world person must die. 同时,他也知道,若是神风界神殒落,那世界当中的人都得殒落 At that time, his father, the family member, will not exist. 那时,他的父亲,亲人,都将不复存在。 Therefore Xiao Yun the innermost feelings are also to have at this time an invisible pressure. 所以萧云此时内心也是有着一股无形的压力。 His goal unceasingly is also increasing. 他的目标也在不断变大。 That is, he must help his parents to be aloof , helping his family member to be aloof, gets rid of that is similar to the cattle common destiny. 那便是,他要助他父母超脱,助他的亲人超脱,摆脱那如同牛羊一般的命运。 But, this is doomed is a difficult battle path. 可是,这注定是一条艰难的征途。 First, he must guarantee that the kamikaze god lives. 首先,他得保证神风界神活下来。 Next, he must be unceasingly formidable, constantly grows in this macrocosm. 其次,他也得不断强大,在这大世界内不断成长。 However, this is the extremely remote matter. 不过,这都是极为遥远的事情。 Now, the kamikaze god slowly therapy, his in world, all as if static. 如今,神风界神在慢慢疗伤,他的内世界,一切都似乎静止了起来。 The Nine Heavens sacred place is disillusioned. 九天的圣地破灭。 The world of human beings, god, all Shen feels disorderly. 人界,神界,诸神感觉秩序紊乱。 Suddenly, the world fell into a chaotic time. 一时间,天地陷入了一个混乱的时代。 In the kamikaze god when restoring, Ling Fei also in unceasing become stronger. 在神风界神在恢复时,凌飞也在不断的变强 He not only wants the soul to be unique, that is in itself also unique. 他不仅要灵魂超脱,那本身也要超脱。 That must need the source stone. 那就得需要源石了。 However, doing several things at the same time of Xiao Yun restores, these supreme treasure also 11 his. 不过,萧云的分身恢复,那些至宝也11被他的。 That did several things at the same time to enter in the middle of in world of kamikaze god. 那分身进入了神风界神的内世界当中。 At this moment, in the world, doing several things at the same time of Xiao Yun appears. 此刻,在世界当中,萧云的分身出现。 Is looking at Nine Heavens that shatter void, but also has void that the endless crack presents, Xiao Yun slightly sighed. 望着九天那破碎的虚空,还有着无尽裂缝出现的虚空,萧云不由微微一叹。 Originally, here, his family member. 本来,在这里,还有他的亲人。 However, because that has the war, complete die. 不过,因为那有战,全部殒落了。 Is good Lord allow Ruo because of kamikaze, when his injury has restored, will then resurrect these people. 好在神风界主许偌,等他伤势有所恢复,便会将那些人复活。 So, Xiao Yun is also relaxed. 如此,萧云也算是松了口气。 Otherwise, even though is unique, did not have the family member, what significance does he live is also having? 不然,纵使超脱,没有了亲人,他活着又有什么意义? God is complete!” After taking a fast look around a Nine Heavens situation, Xiao Yun mind by the wall, has then permeated in the middle of god. “神界还算完好!”在扫视一番九天的情况后,萧云心神便是透过界壁,渗入了神界当中。 Demon Race with the Human Race war!” However, after his mind permeating god, the brow of Xiao Yun then closely wrinkled. 魔族在和人族大战!”不过,当他的心神渗入神界后,萧云的眉头便是紧紧皱了起来。 Because, Demon Race, Nether Race, unites the blood group at this time, the dark lineage/vein, turn toward Human Race together, Monster Race, waited for the clan to initiate the god demon war. 因为,此时魔族,冥族,联合血族,黑暗一脉,一起向着人族,妖族,等族发起了神魔大战。 This war, has swept across the major territories. 这场战争,席卷了各大域。 The person sovereign star territory, the Hao Tian star territory, day star Gods Territory, these regions were involved in the middle of the battlefield completely. 人皇星域,昊天星域,天星神域,这些区域全部被卷入了战场当中。 The present god fusion, changes into big, originally, various territory seal asylums. 如今的神界融合,化为一个大界,本来,还有各域封印庇护。 But Nine Heavens one post-war, order god die, Heavenly Law lacks, the order also disorder of god, caused the strength of these seals also along with it weakening. 九天一战后,秩序神主殒落,天道有缺,神界的秩序也紊乱了,导致这些封印之力也随之减弱。 So, the war then broke out. 如此,大战便爆发了。 Kills!” “杀!” In the middle of that stretch of battlefield, war cries are shocking. 在那片战场当中,杀声震天。 Xiao Yun saw familiar person's shadows. 萧云看到了一个个熟悉的人影。 That is Swallowing the Heavens, it has entered into the Venerable boundary, that is Jiang asked that the day......” Xiao Yun mind moves, then has discovered familiar person's shadows. “那是吞天,它迈入了尊者境,那是姜问天……”萧云心神一动,便是发现了一个个熟悉人影。 Washes Tian Lian, Clear Sky Clan old Imperial Uncle!” “还有沐天莲,昊天族的老皇叔!” Sees these familiar person's shadows, Xiao Yun feels the inexplicable excitement. 见得这些熟悉的人影,萧云也是感到莫名的激动。 What a pity, many person die. 可惜,还有许多人殒落了。 If Xiao Clan some people. 萧氏的一些人。 Merely only then Xiao Qianlong has stepped into the Venerable boundary. 仅仅只有萧潜龙踏入了尊者境。 As for other people, because longevity force arrived, passed away. 至于其它的人,都因为寿元已到,老死了。 Human Race and Monster Race are very formidable, in addition Clear Sky Clan, waits for clan together take action. 人族妖族很强大,加上昊天族,等族一起出手 But, fights, Human Race has the rebel to appear, such as initially Saint Domain that nine positive lineage/vein, wait / etc.. 可是,大战起,人族有叛徒出现,如当初圣域那九阳一脉,等等。 These people, since treading is enthralled, has been dormant, the clansman but who, they relate god in secret, has ambushed. 这些人,自从踏入神界后,一直蛰伏了起来,可是,他们暗中联系神界的族人,潜伏了下来。 Opens at this war, Venerable by the internal injury brightly, causing the loss not to be small. 在这次大战开启,有神尊被暗伤,导致损失不小。 Naturally, initially Saint Domain Spiritual God, die, has been able to become the Venerable boundary merely is only minority. 当然,当初圣域神灵,殒落了许多,能成为尊者境的仅仅只是少数。 May under this war, Venerable, be able to affect the pattern. 可在这种大战下,一个尊者,都能影响格局了。 Before this is , the territory in person of sovereign star territory. 这是以前人皇星域的领地。 In that void middle, established a strategic pass, has connected the world. 在那虚空当中,建立起了一座雄关,连接了天地。 This is isolates Demon Race and Nether Race strategic pass. 此乃隔绝魔族冥族的雄关。 Now, here, there are innumerable Venerable keep watch. 如今,在这里,有无数尊者坐镇 Initial ginger fictitious Venerable, he now is the accurate emperor. 如,当初的姜子虚尊者,他现在已经是准帝了。 Flood Dragon, it was also the accurate emperor. 还有蛟龙尊者,它也是准帝了。 Clear Sky Clan 20 eight Imperial Uncle also became the accurate emperors. 昊天族的20八皇叔也成为了准帝。 So, these person keep watch sides, resist Demon Race. 如此,这些人都坐镇一方,抵御魔族 Kill! 杀! On this day, before the strategic pass, demon aura tumbles, the demon spear|gun pierced void, turns toward the strategic pass between this standing erect world to strike directly. 这一天,雄关之前,魔气翻滚,有一杆魔枪洞穿了虚空,直接向着这屹立天地间的雄关击来。 This has the emperor spear|gun, the power and influence is dreadful, shoots, made that strategic pass be cracked directly, that Dao Mark in disintegration. 这是有杆帝枪,威势滔天,一枪击来,直接让得那雄关都龟裂了起来,那道纹在崩碎。 After all, this strategic pass is only accurate emperor under the cloth, is unable to fight with the emperor soldier. 毕竟,这雄关只是准帝所布下,根本无法和帝兵争锋。 Kills!” But at this time, above the strategic pass, Mr. Jiang Zixu carries a round god mirror. “杀!”而此时,雄关之上,姜子虚老人携一轮神镜。 His is a secondary emperor soldier , the power and influence is astonishing, among the light runes circulations the reversible chaotic world, that six world ups and downs, wants the forcing mountains and rivers. 他这是一件次级帝兵,却也威势惊人,光纹流转间似可逆乱天地,那六道世界沉浮,要力压山河。 Quick, the war breaks out. 很快,大战爆发。 That vault of heaven was hit the disintegration. 那片苍穹都被打得崩碎了起来。 Nether Race also has accurate emperor take action, with emperor soldier. 只是,冥族又有准帝出手,携帝兵而来。 That is a deep flag, that flag one volume, Nether Qi fills the air, middle the soul roared, the terror was incomparable, might swallow the heavens-devouring place. 那是一杆冥旗,那旗子一卷,冥气弥漫,当中阴魂咆哮,恐怖无比,似可吞噬天地。 This is an evil soldier, attracts the world hero's soul. 这是一杆邪兵,吸天地英魂而成。 Human Race non- emperor the soldier, is unable again with it fighting. 人族无帝兵,再也无法与之争锋。 Kills!” “杀!” Therefore, Clear Sky Clan 20 eight Imperial Uncle take action. 为此,昊天族的20八皇叔出手 Originally, Xiao Yun has left behind supreme treasure to 20 eight Imperial Uncle. 本来,萧云给20八皇叔留下了至宝 But, Xiao Yun initially the idol disintegration, many treasures ruined. 可是,萧云当初神像崩碎,诸多宝物都毁掉了。 Concentrates the meaning of my Hao Tian, the war!” 20 eight Imperial Uncle pupil light concentrate, the low and deep sound resounds through the world, spreads over the territory in entire Hao Tian star territory. “凝我昊天之意,战!”20八皇叔眸光一凝,低沉的声音响彻天地,传遍整个昊天星域的领地。 My Hao Tian subjects, may hope with a this King war.” The low and deep sound resounds through. “我昊天子民,可愿与本座一战。”低沉的声音响彻开来。 I and others hoped with Imperial Uncle in!” “我等愿与皇叔同在!” With Imperial Uncle in!” Entire Hao Heavenly Domain moves, innumerable subjects fighting intent are imposing. “与皇叔同在!”整个昊天域为之而动,无数子民战意凛然。 So, infinite will, blessing on 20 eight Imperial Uncle. 如此,无穷意志,加持在20八皇叔身上。 This is he studies Xiao Yun, senses, but [say / way]. 这是他学萧云,所感悟而出的道。 So, 20 eight Imperial Uncle fighting intent were astonishing, kills to the Nether Race accurate emperor. 如此,20八皇叔战意惊人,杀向了冥族的准帝。 Except in addition, the Flood Dragon accurate emperor also comes, strength to fight blood group. 除此外,蛟龙准帝也闻讯而来,力抗血族。 Kill! 杀! Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow has also killed, present it, is Supreme, again further was the accurate emperor. 吞天雀也杀了出去,如今的它,已经是至尊,再进一步就是准帝了。 Jiang asked that the day has also killed. 姜问天也杀了过去。 Before, they encountered with Demon Race several times, this time obviously was the final showdown. 之前,他们就和魔族交锋几次,这次显然是最后的对决了。 powerhouse of various clans left, hits that side Desolate disintegration. 各族的强者出,打得那边荒都崩碎了。 Has Spiritual God die unceasingly, has Demon Beast one hand shrouding the heavens. 不断有神灵殒落,有魔兽只手遮天 That is a brutal war. 那是一场残酷的战争。 Nether Race has powerhouse, is towing the die Spiritual God hero's soul secretly, must refine the deep flag. 冥族强者,在暗暗牵引殒落神灵的英魂,要炼制冥旗。 The time is passing unceasingly. 时间在不断流逝。 This war has continued for hundred years. 这一战持续了百年。 Many Spiritual God die. 许多神灵殒落 Bang! 轰! On this day, the bang rumble, the wild strategic pass was crushed, Demon Race and Nether Race army pushes directly into. 这一天,巨响隆隆,边荒的雄关被击碎,魔族冥族的大军长驱直入。 The blood group, the dark lineage/vein follow. 血族,黑暗一脉跟随而来。 These four large clans, are powerful, kill the world to change color. 这四大族,气势如虹,杀得天地为之变色。 Bang! 砰! On this day, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that giant body was pierced by long spear, nail maliciously above the second strategic pass. 这一天,吞天雀那巨大的身子被一杆长枪洞穿,狠狠的钉在了第二座雄关之上。 Swallowing the Heavens!” At this time, Jiang asked that the day flew, evolved six samsara Magical Powers hastily, repelled for it came the enemy. 吞天!”这时,姜问天飞来,连忙演化六道轮回神通,替它击退了来敌。 But, the front person's shadow twinkle, five big Venerable fly. 可是,前方人影闪烁,有五大尊者飞来。 Middle, two Demon Race, Nether Race, blood senior members, Venerable of darkness clan. 当中,两个魔族尊者,一个冥族尊者,一个血族尊者,还有一个黑暗一族的尊者。 But this side them, three Venerable. 而他们这一边,才三个尊者。 Is Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Kong Qi Young Master, Jiang asks the day separately. 分别是吞天雀,孔七公子,姜问天。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and Jiang asked that the day as well as Kong Qi Young Master just like beset with a crisis in the middle. 吞天雀和姜问天以及孔七公子俨然陷入了一个危机当中。 But Human Race other powerhouse, actually in another battlefield. 人族的其它强者,却在另外一处战场。 After hundred years of war, they have been in the weak trend. 经过百年大战,他们已经处于弱势了。 After all, Human Race and Monster Race are weak. 毕竟,人族妖族势单力薄。 Although also has sea Heavenly Domain and other big influences. 虽然还有海天域等大势力。 But they missed eventually, is unable with the dark clan, blood group comparable with. 可他们终究还是差了些,无法和黑暗族,血族堪比 Hehe, Human Race, Monster Race Supreme, today, is your ends.” That five Supreme names grin fiendishly, coldly stares at front Jiang to ask the day. 呵呵,人族,妖族至尊,今天,就是你们的末日。”那五个至尊狰狞笑,冷冷的盯着前方的姜问天。 Then, they have killed. 而后,他们杀了过来。 Deep flag volume day, this piece of battlefield interdiction, must prevent them to run away. 冥旗卷天,将这片战场封锁,是要阻止他们逃走。 Then, blood cloud condenses, an evil blood person appears from that in the clouds, bird's eye view under. 而后,血云凝聚,一个邪恶的血人从那云中浮现,俯瞰着下方。 An demon Venerable already take action, the demon spear|gun crack is spatial, changes into an demon dragon, throws toward the front, must give Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow and the others swallows completely. 一个魔尊已经出手,魔枪裂空,化为一条魔龙,向着前方扑来,要将吞天雀等人都给全部吞噬。 ...... …… War!” Kong Qi Young Master fighting intent is imposing, back all colors divine light bursts out, is flooding the entire world. “战!”孔七公子战意凛然,背后五彩神光迸发,充斥着整个天地。 Behind that divine light evolves a world, must brush completely all, during endless demon aura was said that gradually melts. 神光背后演化一个天地,要刷尽一切,无尽魔气被引入当中,逐渐化解。 But the opposite party imposing manner was too strong, Supreme of that dark clan kills, that dark world must corrode all, was all colors divine light gloomy. 可对方气势太强了,那黑暗族的至尊杀来,那黑暗天地要腐蚀一切,便是五彩神光都暗淡了下来。 Burns my blood essence, develops six world, constructs the samsara order!” Jiang asked the day to knit the brows, he burnt own source blood essence, evolved six world. “燃我精血,演六道天地,构轮回秩序!”姜问天皱眉,他燃烧自己的本源精血,演化六道天地。 Immediately, six world appear, the imposing manner is astonishing, goes toward the front suppression. 顿时,六道天地出现,气势惊人,向着前方镇压而去。 Bang! 轰! Six world ups and downs, routs the attacks of five big Supreme. 六道天地沉浮,将五大至尊的攻击击溃。 But, Jiang asked the day complexion palely actually. 可是,姜问天脸色却苍白了起来。 This time he, is going all out obviously. 此时的他,显然是在拼命。 You walk, do not manage me!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow loudly shouted, his big hand moved, will be staring at demon spear|gun wiping out of own body, then threw to the front. “你们走,不要管我!”吞天雀大呼,他大手一动,将盯着自己躯体的魔枪拔除,而后掷向前方。 Burns my blood essence! 燃烧我精血 Then, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light concentrates, his also combustion own blood essence. 而后,吞天雀眸光一凝,他也燃烧自己精血 swallow the heavens and receive the earth! 吞天纳地 The next quarter, it changed into huge flame vortex, swallows toward front five big Supreme. 下一刻,它化为了一个巨大的火炎气旋,向着前方五大至尊吞去。 That power and influence makes the person dread. 那威势让人忌惮。 Hehe, resists stubbornly, when your blood essence exhausts, how a war?” These five people of coldly snorted, all fully take action, melts the prestige of Swallowing the Heavens. 呵呵,负隅顽抗,等你们精血耗竭,又如何一战?”这五人冷哼,皆全力出手,化解吞天之威。 ...... …… puff! 噗! Three Supreme. 三个至尊 All a combustion blood essence war. 皆燃烧精血一战。 But, their imposing manner gradually is weaken, by that five big Supreme striking successively rout. 可是,他们气势逐渐减弱,被那五大至尊给击得节节溃败。 Then, three people were shot down, in that second prevents under the Demon Race strategic pass. 而后,三个人都被击落在那第二座阻止魔族的雄关之下。 „, Did we like this die here?” Jiang asked that the day of pupil dew is unwilling. “难道,我们就这样死在这里了吗?”姜问天眸露不甘。 Then, he took a look to nearby Kong Qi Young Master and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 而后,他瞅向了旁边的孔七公子吞天雀 How dies? The father dies today, must draw spacegoat.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow wicked saying. “死又如何?老子今天就算死,也要拉一个垫背的。”吞天雀恶狠狠的说道。 Its stubbornly is staring at front five big Supreme, prepares the appearance that gives thunder to strike. 它死死的盯着前方的五大至尊,一副准备给予雷霆一击的样子。 Was a pity that I cannot proclaim oneself emperor, has not known the life and death of my brother.” Then, in the middle of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that eye reveals color of the regret. “可惜,我未能称帝,还不知道我的兄弟之生死。”转而,吞天雀那眼睛当中露出一丝遗憾之色。 Initially, the Xiao Yun idol disintegration, making it be worried. 当初,萧云的神像崩碎,让它担心。 What a pity, it has not proclaimed oneself emperor, cannot visit Nine Heavens, understands situation. 可惜,它没有称帝,不能踏足九天,去了解情况。 Does not know that Brother Xiao is what kind of now, can he once also live?” Kong Qi Young Master is the pupil dew is also regrettable. “也不知萧兄如今怎样,他可曾还活着?”孔七公子也是眸露遗憾。 ...... …… They did not fear dead in battle, cannot cut obsession that in heart feared. 他们并不怕战死,怕的是不能了切心中的执念 My once brothers!” At this time, Xiao Yun above Nine Heavens, received all these in the eye. “我曾经的兄弟!”此时,萧云九天之上,将这一切都收在了眼中。 Immediately, in the middle of his eye the mist is dim. 顿时,他那双眼睛当中雾气朦胧。 Even though his main body were aloof, but, he could not bear shed tears at this moment as before. 纵使他本尊已经超脱,可是,此刻他依旧忍不住流下了眼泪。 For these brothers, he must try hard practice, visits finally extremely the boundary , helping them to be aloof. 为了这些兄弟,他也得努力修炼,踏足终极之境,助他们超脱。 Now must solve their present crises is. 只是,现在还得解决他们眼前的危机才是。 «Immortal Martial Venerable» ended this one month, many readers added the ghost, making the ghost write the sequel, about the sequel, the ghost will continue to write, will also find the time to write beyond, beyond what do you want to look? Can add the ghost, believes the Duke, numerous numbers, yaoyueye1990, or searches for the monster moonlit night directly, as well as the SINA.com micro blog, creates the world monster moonlit night, told the ghost there, the head picture was the cartoon, was bringing the eyeglasses, Mengmeng was I . Moreover, new book «God Desolate Emperor Dragon» arrived at the splendid place, everybody should remember that the Lord of «Immortal Martial Venerable» order did have pen of the order? «God Desolate Emperor Dragon» also has, the new book is the Immortal Martial Venerable to divulge to an outsider . Moreover, told everybody secretly, snow white small beast, Yiyi appeared in the new book. 不死武尊》完本一个月了,还有很多读者加老妖,让老妖写续集,关于续集,老妖会继续写,还会找时间写番外,你们想看什么番外?可以加老妖的微,信公,众号,yaoyueye1990,或者直接搜妖月夜,以及新浪微博,创世妖月夜,在那里告诉老妖,头像是卡通,带着眼镜,萌萌的就是我,另外,新书《神荒龙帝》已经到了精彩之处,大家应该记得《不死武尊》秩序之主有只秩序之笔吧?《神荒龙帝》也有,新书是不死武尊的外传,另外,偷偷的告诉大家,雪白小兽,伊伊已经出现在了新书里。 What form it in appears? 它是以什么形式出现的了呢? Everybody had a look to know. 大家去看看就知道了。 Furthermore, new book «God Desolate Emperor Dragon», if the result is good, later has the opportunity to leave the cartoon, the film and television, wait / etc., when the time comes, will have Yiyi and so on picture issued everybody to look. 再者,新书《神荒龙帝》如果成绩好,以后有机会出漫画,影视,等等,到时候,就会有伊伊等等的图片发给大家看了。 Therefore, everybody goes to qq reading support new book «God Desolate Emperor Dragon» quickly lets its fire! 所以,大家快去qq阅读支持新书《神荒龙帝》让它火起来吧! Because here is the battlefield of ghost. 因为这里是老妖的战场。 Moreover, tomorrow was 1st, hopes that everybody tomorrow has the monthly ticket, left new book «God Desolate Emperor Dragon», making us in one time go on an expedition! 另外,明天就是一号了,希望大家明天有月票的,留给新书《神荒龙帝》,让我们在一次征战吧! Thanked everybody. 谢谢大家了。
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