EMS :: Volume #3

#201: Sister Hai mist sect

Chapter 201 Sea Mist Sect Senior Sister 第201章海岚宗师姐 Is close Black Cloud Gorge, Monster Beast that meets is getting more and more formidable, may have Xiao Yun, these non- issue. 越是接近黑云涧,所遇到的妖兽就越来越强大,可有萧云在,这些并不问题。 This time he makes Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow release a formidable imposing manner directly, frightens the group beast, for does not find out a condition, here has his beloved woman, does not allow to have a condition, any custom examination had not been cared by him entirely. 这次他直接让吞天雀释放出一股强大的气势,震慑群兽,为的就是不想出一丝状况,这里有着他心爱的女人,绝不允许出现一丝状况,什么规矩考核通通没有被他放在心上。 What in did this world have protecting the own beloved person is more important than? 这世上还有什么比保护自己心爱的人重要了? After quite a while, curtain of night, people crossed several mountain ridges, finally arrived at a at the foot of the hill. 半天后,夜幕时分,众人翻过数个山岭,终于是来到了一处山脚下。 We wait for Senior Sister first here they.” Yan Yueying said toward the people. “我们先在这里等师姐她们。”颜月莹向着众人说道。 Em.” Sea Mist Sect apprentice sisters all nods, here Monster Beast is very formidable, if not for has Xiao Yun to follow them only to fear that is unable to enter here, therefore does not dare to cross the summit to intrude Black Cloud Gorge rashly, but there Monster Beast gathering place! “恩。”海岚宗师姐妹皆是点头,这里的妖兽很强大,若不是有着萧云伴随她们只怕都无法进入这里,所以也不敢贸然越过山巅闯入黑云涧,那里可是妖兽的聚集之地啊! Later, these female disciple same place were building the tent, some people have ignited the bonfire, crowded around together. 不大一会,这些女弟子都在原地搭好了帐篷,有人燃起了篝火,簇拥在一起。 Although here does not have Monster Beast to attack, people actually do not dare to be negligent. 虽然这里没有妖兽来袭,众人却也不敢大意。 Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei sisters stay before a fire of high-piled firewood, chatted the matter that recently had mutually. 萧云颜诗妃姐妹呆在一个火堆前,相互聊起了近来发生的事情。 This Yan Shifei sisters early six months ago on to join Sea Mist Sect, Yan Shifei under there resources had stepped into True Yuan middle-stage Peak. 颜诗妃姐妹早在半年前就拜入海岚宗,在那里的资源下颜诗妃已经踏入了真元中期巅峰 Her natural talent was good, was detected was having Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value is 39%, in adding on fused mind with Little Purple, the practice speed also wanted on the strong several points compared with the ordinary person, will step into True Yuan late-stage is also sooner or later matter. 她本来天赋就不错,被测出了拥有着灵体,灵体值为39,在加上与小紫融合了心神,修炼速度比起一般的人还要强上几分,踏入真元后期也是早晚的事情。 As for Yan Shiyan, she is also having Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value is 41%, compared with on her Elder Sister also strong several points. 至于颜诗嫣,她也拥有着灵体,灵体值为41,比起她姐姐还强上几分。 Now she has also stepped into True Yuan Realm, but actually just stepped into middle-stage. 如今她也踏入了真元境,不过却只是刚踏入中期 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, can you later enter that Profound Yuan Battlefield?” Yan Shiyan winked that long eyelash to take a look to Xiao Yun said. 萧云哥哥,你以后要进入那玄元战场吗?”颜诗嫣眨了眨那长长的睫毛瞅向萧云道。 This girl rare expression is dignified, appears very earnest. 这丫头难得表情凝重,显得很认真。 Nearby Yan Shifei beautiful pupil is staring at Xiao Yun, as if also very much cares. 旁边的颜诗妃美眸凝视着萧云,似乎对此也很在意。 Em.” Xiao Yun sighed the tone, said that my father possibly in Heavenly Capital Domain, therefore I must enter Profound Yuan Battlefield, emerges in Hundred Sects Great War, I later should leave Southern Border.” When speaks of leaves the Xiao Yun mood appears very dignified. “恩。”萧云叹息了口气,说道,“我父亲可能在天都域,所以我必须进入玄元战场,在百宗大战中脱颖而出,我以后应该会离开南疆。”说到离开时萧云心情显得很凝重。 Southern Border is his root, has his family member, has his lover, but he must depart. 南疆是他的根,有着他的亲人,有着他的爱人,可是他必须离去。 „.” Yan Shiyan pursing the lips lip, at once pupil one bright, reveals wipes firm and resolute, said that I must go to Profound Yuan Battlefield.” “呃。”颜诗嫣抿了抿嘴唇,旋即眸子一亮,露出一抹坚毅,道,“我也要去玄元战场。” The small girl pupil dew is firm and resolute, the expression is very earnest, making Xiao Yun be startled slightly. 小丫头眸露坚毅,语气很认真,让得萧云微微一怔。 Yan Shifei is light smiles, the own younger sister thoughts, nobody was again clearer than her. 颜诗妃却是淡淡一笑,自己妹妹的心思,再也没有人比她清楚了。 „Do you also want to go?” A Xiao Yun brow wrinkle, said that there is very dangerous, is not the place that you go.” “你也要去?”萧云眉头一皱,道,“那里很危险,可不是你去的地方。” Doesn't have you?” Yan Shiyan purses the lips, very willful saying, Elder Brother Xiao Yun will certainly protect my.” “不是有你吗?”颜诗嫣抿着嘴,很任性的说道,“萧云哥哥一定会保护我的。” Speaking of her to show a face smiling face finally, was having the expression of several points of acting like a spoiled brat. 说到最后她露出一脸笑容,带着几分撒娇的语气。 Does not know that there Elder Brother Xiao Yun can arrive finally, how can protect you really?” A Xiao Yun face said with deep veneration that clever, is obedient, you stay in Sea Mist Sect.” He is very difficult to imagine, allowing this small girl to enter that Ancient Battlefield, what happened. “在那里萧云哥哥也不知到能不能走到最后,怎能真的护住你?”萧云一脸肃然说道,“乖,听话,你就呆在海岚宗。”他很难想象,让这个小丫头进入那种古战场,会发生什么事情。 But there danger numerous! 那里可是危险重重啊! Snort, others are not a child, I know the weight, in any case, where you go, where I must go.” Yan Shiyan purses the lips, appears to Xiao Yun that expression was not very happy that roars the expression of child obviously? “哼,人家已经不是小孩了,我知道轻重,反正以后你去哪里,我也要去哪里。”颜诗嫣撅着嘴,对萧云那语气显得很不高兴,那明显就是哄小孩子的语气吗? Also clever? 还乖? Are others a child? 人家是小孩子吗? Yan Shiyan purses the lips, appears very discontented, own obviously compared with this fellow was only small a half years old, to be despised how always? 颜诗嫣抿着嘴,显得很不满,自己明明比这家伙只是小了半岁而已,怎么老是被鄙视了呢? Hey, you want to convince this girl not to be easy.” Nearby Yan Shifei smiles to say. “嘿嘿,你想说服这丫头可没有那么容易。”旁边的颜诗妃嫣然一笑道。 This makes a Xiao Yun parade big, afterward asked that that you?” 这让萧云一阵头大,随后问道,“那你了?” I?” The Yan Shifei pupil narrows the eyes, afterward the pupil light twinkle, said with a smile, I will try hard practice.” “我?”颜诗妃眸子一眯,随后眸光闪烁,笑道,“我会努力修炼。” Diligently practice?” Sees Yan Shifei is also ambiguous reply, in the Xiao Yun heart understands clearly, knows that she only feared is also so. “努力修炼?”见颜诗妃也是模棱两可的回答,萧云心中了然,知道她只怕也是如此。 Otherwise she can think comes this Black Cloud Gorge? 不然她怎么会想着来这黑云涧 Isn't good because of Sea Mist Sect relieved practice? 海岚宗安心修炼不好吗? Xiao Yun smiled, was not saying, just like something he is the same, knew perfectly well that difficult must do. 萧云笑了笑,也不在多说,有些事情正如他一样,明知困难还是要去做。 He is so, others are also so, therefore feel for others, he knows that wants to change an idea of person to be very difficult. 他是如此,别人也是如此,所以将心比心,他知道想要改变一个人的想法很难。 I do not become your burden.” Yan Shifei pupil light concentrates suddenly, said. “我不会成为你的累赘。”颜诗妃突然眸光一凝,说道。 I will protect your.” Xiao Yun sighed, said that in any event he must protect this woman. “我会保护你的。”萧云叹了口气,说道,无论如何他都要保护这个女人。 Snort, I?” Saw Xiao Yun not to pay attention to own, Yan Shiyan very discontented coldly snorted, said. “哼,那我了?”见萧云又不理会自己了,颜诗嫣很不满的冷哼了一声,道。 Hey.” Yan Shifei shakes the head smiles, has not said anything. “嘿嘿。”颜诗妃摇头一笑,并没有多说什么。 You are Shifei younger sister, I will not certainly let your be bullied.” Xiao Yun helpless saying. “你是诗妃妹妹,我当然也不会让你被人欺负了。”萧云无奈的说道。 Yan Shiyan is rubbing the canine tooth, is very apparently discontented with this reply, but her own cannot be too anxious, therefore also only then swallows this tone. 颜诗嫣磨着虎牙,对这回答显然很不满,不过她自己不能太急,所以也只有咽下这口气。 Snort, does not have vision fellow, waits in one year, this Young Lady lives shames the moon and flowers, the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, looked that you haven't moved?” In the Yan Shiyan heart the secret whisper said that at once her pupil light hangs down, has sized up a own that secretly to full, in the corners of the mouth wipes smiling face unconscious reappearing, hee hee, others now were very big, in definitely will not lose shortly afterward to Elder Sister.” “哼,没眼光的家伙,等在过一年,本小姐生得闭月羞花,倾国倾城,看你还不动心?”颜诗嫣心中暗暗嘀咕道,旋即她眸光低垂,暗自打量了一眼自己那对饱满,嘴角间一抹笑容不自觉的浮现而出,“嘻嘻,人家现在已经很大了,在过不久肯定不会输给姐姐。” Thinks of here, the small girl was happy that smiles to blossom. 想到这里,小丫头高兴得笑开了花。 This girl love-struck fool?” Xiao Yun is startled, was defeated by this Yan Shiyan thoroughly. “这丫头花痴了?”萧云一怔,被这颜诗嫣给彻底打败了。 This girl a moment ago was a face not indignation! 这丫头刚才还是一脸不忿啊! How to smile? 怎么就笑起来了呢? Elder Brother, i must eat milk.” When Xiao Yun defeated appearance, the Yan Shifei forehead purple light twinkle, that resembles the elf common adorable kid to throw leaps to him, finally lies saying that on his shoulder has spoken in an infantile tone of voice. 哥哥,我要吃奶奶。”就在萧云一副被打败了的模样的时候,颜诗妃眉心紫光闪烁,一个好像精灵一般可爱的小家伙扑的一声就向他跃来,最后趴到了他的肩膀上奶声奶气的说道。 eat milk? Xiao Yun brow one curved, when takes a look to that adorable Little Purple, the corners of the mouth also appear to wipe the smiling face. 吃奶奶?萧云眉头一弯,瞅向那可爱的小紫时,嘴角也是不由浮现出一抹笑容。 Now this kid became even more adorable. 如今这小家伙变得越发可爱了。 That pair of purple pupil clever is incomparable, has the long eyelash to bend, although tree trunk, but actually quite anthropoids, simply probably is a elf, pleasing, saw this kid skilled crawling to the own shoulder on, the recollection of Xiao Yun was also brought back. 那双紫色的眸子灵动无比,有着长长的睫毛弯起,虽然还是树身,可是却颇似人形,简直就好像是一个精灵,惹人喜爱,见到这小家伙熟练的爬到了自己肩膀上,萧云的回忆也是随之被勾起。 Initially he initially entered Purple Clouds Mountain Range, then has subdued this kid. 当初他初入紫云山脉,便是收服了这小家伙。 Xiao Yun vaguely remembered at that time him small and weakly how. 萧云依稀记得那时地他是多么的弱小。 Now more than half a year passes by, he was not initially that youth. 如今大半年过去,他已非当初那个少年。 Present he wants soaring through the Nine Heavens, becomes powerhouse! 现在的他要翱翔九天,成为一个强者 Has several points to recall, Xiao Yun mind moves, forehead brilliance glitters, presented two jade green color spirit bead. 带着几分追忆,萧云心神一动,眉心光华闪烁,就出现了两颗碧绿色的灵珠 Obtained the spirit bead kid to take immediately, appeared satisfies very much. 得到灵珠小家伙马上就服用了下来,显得很是满足。 You also keep two.” Xiao Yun takes out four jade green color spirit bead to give the Yan Shifei sisters from Sea of Consciousness once more separately, this bead is very uncommon, not only contains the rich vitality the helping other to restore Yuan Qi, but also has the function of therapy.” “你们也留两颗吧。”萧云再次从识海内取出四颗碧绿色的灵珠分别递给颜诗妃姐妹,“这珠子很不凡,不仅蕴含着浓郁的生机可以助人恢复元气,还有着疗伤的作用。” Yan Shifei two people received that bead, pupil all reveals several points of curiosity. 颜诗妃两人接过那珠子,眸子皆是露出几分好奇。 After they induce to that bead in sends out the aura that exceed general Medicine Pill, in the heart is one happy, receiving will be hastily good. 当她们感应到那珠子中散发出的气息胜过一般丹药后,心中皆是一喜,连忙将之收好。 Afterward Xiao Yun takes out some medicine ingredients, waits for the goods to give to these two sisters. 随后萧云又取出一些药材,等物品送给这两姐妹。 This time he obtained many treasures from that Southern Sea Sword Sect person disciple, but many things regarding he too many advantage, because of the boundary promotion of Xiao Yun, as well as quenching of Yuan Qi, have not been these medicine ingredients can be effective. 这次他从那南海剑派的人弟子身上获得了不少宝物,不过许多东西对于他并没有太多的好处,因为萧云的境界提升,以及元气的淬炼,都不是这些药材就可以奏效的。 As for Magic Item, these two girls have low-level Magic Item. 至于法器,这两个丫头都有一件低级法器 If later has the opportunity to help you seek fierce Magic Item.” Xiao Yun said. “以后若有机会在帮你们寻一件厉害的法器。”萧云说道。 Em.” Yan Shifei nodded, the mood appears quite happy. “恩。”颜诗妃点了点头,心情显得颇为高兴。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, your this time must capture that Nether Fruit, quite lets me and Elder Sister steps into Yuan Core Realm together.” After receiving these gifts, Yan Shiyan earnest saying, so long as has stepped into Yuan Core Realm, they can also enter Profound Yuan Battlefield. 萧云哥哥,你这次一定要夺得那摩罗冥果,好让我和姐姐一起踏入元丹境。”收好那些礼物后,颜诗嫣认真的说道,只要踏入了元丹境,她们也就可以进入玄元战场了。 Moreover that Spirit Fruit can also promote the Spirit Physique value of person, has the greatest advantage regarding the later growth. 而且那灵果还可以提升人的灵体值,对于以后的成长有着莫大的好处。 My meeting.” The Xiao Yun nod said that this thought already mesozoic got up in his heart. “我会的。”萧云点头道,这个念头早就已经在他心中生起了。 Shout! 呼! Shortly, front void light beam shot up to the sky, has alarmed Sea Mist Sect all disciple. 在不久后,前方虚空一道光束冲天而起,惊动了海岚宗的所有弟子 This light beam blooms, finally is changing into one light seas void, has illuminated the earth. 这道光束绽放开来,最后在虚空化为一片光海,照亮了大地。 Was Senior Sister they come back.” In disciple heart of Sea Mist Sect one happy, has sent the same signal hastily. “是师姐她们回来了。”海岚宗弟子心中一喜,连忙发了同样的信号。 Senior Sister?” Sees these disciple joyful appearances, Xiao Yun reveals several points of curious color. 师姐?”见那些弟子欣喜的模样,萧云不由露出几分好奇之色。 This Senior Sister, but the Sea Mist Sect man of the hour, is one such as the angel common beautiful woman.” Yan Shifei said with a smile gracefully. “这位师姐可是海岚宗的风云人物,是一个如天仙一般的美人。”颜诗妃盈盈一笑道。 Angel same beautiful woman?” Xiao Yun said with a smile lightly, had your beautiful?” “天仙一样的美人?”萧云淡淡一笑道,“有你美吗?” Naturally.” Yan Shifei said with a smile, later you saw her to know.” “当然。”颜诗妃笑道,“待会你见了她就知道了。” Xiao Yun shrugs, but light smiles, but he also slightly feels regarding this Sea Mist Sect Senior Sister curiously. 萧云耸了耸肩,只是淡淡一笑,不过对于这个海岚宗师姐他也略感好奇。 Can be a person, will make these disciple so joyful unexpectedly? 到底会是怎么一个人,竟然会让这些弟子如此欣喜? Looks at this appearance, this Senior Sister should not be simple! 瞧这模样,这个师姐应该不简单啊! Shout! 呼! After the moment, front summit light twinkle, the beautiful figure appears in together void, floating falls toward at the foot of the hill, she is wearing a sea-blue color long skirt, is throwing over a pale blue tissue, when that fine gauze Feiyang (flies upwards), clothes sleeve is floating elegant like immortal. 片刻后,前方山巅光影闪烁,一道倩影随之出现在虚空,向着山脚下飘然落下,她身穿着一袭海蓝色长裙,披着一袭淡蓝色的薄纱,那轻纱飞扬,衣袂飘飘时飘逸如仙。 If looks from afar, really this such as fairy being near dust, could not say was elegant the dust. 若远远看去,这真的如一个仙子临尘,说不出的飘逸出尘。 What step is this?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, that female long floating falls at is not general True Yuan Realm cultivator can accomplish, is very obvious, this female to learn/to master one set of profound step, has been similar to depending on this lotus steps treading on the sky strolls. “这是什么步法?”萧云微微一怔,那个女子悠悠的飘然落下根本不是一般的真元境修者可以办到,很显然,此女学会了一套高深的步法,凭此莲步踏空如同闲庭信步。 This is our Sea Mist Sect Sea Clouds Steps.” Yan Shifei smiles gracefully, said that this Senior Sister Yang is also less than 18 years old, has actually achieved True Yuan perfection boundary, it is said that she has already been able to step into half Yuan Core Realm, but Nether Fruit quenchings True Yuan for and other, by better promotion own foundation, this does not have to attack half Yuan Core Realm anxiously.” “这是我们海岚宗海云步。”颜诗妃盈盈一笑,道,“这杨师姐还不到18岁,却已经达到了真元圆满境,据说她早就已经可以踏入半步元丹境了,只是为了等这摩罗冥果淬炼真元,以更好的提升自己的根基,这才没有急着冲击半步元丹境。” Her ambition is not small!” Sea Shifei as if also quite admires to this Senior Sister Yang. “她的志向可是不小啊!”海诗妃对这杨师姐似乎也颇为敬佩。 Already can step into half step Yuan Core Realm?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, Soul Power induces to go toward the female who that floating falls, indeed had discovered on the body of opposite party a vague fluctuation, the strength of this female is not general True Yuan perfection boundary may compare. “早就可以踏入半步元丹境了吗?”萧云眸子微眯,灵魂力向着那飘然而落的女子感应而去,的确在对方的身上发现了一股隐晦的波动,这女子的实力真的不是一般真元圆满境可比。 Shout! 呼! Yang Haixin just like exiling the immortal, floating falls to the ground, under that jade foot rays of light blooms, seems to be the lotus flower to pick up, does not contaminate dust. 杨海芯宛若谪仙,飘然落地,那玉足下光芒绽放,似有莲花托起,不沾染一丝尘埃。 Relies on rays of light that the bonfire is blooming to see this is a beautiful female, an oval face, fine gently beautiful, just like Tiancheng (as if made by heaven), could not find a slight defect quite the same as, that has a beautiful face, the fine jade nose very curls upwards, when makes it is beautiful also many one point of noble. 凭借着篝火绽放的光芒可以看到这是一个绝美的女子,一张鹅蛋脸,精致柔美,宛若浑然天成,找不到一丝瑕疵,那眉目如画,琼鼻挺翘,使之美艳之余又多了一分高贵。 Her double pupil is limpidly bright is similar to the bright moonlight, might illuminate the world, this female such station, making the world change colors. 她双眸清澈明亮得如同明月,似可照亮天地,这女子就这么一站,让得天地都为之失色。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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