EMS :: Volume #2

#200: Became the lamb?

Did Chapter 200 become the lamb? 第200章成为了羔羊? The performance of Xiao Yun was too a moment ago astonishing. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } 刚才萧云的表现太惊人。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} Not only the powerful has routed Li Jiansong, resisted that peerless to strike unexpectedly. 不仅强势击溃了李剑嵩,竟然还抵挡下了那绝世一击。 So background only feared that in Sea Mist Sect young disciple is also unusual, such youth talent who can not like? 如此底蕴只怕在海岚宗的年轻弟子中也是少有,这样的青年才俊谁会不喜欢了? What is most beckoning will be Xiao Yun will kill Li Jiansong for own beloved woman reckless cutting unexpectedly. 最让人心动的是萧云为了自己心爱的女人竟然会不顾一切的斩杀李剑嵩 This cordiality, is more important than all in these female disciple hearts. 这份情意,在这些女弟子心中比一切都重要。 Hears these female disciple the words of ridicule, Sea Mist Sect several male disciple is a face is ashamed. 听得那些女弟子的讥讽之言,海岚宗的几位男弟子都是一脸羞愧。 They indeed do not have this boldness, does not have this strength, therefore also only then envied Xiao Yun in side secretly. 他们的确没有这魄力,也没有这实力,所以也只有在旁边暗自羡慕萧云了。 How will you come this Black Cloud Gorge?” Xiao Yun and sea Shifei chatted several, afterward asked. “你们怎么会来这黑云涧?”萧云和海诗妃聊了几句,随后问道。 Our Senior Sister must go to Black Cloud Gorge to obtain supreme treasure, in her hand has Formation, happen to needs us to coordinate.” Yan Shifei coquettish look shows a smile, said that „, because heard that this Black Cloud Gorge has the chance, therefore I also came to here with numerous apprentice sisters.” “我们师姐要去黑云涧获得一件至宝,她手中有一个阵法,正好需要我们配合。”颜诗妃媚眼露笑,道,“因为听说这黑云涧有着机缘,所以我也就与众多师姐妹来了这里。” Chance?” A Xiao Yun brow wrinkle, said that was too dangerous.” “机缘?”萧云眉头一皱,说道,“可是太危险了。” Remembered all sorts of crises, Xiao Yun loves dearly. 一想起刚才的种种危机,萧云就一阵心疼。 Believes in him, so long as the own woman dull waited to be then OK at home, naturally was the man does as for the matters of these dangers. 在他认为,自己的女人只要呆在家里等候便可以了,至于这些危险的事情自然是男人来做。 For a while luck not good that's all. Yan Shifei to smile a moment ago, that lush jade handles gently is stroking beautiful hair before volume, said that if look I do not come to here only to fear that could not have met you.” Actually, this time comes to here also to try one's luck. “刚才只是一时运气不好罢了。颜诗妃嫣然一笑,那芊芊玉手轻捋着额前的秀发,道,“这不,要是我不来这里只怕还遇不上你了。”其实,她此次来这里也是想碰碰运气。 Yan Shifei knows that Xiao Yun natural talent is uncommon, later wants certainly Dragon Flying Nine Heavens, if own cannot promote strength two people only to fear very difficultly in having occurring together, after hearing this Black Cloud Gorge has the chance, she wants not to come here. 颜诗妃知道萧云天赋不凡,以后肯定是要龙飞九天,若是自己不能提升实力两人只怕很难在有交集,所以在听说这黑云涧有着机缘后,她想也没有想就来到了这里。 That Yan Shiyan this small girl as if also knows that the Elder Sister thoughts, said anything also to with. 颜诗嫣这小丫头似乎也知道姐姐的心思,说什么也要跟来。 In her heart, wants to chase that youth. 她心中,也是想追赶那个少年呢。 Hehe, a half year does not see, can you have to think me?” Sees Yan Shifei pupil light to dodge, in the Xiao Yun heart slightly has also guessed correctly 12, knows that this young girl is not willing to say these matters, immediately in the heart is also one happy, having several points of smiling face accent to say with a smile. 呵呵,半年不见,你可有想我?”见颜诗妃眸光闪躲,萧云心中也略猜到了12,知道这少女并不愿意将这些事情说出,当下心中也是一喜,带着几分笑容调笑道。 Listens to Xiao Yun such to ask that Yan Shifei elegant face one red, beautiful eye blinks, starts to speak but hesitates. 萧云这么一问,颜诗妃俏脸一红,美眸眨动,欲言又止。 Here so many apprentice sisters stared is making her for a while somewhat embarrassed. 这里有那么多的师姐妹盯着让她一时有些不好意思了。 Snort, how you did not ask that I do think you?” Yan Shiyan is actually very valiant, basic, no matter others' pupil light asked directly. “哼,你怎么不问我想不想你呢?”颜诗嫣却是很彪悍,根本不管别人的眸光直接问道。 This makes Xiao Yun one blush with shame. 这让萧云一阵汗颜。 „.” Nearby Yan Yueying somewhat is also about unable to bear, could not bear cough two. “咳咳。”旁边的颜月莹也是有些快受不了了,忍不住干咳了两声。 If were exchanging greetings by these funny guys, she must the whole body have the goose flesh not to be possible. 要是在被这几个活宝寒暄下去,她非得全身都起鸡皮疙瘩不可。 Doesn't have a look at the situation?” Yan Yueying white Yan Shifei, especially that Yan Shiyan, was stared one by her maliciously. “也不看看场合?”颜月莹白了一眼颜诗妃,特别是那颜诗嫣,被她狠狠瞪了一眼。 Yan Shiyan is actually the pursing the lips lip smiles, showed the whites of the eyes. 颜诗嫣却是抿着嘴唇一笑,翻了个白眼。 Xiao Yun let go the palm, slightly is awkward, this discovered that here also has many beautiful women to stare at own to look. 萧云摊了摊手掌,略显尴尬,这才发现这里还有着许多的美女正盯着自己看呢。 We a bit faster go they to converge with Senior Sister.” Yan Yueying took a look to the people said. “我们还是快点去与师姐她们汇合吧。”颜月莹瞅向了众人说道。 But we Heavenly Fragrant Soft Muscle Powder, the whole body felt weak now, within the body the strength of True Yuan was hard to revolve, if were continue go forward only feared that will be very dangerous, it is said more approached that Black Cloud Gorge there Monster Beast to be stronger!” A female disciple black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tightens, said. “可是我们现在都中了天香软筋散,全身乏力,就连体内真元之力都难以运转了,若是在继续前进只怕会十分危险,据说越靠近那黑云涧那里的妖兽就越强啊!”一个女弟子黛眉紧锁,说道。 Nearby person again and again nods, they were poisoned a moment ago, now started to manifest suddenly, the situation is not very wonderful. 旁边的人都是连连点头,刚才她们都中了毒,现在已经开始发作,情况很不妙。 Fears anything, has my Elder Brother Xiao Yun.” Yan Shiyan pulls the arm of Xiao Yun, the eyelash is raising, said. “怕什么,有我萧云哥哥在呢。”颜诗嫣挽着萧云的手臂,睫毛一扬,说道。 Was being such pulled arm by this small girl, Xiao Yun is also speechless, in the heart secretly complains of hardship. 被这小丫头这么挽着手臂,萧云也是一阵无语,心中暗暗叫苦。 A half year does not see, Yan Shiyan this girl also grew much, was already slim and graceful is a girl. 半年不见,颜诗嫣这丫头也长高了不少,已然亭亭玉立是个大姑娘了。 Especially this young girl that to full, was obviously bigger. 特别是这少女那对饱满,明显大了很多。 Now this girl pulls his arm also unceasingly to shake, wants not to bump into that place also to be soft difficult! 如今这丫头挽着他的手臂还不断摇动,想要不碰到那处柔软也是难啊! Can Xiao Yun under this feelings not complain of hardship? 在这种感触下萧云怎么能不叫苦了? Hehe, the Senior Brother Xiao strength is powerful, thinks that can protect and sustain us to go forward, can trouble you?” Stature hot female beautiful eye blinks, aspirates such as blue, makes eyes at toward Xiao Yun, the tender sound track, actually does not know that Senior Brother Xiao can be willing to escort us?” 呵呵,萧师兄实力强悍,想必能护持我们前进,就是得麻烦你了?”一个身材火辣的女子美眸眨动,吐气如兰,向着萧云暗送秋波,娇声道,“却不知萧师兄可愿意护送我们?” The action that this young girl makes eyes at makes nearby several apprentice sisters one despise. 这少女暗送秋波的举动让得旁边几个师姐妹一阵鄙夷。 Do not worry, has Elder Sister Shifei definitely not to drop out our sisters in Senior Brother Xiao.” Another several old, the appearance gorgeous female is also graceful smiles, beautiful eye blinks, having several points to charm to take a look to Xiao Yun. “你们也就别操心了,有诗妃姐姐萧师兄肯定不会抛下我们姐妹的。”另外几个年纪稍大,模样艳丽的女子也是盈盈一笑,美眸眨动,带着几分媚惑瞅向萧云 Senior Brother Xiao, did you say?” Suddenly, Sea Mist Sect female disciple has encircled. 萧师兄,您说了?”一时间,海岚宗的女弟子都围了上来。 One group of seductresses.” Sisters' stance makes Yan Shiyan somewhat regret secretly, is about unable to resist. “一群狐狸精。”众姐妹的这种架势让得颜诗嫣暗暗有些后悔,也是快招架不住了。 Looks at appearance that your this lacks prospects.” Yan Yueying white sisters eyes, afterward said that Junior Brother Xiao, does not know you can have free time?” “瞧你们这没出息的样子。”颜月莹白了众姐妹一眼,随后道,“萧师弟,不知你可有空?” I happen to must go to Black Cloud Gorge, actually on the way.” Xiao Yun said with a smile. “我正好也要去黑云涧,倒是顺路。”萧云笑道。 That is good.” hear speech/words, Yan Yueying also slightly relaxed, has Xiao Yun to be also many in them several points of security. “那就好。”闻言,颜月莹也是微微松了口气,有着萧云在她们也就多了几分安全。 clouds, can't you drawing out poison?” Yan Shifei beautiful eye blinks, said suddenly that you can solve this Heavenly Fragrant Soft Muscle Powder?” “云,你不是能拔毒吗?”颜诗妃突然美眸眨动,道,“你能解决这天香软筋散吗?” Whoops, but also clouds that is quite intimate!” Nearby Senior Sister said with a smile strangely. “哎呦,还云,好亲密啊!”旁边一个师姐怪笑道。 Elder Sister Shifei has a good boyfriend, is really enviable.” Immediately several females smile in side appear lively. 诗妃姐姐有个好情郎,真让人羡慕。”立即有几个女子都在旁边啧啧一笑显得热闹不已。 This makes Yan Shifei one blush, appearance that root of the ear blushes, appeared charmingly is more moving. 这让颜诗妃一阵脸红,那耳根羞红的模样,显得更加娇媚动人了。 Do not deliberately create trouble.” Yan Yueying is actually in the heart a happy [say / way], Junior Brother Xiao, can you detoxify really?” “别胡闹。”颜月莹却是心中一喜道,“萧师弟,你真的可以解毒?” This Yan Yueying is also the person of Yan Clan patriarchal clan, she also knows some Yan Shifei and Xiao Yun matter, therefore there is this one to ask. 颜月莹也是颜氏宗族的人,她也知道一些颜诗妃萧云的事情,故而有此一问。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun was certainly good, he has wiped out for my Elder Sister virulently.” The Yan Shiyan beautiful pupil raises, whole face proud saying, „, but, Elder Brother Xiao Yun, you must help me wipe out this Heavenly Fragrant Soft Muscle Powder to be poisonous first.” Following words gentle and charming crisp bone. 萧云哥哥当然行了,他可是替我姐姐拔除了恶毒。”颜诗嫣美眸一扬,满脸骄傲的说道,“不过,萧云哥哥,你可得先帮我拔除这天香软筋散毒。”后面的话语娇柔酥骨。 I try.” The Xiao Yun eyelid tilts, shook to say. “我试试吧。”萧云眼皮掀动,甩了甩头说道。 Hee hee, Elder Brother Xiao Yun you are really good.” Yan Shiyan sweet smiles, that tip of the toe stands on tiptoes, that fragrant lip kissed unexpectedly to Xiao Yun. “嘻嘻,萧云哥哥你真好。”颜诗嫣甜甜一笑,那脚尖踮起,那香唇竟然亲向了萧云 „Is this also good?” Nearby several apprentice sisters, are surprised, to the Yan Shiyan action felt that admires. “这样也行?”旁边几位师姐妹,一脸惊讶,对颜诗嫣的举动感到佩服不已。 Even several people are ready to make trouble, wants to imitate. 甚至有几个人蠢蠢欲动,也想效仿。 However after was stared one by Yan Yueying, these disciple spits the tongue, smiles secretly. 不过在被颜月莹瞪了一眼后,那些弟子都是吐了吐舌头,暗暗一笑。 Xiao Yun grabs the hand of Yan Shiyan, the jade-green light twinkle, immediately completely absorbed to melt that Heavenly Fragrant Soft Muscle Powder toxin. 萧云抓住颜诗嫣的手,碧光闪烁,当即就将那天香软筋散的毒给全部吸收化解了。 Now Xiao Yun fused Heavens Devouring Orchid to cope with these toxins simply is the department of pediatrics. 如今萧云融合了噬天兰对付这些毒简直就是小儿科。 Hee hee, Elder Brother Xiao Yun is really fierce, I felt that started to restore the strength.” Yan Shiyan beautiful eye blinks was quite happy. “嘻嘻,萧云哥哥真厉害,我感觉已经开始恢复力气了。”颜诗嫣美眸眨动颇为高兴。 Is so quick?” Sea Mist Sect these apprentice sisters stare, this was Yan Shiyan drawn the palm to solve by him poisonously? “这么快?”海岚宗的那些师姐妹都是一愣,这颜诗嫣就被他拉了一下手掌毒就解了? When the people are surprised, Xiao Yun has pulled up the white hands of Yan Shifei, starts to detoxify for her. 在众人惊讶的时候,萧云已经拉起了颜诗妃的玉手,开始替她解毒。 The jade-green light twinkle, a cool aura emerges Yan Shifei within the body, she felt that the own whole body comfortable incomparable pore must open, then faint trace poison qi was towed, was given to melt by Xiao Yun completely, afterward her strength gradually restores. 碧光闪烁,一股清凉的气息涌入颜诗妃体内,她感觉自己全身舒服无比毛孔都要张开了,然后一丝丝毒气就被牵引而出,完全被萧云给化解,随后她身上的力气逐渐恢复。 It seems like his Martial Spirit again a lot stronger.” Is feeling this change, does not know why in the Yan Shifei heart has one to lose, although she recently cultivation level promotes quickly, but compares this youth obviously to be insufficient, the disparity of both sides makes her uneasy. “看来他的武魂又强了很多。”感受着这种变化,不知为何颜诗妃心中有着一丝失落,虽然她近来修为提升得很快,可是相比这少年却明显不够,双方的差距让她感到不安。 Yan Shifei this restless mood nature by Xiao Yun receiving in eye. 颜诗妃这种不安的情绪自然被萧云给收入了眼中。 It seems like I must find the way to promote the Elder Sister Shifei strength, like this she can feel at ease.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly. “看来我得想办法提升诗妃姐姐的实力,这样她才能安心。”萧云心中暗忖。 Hehe, Senior Brother Xiao, can you help me detoxify?” Saw that the Yan Shifei sisters shortly will restore the strength, Sea Mist Sect these female disciple have collected, extends the white hands of that delicate characterless in abundance, appears is very the enthusiasm. 呵呵,萧师兄,你能帮我解毒吗?”见到颜诗妃姐妹顷刻就恢复了力气,海岚宗的那些女弟子一个个凑过来,纷纷将那柔弱无骨的玉手伸出,都显得很是热情。 This action has one type to occupy the Xiao Yun cheap trend actually. 这种举动倒是有着一种要占萧云便宜的趋势。 Xiao Yun probably is a lamb, at this moment by one group of greedy people observing closely. 萧云就好像是一只羔羊,此刻被一群饿狼给盯住了。 Yan Shiyan appears very discontented, staring maliciously to the people. 颜诗嫣显得很不满,狠狠的瞪向众人。 That pupil light seemed saying that „, Elder Brother Xiao Yun is my anyone of you do not want to snatch.” 眸光似乎在说,“哼,萧云哥哥是我的你们谁都别想抢。” However Sea Mist Sect these apprentice sisters do not pay attention to Yan Shiyan pupil light. 不过海岚宗的那些师姐妹根本不理会颜诗嫣眸光 Xiao Yun shrugs, starts for these person of drawing out poison. 萧云耸了耸肩,开始替这些人拔毒 Everyone on own initiative gives Xiao Yun white hands, after drawing out poison finished even is not willing to loosen, that type makes people speechless frantically. 每个人都主动将玉手给萧云,在拔毒完毕后甚至不肯松开,那种狂热让人无语。 Side that four male disciple sees this scene, is envies the envy to hate simply! 旁边那四名男弟子见得这种场景,简直是羡慕嫉妒恨啊! Senior Brother Xiao you are really fierce, I was unexpectedly good.” 萧师兄你真厉害,我竟然好了。” You are really the Deity!” “你真是神人!” I loved you.” Some people excited even people study Yan Shiyan to sneak attack Xiao Yun. “我爱死你了。”众人一脸兴奋甚至有人学着颜诗嫣偷袭萧云 Nearby Yan Yueying shakes the head again and again, so the situation, she could not shake. 旁边的颜月莹连连摇头,如此局势,她也是震不住了。 These girls feelings of love rippled, how can manage her? 这些丫头都春心荡漾了,岂会管她? However Yan Shifei actually appears very indifferent, turns a blind eye to these. 不过颜诗妃却一直显得很淡然,对这些视若无睹。 You did not fear that he was walked the spear|gun?” Yan Yueying sees this, face dew surprise, asked. “你不怕他被人枪走吗?”颜月莹见此,脸露诧异,问道。 What fears?” Yan Shifei smiles gracefully, said that „, if has a person for you will be so demented, will you also fear?” “怕什么?”颜诗妃盈盈一笑,道,“如果有个人会为了你那么癫狂,你还会怕吗?” Should unable.” Yan Yueying is startled slightly, after hesitating slightly, said. “应该不会。”颜月莹微微一怔,略微沉吟后,道。 She naturally knows that Yan Shifei said is any matter. 她自然知道颜诗妃说得是什么事情了。 Xiao Yun that did not hesitate to probably cut a moment ago to kill the Li Jiansong action, this outsider was moved. 刚才萧云那不惜一切要斩杀李剑嵩的举动,就连她这个局外人都是为之感动不已。 Let alone that litigant? 何况那当事人了? Can have a person such to care about own, all are enough. 能有一个人这么在意自己,一切足以。 Later, the Sea Mist Sect these disciple toxins were solved. 不大一会,海岚宗这些弟子的毒就被解了。 These females were more for several points to adore to Xiao Yun. 那些女子对萧云更加多了几分倾慕。 This youth is not only handsome, but also boldness is uncommon, the strength is also immeasurably deep. 这少年不仅英俊,还魄力不凡,实力也是深不可测。 Now can also detoxify, can such person, how many present age discover? 如今还能解毒,这样的人,当世能找出几个? Was a pity that he heart had subordinate.” In many young girl hearts cannot help but secretly sighs. “可惜他已经心有所属了。”很多少女心中都是不由得暗自一叹。 After looking at that face indifferent Yan Shifei, they also know that own only fears very difficultly in comparison. 只是瞧得那一脸淡然的颜诗妃后,她们也是知道,自己只怕很难与之相比。 Was good, now violent poison has solved, we rush to Black Cloud Gorge together.” A Yan Yueying pupil light trend the people were saying. “好了,现在剧毒已解,我们一起赶往黑云涧吧。”颜月莹眸光一动向着众人道。 Yes!” “是!” Now restored the strength, this Yan Yueying imposing manner was uncommon, has an inexplicable dignity, the words fell, these apprentice sisters all nodded, does not dare to neglect. 如今恢复了实力,这颜月莹气势不凡,拥有了一股莫名的威严,话语落下,那些师姐妹都皆是点头,不敢怠慢。 After this is True Yuan of genuine goods at reasonable prices, boundary powerhouse! 这可是一个货真价实的真元后境强者啊! At once Xiao Yun also together turns toward that Black Cloud Gorge to hurry to with this Sea Mist Sect person. 旋即萧云也就跟着这海岚宗的人一起向着那黑云涧赶去。 This time I must obtain that Nether Fruit, to give Shifei.” In the Xiao Yun heart set firm resolve secretly. “这次我一定要获得那摩罗冥果,以送给诗妃。”萧云心中暗暗下定了决心。 Although Yan Shifei has achieved True Yuan middle-stage Peak, but compares the age, actually also by far insufficient. 虽然颜诗妃已经达到了真元中期巅峰,可是相比年纪而言,却还远远不够。 After all she had 18 years old! 毕竟她可是已经有18岁了啊! ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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