EMS :: Volume #2

#199: Been jealous face poem is beautiful

Yan Shiyan that Chapter 199 is jealous 第199章吃醋的颜诗嫣 This......” sees the attack of own completely to be swallowed by vortex that presents inexplicably, in that Li Jiansong heart one startled, felt that incomparable shock, „is this possible? Even if general Yuan Core Realm cultivator cannot so! What Magical Powers is this?” “这……”见得自己的攻击完全被那莫名出现的气旋吞噬,那李剑嵩心中一惊,感到无比的震撼,“这怎么可能?就算一般的元丹境修者也不能如此啊!这是什么神通?” Moreover, in that vortex also sends out a formidable fluctuation, resembles to swallow the heavens-devouring place, Li Jiansong felt that own within the body Yuan Qi is passing, the blood of that wound gushes out, whole person Yuan Essence loses money, on difference not immediately dying. Ha 不仅如此,那气旋中还散发出一股强大的波动,似要吞噬天地,李剑嵩感觉自己体内元气在流逝,那伤口的血液喷薄而出,整个人精元亏损,就差没有立即气绝了。哈 Good terror Magical Powers.” In Li Jiansong heart one startled, this boy was too strange, cannot prolong contact.” “好恐怖的神通。”李剑嵩心中一惊,“这小子太诡异了,不可恋战。” Gentleman revenges, ten years are not late, remove!” In Li Jiansong heart one startled, uses secret technique hastily, controls the blood of within the body not to flow out, simultaneously the magic arts guidance, that handle great sword inflates in the sky, ten zhang (3.33 m) sword aura bursts out together, but turns toward that vortex to cut in the sky. “君子报仇,十年不晚,撤!”李剑嵩心中一惊,连忙使用秘术,控制体内的血液不外流,同时法诀引导,那柄巨剑当空膨胀,一道十丈大小的剑气迸发而出当空向着那个气旋斩下。 Shout! 呼! Meanwhile, during he stimulates to movement magic sword, sole visits whiz one to turn toward the distant place to run away. 与此同时,他催动法剑,脚掌踏足当中嗖的一声就向着远处遁去。 Buzz! 嗡! That sword aura falls, cuts void trembles, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow vortex complete swallowing. 剑气落下,斩得虚空一颤,吞天雀气旋一张就将之全部吞噬。 Under that formidable imposing manner impact, the Xiao Yun personal appearance is also again and again retreat, almost does not have the severe wound. 在那股强大的气势冲击下,萧云的身形也是连连后退,差点没有重伤。 Shout! 呼! The air current sweeps across, Sea Mist Sect disciple was raised in abundance flies several meters, many population spit fresh blood, is injured heavily. 气流席卷开来,海岚宗弟子纷纷被掀飞十几米,不少人口吐鲜血,受伤不轻。 Also majority of gives to swallow well the fluctuation of that sword in Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, resisted majority of fallout, otherwise under the fallout impact of this attack, was very difficult to imagine, whether this piece of wooded mountain will be razed, these cultivator were also hard Xin Mian. 也好在吞天雀将那一剑的波动大部分都给吞噬一空,抵挡下了大部分的余波,不然在这种攻击的余波冲击下,很难想象,这片山林是否会被夷为平地,就连这些修者也难以辛免。 The bonus is so, the nearby giant tree break, was twisted as the powder powder, is almost one piece in confusion. 饶是如此,附近巨木断裂,被绞为齑粉,几乎是一片狼藉。 „The fluctuation of very powerful, this attack only feared comparable with Yuan Core 1-layer cultivator.” 好强大的波动,这种攻击只怕堪比元丹一重修者了吧。” This Li Jiansong so is no wonder rampant, dares to our take action, he to have this trump card.” A disciple heart of Sea Mist Sect startled, finally knew to them now why Li Jiansong dares to threaten must capture two disciple to go to Southern Sea Sword Sect. “怪不得这李剑嵩如此嚣张,敢向我们出手,原来他有这种底牌。”海岚宗弟子一阵心惊,到了现在他们终于是知道了为什么李剑嵩敢扬言要俘虏两个弟子南海剑派了。 However, when the people when surprised, pupil light take a look to Xiao Yun was all shaken shook. 不过,众人在惊讶之余,眸光瞅向萧云时皆是被震了一震。 Is such formidable attack, actually by this youth melting. 就是这么强大的攻击,却被这个少年给化解了。 What Magical Powers is vortex of his strength?” A Sea Mist Sect disciple face doubt. “他那火色的气旋到底是什么神通?”海岚宗弟子一脸狐疑。 Boy enmity my Li Jiansong has remembered, one day I must make you live to might as well die.” Twinkling Li Jiansong escaped beyond the kilometer, he has turned head, quite the glance of hatred that wooded mountain saying of Xiao Yun coldly. “小子这仇我李剑嵩记住了,总有一天我要让你生不如死。”只是瞬息李剑嵩就已经遁出了千米之外,他回过头,颇为怨毒的扫视了一眼那山林中的萧云冷冷的说道。 That gloomy words flutter in the wooded mountain, let person fearful. 那阴森的话语在山林中飘荡,让人一阵心寒。 Not difficult to imagine, this fellow certain bulletin this breaks the enmity of arm. 不难想象,这家伙一定会报这断臂之仇。 Also dares to threaten? The father extinguished him.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light cold, wicked saying. “还敢威胁?老子灭了他。”吞天雀眸光一冷,恶狠狠的说道。 Ok, after this person, is killing is not late.” Xiao Yun brows slightly raise, but shot a look at void of distant place the meaning that continued to chase down, now that Li Jiansong escaped several li (0.5km) far, even if pursues to be also hard shortly writing off. “算了,此人以后在杀也不迟。”萧云眉头微挑,只是瞥了一眼远处的虚空并没有要继续追杀的意思,现在那李剑嵩已经遁出去了数里之远,就算追上去也难以顷刻将之抹杀。 But here Sea Mist Sect person was poisoned now, did not have battle strength again, because if own departed they to encounter any danger, that consequence was not Xiao Yun is willing to see that do not see that Yan Shifei to receive one to injure to now him. 可现在这里海岚宗的人都中了毒,再也没有了战力,要是因为自己离去她们在遇到了什么危险,那后果绝不是萧云所愿意看到的,到了现在他再也不要见那颜诗妃受到一点伤害了。 Xiao Yun wishes one could own to protect this female frequently. 萧云恨不得自己能时刻守护着这女子。 Regarding him, other is unimportant. 对于他来说,其它一切都不重要。 Sees Xiao Yun so, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in the start to talk, that flame does not dodge, submerged in Swallowing the Heavens Tower. 萧云如此,吞天雀也不在开口,那火光一闪,就没入了吞天塔内。 Hence nobody discovers its existence. 至此都没有人发现它的存在。 Li Jiansong flees, is Southern Sea Sword Sect other people also, Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, then turns toward the people to take a fast look around to go. 李剑嵩遁逃,可是南海剑派的其它人还在,萧云眸光一冷,便向着众人扫视而去。 This Senior Brother, we follow Li Jiansong, all these do not close our matters!” Sees Xiao Yun to take a look, these Southern Sea Sword Sect disciple pupil dew are panic-stricken, whole face timid saying, after experiencing Xiao Yun that astonishing method, the thoughts that these people resist continually did not have, must beg for mercy in this, such powerhouse can it be that their enemies? “这位师兄,我们都是跟随李剑嵩而已,这一切都不关我们的事情啊!”见萧云瞅来,那些南海剑派弟子一个个眸露惊恐,满脸怯怯的说道,在见识了萧云那惊人的手段后,这些人连抵挡的心思都没有了,只得在此求饶,这样的强者岂是他们可敌? ! 咻! Another has the flight magic sword youth hastily to escape to fly this place, basic, no matter the lives of these same side. 另外一个有着飞行法剑的少年则是连忙遁飞此地,根本不管那些同门的死活。 Hands over treasure, then get lost.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, shouts to clear the way. “将身上的宝物交出,然后滚。”萧云眸光一凝,喝道。 Yes, yes!” These person of faces are panic-stricken, hands over own Storage Bag hastily. “是,是!”这些人一脸惊恐,连忙将自己储物袋交出。 In inside, has medicine ingredients, has Medicine Pill, is very precious, may compare life all becomes not worthy of mentioning. 在里面,有药材,有丹药,都很珍贵,可相比性命一切都变得微不足道的了。 Xiao Yun impolite accepts these medicine ingredients entirely. 萧云也不客气将那些药材通通收下。 Although these people are only the lackeys, but so bullies is also not right, if doesn't give them the lesson becomes? 虽然这些人只是狗腿子,可是如此仗势欺人也是不对,若不给他们一些教训怎么成? After completing all these, Xiao Yun then toward that crowd of disciple of Sea Mist Sect to take a look pupil light, rays of light in that pupil was also becomes gentle, at this moment, him as if breathed to stop, the double pupil was only tight was staring at the front young girl. 做完这一切后萧云这才将眸光向着海岚宗的那群弟子瞅去,那眸子中的光芒也是变得柔和了起来,在此刻,他仿佛呼吸都是停顿了下来,双眸只是紧紧的盯着前方的少女。 Yan Shifei beautiful eye blinks, that corner of the eye vaguely also has the tear stains not to do, she is staring at the front youth, the joy in heart, affected, is hard to speak, two people both eyes relative, stares does not speak, although has not spoken, the cordiality of but in that pupil revealing has actually exceeded the countless words. 颜诗妃美眸眨动,那眼角依稀还有着泪痕未干,她凝视着前方的少年,心中的喜悦,感动,难以言说,两人双目相对,凝视不语,虽未说话,可是在那眸子中流露出来的情意却已经胜过千言万语。 Unknowingly, nearby atmosphere also resembles is infected, that Sea Mist Sect disciple turns very quiet, is silent. 不知不觉,附近的气氛也似被感染,那海岚宗弟子都屏住呼吸,沉默不语。 Originally they knew.” “原来他们真的认识。” It seems like this youth knows Elder Sister Shifei.” In many young girl hearts ponders darkly, to the present, appointed everyone knows how this was a matter, the side that several Sea Mist Sect male disciple whole face envied, this Yan Shifei was the goddesses in their heart, the object of pursue! “看来这少年认识诗妃姐姐。”许多少女心中暗忖,到了现在任谁也知道这是怎么一回事了,旁边那几位海岚宗的男弟子满脸羡慕,这颜诗妃可是他们心中的女神,追求的对象啊! Snort!” However in this silent atmosphere, has sound inopportune resounding together. “哼!”不过在这种寂静的气氛下,也是有着一道声音不合时宜的响起。 Actually sees the Yan Shiyan that small girl long eyelash to rise, the pupil light circulation, stared front Xiao Yun maliciously quite discontentedly dark snort|hum [say / way], this smelly Xiao Yun, bad Xiao Yun, knows to look at Elder Sister, looked that does not look at my one eyes.” 却见得颜诗嫣那小丫头长长的睫毛上扬,眸光流转,狠狠的瞪了一眼前方的萧云颇为不满的暗哼了道,“这臭萧云,坏萧云,就知道看姐姐,连看都不看我一眼。” The small girl jade foot stamps, regarding this appears is very discontented. 小丫头玉脚跺地,对此显得很不满。 „Did this small girl do?” Side these Sea Mist Sect disciple see Yan Shiyan that indignant appearance, the whole face is puzzled. “这小丫头干么了?”旁边那些海岚宗弟子颜诗嫣那愤愤不平的模样,满脸不解。 „Is this girl eating her Elder Sister vinegar?” “难道这丫头在吃她姐姐的醋?” This makes people feel the doubt, feels somewhat inconceivable, what can affirm is they should be the old acquaintance. 这让人感到狐疑,又感觉有些不可思议,不过可以肯定的是她们应该是旧相识。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, you are dumbfounded, when must stare!” Finally, Yan Shiyan this small girl has been discontented, her eyelid turns, bringing a face to despise to take a look to front Xiao Yun, appearance that looks at the appearance of this girl just like is being wronged. 萧云哥哥,你们两个大眼瞪小眼,要瞪到什么时候啊!”终于,颜诗嫣这小丫头不满了,她眼皮一翻,带着一脸鄙夷瞅向前方的萧云,瞧这丫头的模样俨然是一副受了委屈的样子。 This girl.” Xiao Yun was also white Yan Shiyan, was resigned-looking, this kid must sabotage the atmosphere each time. “这丫头。”萧云也是白了一眼颜诗嫣,一脸无奈,每次这小家伙都要破坏气氛。 Xiao Yun really wishes one could to come up immediately maliciously pinches at this moment her that young and fresh-looking small face, gives her to select the color to take a look. 萧云此刻真是恨不得立即上去狠狠的掐一下她那水嫩的小脸,给她点颜色瞧瞧。 However, sees nearby that many person Xiao Yun not to be good so. 不过,见旁边那么多人萧云也不好如此。 Hehe, Shiyan younger sister, does not see for a long time, you may really be more and more attractive!” Xiao Yun helpless shaking, steps the step, moved toward Sea Mist Sect these disciple, on that face has several points of smiling face to say with a smile toward Yan Shiyan that girl. 呵呵,诗嫣妹妹,好久不见,你可真是越来越漂亮了啊!”萧云无奈的甩了甩头,迈动着步子,走向了海岚宗那些弟子,那脸上带着几分笑容向着颜诗嫣那丫头笑道。 He knows, if after wants, was not being sabotaged the atmosphere, own must result in solves this future sister-in-law to be good. 他知道,要想以后不在被破坏气氛,自己必须得解决这个未来的小姨子才行。 Snort, others on the inborn beauty, naturally were more and more attractive.” Yan Shiyan discontented coldly snorted, the expression has appeared very chilling, but in that heart is actually likes, the small girl pupil light circulation did not forget self-satisfied takes a look toward nearby Senior Sister, that meaning seemed saying that finds not to have, I said that he is my Elder Brother Xiao Yun anyone of you do not permit to snatch. “哼,人家本来就天生丽质,当然是越来越漂亮了。”颜诗嫣不满的冷哼了一句,表情显得很冷硬,不过那心中却是欢喜不已,小丫头眸光流转不忘记得意的向着旁边的师姐瞅去,那意思似乎在说,瞧见没有,我说了他是我的萧云哥哥你们谁都不准抢。 However regarding Yan Shiyan this pupil light, nearby several Senior Sister directly disregards, but also brings the provocative pupil light. 不过对于颜诗嫣眸光,旁边的几位师姐都是直接无视,还带来挑衅的眸光 That meaning seemed saying that he is your brother-in-law. 那意思似乎在说,他是你姐夫呢。 This pupil light exchanges, Yan Shiyan thorough was angry, seemed said sore spot, stared people maliciously, afterward shows a smiling face, was similar to the bird that jumped for joy same moved toward front Xiao Yun, one was to then embrace the arm of opposite party. 眸光交流,颜诗嫣彻底恼怒了,似乎被人说中了痛处,狠狠的瞪了一眼众人,随后脸露笑容,如同那雀跃的小鸟一样走向了前方的萧云,一把便是揽住了对方的手臂。 Elder Brother Xiao Yun, how will you come to here?” The small girl voice is very sweet, white hands tight embracing lives in the Xiao Yun end arm, appears quite happy, looks at this action as if to with the motion declare war to these Senior Sister, so thorough speechless. 萧云哥哥,你怎么会来这里?”小丫头声音很甜,玉手紧紧的揽住萧云端手臂,显得颇为甜蜜,瞧这举动似乎是要用行动向那些师姐们宣战,如此一幕让人彻底无语。 I happen to come Black Clouds Mountain Range to be informed and experienced.” Xiao Yun smiles, afterward has arrived at side Yan Shifei with Yan Shiyan. “我正好来黑云山脉历练。”萧云一笑,随后与颜诗嫣走到了颜诗妃身边。 It seems like this girl also very much likes this Xiao Yun!” Sees this Sea Mist Sect apprentice sisters to show the whites of the eyes does not know that has competed with Yan Shiyan, had several points of strange smiling face to take a look actually to Yan Shifei, as to have a look at the latter to have anything to respond. “看来这丫头也是很喜欢这萧云啊!”见此海岚宗师姐妹们连翻白眼也不知和颜诗嫣较劲了,倒是带着几分怪异的笑容瞅向了颜诗妃,似乎想看看后者会有什么反应。 However this looked that under the people were quickly disappointed, because Yan Shifei beautiful pupil shows a smile, as if regarding this and thinks little. 不过这一看之下众人很快就失望了,因为颜诗妃美眸露笑,似乎对此并不以为意。 two people still starts there intimately inquired after the well being. 两人还在那里开始亲密的嘘寒问暖了起来了呢。 Really strange, isn't she jealous?” Sea Mist Sect female disciple feels very surprise. “真奇怪,她难道不吃醋吗?”海岚宗的女弟子感到很诧异。 Is envies as for that four male disciple. 至于那四位男弟子则是羡慕不已。 Yan Shifei is charming, is having the attracting strength beyond comparison, for the goddess in people heart. 颜诗妃娇媚动人,拥有着无以伦比的魅惑力,为众人心中的女神。 Although this Yan Shiyan was younger, is also beautiful moving, has a pair of average man not to have the free of evil intention pupil. 颜诗嫣虽然年纪小了些,可是也美丽动人,拥有着一双常人不可拥有无邪眸子。 Not difficult to imagine, in 1-2 years, has waited for this small girl to grow some, that makings, the attraction will not lose to her Elder Sister. 不难想象,在过一两年,等这小丫头在成长一些,那气质,诱惑力都将不输给她姐姐 Such beautiful woman can obtain a favor is the greatest good fortune, if can have two people, that simply is the unimaginable good fortune, but is such pair of two beautiful sisters, now as if reveals the meaning of liking to that strange youth. 这样的美人能得到一个青睐已经是莫大的福气,要是能坐拥两人,那简直是不可想象的福气,可就是这样的一对姐妹花,现在对那位陌生少年似乎都流露出了喜欢之意。 Did not say that the Yan Shifei affection revealed a moment ago with that youth four items of relative. 不说刚才颜诗妃的深情流露与那少年四目相对。 On action of present Yan Shiyan this provocation , is telling others very much obviously this man is her. 就现在颜诗嫣这种挑衅的举动,也很显然是在告诉别人这男人是她的。 His mother, how did this boy have this good fortune?” The young male disciple whole face envy low voice whisper said that how I didn't have this luck?” He stays in Sea Mist Sect daily, then the beautiful woman does not have this good luck innumerably! “他娘的,这小子怎么有这种福气了?”有一个年轻男弟子满脸嫉妒小声嘀咕道,“怎么我就没有这运气了?”他天天呆在海岚宗,那么美女无数可是却从没这种好运啊! Good fortune?” Nearby female shot a look at a that youth lightly, despises saying that „ what welldoing you don't have a look at own are? Did you have the appearance of man a moment ago? Is considering only the own safety, has instigated to the critical moment, does not have a look at this, are others heroic? Charming? Elder Sister Shifei was too outstanding, old lady must come his spear|gun not to be possible. „ “福气?”旁边一个女子淡淡的瞥了一眼那个少年,鄙视道,“你也不看看自己是什么德行?刚才你有男人的样子吗?只顾着自己的安危,到关键时刻就怂了,也不看看这位,人家多英勇?多帅气?要不是诗妃姐姐太优秀了,老娘非得把他枪过来不可。“ Yes!” Another young girl said with a smile, „was Elder Sister Shifei together takes care his me also to want!” “是啊!”另外一个少女啧啧笑道,“就算是和诗妃姐姐共同服侍他我也愿意啊!” Such youth was too rare, simply is the talent of having god-given wisdom. 这样的少年太难得了,简直是天纵之才。 Looks at your this wave type, on this prospect.” Nearby beautiful woman face dew despised, teased one, afterward beautiful eye blinks, in the eye was having the spring wave, took a look to Xiao Yun, crazy smiled to narrow the eye to say with a smile, „, but, if he could have a liking for me, I also wanted.” “瞧你这浪样,也就这点出息。”旁边一个美女脸露鄙夷,取笑了一句,随后美眸眨动,眼中带着春波,瞅向萧云,痴痴一笑眯着眼睛笑道,“不过,要是他看得上我,我也愿意。” I go, aren't you also same?” Sea Mist Sect several beautiful women whispered low voice, was very cheerful. “我去,你还不是一样?”海岚宗几个美女小声嘀咕,好不欢快。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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