EMS :: Volume #2

#198: Repelling

Chapter 198 repels 第198章击退 „Are you so how silly?” Saw trend that Xiao Yun do not resist, the heart of sea Shifei soon has broken to pieces, in the beautiful pupil the mist is dim, she even wishes one could own to be able take action to assist, what a pity this has been too late, all without enough time. “你怎么那么傻呢?”见到萧云没有要抵挡的趋势,海诗妃的心都快要碎了,美眸中雾气朦胧,她甚至恨不得自己出手相助,可惜这已经为时已晚,一切都来不及了。 „Is this boy so unexpectedly ruthless?” That Li Jiansong frowned to feel that the spinal cord has a chill in the air to emit. “这小子竟然如此狠?”就连那李剑嵩都皱起了眉头感到脊髓都有着一股寒意冒出。 Both sides fight a decisive battle, did not fear that compared with you such person, what fears is that strength with you quite, the person who has not feared death. 双方决战,并不怕比你强那么一丝的人,怕的是那种实力与你相当,还不怕死的人。 Startled, that Li Jiansong sleight of hand inspiring, tows magic sword hastily, attempts to resist Xiao Yun, moreover his step twinkle, such as the foot pedal lotus flower, one step steps forward several rice, the body same place is leaving behind piece of illusory shadow, then appears to other one side. 惊慌下,那李剑嵩连忙手诀引动,牵引法剑,企图抵挡萧云,另外他脚下步伐闪烁,如脚踏莲花,一步跨出数米,身子只是在原地留下一片虚影,然后就出现到另外一边。 His step is what a pity strange, mysterious, how could also to avoid Xiao Yun that formidable Soul Power to calculate? 可惜他的步伐再诡异,玄妙,又岂能避开萧云那强大的灵魂力计算了? Xiao Yun Soul Power moves, can definitely from some slight actions and aura, judges the opposite party step to flow to wait / etc.. 萧云灵魂力一动,完全可以从一些细微的举动及气息,判断出对方步伐流向等等。 Whoosh ! 刷! Li Jiansong moves, the Xiao Yun personal appearance also, his long halberd fluctuates, is similar to together the rainbow, crosses the horizon to cut to the former. 李剑嵩动,萧云的身形也在动,他长戟变幻,如同一道天虹,横贯天际斩向前者。 Xiao Yun at this moment was flooded by the anger completely, the oath must cut this to attempt the frivolous Yan Shifei evil person. 此刻的萧云完全被怒火充斥,誓要斩掉这企图轻薄颜诗妃的恶徒。 Was sneak attacked by Black Clouds Nether Beast in Yan Shifei a moment ago, he cannot prompt take action, making in the Xiao Yun heart deeply regret, guilty. 在刚才颜诗妃黑云冥兽偷袭,他不能及时出手,让萧云心中痛惜,愧疚。 Afterward Little Purple rescued Yan Shifei, Xiao Yun slightly had relaxed. 随后小紫救了颜诗妃,萧云才微微松了一口气。 When he catches up rapidly met big bird take action to prevent, has almost not made Xiao Yun demented. 哪知他急速赶来时又遇到了一头大鸟出手阻止,差点没有让萧云癫狂。 After the big bird retreats, who once thinks that also will present Li Jiansong such person? 等大鸟退走后,谁曾想到还会出现李剑嵩这样的人? The Li Jiansong action lit the anger in Xiao Yun heart without doubt thoroughly, must cut to kill this person not at any cost. 李剑嵩的举动无疑是彻底点燃了萧云心中的怒火,要不惜一切代价斩杀此人。 If could not protect including the own beloved women, what significance that did live is also having? 若是连自己心爱的女人都保护不了,那活着还有什么意义? own diligently practice, what significance even though becomes unparalleled Supreme also has? 自己努力修炼,纵使成为盖世至尊又有什么意义? Bang! 砰! halberd glow cuts, routs that magic sword, the dazzling purple light blooms, if there is a bright sun bathing world, covers Li Jiansong thoroughly, that said that halberd glow cuts by the without a peer imposing manner, that imposing manner can definitely be a worthy opponent with True Yuan late-stage cultivator. 戟芒斩下,将那法剑击溃,耀眼的紫光绽放开来,如有曜日沐浴天地,将李剑嵩彻底笼罩,那道戟芒以不可匹敌的气势斩下,那气势完全可以和真元后期修者匹敌。 Even compares the ordinary person to be strong. 甚至比一般的人还强。 Because this Xiao Yun is almost strongly take action, Purple Flame Martial Spirit, as well as the Heavenly Flame Halberd might has displayed all. 因为这次萧云几乎是竭力出手,将紫炎武魂,以及天炎戟的威力尽数发挥了出来。 That imposing manner is irresistible. 那种气势不可抵挡。 This boy has this imposing manner unexpectedly, is stronger than True Yuan late-stage!” Feels the imposing manner that halberd glow is carrying, Li Jiansong only thinks fearful and apprehensive, panic-stricken , the palm moves, sword aura from the fingertip twinkle, attempts to resist that halberd glow together. “这小子竟有这气势,比真元后期还强!”感受着那戟芒所携带的气势,李剑嵩只觉心惊肉跳,惊骇之下,手掌一动,一道剑气从指尖闪烁而出,企图抵挡那戟芒 This sword aura is very strong, swift and fierce incomparable, cuts just like real sword glow, middle is also containing a weak potential. 剑气很强,凌厉无比,宛若真的剑芒斩来,当中还蕴含着一股微弱的势。 What a pity Xiao Yun Purple Flame is flawless, might burn completely all, in the imposing manner differs in not the big situation, will shortly burn that sword glow for the nihility, then makes use to cut, is only suddenly, distance that Li Jiansong also had three chi (0.33 m) to be away from. 可惜萧云紫炎无暇,似可焚尽一切,在气势相差不大情况下,将那道剑芒顷刻就焚为了虚无,然后趁势斩下,只是眨眼间,距离那李剑嵩也就只有三尺距离了。 Shout! 呼! In this moment, all people have turned very quiet, that Southern Sea Sword Sect person stared in a big way the eye to reveal the whole face to be stunned. 在这一刻,所有的人都屏住了呼吸,那南海剑派的人一个个都瞪大了眼睛露出满脸错愕。 „Does this person need to kill Senior Brother Li really?” “这人真的要杀李师兄吗?” „Doesn't he know the Senior Brother Li status?” The Southern Sea Sword Sect person cold sweat is dripping, in heart a horridness. “他难道不知道李师兄的身份吗?”南海剑派的人冷汗淋漓,心中一阵惶恐。 If this Li Jiansong cherishes hatred here, they will return to Southern Sea Sword Sect also difficultly to run away the punishment. 要是这李剑嵩饮恨在此,他们回到南海剑派也将难逃处罚。 But this Li Jiansong Grandfather a big shot! 李剑嵩爷爷可是一尊大人物啊! You court death.” In that halberd glow falls magic sword of another cultivator stimulation of movement also cut to Xiao Yun. “你这是找死。”就在那戟芒落下时另外一个修者催动的法剑也斩向了萧云 In his heart is anxious, wishes one could own magic sword to cut to kill to rescue Li Jiansong that youth immediately. 他心中可谓是焦急不已,恨不得自己法剑可以马上就将那少年斩杀救下李剑嵩 Big Brother Xiao.” At this moment Yan Shiyan calls out in alarm, reveals the whole face to worry, because that magic sword is away from Xiao Yun is about two chi (0.33 m). 萧大哥。”这一刻颜诗嫣惊呼,露出满脸着急,因为那法剑距离萧云不过两尺。 Xiao Yun!” The Yan Shifei heart trembles, the whole person is incapable weak, as if the soul must diverge, in the pupil completely is vacant. 萧云!”颜诗妃心头一颤,整个人瘫软无力,似乎魂魄都要散去了,眸中尽是茫然。 This sword falls, how could does he maintain a livelihood? 这一剑落下,他岂能活命? „Were you why?” Drop of tears fall from the Yan Shifei corner of the eye, the beautiful woman superior wound, in the language the belt sobs, mutters, wants you, what is unimportant, what were the humiliations in these spoken languages? So long as I you have this regard!” “你这是何必了?”一滴泪水从颜诗妃眼角滑落,美人优伤,语中带泣,喃喃道,“只要你在,什么都不重要,那些言语上的屈辱又算什么了?我只要你有这份心意啊!” When the beautiful woman sobs, that magic sword has been away from Xiao Yun is about one foot. 就在美人哭泣的时候,那法剑已经距离萧云不过一尺。 But this moment Xiao Yun that said that halberd glow is away from Li Jiansong also one foot six cuns (2.5cm). 而此刻萧云那道戟芒距离李剑嵩也不过一尺六寸而已。 However, turns very quiet in the complete people, for this situation worried, on Xiao Yun flame unexpectedly blooms, mysterious fluctuation is similar to spurts the thin mountain torrent to sweep across, magic sword that handle cuts was raised directly flies. 然而,就在全部人都屏住呼吸,为这局势捏了一把汗的时候,萧云身上蓦地的火光绽放,一股晦涩的波动如同喷薄的山洪席卷而出,那柄斩来的法剑直接被掀飞。 puff! 噗! Given internal combustion engine, Southern Sea Sword Sect that youth mind trembles, in the mouth blood essence puts out, a whole person complexion paleness. 在气机牵引下,南海剑派那名少年心神一颤,口中精血吐出,整个人脸色一片苍白。 How possible, has he resisted unexpectedly?” In this youth heart one startled, whole face surprised lifting is looking at the front. “怎么可能,他竟然抵挡了下来?”这少年心中一惊,满脸惊讶的抬望着前方。 At this time a formidable fluctuation swept across, resembled to submerge the four directions. 这时一股强大波动席卷开来,似要淹没四方。 Fluctuation of very powerful, nearly Yuan Core Realm.” 好强大的波动,近乎元丹境了。” A Southern Sea Sword Sect person palpitation, retreat, does not dare to stop in abundance the half minute. 南海剑派的人一阵心悸,纷纷后退,根本不敢停顿半分。 Because this imposing manner was too strong, once were affected not difficult to imagine own to cherish hatred in light of this. 因为这股气势太强了,一旦被波及不难想象自己是不是会就此饮恨。 „Is he half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse?” 11 cultivator will shortly withdraw from beyond ten meters, when that pupil light takes a look to the front completely is the color of shock, that heart splash jumps crazily appears quite flustered, and what is more, is frightens scared shitless. “难道他是半步元丹境强者?”11名修者顷刻就退出了十米之外,那眸光瞅向前方时尽是震惊之色,那颗心扑通狂跳显得颇为慌张,更甚者,已经是吓得屁滚尿流了。 Because all these came extremely suddenly, has gone beyond the psychological expectation of people. 因为这一切来得太过突然了,超出了众人的心理预料。 ! 啊! Also when the Southern Sea Sword Sect person feels for this reason shocks, a pitiful yell also resounds through. 也就在南海剑派的人为此感到震撼的时候,一声惨叫也是随之响彻开来。 Actually sees in the front, halberd glow falls, the blood light sprinkling, an arm is cut together to fall on the place at once. 却见得在前方,戟芒落下,一道血光溅洒而出,旋即一条手臂便是被斩落在地。 The Li Jiansong left arm was cut, fresh blood gushes out, whole person almost by fresh blood dyed red, was that Southern Sea Sword Sect that person of take action sneak attacked a moment ago, making Xiao Yun this strike to have the slight deviation, was adding on this Li Jiansong response to be extremely quick, otherwise this will strike cutting to kill sufficiently. 李剑嵩左臂被斩,鲜血涌出,整个人差点被鲜血染红,也是刚才那南海剑派那人出手偷袭,使得萧云这一击有着细微的偏差,在加上这李剑嵩反应极快,不然这一击足以将之斩杀了。 The bonus is so, this has made him pay the serious price. 饶是如此,这已经让他付出了惨重的代价。 The arm was cut, that formidable fluctuation also raising flies several meters far Li Jiansong. 手臂被斩,那股强大的波动也是将李剑嵩给掀飞十几米远。 The purple flame dilutes gradually, void has the dim purple light twinkle as before, is similar to the midnight elf is jumping. 紫色的火光逐渐稀释,虚空中依旧有着朦胧的紫光闪烁,如同午夜的精灵在跳跃。 The person breath of audience is, double pupil is staring at the front. 全场的人呼吸皆是一顿,双眸怔怔的盯着前方。 In there, wears the man of white azure mark long gown such as the mountain to stand generally gorgeously, that pupil light was seeming to be swiftly and fiercely a without a peer imposing manner fills the air, when long hair flying upwards has the purple light twinkle, making him add several points of monster demon. 在那里,一个身穿白色青纹长袍的男子如山岳一般巍然而立,那眸光凌厉似有着一股不可匹敌的气势弥漫开来,长发飞扬时有着紫光闪烁,使得他平添了几分妖魅。 Unexpectedly is all right?” “就竟然没事?” The people are startled first, afterward Sea Mist Sect female disciple stupid getting up pupil contained spring the wave, he's very handsome!” 众人先是一怔,随后海岚宗一个个女弟子都痴呆了起来眸含春波,“他好帅啊!” Such uncommon man of outstanding ability, is Heavenly God descends to earth simply!” “这么俊逸不凡的男人,简直就是天神下凡啊!” Heavens, he unexpectedly with my dream in **** is almost same.” These beautiful moving female disciple reveal whole face love-struck fool, presence of Xiao Yun was too cool, in the people crisis time suddenly take action, routs the archenemy in this, by the danger of solution people. 天啦,他竟然与我的梦中****几乎是一样。”那些美艳动人的女弟子都露出满脸花痴,萧云的出场太酷了,在众人危机时刻蓦然出手,将大敌击溃于此,以解众人之危。 In adding on him was of outstanding ability uncommonly, has the special makings, naturally became the put on airs in people mind. 在加上他本就俊逸不凡,有着特殊的气质,自然就成为了众人心目中的白马王子。 Became the hero! 成为了英雄! Snort, cannot struggle, he is my.” Sees that to think that a apprentice sisters love-struck fool appearance, that Yan Shiyan is not glad, honk the small mouth, that bright pupil is winking, takes a fast look around to go toward the people maliciously, cannot snatch the appearance of her man. “哼,都不许争,他是我的。”见得那想师姐妹一副花痴的模样,那颜诗嫣不乐意了,嘟着小嘴,那明亮的眸子眨动,向着众人狠狠的扫视而去,一副不许抢她男人的模样。 „Is he your?” Nearby several Senior Sister are startled, „did you know?” “他是你的?”旁边的几位师姐都是一怔,“难道你们认识?” Naturally understanding.” The Yan Shiyan eyelash raises, ominous saying. “当然认识。”颜诗嫣睫毛一扬,凶巴巴的说道。 This small Junior Sister, what wants to fight, wants to fight including the men?” Some people move to say with a smile. “这小师妹,什么都要争,连男人都要争?”有人调笑道。 Yes, Junior Sister, you were young, what to be anxious?” Several female disciple smile is beautifully attired, echoes to say. “是啊,师妹,你还小了,急什么?”几个女弟子笑得花枝招展,附和道。 At this moment they have just like forgotten the crisis. 此刻她们俨然忘记了刚才的危局。 Snort, others were not young.” A Yan Shiyan face indignation, the small mouth honk, did not shoot a look at people maliciously. “哼,人家已经不小呢。”颜诗嫣一脸不忿,小嘴嘟起,狠狠的瞥了一眼众人。 Hehe, our Shiyan did younger sister also move the feelings of love?” The people smile. 呵呵,难道我们的诗嫣妹妹也动春心了?”众人一笑。 Compared here liveliness startled, the Southern Sea Sword Sect person actually completely. 相比这边的热闹,南海剑派的人却全部惊慌了起来。 Now that Li Jiansong was broken his arm, injury is serious, no matter how they return to Southern Sea Sword Sect certainly to be punished. 如今那李剑嵩被断其一臂,伤势严重,不管如何他们回到南海剑派一定会受到处罚。 Xiao Yun pupil light glance four directions, see these Southern Sea Sword Sect person pupil dew to be startled, he is not hesitating, the body moves, grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd to turn toward that Li Jiansong to kill, now his anger, although eliminated half, actually also knows that cannot leave trouble for the future. 萧云眸光扫视四方,见那些南海剑派的人都眸露惊慌,他也不在迟疑,身子一动,手持着天炎戟就向着那李剑嵩杀去,现在他的怒气虽然消去了一半,却也知道不能放虎归山。 At least must abandon this Li Jiansong. 至少也得废了这李剑嵩 Boy, you suppress.” Sees Xiao Yun take action to kill resolute to own, the Li Jiansong pupil dew that caught one's breath is sinister and ruthless, his palm moves, has put forth Magic Item hastily, this Magic Item is not big, probably a handle small sword, but above actually sends out extremely mysterious fluctuation. “小子,你狠。”见萧云出手果决又向自己杀来,那才缓了一口气的李剑嵩眸露阴毒,他手掌一动,连忙使出了一件法器,这法器不大,好像一柄小剑,可上面却散发出一股极为晦涩的波动 Buzz! 嗡! Under triggering of his within the body True Yuan, that small sword changes into a handle zhang (3.33 m) allow Chang great sword unexpectedly, blooms Myriad Dao sword aura. 在他体内真元的触发下,那小剑蓦地化为一柄丈许长的巨剑,绽放出万道剑气 Shout! 呼! long sword moves, Myriad Dao sword aura is similar to the sword rain turns toward Xiao Yun to cut generally, each is effective, might cut completely all True Yuan Realm cultivator, like that imposing manner just like comparable with ordinary Yuan Core Realm cultivator, so the fluctuation immediately has made the four directions all lonesome. 长剑一动,万道剑气如同剑雨一般向着萧云斩来,每一道都威力不凡,似可斩尽一切真元境修者,那般气势俨然堪比普通元丹境修者了,如此波动立即使得四方皆寂。 All cultivator felt that a palpitation, reveals the whole face to be dignified. 所有的修者都感到一阵心悸,露出满脸凝重。 That Sea Mist Sect female disciple pupil dew worried that is Xiao Yun worried. 海岚宗的女弟子眸露担忧,皆为萧云捏了一把汗。 This attack, below Yuan Core who can resist? 这种攻击,元丹以下谁能抵挡? Hehe, this is Elder Li bestows the Senior Brother Li treasure especially, the might is greatly strengthened, resisted Yuan Core Realm to strike sufficiently.” 呵呵,这是李长老特地赐给李师兄的宝物,威力极强,足以抵挡元丹境一击了。” That has the magic sword youth to smile fiercely, said that this time looked how that boy dies.” 那名拥有法剑的少年狰狞一笑,道,“这次看那小子怎么死。” Treasure?” “宝物?” Elder Li!” Hears this word, the cultivator eyes of these Southern Sea Sword Sect are one bright. 李长老!”听得此言,身后那些南海剑派修者眼睛都是一亮。 This Elder Li in Southern Sea Sword Sect is big shot, the power and influence is enormous, that cultivation level is also unusual in entire Southern Border. 李长老南海剑派可是一位大人物,权势极大,那修为就是在整个南疆也算少有。 Will the treasure that such powerhouse leaves behind how be common? 这样的强者留下的宝物岂会一般? This is Forbidden Item, is the Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse refinement.” At this time, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound is also spreads to the Xiao Yun ear. “这是一件禁器,为元婴境强者炼制。”这时,吞天雀的声音也是传入萧云耳中。 Forbidden Item?” hear speech/words, a Xiao Yun brow lock, that personal appearance unexpectedly in same place. 禁器?”闻言,萧云眉头一锁,那身形蓦地顿在了原地。 Do not fear that this boy strength is too low, is unable to display this treasure the might!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light cold [say / way]. “别怕,这小子实力太低,无法发挥出这宝物的威力!”吞天雀眸光一冷道。 Shout! 呼! When the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow words fall, before the body of Xiao Yun, the earth fire glittering, huge hot vortex is appears suddenly. 待得吞天雀的话语落下,在萧云的身前,蓦地火光闪烁,一个巨大的火之气旋便是浮现而出。 This vortex has as if communicated Nine Nether, deeply does not see the bottom, the terrifying fluctuation also fills the air. 气旋似乎沟通了九幽,深不见底,恐怖的波动也是随之弥漫开来。 Swallows to Grandpa Tian.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow coldly snorted, that vortex rays of light twinkle, such as a great mouth, attracted that everywhere sword light to be given to inhale in the middle of by it that abyss in the sky immediately, inside brilliance dodged, sword aura that comparable with Yuan Core Realm struck completely by refining. “给天爷吞。”吞天雀冷哼一声,那气旋光芒闪烁,如一张巨嘴,当空一吸那漫天的剑光当即就被它给吸入了那个深渊当中,里面光华一闪,那堪比元丹境一击的剑气完全被炼化 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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