EMS :: Volume #3

#202: Envy?

Does Chapter 202 envy? 第202章嫉妒? Sea Mist Sect female disciple is very beautiful, is in this Yang Haixin front, simply became the set-off, may not with it placing on a par, on this female as if have one refined makings, is similar to fairy, does not moisten the world smoke and fire. 海岚宗的女弟子都很美,可是在这杨海芯的面前,简直就成为了陪衬,根本不可与之相提并论,这女子身上似乎有着一种脱俗的气质,如同仙子,不沾人间烟火。 This Yang Haixin stands in front not far away, is indistinct, actually gives people one type to be unapproachable, resembles in the feeling of thousand li(500 km). 杨海芯就站在前方不远处,隐约间,却给人一种不可亲近,似远在千里的感觉。 At this moment, that four male disciple stayed completely, pupil light has been full of the awe is staring at the front young girl. 在此刻,那四名男弟子完全呆了,眸光充满了敬畏愣愣的盯着前方的少女。 That feeling as if really has met the goddess, only dares to observe, thoughts that does not dare to give birth to blaspheming. 那感觉似乎真的遇到了神女,只敢远观,不敢生出一丝亵渎的心思。 Yan Shifei is very beautiful, even also takes many several points to attract compared with this Yang Haixin, but also is charming. 颜诗妃很美,甚至比这杨海芯还要多几分魅惑,还要迷人。 But she was short of that type not to moisten the world smoke and fire the makings. 可是她少了那种不沾人间烟火的气质。 This is two entirely different beauty. 这是两种截然不同的美。 Regarding Yan Shifei, in these disciple hearts also has the daydream, thinking own can climb. 对于颜诗妃,那些弟子心中还有遐想,认为自己可以攀登。 This Yang Haixin is but different, she like fairy, is unapproachable, therefore these male disciple, only then the share of far view. 可是这杨海芯却不同,她如仙子,不可亲近,所以那些男弟子只有远观的份。 This female is actually uncommon.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, he even saw a Ling Xi shadow from that Yang Haixin. “这女子倒是不凡。”萧云眸子微眯,从那杨海芯身上他甚至看到了一丝凌兮的影子。 This female affirms physique to be uncommon, otherwise is very difficult to have this makings. 这个女子肯定体质不凡,不然很难有着这种气质。 Her beautiful?” Sees Xiao Yun is secretly is also sizing up that Yang Haixin, asking of Yan Shifei slightly narrows the pupil faint smile. “她美吗?”见萧云也是在暗暗打量那杨海芯,颜诗妃眸子微眯似笑非笑的问道。 beautiful.” Xiao Yun replied freely spoken. “美。”萧云顺口答道。 „Did you move?” Yan Shifei continues to ask. “那你动心了吗?”颜诗妃继续问道。 Her beautiful how?” Xiao Yun shrugs, said that „, even though beautiful woman myriad, how also to compare favorably with your my sentiment [gold/metal] to be firm.” Then, he smiles to that Yan Shifei, that palm was also nonchalant embracing latter's willow waist. “就算她美又如何?”萧云耸了耸肩,道,“纵使美人万千,又怎么比得上你我情比金坚呢。”说完,他冲那颜诗妃一笑,那手掌也是不经意的揽住了后者的柳腰。 The beautiful women are many, but is perfectly suited to each other how many can have? 美人再多,可是情投意合的又能有几个? Therefore to that Yang Haixin Xiao Yun and thinking little. 所以对那杨海芯萧云并不以为意。 No, here has the person.” Sees Xiao Yun to embrace own, in the Yan Shifei heart micro happy, after thinking of here scene, swayed from side to side the waist posture to work loose hastily, but two people this ambiguous action, was actually annoys to come nearby that Yan Shiyan again and again supercilious look. “别,这里有人呢。”见萧云揽住自己,颜诗妃心中微喜,不过在想到这里的场景后,连忙扭动着腰姿挣脱了出去,不过两人这暧昧的举动,却是惹来旁边那颜诗嫣连连白眼。 Yan Shiyan as if became accustomed, was disinclined to say anything again. 颜诗嫣似乎对此已经习以为常,都懒得再说什么了。 Shout! 呼! When that Yang Haixin floating falls, that mountain top rays of light twinkle, has three men floating to fall one after another. 当那杨海芯飘然落下的时候,那个山头光芒闪烁,有着三个男子陆续飘然落下。 These three men also wear the sea-blue color clothing, obviously is Sea Mist Sect disciple. 这三个男子也是穿着海蓝色的服饰,显然是海岚宗弟子 Has True Yuan perfection boundary?” The Xiao Yun pupil concentrates, then induces these people of aura fluctuations. “都有着真元圆满境?”萧云眸子一凝,便是感应出了这几人身上的气息波动。 These people of dignified in appearance, in the foreheads have several points of uncommon imposing manner to reveal. 这几人仪表堂堂,眉宇间都有着几分不凡的气势流露而出。 However after they fall, falls on that Yang Haixin about, an appearance of follower. 不过他们落下后都是落在那杨海芯的左右,一副追随者的模样。 These three people are also my Sea Mist Sect talent disciple.” Yan Shifei sees the Xiao Yun pupil dew to be curious, immediately answered. “这三人也是我海岚宗的天才弟子。”颜诗妃萧云眸露好奇,当下解释道。 natural talent arrives well, but their within the body True Yuan as if also insufficiently purely, physique should be inferior to that Yang Hailan.” Xiao Yun gives a calm smile, these people also momentarily may step into half Yuan Core Realm, but compared Yang Haixin to be worse. 天赋到不错,不过他们体内真元似乎还不够纯粹,体质应该不如那杨海岚。”萧云淡然一笑,这几人也随时可踏入半步元丹境了,不过相比杨海芯而言却是差了许多。 According to the Xiao Yun estimate, their Spirit Physique values probably also about 50%. 萧云估计,他们的灵体值大概也是在50左右。 Such physique in various factions perhaps is uncommon, but Xiao Yun has Flawless Martial Spirit, oneself has anything's life source Martial Spirit, naturally will not care these people, goal that he must pursue is Heavenly Capital Domain. 这样的体质在各派中或许已经算是不凡了,可萧云身怀无暇武魂,自身更是有着什么的本命武魂,自然也不会将这些人太放在心上,他要追求的目标那是天都域 Perhaps also only then that big territory can look for the genuine match. 或许也只有那片大域才能找得真正的对手。 Has seen Senior Sister Yang!” Yan Yueying brings Sea Mist Sect disciple to take a step to forward, salutes toward that Yang Haixin. “见过杨师姐!”颜月莹带着海岚宗弟子迈步向前,向着那杨海芯施礼。 Yan Shifei smiles, is steps the lotus steps to forward. 颜诗妃嫣然一笑,也是迈动着莲步向前。 Xiao Yun shrugs, must follow to go. 萧云耸了耸肩,只得跟随而去。 How will you come here?” Yang Haixin pupil light moves, sweeps to the people, an inherent imposing manner fills the air, making this void imposing manner change, she such as a goddess of keeping aloof is overlooking all living things. “你们怎么会来到这里?”杨海芯眸光一动,扫向众人,一股与生俱来的气势弥漫开来,让得这片虚空的气势都是为之一变,她就如一个高高在上的神女俯视着众生。 Returns to Senior Sister Yang, we have encountered the Monster Beast attack in surrounding, afterward encountered the sneak attack of Southern Sea Sword Sect disciple......” Yan Yueying to go forward one step, the matter that will have daytime narrated simply, was good to meet Heavenly Yuan Sect Junior Brother Xiao, otherwise the result was hard to expect.” “回杨师姐,我们在外围遇到了妖兽袭击,随后又遭到了南海剑派弟子的偷袭……”颜月莹上前一步,将白天发生的事情简单的叙述了一遍,“好在遇到了天元宗萧师弟,不然结果难以预料。” Li Jiansong?” Hears the narration of Yan Yueying, that Yang Haixin that brow selects, in the beautiful pupil has several points of chill in the air to reappear obviously, this Southern Sea Sword Sect person was getting more and more rampant has wanted to capture my Sea Mist Sect disciple unexpectedly, went too far simply.” 李剑嵩?”听得颜月莹的叙述,那杨海芯那眉头一挑,美眸中明显有着几分寒意浮现,“这南海剑派的人越来越嚣张了竟然想虏获我海岚宗弟子,简直是欺人太甚。” It seems like he is that Li Tianhuai posterity.” Yang Haixin face cold severe, shouted to clear the way lightly, „, one day, I must sweep away Southern Sea Sword Sect Li this lineage!” The words of young girl are very cold, in expression has actually been full of a flavor without a doubt. “看来他是那李天淮的后人。”杨海芯一脸冷厉,轻喝道,“哼,总有一天,我要横扫南海剑派李姓这一脉!”少女的话语很冷,语气中却充满了一股毋庸置疑的味道。 Nobody dares to question the feasibility in her words. 没有人敢质疑她话语中的可行性。 Because this Yang Haixin is the talent of Sea Mist Sect present age, hundred years rare meet. 因为这杨海芯海岚宗当代的天才,百年难得一遇。 This Southern Sea Sword Sect is rampant, should strike turns.” Side Yang Haixin youth pupil light dodges, said that Li Tianhuai this lineage indeed is also very strong, it is said that Li Jiansong elder brother Li Jianyuan has awakened Sword Martial Spirit, the Martial Spirit value is 69%, wants on the strong several points compared with his grandfather Li Tianhuai 65.” “这南海剑派嚣张跋扈,是该敲打一翻了。”杨海芯身边的一个青年眸光一闪,说道,“不过李天淮这一脉也的确很强,据说那李剑嵩的一位兄长李剑元觉醒了剑之武魂,武魂值为69,比他的祖父李天淮的65还要强上几分。” Li Jianyuan?” Hears this name, side another two male Lord brows all is a wrinkle. 李剑元?”听得这个名字,旁边另外两个男主眉头皆是不由一皱。 It is said that he has stepped into half Yuan Core Realm, now is closing up attacks Yuan Core Realm, once he entered into Yuan Core Realm, has awakened the Sword Martial Spirit source, that strength will certainly increase, wants to cope with their this lineage, does not only fear easily.” “据说他已经踏入了半步元丹境,如今在闭关冲击元丹境,一旦等他迈入元丹境,觉醒了剑之武魂本源,那实力必将大增,想要对付他们这一脉,只怕不容易。” How has he awakened Sword Martial Spirit?” Yang Haixin pupil light one cold, shot a look at several men to say slantingly that you such did not have the spirit, feared his this lineage?” In this words is bringing several points of disgruntledness obviously. “他觉醒了剑之武魂又如何?”杨海芯眸光一冷,斜瞥了身边的几个男子说道,“难道你们就这么没有志气,惧怕了他这一脉吗?”这话语中明显带着几分不悦。 Hehe, how can, how be able.” Nearby several men smile embarrasedly, does not dare to say. 呵呵,岂会,岂会。”旁边几个男子讪讪一笑,不敢多说。 Yan Yueying and the others do not dare to interpose. 颜月莹等人更是不敢插话。 The people know that this Yang Haixin such will hate why Southern Sea Sword Sect Li that lineage/vein. 众人都知道为何这杨海芯会这么痛恨南海剑派的李姓那一脉。 Because dozens years ago, a Yang Haixin natural talent uncommon clansman then was humiliated to the capture by that Li Tianhuai. 因为早在数十年前,杨海芯一位天赋不凡的族人便是被那李天淮给虏去便凌辱了。 This is Junior Brother Xiao the Heavenly Yuan Sect person?” Sees the people not to speak, Yang Haixin pupil light moved, takes a look to Xiao Yun. “这位萧师弟天元宗的人?”见众人不语,杨海芯眸光一动,瞅向了萧云 „.” Xiao Yun holds the fist in the other hand slightly, does not have too many indicating. “正是。”萧云微微抱拳,没有太多的表示。 This time many thanks your take action helps one another, this sentiment my Sea Mist Sect will certainly always remember.” Yang Haixin is a face is as before desolate. “此次多谢你出手相助,这份情我海岚宗必将铭记。”杨海芯依旧是一脸冷淡。 This does not use but actually.” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, said that my take action not for others.” “这倒不用了。”萧云淡淡一笑,说道,“我出手也不是为了别人。” „.” A Yang Haixin pupil light revolution, took a look to Xiao Yun Yan Shifei, all to understand, afterward were not many said. “哦。”杨海芯眸光一转,瞅向了萧云身边的颜诗妃,一切皆以明了,随后也不多说。 By her three youth were actually pupil light move, having several points to take a look bad to Xiao Yun. 她旁边的那三位青年却是眸光一动,带着几分不善瞅向了萧云 This boy is it possible that and is Yan Shifei the lover relates really?” This makes their hearts live the envy. “这小子莫非真的和颜诗妃是情侣关系?”这让他们心生嫉妒。 Although they have been following Yang Haixin, to its has the meaning of admire, but in these person of hearts is also knows the latter to be conceited, Don't said them, even if took a broad view in entire Southern Border five big Sect the unusual person to enter its discernment, therefore drew back to ask next, their many also kept several points of thoughts on Sea Mist Sect another beauty Yan Shifei. 虽说他们一直追随着杨海芯,对其有着爱慕之意,可这些人心中也是知道后者自视甚高,莫说他们,就算放眼整个南疆五大宗派之中都少有人可以入得了其法眼,所以退而求其次,他们多少也留了几分心思在海岚宗另外一个大美人颜诗妃身上。 However Yan Shifei seems like charming enchanting, resembles extremely easy to obtain, but approaches, chilling does not miss many compared with that Yang Haixin. 不过颜诗妃看似娇媚妖娆,似唾手可得,可是真接近起来,比那杨海芯冷硬也不差多少。 Therefore they had not gone well. 所以他们也一直没有得手。 Now saw that Xiao Yun and Yan Shifei relate closely, in the heart has naturally had several points of hatred. 如今见到萧云颜诗妃关系密切,心中自然生出了几分恨意。 Hehe, since that Li Jiansong is True Yuan late-stage cultivator, but also has stimulated to movement Forbidden Item, how can Junior Brother Xiao defeat him?” Middle a youth one step treads, corners of the mouth shows a smile, but has a formidable imposing manner to burst out. 呵呵,既然那李剑嵩真元后期修者,还催动了禁器,萧师弟怎能击败他?”当中一个青年一步踏出,嘴角露笑,可是身上却有着一股强大的气势迸发而出。 This action obviously in provocative Xiao Yun. 这举动明显是在挑衅萧云 Nearby another two youth slightly narrows the pupil are also the faint smile is staring at Xiao Yun. 旁边另外两个青年眸子微眯也是似笑非笑的将萧云盯着。 Very obviously, these people do not believe that Xiao Yun has this ability. 很显然,这些人都不相信萧云有这能力。 The careful induction goes, this Xiao Yun also True Yuan initial-stage Peak, even if can jump the ranks to fight, won't be intrepid? 仔细感应而去,这萧云也不过真元初期巅峰,就算能越级而战,也不会那么强悍吧? Feels these people of that provocative pupil light, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, the corners of the mouth is reappearing a happy expression, does not have a meaning of fear. 感受着这几人那挑衅的眸光,萧云眸子微眯,嘴角浮现出一丝笑意,没有一点畏惧的意思。 „Is your excellency is suspecting my strength?” Xiao Yun was also one step takes, appears before that Yan Yueying body, faint smile was staring at that youth, he did not have what favorable impression regarding the person of this thinking oneself infallible, therefore did not have the polite meaning. “阁下是在怀疑我的实力?”萧云也是一步迈出,出现在了那颜月莹身前,似笑非笑的将那个青年盯着,对于这种自以为是的人他并没有什么好感,所以也没有客气的意思。 „Doesn't this boy actually fear my imposing manner?” That Huang Jianghe pupil light concentrates, in heart slightly feels surprisedly, frightened that following cultivator by his True Yuan perfection boundary imposing manner sufficiently, but this youth not only dares to stare with him unexpectedly, but also corners of the mouth shows a smile. “这小子竟然丝毫不惧怕我的气势?”那黄江鹤眸光一凝,心中略感惊讶,以他真元圆满境的气势足以震慑住那以下的修者了,可这个少年竟然不仅敢与他凝视,还嘴角露笑 He has this strength, does intentionally so?” In this Huang Jianghe heart hesitates slightly, afterward unfolds the face to say with a smile, Hehe, my fellow apprentices to Heavenly Yuan Sect is the spiritual bond for a long time, now with you are also predestined friends, therefore wants to compare notes to turn, does not know that Junior Brother Xiao can be willing to grant instruction?” “难道他真有这实力,还是故作如此?”这黄江鹤心中略微迟疑,随后展颜一笑道,“呵呵,我对天元宗师兄弟也是神交已久,如今与你有缘所以想切磋一翻,不知萧师弟可愿赐教?” Grants instruction?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, has some cold intent to reappear, the opposite party this is the obvious provocation, must make own make a boner, after all he is only the True Yuan initial-stage Peak boundary, the two people strength phase difference, clear, in this situation challenges, what goal can have? “赐教?”萧云眸光一凝,有着些许冷意浮现,对方这是明显的挑衅,要让自己出丑了,毕竟他才只是真元初期巅峰境,两人的实力相差,一目了然,这种情况下挑战,能有什么目的? Especially is also in front of Yan Shifei provocative Xiao Yun. 特别是还当着颜诗妃的面来挑衅萧云 This does not want to a slap in the face in the presence of everyone, can embarrass Xiao Yun? 这不是想当众打脸,要让萧云难堪吗? This boy is so rampant, making a Grandpa Tian palm of the hand pat to consider as finished him.” In Swallowing the Heavens Tower, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow cut-throat saying. “这小子那么嚣张,让天爷一巴掌把他拍死算了。”吞天塔内,吞天雀凶狠的说道。 Xiao Yun pupil light is slightly cold, wants to a that fellow lesson, to the present, he not to have what good scruples. 萧云眸光略冷,也想给那家伙一点教训,到了现在,他已经没有什么好顾忌的了。 Senior Brother Huang are you what intent?” That Yang Haixin pupil light one cold, shouted to clear the way, Heavenly Yuan Sect always fixes with my Sea Mist Sect, this Junior Brother Xiao take action has saved my Sea Mist Sect person now, you so affronted, can it be that wants to go bad the relations of Heavenly Yuan Sect and Sea Mist Sect?” 黄师兄你这是何意?”那杨海芯眸光一冷,喝道,“天元宗与我海岚宗历来修好,这萧师弟如今又出手救了我海岚宗的人,你如此冒犯,莫不是想坏了天元宗海岚宗的关系?” Hehe, Junior Sister Yang this saying was serious, I want to try his cultivation level that's all. that Huang Jianghe to let go the palm, at once the corners of the mouth pull take a look say with a smile to Xiao Yun, Junior Brother Xiao, if there is an opportunity we to compare notes?” He then has drawn afterward back, in the pupil completely is the flavor that selects lightly. 呵呵,杨师妹这话严重了,我只是想试试他的修为罢了。”那黄江鹤摊了摊手掌,旋即嘴角一扯瞅向萧云笑道,“萧师弟,若有机会我们在切磋?”随后他便退了下去,眸中尽是轻挑的味道。 Momentarily accompanies.” Xiao Yun shrugs, lightly saying. “随时奉陪。”萧云耸了耸肩,淡淡的说道 This boy also rampant?” The cultivator brows of nearby another two True Yuan perfection boundary provoke, coldly snorted said. “这小子还蛮嚣张的吗?”旁边另外两位真元圆满境修者眉头挑动,冷哼道。 Regarding these people of provocation, Xiao Yun almost disregards. 对于这几人的挑衅,萧云几乎无视。 If they must play are also quite glad to accompany. 若是他们要玩也颇为乐意奉陪。 Was good, we rest today first here an evening, tomorrow is going to that Black Cloud Gorge.” Yang Haixin pupil light halo regards the people, said that „the people of various present factions collected in this, intends to the treasure in Black Clouds Cave, therefore we must restore to the optimum condition.” “好了,我们今天先在这里休息一晚,明天在前往那黑云涧。”杨海芯光环视众人,说道,“如今各派的人已经汇集于此,都意在黑云窟中的宝物,所以我们必须恢复到最佳状态。” Yes!” Sea Mist Sect disciple all nods to say. “是!”海岚宗弟子皆点头应道。 „Did disciple of various factions come?” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, regarding this has not cared. “各派的弟子都来了吗?”萧云淡淡一笑,对此并没有太在意。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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