EMS :: Volume #2

#193: Counter- plundering integral

Chapter 193 instead plunders points 第193章反掠夺积分 Your which dog saw that I have cheated?” Xiao Yun that ice-cold sound broke this just now the tranquil level area. “你哪只狗眼看到了我作弊?”萧云那冰冷的声音打破了这方才平静的山坳。 Instantly, these are flattering Lu Yanfeng Fire Yuan Peak disciple is a brow wrinkle, following prestige. 霎时,那些正讨好陆炎风火元峰弟子都是眉头一皱,循声望来。 This is Xiao Yun all right unexpectedly?” “这萧云竟然没事?” In seeing the Xiao Yun facial expression as before, but also in the air/Qi full appearance Fire Yuan Peak person felt that a heart is startled. 在见到了萧云气色依旧,还一副中气十足的样子火元峰的人不由感到一阵心惊。 This was also too valiant, was seriously injured including Senior Brother Lu, how did this have a True Yuan initial-stage Xiao Yun matter also?” “这也太彪悍了吧,连陆师兄都受了重伤,这只有真元初期萧云怎么一点事也没有?” This is Xiao Yun True Yuan late-stage, Senior Brother Lu is True Yuan initial-stage?” The disparity was too so inconceivable, making the person have a feeling of inversion dislocation. “难道这萧云才是真元后期,陆师兄真元初期?”如此差距太不可思议了,让人有着一种颠倒错位的感觉。 The Fire Yuan Peak person pupil dew dreaded that Xiao Yun has filled fear to that takes a step. 火元峰的人眸露忌惮,对那迈步走来的萧云充满了畏惧。 Including the Lu Yanfeng disastrous defeat of True Yuan late-stage boundary, who can also with a it war? 真元后期境的陆炎风都惨败了,谁还可与之一战? Xiao Yun, do you want to do?” Sees to walk Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns that Xiao Yun threatens, shouted to clear the way hastily. 萧云,你这是想干什么?”见萧云气势汹汹的走来邱雨枫眉头紧锁,连忙喝道。 „Do I want to do?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, is taking a fast look around the people, said that now I have defeated Lu Yanfeng, can you hand over respective points according to the agreement?” In that words has been full of the flavor without a doubt. “我想干什么?”萧云眸光一凝,扫视着众人,道,“如今我已经战胜了陆炎风,你们是不是得按照刚才的协议将各自的积分交出来?”那话语中充满了毋庸置疑的味道。 Anything! points?” Hears this word, the Fire Yuan Peak person was thoroughly flustered, now what to do should Senior Brother Qiu?” “什么!积分?”听得此言,火元峰的人彻底慌张了,“邱师兄现在该怎么办?” This points is also quite important regarding them, because Fire Yuan Peak continues this batch of disciple, wants to obtain more resources to emerge in this duty is, is is very fair regarding disciple examination in Heavenly Yuan Sect any peak. 积分对于他们来说也颇为重要,因为火元峰不止这批弟子,想要获得更多的资源都必须在这次任务中脱颖而出才是,在天元宗任何峰系对于弟子考核都很公平。 Xiao Yun, your this time has cheated, if you also dare to bully, plunders points of same side, I will certainly report Elder, when the time comes you are Core Palace disciple also same must be punished, Heavenly Yuan Sect will not tolerate disciple of your this type of despising sect rule.” Qiu Yufeng eyelid combination, but he also calculates that calm is a face chilling has the expression of several points of threat to say as before. 萧云,你这次已经作弊,你若还敢仗势欺人,掠夺同门的积分,我一定会禀告长老,到时候就算你是核心殿弟子也一样要受到处罚,天元宗可不会纵容你这种藐视门规的弟子。”邱雨枫眼皮连跳,不过他还算镇定依旧是一脸冷硬带着几分威胁的语气说道。 I thought that you were really the brain are much more remnant.” Xiao Yun shook the head, has arrived at Qiu Yufeng and the others beyond three zhang (3.33 m), a formidable imposing manner bursts out from him unexpectedly, you, if in does not hand over points, I only then began.” “我看你真是脑残得没救了。”萧云摇了摇头,走到了邱雨枫等人三丈之外,一股强大的气势蓦地从他身上迸发而出,“你们若在不交出积分,那我就只有动手了。” Sees Xiao Yun to walk, that Duan Ling'er, Wang Lei as well as Zhou Ping and other injured cultivator have not followed in abundance. 萧云走去,那段灵儿,王磊以及周平等几位没有受伤的修者纷纷跟随而来。 The people all stimulated to movement the limit the imposing manner, the appearance that prepared momentarily to go to battle with. 众人皆是将气势催动到了极限,一副准备随时出战的模样。 You......” saw the appearance that Xiao Yun this threatens, Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns, he knows the former the method is always swift and fierce, if in doing to hesitate only feared that will cause a war, although they slightly get the advantage in the population, how can not have one to be able with the person who Xiao Yun fights to be able? “你……”见到萧云这气势汹汹的模样,邱雨枫眉头紧锁,他知道前者向来手段凌厉,要是在作迟疑只怕真会引起一战,虽说他们在人数上略占优势,可没有一个能与萧云争锋的人又能如何? powerhouse controlled the entire situation sufficiently. 一个强者足以主宰整个局势了。 Senior Brother Qiu.” Nearby cultivator throws pupil light that inquired. 邱师兄。”旁边的修者都投来询问的眸光 Good, Xiao Yun calculates you to suppress, this time we lost.” Qiu Yufeng hesitates slightly, immediately was the palm turns presented Token, above has points to reappear, the demonstration was 287, so the number was also good. “好,萧云算你狠,这次我们输了。”邱雨枫略微沉吟,当即便是手掌一翻出现了一个腰牌,上面有着积分浮现,显示为287,如此数目也算是不错了。 Throws Token.” Xiao Yun sinking sound track. “将腰牌扔来。”萧云沉声道。 Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns then throws that Token to Xiao Yun. 邱雨枫眉头紧锁便是将那腰牌掷向萧云 The Xiao Yun palm strokes volume to start, then own Token appears to stimulate to movement inside formation mark then to absorb points in Qiu Yufeng Token immediately, then he then gives back to the opposite party Token, saw that Qiu Yufeng has sent out points, nearby person also only then so. 萧云手掌一拂将之卷入手中,然后自己腰牌浮现催动里面的阵纹立即便是将邱雨枫腰牌中的积分给尽数吸收,然后他这才将腰牌还给对方,见到邱雨枫都送出了积分,旁边的人也只有如此了。 Xiao Yun has brought for a while ten Token. 一时萧云就取来了十块腰牌 You divided inside points.” Xiao Yun gives Duan Ling'er as well as Yan Zhen and the others these Token. “你们将里面的积分分了吧。”萧云将那些腰牌递给身边的段灵儿以及颜真等人。 Em.” Sees Xiao Yun to be so generous, Yan Zhen and the others were excited, starts to divide equally inside points. “恩。”见萧云如此慷慨,颜真等人一脸兴奋,开始平分里面的积分 This makes Fire Yuan Peak disciple look is a face meat pain. 这让得火元峰弟子看得是一脸肉痛。 After grasps these points, returns Token. 在将这些积分掠取完毕后,才将腰牌归还。 We can walk.” Qiu Yufeng is black the face to say. “我们可以走了吧。”邱雨枫黑着脸说道。 Slow.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates saying that Lu Yanfeng, your Token.” “慢。”萧云眸光一凝道,“陆炎风,你的腰牌了。” Lu Yanfeng knits the brows also takes out Token. 陆炎风皱眉也将腰牌取出。 320 ten points, good.” After attaining Lu Yanfeng Token, Xiao Yun increased more than 300 points, then his points about thousand, have thought also unusual person can compare with it in the middle of entire Core Palace new disciple. “320十积分,不错。”在拿到陆炎风腰牌后,萧云又增加了300多积分,如此一来他的积分都近千了,想必在整个核心殿的新弟子当中也少有人可与之堪比了。 We can walk.” The Fire Yuan Peak person asked. “我们可以走了吧。”火元峰的人问道。 Xiao Yun smiles lightly, approaches step by step forward. 萧云淡淡一笑,一步步向前逼近。 „Do you also want to do?” Xiao Yun this action lets in the disciple heart of Fire Yuan Peak one startled, dreads. “你还想干什么?”萧云这举动让得火元峰弟子心中一惊,畏惧不已。 Xiao Yun has not paid attention to the people, but pupil light moves, the line of sight fell in not far away debris. 萧云并没有理会众人,只是眸光一动,视线落在了不远处的碎石堆里。 Has long spear there, sends out burning aura to fluctuate. 在那里有着一杆长枪,散发出一股炙热的气息波动。 My Scarlet Flames Spear!” Saw Xiao Yun to fall the line of sight on own Magic Item, the Lu Yanfeng corner of the eye twitches felt a restlessness. “我的赤炎枪!”见萧云将视线落在了自己法器上,陆炎风眼角抽动感到一丝不安。 Really, the next quarter Xiao Yun palm moves, True Yuan sweeps across, but immediately that Scarlet Flames Spear being involved in hand. 果然,下一刻萧云手掌一动,一股真元席卷而出当即就是将那赤炎枪给卷入了手中。 Good, this handle Magic Item should be the low-level middle-grade degree, is fire attribute Magic Item, what a pity is not the halberd.” Xiao Yun takes in the palm long spear, after sizing up turned, mutters, „, but, I can also exchange handle halberd shape Magic Item by this Magic Item.” “不错,这柄法器应该达到了低级中品的程度,又是火属性法器,可惜不是戟。”萧云长枪摄入掌心,打量了一翻后喃喃道,“不过,我也可以凭借这法器去兑换一柄戟形法器。” After he also thinks examination to finish, relied on own points to exchange Magic Item, now had this Magic Item not to need to waste that points to select, with Magic Item, same can exchange corresponding Magic Item, as well as other spiritual medicine goods. 本来他还想考核完毕后凭借自己积分点去兑换一件法器,如今有了这件法器也就不用浪费那积分点了,用法器,一样可以兑换相应的法器,以及别的灵药物品。 Has this good thing Xiao Yun naturally unable to let off. 有这好东西萧云自然不会放过。 No! This is my Magic Item, how can you take away?” Saw Xiao Yun to take Scarlet Flames Spear, Lu Yanfeng has suppressed the injury to lose one's voice to call out in alarm, in that pair of pupil completely was anxious as well as the lamentation, he did wants to flatter Qiu Yufeng provoked this evil star! “不!这是我的法器,你怎能拿去?”见萧云取走了赤炎枪,陆炎风强忍着伤势失声惊呼,那双眸子中尽是焦急以及悔恨,他干么要为了讨好邱雨枫来招惹这个煞星啊! Your Magic Item?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, said that your take action was wanted to plunder my Magic Item a moment ago strongly, such being the case, I why was forgiving to you, was you said that when carrying out Sect this examination task the same side can carry on to plunder points as well as Magic Item, therefore this Magic Item from hereafter was my, you reported Sect to be also useless.” “你的法器?”萧云眉头一弯,道,“刚才你竭力出手就是想要掠夺我的法器,既然如此,我何必对你留情,是你们说的,在执行宗门这种考核任务时同门可以进行掠夺积分以及法器,所以这法器从此后就是我的了,你就算禀告宗门也无用。” Xiao Yun words cold severe, this is replies in kind. 萧云话语冷厉,这是以其人之道还治其人之身。 The Lu Yanfeng air/Qi, in the mouth the fresh blood blowout, a face is extremely pale, his weak saying, „, but you had Magic Item!” 陆炎风气极,口中鲜血喷出,一脸苍白,他无力的说道,“可是你已经有法器了啊!” „Weren't you had points? Why can also probably plunder our points and Magic Item?” Xiao Yun asked that my Xiao Yun never on own initiative provoked the person, if had the criminal I, I will not show mercy, therefore this was you brings upon oneself.” “你们不是已经有积分了吗?可为什么还要掠夺我们的积分法器?”萧云反问道,“我萧云从不主动招惹人,可是若有人犯我,我绝不会手下留情,所以这是你自找的。” Go away, otherwise my take action.” Xiao Yun shouted to clear the way. “滚,不然我就出手了。”萧云喝道。 He will not be lenient regarding these enemies. 对于这些敌人他绝不会手软。 Xiao Yun you, me and you have not ended!” Lu Yanfeng pupil light is gloomy, coldly snorted said: My big brother Lu Zhanfeng, but Core Palace old disciple, had already stepped into the True Yuan late-stage boundary, you dare to plunder my points Magic Item, I must make you live to might as well die.” 萧云你记着,我与你没完!”陆炎风眸光阴森,冷哼道:“我大哥陆展风可是核心殿的老弟子,早就已经踏入了真元后期境,你敢掠夺我的积分法器,我要让你生不如死。” So long as this Lu Yanfeng and Xiao Yun have become enemies, this matter has also harvested.” The Qiu Yufeng pupil light circulation ponders to say darkly. “只要这陆炎风萧云结仇了,此事也算是有所收获。”邱雨枫眸光流转暗忖道。 Regarding the threat of Lu Yanfeng, Xiao Yun has not cared, he does not want to annoy troublesome, but never fears troublesome. 对于陆炎风的威胁,萧云并没有放在心上,他不想惹麻烦,可是从来不怕麻烦。 However after looking at Qiu Yufeng and the others departed that leaves behind to wipe the hatred rays of light, Xiao Yun pupil light cannot help but one cold. 不过在瞧得邱雨枫等人离去后留下的那抹怨毒的光芒后,萧云眸光不由得一寒。 If there is an opportunity to solve this person.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, he knows that own and Qiu Family grievances had not finished, the opposite party also will sooner or later look for trouble, but under this is in the glare of the public eye he is not good blatantly except that Qiu Yufeng. “若有机会必须解决此人。”萧云心中暗忖,他知道自己邱家恩怨并没有结束,对方迟早还会找麻烦,只是在这众目睽睽之下他也不好公然除去那邱雨枫 After all Heavenly Yuan Sect has the sect rule, this war sound is too big, is impossible to achieve. 毕竟天元宗有门规,此次一战动静太大,根本不可能做到神不知鬼不觉。 As the Fire Yuan Peak person departs, in not far away summit, has one crowd of cultivator to overlook to this. 随着火元峰的人离去的时候,在不远处的山巅,有着一群修者正向此俯视而来。 „Is that person Xiao Yun?” On the summit, a youth pupil like Profound Hawk, is glittering together the golden light, tight is staring under that level area Xiao Yun, in that pair of pupil as if passed over gently and swiftly wipes the color of surprise, so the age then has this battle strength to be surprising. “那个人就是萧云吗?”山巅上,一个青年眸如玄鹰,闪烁着一道金光,紧紧的盯着下方那处山坳的萧云,那双眸子中似乎掠过一抹诧异之色,如此年纪便有这战力让人惊讶。 In side, has several youth to follow impressively. 在旁边,赫然有着几名少年跟随。 If carefully looks, middle has person of Core Palace Rising Stars Peak disciple Zheng Tianwei. 若仔细看去,当中有一人正是核心殿新秀峰弟子郑天伟 That follows Zheng Tianwei Li Ji as well as Feng Liang also in middle. 那跟随郑天伟李吉以及冯亮也在当中。 Except in addition also two Core Palace Rising Stars Peak disciple. 除此外还两名核心殿新秀峰弟子 Xiao Yun.” Zheng Tianwei brows tightly frowns, clenches teeth saying that has not thought for half a month did not see this boy to fight True Yuan late-stage cultivator unexpectedly, really did not have the natural justice, the brother, did you want take action to teach his?” “正是萧云。”郑天伟眉头紧锁,咬着牙说道,“没有想到才半个月不见这小子竟然已经可战真元后期修者了,真是太没有天理了,哥,你要不要出手教训他一下?” The situation of a moment ago fighting was received in the eye by Zheng Tianwei. 刚才一战的情况都被郑天伟收到了眼中。 Original Zheng Tianwei also wants to break through to True Yuan late-stage in teaches that Xiao Yun, who would have thought has not waited for own to step into this boundary others to end to defeat True Yuan late-stage cultivator, looks at this appearance, at least must achieve True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment to be able the steady winner boy. 本来郑天伟还想突破到真元后期在去教训那萧云,哪知还不等自己踏入这个境界人家就已经可是完败真元后期修者了,瞧这模样,至少也得达到真元后期小成才能稳胜者小子。 Therefore now Zheng Tianwei also can only hope own big brother Zheng Tianxiang take action. 所以现在郑天伟也只能希望自己的大哥郑天翔出手了。 He already is Flawless Martial Spirit, that battle strength naturally cannot the common sense judgment.” Zheng Tianxiang was actually a face indifferent after taking a look at Xiao Yun in that level area, corners of the mouth shows a smile said that he was also True Yuan initial-stage, why anxiously for a while was coping?” “他既为无暇武魂,那战力自然不可以常理判断。”郑天翔却是一脸淡然在瞅了一眼那山坳中的萧云后,嘴角露笑道,“他也不过是真元初期罢了,何必急着一时对付?” Must make him grow to be possible is very formidabe he!” Zheng Tianwei somewhat anxious saying. “可是要让他在成长下去可就很难对付他了啊!”郑天伟有些焦急的说道。 Because this Xiao Yun boundary is low, therefore he worries. 正是因为这萧云境界低,所以他才着急。 This Xiao Yun has so terrifying battle strength in True Yuan initial-stage, if makes him promote, could fight True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment and even big accomplishment cultivator? That time own only had feared really but actually cannot leave the initial that foul odor. 萧云真元初期就有如此恐怖的战力,要是让他在提升一下,是不是可以战真元后期小成乃至大成修者了?真倒了那时候自己只怕就再也不能出当初的那口恶气了。 Shortsighted fellow.” Sees Brother own so anxious appearance, Zheng Tianxiang pupil light concentrates, shot a look at Zheng Tianwei one slantingly, said that this time I asked you to come to this Black Clouds Mountain Range deep place to go to that Black Cloud Gorge, there has the big opportunity, didn't you so straighten out? Is considering only these small grievances, has actually forgotten the basis, how can become the great talent?” “目光短浅的家伙。”见自己弟弟如此焦急的模样,郑天翔眸光一凝,斜瞥了郑天伟一眼,道,“此次我请你来这黑云山脉深处是为了前往那黑云涧,那里可是有着大机遇,你怎么就如此不开窍了?只顾着这些小恩怨,却忘记了根本,如何能成大器?” Such one was stared by Zheng Tianxiang, Zheng Tianwei does not dare to say. 郑天翔那么一瞪,郑天伟也不敢多说了。 The Spirit Fruit hundred years in that Black Cloud Gorge mature one time, we may not therefore delay.” “那黑云涧中的摩罗灵果百年才成熟一次,我们绝不可因此有所耽搁。” After all this time competitor may be many, many people knew this matter, if we go one step not to be lately good.” “毕竟此次的竞争对手可不少,许多人都知道了此事,我们要是去迟了一步就不好了。” This Nether Fruit has to wash the muscle to cut down the wonderful effectiveness of marrow, washes marrow pill to be better than that once obtains, I then have the opportunity to step into half Yuan Core Realm in a short time.” Zheng Tianxiang continues saying that „can also attack Yuan Core Realm depending on this me, strives to participate in the Profound Yuan Battlefield first ten quotas.” “这摩罗冥果有着洗筋伐髓的神效,比那洗髓丹还好,一旦得到,我便有机会在短时间内踏入半步元丹境。”郑天翔继续道,“凭此我还可以冲击元丹境,争取参加玄元战场前十的名额。” Really to that time, but also feared that isn't able to cope with this Xiao Yun?” When speech Zheng Tianxiang pupil light one cold, the line of sight fell on Xiao Yun below level area, you were my younger brother, in bad was not others can bully easily, therefore this tone, I will help you leave.” “真到了那时候,还怕无法对付这萧云吗?”说话时郑天翔眸光一冷,视线落在了下方山坳中的萧云身上,“你是我弟弟,就算在不济也不是别人可以轻易欺负,所以这个口气,我会帮你出的。” Many thanks big brother.” Heard Zheng Tianxiang this word, the Zheng Tianwei that tight wrinkle brow has stretched finally, in the corners of the mouth reappeared to wipe the happy expression, that took a look to under Xiao Yun pupil light also becomes cold, now had his big brother these words, before what Chou was unable snow, shame? “多谢大哥。”听到了郑天翔此言,郑天伟那紧皱的眉头终于是舒展了起来,嘴角间浮现出一抹笑意,那瞅向下方萧云眸光也变得冷冽了起来,如今有了他大哥这句话,何愁不能一雪前耻? ( ( …… ……
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