EMS :: Volume #2

#192: Ends the victory!

Chapter 192 ends the victory! 第192章完胜! In the middle of the level area, Xiao Yun breaks the blockade attack of opposite party at one fell swoop, is jumps, his double pupil concentrates, in the hand the long halberd moves the purple light twinkle, might pass through star river, cold severe light drinks the sound together also putting out slowly from his mouth. 山坳当中,萧云一举破开对方的封锁攻击,也是腾身而起,他双眸一凝,手中长戟一动紫光闪烁,似可贯穿星河,一道冷厉的轻喝声也是从他的口中缓缓的吐出。 The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky of Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式天炎裂空 Whoosh ! 刷! Purple glow twinkle, was similar to the purple hot blade edge cuts to crack together void, eradicated several attack tearing of that Lu Yanfeng a crack, the body moved along with the halberd, Xiao Yun made use to kill immediately, after having stepped into True Yuan Realm , the personal appearance has been able to glide dozens meters, so the fight will not affect the halberd technique might, instead has an irresistible imposing manner. 一道紫芒闪烁,如同紫色的火刃斩裂了虚空,破除那陆炎风的数道攻击生生的撕裂出了一条裂缝,身随戟动,萧云当即就趁势杀了过去,踏入了真元境后身形已经可以滑翔数十米,如此战斗根本不会影响戟法的威力,反而有着一种势不可挡的气势。 second style The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky in this Heavenly Flame Five Styles once were displayed, that imposing manner is simply irresistible, routs attacks of that Lu Yanfeng, two people is uses True Fire to display martial skill of fire, but that strength actually cannot place on a par. 天炎五式中的第二式天炎裂空一经施展起来,那种气势简直不可抵挡,将那陆炎风的一道道攻击击溃,两人同是使用真火施展火之武技,可是那力量却根本不能相提并论。 Xiao Yun present True Fire is in the True Yuan middle-stage Peak boundary, but that Lu Yanfeng has actually achieved True Yuan late-stage. 萧云现在的真火算是在真元中期巅峰境,可是那陆炎风却达到了真元后期 Properly speaking this phase difference Xiao Yun of boundary was unable to get a winning side, may finally actually obviously not be such simple, these youth in level area are fixing the eyes on the front, looks that Lu Yanfeng was compelled to draw back step by step started to be in the passive trend. 按理说这相差了一个境界的萧云根本无法占据一丝上风,可结果却显然不是这么简单,山坳中的那些少年都紧盯着前方,看着那陆炎风被步步逼退已经开始处于被动的趋势。 This made the people hold breath a cold air, stared in a big way the eye. 这一幕让众人不由倒吸了口凉气,将眼睛瞪得大大的。 This aspect subverted them to expect completely a moment ago that has shocked the mind of people. 这种局面完全颠覆了他们刚才的预想,震撼了众人的心灵。 Obviously is True Yuan late-stage cultivator, but also is grasping Magic Item, now actually fell leeward. 明明是真元后期修者,还手持着法器,现在却落入了下风。 Is this matter? 这算是怎么一回事? The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky! 天炎裂空 The Flames Shines the World! 炎耀天地 Xiao Yun take action, the more fights the more brave is, in hand that long halberd brilliance glitters unceasingly, has the purple light to bloom, his long hair, the pupil exaggerates became the purple, coordinating his slender elegant personal appearance to be of outstanding ability, arrives on such as a war-god simply, is bravely irreversible. 萧云不断出手,越战越勇,手中那长戟光华闪烁,有着紫光绽放开来,将他的长发,眸子都渲染成为了紫色,配合着他那修长飘逸的身形俊逸非凡,简直就如一个战神降临,勇不可挡。 A Heavenly Flame Five Styles type compared with type . Moreover the style links up, perfectly has all linked up, a move of strength did not have failure another to kill, coordinating that Heavenly Flame Halberd not to be stopped simply, even though Lu Yanfeng grasps Magic Item is also in vain however. 天炎五式一式比一式强,而且招式连贯,皆完美的衔接了起来,一招之力还没有衰竭另外一式就杀了过来,配合着那天炎戟简直是锐不可当,陆炎风纵使手持法器也是枉然。 This Flawless Martial Spirit was too strong, that True Fire is flawless, that strength has surmounted the general True Yuan late-stage boundary, the cultivator strength should not divide with the boundary, only has flawless is the true meaning, his Heavenly Flame Five Styles is also very strong, almost middle intent domain displaying, damn, this boy has this perfect physique, how also to have this comprehension talent?” Lu Yanfeng waves long spear to resist that Heavenly Flame Five Styles unceasingly, every time encounters he to feel that opposite party battle strength is strengthening. “这无暇武魂太强了,那真火无暇,那种力量已经超越了一般的真元后期境,修者的实力根本不应该用境界来划分,唯有无暇才是真谛,他那天炎五式也很强,几乎将当中的意境给发挥出来,该死的,这小子有这种完美体质就罢了,怎么还有这种领悟天赋?”陆炎风不断舞动长枪抵挡那天炎五式,每一次交锋他都感觉到对方的战斗力在增强。 Moreover, this Xiao Yun as if also has formidable perception, can discover promptly his weakness cracks down. 不仅如此,这萧云似乎还有强大的感知力,可以及时发现他的弱点给予打击。 This makes the Lu Yanfeng superiority completely lose, even degenerated into passively, must guard against opposite party that swift and fierce attack frequently. 这让陆炎风的优势完全丧失,甚至沦为了被动,要时刻提防着对方那凌厉的攻击。 How this can Xiao Yun be so strong?” Saw that Lu Yanfeng has completely been in passively, some youth of Qiu Family branch grip tightly the palm, in the heart were worrying that already did not have the initial that rampancy, has dared to suspect the Xiao Yun strength to the present nobody. “这萧云怎么能这么强?”见到陆炎风完全处于了被动,邱家分支的一些少年紧握着手掌,心中一阵担忧,早就没有了起初的那种嚣张,到了现在没有人敢怀疑萧云的实力。 Even if not need that Fire Bird take action he same to fight True Yuan late-stage. 就算不用那火鸟出手他一样可战真元后期 Hateful, does this boy stem from Purple Clouds County City that small place really?” Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns, revealed the whole face to be dignified at this moment, he has underestimated the Xiao Yun strength, has underestimated that damaged halberd might, „, if were fighting, the situation will not be wonderful!” “可恶,这小子真是出自紫元郡城那个小地方吗?”邱雨枫眉头紧锁,此刻也是露出了满脸凝重,他低估了萧云的实力,也低估了那件残戟的威力,“若是在战下去,局势将不妙啊!” Qiu Yufeng does not know for a while should not know what to do. 邱雨枫一时不知该如何是好。 He wants to suppress Xiao Yun, who would have thought actually will have this reversal. 本来他想借此打压萧云,哪知竟然会发生这种逆转。 Then is on nettles when the Qiu Yufeng heart, that war turned the superheating, formidable wave realistic coming, compels retreat that Lu Yanfeng again and again, his whole body True Yuan is lax, body staggers to from that airborne drop. 便在邱雨枫心中忐忑不安时,那大战已经进入了白热化,一股强大的波动真的开来,将那陆炎风逼得连连后退,他周身真元涣散,身子一股踉跄似要从那空中跌落下来。 The Flames Sweeps the Sky of Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式炎卷长空 Reviews other one side, Xiao Yun grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd, is similar to the war-god kills, that long halberd moves, flame is similar to the long line of angry volume carries flap flap the rumor to take away as many things as possible toward that Lu Yanfeng together, just like has one to want the the flames sweeps the world imposing manner. 反观另外一边,萧云手持天炎戟,如同战神杀来,那长戟一动,一道火炎如同怒卷的长龙携带着猎猎风声向着那陆炎风席卷而去,俨然有着一股要炎卷天地的气势。 splitting flames sweeps, the four directions clouds moves, that void twisted. 裂炎一卷,四方云动,那虚空都扭曲了起来。 Shout! 呼! The burning hot air current sweeps across, Qiu Yufeng and the others felt that own soon was submerged, the eye was punctured painful, when they open the eye to look when that [say / way] fierce flame is not unexpectedly steady while the Lu Yanfeng personal appearance takes away as many things as possible. 炙热的气流席卷开来,邱雨枫等人感觉自己都快要被淹没,眼睛被刺得一阵生疼,待得他们睁开眼睛一看,那道烈炎竟然已经趁着陆炎风身形未稳之际席卷而去。 Has two meters, that flame on must it submergence! 只有两米,那火炎就似要将之淹没! Senior Brother Lu.” Looked at this thoroughly, cultivator that heart of Fire Yuan Peak sank. 陆师兄。”瞧得这一幕,火元峰修者那颗心彻底沉了下来。 Are the whole face is joyful in other one side Yan Zhen and the others, because the angle is different, they as if saw Lu Yanfeng was submerged, the attack of so crazy tyrant, raids under this opportunity, is impossible to resist, this war, the general situation has decided. 在另外一边的颜真等人却是满脸欣喜,因为角度不同,他们似乎已经看到了陆炎风被淹没,如此狂霸的攻击,在这种时机下袭来,根本不可能抵挡,这一战,大局已定。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles, you unexpectedly already practice hence.” Sweeps across halberd glow that comes facing that [say / way], a Lu Yanfeng face is bitter and astringent, this Xiao Yun just like completely comprehends this set of martial arts, now relies on Flawless Martial Spirit to display, is the might is really astonishing. 天炎五式,你竟然已修炼至此。”面对那道席卷而来的戟芒,陆炎风一脸苦涩,这萧云俨然完全将这套武学领悟,如今凭借着无暇武魂施展出来,真的是威力惊人。 But under he stimulates to movement Magic Item in hand strongly, toward that said that halberd glow meets the approaching enemy to go. 无奈下他竭力催动手中的法器,向着那道戟芒迎击而去。 Bang! 砰! long spear rays of light blooms with that said that long river met the approaching enemy in one. 长枪光芒绽放与那道长河迎击在了一起。 Finished.” Also the Xiao Yun personal appearance moves at this moment is also seizes the chance to plunder. “结束吧。”也就在这时萧云的身形一动也是趁机掠来。 Buzz! 嗡! Sees only the purple light twinkle, that Heavenly Flame Halberd hits with that long spear together. 只见得紫光闪烁,那天炎戟就与那杆长枪撞击在一起。 Ding! 叮! Two Magic Item junctions strike, flame four shoot, bursts out a dazzling rays of light terrifying fluctuation also to be centered on this turns toward the four directions to shake, void ripples flood, dazzling, followed closely that nearby hillside to raise flaming raging flame. 两件法器交击,火光四射,迸发出耀眼的光芒一股恐怖的波动也是以此为中心向着四方震荡开来,虚空中涟漪泛起,璀璨夺目,紧随着那附近的山坡都升起了熊熊烈火 Under this type of air current, these vegetation are almost touching burns. 在这种气流下,那些草木几乎是触之即燃。 Bang! 砰! Also strikes in two Magic Item junctions instant, Lu Yanfeng felt own fingers/tiger's mouth trembles, the skeleton resembled to break, followed closely palm weak loosening, magic spear is crashing in the sky, his whole person also shaking flew by a formidable fluctuation of energy in the distant place. 也就在两件法器交击的刹那,陆炎风感觉自己虎口一颤,骨骼都似要断裂了起来,紧随着手掌无力的松开,法枪当空坠落,他整个人也是被一股强大的能量波动给震飞于远处。 When Lu Yanfeng shaking flies by that terrifying impulse, Xiao Yun also felt a greatest pressure, that fluctuation is not only strikes that simply, when that True Yuan late-stage brings is two cultivator wars energy burst that has. 陆炎风被那股恐怖的冲击力给震飞的时候,萧云也是感到了一股莫大的压力,那种波动不仅仅是一个真元后期所带来的一击那么简单,那是两个修者大战时产生的能量爆发。 This fluctuation True Yuan late-stage cultivator must avoid by far. 这种波动就连真元后期修者都要远远避开。 Xiao Yun does not dare to be negligent, but he does not have the heart Desolate, but has stimulated to movement Swallowing the Heavens Arts immediately. 萧云也不敢大意,不过他并没有心荒,而是立即催动了吞天诀 Buzz! 嗡! Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolves, vortex appears immediately before the body of Xiao Yun, middle also has an illusory tower to be partly visible, starts the crazy absorption to swallow that fluctuation of energy, if there is a sensation strong person to see that this will be quite certainly surprised. 吞天诀才运转,一个气旋立即浮现在萧云的身前,当中还有着一尊虚塔若隐若现,开始疯狂的吸收吞噬着那股能量波动,若是有感知强的人见到此幕一定会颇为惊讶。 Because before the body of Xiao Yun on the evolution vortex black hole, the trim void fluctuation of energy had been swallowed inside at this moment simply, the phenomenon, sufficiently is so shocking, asked how could cultivator of True Yuan initial-stage boundary does withstand this energy? 因为此刻在萧云的身前简直就似演化出了一个漩涡黑洞,整片虚空的能量波动都被吞噬到了里面,如此异象,足以惊世,试问一个真元初期境的修者岂能承受这种能量? Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolves, at an exceptional pace melts is being concise these fluctuations of energy. 吞天诀运转,以惊人的速度化解凝练着那些能量波动。 These are Fire Yuan, so long as refines slightly can become Xiao Yun Martial Spirit True Yuan, then can also make up for these Fire True Yuan that he fought a moment ago loses, but Swallowing the Heavens Arts is not multipurpose, but also is not enough to swallow so boundless fluctuation of energy in the twinkling. 这些都是火元,只要略加提炼都可以成为萧云武魂真元,如此一来也就可以弥补他刚才战斗中所损耗的那些火之真元,不过吞天诀也不是万能,还不足以在瞬息吞噬如此磅礴的能量波动。 After swallowing a fluctuation of energy the Xiao Yun personal appearance had also been shaken to fly, but has not actually been under the big impact. 就在吞噬了一股能量波动后萧云的身形也是被震飞了出去,只是却并没有受到多大的冲击。 Shout! 呼! In the level area, dazzling rays of light is thin gradually, vaguely can see that has two forms to fly upside down one after another. 在山坳中,耀眼的光芒逐渐稀薄,依稀可以看到有着两个身影陆续倒飞而出。 „Did this war end?” “这一战结束了吗?” Who won?” Sees that two flying upside down, but the person's shadow, cultivator in level area all narrowed the pupil to lift looks void. “谁胜了?”见得那两个倒飞而出的人影,山坳中的修者皆眯起了眸子抬望虚空。 If they were mutually wounded good.” “要是他们两败俱伤就好了。” The Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth curl upwards, a face sinister and vicious stares at that to mutter void, that fluctuation was not a moment ago small!” 邱雨枫嘴角微翘,一脸阴鸷的盯着那虚空喃喃道,“刚才那波动可是不小啊!” Clang! 锵! A resounding spreads, Lu Yanfeng Magic Item crashes in the place, follows closely him is also being hit maliciously on a mountain wall, that rock cracks, the mountain massif shakes the head, his person also along with it tumbling in the place, flowing that fresh blood in mouth keeps. 一声脆响传出,陆炎风法器坠落在地,紧随着他也是狠狠的撞击在一处山壁上,那岩石崩裂,山体摇头,他的人也是随之滚落于地,口中的鲜血不停的流淌而出。 Very obviously, this time encounters this Lu Yanfeng injured heavily. 很显然,这次交锋这陆炎风受伤不轻。 Senior Brother Lu.” 陆师兄。” Senior Brother Lu was injured unexpectedly.” Saw that Lu Yanfeng falls to the ground distressedly, Fire Yuan Peak these youth plunder hastily. 陆师兄竟然受伤了。”见到陆炎风狼狈落地,火元峰的那些少年连忙掠过去。 This injury is heavy!” “这伤势不轻啊!” Senior Brother Lu, quickly take cures medicine.” Some disciple put out Medicine Pill hastily, taking the opportunity flatters this Lu Yanfeng. 陆师兄,赶快服下疗伤药。”一些弟子连忙拿出丹药,借机讨好这陆炎风 Qiu Yufeng actually lightly shot a look at that Lu Yanfeng, in the heart has pondered darkly, „, since received that heavy wound to think that including Senior Brother Lu that Xiao Yun should also be injured heavily is, if his strength plummeted, I can seize the chance actually take action.” 邱雨枫却是淡淡的瞥了一眼那陆炎风,心中暗忖,“既然连陆师兄都受了那么重的伤想必那萧云也应该受伤不轻才是,要是他实力骤降,我倒是可以趁机出手。” After pondering turns , the Qiu Yufeng pupil to narrow the eyes darkly, pupil light then takes a look in the opposite direction. 暗忖一翻后邱雨枫眸子一眯,眸光便是向着对面的方向瞅去。 Shout! 呼! In there, the personal appearance of youth in void trembles slightly, afterward the True Yuan revolution downloaded to stand firm the personal appearance that impulse unceasingly, is similar to the war-god that arrived at from Nine Heavens floating falls, when his long hair flying upwards has the purple light twinkle appears especially charming. 在那里,少年的身形在虚空略微一颤,随后真元运转将那股冲击力不断卸掉稳住了身形,如同从九天降临的战神飘然落下,他那长发飞扬时有着紫光闪烁显得格外迷人。 Senior Brother Xiao is good to lead.” The pupil of Duan Ling'er that clever winks slowly, was grasped the battle halberd appearance charming by Xiao Yun that completely, when the youth fought a moment ago that scene playbacks in the mind as before, her heart swings several near infatuated. 萧师兄好帅。”段灵儿灵动的眸子缓缓眨动,完全被萧云那手持战戟的样子给迷住了,刚才少年大战时的那一幕幕情景依旧在脑海里回放,她的芳心一荡几近痴迷。 „Doesn't Senior Brother Xiao have the matter?” Sees the Xiao Yun look as before, the appearance Feiyang (flies upwards) appearance, that Wang Lei and the others relaxed. 萧师兄没有事?”见到萧云神色依旧,神采飞扬的模样,那王磊等人都是松了一口气。 They saw a moment ago that Lu Yanfeng hit maliciously in the tragic situation that the mountain wall tumbled! 刚才他们可是看到了那陆炎风狠狠的撞击在山壁滚落下来的惨况啊! Hehe, Brother Xiao really having god-given wisdom supernatural might, is the present age rare talent.” Yuan Ming breaks into a hearty laugh, to walk toward Xiao Yun hastily. 呵呵,萧兄果然天纵神武,为当世奇才。”袁铭朗声一笑,连忙向萧云走去。 This fought is too splendid.” Brother Yan Clan are also the whole face like. “这一战太精彩了。”颜氏兄弟也是满脸欢喜。 This fought a moment ago was too fierce, Xiao Yun can be safe and sound, has stemmed from their expectation completely. 刚才这一战太猛了,萧云能安然无恙,完全出乎了他们的预料。 All right?” Saw the appearance that Xiao Yun and Yan Clan Brother and the others talked and laughed merrily, the Qiu Yufeng pupil sinks, the whole person was startled in same place, this was how possible, how shaking injured him to be able not to have the matter by that formidable impulse including Senior Brother Lu?” “没事?”见到萧云颜氏兄弟等人谈笑风生的模样,邱雨枫眸子一沉,整个人都怔在了原地,“这怎么可能,连陆师兄都被那股强大的冲击力给震伤了他怎么能没有事情?” You definitely used not to belong to your strength.” Qiu Yufeng is also again hard maintains calm, nearly roared demented, right, you definitely replied on that Fire Bird strength to resist this attack, you were cheating, at all was not wins.” “你肯定用了不属于你的力量。”邱雨枫再也难以保持淡定,近乎癫狂咆哮道,“对,你肯定是借助了那火鸟的力量抵挡了这攻击,你这是在作弊,根本不算赢。” Cheats?” Xiao Yun just and several fellow apprentices exchanged greetings two, near the ear has resounded immediately this Qiu Yufeng mad dog general roaring, immediately his brow one curved, the palm stroked, nearby person resigned a road on own initiative, then he walked step by step. “作弊?”萧云刚和几位师兄弟寒暄了两句,耳边立即就响起了这邱雨枫疯狗一般的咆哮,当下他眉头一弯,手掌一拂,旁边的人主动让出一条路,然后他一步步的走了出来。 Its one, I have defeated Lu Yanfeng by the own strength, its two, your which dog saw that I have cheated?” Xiao Yun gradually moves toward Qiu Yufeng, saying every single word or phrase, in that binocular pupil has been full of the chill in the air, at this moment this fellow so is stubborn. “其一,我已经凭借自己的实力打败了陆炎风,其二,你哪只狗眼看到了我作弊?”萧云一步步走向邱雨枫,一字一句的说道,那双眼眸中充满了寒意,事到如今这家伙还如此顽固。 Such being the case, how could his did Xiao Yun forgive this Qiu Yufeng? 既然如此,他萧云又岂能饶过这邱雨枫了? ( ( …… ……
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