EMS :: Volume #2

#191: Irresistible

Chapter 191 is irresistible 第191章势不可挡 In the Xiao Yun fingertip, purple Fire Yuan condenses unceasingly, just like a purple sharp knife blade, passes sends this swift and fierce aura.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 萧云指尖,紫色的火元不断凝聚,宛若一根紫色的利刃,透发这一股凌厉的气息。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Fire Yuan Finger, a finger broken void! 火元指,一指碎虚空! After Xiao Yun one step takes, that index finger fierce light point is void, sees only that purple glow twinkle, such as star glow pierced together void, shortly with the hot palm hit of that everywhere, that purple glow slightly will stop then pierced that hot palm by arbitrary the extremely stance. 萧云一步迈出后那食指猛的轻点虚空,只见得那紫芒闪烁,如一道星芒洞穿了虚空,顷刻就与那漫天的火掌撞击,那紫芒只是略微停顿便是以极为蛮横的姿态洞穿了那火掌。 Buzz! 嗡! After the purple glow pierces the hot palm, trembles void, flood the intermittent ripples, the Xiao Yun step starts to walk, the right hand successive selects the void, purple glow twinkle, routs hot palms, was similar to from that piece in the middle of the fire Yun Yiban palm shade tears a path. 当紫芒洞穿火掌后,虚空一颤,泛起阵阵涟漪,萧云步伐迈开,右手连点虚空,紫芒闪烁,将一道道火掌击溃,生生的从那片如同火云一般的掌影当中撕裂出了一个道路。 After tearing a path, the Xiao Yun both hands hauling, purple Magic Seal was condensed. 在撕裂出一个道路后,萧云双手牵引,一个紫色的法印已是被凝聚而成。 This impressively was that explosive force greatly strengthened martial arts, Raging Flames Collapse. 这赫然是那门爆发力极强的武学,烈焰崩了。 This Raging Flames Collapse compresses seal by the True Fire condensation, inside has instilled into a thought that only then so can build this Magic Seal, compares Fire Yuan Finger, this Raging Flames Collapse practice got up to want by far difficultly were many, because the thought of own filled to input in the middle of martial arts is not the average person can accomplish! 烈焰崩是以真火凝聚压缩成印,里面灌输了一丝意念,只有如此才能修成这法印,相比火元指,这烈焰崩修炼起来远远要困难的多了,因为将自己的意念灌输入武学当中可不是一般人能办到啊! However Xiao Yun has the experience of practice Flame Wild Lion Seal, this Raging Flames Collapse studies to be also handy, quick refine. 不过萧云有着修炼火焰狂狮印的经验,这烈焰崩学起来也就得心应手,很快就炼成了。 This Raging Flames Collapse Magic Seal shook the void, formidable fluctuation gives to shake that flame has dispersed, that fluctuation made a nearby person heart startled, only thought that own placed in the sea of fire, suddenly Xiao Yun and Lu Yanfeng two people also reappeared in the line of sight of people, 烈焰崩法印震荡虚空,强大的波动将那片火光都给震散了,那种波动让得附近的人一阵心惊,只觉得自己身处在火海,一时间萧云陆炎风两人也重新出现在了众人的视线当中, „Is this fluctuation Raging Flames Collapse?” Lu Yanfeng pupil light is surprised, has not thought that Xiao Yun has routed the attack of own easily, killed a road, but also condensed that extremely formidable martial arts Raging Flames Collapse, the body had Fire Spirit Physique him to fully realize this martial arts powerful! “这波动是烈焰崩?”陆炎风眸光惊讶,没有想到萧云那么轻易就击溃了自己的攻击,杀出了一条路,还凝聚出了那极为强大的武学烈焰崩’,身具火灵体的他可是深知这武学的强悍啊! The hasty under Lu Yanfeng palm hauling, is evolves Magic Seal that Fire Yuan condenses to welcome immediately fiercely in the sky. 仓促下陆炎风手掌牵引,当即也是演化出一个火元凝聚成的法印猛地当空迎去。 Bang! 砰! The Raging Flames Collapse fierce explosion, air wave is dreadful, that purple flame is similar to the wild waves turns toward the four directions to wreak havoc to go generally. 烈焰崩猛的爆炸开来,气浪滔天,那紫色的火炎如同骇浪一般向着四方肆虐而去。 This formidable fluctuation of energy routs that Lu Yanfeng Magic Seal unexpectedly at one fell swoop, that purple True Fire submerged his True Fire thoroughly, changed into the nihility, Xiao Yun Purple Flame True Fire pure by far was not this, only then Lu Yanfeng of 30% seven Spirit Physique values may compare. 这股强大的能量波动竟将那陆炎风法印一举击溃,那紫色的真火更是将他的真火彻底淹没,化为了虚无,萧云紫炎真火之精纯远远不是这只有30七灵体值的陆炎风可比。 The hot wave sweeps across to come, fluctuation that Lu Yanfeng of that burning hot also feels the palpitation, is not own can resist by far, that body trembles, was shaken flew seven meters far, is he has Fire Spirit Physique, magic arts inspiring transforms that fire wave absorption, otherwise gives shakes the five main internal organs (entrails) injured may not. 火浪席卷而来,那股炙热的波动就连那陆炎风也是感到心悸,远远不是自己能抵挡,那身子一颤,被震飞了七米之远,也是他本身就具备火灵体,法诀引动就将那股火流吸收转化,不然给得给震得五脏六腑受伤不可。 The bonus is so, that fire wave was also he spends many strengths to melt. 饶是如此,那股火流也是他花费了不少力气才得以化解。 Thump! 咚咚! Finally Lu Yanfeng draws back continually six steps, this has stood firm the personal appearance, that every step falls spreads a bang. 最终陆炎风连退六步,这才稳住了身形,那每一步落下都传出一声巨响。 very powerful True Fire, are you Fire Spirit Physique or Martial Spirit?” Lu Yanfeng stands firm the personal appearance, the brow wrinkles then brings the whole face surprisedly that youth front to stare, sees only that Xiao Yun this moment personal appearance slightly to tremble, has drawn back four merely. 好强大真火,你这是火灵体还是武魂?”陆炎风稳住身形,眉头一皱便是带着满脸惊讶将前方的那个少年盯着,只见得那萧云此刻身形只是微微一颤,仅仅退了四步而已。 In other words in this confrontation, Xiao Yun actually also slightly deeply plans. 也就是说在这次交锋中,萧云竟然还略深一筹。 What's all this about?” Fire Yuan Peak cultivator reveals the whole face to be surprised, cannot believe the eye of own simply. “这是怎么回事?”火元峰修者露出满脸惊讶,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 But this Lu Yanfeng True Yuan late-stage cultivator of genuine goods at reasonable prices, the itself also body has Fire Spirit Physique, if not for he covets Fire Yuan Peak inheritance, entered Core Palace by his natural talent sufficiently, was such existence, actually will fall in this confrontation leeward? 陆炎风可是货真价实的真元后期修者,本身还身具火灵体,若不是他觊觎火元峰传承,以他的天赋足以进入核心殿了,就是这样的存在,竟然会在这场交锋中落入下风? This Xiao Yun was also too good.” Present situation that Yan Zhen and Yan Mo Brother and the others were also shaken shaking. “这萧云也太牛了吧。”如今的情况就连那颜真颜漠兄弟等人也是被震了震。 In the people heart results in surprisedly does not know that should say anything is good. 众人心中惊讶得不知该说什么是好。 Xiao Yun was relying on own strength take action a moment ago! 刚才萧云可是凭借着自己的实力出手的啊! Everyone knows that he has True Fire, moreover is the purple, initially had seen him by this pill refining. 谁都知道他拥有真火,而且是紫色的,当初就曾经见过他以此炼丹 Hehe, you do not know that Senior Brother Xiao has flawless Fire Martial Spirit.” Saw Xiao Yun to occupy winning side that robust Wang Lei to harass to smile, in the heart admired to Xiao Yun, darkly ponders saying that Senior Brother Xiao was really too forks good.” 呵呵,你不知道吧,萧师兄可是拥有无暇火之武魂。”见萧云占据了一丝上风那虎头虎脑的王磊扰了扰头憨厚一笑,心中对萧云佩服不由,暗忖道,“萧师兄真是太牛叉了。” flawless Fire Martial Spirit?” hear speech/words, the Lu Yanfeng whole person complexion thorough was cloudy, the double pupil slightly at a loss loses, when such as crashed the ice hole, pupil light took a look to Xiao Yun envied, there is an envy, his pupil light twinkle, in the mouth kept muttering, Flawless Martial Spirit, Flawless Martial Spirit, no wonder that True Fire so strength, will collapse at the first blow including my within the body Fire Yuan, originally he had Flawless Martial Spirit.” 无暇火之武魂?”闻言,陆炎风整个人脸色彻底阴沉了,双眸略显茫然失落,如坠落了冰窟,眸光瞅向萧云时有羡慕,也有嫉妒,他眸光闪烁,口中不停喃喃自语,“无暇武魂,无暇武魂,难怪那真火会如此力量,连我体内火元也不堪一击,原来他拥有无暇武魂。” Anything! Does he have Flawless Martial Spirit?” Hears this saying, that Fire Yuan Peak disciple stared in a big way the eye to show the whole face inconceivable look, „was this real? Flawless Martial Spirit, so physique was also extremely rare generally existed in entire Southern Border, how can he have Flawless Martial Spirit?” “什么!他拥有无暇武魂?”听得这话,那火元峰弟子都瞪大了眼睛露出满脸不可思议的神色,“这是真的吗?无暇武魂,如此体质在整个南疆也是凤毛麟角一般的存在了,他怎么能有无暇武魂?” This physique was too rare, making in the people heart for a while raise stormy sea (difficult situation), nobody dares to despise this youth again. 这种体质太难得了,让得众人心中一时掀起了惊涛骇浪,再也没有人敢轻视这个少年。 Must know that Lu Yanfeng has the Fire Spirit Physique 37% Spirit Physique values beyond the object of key trained by the Fire Yuan Peak row, that Qiu Yufeng has the Fire Spirit Physique 39% Spirit Physique night-watches is called a God's favored one, flatters for the people. 要知道,那陆炎风只是拥有火灵体37的灵体值就被火元峰列外重点培养的对象,那邱雨枫拥有火灵体39的灵体值更是被称为天之骄子,为众人所巴结。 But front this Xiao Yun unexpectedly is flawless Fire Martial Spirit! 可面前这萧云竟是无暇火之武魂 If he did go to Fire Yuan Peak to be regarded old ancestor same to consecrate? 若是他去了火元峰岂不是要被当成老祖宗一样供奉着? Flawless Martial Spirit is not these impure Spirit Physique can place on a par! 无暇武魂可不是那些非纯灵体能相提并论的啊! This talent Don't said in Heavenly Yuan Sect, is places entire Southern Border is also the object who big Sect fights. 这种天才莫说在天元宗,就是放在整个南疆也是个大宗派所争抢的对象。 Rumble! 咕噜! When the Fire Yuan Peak disciple pupil light circulation, takes a look to Xiao Yun swallows the saliva, at this moment they understood ridiculed a moment ago, the one who scolded was what character, this character high-level settled on by Heavenly Yuan Sect absolutely, in the future the future will be limitless. 火元峰弟子眸光流转,瞅向萧云时都不由咽了咽口水,此刻他们才明白刚才讥讽,呵斥的是一个什么样的人物,这种人物绝对已经被天元宗高层所看中,将来前途不可限量。 Offends him to be worth for Qiu Yufeng?” Suddenly the people heart relayed a lot of thoughts to start to regret. “为了邱雨枫得罪他值得吗?”一时间众人心中转过了千百个念头已经开始后悔。 Fire Yuan Peak many people shake the head, in heart actually only then bitter and astringent. 火元峰许多人摇头,心中却只有苦涩。 Flawless Martial Spirit, how even if you do have Flawless Martial Spirit?” The Lu Yanfeng pupil dew chill in the air that is absentminded, how many minutes in the pupil has to reappear unexpectedly fiercely, his evil stares at Xiao Yun, coldly snorted was saying, the talent that has not grown how can? Your cultivation level True Yuan initial-stage, how places on a par with me, today I must step on you in the under foot.” 无暇武魂,就算你有无暇武魂又如何?”那失魂落魄的陆炎风蓦地眸露寒意,眸子中有着几分狰狞浮现,他邪恶的盯着萧云,冷哼道,“没有成长起来的天才又能如何?你修为不过真元初期,如何与我相提并论,今天我就要将你踩在脚下。” After drinks coldly the sound gets up, this Lu Yanfeng unexpectedly palm turns, before the body , the flame twinkle, presented handle long spear. 一声冷喝声响起后,这陆炎风蓦地手掌一翻,身前火光闪烁,出现了一柄长枪 This is a handle holds red long spear, above inscribes the wave general strength trace, sends out mysterious fluctuation. 这是一柄持红色的长枪,上面刻有波浪一般的火色纹路,散发出一股晦涩的波动 When this fluctuation sends out, the aura of entire level area became the inexplicable swift and fierce burning hot. 当这股波动散发出来,整个山坳的气息变得莫名的凌厉炙热了起来。 These fire wave howl, indistinct as if may separate the facial skin of person. 那些火流呼啸,隐约似乎可割裂人的脸皮。 This is Magic Item!” Sees this long spear, that Yan Mo and the others the brow is a wrinkle. “这是法器!”见到这长枪,那颜漠等人眉头皆是一皱。 Although Xiao Yun slightly was in the upper hand a moment ago, but his cultivation level is insufficient, now Senior Brother Lu grasps Magic Item to go to battle should also to have the odds of success.” Qiu Yufeng in nearby secret estimate, the Xiao Yun that True Fire might has far exceeded his expectation, making him slightly feel restlessly, is seeing Lu Yanfeng to put forth Magic Item, must fight appearance, he then relaxed. “虽然刚才萧云略占上风,可他毕竟修为不足,如今陆师兄手持法器出战应该还有胜算。”邱雨枫在旁边暗暗估算,萧云真火的威力远远超出了他的预料,让他略感不安,不过在见到陆炎风使出法器,一副要一战到底的模样,他这才松了口气。 If this time cannot attack this Xiao Yun, later waited for him to grow more troublesome. 若是此次不能打击这萧云,以后等他成长起来就更麻烦了。 If Senior Brother Lu can injure him to be better.” Qiu Yufeng considers secretly, „, so long as he is injured, delays the practice time of such 1-2 months, Core Palace elder is favoring him unable to change in the situation, Hehe, during this period, other person exceeded him sufficiently!” “要是陆师兄能伤了他就更好了。”邱雨枫暗自思量,“只要他受伤,耽搁那么一两个月的修炼时间,就算核心殿长者在偏袒他也无法改变在局势,呵呵,在这期间,别的人足以超越他了啊!” Magic Item?” Saw that Lu Yanfeng puts forth Magic Item, the Xiao Yun corners of the mouth raises cold intent, the brow provokes, to say with a smile, you think, only then do you have Magic Item?” Then, before his body , the scarlet light twinkle, that Heavenly Flame damaged halberd was then grasped in the palm. 法器?”见到那陆炎风使出法器,萧云嘴角掀起一丝冷意,眉头挑动,笑道,“难道你以为只有你才有法器吗?”说完,他身前赤光闪烁,那天炎残戟便是被抓在掌心。 „Does this boy have Magic Item?” Was a Qiu Yufeng brow wrinkle, Core Palace makes an exception has bestowed his Magic Item ahead of time?” “这小子也有法器?”邱雨枫眉头一皱,“难道是核心殿破例提前赐给了他一件法器?” This makes him feel a restlessness. 这让他感到一阵不安。 „It is not right, this is damaged item.” Unexpectedly, the Qiu Yufeng eye one had discovered brightly in the Xiao Yun hand that Magic Item lacks, „the imposing manner why may this damaged item send out so is as before obscure, middle as if has one to surmount the Magic Item spirit prestige.” “不对,这是一件残器。”蓦地,邱雨枫眼睛一亮发现了萧云手中那法器有缺,“可为什么这残器散发出来的气势依旧如此晦涩,当中似乎有着一股超越法器的灵威。” „Is this Spiritual Item?” Thinks that the heart of here Qiu Yufeng almost must sink. “难道这是一件灵器?”想到这里邱雨枫的心都差点要沉了下来。 Hopes that this damaged item might is hard to display.” Finally he can only so comfort own. “希望这残器的威力难以发挥出来吧。”最后他只能如此安慰自己 damaged item? Is the very powerful power and influence, Spiritual Item?” That Lu Yanfeng is actually the eye one bright, the blood of within the body started boiling, within both eyes has wipes the greedy color to rise in unceasing climbing up, „, if I captured this damaged item, then repaired, later can same level who fight with me? Hehe, this time is really the day helps me also!” 残器好强大的威势,难道是灵器?”那陆炎风却是眼睛一亮,体内的血液开始沸腾了起来,双眸中有着一抹贪婪之色在不断的攀爬而升,“若是我夺得了这残器,然后加以修复,以后同级中谁人可与我争锋?呵呵,这次真是天助我也啊!” In experience , not only can plunder points, but can also compete for the treasure in match, I seized this damaged item Sect person how me, even if Xiao Yun were Core Palace disciple not also secretly the sect rule management?” “在历练中不仅可以掠夺积分,还可以争夺对手中的宝物,我就算夺了这残器宗门的人也奈何不了我,就算萧云核心殿弟子不也得暗自门规办事吗?” Thinks of here, his greedy thoughts deepened. 想到这里,他的贪念更加深了。 Hehe, Xiao Yun looks at the spear|gun.” A Lu Yanfeng face is fierce, is grasping long spear, shakes in the sky, along with fire wave of burning hot after that spear|gun's body bursts out, but, his whole person jumps one month, simply is similar to the having god-given wisdom Deity, holds to gun down. 呵呵,萧云看枪。”陆炎风一脸狰狞,手持着长枪,当空一震,随着一股炙热的火流从那枪身迸发而出后,他整个人纵身一月,简直如同天纵神人,持枪杀来。 spear glow splitting the heavens, is similar to Fire River rolling up and pushing along horizon, that dazzling rays of light covers the four directions, the Lu Yanfeng long gown waves the whole body to wind around by the flame, void such as has the multi-colored sunlight to bloom, his spear|gun pierces void, resembled to pass through a piece of multi-colored sunlight, appeared in the Xiao Yun front. 枪芒裂天,如同火河卷动天际,那耀眼的光芒笼罩四方,陆炎风长袍舞动周身被火光缭绕,虚空如有着霞光绽放,他一枪洞穿虚空,似穿过了一片霞光,出现在萧云的面前。 That stance elegant like god! 那姿态飘逸如神! Raging Flames Spear Arts, Flame River Warping the Heavens! 烈焰枪诀,炎河纵天 Lu Yanfeng coldly snorted, long hair flying upwards, has sent immediately then out fierce attacks, that spear glow passes through spatially, changes into piece of Sky Net, blocks Xiao Yun completely, the terrifying fluctuation fills the air, lets the entire level area void is flood the intermittent ripples. 陆炎风一声冷哼,长发飞扬,当即便是发出了一道道猛烈的攻击,那枪芒贯空,化为一片天网,将萧云完全封死,恐怖的波动弥漫开来,让得整个山坳的虚空都是泛起阵阵涟漪。 Now he by Magic Item take action, this grade of attack imposing manner is fully astonishing, swept away any True Yuan late-stage following cultivator sufficiently. 如今他以法器全力出手,这等攻击气势惊人,足以横扫任何真元后期以下的修者了。 Also coveted my Heavenly Flame Halberd unexpectedly, good, today I with your strongly war, teach your this extremely arrogant disciple.” Sees that Lu Yanfeng unexpectedly strongly take action, the pupil dew is greedy, must plunder in the own hand the appearance of valuable halberd, Xiao Yun imposing manner also thoroughly erupted, his purple light blooms, the long hair waves, was exaggerated the purple. “竟然还觊觎上了我的天炎戟,好,今天我就和你竭力一战,教训一下你这个狂妄之徒。”见那陆炎风竟然竭力出手,眸露贪婪,一副要来掠夺自己手中宝戟的模样,萧云身上的气势也是彻底爆发了起来,他身上紫光绽放,长发舞动,被渲染成了紫色。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式 The Xiao Yun sole moves, immediately then grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd to kill forward. 萧云脚掌一动,当即便是手持着天炎戟向前杀去。 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 A halberd cuts, the purple long glow then cuts the numerous light screens of crack front together, the blade edge of that roaring flame tears an opening the front simply irresistible at one fell swoop, then sees only the beast of prey that Xiao Yun is similar to that descends the mountain, one step took a step to hold the halberd to kill to Lu Yanfeng. 一戟斩出,一道紫色的长芒便是斩裂前方的重重光幕,那烈焰之刃简直势不可挡一举将前方撕裂出一个口子,然后只见得萧云如同那下山的猛兽,一步迈步持戟杀向了陆炎风 ( ( …… ……
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