EMS :: Volume #2

#190: Fights really a Yuan later period

Chapter 190 fights True Yuan late-stage 第190章战真元后期 Xiao Yun took a fast look around that several Fire Yuan Peak disciple one simply, the imposing manner was arrogant, absorbs the person heart and soul.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 萧云只是简单的扫视了那几个火元峰弟子一眼,却气势凌人,摄人心魄。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] The deterrent effect of soul also is more powerful than and terrifying than the material attack by far. 灵魂的震慑力远远比物质攻击还要强悍及恐怖。 Fire Yuan Peak several youth stayed in completely same place, does not know, therefore, revealed the color of whole face fear. 火元峰的几个少年完全呆在了原地,不知所以,露出满脸恐惧之色。 Naturally, Xiao Yun large-scale use Soul Power, therefore nearby person merely has not been feels the back one coldly. 当然,萧云并没有大规模的动用灵魂力,所以旁边的人仅仅是感觉到脊背一寒。 But on Xiao Yun that imposing manner, as before makes the person not dare to look straight ahead. 可是萧云身上的那股气势,却依旧让人不敢直视。 This boy, the imposing manner is uncommon.” Lu Yanfeng is also brows slightly wrinkle, realized the uncommonness of Xiao Yun. “这小子,气势不凡。”就连陆炎风也是眉头微微一皱,察觉到了萧云的不凡。 However merely is also just like this, he self-confidently depending on taking advantage of own True Yuan late-stage cultivation level sufficiently crush youth. 不过也仅仅如此而已,他自信凭借着自己真元后期修为足以碾压这个少年了。 Xiao Yun I know that your background is vigorous, is not the average person may compare, but do not forget that this is Heavenly Yuan Sect to the basic disciple duty, is equal to examination, if you use in examination do not belong to the own strength to be equal to cheating.” The Qiu Yufeng brow selects slightly, pupil light is looking straight ahead Xiao Yun saying every single word or phrase, „, if cheats, Core Palace Palace Lord favors you, your this time examination is also hard to go through a strategic pass, is unable to obtain more resources.” 萧云我知道你底蕴浑厚,不是一般人可比,只是你别忘记了,这是天元宗给入门弟子的任务,也等于是一次考核,你若是在考核中动用不属于自己的力量就等于是作弊。”邱雨枫眉头微微一挑,眸光直视着萧云一字一句的说道,“若是作弊,就算核心殿殿主看好你,你这次的考核也难以过关,无法得到更多的资源。” Naturally, you can also give up this examination, then does not hesitate at all costs take action.” Qiu Yufeng shows smiling face that a face ponders, unhurriedly saying, is only this, I think after you, is difficult to predict the road ahead, will be flung by other Core Palace disciple by far after behind.” “当然,你也可以放弃这次考核,然后不惜一切代价出手。”邱雨枫露出一脸玩味的笑容,不慌不忙的说道,“只是这样,我想你以后将前路未卜,将远远被核心殿其它弟子甩在身后。” This Qiu Yufeng goal must cope with Xiao Yun, destroys this duty. 这次邱雨枫地目的就是要对付萧云,破坏他这次任务。 So long as Xiao Yun cannot emerge in Core Palace, later must torment to death him to be also easier. 只要萧云核心殿不能脱颖而出,以后要整死他也就容易多了。 These Qiu Family branch youth also understood middle truth, brings the smiling face of several points of pondering staring Xiao Yun immediately. 那些邱家的分支少年也是明白了当中的道理,当下带着几分玩味的笑容将萧云给盯着。 Initially Xiao Yun made the Qiu Family reputation sweep the floor, became the Wind Moon Kingdom laughingstock, they have borne a grudge, actually suffered from not being able to cope with this youth, now finally has the opportunity, suddenly these youth were ready to want the take action appearance. 当初萧云使得邱家名声扫地,成为了风月国的笑料,他们一直怀恨在心,却苦于无法对付这少年,如今终于有机会了,一时间这些少年摩拳擦掌一副准备要出手的模样。 So long as Xiao Yun does not use that Fire Bird, they have the confidence to teach this boy one. 只要萧云不动用那头火鸟,他们还是有信心教训这小子一顿的。 Cheats?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, to the present also knows that this Qiu Yufeng was any goal. “作弊?”萧云眉头一弯,到了现在也知道这邱雨枫是什么目的了。 Qiu Yufeng, you are quite mean.” Yan Zhen and the others also finally knew why this Qiu Yufeng has that big courage to dare in front of Xiao Yun rampant, wants to come is looks to plan, planned that fetters him by the custom of Heavenly Yuan Sect duty. 邱雨枫,你好卑鄙。”颜真等人也终于是知道了这邱雨枫为什么有那么大的胆子敢在萧云面前嚣张,想来是找就算计好了,打算以天元宗任务的规矩来束缚他。 When pupil light of people takes a look to that Lu Yanfeng is stern-faced. 众人的眸光瞅向那陆炎风时皆是一脸凝重。 This is True Yuan late-stage boundary cultivator of genuine goods at reasonable prices! 这可是货真价实的真元后期修者啊! „Did you such eat to decide me?” Sees Qiu Yufeng that rampant appearance, a Xiao Yun brow curved faint smile is staring at the former. “你就这么吃定我了?”见得邱雨枫那嚣张的模样,萧云眉头一弯似笑非笑的将前者盯着。 Hehe, you have spoken discreetly, this time we also to complete the task obtain some points, who does not want to obtain key training of Sect, obtained more resources?” Qiu Yufeng cracks into a smile, sums up this conflict in examination completely. 呵呵,你言重了,此次我们也不过是为了完成任务多获得些积分罢了,谁又不想得到宗门的重点培养,获得更多的资源了?”邱雨枫咧嘴一笑,把这次冲突完全归结于考核 If made the person say that he revenged in the name of examination, unavoidably in these high levels to the gate will leave a poor impression. 若是让人说他是假借考核的名义报仇,难免会给门中那些高层留下不好的印象。 Has saying that this Qiu Yufeng thoughts meticulous ratio that Qiu Yuhao also goes beyond. 不得不说,这邱雨枫心思之缜密比那邱于浩还有过之而无不及。 Sees this, Xiao Yun pupil light is gradually cold, afterward then smiled to sweep to Fire Yuan Peak many disciple, said that Hehe, you said well, happen to Xiao also wants to obtain some points, if did not hand over these points do not blame me being under heartless.” 见此,萧云眸光渐冷,随后转而一笑扫向了火元峰的诸多弟子,道,“呵呵,你说得不错,正好萧某也想多获得一些积分,诸位若是不将那些积分交出可别怪我手下无情了。” Although Xiao Yun is smiling, that cold intent that but contains from that expression, as well as the pupil of that cold glow twinkle, this very obviously is not the joke, he planned that really must plunder Fire Yuan Peak these disciple points, coming to tit for fat. 萧云虽然在笑,可是从那语气中所蕴含的那股冷意,以及那寒芒闪烁的眸子来看,这很显然不是玩笑话,他是真的打算要掠夺火元峰这些弟子积分,来个以牙还牙。 Original Xiao Yun does not have this meaning, everybody does not hesitate to brave the danger to enter this Black Clouds Mountain Range for the own future to hunt and kill Monster Beast, is this Fire Yuan Peak person is so aggressive, if he were annoying is also not a man. 本来萧云并没有这个意思,大家都是为了自己的前途才不惜冒着危险进入这黑云山脉猎杀妖兽,可是这火元峰的人如此咄咄逼人,他若在惹下去也就不是男人了。 Repairs to flaunt for a while the advantage of argument, although you population is low, but how majority was injured to fight with us?” A Fire Yuan Peak True Yuan middle-stage youth sneers saying that furthermore, our Senior Brother Lu is really late-stage cultivator, can it be that can you enemy?” “修要逞一时口舌之利,你们虽然人数较低,可大部分都受伤了如何与我们一战?”火元峰一个真元中期的少年冷笑道,“再者,我们陆师兄可是真后期修者,岂是你们能敌?” Idle talk little said.” Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, a formidable imposing manner bursts out from the body directly, prepares to accept a challenge.” “废话少说。”萧云眸光一冷,一股强大的气势直接从身上迸发而出,“准备应战。” Yes!” Sees Xiao Yun not to fear as before, nearby Duan Ling'er, Wang Lei, Zhou Ping to form battle formation, prepares take action immediately. “是!”见萧云依旧不惧,旁边的段灵儿,王磊,周平立即组成阵势,准备出手 After today's fusion, their tacit understanding were getting higher and higher, that seemed like delicate Duan Ling'er were also many several points of swift and fierce, did not have the initial that timidness again, must begin, this young girl will not lose to here same level cultivator. 经过今天的融合,他们的默契越来越高了,就连那看似柔弱的段灵儿也多了几分凌厉,再也没有起初的那丝怯弱,真要动起手来,这个少女绝不会输给这里的同级修者 Sees Xiao Yun take action, that Yan Zhen Yan Mo and the others naturally will not retreat. 萧云出手,那颜真颜漠等人自然是不会退却了。 Qiu Yufeng, you go too far simply, when really we were the sickness cat? Since must fight, the father then fights, is dies must drag you together.” Nearby several injured disciple after spreading the medicine are to also raise the blade goes forth to battle, apes got angry. 邱雨枫,你们简直是欺人太甚,真当我们是病猫了吗?既然要战,老子便战,就是死也要拖你们一起。”旁边几个受伤的弟子在敷好伤药后也是提刀上阵,一个个都猩红了眼。 Looked at this stance just like really to go all out. 瞧这架势俨然是真的要拼命了。 They were out of danger a moment ago with great difficulty, who would have thought this Qiu Yufeng bullied visited, so long as this tone were the person is hard to swallow. 刚才他们好不容易脱险,哪知这邱雨枫就欺上了门,这口气只要是人都难以咽下去。 Loses points to be equal to that certainly they in the hope that Heavenly Yuan Sect became outstanding. 失去积分就等于绝了他们在天元宗出人头地的希望。 This ratio kills them to be uncomfortable simply. 这简直比杀死他们还难受。 Since your so stubborn, then did not take it ill us not to give a thought to the same side friendship.” Qiu Yufeng sneers to say. “既然你们如此冥顽不灵,那么也就休怪我们不顾同门情谊了。”邱雨枫冷笑道。 „Does Hehe, why take time?” Nearby Lu Yanfeng brows lightly raise, said that you have this energy nothing but are because this Xiao Yun strength is uncommon, if defeated him also to need at the war? Such being the case, why not to observe in side?” 呵呵,何必多费手脚?”旁边的陆炎风眉头轻挑,说道,“你们有这底气无非就是因为这萧云实力不凡,若是打败了他还需要在战吗?既然如此,诸位何不在旁边观战?” So also good.” The Qiu Yufeng nod said that „is not only same side, if when the fight, the manslaughter your several people have been possible not to be good.” “如此也好。”邱雨枫点头道,“既是同门,若是在战斗时,误杀了你几人可就不好了。” Now the opposite party remnants are too many, must hit dead really several people they to trouble. 如今对方残兵太多,真要打起死了几个人他们就麻烦了。 Although Heavenly Yuan Sect does not forbid among disciple to dispute mutually, actually explicitly bans cannot massacre the same side. 天元宗虽然不禁止弟子间相互较量,却明令禁止不可残杀同门。 Looks at the stance of opposite party to go all out obviously, if therefore killed several people not to be been instead wonderful by the Sect blame. 瞧对方的架势明显是要拼命,要是因此杀了几个人被宗门责怪反而不妙。 Such being the case, I then fight with you.” Hears the opposite party to set this request, Xiao Yun is also nod of being glad, after all his strength, also is very difficult to protect behind these fellow apprentices safety, after a former war, middle, but eight people are seriously injured, must hit to have such several people really to cherish hatred in this that is really regrets. “既然如此,我便与你一战。”听得对方提出这要求,萧云也是乐意的点了点头,毕竟就算他实力在强,却也很难保护住身后那些师兄弟的安危,经过之前一战,当中可是有八人身受重伤,真要打起来有着那么几人饮恨于此那就真是一个遗憾了。 These people are the warm-blooded son, Xiao Yun many also quite have the favorable impression to them. 这些人都是热血男儿,萧云多少对他们也颇有好感。 Can be meaningful?” Afterward, Xiao Yun took a look to nearby Yan Mo and the others. “诸位可有意义?”随后,萧云瞅向了旁边的颜漠等人。 We believe Brother Xiao.” Yan Mo almost does not have a doubt, immediately nods to say. “我们相信萧兄。”颜漠几乎没有一丝狐疑,当即点头说道。 Right, Senior Brother Xiao, we believe you.” Nearby how many people is a face are scalding hot, the expression is soaring, said that „your independently war, well teaches for us these mean villains, snort|hum, wants injured to plunder points while us, added that artificial, what same side friendship? Does his mother, you care about same side friendship also to snatch us?” “对,萧师兄,我们都相信你。”旁边几人都是一脸灼热,语气高昂,道,“你就放手一战,替我们好好教训一下这些卑鄙小人,哼,想趁着我们受伤来掠夺积分,还说得那么矫情,什么同门情谊?他娘的,你顾及同门情谊还会来抢我们?” exceed said that these people are indignant, is not feeling well to Qiu Yufeng that affection very much. 越说,这些人就越是气愤,对邱雨枫那种作态很不爽。 Since believes me, I not let people down surely.” Feels in the mood Xiao Yun hearts of these fellow apprentices is also being one warm, you, and on the side of falling back on.” “既然诸位相信我,我定不负众望。”感受着身边这些师兄弟的情绪萧云心中也是一暖,“你们且退到一边。” Em.” Yan Mo and the others fall back on immediately gives Xiao Yun to resign a stretch of battlefield at the same time. “恩。”颜漠等人立即退到一边给萧云让出一片战场。 Duan Ling'er and the others have not talked too much, now they nearly have a blind trust to Xiao Yun. 段灵儿等人也没有多言,如今他们对萧云已经近乎有着一种盲目的信任。 The Lu Yanfeng palm wields, Fire Yuan Peak disciple is also one after another retreat. 陆炎风手掌一挥,火元峰弟子也是陆续后退 Xiao Yun you may probably remember, once you used did not belong to your own strength, this Sect duty you examination failure, that consequence your own thought over.” The time brow that Qiu Yufeng draws back selects, intent has referred to said toward Xiao Yun. 萧云你可需记住,一旦你动用了不属于你自己的力量,这次宗门的任务你将考核失败,那后果你自己掂量掂量。”邱雨枫退下的时候眉头一挑,意有所指的向着萧云说道。 Why must copes with you so?” The Xiao Yun expression is slightly cold, at once takes a look to that Lu Yanfeng, said that take action.” “对付你们何须如此?”萧云语气略冷,旋即瞅向了那陆炎风,道,“出手吧。” I did not have a moment ago fully.” The Lu Yanfeng pupil narrows the eyes, has saying with a smile of pondering, this time you may result are careful.” “刚才我可是还没有出全力了。”陆炎风眸子一眯,颇具玩味的笑道,“这次你可得小心了。” The words have not fallen completely, the smiling face on this Lu Yanfeng face gradually has then restrained, a formidable imposing manner also bursts out from his body, at once his both hands move, fire wave spews out, condenses in his hands. 话语还没有完全落下,这陆炎风脸上的笑容便是逐渐的收敛了起来,一股强大的气势也是从他的身上迸发而出,旋即他双手一动,火流喷涌而出,在他手间凝聚。 Imaginary Fire Palm! 幻火掌 Lunar Shadow Steps! 月影步 The Lu Yanfeng palm moves, sees only at present the flame twinkle, is similar to has a lot of hot palms to fall, making people be hard to distinguish clearly the actual situation, but that each palm is containing the greatly strengthened imposing manner, as if has innumerable True Yuan late-stage cultivator simultaneously take action. 陆炎风手掌一动,只见眼前火光闪烁,如同有着千百个火掌落下,让人难以分清虚实,可是那每一掌都蕴含着极强的气势,似乎有着无数个真元后期修者同时出手 That formidable imposing manner oppression, making the front air move restlessly. 那种强大的气势压迫而下,让得前方的空气都躁动了起来。 This attack was too strong, the mixture of truth and deceit is hard to find out the background, Yan Zhen and other people in the rear area felt that a heart is startled. 这种攻击太强了,虚虚实实难以摸清底子,颜真等人身在后方都感到一阵心惊。 That formidable imposing manner sufficiently made True Yuan middle-stage cultivator be panic-stricken, where also had the time to distinguish that many carefully? 那股强大的气势都足以让真元中期修者惊慌失措了,哪里还有时间去仔细分辨那么多? This Imaginary Fire Palm book was Earth Rank top level martial arts, Lu Yanfeng is coordinating that Lunar Shadow Steps two martial arts to fuse to make it together more perfect, was only the twinkling, Xiao Yun is held the shade to cover, already evaded not to be possible to evade. 幻火掌本就是地阶顶级武学,陆炎风在配合那月影步两种武学融合在一起使之变得更加完美了起来,只是瞬息,萧云就已经被掌影所笼罩,已然避无可避。 This Senior Brother Lu worthily is the talent, these two martial arts fuse in together, seems like the mixture of truth and deceit, may actually by no means be actually empty, is the real attack, was only his speed was too quick, during breath launched several attacks, this will make the person think that was the illusory image.” Qiu Yufeng slightly narrows the pupil, the corners of the mouth raise a cold curve to mutter, I thought how you deal with.” “这陆师兄不愧为天才,这两种武学融合在一起,看似虚虚实实,可实际却并非虚,都是真实的攻击,只是他的速度太快了,一个呼吸间就发动了十几次的攻击,这才会让人以为是幻影。”邱雨枫眸子微眯,嘴角掀起一丝冷冽的弧度喃喃道,“我看你如何应付。” The so swift and fierce attack swept away these True Yuan middle-stage cultivator sufficiently. 如此凌厉的攻击足以横扫那些真元中期修者了。 If Xiao Yun does not use other strength, is unable to avoid this to strike. 萧云不动用别的力量,根本无法避开这一击。 Qiu Yufeng has prepared seeing a play. 邱雨枫已经做好了看戏的准备。 „The imposing manner of True Yuan late-stage boundary was too strong.” At this moment the brow of Yan Zhen and Yan Mo is also slightly a wrinkle. 真元后期境的气势太强了。”此刻就连颜真颜漠的眉头也是微微一皱。 „The Senior Brother Xiao odds of success is not big!” Wang Lei and the others are also filled with worry. 萧师兄胜算不大啊!”王磊等人也是满心担忧。 If not use other strength, this situation some are not indeed wonderful. 若不动用别的力量,此次局势的确有些不妙。 Now they also know that Xiao Yun initially can rout that True Yuan late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast to use other strength at one fell swoop. 如今他们也是知道,萧云当初能一举击溃那真元后期黑云冥兽应该是动用了别的力量。 Imaginary Fire Palm? The mixture of truth and deceit, is hard to find out, in the coordinate step, making people easier to be mistaken that these attack ten to have nine empty, constantly will only seek for that real attack, may wait to turn seeks, that everywhere attack fell, how to be resisting? This strategy is actually wise.” Xiao Yun lifts looks at that everywhere palm shade, the corners of the mouth is raising a light smiling face at present. 幻火掌?虚虚实实,难以摸清,在配合步伐,让人更加容易误以为这些攻击十有九虚,只会一味的寻找那真实的攻击,可等一翻寻找,那漫天攻击已经落下,如何在抵挡?这策略倒是高明。”萧云抬望着眼前那漫天的掌影,嘴角掀起一丝淡淡的笑容。 This acrobatics could deceive others, but Xiao Yun Soul Power is quite formidable, so long as releases to be able Spiritual Consciousness in the clear seeing world flowing of Yuan Qi, saw the actual situation of these attacks, how to be affected mind? 这点把戏或许可以糊弄别人,可萧云灵魂力极为强大,只要将灵识释放出来就可以清晰的看到天地间元气的流动,一眼就看出了那些攻击的虚实,岂会被影响心神 Looked how I break you.” The Xiao Yun pupil concentrates, immediately one step takes, that index finger moves, above has the purple flame twinkle, a burning hot incomparable aura fluctuation also fills the air from his body, that fluctuation makes void tremble. “看我如何破你。”萧云眸子一凝,当即一步迈出,那食指一动,上面有着紫色的火炎闪烁,一股炙热无比的气息波动也是从他的身上弥漫开来,那种波动让得虚空都是一颤。 ( ( …… ……
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