EMS :: Volume #2

#189: Did your head enter the water?

Did Chapter 189 your head enter the water? 第189章你脑袋进水了吗? He is Xiao Yun!” Sees some people to ask, a nearby Qiu Yufeng face sinister and vicious, saying every single word or phrase. Ha “他就是萧云!”见有人问起,旁边的邱雨枫一脸阴鸷,一字一句的说道。哈 Anything! His Xiao Yun?” The people all are one startled, when pupil light takes a look to the level area that is killing Xiao Yun that Black Clouds Nether Beast is utterly routed reveals the color of several points of surprise, referred to this youth in a moment ago them, thinks little. “什么!他就萧云?”众人皆是一惊,眸光瞅向山坳中那正杀得黑云冥兽溃不成军的萧云时不由露出几分诧异之色,就在刚才他们还谈及这个少年,对其不以为意。 But now looks like, this can to join Core Palace disciple really not be simple! 可如今看来,这能拜入核心殿弟子还真不简单啊! „Really was this one just basic disciple?” Several Fire Yuan Peak disciple look at each other in shock, cannot believe this fact simply. “这真是一个刚入门的弟子吗?”几个火元峰弟子面面相觑,简直不敢相信这个事实。 Must know that this batch of new disciple cross the threshold is less than two months, how can have this strength? 要知道,这批新弟子才入门不到两个月,怎么能有这实力? Looked battle strength that Xiao Yun shows now approached True Yuan late-stage, if were giving time that he grew also to. 看那萧云现在展现的战力接近了真元后期,要是在给予他成长的时间那还得了。 This Xiao Yun is indeed uncommon, wants to cope with him, even if I am also have more desire than energy!” Qiu Yufeng sighed. “这萧云的确不凡,想要对付他,就算我也是心有余而力不足啊!”邱雨枫叹了一口气道。 His strength is indeed good, but also merely is comparable with True Yuan late-stage boundary cultivator, if meets late-stage boundary cultivator only to fear that really also collapses at the first blow.” Side Qiu Yufeng, that stature slender youth corners of the mouth pull reveal one to grin fiendishly. “他实力的确不错,不过也仅仅是堪比真元后期修者罢了,若真遇到后期修者只怕也是不堪一击。”在邱雨枫身边,那个身材修长的青年嘴角一扯露出一丝狞笑。 Hehe, Senior Brother Lu has stepped into True Yuan Realm late-stage, copes with this boy naturally is easy.” Nearby how many youth flattered, was inferior how you did teach turn that Xiao Yun? Dares to offend Qiu Family, how could does such person make him live free and unrestrained?” 呵呵,陆师兄已经踏入了真元境后期,对付这小子自然是轻而易举。”旁边几个少年奉承道,“不如你去教训一翻那萧云如何?敢得罪邱家,这样的人岂能让他逍遥自在的活着?” „, Since had been met by me, then teaches them on take action, as soon as turns.” This youth named Lu Yanfeng, his natural talent is good, in the relations through clan several months ago to join Fire Yuan Peak, such as this Qiu Yuchen same is the object of key trained. “也罢,既然被我遇上了,那么就出手教训他们一翻。”这青年名为陆炎风,他天赋不错,通过族中的关系在数个月前就已经拜入火元峰,如这邱雨辰一样是重点培养的对象。 Because crosses the threshold for several months, therefore his cultivation level is higher than Qiu Yufeng and the others, has stepped into True Yuan late-stage. 因为多入门几个月,所以他的修为邱雨枫等人都要高,已经踏入了真元后期 Yufeng brother.” The youth of nearby how many Qiu Family branches start to speak but hesitate, they know that this Xiao Yun terrifying place, how could just did step into True Yuan late-stage Lu Yanfeng to teach Xiao Yun by this? This very obviously is not the realistic matter! 雨枫哥。”旁边几个邱家分支的少年欲言又止,他们可是知道这萧云的恐怖之处,凭借这刚踏入真元后期陆炎风岂能教训萧云?这很显然是不现实的事情啊! Might as well.” The Qiu Yufeng pupil circulation, the corners of the mouth show a cunning smiling face, said that this Xiao Yun own also comparable with True Yuan late-stage battle strength, now is in the informed and experienced examination time, how can he? Hehe, but actually how I want to take a look at him to be able.” “无妨。”邱雨枫眸子流转,嘴角露出一丝狡黠的笑容,道,“这萧云自己也不过才堪比真元后期战力罢了,现在处于历练考核时期,他能如何?呵呵,我倒想看看他能如何。” In Qiu Yufeng this expression has been full of the gloomy flavor. 邱雨枫这语气中充满了阴森的味道。 Hears this Qiu Yufeng this words, nearby several Qiu Family juniors have become aware, has not said anything. 听到这邱雨枫这话语,旁边的几个邱家子弟似有所悟,也就没有多说什么了。 Junior Brother Qiu felt relieved that this Xiao Yun gave me.” Nearby Lu Yanfeng brow selects, lightly saying. 邱师弟放心,这萧云就交给我了。”旁边的陆炎风眉头一挑,淡淡的说道 Hehe, that many thanks Senior Brother Lu.” Qiu Yufeng smiles, holds the fist in the other hand to say. 呵呵,那多谢陆师兄了。”邱雨枫一笑,抱拳道。 Polite, what are we relate?” Lu Yanfeng said that he has the clansman in Fire Yuan Peak is Manager, but compared Qiu Family background actually to miss far, Qiu Family that Qiu Xuanji already had stepped into half Yuan Soul big shot, this always closes up does not know for a long time now has achieved any boundary, can make contact with Qiu Family this line, later was also good to take care. “客气,我们是什么关系?”陆炎风说道,他有族人在火元峰管事,可是相比邱家底蕴而言却差远了,邱家邱玄机可是早就已经踏入了半步元婴大人物,此老闭关许久现在也不知达到了什么境界,能搭上邱家这条线,以后也好有个照应。 Therefore now has this excellent opportunity, Lu Yanfeng naturally will not miss. 所以现在有着这种大好的机会,陆炎风自然是不会错过了。 Regarding Fire Yuan Peak inheritance, this Lu Yanfeng expected for a long time! 对于火元峰传承,这陆炎风可是期待已久了啊! In the middle of the level area, the black fog dispersion, that crowd of Black Clouds Nether Beast were put to death all, Xiao Yun assists Yan Zhen Brother Yan Mo take action to cope with these Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator afterward, but the moment routs these Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator, has two not to be according to the circumstances wonderful merely, runs away in light of this. 在山坳当中,黑雾消散,那群黑云冥兽尽数被诛杀,萧云随后协助颜真颜漠兄弟出手对付那些黑冥血睛鳄,只是片刻就将那些黑冥血睛鳄击溃,仅仅有着两头见机不妙,就此逃去。 Hehe, has routed this crowd of Monster Beast finally.” 呵呵,终于击溃了这群妖兽。” This time has been lucky Brother Xiao!” When Monster Beast was cut to kill, people are excited. “此次多亏了萧兄啊!”当妖兽被斩杀,众人都是一脸兴奋。 Another several people are the palm move, Token appears to start to accumulate own to cut to kill points that Monster Beast earns. 另外几人便是手掌一动,腰牌浮现开始积累自己斩杀妖兽应得的积分 Whoosh ! 刷! When middle a person prepares to absorb the score, hot glow tearing is together void, immediately then cuts toward him. 就在当中一个人准备吸收分数的时候,一道火芒撕裂虚空,当即便是向着他斩下。 „It is not good, some people sneak attack.” Calls out in alarm resounds, some side people shouted to clear the way. “不好,有人偷袭。”一声惊呼响起,旁边有人喝道。 What a pity this hot glow heavens frightening, comes extremely sudden, all people will be in rout in the middle of the joy of Monster Beast simply not to expect some people of take action to sneak attack, when the due-out present has been hard take action to resist, that sneak attacked man also will be the brow jumps. 可惜这火芒惊天,来的太过突然,所有人都正处于击溃妖兽的喜悦当中根本没有料到会有人出手偷袭,等待发现时已经难以出手抵挡了,就连那个被偷袭的男子也是眉头一跳。 very powerful imposing manner!” This man is the Yuan Family person, True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment, now that [say / way] hot glow falls, blooms dazzling rays of light, the terrifying imposing manner is similar to a sea of fire depresses simply generally, making him breathe obstructs. 好强大的气势!”这个男子为袁家的人,才真元初期小成,如今那道火芒落下,绽放出耀眼的光芒,恐怖的气势简直如同一片火海一般压下,让得他呼吸都一窒。 Nearby cultivator under this imposing manner is also felt that the blood of own is tumbling, the body shivered got up, if had the mountain capping, suddenly, in people heart panic-stricken, brought the whole face to dread that alarmed and afraid pupil light took a look to that hot glow. 在这种气势下旁边的修者也是感觉到自己的血液在翻滚,身子都颤抖了起来如有山岳压顶,一时间,众人心中惊骇,都是带着满脸忌惮,惊惧的眸光瞅向了那火芒。 This is the True Yuan late-stage imposing manner!” Yan Zhen Brother Yan Mo are also one startled, felt the greatest pressure. “这是真元后期的气势!”颜真颜漠兄弟也是一惊,感到了莫大的压力。 Already waited for your take action.” An only Xiao Yun face is indifferent, when that [say / way] hot glow never void of distant place cuts next he had detected that within the body True Fire starts to condense impressively, in both hands Magic Seal condensed unhurriedly. “早就等你出手了。”唯独萧云一脸淡然,当那道火芒从不远处的虚空斩下时他已经发觉,体内一股真火赫然开始凝聚,双手间一个法印不慌不忙的凝聚了起来。 Raging Flames Wild Lion Seal! 烈焰狂狮印 Xiao Yun one step takes, stretches across before the body of that Yuan Family youth, afterward both hands affect, purple Magic Seal then braces forth from his both hands, that Magic Seal purple light is shining, burning aura fills the air to resist the imposing manner of opposite party most. 萧云一步迈出,横跨在那个袁家少年的身前,随后双手牵动,一个紫色的法印便是从他的双手间向前推出,那法印紫光灿灿,炙热的气息弥漫开来将对方的气势抵挡大半。 Roar! 吼! Afterward a purple hot lion kicks out from that within magic seal, then goes toward that [say / way] hot glow tearing in the sky. 随后一尊紫色的火狮从那法印中扑出,当空便是向着那道火芒撕裂而去。 This Flame Wild Lion Seal by Xiao Yun practice reach a high degree of proficiency, had already been achieved a highest boundary, that hot lion double pupil rays of light twinkle such as passes is sending a spiritual energy, a claw falls, with that said that rays of light clash in the same place, is sending out the fierce hit void. 火焰狂狮印早就被萧云修炼得炉火纯青,达到了一个最高的境界,那火狮双眸光芒闪烁如透发着一股灵气,一爪落下,就与那道光芒相击在一起,在虚空发出猛烈的撞击。 The purple light blooms, the ripples shake together, then floating plunders from the hillside, sends out the sneak attack the youth body to tremble slightly. 紫光绽放,一道涟漪震荡开来,那从山坡上飘然掠下,发出偷袭的青年身子微微一颤。 „The might that good pure True Fire, this strikes must approach True Yuan late-stage.” The body of Lu Yanfeng trembles slightly the eyes reveals surprised, looks like from that fire wave opposite party within the body True Fire is just like purer than True Fire that he comes concise, this makes his heart live the envy. “好纯粹的真火,这一击的威力要接近真元后期了。”陆炎风的身子微微一颤眸露惊讶,从那火流看来对方体内真火比他所凝练来的真火俨然要精纯,这让他不由心生嫉妒。 „, Your cultivation level is fortunately insufficient, and looks at my Fire Yuan Finger.” Lu Yanfeng is slightly amazed, at once cracks into a smile, the finger, then strikes lightly toward Magic Seal that the front that front surface suppression comes, sees his fingertip flame twinkle such as advantage of lance light point a handle fire in void, the front trembles fiercely, resembled void hollowly, flood ripples. “不过还好,你的修为不够,且看我火元指。”陆炎风略微惊诧,旋即咧嘴一笑,手指轻点,便是向着前方那迎面镇压而来的法印击去,之见得他指尖火光闪烁如一柄火之利矛轻点在虚空中,前方猛地一颤,虚空都似凹陷了下去,泛起一阵涟漪。 Is following closely that finger glow twinkle quick firing in that within magic seal. 紧随着那指芒闪烁急射在那法印中 Buzz! 嗡! Purple Magic Seal trembles, has the crack to be satisfied, has been immediately then defeated and dispersed. 紫色的法印一颤,有着裂纹满意,当即便是溃散了开来。 This Flame Wild Lion Seal under that finger collapses at the first blow, purple flame has not been defeated and dispersed completely, but changes into fallout to proliferate, when that confrontation, that finger glow might has also weakened, when obtains now the Xiao Yun front imposing manner already not. 在那一指之下这火焰狂狮印不堪一击,不过紫色的火炎没有全部溃散,而是化为一股余波扩散开来,在那种交锋下,那道指芒威力也是有所减弱,待得出现在萧云面前时气势已经不在。 Fire Yuan Finger?” Looks finger glow that pierces to come, the Xiao Yun corners of the mouth curl upwards, he points at moves, when together the purple hot glow air-launched goes with that scarlet-red hot glow fierce hits in together, exudes a violent explosive sound in the sky. 火元指吗?”瞧得那洞穿而来的指芒,萧云嘴角微翘,他手指一动,一道紫色的火芒当空射去与那赤红的火芒猛的撞击在一起,当空发出一声猛烈的爆炸声。 Buzz! 嗡! The bang spreads, the void flame bursts out, dazzling, fallout of burning hot sweeps across, making the entire level area temperature increase suddenly, but that two finger glow in light of this are actually defeated and dispersed in the hit, void also gradually returned to normal. 巨响传出,虚空中火光迸发,璀璨夺目,一股炙热的余波席卷开来,让得整个山坳温度骤增,不过那两道指芒却在撞击中就此溃散,虚空也是逐渐的恢复了平静。 The oppression from True Yuan late-stage boundary dissipates finally, but Yan Zhen and the others have not actually idled is a face vigilantly is all staring at the front, revealing that a within those eyes hostility not minces, because starts to have forms to appear there. 来自真元后期境的压迫终于是消散,可是颜真等人却并没有一丝懈怠皆是一脸警惕的凝视着前方,那双眸中一股敌意毫不掩饰的流露而出,因为在那里开始有着一道道身影出现。 The Lu Yanfeng figure is slim, the long gown waves with the wind, his corners of the mouth belt smiles, is overlooking the people in level area, floating falls to the ground. 陆炎风身材修长,长袍随风舞动,他嘴角带笑,俯视着山坳中的众人,飘然落地。 In him behind, Fire Yuan Peak other disciple fall one after another. 在他身后,火元峰的其它弟子陆续落下。 Qiu Yufeng also appears with other Qiu Family branch youth in this. 邱雨枫与另外有些邱家的分支少年也是出现在此。 Qiu Yufeng falls on the Lu Yanfeng side, the corners of the mouth is having several points of happy expression, sweeping of coldly to front Yan Zhen and the others. 邱雨枫落在陆炎风的身边,嘴角带着几分笑意,冷冷的扫向前方的颜真等人。 Qiu Yufeng, is really you.” All sees that to fall on Lu Yanfeng Qiu Yufeng, Yan Mo and the others the complexion sinks. 邱雨枫,果然是你们。”见得那落在陆炎风身边的邱雨枫,颜漠等人脸色皆是一沉。 Yan Zhen pupil light one cold, stares at Qiu Yufeng saying that these Monster Beast are you brings in?” 颜真眸光一冷,凝视着邱雨枫道,“这些妖兽是不是你们引来的?” Other people are also coldly is staring at Qiu Yufeng. 其它人也是冷冷的将邱雨枫盯着。 Before several double-hour they have discovered Qiu Yufeng one line, who would have thought has encountered shortly after the Monster Beast attack, letting the people have to suspect that was this Qiu Yufeng has resorted to any method, initially had in Heavenly Yuan Hunting Ground Qiu Family has urged the example that Monster Beast opposed the enemy! 早在几个时辰前他们就发现了邱雨枫一行人,哪知不久后就遭到了妖兽袭击,让众人不得不怀疑是这邱雨枫动用了什么手段,当初在天元猎场邱家可是有过驱使妖兽对敌的例子啊! Now saw that this Qiu Yufeng appears really here, waits, if were proven in this idea, in the people heart the anger is steaming. 如今见到这邱雨枫真的出现在此,等若于这个想法得到了验证,众人心中都怒火腾腾。 Hehe, we were passed by this place that's all. the Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth to pull, lightly saying. 呵呵,我们不过是路过此地罢了。邱雨枫嘴角一扯,淡淡的说道 You a moment ago why take action sneak attack?” Yan Mo asked. “那你们刚才为什么出手偷袭?”颜漠质问道。 Qiu Yufeng raises wipes the ghosts and demons curve, said with a smile, we came this are informed and experienced, hunted and killed Monster Beast to increase the points point, saw you to kill many True Yuan Realm Monster Beast a moment ago by chance, therefore, hey......” the following meaning was self-evident. 邱雨枫掀起一抹鬼魅的弧度,笑道,“我们来此是历练,猎杀妖兽以增加积分点,刚才恰巧看到你们杀了不少的真元境妖兽,所以,嘿嘿……”后面的意思不言而喻。 „Do you want to plunder points?” hear speech/words, Yuan Ming pupil light sinks, said. “你们想来掠夺积分?”闻言,袁铭眸光一沉,道。 Good.” The Qiu Yufeng brow selects, shrugs saying that this time is the unification is informed and experienced, the points reward is the same, can plunder points mutually, Hehe, if can emerge in Fire Yuan Peak, I can also obtain granting of Sect, therefore you are obedient hands over these points, otherwise do not blame us being under heartless.” “不错。”邱雨枫眉头一挑,耸了耸肩道,“这次是统一历练,积分奖励都是一样,也可以相互掠夺积分,呵呵,若是能在火元峰脱颖而出,我也可以得到宗门的赏赐,所以你们还是乖乖的将那些积分都交出来吧,不然可别怪我们手下无情了。” Plunders points?” The Xiao Yun hear speech/words brow that had not opened the mouth in side that one curved, in the pupil passed over gently and swiftly to wipe cold severe, is shooting a look at that Qiu Yufeng slantingly, said that wants to plunder our points? I thought that you were the head enter water?” “掠夺积分?”在旁边那一直没有开口的萧云闻言眉头不由一弯,眸中掠过出一抹冷厉,斜瞥着那邱雨枫,道,“想掠夺我们的积分?我看你是脑袋进水了吧?” Side Qiu Yufeng altogether 12 people, only that Lu Yanfeng had just stepped into the True Yuan late-stage boundary. 邱雨枫身边一共有12人,唯独那陆炎风刚踏入了真元后期境。 Does this strength also want to plunder his points? 这点实力也想来掠夺他的积分 Naturally, Xiao Yun also knows that Qiu Yufeng is not silly, initially knows in the Wind Moon Kingdom matter latter. 当然,萧云也知道邱雨枫没有那么傻,当初在风月国的事情后者可是都知道。 Therefore he is only coldly will be staring, not anxiously take action. 所以他只是冷冷的将之盯着,并没有急着出手 Brat, our is Senior Brother Qiu also you may insult?” “臭小子,我们邱师兄也是你可辱骂的?” Snort, Core Palace is disciple also what kind of? Our Senior Brother Qiu has one is the Elder great uncle, can it be that can you affront?” Some Fire Yuan Peak disciple to flatter Qiu Yufeng spoke to scold, pointed at the nose of Xiao Yun to scold. “哼,核心殿弟子又怎么样?我们邱师兄可是有着一位身为长老的族叔,岂是你可冒犯的?”一些火元峰弟子为了讨好邱雨枫纷纷出言呵斥,指着萧云的鼻子骂道。 „Does fellow of one crowd of currying favor with powerful people, this mental also want to become powerhouse?” The Xiao Yun pupil moves, middle the cold glow twinkle, is similar to the knife point falls on that several people of body generally, a formidable imposing manner oppression, is makes that several people of mind tremble immediately, only the sleep seemed to be that demon god being near dust, that dorsal cold sweat is dripping, closed the mouth not to dare to say. “一群趋炎附势的家伙,就这心智也想成为强者?”萧云眸子一动,当中寒芒闪烁,如同刀锋一般落在那几人的身上,一股强大的气势压迫而下,当即就是让得那几人心神一颤,只觉似有魔神临尘,那后背冷汗淋漓,都纷纷闭上了嘴巴不敢多说。 ( ( …… ……
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