EMS :: Volume #2

#188: Reversal crisis

Chapter 188 reversal crisis 第188章逆转危局 Yes!” Sees that youth start to talk, side also several people of the eyes shows a smile echo saying that Hehe, why must can cope with new disciple you to begin in Heavenly Yuan Sect background by Qiu Family?” This person was the Fire Yuan Peak person, in the words has also been full of the meaning of flattering. “是啊!”见得那少年开口,旁边也有几人眸露笑容附和道,“呵呵,以邱家天元宗底蕴要对付一个新弟子何须你们动手?”这个人也是火元峰的人,话语中充满了谄媚之意。 That Yuan Zhong is Fire Yuan Peak Manager, these people are Fire Yuan Peak disciple also unavoidably must flatter the Qiu Family juniors. 袁衷火元峰管事,这些人身为火元峰弟子也难免要讨好邱家的子弟。 Only has so can be looked in Fire Yuan Peak! 唯有如此才可以在火元峰得到照顾啊! Hears these fellow apprentices echoing sounds, some Qiu Yufeng and Qiu Family disciple actually only has a mind to smile bitterly. 听得这些师兄弟的附和声,邱雨枫及一些邱家弟子却是只有心中苦笑。 The matter that Wind Moon Kingdom has was already forbidden to propagandize by gate , some Elder know extremely that some Deacon in various peaks know nothing, let alone these disciple? Therefore almost knows nothing regarding Xiao Yun these people. 风月国发生的事情早就被门中禁止宣传,极有极少数长老知道,就连各峰中的一些执事对此一无所知,何况这些弟子了?所以对于萧云这些人几乎是一无所知。 This Xiao Yun is Core Palace disciple, must therefore cope with him to be somewhat thorny.” That echoes the sound to fall into the Qiu Yufeng ear, appears quite grating, in the heart felt that being angry is difficult to disappear, has corners of the mouth shows a smile, saying calmly, regarding this disciple, even if my great uncle is also very difficult to meddle.” “这个萧云核心殿弟子,所以要对付他有些棘手。”那附和声落入邱雨枫耳中,显得颇为刺耳,心中感觉有气难消,却也只得嘴角露笑,若无其事的说道,“对于这种弟子,就算是我族叔也是很难插手。” The matter that if has Wind Moon Kingdom said that how did Qiu Family also base in Heavenly Yuan Sect? 若是将风月国发生的事情说出来,邱家还如何在天元宗立足啊? Core Disciple?” Side these place the slender youth are actually an indifferent appearance, the brow select lightly saying, I have a clansman in Core Palace Leaping Dragon Peak, must cope with this Xiao Yun to have the opportunity, was right, in your clan Qiu Yuhan, Senior Brother Qiu, he is the Core Palace Leaping Dragon Peak eminent, in the future must step into Profound Yuan Battlefield to participate in the Hundred Sects Great War person, so long as he opens the mouth, only feared that Leaping Dragon Peak elite disciple will look forward to cope with that Xiao Yun?” 核心弟子吗?”旁边那些身处修长的青年却是一副无所谓的模样,眉头一挑淡淡的说道,“我有一个族兄正在核心殿跃龙峰,要对付这萧云还是有机会的,对了,你族中邱雨寒,邱师兄,他可是核心殿跃龙峰的翘楚,将来是要踏入玄元战场参加百宗大战的人,只要他开口,只怕跃龙峰的精英弟子都会巴不得去对付那萧云吧?” Yuhan brother?” 雨寒哥?” Qiu Yufeng brow one curved, said that he is attacking Yuan Core Realm now, for how could this minor matter does disturb him?” 邱雨枫眉头一弯,说道,“他如今在冲击元丹境,岂能为了这点小事打扰他?” That is, that is.” Nearby youth again and again name is, as if quite awes to that Qiu Yuhan. “那是,那是。”旁边的青年连连称是,似乎对那邱雨寒颇为敬畏。 A Qiu Yufeng face hesitates, pupil rotation, an appearance looking pensive, he also feels regarding Xiao Yun quite reluctantly, will therefore choose that air/Qi vents with Yan Zhen as well as that Yan Mo who Brother and the others Xiao Yun is on good terms. 邱雨枫一脸沉吟,眸子转动,一副若有所思的模样,对于萧云他也是感到颇为无奈,所以才会选择将那股气发泄在和萧云交好的颜真以及那颜漠兄弟等人身上。 Also is so, they by one type can the appealing medicinal powder sprinkle in woods that especially, in these people have been going to pass by. 也是如此,他们特地以一种能吸引人的药粉洒在了这些人将要路过的树林中。 Brother Yan Zhen unknowingly have contaminated afterward medicinal powder, naturally annoys these Monster Beast. 随后颜真兄弟不知不觉沾染了药粉,自然就惹来这些妖兽 Hehe, that Yan Zhen they must end.” In this time, a youth of Qiu Family branch cannot bear say with a smile. 呵呵,那颜真他们要完了。”就在此时,一个邱家分支的少年忍不住笑道。 Can support does not live?” The Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth pull, pupil light then takes a look toward that front level area. “要支持不住了吗?”邱雨枫嘴角一扯,眸光便是向着那前方的山坳瞅去。 In there, several Black Clouds Nether Beast force take action, have two cultivator arms to be torn a huge wound immediately, if not for Yan Mo turns back in order to help friendly forces promptly, repelled that Monster Beast only to fear that the entire arm of this youth must be torn. 在那里,几头黑云冥兽强力出手,当即就有着两个修者手臂被撕裂出一个巨大的伤口,若不是颜漠回援及时,击退了那妖兽只怕这少年的整条手臂都要被撕裂。 May also be this, defense originally was torn, these Monster Beast take place of the fallen kills, that attack makes these cultivator radically be incapable of dealing with, the lineup one totals military defeat randomly simply, the formidable attack strikes these people are scarred. 可也是这样,原本的防御被撕裂,那些妖兽前仆后继的杀来,那种攻击让得这些修者根本无力应付,阵型一乱简直是兵败如山倒,强大的攻击将这些人击得伤痕累累。 Yan Mo and Yan Zhen were also shaken the wound by fallout. 就连颜漠颜真也是被余波震伤。 This time ended, do we want to call for help?” Yan Family youth brows tightly frowns, was his arm is torn an opening a moment ago, if bones of the dead obvious, fresh blood in the unceasing outflow, he said toward nearby Yan Zhen and the others. “这次完了,我们要不要呼救?”一个颜家少年眉头紧锁,刚才就是他的手臂被撕裂出一个口子,如果白骨可见,鲜血在不断的外流,他向着旁边的颜真等人说道。 This lets the people are the complexion sinks. 这让众人都是脸色一沉。 If called for help, means that they will lose continue the informed and experienced qualifications. 如果呼救,就意味着他们将失去继续历练的资格。 Then, that result definitely is unable in approving in disciple emerges, later future a dimness. 如此一来,那成绩肯定无法在同批弟子中脱颖而出,以后前途将一片黯淡。 Already late.” Yuan Ming said that we penetrated the Black Clouds Mountain Range nearly 300 li (0.5km), even if Yuan Core Realm cultivator catches up also to spend strongly for 20 minutes, only if that Senior Brother in, otherwise we, only then own had a bloody road.” “已经晚了。”袁铭说道,“我们已经深入黑云山脉近300里,就算元丹境修者竭力赶来也得花20来分钟,除非那师兄就在附近,不然我们只有自己杀出一条血路了。” But can have a bloody road to be easier said than done?” Nearby cultivator is a face worried. “可要杀出一条血路谈何容易?”旁边的修者都是一脸担忧。 The short discussion, has two people injured by the Black Clouds Nether Beast sneak attack suddenly. 只是短暂的议论,眨眼间又有两人黑云冥兽偷袭受伤。 blood energy in the level area fills the air, these Monster Beast apes got angry, murderous aura soars to the heavens, has to the sign that Yan Mo and the others swallowed. 在山坳中血气弥漫,那些妖兽猩红了眼,杀气冲天,有着要将颜漠等人吞食的迹象。 Young Master Feng, they may all be extinguished according to this trend!” Saying that nearby Fire Yuan Peak disciple somewhat worries about. 枫少,按照这趋势他们或许会被全灭啊!”旁边一个火元峰弟子有些担忧的说道。 „Were they extinguished why not?” Qiu Yufeng sneers saying that in any case isn't our take action?” “他们被灭了又何妨?”邱雨枫冷笑道,“反正又不是我们出手的?” Right, coming this Black Clouds Mountain Range to have by the consciousness that Monster Beast kills informed and experienced.” Nearby several disciple echo to say. “对,来这黑云山脉历练本来就有着被妖兽袭杀的觉悟。”旁边几个弟子附和道。 Well, the front seemed to be that the person catches up.” “咦,前方似有人赶来。” Good burning hot air current.” Unexpectedly, some Qiu Yufeng people call out in alarm said. “好炙热的气流。”蓦地,邱雨枫身边有人惊呼道。 Burning hot air current.” hear speech/words, the people narrowed the pupil staring front, the eyelid of that Qiu Yufeng jumped. “炙热的气流。”闻言,众人都眯起了眸子凝视前方,那邱雨枫的眼皮更是一跳。 Is he?” Qiu Yufeng pupil light became gloomy. “难道是他?”邱雨枫眸光变得阴沉了起来。 In the front level area, when Yan Zhen and the others must unable to insist, a flame bloomed unexpectedly. 在前方山坳,就在颜真等人要坚持不住的时候,一道火光蓦地绽放了开来。 Air current of burning hot has almost swept across the entire level area in the twinkling, nearby some vegetation have burnt under that high temperature directly, the group beast moves restlessly, felt restless, all stopped the attack, takes a look toward that fire wave the place of origin. 一股炙热的气流几乎是在瞬息席卷了整个山坳,附近的一些草木直接在那高温下燃烧了起来,群兽躁动,感到了不安,皆是停止了攻击,向着那火流的来源之处瞅去。 fire wave?” That Yan Zhen and the others also felt fire wave that a face surprise, which here comes? 火流?”就连那颜真等人也是感到一脸诧异,这里哪来的火流 Is the purple, is it possible that is?” Yan Mo eye one bright, the heartbeat accelerates, pupil light follows the direction that fire wave to take a look immediately. “是紫色的,莫非是?”颜漠眼睛一亮,心跳加速,眸光立即循着那火流所在的方向瞅去。 On a there hillside, a youth soars from the woods, like a great peng spreading its wing, his whole body flame is shining, such as round purple solar shining four directions, actually see to have huge purple Magic Seal to condense in his both hands. 在那里一处山坡上,一个少年从树林中腾飞而出,如同大鹏展翅,他全身火光灿灿,如一轮紫色的太阳照耀四方,却见得在他那双手间有着一个巨大的紫色法印凝聚而成。 Raging Flames Collapse! 烈焰崩 The Xiao Yun personal appearance soars, palm hauling, before the body, that huge Magic Seal then goes toward the front several True Yuan Realm Black Clouds Nether Beast bang. 萧云身形腾空,手掌牵引,身前那巨大的法印便是向着前方几头真元境黑云冥兽轰去。 Huge Magic Seal is condenses by True Fire completely, the imposing manner is arrogant, so the shake went to these Monster Beast startled. 巨大的法印完全是由真火凝聚而成,气势凌人,如此震荡而去那些妖兽都惊慌了起来。 Roar! 吼! Three True Yuan middle-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast roars, immediately on soaring, but stretches out the great claw to tear that Magic Seal. 三头真元中期黑云冥兽怒吼一声,当即就腾飞而来伸出巨爪要撕裂那法印 These three Monster Beast are very strong, is True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment, is top level in this batch of Black Clouds Nether Beast exists. 这三头妖兽很强,为真元中期大成,是这批黑云冥兽中的顶级存在。 Now these three Monster Beast together take action, making cultivator in level area worry for front that sudden person's shadow, can this attack can it be that average person resist? Terror fluctuation that after inducing that Flame Seal is containing, in the heart were also many several points of hope. 如今这三头妖兽一起出手,让得山坳中的修者不由为前方那突然出现的人影捏了一把汗,这种攻击岂是一般人可抵挡?只是在感应着那火印所蕴含的恐怖波动后,心中又多了几分期许 Does not wait for that dark clouds deep great claw tearing to come, that huge purple flame exploded fiercely. 不等那黑云冥的巨爪撕裂而来,那个巨大的紫色火焰猛的爆炸了开来。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, the purple light blooms, entire shakes void, flood purple ripples, these flame have been similar to the wave turn toward the four directions to ripple generally, seems like gentle, the terrifying ability that but middle contains actually at one fell swoop routs that three True Yuan middle-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast, afterward purple fire wave sweeps across, submergence. 一声巨响传出,紫光绽放,整个虚空为之一震,泛起了一阵紫色的涟漪,那些火焰如同波浪一般向着四方荡漾开来,看似柔和,只是当中所蕴含的恐怖能力却是将那三头真元中期黑云冥兽给一举击溃,随后紫色的火流席卷开来,将之淹没。 Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit had achieved the True Yuan middle-stage Peak boundary, now displayed this to resist that general True Yuan late-stage cultivator in the name of explosive force Raging Flames Collapse to strike sufficiently, coped with these True Yuan middle-stage Monster Beast to have more than enough to spare. 萧云紫炎武魂本来就达到了真元中期巅峰的境界,如今施展这以爆发力为名的烈焰崩足以抵挡那一般的真元后期修者一击了,对付这些真元中期妖兽绰绰有余。 Initially outside the Black Mountain great city reason that battlefield Xiao Yun will let Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow take action is mainly because that Black Clouds Nether Beast has achieved late-stage big accomplishment, the strength was greatly strengthened, in so the crisis time, hasty take action, simply did not have a odds of success. 当初在黑山巨城外战场萧云之所以会让吞天雀出手主要是因为那头黑云冥兽已经达到了后期大成,实力极强,在如此危机时刻,仓促出手,根本没有一丝胜算。 Therefore Xiao Yun does not have own take action. 所以萧云并没有自己出手 Otherwise was not injured carefully, was ended then by other Monster Beast sneak attack. 否则一个不小心受了伤,然后被别的妖兽偷袭就完了。 Whistling! 呼呼! In the level area, the void tremor, was given to submerge by burning hot incomparable fire wave completely, these Black Clouds Nether Beast black mist start to be defeated and dispersed under purple fire wave, was burnt as the nihility, the entire level area, the roaring flame is dreadful, giant beast sends out to call out startled. 山坳中,虚空颤动,完全被一股炙热无比的火流给淹没,那些黑云冥兽身上的黑色雾气在紫色的火流下开始溃散,被焚为虚无,整个山坳,烈焰滔天,巨兽惊慌发出嚎叫。 Monster Beast itself dreads the flame, especially these contaminate Nether Qi Monster Beast are dread to the flame. 妖兽本身就畏惧火焰,特别是这些沾染冥气妖兽对火焰更是忌惮不已。 In an instant, entire beast group position by chaotic, that Yan Zhen and the others the crises are also solved temporarily. 只是刹那间,整个兽群阵脚以乱,那颜真等人的危机也就得以暂时解决了。 very powerful strikes.” Was the youth in level area all surprised, so attacks should comparable with True Yuan late-stage? 好强的一击。”山坳中的少年皆是一脸惊讶,如此攻击应该堪比真元后期了吧? The purple light dissipates gradually, the Xiao Yun personal appearance also falls along with it floating in the middle of the level area. 紫光逐渐消散,萧云的身形也是随之漂落在山坳当中。 Follows also has Duan Ling'er as well as Zhou Ping several people. 紧随其后的还有段灵儿以及周平几人。 Gradually the thin purple light looks by that people eyes have discovered Xiao Yun. 透过那逐渐稀薄的紫光看去,众人一眼就发现了萧云 Is Xiao Yun!” “是萧云!” Instantly, the screams resound unexpectedly. 霎时,惊呼声蓦地响起。 Really is Young Master Xiao.” “真的是萧公子。” Hehe, Brother Xiao, is you!” A Yuan Ming face was happy that welcomed hastily to Xiao Yun. 呵呵,萧兄,原来是你啊!”袁铭一脸高兴,连忙向萧云迎去。 I said that but also who has such powerful True Fire.” Yan Zhen is also cracks into a smile, appears quite happy. “我就说了,还有谁拥有这么强悍的真火。”颜真也是咧嘴一笑,显得颇为高兴。 Nearby several cultivator walk hastily, to form the front, so as to avoid being attacked by Monster Beast. 旁边几位修者连忙走来,以形成战线,免得被妖兽袭击。 At this time these Monster Beast were also given the dozen to be ignorant by Xiao Yun. 此时那些妖兽也被萧云给打懵了。 Hehe, long time does not see strength to promote!” Saw that these old friend Xiao Yun moods also felt quite with ease, took a fast look around people one eyes , after immediately embarrasedly smile, open the mouth to exchange greetings, before Yan Mo they had achieved True Yuan Realm, at this time will break through is not but actually strange. 呵呵,多日不见诸位实力可都有所提升啊!”见到这些故人萧云的心情也是感到颇为轻松,当下扫视了众人一眼后讪讪一笑,开口寒暄了一句,以前颜漠他们就达到了真元境,此时会突破倒也不奇怪。 There compares favorably with Brother Xiao you!” Yuan Ming shook the head to say with a smile, looks at your this appearance, the strength as if has strengthened?” “那里比得上萧兄你啊!”袁铭摇了摇头笑道,“瞧你这模样,实力似乎有所增强?” This time is lucky Brother Xiao take action.” Yan Mo thanks said that we owed you a favour.” “这次多亏萧兄出手。”颜漠感谢道,“我们可是又欠你一个人情了。” Brother Yan was polite.” Xiao Yun beckoned with the hand, afterward pupil light concentrates saying that we with joint forces have cut these Monster Beast.” 颜兄客气了。”萧云摆了摆手,随后眸光一凝说道,“我们还是合力斩了这些妖兽吧。” Em.” Hears the Xiao Yun start to talk, the people all are the confidence increase. “恩。”听得萧云开口,众人皆是信心大增。 Some do Xiao Yun here, why must fear these Monster Beast? 萧云在此,何须惧怕这些妖兽 This moment these Monster Beast have also gotten back one's composure, contorts one's face in agony/to bare one's fangs, exudes the cut-throat roaring sound, has killed immediately. 此刻那些妖兽也回过了神,呲牙咧嘴,发出凶狠的咆哮声,当即就杀了过来。 Brother Yan, your several people have Magic Item, first temporarily copes with these Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator, when I solved Black Clouds Nether Beast to support you.” The Xiao Yun glance four directions, the direction said that as for you, extinguished this crowd of Black Clouds Nether Beast along with me first.” 颜兄,你们几人有法器,就先暂时去对付那些黑冥血睛鳄,待我解决了黑云冥兽在来支援你们。”萧云扫视四方,指挥道,“至于你们,随我先灭了这群黑云冥兽。” Yes!” Regarding the direction of Xiao Yun, almost nobody opposed, but the twinkling people plundered to kill. “是!”对于萧云的指挥,几乎没有人反对,只是瞬息众人就掠好了阵杀了过去。 Shakes the soul! 震魂! Xiao Yun stimulates to movement Soul Power secretly, toward the front Black Clouds Nether Beast oppression under. 萧云暗自催动灵魂力,向着前方的黑云冥兽压迫而下。 Nearby Zhou Ping and Wang Lei had already understood, in the hand the pointed weapons move, then continually cuts two Monster Beast. 旁边的周平王磊早就已经心领神会,手中兵刃一动,便是连斩两头妖兽 Xiao Yun is also take action, cuts several Monster Beast continually. 萧云也是出手,连斩几头妖兽 Kill! 杀! Sees this, the people spirit shakes, all fully take action. 见此,众人精神一震,皆全力出手 Several breath, these Monster Beast were killed is utterly routed. 只是几个呼吸,那些妖兽就被杀得溃不成军。 It seems like this situation must be reversed!” Looks at in level area, on that hillside Fire Yuan Peak cultivator is surprised. “看来这局势要被逆转了啊!”瞧得山坳中的此幕,那山坡上火元峰修者皆是一脸惊讶。 That Yan Zhen before ten minutes and the others must fall into the hopeless situation, may dump tray suddenly, this also too exaggerated. 就在十分钟前那颜真等人还要陷入了绝境,可眨眼间就翻盘了,这也太夸张了吧。 Who is the youth? He as if there is comparable with True Yuan late-stage strength!” Some did not know that in the disciple heart of Xiao Yun shocks, looks at the age of this person also about 17, so to be how strong? Before is old disciple? “那少年是谁?他似乎有着堪比真元后期的实力!”一些不认识萧云弟子心中震撼不已,瞧此人的年纪也才17左右,怎么会这么强?难道是以前的老弟子吗? ( ( …… ……
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