EMS :: Volume #2

#187: Enters the dark clouds mountain range

Chapter 187 enters Black Clouds Mountain Range 第187章进入黑云山脉 The front mountain range stretches to the horizon, the deep place wound around by the black mist, appears the strange haze, making the person feel uneasy. 前方山脉一望无垠,深处被黑色的雾气所缭绕,显得诡异阴霾,让人感觉不安。 However, along with Xiao Yun and the others entries, that Chen Feng and the others all one after another thorough. 不过,随着萧云等人的进入,那陈锋等人皆陆续深入里面。 These people know that this examination importance, no one dares to neglect, otherwise very difficult to become outstanding in Core Palace. 这些人都知道此次考核的重要性,谁也不敢怠慢,不然很难在核心殿出人头地。 You entered Black Clouds Mountain Range, so long as endured for 15 days, can be through examination, 15 days later, must come this collection.” After these disciple enter Black Clouds Mountain Range, the body of Zhang Tianlong moves is also treading on the sky goes, that low and deep sound resounds through the wooded mountain, spread to these just to enter in the middle in the mountain range disciple ear, „, if had the danger, remembers that summoned me.” “尔等进入黑云山脉只要熬过15天,便可算是通过考核,15天后,务必都要来此汇集。”当那些弟子一个个进入黑云山脉后,张天龙的身子一动也是踏空而去,那低沉的声音响彻山林,传入了那些刚进入山脉当中的弟子耳中,“若有危险,记得召唤我。” Sees Senior Brother Zhang to pay attention to this matter as before, these entered in the middle of mountain range disciple also to feel at ease. 张师兄依旧会关注此事,那些进入山脉当中的弟子也就更加的安心了。 So long as does not meet too formidable existence, thinks or has the opportunity, when this Senior Brother Zhang supports. 只要不是遇到太强大的存在,想必还是有机会等到这张师兄来支援的。 After all this Yuan Core Realm cultivator stimulates to movement Magic Item walk flying, hundred li (0.5km) distance also needs in a minute time that's all. 毕竟这元丹境修者催动法器遁飞而行,百里距离也不过需要片刻时间罢了。 Xiao Yun leads Duan Ling'er and the others to enter in that Black Mountain, the front giant tree heaven, the trim earth stone is having black, this is corroded by black nether aura all the year round makes the soil change color, places in the middle of the wooded mountain, the cool breeze raids to have several points to infiltrate the aura of person. 萧云带领着段灵儿等人进入那黑山内,前方巨木苍天,整片大地土石都带着一丝黑色,这是被黑冥之气长年侵蚀使得土壤变色,身处山林当中,凉风袭来带着几分渗人的气息。 This Black Clouds Mountain Range is quite strange.” The Duan Ling'er black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is tight, body has hit trembling, tight draws close to the Xiao Yun side, after entering this mountain range, she felt that has several points of illness, as if in the middle of that World's Yuan Qi is carrying a bad smell. “这黑云山脉好奇怪。”段灵儿黛眉紧蹙,身子不由打了寒颤,紧紧的贴近萧云的身边,进入这山脉后她感到有着几分不适,似乎那天地元气当中都携带着一丝秽气。 Here air somewhat is indeed strange.” The Xiao Yun sensation is greatly strengthened, naturally had discovered is not right. “这里的空气的确有些怪异。”萧云感知极强,自然发现了一丝不对。 In this really has Nether Qi.” Has stayed the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sudden pupil dew in Swallowing the Heavens Tower is astonished, opens the mouth to say. “这里面竟然有冥气。”一直呆在吞天塔内的吞天雀突然眸露讶异,开口道。 Nether Qi?” Xiao Yun hears these two characters, in heart is also surprised, the legend has Nine Netherworld Land, there has endless Nether Qi, but also has the river of nether world, the river of the netherworld rolls up and pushes along to annihilate the ghosts and gods, is regarded as taboo general existence. 冥气?”萧云听得这两字,心中也是一阵惊讶,传说有九幽冥地,那里有着无尽冥气,还有着幽冥之河,冥河卷动可湮灭鬼神,一直被视为禁忌一般的存在。 In the Xiao Yun heart, this should be only a legend, exists really? 萧云心中,这应该只是一个传说,难道真的存在? This makes him feel curious. 这让他感到好奇。 This Nether Qi naturally exists.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying, as for other, is not your I can touch.” “这冥气自然存在。”吞天雀淡淡的说道,“至于其它,也不是你我能触及。” It seems not willing to say. 它似乎不愿意多说。 „In that does go will have danger?” Xiao Yun asked. “那进去里面会有危险吗?”萧云问道。 Should be all right.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shook the head, said that „, if the luck is good, sought by spirit materials that the Nether Qi contamination bred, perhaps can also let your my Soul Power big promotion.” When spoke of behind its in the pupil has several points of excitement obviously. “应该没事。”吞天雀摇了摇头,说道,“若是运气好,寻到了一些被冥气沾染而孕育出来的灵萃,或许还可以让你我的灵魂力大大的提升。”说到后面时它的眸子中明显有着几分兴奋。 Promotes Soul Power?” hear speech/words, the Xiao Yun eye is also one bright, recently his strength has been increased, is the Extinguishing Soul Arts actually not big progress, if can promote one step, steps into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer big accomplishment, his comprehensive battle strength must rise dramatically absolutely. “提升灵魂力?”闻言,萧云眼睛也是一亮,近来他的实力有所提升,可是灭神诀却并没有多大的进步,要是能在提升一步,踏入灭神诀第二重大成,他的综合战力绝对要飙升。 Moreover according to his estimation, Extinguishing Soul Arts, so long as has achieved 2nd-layer big accomplishment, on that Swallowing the Heavens Tower wall restriction on 2nd-layer can also eradicate. 而且据他估计,灭神诀只要达到了第二重大成,那吞天塔壁上第二层上的禁制也可以破除了。 Too should not be worried, since Heavenly Yuan Sect will make us come in this informed and experienced, thinks that will not be dangerous.” Xiao Yun hesitates turns, afterward then toward several humane, Soul Power has released, after choosing the route, dived to the mountain range deep place. “你们也不要太担心,既然天元宗会让我们来这里面历练,想必也不会太危险。”萧云沉吟一翻,随后便是向着身边的几人道了一句,灵魂力释放出来,选好路线后就潜向了山脉深处。 Duan Ling'er they trust Xiao Yun already nearly blind, therefore does not have the objection. 段灵儿他们对萧云的信任已经近乎盲目,所以都没有异议。 Suddenly, two days of time was in the past, several people penetrated that Black Clouds Mountain Range 200 li (0.5km). 眨眼间,两天时间便是过去,几人已经深入那黑云山脉200里。 Whoosh ! 刷! In a piece of wooded mountain, sword light flashes, Xiao Yun working from before light until after dark wool giant bear will cut to kill at one fell swoop, that palm turns, reappeared Token, above rays of light twinkle, a row of digit has appeared, cut to kill Innate middle-stage Monster Beast to reward points 20, accumulated points 0.3 119. 在一片山林中,剑光闪烁,萧云一举将两头黑毛巨熊斩杀,那手掌一翻,就浮现出了一块腰牌,上面光芒闪烁,一排数字显现了出来,斩杀先天中期妖兽奖励积分20,累积积分0.3119。 Duan Ling'er and the others also respectively have the harvest, has surpassed two hundred points points. 段灵儿等人也是各有收获,都超出了两百积分点。 This digit looks like not high, but must know that cuts to kill same level Monster Beast as True Yuan Realm cultivator to every time spend very big price, consumes many True Yuan, once the strength is bad, that will be very dangerous, may be instead killed by Monster Beast very much. 这数字看起来不高,可是要知道,作为真元境修者每斩杀一头同级的妖兽都要花费很大的代价,消耗不少的真元,一旦实力不济,那将十分危险,很有可能被妖兽反杀。 Therefore Xiao Yun their this harvests were very good. 所以萧云他们这收获已经很不错了。 Senior Brother Xiao, in this Black Clouds Mountain Range deep place Monster Beast is getting stronger and stronger, do we also continue thoroughly?” Duan Ling'er is wearing one set of pale blue leather armor, that body tight is wrapping, that exquisite curve has shown completely, that front full also begins to take shape, passes sends out a shy enticement, she ** slender, is grasping long spear, the body cloak waves against the wind, actually appears valiant, is joined to her attractive fine beautiful face to the person one type the impulsion that wants to conquer. 萧师兄,这黑云山脉深处里面的妖兽越来越强,我们还继续深入吗?”段灵儿身穿着一套淡蓝色的皮甲,将那身子紧紧的包裹着,那玲珑的曲线完全展现了出来,那胸前的饱满也是初具规模,透发出一股青涩的诱惑,她**修长,手持着长枪,身上披风迎风舞动,倒是显得英姿飒爽,配上她那灵秀精致的玉容给人一种想要征服的冲动。 This moment young girl long eyelash of winks, stares at side that youth of outstanding ability to say. 此刻少女长长的睫毛眨动,盯着身边那俊逸的少年道。 Goes! Dry doesn't go?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates saying that more is cuts to kill points that True Yuan middle-stage Monster Beast we obtain more, why? Only then obtains many points we to obtain the corresponding reward, you can also improve the practice condition.” “去!干么不去?”萧云眸光一凝道,“越是斩杀真元中期妖兽我们获得的积分就越多,为什么不去了?只有获得更多的积分我们才能得到相应的奖励,你们也可以改善修炼条件。” If informed and experienced emerges in this, not only will obtain various types to grant, the opportunity replaces the high-level residence. 若是在这处历练中脱颖而出,不仅会得到各种赏赐,还有机会更换更加高级的居所。 Em.” Zhou Ping nods again and again, said that Senior Brother Xiao said well, Hehe, very allows intent to be able with Senior Brother to travel together, how can not be many hunts and kills some Monster Beast?” He appears very happy, previous competition, because he, only then Innate Realm causes the rank to drop, has not obtained the good practice residence, this time said that anything must seize the opportunity that this stands up from failure. “恩。”周平连连点头,道,“萧师兄说得不错,呵呵,好不容意能和师兄一起同行,怎么能不多猎杀些妖兽了?”他显得十分高兴,上次比赛,因为他只有先天境导致排名下降,没有获得好的修炼居所,这次说什么也要抓住这翻身的机会了。 Walks!” After the people unanimously decide, then continues to penetrate that Black Clouds Mountain Range. “走!”众人一致决定后,然后继续深入那黑云山脉 Crossed the mountain range, often can hear the Monster Beast roaring sound in, Xiao Yun spreads also to discover that Soul Power some Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple also hunted and killed Monster Beast in the, these disciple were not only the Core Palace people, but also has other mountain peak disciple. 翻过山峦,在里面不时可以听到妖兽的咆哮声,萧云灵魂力扩散开来也可以发现一些天元宗弟子也在附近猎杀妖兽,这些弟子不仅仅是核心殿的人,还有着别的山峰的弟子 Even Xiao Yun also saw some initially with him together from the love affair the to join Heavenly Yuan Sect youth talent. 甚至萧云还看到了一些当初与他一起从风月过拜入天元宗的少年天才。 Well, are these people?” Suddenly, Xiao Yun mind moved, Soul Power that released has discovered several familiar forms. “咦,那些人是?”突然,萧云心神一动,释放出去的灵魂力发现了几个熟悉的身影。 Present Xiao Yun releases to induce some fluctuations Soul Power to hundred inside and outside, sees clearly the thing within ten li (0.5km). 如今的萧云灵魂力释放出去可以感应到百里外的一些波动,看清楚十里内的事物。 Senior Brother Xiao, how?” Nearby Duan Ling'er sees the Xiao Yun look changes, asked hastily. 萧师兄,怎么了?”旁边的段灵儿萧云神色有变,连忙问道。 Has run into several friends.” Xiao Yun takes back Soul Power, afterward said that walks, we go to that side to have a look.” “遇到了几个朋友。”萧云灵魂力收回,随后道,“走,我们去那边看看。” Afterward he leads Wang Ping and the others to turn toward a left mountain ridge to walk together. 随后他带领着王平等人一起向着左侧的一处山岭走去。 Crossed the mountain ridge, the people heard one crowd of Monster Beast roaring sound immediately. 翻过山岭,众人立即就听到了一群妖兽的咆哮声。 This Black Clouds Nether Beast!” Hears that sound, the people eyes one brightly, immediately judged that is any Monster Beast. “这黑云冥兽!”听到那声音,众人眼睛一亮,立即就判断出了那是什么妖兽 In this Black Clouds Mountain Range several days, their cries to these Monster Beast had the understanding of initial-stage. 在这黑云山脉几天,他们对这些妖兽的叫声已经有了初步的了解。 Probably the imposing manner is not weak!” Wang Lei and the others brought several points of excited successive following the sound rushing to go. “好像气势还不弱啊!”王磊等人带着几分兴奋连循声奔掠而去。 In not far away mountain range, in all directions is the mountain ridges, the middle is a level area, two mountains are only connected a mulde. 在不远处的山峦,四处都是山岭,中间是一个山坳,唯两山相连间的一个凹地。 At this moment in the mulde, is having nine youth sieging by one crowd of Monster Beast in middle. 此刻在凹地里面,正有着九个少年被一群妖兽给围困在当中。 These youth have the Yan Zhen Yan Mo two brothers impressively. 这些少年赫然有着颜真颜漠两兄弟。 Except in addition, Yuan Ming as well as several Yuan Family youth. 除此外,还有袁铭以及几位袁家的少年。 Together total 14 people. 一起共计14人。 These 14 people of strengths are also good, especially Yan Mo and Yan Zhen have stepped into True Yuan middle-stage unexpectedly. 这14人实力也不错,特别是颜漠颜真竟然已经踏入了真元中期 That Yuan Ming has also achieved middle-stage. 袁铭也达到了中期 They have achieved True Yuan initial-stage big accomplishment when crossing the threshold, quick can break through under the Heavenly Yuan Sect resources. 他们在入门时就已经达到了真元初期大成,在天元宗的资源下很快就得以突破。 Other people have the True Yuan initial-stage big accomplishment boundary. 其余人都有真元初期大成的境界。 But now these people actually by one crowd of Black Clouds Nether Beast as well as ten background Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator surrounding. 可是如今这些人却被一群黑云冥兽以及十来头黑冥血睛鳄给困住了。 This crowd of Monster Beast add altogether 26 heads, steps into True Yuan middle-stage has six heads, especially middle two step into True Yuan middle-stage Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator to defend greatly strengthened, that alligator tail moves, the strength is greatly infinite, so long as were hit that hard rock to change into the powder powder. 这群妖兽加起来一共有26头,踏入真元中期的有六头,特别是当中两头踏入真元中期黑冥血睛鳄防御极强,那鳄尾甩动,力大无穷,只要被击中那坚硬的岩石都将化为齑粉。 The wild attack of Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator, in addition the sneak attack of that Black Clouds Nether Beast, making Yan Zhen and the others be tired out by dealing with. 黑冥血睛鳄的狂暴攻击,加上那黑云冥兽的偷袭,使得颜真等人疲于应付。 The moment, several True Yuan initial-stage big accomplishment youth are injured, almost cherishes hatred. 只是片刻,就有几个真元初期大成的少年受伤,差点饮恨。 Damn how so many Monster Beast attack?” In the level area, Yan Zhen ponders one darkly, grasps handle long sword to wave in the sky, sword light is similar to star river winds around in the top of the head, changes into light halo to protect the people, so as to avoid being given the sneak attack by these Black Clouds Nether Beast. “该死的怎么会有这么多的妖兽来袭?”在山坳中,颜真暗忖一句,手持着一柄长剑当空舞动,剑光如同星河在头顶缭绕,化为一个光圈以将众人护住,免得被那些黑云冥兽给偷袭。 This is handle low-level high-grade Magic Item, bestows for elder of his Yan Clan clan, relied on his True Yuan middle-stage strength to show the might to be actually uncommon, resists the surprise attacks of many Black Clouds Nether Beast, put forth handle Magic Item in nearby Yan Mo, was long spear. 这是一柄低级上品法器,为他颜氏一族的长者赐下,凭借着他那真元中期的实力施展起来威力倒是不凡,抵挡下了不少的黑云冥兽的突袭,在旁边的颜漠也使出一柄法器,为一杆长枪 Moreover Yuan Ming also has Magic Item, is low-level, is effective, copes with these Monster Beast to arrive also reluctantly. 另外袁铭也有法器,都是低级,却也威力不凡,对付起这些妖兽来到还算勉强。 Person but who after all has Magic Item is only minority, here Monster Beast is numerous, was seeing with own eyes brothers are injured, they also started to worry, Yan Mo said that we can be framed, I formerly probably saw Qiu Yufeng that boy.” 可是毕竟有法器的人只是少数,这里妖兽众多,眼见着身边的兄弟一个个受伤,他们也开始着急了起来,颜漠道,“我们会不会是被人陷害了,我先前好像看到了邱雨枫那小子。” Qiu Yufeng?” Hears this word, Yan Zhen brows tightly frowns, said that what thing was difficult to be inadequate they to use to urge Monster Beast?” 邱雨枫?”听得此言,颜真眉头紧锁,道,“难不成他们又动用了什么东西驱使妖兽?” Remembered initially also felt in matter Yan Zhen that Heavenly Yuan Hunting Ground had somewhat possibly. 想起当初在天元猎场发生的事情颜真也感觉有些可能。 Because initially they assisted Xiao Yun, just like offended Qiu Family. 因为当初他们相助萧云,俨然得罪了邱家 Although the Qiu Family person does not dare flagrant take action, is using some small methods to have the possibility secretly. 虽然邱家的人不敢明目张胆的出手,在暗地里使出一些小手段还是有可能的。 Hehe, this time Brother Yan Family do not die also half waste.” In this piece of level area not far away, about 17-year-old youth stands proudly, his corners of the mouth pull, coldly is staring below Brother Yan Family, shows a smiling face of face sinister and vicious. 呵呵,这次颜家兄弟就算不死也得半废。”在这片山坳不远处,一个近17岁的少年傲然而立,他嘴角一扯,冷冷的盯着下方的颜家兄弟,露出一脸阴鸷的笑容。 This youth Qiu Yufeng, is the Qiu Yuchen younger brother. 这少年正是邱雨枫,为邱雨辰的弟弟。 This Brother Yan Zhen, as well as Yuan Ming and the others did not know good from bad to think that flattered that Xiao Yun to obtain the greatest advantage, did not hesitate to oppose with my Qiu Family unexpectedly, Hehe, this time was also their punishment is deserved, even if they did not die, once the severe wound, later did not have what hope.” Side Qiu Yuchen, a youth brow from Qiu Family branch selects, said with a smile ferociously. “这颜真兄弟,以及袁铭等人不知好歹以为巴结了那萧云就可以得到莫大的好处,竟不惜与我邱家作对,呵呵,这次也是他们罪有应得,就算他们不死,一旦重伤,以后也没有什么希望了。”在邱雨辰身边,一个来自邱家分支的少年眉头一挑,狞笑道。 Xiao Yun?” Qiu Yufeng that jet black pupil flashes through unexpectedly wipes the cold glow, saying of coldly, sooner or later our Qiu Family will take his life, snort|hum, even if his to join Heavenly Yuan Sect, same must die, even if his background uncommonly how?” 萧云?”邱雨枫那漆黑的眸子蓦地闪过一抹寒芒,冷冷的说道,“早晚有一天我们邱家会取他的性命,哼,就算他拜入天元宗,也一样得死,就算他底蕴不凡又如何?” Hehe, just basic disciple, is worth the Yufeng brother so?” Side Qiu Yufeng, a figure is slim, the long hair flying upwards youth, shrugs, smiles lightly, in that heart felt that has a confusion. 呵呵,一个刚入门的弟子罢了,也值得雨枫兄如此?”在邱雨枫身边,一个身材修长,长发飞扬的青年,耸了耸肩,淡淡一笑,那心中却感到有着一丝困惑。 Can cope with basic disciple not to be easy in Heavenly Yuan Sect background by Qiu Family? 邱家天元宗底蕴要对付一个入门的弟子不是轻而易举吗? 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