EMS :: Volume #2

#186: Is this cheating code?

Is Chapter 186 this cheating code? 第186章这算作弊码? True Yuan Realm late-stage?” At this time the Xiao Yun brow also slightly bends, the corners of the mouth raise wipe the strange curve. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } 真元境后期?”此时萧云眉头也是不由微微弯起,嘴角掀起一抹诡异的弧度。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} True Yuan late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast powerful incomparable, is that imposing manner results in the cultivator heart of True Yuan initial-stage to live to dread on sufficiently the crush, Duan Ling'er and Zhou Ping and the others also truly mind under this imposing manner trembled, feels an unprecedented oppression. 真元后期黑云冥兽实力强大无比,就是那气势就足以碾压得真元初期修者心生畏惧,段灵儿周平等人也确实在这股气势下心神的战栗了起来,感到一股空前的压迫。 What to do?” Wang Lei and Zhou Ping heart trembles, only thinks a mind blank. “怎么办?”王磊周平心头一颤,只觉脑海一片空白。 Under this oppression, they even felt the death the crisis. 在这种压迫下,他们甚至感觉到死亡的危机。 Also when these people almost must collapse, has an extremely obscure aura fluctuation to burst out on the body of Xiao Yun, this fluctuation is quite formidable, True Yuan Realm all, just now did not fill Zhang Tianlong and Yan Wanshan in that city wall induces. 也就在这几人差点要崩溃了的时候,在萧云的身上却有着一股极为晦涩的气息波动迸发而出,这股波动极为强大,不似真元境所有,方才一弥漫开来那城墙上的张天龙严万山就感应到了。 What is this fluctuates?” On Yan Wan the brow selects, pupil reveals wipes surprisedly, tight is staring at the front. “这是什么波动?”严万上眉头一挑,眸子露出一抹惊讶,紧紧的盯着前方。 There distance is too what a pity far, the rich black fog winds around, he is hard to completely understand for a while. 可惜那里距离太远,还有浓郁的黑雾缭绕,他一时难以看透。 This fluctuation?” Zhang Tianlong slightly narrows the pupil, reveals the color of hesitation. “这波动?”张天龙眸子微眯,露出沉吟之色。 Raging Flames Collapse! 烈焰崩 Also at this moment, Xiao Yun body previous vortex appears, at once scarlet-red flame Magic Seal is evolved, sees only his both hands hauling, that Magic Seal fierce trembles, then in void that soaring toward the Black Clouds Nether Beast bombardment that comes goes. 也就在这时,萧云身前一个气旋浮现,旋即一个赤红色火炎法印被演化而出,只见得他双手牵引,那个法印猛的一颤,便是向着虚空中那腾飞而来的黑云冥兽轰击而去。 This Magic Seal is condenses by the flame completely, is similar to flaming raging flame is burning, place visited all black fog were burnt as the nihility, afterward the people see only the flame to dodge at present, that body huge Black Clouds Nether Beast was rumbled to fly to ten meters beyond. 法印完全是由火焰凝聚而成,如同熊熊烈火在燃烧,所过之处所有的黑色云雾都被焚为虚无,随后众人只见得眼前火光一闪,那身躯庞大的黑云冥兽就被轰飞至十米之外。 That formidable fallout wreaks havoc, nearby person as well as Monster Beast in abundance retreat. 那股强大的余波肆虐开来,附近的人以及妖兽纷纷后退 Good burning hot air current?” The Black Mountains County cultivator pupil dew with amazement, is fearful and apprehensive, that fallout was too strong. “好炙热的气流?”黑山郡修者眸露骇然,皆是心惊肉跳,那股余波太强了。 This is not True Yuan Realm cultivator can contend. 这不是真元境修者能抗衡。 Thump! 咚! The shadow twinkle, Black Clouds Nether Beast falls to the ground immediately, entire earth by flame scorching. 黑影闪烁,黑云冥兽当即落地,整个大地都被一股火炎给烧焦了。 Hum! 呜呜! Black Clouds Nether Beast falls to the ground, lies down is motionless on the ground, the aura is defeated and dispersed, almost in light of this has not been killed violently. 黑云冥兽落地,躺在地上一动不动,气息溃散,就差点没有就此毙命了。 Ling'er Junior Sister, you went to kill it.” Xiao Yun said. 灵儿师妹,你去将它杀了。”萧云说道。 Em.” Duan Ling'er stares first, afterward understands, if the body the gust of wind, the twinkling has achieved side that Black Clouds Nether Beast, in her hand Profound Yuan Spear moves, sees only the cold brightness to dodge, that lance point then pierces this Black Clouds Nether Beast heart arteries. “恩。”段灵儿先是一愣,随后心领神会,身若疾风,瞬息就达到了那黑云冥兽身边,她手中玄元枪一动,只见得寒光一闪,那枪尖便是将这头黑云冥兽心脉洞穿。 Strikes to go well, her palm turns, the Token rays of light twinkle, appears immediately a row of digit. 一击得手,她手掌一翻,腰牌光芒闪烁,当即浮现出一排数字。 Cuts to kill True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast, rewards the points 30 points, 50 points. 斩杀真元后期妖兽,奖励积分30点,累计五十分。 points succeeds in obtaining, the Duan Ling'er personal appearance moves, suddenly arrived at the Xiao Yun side. 积分到手,段灵儿身形一动,眨眼间就来到了萧云的身边。 Hence, nearby person is a face shocks, in same place, is staring at the front. 至此,附近的人还是一脸震撼,愣在了原地,怔怔的将前方盯着。 All these were too inconceivable, True Yuan initial-stage cultivator has routed True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast unexpectedly at one fell swoop. 这一切太不可思议了,一个真元初期修者竟然一举击溃了真元后期妖兽 „Is this real?” All cultivator stare dumbfounded, is hard to believe this fact. “这是真的吗?”所有的修者瞠目结舌,难以相信这个事实。 How does he have such formidable strength?” The distant place, the Chen Feng eyelid jumps, almost does not have startled to fall the chin. “他怎么有这么强大的实力?”远处,陈锋眼皮一跳,差点没有惊掉下巴 This Xiao Yun is still human? “这萧云还是人吗? How can he rout True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast?” These participate in informed and experienced disciple to be scared. “他怎么能击溃真元后期妖兽?”那些参加历练的弟子都傻了眼。 All these are not real, incredible, this is not general late-stage Monster Beast, has achieved big accomplishment! 这一切太不真实了,让人难以置信,这可不是一般的后期妖兽,已经达到了大成啊! In this moment, the atmosphere in battlefield became quite strange, all people collected pupil light on Xiao Yun. 在这一刻,战场中的气氛变得颇为诡异了起来,所有人都把眸光汇集在了萧云身上。 City Lord, what's all this about?” On that high stage, several elder whole faces were stunned, take a look to Yan Wanshan. 城主,这是怎么回事?”在那高台上,几位长者满脸错愕,瞅向了严万山 This little friend is not very simple.” Yan Wanshan slightly narrows the pupil, ambiguous saying. “这小友很不简单。”严万山眸子微眯,模棱两可的说道。 Afterward, his pupil light moved, takes a look to nearby Zhang Tianlong, as to have a look at latter's expression. 随后,他眸光一动,瞅向了旁边的张天龙,似乎想看看后者的表情。 „Is this cheating code?” Zhang Tianlong is staring at the front at this moment, opened the mouth, in the mouth muttered. “这算是作弊码?”张天龙此刻盯着前方,张大了嘴巴,口中喃喃道。 This struck Xiao Yun to draw support from that Black Clouds Nether Beast that the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow strength smoothly has routed a moment ago. 刚才这一击萧云是借助了吞天雀的实力才顺利击溃的那黑云冥兽 For concealing, Xiao Yun made Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow suppress the own imposing manner especially, how could but did that type fluctuate hides the truth from Yuan Core Realm powerhouse? 为了掩饰,萧云特地让吞天雀压制了自己的气势,可是那种波动岂能瞒得过元丹境强者 If during the average person was unable to understand the mystery, but Zhang Tianlong actually knows some news, side this Junior Brother has Fire Bird, the strength is greatly strengthened, once crumb Qiu Family -and-a-half Yuan Core powerhouse, but also fights vigorously that Yuan Core twofold Qiu Xuanrong. 若是一般人还不能明白当中的玄妙,可是张天龙却是知道一些消息,这个师弟身边有一只火鸟,实力极强,曾经一把捏碎了邱家一位半步元丹强者,还力战那元丹两重的邱玄嵘 At first Zhang Tianlong extremely has not cared, is only slightly curious. 起初张天龙并没有太过在意,只是略微好奇。 Now looks like, this matter is true completely, not exaggerating. 如今看来,此事完全属实,并没有一丝夸大。 Because he induced to hide in Xiao Yun within the body that fluctuation, felt the palpitation including him. 因为他感应到了隐藏在萧云体内那股波动,连他都感到心悸。 Hehe, this is also his good fortune.” Slightly amazed, Zhang Tianlong also feels relaxed, meaning that do not investigate. 呵呵,这也算是他的造化吧。”略微惊诧,张天龙也就释然,并没有要追究的意思。 Congratulated Envoy, Core Palace this time left a talent!” Nearby Yan Wanshan had discovered anything said with a smile. “恭喜张使者,核心殿这次可是出了个天才啊!”旁边的严万山似发现了什么笑道。 This Junior Brother Xiao indeed has the big destiny, is not the average man may compare.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile embarrasedly. “这萧师弟的确有着大气运,不是常人可比。”张天龙讪讪一笑道。 Compares these people who observes, most shocks was Zhou Ping and Wang Lei. 相比观战的这些人,最为震撼的莫过于周平王磊了。 Senior Brother Xiao, that did Black Clouds Nether Beast die?” Suddenly oppression of dissipation makes Zhou Ping relax secretly, his pupil light moves, then saw front one piece burned black as well as that dying Black Clouds Nether Beast, immediately the whole person was shaken shook, taking a look of some surprise to youth. 萧师兄,那黑云冥兽死了?”突然消散的压迫让周平暗自松了一口气,他眸光一动,便是看到了前方一片焦黑以及那气绝黑云冥兽,当下整个人都被震了一震,有些诧异的瞅向身边的少年。 Senior Brother Xiao, this is your take action?” Nearby Wang Lei was robust, has harassed the head, showed a face simple and honest smiling face. 萧师兄,这是你出手的吗?”旁边的王磊虎头虎脑,扰了扰头,露出一脸憨厚的笑容。 Is.” Xiao Yun smiles. “算是吧。”萧云一笑。 Senior Brother Xiao, are you really fierce?” Saying of Duan Ling'er face worship. 萧师兄,你真厉害?”段灵儿一脸崇拜的说道。 Now regarding this Senior Brother Xiao Duan Ling'er is full of admiration that admires, in the heart were more meaning of several points of admiration. 如今对于这萧师兄段灵儿已经是佩服的五体投地,心中更多了几分倾慕之意。 Such shocking and stunning talent were too few, he is long so handsome uncommon, the manner also hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies. 这样惊才绝艳的天才太少了,偏偏他还长得那么英俊不凡,为人也是嫉恶如仇。 Where did such outstanding person look? 这样优秀的人去哪里找了? Used some method that's all. Xiao Yun to smile, afterward a face with deep veneration, said that we continued take action, only then killed some Monster Beast to obtain the good achievements, by this obtained Sect grants to receive in exchange for the respective need Magic Item.” “只是动用了一些手段罢了。萧云笑了笑,随后一脸肃然,说道,“我们继续出手,只有多杀些妖兽才能取得好成绩,以此得到宗门的赏赐换取各自需要的法器。” Em.” Duan Ling'er and the others nod again and again, at this moment filled has hoped. “恩。”段灵儿等人连连点头,此刻都充满了期许。 If they did not have confidence to obtain the good achievements before, but has experienced Xiao Yun strength as if all now at present. 若是在之前他们都没有信心获得好成绩,可如今见识了萧云的实力似乎一切都在眼前。 After cutting to have killed True Yuan late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast, as if side some True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast filled to Xiao Yun dreaded that does not dare to attack rashly, their place visited, these Monster Beast withdrew in abundance, does not dare to touch its point. 在斩杀了一头真元后期黑云冥兽后,似乎旁边的一些真元后期妖兽都对萧云充满了忌惮,再也不敢贸然来袭了,他们所过之处,那些妖兽纷纷退避,不敢触其锋芒。 This causes the aspect to reverse is not the Monster Beast attack, but was Xiao Yun they hunts and kills Monster Beast. 这导致局面逆转不是妖兽来袭,而是萧云他们去猎杀妖兽了。 So, making nearby cultivator stare dumbfounded. 如此一幕,让得附近的修者都瞠目结舌。 „Was this too also abnormal?” Black Mountains County cultivator was almost ignorant. “这也太变态了吧?”黑山郡修者一个个都差点懵了。 Black Mountains County has the Monster Beast attack frequently, how many times both sides go on an expedition not to know, but hasn't presented cultivator of True Yuan initial-stage boundary to make the group beast evade to draw back? Front youth just like founded an unprecedented record! 黑山郡经常有妖兽来袭,双方征战不知多少次,可是从来没有出现过一个真元初期境的修者能让群兽避退?面前的这个少年俨然是开创了一个前所未有的记录啊! Yeah.” Other examination disciple see this to sigh. “哎。”另外一些考核弟子见此纷纷叹息。 Early knows that I initially followed Senior Brother Xiao to be good.” Some person of faces regretted, when takes a look to Duan Ling'er as well as Zhou Ping and the others has filled envying, according to the present situation comes to see these three people of result to be going big surpasses other people! “早知道我当初跟随萧师兄就好了。”有人一脸惋惜,瞅向段灵儿以及周平等人时充满了羡慕,按照现在的局势来看这三人的成绩将要大大的超出其余的人啊! However in the people heart is also knows why Xiao Yun will help this two people. 不过众人心中也是知道萧云为何会帮助这两人 Initially Duan Ling'er was bullied, only then Zhou Ping and Wang Lei stood, thinks that also like this made Xiao Yun have the favorable impression to them. 当初段灵儿被欺,只有周平王磊站出来,想必也是这样让萧云对他们生出了好感。 Hides as for other people in hidden place, now wants to flatter Xiao Yun only to fear that was also difficult. 至于其它人都躲在暗处,现在就是想巴结萧云只怕也难了。 Because the initial action only feared already in blacklist on. 因为当初的举动只怕已经被记在了‘黑名单’上。 In fact is also so, Xiao Yun to other fellow apprentices not too many favorable impressions. 事实上也是如此,萧云对其它的师兄弟并没有太多的好感。 Initially if the people are willing to act, thinks that Zheng Tianwei does not dare to be dissolute. 当初若是众人都愿意出面,想必郑天伟也不敢放肆。 After all his great uncle ability in big, how could also to suppress Core Palace this group of rising stars? 毕竟就算他族叔能力在大,又岂能打压核心殿这一群新秀? Zhou Ping and the others were following Xiao Yun unceasingly take action, almost cuts these True Yuan initial-stage as well as Black Clouds Nether Beast of middle-stage boundary completely. 周平等人跟随着萧云不断出手,将那些真元初期以及中期境的黑云冥兽几乎斩尽。 As for these True Yuan late-stage sleepily was killed by Black Mountains County cultivator. 至于那些真元后期的则被黑山郡修者给困杀。 points 128!” Xiao Yun after cutting to kill Monster Beast, the palm moved, appears a setting number. 积分128!”萧云在斩杀一头妖兽后,手掌一动,浮现出了一排字数。 points 77.” 积分77。” points 78.” 积分78。” points 92.” Zhou Ping as well as Wang Lei, Duan Ling'er distinction palm moved, appears the respective points number. 积分92。”周平以及王磊,段灵儿分别手掌一动,浮现出了各自的积分数。 After cutting to have killed True Yuan Realm Monster Beast, their then take action copes with Innate Realm Monster Beast, but cuts to kill these Monster Beast only then a points point, but faces this hundreds of Monster Beast is also accumulates the points good means that after all True Yuan Realm Monster Beast may not have to be so good to kill. 在斩杀了真元境妖兽后,他们便出手对付先天境妖兽,不过斩杀这些妖兽只有一个积分点,可是面对这数以百计的妖兽也是一个积累积分的好办法,毕竟真元境妖兽可没有这么好杀。 At this moment other these participated in examination disciple also to obtain six ten points on Chen Feng, was cuts to kill six True Yuan initial-stage Monster Beast, other people can have 30-40 points to be very good, after all Monster Beast was very strong, thinks in the situation that the boundary was almost the same that wanted to cut to kill how difficultly? 此刻其它那些参加考核弟子也就陈锋获得了六十积分,也就是斩杀了六头真元初期妖兽,其他人能有三四十积分已经很不错,毕竟妖兽很强,在境界相差无几的情况想,想要斩杀何其困难? After the Black Clouds Nether Beast rout, cultivator of Black Mountains County city supports another two war circles immediately, making the situation reverse. 黑云冥兽溃败后,黑山郡城的修者立即去支援另外两个战圈,使得局势逆转。 Later, these Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator as well as Black Netherworld Tiger retreat in abundance, does not dare to attack. 不大一会,那些黑冥血睛鳄以及黑冥幽虎纷纷撤退,不敢在进攻。 Kills!” While this people take action, cuts to kill Monster Beast of many retreating strongly. “杀!”趁此众人竭力出手,将不少溃退的妖兽斩杀。 Especially Xiao Yun they, because in the hand has Magic Item, copes with these Monster Beast all at one fell swoop to kill. 特别是萧云他们,因为手中有法器,对付那些妖兽皆是一举击毙。 These Monster Beast retreated finally.” These elder faces in city wall are gratified. “这些妖兽终于溃退了。”城墙上的那些长者一脸欣慰。 take action, must annihilate these Monster Beast strongly.” City Lord Yan ordered, to let Black Mountains County person strongly take action. “竭力出手,务必歼灭这些妖兽。”严城主下令,让黑山郡的人竭力出手 About thousand Iron Guard, as well as more than hundred True Yuan Realm cultivator chase down together, finally annihilates these Monster Beast after half double-hour. 近千名铁卫,以及百余名真元境修者一起追杀,终于在半个时辰后将那些妖兽歼灭。 Even though these black deep blood eyeball beast defenses are greatly strengthened, is in some True Yuan middle-stage, under late-stage cultivator take action also the difficult running away calamity. 纵使那些黑冥血睛兽防御极强,可是在一些真元中期,后期修者出手下也难逃厄难。 Only then minority Monster Beast run into front that piece of earth pitch-black mountain range. 只有少数的妖兽逃入了前方那片大地乌黑的山脉。 But at this time Xiao Yun points has achieved 219. 而这时萧云积分点已经达到了219。 Walks, our thorough Black Clouds Mountain Range.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, said toward several people. “走,我们深入黑云山脉。”萧云眸光一凝,向着身边几人说道。 This time duty first, to help Black Mountains County exterminates Monster Beast, its two are thorough Black Clouds Mountain Range. 这次的任务其一是助黑山郡剿灭妖兽,其二则是深入黑云山脉 Relatively speaking the second article is by far dangerous. 相比而言第二条远远要危险。 Because of mountain range deep place Monster Beast spread all over, crisis-ridden, no one knows that will have any condition. 因为山脉深处妖兽遍布,危机四伏,谁也不知道会发生什么状况。 This is also the test of Heavenly Yuan Sect on this batch of disciple. 这也正是天元宗对这批弟子的考验。 Good.” Is hearing Xiao Yun to open the mouth nearby Zhou Ping and Wang Lei almost does not have the opinion. “好。”在听到萧云开口旁边的周平王磊几乎没有意见。 That Duan Ling'er follows the lead by Xiao Yun at this moment. 段灵儿此刻更是以萧云马首是瞻。 These people know that this time is rare opportunity, if own cannot emerge, only feared that will lose the situation in light of this. 这些人都知道,此次是难得的机会若是自己不能脱颖而出,只怕将就此失去先机。 Under this competition, so long as loses the situation to will certainly walk with difficulty is also again hard to surpass the predecessor, degenerates into the poor talent thoroughly. 在这种竞争下只要失去先机必将步履维艰再也难以超越前人,彻底沦为庸材。 Therefore almost nobody is willing to withdraw, because these people are the talents that thousand select ten thousand to choose, they can arrive at this are not quite easy. 所以几乎没有人愿意退出,因为这些人都是千挑万选出来的天才,他们能走到这一步已经是极为不易了。 Who has been willing to give up to the present? 到了现在谁愿意放弃? 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