EMS :: Volume #2

#185: Perfect coordination

Chapter 185 coordinates perfectly 第185章完美配合 When Black Clouds Nether Beast dying these Black Mountains County cultivator stunned, Xiao Yun is actually the left hand turns, the palm appears together magic token, above light twinkle, had demonstrated afterward then a row of digit, cuts to kill True Yuan initial-stage Peak boundary Monster Beast, obtains the points ten points. Ha 黑云冥兽气绝那些黑山郡修者一脸错愕时,萧云却是左手一翻,掌心浮现一块法牌,上面光影闪烁,随后便是显示了一排数字,斩杀真元初期巅峰妖兽,获得积分十点。哈 This magic token is Xiao Yun Token, can integrate the palm of cultivator, by the mind hauling, but may calculate various data, is quite mysterious. 法牌萧云腰牌,可以融入修者的掌心,凭借心神牵引而出可计算各种数据,颇为玄妙。 Such solved Black Clouds Nether Beast?” Zhou Ping with that Wang Lei saw that the Xiao Yun palm turns after the Token absorption extinguishes kills the Monster Beast data the action, all stares in a big way the eye, is astonished, in the heart ponders darkly, „was this too also quick?” “就这么把黑云冥兽解决了?”周平与那王磊见到萧云手掌一翻以腰牌吸收灭杀妖兽数据的举动后,皆是不由瞪大了眼睛,一脸愕然,心中暗忖,“这也太快了吧?” They had almost not discovered a moment ago after Xiao Yun how, sent first to! 刚才他们几乎没有发现萧云是如何后发先至的啊! Be careful.” When Zhou Ping and Wang Lei surprised, Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, calls out in alarm hastily, in the hand long sword also moves. “小心。”就在周平王磊一脸惊讶的时候,萧云眸光一凝,连忙惊呼,手中长剑也是一动。 whoosh whoosh! 刷刷! The twinkling, Xiao Yun punctured two swords, the speed quickly surprising. 只是瞬息,萧云就连刺出了两剑,速度之快让人惊讶。 Only hears a skeleton break resounding to spread, two prepare to sneak attack Zhou Ping and Wang Lei Black Clouds Nether Beast is then assassinated. 只听得咔嚓一声骨骼断裂的脆响传出,两头准备偷袭周平王磊黑云冥兽便是被刺杀。 Under Xiao Yun Soul Power frightens, this trivial True Yuan initial-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast is unable to resist. 萧云灵魂力震慑下,这区区真元初期黑云冥兽根本无法抵挡。 Although Black Clouds Nether Beast the speed is fast, but the defensive power is inferior to that Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator as well as Black Netherworld Tiger, long sword in Xiao Yun hand initially captured Qiu Minghao Cold River Sword, was high-grade in low-level Magic Item, close middle-level Magic Item has been possible to cut off Xuan Weapon easily. 黑云冥兽虽然速度快,可是防御力不及那黑冥血睛鳄以及黑冥幽虎,萧云手中的长剑乃是当初夺得邱明浩寒洺剑,为低级法器中的上品,接近中级法器了可轻易斩断玄兵 Under the attack of this handle magic sword, that Black Clouds Nether Beast almost strikes to be killed violently. 在这柄法剑的攻击下,那黑云冥兽几乎是一击毙命。 Thump! 咚! Monster Beast falls to the ground, exudes one to shake greatly, side these stunned people were then awakened, cold sweat are dripping, restored the manner hastily, deals with nearby Black Clouds Nether Beast strongly, otherwise was not careful that by these Monster Beast took advantage that may be dangerous! 妖兽落地,发出一声巨震,旁边那些一脸错愕的人这才被惊醒,一个个都冷汗淋漓,连忙恢复了神态,竭力应付旁边的黑云冥兽,不然一个不小心被这些妖兽所趁那可就危险了啊! Shout! 呼! That Zhou Ping and Wang Lei have held breath cold air, all was the fine hair set upright in a moment ago them, vaguely felt a aura of death in close, but in this time, that Black Clouds Nether Beast unexpectedly stagnated, afterward was cut to kill by a sword. 周平王磊更是倒吸了一口凉气,就在刚才他们全是汗毛都竖起来了,依稀感觉到了一丝死亡的气息在接近,可就在此时,那黑云冥兽竟然停滞了下来,随后被一剑斩杀。 Remembered them to have a lingering fear as before. 想起刚才的一幕他们依旧是心有余悸。 Cuts three Black Clouds Nether Beast continually, almost after is, sends first, who is this youth? Has so astonishing battle strength?” In city wall, these True Yuan Realm elder continuously situation when attention battlefield, in looking at Xiao Yun and the others intruded the Black Clouds Nether Beast group slightly to feel the surprise, but was discovering that their unexpectedly initiative take action did not frown in the side assistance beast. “连斩三头黑云冥兽,几乎都是后发先至,这少年是谁?怎么有如此惊人的战力?”在城墙上,那些真元境长者一直在关注战场中的局势,在瞧得萧云等人闯入了黑云冥兽群时略感诧异,可在发现他们竟然主动出手并不是在旁边协助兽也都皱起了眉头。 Almost majority of elder thinks that they were too crude. 几乎大部分长者都认为他们太鲁莽了。 But now after looking at Xiao Yun continually cuts three True Yuan Realm Black Clouds Nether Beast, was surprised in same place whole face. 可如今在瞧得萧云连斩三头真元境黑云冥兽后,一个个都愣在了原地满脸惊讶。 You may see how he does go well?” Several elder look at each other in shock in city wall, after looking at each other asked. “你们可看到了他是如何得手的?”城墙上的几个长者面面相觑,在相视一眼后问道。 No.” The people shake the head, quick so said. “没有。”众人摇头,很快都如此说道。 It seems like this Junior Brother Xiao has secret technique to frighten that Black Clouds Nether Beast mind.” Zhang Tianlong in paying attention to the change in field, especially Xiao Yun, he especially is attaching great importance, therefore was received in the eye by him completely, in the mouth muttered. “看来这萧师弟秘术可震慑那黑云冥兽心神。”张天龙一直在关注着场中的变化,特别是萧云,他格外重视,所以刚才的一幕完全被他收入了眼中,口中喃喃道。 Has the Yuan Core Realm his sensation to be greatly strengthened, had discovered these Black Clouds Nether Beast were frightened by a strange strength, short lost the consciousness, so after by Xiao Yun, sends to gives to extinguish first at one fell swoop kills, naturally he also slightly feels regarding the Xiao Yun that take action speed surprisedly. 拥有元丹境的他感知极强,一眼就发现了那些黑云冥兽似被一股奇异的力量震慑住,短暂的失去了意识,如此才被萧云后发先至一举给灭杀,当然对于萧云出手的速度他也是略感惊讶。 Hehe, this youth is natural talent as if good?” City Lord Yan slightly narrows the pupil, was Yuan Core Realm he also saw a way, afterward took a look to nearby Zhang Tianlong, said with a smile, actually does not know that this youth talent named, what special natural talent can have?” 呵呵,这少年似乎天赋不错?”严城主眸子微眯,身为元丹境的他也是看出了一丝门道,随后瞅向旁边的张天龙,笑道,“却不知这位少年天才叫什么名字,可有什么特殊天赋?” This is my Core Palace Xiao Yun Junior Brother Xiao, is Acquired flawless Flame Martial Spirit.” Zhang Tianlong said that has any special natural talent I not to know as for him, perhaps his background by far is not the surface looks like that simple.” “这是我核心殿萧云萧师弟,为后天无暇火炎武魂。”张天龙说道,“至于他有什么特殊天赋我也是不知道,或许他的底蕴远远不是表面看起来那么简单吧。” Zhang Tianlong naturally knows what Yan Chengzhu is curious is anything. 张天龙自然知道严成主好奇的是什么。 Why his also curious Xiao Yun can frighten these True Yuan Realm Monster Beast similarly. 他同样也好奇萧云为何能震慑住那些真元境妖兽 However, these personal secrets, he also knows that does not feel better to ask, therefore also merely curious that's all. 不过,这些私人的秘密,他也知道不好过问,所以也仅仅只是好奇罢了。 In the battlefield, this moment Xiao Yun palm turns, that Token rays of light twinkle has absorbed two information, increased two ten points points. 在战场中,此刻萧云手掌一翻,那腰牌光芒闪烁又吸收了两道信息,增加了二十积分点。 This Token is very mysterious, is the thing of Heavenly Yuan Sect careful refinement, so long as stimulates to movement Token when that Monster Beast dying, the strength that contains Formation that to induce by was cut to kill Monster Beast that has to these, thus accumulates the corresponding score. 腰牌很神奇,是天元宗精心炼制之物,只要在那妖兽气绝时催动腰牌,凭借里面所蕴含的阵法就可以感应到那些被斩杀的妖兽拥有的实力,从而积累相应的分数。 Senior Brother Xiao is really fierce.” Duan Ling'er has followed side Xiao Yun, therefore has not received the attack of that Black Clouds Nether Beast, she a moment ago also quite clear that receiving in eye, but does not know how as before the latter frightens that Monster Beast. 萧师兄真厉害。”段灵儿一直跟随在萧云身边,所以并没有受到那黑云冥兽的袭击,她刚才也颇为清晰的将那一幕给收入了眼中,只是依旧不知道后者是如何震慑住那妖兽的。 Everybody, do not treat it lightly carefully.” After gathering points, Xiao Yun is serious, takes a look to several companions, said that later I will create the opportunity to frighten these Monster Beast, so long as you will coordinate me extinguishing to kill can.” “大家小心点,千万别掉以轻心。”在收取了积分后,萧云一脸严肃,瞅向身边的几位同伴,说道,“待会我会创造机会震慑住那些妖兽,你们只要配合我将之灭杀便可。” Remember, must strike to be killed violently, that Black Clouds Nether Beast weakest place is the throat, you want take action Xuan Weapon also to be able fully it piercing, so long as coordinates, we must be possible to obtain enough points, when the time comes you can also make the good progress.” “记住,一定要一击毙命,那黑云冥兽最薄弱的地方是咽喉,你们只要全力出手玄兵也可以将之洞穿,只要配合好,我们必可获得足够的积分,到时候你们也能取得不错的成绩。” Reason that Xiao Yun will choose to cope with this Black Clouds Nether Beast is because they defend badly, how many efforts so long as will coordinate not to make well, after all his Soul Power formidable will be hard to resist including True Yuan middle-stage Peak powerhouse, let alone initial-stage Monster Beast? 萧云之所以会选择对付这黑云冥兽便是因为它们防御较差,只要配合得好并不会花多少气力,毕竟他的灵魂力之强大可是连真元中期巅峰强者都难以抵挡,何况初期妖兽了? Our all hear of Senior Brother Xiao.” Side, Wang Lei and a Zhou Ping also face with deep veneration, the earnest nod said. “我们一切听萧师兄的。”旁边,王磊周平也一脸肃然,认真的点头道。 Ling'er, you have Wind Spirit Physique, the speed is extremely fast, you are responsible for plundering in side, to guarantee their two people security.” Xiao Yun takes a look to nearby Duan Ling'er said that cuts Monster Beast that kills, we grade points together, this is handle Magic Item, so long as you pour into True Yuan workable then.” 灵儿,你拥有风灵体,速度极快,你负责在旁边掠阵,以确保他们两人的安全。”萧云瞅向旁边的段灵儿道,“斩杀的妖兽,我们一起评分积分,这是一柄法器,你只要注入真元便可使用。” Said before Xiao Yun body, light twinkle, appears vortex, magic spear is appears is spatial. 说完萧云身前光影闪烁,浮现出一个气旋,一杆法枪便是出现在空。 His palm strokes, this magic spear then flutters to Duan Ling'er. 他手掌一拂,这法枪便飘向段灵儿 Xiao Yun when the speech released Soul Power, the formidable oppression made some Monster Beast not dare to approach. 在说话时萧云释放出了灵魂力,强大的压迫使得一些妖兽根本不敢接近。 Is magic spear.” Duan Ling'er received magic spear, in the beautiful pupil reveals a happy expression, lends the aura that from that spear|gun's body absolutely is not ordinary Magic Item, least has also been the middle-level Magic Item degree, strength of the spear|gun pierced that Monster Beast sufficiently. “是一杆法枪。”段灵儿接过法枪,美眸中露出一丝喜色,从那枪身所散发出的气息来看绝对不是普通的法器,最少也达到了中级法器的程度,一枪之力足以洞穿那妖兽了。 This is Qiu Yuhao that magic spear, is Profound Yuan Spear, has achieved high-level. 这正是邱于浩那杆法枪,为玄元枪,已经达到了高级 Initially was Qiu Xuanrong bestows to cut especially to kill Xiao Yun, was actually seized by him. 当初是邱玄嵘特地赐下要斩杀萧云,却被他所夺。 This magic spear might is good, not suitable Xiao Yun also to be what a pity useless. 法枪威力不错,可惜不适合萧云也就没有用。 Nearby Zhou Ping as well as Wang Lei show the look that envies. 旁边的周平以及王磊都露出羡慕的神色。 This magic spear, although is good, actually does not gather with your Spirit Physique, wants to be called Magic Item of hand, only then emerges in this examination.” Xiao Yun said that Magic Item, only then appropriate physique can play the maximum might, otherwise all are also in vain however.” “这法枪虽然不错,却与你们灵体不合,想要得到称手的法器只有在此次考核中脱颖而出。”萧云说道,“法器只有合适的体质才能发挥出最大的威力,不然一切也是枉然。” If Xiao Yun coordinates handle low-level fire attribute battle halberd, shows that Heavenly Flame Five Styles might to compare that ordinary battle halberd to be strong absolutely. 若是萧云配合一柄低级火属性战戟,施展出那天炎五式的威力绝对比那普通的战戟强。 Because only then attribute same Magic Item as well as martial arts can play all its might. 因为只有属性相同法器以及武学才能尽数将其威力发挥出来。 Otherwise, can play that Magic Item 1/10 might is very good. 反之,能发挥那法器1的威力就已经很不错了。 During the people nodded also understand the truth. 众人点了点头也明白当中的道理。 Starts to begin.” After arranges all, Xiao Yun then pupil light concentrates, the line of sight locked in the front. “开始动手。”在将一切安排好后,萧云便眸光一凝,视线锁定在了前方。 There has several Black Clouds Nether Beast to be ready to make trouble, three had raided a moment ago, but was frightened by Xiao Yun formidable Soul Power, did not dare the near, is only the Monster Beast bloodthirsty, in the situation of especially in having the companion being killed violently that killing intent is stronger. 那里有着几头黑云冥兽蠢蠢欲动,刚才已经有三头袭来了,可是被萧云强大的灵魂力所震慑,一直不敢近前,只是妖兽嗜血,特别是在有同伴毙命的情况下那杀意更强。 Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, takes back the Soul Power oppression, immediately several Black Clouds Nether Beast crazy general twinkles. 萧云眸光一凝,将灵魂力压迫收回,当即就有几头黑云冥兽疯狂一般闪烁而来。 These Black Clouds Nether Beast whole bodies wound around by the dark clouds, the body is almost soars the flight, the speed is quick, a twinkle bullied side Xiao Yun several people, the great claw tearing fog, claw glow of black light twinkle was similar to thunder in fog plunders together generally. 这些黑云冥兽全身被黑云缭绕,身子几乎是腾空飞行,速度很快,一个闪烁就欺到了萧云几人身边,巨爪撕裂云雾,一道乌光闪烁的爪芒如同云雾中的雷霆一般掠出。 Shakes the soul! 震魂! Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the Soul Power release, the formidable fluctuation tilts, immediately four dark clouds famous beasts lost the intelligence, fell into the short delay, Zhou Ping as well as Wang Lei eye one bright, immediately revealed the respective ice blade edge, ices on the blade edge Yuan Qi to sweep across, shakes these dark clouds, then rays of light dodges takes the throat of that Monster Beast. 萧云眸光一凝,将灵魂力释放而出,强大的波动倾覆而下,立即有四头黑云名兽失去了神智,陷入了短暂的呆滞中,周平以及王磊眼睛一亮,马上亮出各自的冰刃,冰刃上元气席卷,将那些黑云震荡开来,然后光芒一闪直取那妖兽的咽喉。 whoosh whoosh! 刷刷! Xiao Yun is also take action, kills two Monster Beast continually. 萧云也是出手,连杀两头妖兽 Duan Ling'er plunders in side, frequently is paying attention to these Black Clouds Nether Beast sounds, so as to avoid the companion was raided. 段灵儿则是在旁边掠阵,时刻关注着那些黑云冥兽的动静,免得同伴被袭。 One time goes well, in how many person of hearts one happy, continued to go forward, kills to that Black Clouds Nether Beast group, Xiao Yun and the others were almost irresistible, making Black Mountains County True Yuan Realm cultivator look is stunned, when these did Black Clouds Nether Beast become such well copes? 一次得手,几人心中一喜,继续前进,杀向了那黑云冥兽群中,萧云等人几乎势不可挡,让得黑山郡真元境修者看得是错愕不已,什么时候这些黑云冥兽变得这么好对付了? Later, the people have cut 12 Black Clouds Nether Beast, Duan Ling'er as well as Zhou Ping Wang Lei result in two ten points respectively. 不大一会,众人就斩了12头黑云冥兽,段灵儿以及周平王磊各得二十积分 Xiao Yun had six ten points points. 萧云则是有了六十积分点。 Also has Innate perfection boundary Monster Beast often to raid in side, but cuts to kill a points point every time one. 在旁边还有先天圆满境妖兽不时袭来,不过每斩杀一头积分点只有一。 Has Xiao Yun and the others joined Black Clouds Nether Beast this war circle Black Mountains County cultivator also to obtain panting for breath the opportunity that. 有着萧云等人的加入黑云冥兽这个战圈的黑山郡修者也都得到了喘息的机会。 People gradually can cope with Black Clouds Nether Beast by the strength of two people. 渐渐的众人可以以两人之力对付一头黑云冥兽了。 Roar! 吼! Unexpectedly, stepped into the True Yuan late-stage dark clouds to break through the Black Mountains County cultivator group deeply, killed to Xiao Yun. 蓦地,一头踏入了真元后期的黑云冥突破黑山郡修者群,杀向了萧云 Very obviously, joining of Xiao Yun made this Monster Beast feel the crisis, has to take action write off this heresy. 很显然,萧云的加入让这头妖兽感到了危机,不得不出手将这异端抹杀。 „It is not good.” Black Mountains County cultivator calls out in alarm, wants to intercept, was that Black Clouds Nether Beast speed was too quick, at all was not the ordinary person can overtake, sees only dark clouds to sweep across to come, to cover Xiao Yun and the others. “不好。”黑山郡修者惊呼,想要去截杀,可是那黑云冥兽的速度实在太快了,根本不是一般的人可以追得上,只见得一片黑云席卷而来,笼罩了萧云等人。 Awful.” Sees this, cultivator that on that high stage observes is the eyelid jumps, did not shout darkly well, that has stepped into late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast, can it be that can these True Yuan initial-stage juniors resist? Thinks of here, their hearts tightened, is Xiao Yun worried. “糟糕。”见此,那高台上观战的修者都是眼皮一跳,暗叫不好,那可是踏入了后期黑云冥兽,岂是这几个真元初期的小辈能抵挡?想到这里,他们心都绷紧了起来,为萧云捏了一把汗。 Such talent, if cherished hatred in this is a pity.” Some people heave a deep sigh. “这样的天才要是饮恨在此就可惜了。”有人摇头叹息。 Hehe, this Xiao Yun, if cherishes hatred, in this batch of disciple can also struggle to get down with my Chen Feng on nobody high.” In not far away Chen Feng heart secretly rejoices, even if Xiao Yun is fierce, how could also under to withdraw in True Yuan late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast? 呵呵,这萧云要是饮恨,这批弟子中也就没有人可以和我陈锋一争高下了。”不远处的陈锋心中暗喜,就算萧云再厉害,又岂能在真元后期黑云冥兽手下脱身? This is Xiao Yun also silly, dry provokes that Black Clouds Nether Beast?” “这萧云也是傻,干么去招惹那黑云冥兽?” Yes!” Other disciple are also a face ridicule, how, if will cope with these Black Netherworld Tiger to have the disaster?” “是啊!”另外一些弟子也是一脸讥笑,“若是对付这些黑冥幽虎岂会有着祸事?” Although in this battlefield has True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast, may by Black Mountains County elder diverting. 这战场中虽有真元后期妖兽,可都被黑山郡长者给牵制了。 Although several True Yuan late-stage Black Clouds Nether Beast was also diverted, but these Monster Beast are almost considered as on can soar like clouds, is very difficult to surround, unavoidably will have the issue to appear, this has not come across such a crisis, expression that therefore the people reveal taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 虽然几头真元后期黑云冥兽也被牵制了,可这些妖兽几乎算得上可以腾飞如云,很难困住,难免会有问题出现,这不就遇到了这么一个危机,所以众人都露出一副幸灾乐祸的表情。 ( ( …… ……
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