EMS :: Volume #2

#184: Dark clouds deep beast

Chapter 184 Black Clouds Nether Beast 第184章黑云冥兽 The Duan Ling'er small hand suddenly felt that warming up, the whole body was seeming to be electric current passed over gently and swiftly, then the body trembles, the heart and liver in the violent beat, she has lifted the head, nape of the neck snow white, beautiful pupil clever, such as a curved autumn waters circulation is limpid. 段灵儿小手突然感到一丝温热,全身似有着一丝电流掠过,然后身子一颤,心肝都在猛烈的跳动,她抬起了头,脖颈雪白,美眸灵动,如一弯秋水流转清澈无比。 She closely stares at that to stare at the own youth, does not know the fear in heart to be why nothing left in this moment, the blood of within the body in boiling, has a heroic feelings to burst out probably, her white teeth tight pursing the lips lip, is staring at Xiao Yun, nodded, graciousness, I will not disappoint you.” In her heart, does not know that what to come courage pupil light became starts firm and resolute. 她紧紧的盯着那个正凝视着自己的少年,不知为何心中的恐惧在这一刻荡然无存,体内的血液好像在沸腾,有着一股豪情要迸发而出,她贝齿紧抿着嘴唇,盯着萧云,点了点头,“恩,我不会让你失望的。”在她心中,不知何来的一股勇气眸光变得开始坚毅了起来。 For this youth she must try hard, cannot make him worry that is a drag on his. 为了这个少年她也要努力,绝不能让他担忧,拖他的后腿。 In the city wall, the Duan Ling'er double pupil concentrates, then when looked into the distance to go toward the front, took a look to that crowd of savage Monster Beast did not have fear again, some were only fighting intent, that black hair Feiyang (flies upwards), was coordinating her wrap tight-fitting leather armor sturdy clothes against the wind, but actually has several points of valiant flavor. 城墙上,段灵儿双眸一凝,便是向着前方眺望而去,瞅向那群凶残的妖兽时再也没有了畏惧,有的只是一股战意,那青丝迎风飞扬,配合着她那套紧身的皮甲劲装,倒有着几分英姿飒爽的味道。 We also leave.” Saw Duan Ling'er not to fear intent again, the Xiao Yun pupil dew was gratified, in this type informed and experienced middle, so long as did not have to fear intent to display the own proper strength, so can save the life, otherwise your cultivation level in high, lived to fear intent satisfyingly, how the fraught with uncertainty can deal with that numerous crisis? “那我们也动身吧。”见段灵儿再也没有了惧意,萧云眸露欣慰,在这种历练当中,只要没有了惧意才能发挥出自己应有的实力,如此才可以保住性命,不然就算你修为在高,可心生惧意,畏首畏尾又如何能应付那重重危机了? Duan Ling'er nodded, immediately then floating falls toward the city outside along with Xiao Yun. 段灵儿点了点头,当即便是随着萧云向着城外飘然落下。 Nearby Zhou Ping, Wang Lei and the others also one after another floating fall. 旁边周平,王磊等人也陆续飘然落下。 The city wall be only seven zhang (3.33 m) high, leaps from this distance regarding these True Yuan Realm cultivator, does not have what to obstruct greatly. 城墙只有七丈高,对于这些真元境修者来说从这点距离跃下,并没有什么大碍。 Has been stepping into True Yuan Realm, stimulates to movement True Yuan fully, can definitely glide hundred meters. 在踏入了真元境,全力催动真元,完全可以滑翔百米。 Even if cultivator of True Yuan initial-stage boundary can also glide 60-70 meters not to gasp for breath. 就算是真元初期境的修者也可以滑翔六七十米而不喘气。 Especially this Duan Ling'er, her body has Wind Spirit Physique floating to fall from that city wall, is running free and good, has stroked on breeze simply, appears quite relaxed, this lithe personal appearance Xiao Yun is also grumbles was inferior that this is the Wind Spirit Physique superiority. 特别是这段灵儿,她身具风灵体从那城墙下飘然落下,顺风而行,简直就似一阵微风拂过,显得颇为轻松,这种轻盈的身形就连萧云也是自叹不如,这就是风灵体的优势。 Roar! 吼! The people fall, that maneating Monster Beast roaring sound then swings from the front biography, shakes the person eardrum to buzz. 众人才落下,那凶悍的妖兽咆哮声便是从前方传荡开来,震得人耳膜嗡嗡作响。 A bloody taste also fills the air, is flooding the four directions. 一股血腥之味也是随之弥漫开来,充斥着四方。 In this atmosphere, these fall gently thoughts that but below disciple one face with deep veneration, does not dare to have neglecting. 在这种气氛下,那些飘落而下的弟子都一脸肃然,不敢有着一丝怠慢的心思。 These Monster Beast are flagitious enough!” Zhou Ping is staring at the front, has licked the lip, he True Yuan initial-stage Peak, one of the strength lowest several people in this batch of disciple, except for Xiao Yun as well as Duan Ling'er, middle the most people have stepped into True Yuan middle-stage. “这些妖兽够凶残啊!”周平凝视着前方,不由舔了舔嘴唇,他才真元初期巅峰,是在这批弟子中实力最低的几个人之一,除了萧云以及段灵儿,当中多数人已经踏入了真元中期 Even that Chen Feng has stepped into middle-stage big accomplishment. 甚至那陈锋已经踏入了中期大成 Therefore in this strength low Zhou Ping heart has several partial pressures unavoidably. 所以这实力低的周平心中难免有着几分压力。 Xiao Yun many excessively worry, his Soul Power glance has not gone actually, had the general understanding to this crowd of Monster Beast. 萧云对此却并没有过多的担忧,他灵魂力扫视而去,对这群妖兽也有了大概的了解。 In the front, has the Monster Beast about thousand heads, steps into True Yuan Realm has 107 heads, middle 58 heads of True Yuan initial-stage, 37 heads of True Yuan middle-stage, as well as 12 True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast, as for remaining is Innate Realm Monster Beast. 在前方,有着妖兽近千头,踏入真元境的有107头,当中真元初期的58头,真元中期的37头,以及12头真元后期妖兽,至于剩下的则是先天境妖兽 In this time battlefield has about thousand Black Mountains County Iron Guard and these Monster Beast wars. 此时的战场中有近千名黑山郡铁卫正在与那些妖兽大战。 200 bow crossbow bodyguards are responsible for the long-distance assistance, as well as several hundred Iron Guard kill these Innate Realm Monster Beast in Sifangwei. 有200弓弩卫士负责远程协助,以及数百铁卫在四方围杀那些先天境妖兽 Is carrying on the bloody battle is a number of True Yuan Realm cultivator. 正在在进行血战的则是一批真元境修者 This batch of cultivator also about hundred, but is actually not able to get the winning side. 这批修者也有近百,可是却根本无法占据上风。 Because Monster Beast is maneating, especially that Black Clouds Nether Beast, its taking the form of cheetah, the whole body black fog winds around, as if there is fog to cover, its speed is extremely fast, is good at sneak attacking, is very difficult to strike to kill, often at crucial moments will give some True Yuan Realm cultivator to strike fatally. 因为妖兽凶悍,特别是那黑云冥兽,它形似猎豹,全身黑雾缭绕,似乎有着云雾笼罩,它速度极快,擅长偷袭,很难击杀,往往会在关键时刻给予一些真元境修者致命一击。 Named Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator Monster Beast is also quite fierce. 还有一种名为黑冥血睛鳄妖兽也是颇为凶猛。 This monster alligator defense is greatly strengthened, general Xuan Weapon is unable to create the injury to it, that low-level Magic Item is unable cutting to kill at one fell swoop, only then achieved low-level middle-grade even is low-level high-grade Magic Item can cut to kill True Yuan initial-stage Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator. 这种妖鳄防御极强,一般的玄兵根本无法对它造成伤势,就连那低级法器无法一举将之斩杀,只有达到了低级中品甚至是低级上品法器才可以斩杀一头真元初期黑冥血睛鳄 Remaining one are the monster tigers, fierce incomparable, the double pupil is scarlet, on that skin is glittering the black trace, sends out one to absorb the aura fluctuation of person, this is Black Netherworld Tiger, is Black Clouds Mountain Range unique, the aura of that tiger mark sending out may the charming heart and soul. 剩下的一种则是妖虎,也都凶猛无比,双眸猩红,那皮肤上闪烁着黑色的纹路,散发出一股摄人的气息波动,这是黑冥幽虎,为黑云山脉特有,那虎纹散发的气息可迷人心魄。 Generally speaking this stretch of battlefield is primarily these three Monster Beast. 总的来说这片战场以这三种妖兽为主。 Heavenly Yuan Sect the batch of disciple, fall after City next take action has not been observing this batch of Monster Beast strength anxiously. 天元宗的这批弟子,落在城池下后并没有急着出手都在观察着这批妖兽的实力。 This Black Clouds Nether Beast motion moves fast, is extremely dangerous, that Black Nether Blood Eyes Alligator defense is too strong, is very difficult to cut to kill, that Black Netherworld Tiger copes actually fortunately, so long as protects several by True Yuan, did not inhale the air/Qi of that nether world to meet the enemy safely.” Several disciple, the consideration, has chosen slightly the object of hunting and killing, after turns hesitates, with nearby several people looks at each other to enter the battlefield. “这黑云冥兽行动飘忽,太过危险,那黑冥血睛鳄防御太强,很难斩杀,倒是那黑冥幽虎还好对付,只要以真元护住几身,不吸入那幽冥之气就可以安然应敌了。”几位弟子,略微思量,就选择了猎杀的对象,在一翻沉吟后,与旁边几人相视一眼就杀入了战场。 Senior Brother Xiao, which Monster Beast do we cope with?” Duan Ling'er asked that she just like was plans and Xiao Yun fights side-by-side together. 萧师兄,我们去对付哪些妖兽?”段灵儿问道,她俨然是打算与萧云一起并肩作战。 Zhou Ping and Wang Lei also follow side Xiao Yun. 周平王磊也跟在萧云身边。 Copes with Black Clouds Nether Beast.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates saying that this Black Clouds Nether Beast, although the personal appearance is extremely quick, is the striking power is weak, Ling'er can definitely avoid their attacks by your personal appearance, as for your two, if believes really my Xiao Yun, then follows in me about, acts according to circumstances.” “去对付黑云冥兽。”萧云眸光一凝道,“这黑云冥兽虽然身形极快,可是攻击力不够强,灵儿以你的身形完全可以避开它们的攻击,至于你们两位,若真相信我萧云的话,便跟随在我左右,见机行事。” Also has several points of favorable impression regarding this Wang Lei and Zhou Ping Xiao Yun, at least when initially Duan Ling'er was bullied by Zheng Tianwei they had once stood, although does not have take action, actually was also good, after all at that time that Liu Zhong direct dingy walking! 对于这王磊周平萧云也是有着几分好感,至少当初段灵儿郑天伟欺负时他们曾经站了出来,虽然没有出手,却也算是不错了,毕竟当时那刘重可是直接灰溜溜的走了啊! Cannot achieve this to be very good as the person of too deep friendship. 作为并没有太深交情的人来说能做到这点已经很不错了。 We believe you.” Sees the Xiao Yun start to talk, Zhou Ping and Wang Lei looks at each other, nodded. “我们相信你。”见萧云开口,周平王磊相视一眼,都点了点头。 Since experiencing Xiao Yun has fought Zheng Tianwei, they to this with the own talent of a similar age have filled admiring. 自从见识了萧云大战郑天伟后,他们对这个与自己年纪相仿的天才已经充满了敬服。 Good, then our together take action.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, then has locked a front battlefield. “好,那么我们一起出手。”萧云眸光一凝,便是锁定了前方的一处战场。 The front has one team of archers and crossbowmen in long-distance to attack, sees Xiao Yun they to support resigns a road immediately. 前方有着一队弓弩手在远程攻击,见萧云他们来支援立即让出一条路。 Several breathed Xiao Yun to lead the people to enter one to fight the circle. 只是几个呼吸萧云就带着众人杀入了一处战圈。 Hehe, several little friends, many thanks support, you, and looks for an opportunity to meet take action in side, we resist these Black Clouds Nether Beast.” After Xiao Yun and the others arrived, Black Mountains County several elder break into a hearty laugh, to turn toward them to say hastily. 呵呵,几位小友,多谢支援,你们且在旁边寻机会出手,我们来抵挡这些黑云冥兽。”当萧云等人到来后,黑山郡的几位长者朗声一笑,连忙向着他们说道。 This Heavenly Yuan Sect came 18 disciple, what a pity other people extinguished kill Black Netherworld Tiger that these were easy to cope with, now Xiao Yun several people come this also to calculate that increased one point of strength, making this crowd of True Yuan Realm cultivator feel that happily the pressure relaxed was not quite small for a while. 这次天元宗来了18个弟子,可惜其他人都去灭杀那些容易对付的黑冥幽虎了,如今萧云几人来此也算增加了一分力量,让得这群真元境修者感到颇为高兴一时压力轻松了不小。 Does not need.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, has not paid attention to these Black Mountains County people instead is one step takes to step into the front, is having several True Yuan Realm Black Clouds Nether Beast to change into there the fog to throw together to this, sees his initiative take action, elder of that start to talk is startled slightly. “不必了。”萧云眸光一凝,并没有理会那些黑山郡的人反而是一步迈出踏入了前方,在那里正有着几头真元境黑云冥兽化为一道云雾向此扑来,见得他主动出手,那名开口的长者微微一怔。 Zhou Ping and Wang Lei are follow closely to go. 周平王磊则是紧随而去。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun, Duan Ling'er, Wang Lei, Zhou Ping four person within the body True Yuan revolve a formidable imposing manner to burst out immediately. 萧云,段灵儿,王磊,周平四个人体内真元运转一股强大的气势顿时迸发而出。 Meanwhile, these people have put forth the respective pointed weapons, is Xuan Weapon. 与此同时,这几人都使出了各自的兵刃,都是玄兵 In these Human Race does not have powerhouse in Heavenly Yuan Sect, therefore has not obtained Magic Item that the clansman grants, only then seizes this examination opportunity, if points enough might obtain Magic Item to grant, this time obtains the request that Magic Item grants unable to be too high. 这些人族中并没有强者天元宗,所以没有得到族人赏赐的法器,只有抓住这次考核的机会,若是积分足够将有可能获得法器赏赐,此次获得法器赏赐的要求不会太高。 Because is first examination, must to these disciple opportunities, if has missed this opportunity, next time will want to exchange Magic Item by points is very difficult. 因为是第一次考核,必须给这些弟子一个机会,若是错过了这次机会,下次想要以积分兑换法器就将很困难了。 Saw these four people to show the True Yuan Realm imposing manner, these black Cloud Beast roared, the whole body fog winds around, was similar to shadows, carried fog to raid, but had six to achieve True Yuan initial-stage Monster Beast to appear near Xiao Yun and the others suddenly. 见这四人展现出了真元境的气势,那些黑云兽怒吼一声,全身云雾缭绕,如同一个个黑影,携带着一片云雾袭来,只是眨眼间就有六头达到真元初期妖兽出现在了萧云等人附近。 Roar! 吼! This is superficial knowledge / fur swarthy giant beast, the elder fang sharp claws, the personal appearance such as the tiger leopard, grand powerful, was Black Clouds Nether Beast of head has achieved True Yuan initial-stage Peak, its body moved, bullied the Xiao Yun side, the sharp claws fiercely searched, did not have from that fog, took the Xiao Yun surface gate, that speed quick was dumbfounded simply stunning. 这是一头皮毛黝黑的巨兽,长者獠牙利爪,身形如虎豹,雄伟有力,为首的一头黑云冥兽已经达到了真元初期巅峰,它身子一动,就欺到了萧云的身边,利爪猛的一探,从那云雾中没出,直取萧云的面门,那速度之快简直是让人瞠目结舌。 Be careful.” Side that Black Mountains County several elder call out in alarm, reminded hastily. “小心。”旁边那黑山郡的几个长者惊呼,连忙提醒道。 Yeah.” Sees this, some people of brows tightly frowns, in the heart sighed, these youth were too crude, actually did not listen to the advice, they do not know that Black Clouds Nether Beast speed, a general idea will then lose the life, what a pity a True Yuan Realm youth talent.” “哎。”见此,有人眉头紧锁,心中叹息,“这些少年太鲁莽了,竟然不听劝告,他们不知道黑云冥兽的速度,一个大意便将丢了性命,可惜一个真元境的少年天才了。” Also is therefore, these talented people will propose that makes Xiao Yun and the others assist in side. 也是因此,这些人才会提议让萧云等人在旁边协助。 But has not thought that these people do not listen to the advice, entered the beast group directly. 可是没有想到这几人不听劝告,直接杀入了兽群。 Now they want to prevent to be also difficult. 现在他们就算想阻止也难了。 Saw that Monster Beast sharp claws stretch out, takes the Xiao Yun surface gate, followed closely Wang Lei and Zhou Ping that heart came tightened. 见到那妖兽利爪伸出,直取萧云的面门,身后紧随而来的王磊周平心都绷紧了起来。 Black Clouds Nether Beast speed really wonderful quick.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, feels to this Black Clouds Nether Beast speed slightly surprisedly, but his flustered, his mind has not moved, formidable Soul Power then becomes in Sea of Consciousness fills the air. 黑云冥兽的速度果然奇快。”萧云眸子微眯,对这黑云冥兽的速度也是感到微微惊讶,不过他并没有一丝慌张,他心神一动,一股强大的灵魂力便成识海内弥漫而出。 Soul Power condenses the line, turns toward the front to plunder directly. 灵魂力凝聚成线,直接向着前方掠去。 The soul attack, is the spiritual attack, is quicker than the material attack, that Soul Power releases, a formidable soul oppression has invaded that Black Clouds Nether Beast mind, making its mind tremble, the sharp claws that finds out also stagnated. 灵魂攻击,为精神攻击,远比物质攻击要快,那灵魂力才一释放出去,一股强大的灵魂压迫就侵入了那黑云冥兽的脑海,使得它心神一颤,那探出的利爪也停滞了下来。 Kills!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, in the hand reappeared unexpectedly handle long sword, immediately turns toward that Black Clouds Nether Beast heart arteries to puncture. “杀!”萧云眸光一凝,手中蓦地浮现了一柄长剑,当即就向着那头黑云冥兽心脉刺去。 puff! 噗! sword light flashes, together the monster blood immediately is the splash, that Black Clouds Nether Beast immediately is dying, because mind was frightened by Soul Power, has not sobered, causing the pitiful yell sound not to send out, the black fog in that body dissipates slowly. 剑光闪烁,一道妖血当即便是飞溅而出,那头黑云冥兽当即便是气绝,因为心神灵魂力所震慑,还没有清醒过来,导致惨叫声都未曾发出,那身躯中的黑色云雾缓缓消散。 fresh blood? Did the boy die?” Behind that Black Mountains County person pupil light slightly are startled in Xiao Yun, in the heart has emitted such a thought that almost nobody thinks Xiao Yun can avoid Black Clouds Nether Beast that wonderful quick incomparably strikes, is only afterward that Black Clouds Nether Beast landing sound, makes the people be startled. 鲜血?那小子死了吗?”在萧云身后那黑山郡的人一个个眸光略怔,心中冒出了这么一个念头,几乎没有人认为萧云可以避开黑云冥兽奇快无比的一击,只是随后那黑云冥兽的落地声,却让得众人一怔。 Thump! 咚! The ground has a bang, Black Clouds Nether Beast that huge body fierce crash, but under shook to shiver the earth. 地面发出一声巨响,黑云冥兽那庞大的身躯猛的坠落而下将大地都震得颤抖了起来。 Was Black Clouds Nether Beast dies?” “是黑云冥兽死了?” How is this possible?” After hearing this bang, these talented people recover. “这怎么可能?”在听到这声巨响后,那些人才回过神来。 Must know that cultivator die drops down will not have this bang. 要知道,一个修者殒落倒下可不会发出这种巨响。 Suddenly Black Mountains County these cultivator feel the surprise, pupil light paid attention eye that strange youth. 一时间黑山郡的那些修者都感到诧异不已,眸光不由多留意了眼那个陌生的少年。 How the people as if want to take a look at this youth shortly to cut to kill Black Clouds Nether Beast. 众人似乎想看看这个少年到底是如何在顷刻间斩杀一头黑云冥兽的。 ( ( …… ……
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