EMS :: Volume #2

#183: Montenegro county

Chapter 183 Black Mountains County 第183章黑山郡 This time duty is divided into two groups, Zheng Tianwei their batch of disciple will go to Monster Beast many County City to drive to kill Monster Beast. 这次的任务分为两组,郑天伟他们那批弟子将前往一个妖兽较多的郡城驱杀妖兽 Xiao Yun their this batch of disciple goes to named Black Mountains County County City. 萧云他们这批弟子则是前往一个名为黑山郡郡城 After drives Monster Beast kills, this batch of disciple must go to Black Clouds Mountain Range to exterminate Monster Beast, nearby peace by insurance. 在将妖兽驱杀后,这批弟子还得前往黑云山脉剿灭妖兽,以保附近的安宁。 In the middle of this jade slip has the Black Clouds Mountain Range detail, you understand.” Afterward the Old Cheng palm strokes to see only brilliance to glitter, a stream of light then under disciple toward that stage shoots, the people palm one instead respectively receives jade slip. “这玉简当中有着黑云山脉的详细资料,你们了解一下。”随后程老手掌一拂只见得光华闪烁,一道道流光便是向着那台下的弟子射去,众人手掌一反各自接下一个玉简 In Xiao Yun received jade slip to sink mind is has the detailed material to emerge the mind. 萧云接过玉简心神沉入里面便是有着详细的资料涌入了脑海。 Nearby Duan Ling'er and the others also sink to jade slip to go through these materials mind. 旁边的段灵儿等人也将心神沉入玉简内查阅那些资料。 Matter is not suitable late, old man then leads you to go to Huaiyun Kingdom.” Old Cheng took a look around Zhang Tianlong, at once points at Xiao Yun that batch of disciple saying that Heavenly Dragon, you are then responsible for bringing this batch of disciple to go, all press the beforehand examination conduct.” “事不宜迟,老夫便带你们前往淮云国。”程老瞅了一眼旁边的张天龙,旋即指着萧云那批弟子说道,“天龙,你便负责带这批弟子去,一切皆按以前的考核行事。” Yes.” Zhang Tianlong nods, afterward said with a smile, Junior Brother then started along with me.” “是。”张天龙点头,随后笑道,“诸位师弟便随我启程吧。” Then, his palm moved, presented handle magic sword, the sword length two zhang (3.33 m), the width three chi (0.33 m), carried several people sufficiently. 说完,他手掌一动,出现了一柄法剑,剑长两丈,宽三尺,足以携带十几人了。 Xiao Yun and the others the personal appearance plunder, then has leapt forward on that long sword. 萧云等人身形一掠,便跃入了那长剑上。 18 new disciple arrange in turn in Zhang Tianlong behind. 18个新弟子依次排列在张天龙身后。 Another 65 people stimulated to movement Magic Item to pick up by that Old Cheng, float in empty/sky. 另外65人则是被那程老催动出一件法器托起,悬浮于空。 „.” Along with issuing an order, the Old Cheng personal appearance moves, carries that batch of disciple is being soaring goes. “出发。”随着一声令下,程老身形一动,载着那批弟子便是腾飞而去。 Zhang Tianlong follows. 张天龙紧随其后。 When magic sword carries the people to pass through fog, when passed by other peaks, Xiao Yun pupil light moves discovered impressively some people escape to this. 法剑载着众人穿过云雾,路过其它峰时,萧云眸光一动赫然发现有人向此遁来。 Hehe, this Sect unifies the duty, various peak basic disciple carry on corresponding examination newly.” Resembles to know doubts in Xiao Yun heart, Zhang Tianlong smiles embarrasedly, answered, „, was not only Core Palace disciple, other disciple also same in the middle of according to rewarded through the disciple receive performance of duty, especially just basic disciple, this obtains the optimal path of granting.” 呵呵,这次宗门是统一任务,各峰新入门的弟子都进行相应的考核。”似知道萧云心中的疑惑,张天龙讪讪一笑,解释道,“不仅是核心殿弟子,其它的弟子也一样是通过弟子接收任务在以当中的表现来进行奖励,特别是刚入门的弟子,这是得到赏赐的最佳途径。” Therefore this duty examination is quite important.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. “所以这次任务考核颇为重要。”张天龙笑道。 Under Xiao Yun nodded, considers, if who surfaces after this duty examination Magic Item has granted has the huge superiority in various examination, has been surmounted others' resources, then, can that growth can it be that average person compare? 萧云点了点头,试想下,若是谁在此次任务考核中脱颖而出得到了法器赏赐以后在各种考核中都将有着巨大的优势,得到超越别人的资源,如此一来,那成长速度岂是一般人可比? Suddenly, Zhang Tianlong and the others arrived at the Heavenly Yuan Sect entrance edge. 眨眼间,张天龙等人就来到了天元宗的山门边缘。 At this time Old Cheng stopped, was turning toward a patrolling Chief mountain to register the population, wait / etc.. 这时程老停了下来,正向着一个巡山队长登记人数,等等。 After determining the population had been allowed to pass. 在确定了人数后才被放行。 restriction opens, Old Cheng and Zhang Tianlong brought two teams of disciple to escape separately Heavenly Yuan Sect. 禁制开启,程老张天龙分别带着两队弟子遁出了天元宗 When this batch of disciple depart, disciple of various peaks in Heavenly Yuan Sect one after another was also led to exit by some Manager. 而在这批弟子离去的时候,在天元宗内各峰的弟子也陆续被一些管事带领出去。 Zhang Tianlong treadons long sword, carries this batch of disciple then to turn toward the front to run away. 张天龙脚踏长剑,载着这批弟子便向着前方遁去。 long sword from out of the blue, escaped suddenly ten li (0.5km). 长剑破空,眨眼间就遁出了十里。 Senior Brother Zhang, when can we arrive at that Black Mountains County?” disciple asked. 张师兄,我们什么时候可以到达那黑山郡?”一个弟子问道。 I stimulate to movement magic sword fully, probably two days two nights can arrive.” Zhang Tianlong said that will then start to cope with Monster Beast to there you, every time cuts to kill Monster Beast to obtain the corresponding points point, therefore when the time comes that must try hard.” “我全力催动法剑,大概两天两夜就可以到达。”张天龙说道,“到了那里你们便将开始对付妖兽,每斩杀一头妖兽都会得到相应积分点,所以到时候那么可得努力了。” Naturally, if met formidable Monster Beast reluctantly, because this was the life and death is informed and experienced, I will only watch in the distant place, will not meddle, if some people have encountered the life and death danger, can pour into own Token with Magic Seal that having to pray for rescue, I then can induce, so long as in the thousand li(500 km), as soon as possible will hurry, but this also means that you will lose continue the qualifications of examination.” When Zhang Tianlong speech, both hands guided, to teach the people to pinch Magic Seal. “当然,若是遇到了强大的妖兽也不要勉强,因为这是生死历练,我只会在远处观看,不会插手,若是有人遇到了生死危险,可以用结下求救的法印注入自己腰牌当中,我便能感应到,只要在千里之内,都将尽快赶去,不过这也就意味着你们将失去继续考核的资格。”张天龙说话时,双手引导,教众人掐了一个法印 disciple takes down that Magic Seal immediately, starts to condense. 身后的弟子立即将那法印记下,也开始凝聚。 „Did everybody remember?” Afterward, Zhang Tianlong takes a look to the people asks. “大家都记住了吗?”随后,张天龙瞅向众人问道。 Remembered.” Flying sword Xiao Yun and the others on nod in abundance. “记住了。”飞剑上的萧云等人纷纷点头。 Xiao Yun also studied that appearance to pinch Magic Seal, very easy on to learn/to master. 萧云也学着那模样掐了一个法印,很容易就学会了。 However he to has not cared, has no need to call for help to Zhang Tianlong by his background. 不过对此他到并没有怎么在意,以他的底蕴还用不着向张天龙呼救。 After all this Zhang Tianlong was also only Yuan Core 2-layer initial-stage, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow can resist with all one's strength Yuan Core 2-layer Peak powerhouse! 毕竟这张天龙也只是元丹二重初期,吞天雀可是能力敌元丹二重巅峰强者了啊! However everything has beyond the row, is not in the way this Magic Seal to learn/to master. 不过凡事有列外,将这法印学会也不碍事。 Afterward the people are closed the eyes with rapt attention, silently wait to reach the destination. 随后众人便是闭目凝神,默默等候到达目的地。 Two days of time blinked on the past, treadonned on magic sword, took a broad view to look, has been able to see that the front has Ancient City to stand erect, in the Ancient City end was a dark great mountain, as well as that continuous mountain range, was looking at that piece of mountain range. 两天时间眨眼就过去,脚踏在法剑上,放眼望去,已经可以看到前方有着一座古城屹立,在古城的尽头是一座黑乎乎的巨山,以及那连绵不绝的山脉,望着那片山脉。 The people know, Black Mountains County to! 众人知道,黑山郡到了! At this moment disciple on magic sword hit the spirit to look into the distance to go toward the front by the light screen of that sword blade. 这一刻法剑上的弟子都打起了精神透过那剑身的光幕向着前方眺望而去。 Really has the Monster Beast attack.” “果然有妖兽来袭。” It seems like these Monster Beast strengths are very strong!” disciple pupil light on magic sword concentrates, saw impressively that Black Mountain and outside a city of County City occurring together is having one crowd of Monster Beast, at the same time, has cultivator to resist in city gate. “看来这些妖兽的实力很强啊!”法剑上的弟子眸光一凝,赫然看到了那黑山郡城交集的一处城外正有着一群妖兽袭来,与此同时,在城门口还有着修者在抵御。 These are native cultivator of Black Mountains County city, many all have True Yuan Realm cultivation level. 这些是黑山郡城的本土修者,多数皆有真元境修为 But kills endless Monster Beast facing that the people resists also to feel quite weak. 可是面对那杀之不尽的妖兽,众人抵御起来也是感到颇为无力。 At this moment is having several people to stand erect in the city wall, is watching the front war. 此刻在城墙上正有着几人屹立,在观看着前方的大战。 What stands in the middle is a personal appearance micro fat, the imposing manner uncommon middle-aged man, his pupil light is profound, might pierce void, rays of light that in that pupil glitters passes sends out one to absorb the fluctuation of person, this person Black Mountains County City Lord, Yan Wanshan. 站在中间的是一个身形微胖,气势不凡的中年男子,他眸光深邃,似可洞穿虚空,那眸子中闪烁出的光芒透发出一股摄人的波动,此人正是黑山郡城主,严万山 City Lord, this crowd of Black Clouds Nether Beast are threatening, compared with according to dealings, the only these manpower only feared that is very difficult to resist?” Side Yan Wanshan, wears the elder brow tight wrinkle of brocade robe, the double pupil looks out saying that the front face is worrying about. 城主,这群黑云冥兽来势汹汹,比以往还强,单凭这些人手只怕很难抵挡下来啊?”在严万山身边,一个身穿锦袍的长者眉头紧紧一皱,双眸遥望着前方一脸担忧的说道。 Also some elder in the city wall are also reveals the whole face to worry. 在城墙上还有一些长者也是露出满脸担忧。 Is my Black Mountains County soldier this often fights a bloody battle, tempering of experience blood, how otherwise to deal with that Black Clouds Mountain Range continuously Monster Beast?” The Yan Wanshan sound is low and deep, in the expression leads several points of cold severe, pupil light to sweep. Person all keeps silent. “身为我黑山郡的儿郎就该时常浴血奋战,经历血的磨砺,不然如何应付那黑云山脉源源不断妖兽?”严万山声音低沉,语气中带着几分冷厉,眸光扫过。身边的人皆是噤若寒蝉。 Nobody under the Yan Wanshan imposing manner dares to refute. 严万山的气势下无人敢反驳。 In these person of hearts hopes this City Lord Yan to be able personally take action, by this Yuan Core Realm cultivation level, so long as take action, swept away these Monster Beast sufficiently, but this City Lord did not begin, they do not dare to open the mouth rashly, after all they were also know that Black Clouds Mountain Range Monster Beast was not good to extinguish kills, even if City Lord can protect and sustain the people for a while, could not protect first. 只是这些人心中还是希望这严城主能亲自出手,凭借他这元丹境修为只要出手,足以横扫这些妖兽了,只是这城主不动手,他们也不敢贸然开口,毕竟他们也是知道黑云山脉妖兽也不是那么好灭杀的,就算城主能护持众人一时,也护不了一世。 The Black Mountains County person must also probably have the strength of certain manipulation to be good. 黑山郡的人必须也得有着一定的应付之力才行。 Therefore the actual combat whets is essential. 所以实战磨砺是必不可少的。 You do not need to be worried that Heavenly Yuan Sect will send for exterminating these Monster Beast not long, will penetrate when the time comes also Black Clouds Mountain Range, thinks that a process clean, this Black Clouds Mountain Range Monster Beast will also lose is not small, has not actually dared to invade one's territory as for Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast rashly.” Sees the people not to talk too much, Yan Wanshan gentle, is having the meaning of several points of comforting, said. “你们也不用担心,天元宗不用多久就将派人来剿灭这些妖兽,到时候还会深入黑云山脉,想必经过一番清洗,这黑云山脉妖兽也会损失不小,至于元丹境妖兽却还不敢贸然来犯。”见众人不在多言,严万山语气略显柔和,带着几分安抚的意思,说道。 „Will Heavenly Yuan Sect send for exterminating Monster Beast?” The people all are one happy, that was really good.” 天元宗将派人来剿灭妖兽?”众人皆是一喜,“那真是太好了。” So long as this time can exterminate group beast, making these Monster Beast Yuan Qi damage severely, they can also some relieved days. 只要此次能剿灭群兽,使得这些妖兽元气大伤,他们也可以过些安心日子了。 Does not need extremely to be worried as for Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast. 至于元丹境妖兽根本不用太过担心。 These Monster Beast spirit wisdom were very strong, comparable with humanity, certainly uncommonly rashly take action, otherwise stirred up Heavenly Yuan Sect powerhouse take action their hundred years to practice has also wasted, therefore attacked each city county generally was some Innate and True Yuan Realm Monster Beast. 这些妖兽灵智已经很强,堪比人类,绝不凡贸然出手,不然惹得天元宗强者出手它们的百年修行也就白费了,所以一般来袭击各个城郡的都是一些先天真元境妖兽 ! 咻! Also when the people spoke, the sound resounded together from out of the blue unexpectedly. 也就在众人说话时,一道破空声蓦地响起。 Was the Heavenly Yuan Sect fellow daoist comes.” Yan Wanshan goes following the prestige, distant saw escaping light is flying to this. “是天元宗的道友来了。”严万山循声望去,远远的就看到了一道遁光正向此飞来。 Hears this word, several elder of that city wall also narrowed the pupil to look out the distant place to be void. 听得此言,那城墙的几位长者也是不由眯起了眸子遥望着远处虚空。 Two breath, that escaping light then appeared sky over City, then turned toward this city wall to fall. 只是两个呼吸,那遁光便出现在了城池上空,然后向着这城墙落下。 A formidable aura fluctuation sweeps across to come, several cultivator facial skin in city wall move, body again and again retreat. 一股强大的气息波动席卷而来,城墙上的几位修者脸皮一动,身子连连后退 Under this fluctuation, they are almost hard to base. 在这种波动下,他们几乎难以立足。 Shout! 呼! Zhang Tianlong leads the people to fall gently in place. 张天龙带着众人飘落在地。 This is Yuan Core Realm cultivator! So is unexpectedly young?” Sees is head several elder of Zhang Tianlong that Black Mountains County is one startled, in the heart shocks with emotion, this Heavenly Yuan Sect is uncommon, this City Lord Yan once was also Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple.” “这是元丹境修者!竟然如此年轻?”见得为首的张天龙黑山郡的几位长者都是一惊,心中感动震撼不已,“这天元宗就是不凡,这严城主曾经也是天元宗弟子。” Yan Wanshan has seen Envoy.” Yan Wanshan took a look at Zhang Tianlong, at once holds the fist in the other hand to say with a smile. 严万山见过使者。”严万山瞅了一眼张天龙,旋即抱拳笑道。 City Lord Yan does not need to be polite.” Zhang Tianlong beckoned with the hand, at once pupil light moves stares at that City outside tactical situation to ask, present situation how?” 严城主不必客气。”张天龙摆了摆手,旋即眸光一动盯着那城池外面的战况问道,“现在情况如何了?” This is Monster Beast of third batch of attacks, invades one's territory the quantity also to calculate each time tends to be stable, but the soldiers in Black Mountains County city could not insist now quickly.” Yan Wanshan said that front Monster Beast are many, not only has black Cloud Beast, other Monster Beast. “这已经是第三批进攻的妖兽了,每次来犯数量也算趋于稳定,不过如今黑山郡城内的儿郎已经快坚持不住了。”严万山说道,前方妖兽很多,不仅仅有黑云兽,还有其它妖兽 So just right, I brought a number of Junior Brother to come this informed and experienced, made them help to exterminate this batch of Monster Beast together.” Zhang Tianlong pupil light moves, takes a look to Xiao Yun and other humanity, Junior Brother, then looked your, your duties were not only to assist the Black Mountains County person exterminate this crowd of Monster Beast, most important can penetrate Black Clouds Mountain Range, as long as entered mountain range is initial-stage is qualified.” “如此正好,我带了一批师弟来此历练,就让他们帮忙一起剿灭这批妖兽吧。”张天龙眸光一动,瞅向萧云等人道,“诸位师弟,接下来便看你们的了,你们的任务不仅是协助黑山郡的人剿灭这群妖兽,最重要的能深入黑云山脉,但凡进入山脉者才算初步合格。” Yes!” The people said with one voice. “是!”众人齐声道。 These Monster Beast, fierce incomparable, your own must pay attention.” Zhang Tianlong simple reminder several. “这些妖兽,凶猛无比,你们自己可得注意。”张天龙简单的提醒几句。 Does not need to talk too much as for other, if what must urge, after such disciple, how can assume sole responsibility for an important task? 至于其它也不必多言,若是什么都要叮嘱,这样的弟子以后如何能独当一面了? We know.” In the city wall 18 disciple pupil light look into the distance, has several points to flow out fiery appears is ready to make trouble. “我们知道。”城墙上18名弟子眸光眺望远方,有着几分火热流出显得蠢蠢欲动。 Xiao Yun spreads Soul Power, had the general understanding to the front Monster Beast strength. 萧云灵魂力扩散开来,也对前方的妖兽实力有了大概的了解。 Front Monster Beast in groups, is the strength in Innate perfection as well as the True Yuan initial-stage boundary, True Yuan middle-stage, only then minority. 前方妖兽成群,可是实力多数在先天圆满以及真元初期境,真元中期只有少数。 As for late-stage that merely is several that's all. 至于后期那仅仅是十几头罢了。 Is having Black Mountains County cultivator to resist there with hardship. 在那里正有着黑山郡修者在苦苦抵挡。 Starts.” Zhang Tianlong pupil light concentrates, said. “开始吧。”张天龙眸光一凝,道。 Yes!” hear speech/words, the youth in city wall looks at each other, then floating falls toward under. “是!”闻言,城墙上的少年相视一眼,便是向着下方飘然落下。 Is looking at the beast group of that sufficiently about thousand number, Duan Ling'er appears has several points of is nervous, dull standing in same place, the body starts somewhat to tremble, wants to come is these Monster Beast fierce battle formations makes this girl feel fears. 望着那片足以近千之数的兽群,段灵儿的神情显得有几分紧张,呆呆的站立在原地,身子都开始有些发抖,想来是那些妖兽的凶猛阵势让这丫头感到了一丝惧怕。 Do not fear that all have me.” Xiao Yun sees the appearance that young girl body trembles, he has closely gripped latter's white hands, is staring at the opposite party, said that you must believe own, can injure you by your True Yuan initial-stage Peak cultivation level as well as Spirit Physique unusual Monster Beast.” “别怕,一切有我。”萧云见得身边那少女身子发抖的模样,他紧紧握住了后者的玉手,凝视着对方,道,“你要相信自己,凭借你真元初期巅峰修为以及灵体少有妖兽可以伤你。” ( ( …… ……
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