EMS :: Volume #2

#182: Duty

Chapter 182 duty 第182章任务 Young Master, you came out finally. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } sees Xiao Yun to close up, two maidservants welcomed immediately. 公子,您终于出来了。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读}”见得萧云闭关出来,两个侍女立即迎了上来。 two people named Xiao Hong, named Xiao Lian, the appearance is quite delicate prettily. 两人一个名为小红,一个名为小莲,模样都颇为清秀俏丽。 How long my this time has closed up?” Xiao Yun asked. “我这次闭关了多久?”萧云问道。 Returns to Young Master, your this time closes up altogether 14 days.” Xiao Hong winks the pupil saying that in the heart has been full of the respect to Xiao Yun. “回公子,您这次闭关一共14天。”小红眨动着眸子道,心中对萧云充满了敬意。 The talent that such goes all out she has not seen. 这么拼命的天才她还真没有见过。 Nearby Xiao Lian also has endless emotion. 旁边的小莲也是感慨不已。 This Young Master Xiao book has the Flawless Martial Spirit talent, but also so diligent practice, only feared, cannot think that into powerhouse is also difficult. 萧公子本就是拥有无暇武魂的天才,还如此勤奋修炼,只怕以后想不成为强者也难。 Passed for 14 days?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, muttered, time obtained really quickly.” “过了14天吗?”萧云眸子微眯,喃喃道,“时间过得到真快。” Now he arrived at Heavenly Yuan Sect already nearly 50 days. 如今算起来他来到天元宗已经快50天了。 Young Master, can you probably eat?” Xiao Lian asked. 公子,你可要吃的?”小莲问道。 Wants, you go to prepare well.” Xiao Yun said that now also this well relaxes. “要,你们去好好准备一下。”萧云说道,如今也该好好放松一下了。 practice is not only diligent, is good to alternate work with rest is. 修炼不仅要勤奋,也好劳逸结合才是。 Only then alternates tension with relaxation to maintain the best condition. 只有一张一弛才能保持最好的状态。 Heard Xiao Yun instruction two people to prepare immediately. 听到萧云的吩咐两人立即就去准备了。 These two maidservants are also quite obedient, work are very careful, two people also often makes eyes at to Xiao Yun, what a pity does not have what effect, this time Xiao Yun wholeheartedly is thinking promotes the own strength to be good in Rising Stars Peak the batch of new disciple emerges. 这两个侍女也颇为听话,做事很细心,两人还不时对萧云暗送秋波,可惜却并没有什么效果,此时的萧云一心想着提升自己的实力好在新秀峰的这批新弟子中脱颖而出。 Only then he can obtain more resources like this. 只有这样他才能获得更多的资源。 In order to go to Heavenly Capital Domain, many he can also eat painstakingly, the arid life can also endure. 为了前往天都域,再多的苦他也能吃,再枯燥的生活也能忍。 In order to find his father and mother's whereabouts, in order to such as in front of nine fairy common young girls proves own in that. 为了找到他父亲、母亲的下落,为了能在那如九仙子一般的少女面前证明自己 All these are worth! 这一切都值得! When the leisure relaxes Xiao Yun slightly has also directed this two people practice, has left behind many Medicine Pill. 在闲暇放松时萧云也略微指点了这两人修炼,留下了不少丹药 Meanwhile that Fire Yuan Finger Raging Flames Collapse and other martial arts his also practice perfection. 与此同时那火元指烈焰崩武学他也修炼圆满 In the Xiao Yun preparation continues to close up, a ding suddenly resounds. 就在萧云准备继续闭关时,一声钟声蓦然响起。 Ding?” Xiao Yun stares slightly, following the sound looks. “钟声?”萧云微微一愣,不由循声看去。 This is the ding of set.” Maidservant Xiao Hong, said. “这是集合的钟声。”那侍女小红,说道。 Set?” Xiao Yun is startled, for serveral days has been closing up regarding Sect these details he did not understand very much. “集合?”萧云一怔,这些天一直在闭关对于宗门的这些细节他并不是很了解。 Generally speaking when Core Palace small competition, or distributes the important missions will knock this assembly ding.” Xiao Hong answered. “一般来说在核心殿小比,或者派发重要任务时会敲这集会钟声。”小红解释道。 They must know Core Palace many minor matters as the Core Disciple maidservant. 作为核心弟子的侍女她们必须知道核心殿的许多小事。 small competition should when the time comes, now not think that must you distribute the duty to the princess.” That Xiao Lian beautiful eye blinks, supple sound track, „, because you just crossed the threshold, needs to receive the duty to exchange Magic Item, as well as high-level medicine ingredients or martial arts, think that this time is the collective duty, will obtain special giving favored treatment in the person who middle emerges, Young Master you may probably seize the opportunity.” 小比应该还不到时候,现在想必是要给公主你们派发任务。”那小莲美眸眨动,柔声道,“因为你们刚入门,需要接收任务去兑换法器,以及更高级药材武学,想必这次是集体任务,在当中脱颖而出的人将会得到特别的优待,公子你可要把握机会哦。” I went, you in this as one likes.” In Xiao Yun hear of back of the body one happy, is not scruple following the sound to plunder immediately. “那我去了,你们在这自便。”萧云听后心中一喜,也不迟疑当即就循声掠去。 At this time, these disciple in the middle of nearby courtyard one after another went out of the courtyard, goes toward Rising Stars Peak summit rushing. 此时,在附近的院子当中那些弟子都陆续走出了院子,向着新秀峰的山巅奔掠而去。 Senior Brother Xiao.” 萧师兄。” Senior Brother Xiao is good.” On arriving at summit, several youth walk, to Xiao Yun warm greeting. 萧师兄好。”在来到山巅上,几个少年走来,向萧云热情的打了声招呼。 This two people Wang Lei and Zhou Ping. 两人正是王磊周平 Other people saw that Xiao Yun also on own initiative greeted, because the insufficient warm feelings also respectively turn toward the front to walk. 还有其他人见到萧云也是主动打了招呼,只是因为不够热络也就各自向着前方走去。 Looks at the Senior Brother Xiao aura, as if has stepped into True Yuan initial-stage “看萧师兄的气息,似乎已经踏入了真元初期 Senior Brother Xiao.” After Xiao Yun and Wang Lei two people greeted, the clear delightful sound resounds in the ear together unexpectedly. 萧师兄。”在萧云王磊两人打了声招呼后,一道清脆悦耳的声音蓦地在耳边响起。 Actually sees one to wear the soft skin sturdy clothes young girl to step the lithe step to walk to this. 却见得一个身穿软皮劲装的少女迈动着轻盈的步伐向此走来。 This young girl impressively was Duan Ling'er. 这少女赫然就是段灵儿了。 Duan Ling'er age also less than 16, but the figure is slim, the build is symmetrical, although is also bringing shy, but that front also begins to take shape, had several points of flavor, in addition her long eyelash rises slightly, appears the spiritual energy is threatening , has turns beautifully. 段灵儿年纪还不到16,可身材修长,体型匀称,虽然还带着一丝青涩,可是那胸前也是初具规模,有了几分味道,加上她那长长的睫毛微微上扬,显得灵气逼人,也是别有一翻美丽。 Junior Sister Duan.” Xiao Yun shows a smiling face, has sized up this Duan Ling'er one, under this looks in the heart is also slightly surprised, this for half a month did not see this Duan Ling'er also to step into True Yuan initial-stage Peak unexpectedly, looked that fluctuation as if anytime might step into True Yuan middle-stage. 段师妹。”萧云脸露笑容,不由多打量了这段灵儿一眼,这一看之下心中也是微微惊讶,这才半个月不见这段灵儿竟然也踏入了真元初期巅峰,看那波动似乎随时都有可能踏入真元中期 However this cultivation level in this batch of Core Disciple is somewhat insufficient, after all her beginning is low. 不过这修为在这批核心弟子中还是有些不足,毕竟她的起点较低。 This Senior Brother Xiao imposing manner as if increases, but he also obviously in the True Yuan initial-stage Peak appearance?” Duan Ling'er could not bear size up turned Xiao Yun, she felt an immeasurably deep fluctuation from latter's body, but induced to go to the boundary and own of opposite party carefully is the same, this cannot help but made her feel curiously. “这萧师兄的气势似乎有所增加,可他也明明只是在真元初期巅峰的样子啊?”段灵儿也是忍不住打量了一翻萧云,从后者的身上她感觉到了一股深不可测的波动,可仔细感应而去对方的境界与自己一样,这不由得让她感到好奇了起来。 This Senior Brother Xiao strength cannot the common sense regard.” Finally she must give up, says with a smile, Senior Brother Xiao we walk together.” “这萧师兄的实力不可以常理看待。”最后她只得放弃,笑道,“萧师兄我们一起走吧。” Em.” Xiao Yun let go the palm, the nod smiles, whatever this young girl follows closely in the own side. “恩。”萧云摊了摊手掌,点头一笑,任由这少女紧随在自己的身边。 Looks at that Duan Ling'er to follow closely the Xiao Yun appearance, nearby Zhou Ping as well as some passing by disciple of envied. 望着那段灵儿紧随着萧云的模样,旁边的周平以及一些路过的弟子都羡慕不已。 But this Duan Ling'er in these 18 new disciple only female student! 段灵儿可是这18个新弟子中唯一的女生啊! Although they have the maidservant, is how could these people with this Duan Ling'er comparable with? 虽说他们都有侍女,可是那些人岂能与这段灵儿堪比 Makings, natural talent is not these people can have. 无论是气质,还是天赋都不是那些人所能拥有。 Naturally, these people are also know that Duan Ling'er why so, all were due to half a month ago event. 当然,这些人也是知道段灵儿为何会如此,一切都缘于半个月前的事件。 Dares to act facing Zheng Tianwei nobody, therefore people also only then slightly sigh, but the relative beautiful woman and future, they regard as important is the future, the people here are the talent, is not the stupid generation, naturally knows that had the strength to have all truth. 面对郑天伟没有人敢出面,所以众人也只有微微叹息,不过相对美人与前途而言,他们看重的更是前途,在这里的人都是天才,不是愚蠢之辈,自然知道有了实力才能拥有一切的道理。 Xiao Yun and Duan Ling'er and the others stand forth, quick arrived in a Rising Stars Peak school ground. 萧云段灵儿等人向前走去,很快就来到了新秀峰的一处校场中。 Some people have arranged neatly in the school ground, if carefully looks, that Zheng Tianwei impressively then in middle. 在校场中已经有人整齐的排列起来,若仔细看去,那郑天伟赫然便在当中。 Other people with he together basic another 60 new disciple. 其余的人则是与他一起入门的另外60名新弟子 These person of many have stepped into True Yuan middle-stage, even some people have also achieved True Yuan late-stage, the overall strength is not Xiao Yun their this batch of new disciple may compare by far, this is the disparity, fostered by sufficient resources, the short several months made these talents progress by leaps and bounds sufficiently. 这些人多数都已经踏入了真元中期,甚至还有人达到了真元后期,整体实力远远不是萧云他们这批新弟子可比,这就是差距,在足够的资源培养下,短短的几个月时间足以让那些天才突飞猛进了。 In the school ground front, has high stage, Zhang Tianlong as well as another elder stands above, is gazing at disciple in school ground silently, is looking at this batch of new disciple, in their pupils all has the rays of light twinkle that hopes, because this will be the Heavenly Yuan Sect future. 在校场前方,有着一处高台,张天龙以及另外一个长者站在上面,正默默的注视着校场中的弟子,望着这批新弟子,他们眸中皆有着期许的光芒闪烁,因为这是天元宗的未来。 Xiao Yun enters in the school ground to feel that gloomy pupil light fell on the body of own. 萧云才进入校场中就感觉到了一股阴森的眸光落在自己的身上。 Zheng Tianwei?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, shot a look at that Zheng Tianwei lightly, at once then directly stand forth. 郑天伟?”萧云眸光一凝,淡淡的瞥了一眼那郑天伟,旋即便径直向前走去。 This boy is quite crazy.” Sees Xiao Yun to disregard the people, Zheng Tianwei nearby Li Ji and Feng Liang all is a face gloomily shout to clear the way. “这小子好狂。”见萧云无视众人,郑天伟旁边的李吉冯亮皆是一脸阴森喝道。 Snort, sooner or later will make him attractive.” A Zheng Tianwei face sinister and vicious, said that that girl, thinks has closed right up against Xiao Yun to avoid the father? Too was really naive, asks the opportunity father to you do, backer? Has my backer to be big?” “哼,早晚会让他好看。”郑天伟一脸阴鸷,道,“那小妮子,以为有了靠着萧云就可以避开老子了?真是太天真了,找机会老子一定要将你搞到手,靠山?有我的靠山大吗?” Almost disregards regarding Zheng Tianwei Xiao Yun, he brought Duan Ling'er to arrive under school ground front high stage. 对于郑天伟萧云几乎无视,他带着段灵儿走到了校场前方的高台下。 In there, two batch of new disciple neat arrangements two teams, form the sharp contrast. 在那里,两批新弟子整齐的排列成两队,形成鲜明的对比。 Duan Ling'er placed the Xiao Yun side, pupil light dodges, resembles somewhat dreads to that Zheng Tianwei as before. 段灵儿排在萧云的身旁,眸光闪躲,似对那郑天伟依旧有些畏惧。 Do not fear that he does not dare to be what kind to you.” Xiao Yun excessive comforting said. “别怕,他不敢对你怎么样。”萧云偏过头安抚道。 Em.” Duan Ling'er nodded, in the heart actually as before somewhat worried. “恩。”段灵儿点了点头,心中却依旧有些担忧。 Two batch of disciple, altogether 73 people, quick collects to arrive in full. 两批弟子,一共73人,很快就汇集到齐。 Middle has 68 male disciple, female disciple be only five, this proportion no wonder will also make that Zheng Tianwei stare at Duan Ling'er. 当中有68个男弟子,女弟子则只有五个,这比例也难怪会让那郑天伟盯上段灵儿 Was good, the population has arrived in full, below introduced oneself first, the old man was Rising Stars Peak Deacon, surnamed Cheng, you can say that I for Old Cheng, this time called you to come this is must promulgate the duty to you.” On high stage, that wears elder pupil light of azure robe to congeal, is taking a fast look around the people, said that especially your this batch of new basic disciple, this duty is especially vital to you.” “好了,人数已经到齐,下面先自我介绍一下,老夫为新秀峰执事,姓程,你们可以称我为程老,此次召集你们来此是要给你们颁布任务。”高台上,那个身穿青袍的长者眸光一凝,扫视着众人,说道,“特别是你们这批新入门的弟子,这次任务对你们尤为重要。” Old Cheng points at Xiao Yun this batch of disciple to say especially. 程老特地指着萧云这批弟子道。 Hears this old start to talk, the people to cock the ears to listen respectfully, does not dare to be negligent. 听得此老开口,众人都侧耳聆听,不敢大意。 Sees people appearance, the Old Cheng slight bow, at once continues saying that this time duty is a comprehensive duty, for is examination your actual combat, the strain, waits for the ability, obtains the points highest to result in middle-level Magic Item in examination to grant, simultaneously you can also exchange high-level martial arts by points, even is some study and understand restricted areas inheritance.” 见众人这幅模样,程老微微点头,旋即继续说道,“这次的任务是一个综合任务,为的就是考核你们的实战,应变,等等能力,在考核中获得积分点最高者可得一件中级法器赏赐,同时你们还可以凭借积分去兑换高级武学,甚至是参悟一些禁地的传承。” Naturally, wants study and understand restricted area inheritance, points that obtains will be a huge value, needs constantly to accumulate.” Old Cheng answered in detail, regarding you, the result of this duty will relate to the following development, cannot neglect.” “当然,想要参悟禁地传承,那所获得的积分将是一个巨大的数值,需要不断累积。”程老详细解释道,“对于你们来说,这次任务的成绩将关系到后续的发展,绝不可怠慢。” „Can you hear?” Old Cheng eyes like torch takes a fast look around under this crowd of disciple to say. “你们可听到了?”程老眸光如炬扫视着下面这群弟子道。 Heard.” People hear speech/words, is a face is all encouraged, hit 12 spirit, said with one voice. “听到了。”众人闻言,皆是一脸振奋,都打起了12分精神,齐声道。 Good, this time duty is Huaiyun Kingdom that to go to Heavenly Yuan Sect governs exterminates Black Clouds Nether Beast.” Old Cheng pupil light concentrates to say. “好,此次的任务是前往天元宗所辖的淮云国剿灭黑云冥兽。”程老眸光一凝道。 Black Clouds Nether Beast?” Under the field passed on one to call out in alarm immediately, came from Zheng Tianwei that batch of disciple, their to join Core Palace four months had, regarding Sect some duties turned round and range, as well as these slender situation some understanding. 黑云冥兽?”场下顿时传了一阵惊呼,都来自郑天伟那批弟子,他们拜入核心殿已经四个月有余了,对于宗门的一些任务所覆及的范围,以及那些纤细情况都有些了解。 This Black Clouds Nether Beast gathers in being away from a Heavenly Yuan Sect 20000 miles away named Black Clouds Mountain Range forest, is extremely hard to deal with Monster Beast, the body like the fog, is faintly recognizable difficult to seek, even can the imperial cloud the line, want to cope with them to be quite difficult, therefore one hear must this Monster Beast, these disciple face dew be startled to accommodate, knows that this time duty will be quite thorny. 黑云冥兽聚集在距离天元宗20000里外一处名为黑云山脉的森林中,是一种极为难缠的妖兽,身如云雾,飘渺难寻,甚至可以御云而行,想要对付他们颇为困难,所以一听要对此这种妖兽,那些弟子一个个脸露惊容,知道这次的任务将颇为棘手。 As for Xiao Yun this batch of disciple, although does not know that Black Clouds Nether Beast means anything, actually can also see that this duty is not relaxed. 至于萧云这批弟子虽然不知黑云冥兽意味着什么,却也可以看出此次任务不轻松。 What's wrong, did you fear?” Sees some disciple looks changes, the Old Cheng sound is slightly cold, is taking a fast look around that several humanity. “怎么,你们怕了?”见有些弟子神色有变,程老声音略冷,扫视着那几人道。 No.” That several people of pupil light dodge, answered hastily. “没有。”那几人眸光闪躲,连忙解释道。 Is Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Disciple, if cannot withstand these to whet, how to be capable greatly duty? How to do right by training of Sect?” Old Cheng asked that you, if who does not want to go, can stand, Sect will not demand.” “身为天元宗核心弟子,若经不起这些磨砺,如何堪当大任?如何对得起宗门的培养?”程老质问道,“你们若是谁不想去,可以站出来,宗门也不会强求。” Hears this word, an audience piece of silencing, nobody dares to open the mouth. 听得此言,全场一片静寂,没有人敢开口。 The people know, once who dares to stand, only after fearing, in blacklist. 众人都知道,一旦谁敢站出来,只怕以后就被记在了黑名单上。 Such being the case, listens to the old man to illustrate in detail.” Old Cheng pupil light sinks , to continue saying that this duty is divided two groups......” “既然如此,就听老夫详细解说。”程老眸光一沉,继续道,“这次任务分两组……” Later, Old Cheng spoke this matter. 不大一会,程老就将此事讲完。 Xiao Yun and the others also had probably the understanding to that Black Clouds Nether Beast. 萧云等人对那黑云冥兽也有了大概了解。 Originally that Huaiyun Kingdom near Black Clouds Mountain Range, some border towns will often encounter the Monster Beast attack in mountain range. 原来那淮云国位于黑云山脉附近,一些边城时常会遭到山脉里的妖兽袭击。 This time then had several City to encounter the attack of Monster Beast, now Heavenly Yuan Sect specially appointed these disciple extinguish kills Monster Beast. 此次便是有几个城池遭到了妖兽的袭击,如今天元宗特派这些弟子去灭杀妖兽 ( ( …… ……
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