EMS :: Volume #2

#181: Fire Wu Hun is promoted

Chapter 181 Fire Martial Spirit is promoted 第181章火武魂晋级 Xiao Yun returns to Practicing Martial Arts Room, first then gave his Storage Bag to open that Zhang Tianlong. Ha 萧云回到练武室,首先便将那张天龙给他的那个储物袋打开了起来。哈 Has 500 Yuan Crystal Stone in inside, each is containing rich Yuan Qi, can be cultivator makes up Yuan Qi in a short time, when this was each cultivator is informed and experienced one of the outside another type essential goods is that Returning Yuan Pill as well as therapy Medicine Pill. 在里面有着500块元晶石,每一块都蕴含着浓郁的元气,可以在短时间内为修者补足元气,这是每个修者在外面历练时必不可少的物品之一另外一种就是那回元丹以及疗伤丹药了。 In Heavenly Yuan Sect, various peak ordinary disciple one month also merely are only ten low-grade Yuan Crystal, these key disciple hundred low-grade Yuan Crystal, in Core Palace, Rising Stars Peak disciple, generally speaking are also 100 middle-grade Yuan Crystal Stone. 天元宗,各峰普通的弟子一个月也仅仅只有十块下品元晶,那些重点弟子才有百块下品元晶,在核心殿,新秀峰弟子,一般来说也是100块中品元晶石而已。 But Xiao Yun has five hundred middle-grade Yuan Crystal Stone, obviously his status is uncommon. 萧云却有五百中品元晶石,可见他的地位不凡。 Must know, that middle-grade Yuan Crystal Stone together on Yuan Qi that if contains in ten low-grade Yuan Crystal Stone! 要知道,那中品元晶石一块就等若于十块下品元晶石所蕴含的元气啊! These Yuan Crystal Stone are remaining actually well.” Xiao Yun shows a faint smile, to this treatment is also quite satisfied. “这些元晶石留着倒是不错。”萧云微微一笑,对这待遇也是颇为满意。 In also one bottle of Returning Yuan Pill besides Yuan Crystal Stone, as well as therapy Medicine Pill certain. 除了元晶石外里面还有一瓶回元丹,以及疗伤丹药若干。 Moreover, middle also somewhat precious medicine ingredients, such as can warm and nourish mind Mind Moon Mushroom, Nine Flowers Grass wait / etc.. 不仅如此,当中还有些珍贵的药材,如可以温养心神心月芝,九华草等等。 This Heavenly Yuan Sect also Taikeng father, some medicine ingredients?” Xiao Yun for is satisfied to these months, but Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was not happy that after it sizes up turned that Storage Bag, mutters, „after Little Yun, you must make them plan to be uneven the millenniums hot ginseng, Spirit Fruit as well as that several hundred years of Soul Condensing Grass, Gathering Soul Mushroom come!” “这天元宗也太坑爹了,就这么一些药材?”萧云对这些月供还算满意,可吞天雀却是不高兴了,它打量了一翻那储物袋后,喃喃道,“小云子以后你得多让他们筹齐一些千年的火参,灵果以及那数百年的凝魂草,聚魂芝来才是啊!” Millennium medicine ingredients?” Xiao Yun shows the whites of the eyes continually, these medicine ingredients only feared that is Sect Elder regards as the treasure can give you?” “千年药材?”萧云连翻白眼,“那些药材只怕是宗门长老都视为珍宝会给你?” You find the way to do some good medicine ingredients to come in any case and that's the end.” Suddenly, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil spins, is bringing several points of fiery, said that „, was inferior you bring that snow white small beast that treasure cauldron, tastes to Grandpa Tian inside Fire Yuan Liquid?” “反正你想办法搞些好药材来就是了。”突然,吞天雀眸子打转,带着几分火热,说道,“嘿嘿,不如你将那雪白小兽的那宝鼎取来,将里面的火元液天爷尝尝?” Fire Yuan Liquid?” Xiao Yun speechless, this fellow had this idea unexpectedly. 火元液?”萧云一阵无语,这家伙竟然打起了这主意。 These did Fire Yuan Liquid along with the kid seal, where he go to take together? 那些火元液随着小家伙一起封印了,他去哪里拿? However mentioned snow white small beast Xiao Yun mind to move, then sank to that Swallowing the Heavens Tower. 不过一提及雪白小兽萧云心神一动,便是沉入了那吞天塔内。 At this time Yiyi in the deep sleep, rays of light of that seal is getting more and more radiant, if there is all colors light runes to send out mysterious fluctuation in the circulation, what a pity it did not have the meaning that a point must regain consciousness to the present, this makes in the Xiao Yun heart feel the surprise. 此时伊伊还在沉睡,那个封印的光芒越来越璀璨,如有五彩光纹在流转散发出晦涩的波动,可惜到现在它还没有一点要苏醒的意思,这让萧云心中感到诧异不已。 Must know that initially Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow took Soul Heaven Pill is also only quiet several days restored. 要知道,当初吞天雀服用魂天丹也只是沉寂了几天就恢复了过来。 But this kid had one month! 可这小家伙足足有一个多月了啊! Its situation is quite special, now it should need unceasingly Nirvana, by Magical Powers that little restoration these lose.” As if saw in the Xiao Yun heart thinks, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „, if other kids regain consciousness, its strength is quite definitely astonishing.” “它的情况比较特殊,如今它应该需要不断涅盘,以一点点的恢复那些失去的神通。”似乎看出了萧云心中所想,吞天雀说道,“若是等这小家伙苏醒,它的实力肯定极为惊人。” „.” hear speech/words, Xiao Yun eye one bright, if so that may too be good. “哦。”闻言,萧云眼睛一亮,若是如此那可就真的太好了。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow after restoring Yuan Core Realm cultivation level has then been able that Yuan Core 1-layer shook Yuan Core 2-layer Qiu Xuanrong hardly. 吞天雀在恢复了元丹境修为后便可以那元丹一重的硬撼元丹二重邱玄嵘了。 If snow white small beast is fierce, how could it not be that can comparable with Yuan Core 3-layer? 雪白小兽还要厉害,那岂非可以堪比元丹三重 Thinks that here Xiao Yun heart felt has several points of excitement, anticipated that this kid regained consciousness. 想到这里萧云心中感到有着几分的兴奋,更加期待这小家伙苏醒了。 You want to wait for it to regain consciousness are not perhaps easy.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this kid Nirvana is very mysterious, does not restore the strength to be so simple, must wait for it to succeed little for several months, many one year, hey, you now or own first diligently.” “不过你想等它苏醒恐怕没有那么容易。”吞天雀道,“这小家伙这种涅盘很玄妙,不是恢复实力那么简单,要等它成功少则几个月,多则一年,嘿嘿,你现在还是自己先努力吧。” How many months? One year?” Such remarks, making Xiao Yun somewhat depressed, at once let go the palm, gives a calm smile, said that does not matter, instead is having the sufficient resources strength certainly to promote here me.” “几个月?一年?”此言一出,让萧云不由有些郁闷,旋即摊了摊手掌,淡然一笑,道,“不过也无所谓,反正在这里我有足够的资源实力一定可以提升上去。” In this Heavenly Yuan Sect he to did not fear that these disciple look for trouble. 在这天元宗他到不怕那些弟子来找麻烦。 Now the urgent matter is first completely comprehends this Heavenly Flame Five Styles.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, before the body, reappeared vortex, that Heavenly Flame Halberd then glitters, his palm moves this scarlet-red such as the valuable halberd of fire grasping in the control. “现在当务之急便是先将这天炎五式完全领悟。”萧云眸光一凝,身前浮现了一个气旋,那天炎戟便随之闪烁而出,他手掌一动就将这赤红如火的宝戟给抓在手心。 Although this Heavenly Flame Halberd incomplete because, but quality can send out a might uncommonly as before. 天炎戟虽然残缺可是因为品质不凡依旧可以散发出一丝威力。 Middle some runes break, is unable to link up, but in Xiao Yun poured into flame already can pass through the entire halberd, but is unable to achieve this valuable halberd to have 1/10 of might, the bonus was so, this was not general Magic Item can compare as before. 当中的一些符文断裂,无法衔接,可是萧云火炎注入里面已然可以贯穿全戟,只是无法达到这宝戟应有威力的1,饶是如此,这依旧不是一般法器可以比的。 Because Magic Item also only then these corresponding flawless Spirit Physique as well as Martial Spirit can play all it might. 因为法器也只有那些相应的无暇灵体以及武魂才可以将之威力尽数发挥出来。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles, first style is fastidious about a broken character.” Xiao Yun grasps damaged halberd, mind is moving, immediately fell into the middle of the practice condition, Heavenly Flame Five Styles each move in his mind reappeared, starts to comprehend along with it him carefully. 天炎五式,第一式讲究一个破字。”萧云手持着残戟,心神一动,马上就陷入了修炼的状态当中,在他脑海里天炎五式每一招都浮现了出来,随之他也开始细细领会。 In the Xiao Yun mind, such as has five villains in training that Heavenly Flame Five Styles, each tiny movement by clear brand mark in the middle of own mind, therefore Xiao Yun trains handily, take action has practice a lot of feelings. 萧云脑海里,如有着五个小人在演练那天炎五式,每一个细小的动作都被清晰的烙印在自己心神当中,所以萧云演练起来得心应手,一出手就有着一种修炼了千百次的感觉。 Style adept is only the first step, what is most important is during the comprehension essence.” After trains the style completely is adept, Xiao Yun starts type -type practice, did not strive for intensively, only during strove for being able to comprehend the essence, only then this can play this set of martial arts might. “招式娴熟只是第一步,最重要的是领悟当中的精髓。”在将招式完全演练娴熟后,萧云开始一式式的修炼,不求速成,只求能领悟当中的精髓,只有这样才能将这套武学的威力发挥出来。 second style Heavenly Flames Splitting the Heavens!” The Xiao Yun heart and god gather, completely immersed in the middle of that practice, actually saw him to grasp the long halberd, then moved in the sky, selected void toward that long halberd flame twinkle, if there is a purple glow to burst out together, slit void. 第二式天炎裂天!”萧云似心与神合,完全沉浸在了那修炼当中,却见得他手持长戟,当空便是一动,向着那虚空挑去,长戟火光闪烁,如有一道紫芒迸发而出,直裂虚空。 Buzz! 嗡! Strikes to put forth, formidable strength bursts out, shivered void flood ripples, restriction was stimulated, evolved a ripple to give to submerge that purple halberd glow, so, that fluctuation can subside. 一击使出,强大的劲气迸发出来,虚空为之颤抖泛起了一阵涟漪,一个禁制被激发而出,演化出一阵波纹将那紫色的戟芒给淹没,如此,那股波动才得以平息下来。 If no this restriction, not difficult to imagine, this type will put forth this Practicing Martial Arts Room definitely to be beaten. 若没有这禁制,不难想象,这一式使出这炼武室必然会被击垮。 Good to have under the cloth here restriction, resisted the attack of that Yuan Core Realm cultivator sufficiently. 好在这里有布下禁制,足以抵挡那元丹境修者的攻击了。 All these are in order to make these talent disciple relieved practice meet restriction under cloth. 这一切都是为了能让这些天才弟子安心修炼才会布下的禁制 What this second style is tasteful is a crack character, a halberd puts forth can cut the crack to be void.” After a move puts forth, Xiao Yun started to ponder over the own success and failure. “这第二式讲究的是一个裂字,一戟使出可以斩裂虚空。”一招使出后萧云开始琢磨自己刚才的得失。 My this move seemed like the might was very a moment ago big, but the strength has not concentrated, has lacked the imposing manner of that crack, therefore the might was ordinary, during sensibility deep meaning that but also needs to keep.” “刚才我这一招看似威力很大,可力量并没有集中,也缺少了那裂的气势,所以威力一般,还需要不停的感悟当中的奥义。” After hesitating turns, Xiao Yun to continue practice, almost crazy crazy, in the brain has the practice two characters. 沉吟一翻后萧云继续修炼,几乎痴狂,脑子里只有修炼二字。 As for Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in the rest of Swallowing the Heavens Tower idleness. 至于吞天雀则是在吞天塔安闲的休息。 Suddenly, five days of time then passed by. 眨眼间,五天时间便过去了。 During this, Xiao Yun does not know that has trained many this Heavenly Flame Five Styles. 这期间萧云不知将这天炎五式演练了多少遍。 „After this Heavenly Flame three type The Flames Shines the World, started to need True Fire that to be too powerful, how even though I train to be also hard the might to display, this must take your time, must first promote Martial Spirit Fire True Yuan, this can make the Heavenly Flame military -type might multiply.” On this day, Xiao Yun stopped continue train Heavenly Flame Five Styles, now the essence of first two type he completely grasped, afterward three types also slightly had the sensibility, but within the body True Fire insufficiently wanted to display also to miss one thoroughly. “这天炎三式炎耀天下后开始所需要的真火太强盛了,纵使我如何演练也难以将之威力发挥出来,这得慢慢来,首先得提升武魂火之真元,这样才可以使得天炎武式的威力倍增。”这一天,萧云停止了继续演练天炎五式,如今前两式的精髓他已经完全掌握,后来三式也略有感悟,只是体内真火不够想要彻底将之发挥出来还差了一丝。 My these nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation can tow all Yuan Qi, now starts to tow Fire Yuan Energy to promote the Purple Flame Martial Spirit strength.” The Xiao Yun thoughts move, received Heavenly Flame Halberd Swallowing the Heavens Tower, afterward he steps into front nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation . “我这九级聚元阵可以牵引一切元气,现在就开始牵引火之元气以提升紫炎武魂的实力。”萧云心思一动,将天炎戟收入吞天塔内,随后他踏入前方的九级聚元阵内。 Takes out the activation , after magic token he pinched Flame Seal to pour into the middle of Formation, piece of rays of light bloomed immediately. 法牌取出激活后他掐了一个火印注入阵法当中,一片光芒立即绽放开来。 Titter! 噗嗤! Formation just now stimulates to movement, fire wave of burning hot then sweeps across from that several formation eye. 阵法方才催动,一股炙热的火流便从那几个阵眼当中席卷而出。 fire wave curls, burning aura the Xiao Yun package, is feeling in that familiar fluctuation Xiao Yun heart completely one happy. 火流卷来,炙热的气息完全将萧云包裹,感受着那股熟悉的波动萧云心中一喜。 Pure of this Fire Yuan already comparable with Heavenly Flame inheritance palace fire wave.” “这火元的精纯已经堪比天炎遗府火流了。” Pleasantly surprised, Xiao Yun revolution Swallowing the Heavens Arts, vortex evolves immediately, starts crazily swallows refining these Fire Yuan. 惊喜下,萧云立即运转吞天诀,一个气旋演化而出,开始疯狂的吞噬炼化这些火元 Swallowing the Heavens Arts may refining all World's Yuan Qi, the attack might that but can also these Yuan Qi thorough depuration, then, these Yuan Qi evolve will be also more intrepid than others, can definitely achieve to arrive at ten wonderful effectiveness, was deputed along with Fire Yuan, that Purple Flame Martial Spirit moves, evolves vortex, starts continuously buys in the fusion these Fire Yuan. 吞天诀炼化一切天地元气,还能将那些元气彻底提纯,如此一来,这些元气演化出来的攻击威力也将比别人要强悍,完全能达到以一抵十的神效,随着火元被提纯,那紫炎武魂一动,演化出一个气旋,开始源源不断的将那些火元吸纳融合。 Under this practice, Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit continually promotes, if must divide a strength rank actually, then before , his Martial Spirit energy comparable with True Yuan initial-stage, has achieved middle-stage now, moreover in unceasing promotion. 在这种修炼下,萧云紫炎武魂不断提升,若硬是要分一个实力等级的话,那么之前他的武魂能量堪比真元初期,现在已经达到了中期,而且还在不断提升当中。 Unknowingly in four days, Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit even more will be also formidable, he can feel that by mind is not weak in the aura fluctuation of True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment fills the air in Sea of Consciousness, that fluctuation, making him feel somewhat inspired. 不知不觉又过了四天,萧云紫炎武魂越发强大了,他凭借心神可以感觉到一股不弱于真元中期大成的气息波动在识海内弥漫,那种波动,让他感到有些振奋。 He believes that can definitely defeat that Zheng Tianwei by present Purple Flame Martial Spirit own easily. 他相信,凭借如今的紫炎武魂自己完全可以轻易将那郑天伟击败了。 Impact, least must attack the True Yuan middle-stage Peak situation.” Xiao Yun aroused the one breath to absorb these Fire Yuan Energy crazily, if some people can definitely discover in the attention in this courtyard completely by Fire Yuan Qi covering. “冲击,最少也要冲击到真元中期巅峰的地步。”萧云鼓足了一口气疯狂的吸收着那些火元之气,若是有人在注意的话肯定可以发现在这院子中完全被火元气给笼罩。 Under this crazy absorption, Fire Yuan that Formation towed starts not is very gradually pure. 在这种疯狂的吸收下,那阵法所牵引来的火元开始逐渐不够精纯了。 Fire Yuan is impure, that needs ten times, hundred times of Yuan Qi refine, time of expenditure are also naturally many. 火元不纯,那就需要十倍,百倍的元气来提炼,花费的时间自然也就多了。 Like this gets down practice not to take the good effect forcefully. 这样下来强行修炼也取不到好的效果。 Shout! 呼! After Martial Spirit is a degree, Xiao Yun relaxed finally finally, was not continue absorb that Fire Yuan Qi. 武魂达到一个程度后,萧云最后终于是松了口气,不在继续吸收那火元气了。 This Purple Flame Martial Spirit has finally achieved True Yuan middle-stage Peak, was relying on the flawless superiority already comparable with True Yuan late-stage.” Xiao Yun induced turned the fluctuation of that Martial Spirit, in heart conservative estimate, will be even stronger according to the flame burning down strength actual combat getting up imposing manner. “这紫炎武魂终于达到了真元中期巅峰,凭借着无暇的优势已经堪比真元后期了。”萧云感应了一翻那武魂的波动,心中保守估计着,按照火炎的焚烧力实战起来气势甚至会更强。 Now this Fire Yuan Qi is too thin, is very difficult to go a step further, first promoted own cultivation level to say.” Xiao Yun hesitates slightly, then took out magic token to start to tow that world Pure Yuan Qi promotion itself cultivation level, only then various strengths continually were increased, his background was vigorous. “现在这火元气太稀薄,很难在进一步,先提升自身修为在说。”萧云略微沉吟,便取出了法牌开始牵引那天地纯元之气提升本身修为,只有各种实力都不断提升,他的底蕴才浑厚。 True Yuan initial-stage Peak, although has not achieved middle-stage, calculated well.” After several days, Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief lightly, has drawn back from practice, in such a short time has the promotion is very rare, this is also his nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation as well as Swallowing the Heavens Arts extremely heaven defying, otherwise the ordinary person wants to promote a small boundary not to be easy. 真元初期巅峰,虽然还没有达到中期,也算不错了。”几天过后,萧云轻舒了口气,从修炼中退了出来,在这短短的时间内有着提升已经很是难得了,这也是他的九级聚元阵以及吞天诀太过逆天,不然一般的人想要提升一个小境界可没有那么容易。 A Xiao Yun day of practice effect on sufficiently the comparable with others ten days. 萧云一天的修炼效果就足以堪比别人十天。 This is to Rising Stars Peak these disciple. 这还是对新秀峰这些弟子而言。 If puts Wind Moon Kingdom these ordinary cultivator, only feared that one year cannot be as good as Xiao Yun practice day of obtained. 要是放到风月国那些普通修者,只怕一年也抵不上萧云修炼一天所得。 After stretching the physique Xiao Yun left Practicing Martial Arts Room. 在舒展了一下筋骨后萧云就离开了练武室 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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