EMS :: Volume #2

#180: Practices the madman

Chapter 180 practice madman 第180章修炼狂人 „The small wound, is not in the way. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } sees Duan Ling'er that black eyebrow coloring eyebrow to be tight, the appearance that a face worries about, Xiao Yun smiles lightly, formerly he was also injured by together the strength, is not serious, but passed through this to fight him also to understand the cultivation level disparity. “一点小伤罢了,不碍事的。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读}”见段灵儿那黛眉紧蹙,一脸担忧的模样,萧云淡淡一笑,先前他也只是被一道劲气所伤,还不算严重,不过经过此战他也是明白了修为的差距。 If he had the True Yuan middle-stage boundary not to be distressed. 若是他有真元中期境也就不会那么狼狈了。 What matter do you have to need me to help?” Saw the Xiao Yun rejection, the Duan Ling'er eyelash winked winking, in the bright pupil filled has hope that tight was staring at the former, as if thinks that own can also strive to be good for this youth. “那你有什么事情需要我帮忙吗?”见萧云拒绝,段灵儿睫毛眨了眨,明亮的眸子中充满了期许,紧紧的将前者盯着,似乎想自己也能为这少年出一份力就好了。 Hehe, does not use.” Xiao Yun smiles, said that you well stay in that courtyard practice, if met anything to trouble to look for me.” Why does not know, more looked now that he more felt this Duan Ling'er has several points of kindness. 呵呵,不用了。”萧云笑,道,“你就好好呆在那院子里修炼吧,若是遇上了什么麻烦可以去找我。”不知为何,如今越看,他越感觉这段灵儿有着几分亲切。 Perhaps separated with Ling'er younger sister too for a long time. 或许是与灵儿妹妹分开太久了吧。 In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, remembers the day that initially he and own younger sister two people was bound by a common destiny, in his heart really did not sob. 萧云心中暗忖,想起当初他和自己妹妹两人相依为命的日子,他心中就不甚唏嘘。 How did not know younger sister within the body cold aura.” A Xiao Yun face ponder. “也不知妹妹体内寒气如何了。”萧云一脸沉思。 „.” Appearance that sees Xiao Yun patrolling, Duan Ling'er sip drew out the lip, finally finally arouses the courage to ask, Senior Brother Xiao, why did you want take action to help me?” In her bright pupil has been full of the doubts, tight is staring at Xiao Yun. “呃。”见萧云一副神游的模样,段灵儿不由抿起了嘴唇,最后终于鼓足勇气问道,“萧师兄,你为何要出手帮我了?”她那明亮的眸子中充满了疑惑,紧紧的盯着萧云 This is in her heart continuously the doubts place. 这是她心中一直疑惑的地方。 From the fight, Xiao Yun also took the big effort to win, it may be said that has braved not the small danger. 从刚才的战斗来看,萧云也是费了好大的力气才取胜,可谓是冒了不小的危险。 Furthermore, that Zheng Tianwei status is not ordinary, for who a bystander will offend the Elder family member? 再者,那郑天伟身份不一般,谁会为了一个外人去得罪长老的亲人了? By Duan Ling'er was such asked Xiao Yun is also slightly stunned, sees former that earnest appearance, his slightly narrows the pupil looks into the distance, muttered, why, if said is, should be I thinks you and some of my younger sister similar that's all. 段灵儿这么一问萧云也是微微一阵错愕,见得前者那一副认真的模样,他眸子微眯眺望远方,喃喃道,“若说是为什么,应该是我看你和我妹妹有些相似罢了。 „Similar to your younger sister?” “和你妹妹相似?” hear speech/words, Duan Ling'er light pursing the lips lip, in that pupil reveals one to lose, in the heart muttered, „ merely was so? 闻言,段灵儿轻抿嘴唇,那眸中不由流露出一丝失落,心中喃喃道,“仅仅是如此吗? Was good, I left first.” Xiao Yun in deep inspiration after was not saying that took a look at that Duan Ling'er , to promote does not know why actually has one type to extend to caress the impulsion of this young girl black hair lightly, but he has borne finally finally, said with a smile, you protected own well.” “好了,我先离开了。”在深吸了口气后萧云也不在多说,瞅了一眼那段灵儿,伸张不知为何竟然有着一种要伸出去轻抚这少女青丝的冲动,不过他最后终于是忍住了,笑道,“你好好保护自己。” This Duan Ling'er age also approached 16 years old, the easy fine, beautiful pupil to be bright, that eyelash was very long, appeared the spiritual energy is threatening. 段灵儿年纪也接近16岁了,容易精致,美眸明亮,那睫毛很长,显得灵气逼人。 All these and Xiao Ling'er is similar, afterward Xiao Yun suddenly, this is not own younger sister, cannot so, stop that using to handle gently caresses the action of opposite party black hair, if Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Yun definitely will comfort by this, because this is many years of custom. 这一切都和萧灵儿相似,随后萧云才恍然,这不是自己妹妹,不能如此,停止了那用手轻抚对方青丝的举动,若是萧灵儿,萧云肯定会以此安慰,因为这是多年的习惯。 Em.” Duan Ling'er nodded, in the heart feels grateful to Xiao Yun, even if the opposite party thought that own looks like his younger sister take action, is commendable, at least can henceforth explain that this youth heart is very good, at least is not the villain who these terrorize men and take their women. “恩。”段灵儿点了点头,心中对萧云感激不已,就算对方只是觉得自己像他妹妹出手,也是难能可贵,至少可以从此说明这个少年心地还是很善良,至少不是那些欺男霸女的恶棍。 I walked.” Xiao Yun had not said that turns around then to depart, moves toward that courtyard that own lives. “我走了。”萧云也没有多说,转身便离去,走向自己所居住的那院落。 Until Xiao Yun walks away, Duan Ling'er enters in the own courtyard. 直到萧云走远,段灵儿才进入自己的院子里。 This Heavenly Flame Five Styles might is not indeed weak, was coordinating Heavenly Flame Halberd absolutely with True Yuan middle-stage cultivator to fight.” The Xiao Yun impatient trend own courtyard, plans to continue practice Heavenly Flame Five Styles, this set of martial arts might makes him excited. “这天炎五式威力的确不弱,在配合天炎戟绝对可以与真元中期修者争锋了。”萧云迫不及待的走向自己的院子,打算继续修炼天炎五式,这套武学的威力让他兴奋。 Perhaps Heavenly Flame Five Styles itself does not have that big might, but Xiao Yun within the body has Purple Flame Martial Spirit is Flawless Martial Spirit, True Fire is not general True Fire may compare purely, even is general flawless Fire Martial Spirit is also very difficult and this Purple Flame Martial Spirit comparable with. 天炎五式本身或许没有那么大的威力,可是萧云体内所拥有紫炎武魂无暇武魂,真火之纯粹远不是一般真火可比,甚至是一般的无暇火之武魂也很难和这紫炎武魂堪比 Because this is Purple Flame King practice many years of life source Martial Spirit, that flame succinct is very difficult to estimate. 因为这是紫炎王修炼多年的本命武魂,那火炎之精粹很难估量。 In adding on Xiao Yun coordinates Purple Flame Martial Spirit to derive Fire Yuan Qi by Swallowing the Heavens Arts, has refined these impurities completely, making flame in Martial Spirit quite pure, now is adding on Heavenly Flame Halberd, that Heavenly Flame Five Styles might completely has naturally displayed. 在加上萧云吞天诀配合紫炎武魂汲取火元气,也将那些杂质完全提炼了出来,使得武魂中的火炎极为精纯,如今在加上天炎戟,那天炎五式的威力自然就完全发挥了出来。 This is the physique superiority. 这就是体质的优势。 Has Spirit Physique of flawless [gold/metal] cultivator on such as one with this Zheng Tianwei in the same boundary, uses a same martial arts war, has the absolute superiority, that attack is not that trivial, only then 40% spirit value physique Zheng Tianwei may compare. 就如一个拥有无暇金之灵体修者与这郑天伟在同一境界,使用同一种武学一战,也将有着绝对的优势,那种攻击绝不是那区区只有40灵值体质郑天伟可比。 Junior Brother Xiao, walks slowly.” When Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, the sound resounds together unexpectedly. 萧师弟,慢走。”就在萧云暗自沉吟的时候,一道声音蓦地响起。 Senior Brother Zhang?” Xiao Yun footsteps, turns head to look that is saw not far away Zhang Tianlong is walking slowly to this. 张师兄?”萧云脚步一顿,回头看去,便是看到不远处张天龙正向此慢慢走来。 The Zhang Tianlong footsteps like clouds, several breath arrived at side Xiao Yun. 张天龙脚步如云,几个呼吸就来到了萧云身边。 „Does Senior Brother Zhang, ask me to have matter?” Xiao Yun somewhat stunned saying. 张师兄,找我有事?”萧云有些错愕的说道。 Matter that Hehe, had a moment ago I knew.” Zhang Tianlong after taking a look at scar on the Xiao Yun shoulder said. 呵呵,刚才发生的事情我已经知道了。”张天龙在瞅了一眼萧云肩膀上的伤痕后道。 „.” Xiao Yun brow one curved, asked that does not know that what view Senior Brother Zhang did have to this matter?” “哦。”萧云眉头一弯,问道,“不知张师兄对此事有什么看法?” Hehe, this matter that Zheng Tianwei is not indeed right.” Zhang Tianlong smiles to say embarrasedly that compares these matters, what Sect settles on is individual potential, only then this oppression, the strength bad person bravery comes out of the feeling of shame, diligently practice.” 呵呵,此事那郑天伟的确不对。”张天龙讪讪一笑说道,“相比这些事情,宗门更看中的是个人潜力,也只有这种压迫,实力不济的人才会知耻而后勇,努力修炼。” Otherwise everything has over Sect, easily and comfortably instead is not extremely good.” Zhang Tianlong continues to say. “不然事事有宗门出头,太过安逸反而不好。”张天龙继续说道。 Therefore is this matter noisy greatly will not have the too big punishment to him, instead will offend therefore his is the Elder great uncle.” “所以就算是此事闹大也不会对他有太大的处罚,反而会因此得罪他那身为长老的族叔。” A Xiao Yun face hesitates, is pondering the Zhang Tianlong words. 萧云一脸沉吟,在思考着张天龙的话。 Furthermore, everyone has the own courtyard, so long as enters inside, has Formation to protect and sustain Yuan Core Realm cultivator to be hard to intrude, this is also Sect protects to a disciple recessiveness, such loosen one tight, will make disciple know that own should try hard practice.” “再者,每个人有自己的院落,只要进入里面,有阵法护持就算元丹境修者都难以闯入,这也算是宗门弟子的一个隐性保护,这样一松一紧,才会让弟子知道自己应该努力修炼。” Naturally, if some people handle affairs extremely, dares to massacre the same side, that is different.” Zhang Tianlong pupil light concentrates saying that happens this matter, even if that Zheng Tianwei great uncle cannot protect and sustain him, Sect will carry on the severe punishment to him, will not appease.” “当然,若是有人行事太过,敢残杀同门,那就不一样了。”张天龙眸光一凝道,“一旦发生这种事情,就算那郑天伟的族叔也不能护持他,宗门将对他进行严厉处罚,绝不会姑息。” Heavenly Yuan Sect did not mind that the contest between disciple, the provocation, has a limit, that cannot massacre. 天元宗不介意弟子间的较量,挑衅,却也有个限度,那就是不能残杀。 Once massacres, that will make Sect be short of a talent, even if makes that talent cripple is not good. 一旦残杀,那就会使宗门少了一个天才,就算使那天才致残都不行。 This does not permit in any event. 这无论如何都是不允许的。 Compared to care to Core Palace talent Sect. 核心殿的天才宗门还是比较在意的。 Can't massacre?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, thinks carefully, although does not approve to Heavenly Yuan Sect some procedures, actually feels also in the reason, indeed, if extremely instead will make these so-called talents get down easily and comfortably dispiritedly. “不能残杀吗?”萧云眉头一弯,仔细一想,虽然对天元宗的有些做法不认同,却又感觉也在情理之中,的确,若是太过安逸反而会让那些所谓的天才颓废下去。 The suitable provocation between disciple, contest instead can stimulate the strength of spirit in person heart. 弟子间的适当挑衅,较量反而可以激发人心中的骨气。 Naturally, if some people submit under that provocation threatens, that also can only explain that this person mental insufficiently strengthened. 当然,若是有人屈服在那种挑衅威吓下,那也只能说明这个人心智不够坚定了。 Such person is doomed embarrassedly greatly duty. 这样的人注定难堪大任。 After having thought through these matters, Xiao Yun was not intertwining. 想通了这些事情后萧云也不在纠结了。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao, you could rest assured that so long as you do not annoy the person on own initiative, who dares to move you, Palace Lord will not sit by and do nothing.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile, in Core Palace, so long as obtained the upper-level attention to be much better, naturally other people only then surfaced at the next rank war are good.” 呵呵,萧师弟,你放心,只要你不主动惹人,谁敢动你,殿主是不会坐视不理的。”张天龙笑道,“在核心殿,只要得到上层的关注就好多了,当然旁人只有在下次的排位战脱颖而出才行。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, pours did not fear that Zheng Tianwei looks for trouble. “恩。”萧云点头,倒也不怕那郑天伟来找麻烦。 This time I ask you to supply to your this month moon/month.” Zhang Tianlong smiles, immediately took out Storage Bag, this inside has 500 middle-grade Yuan Crystal Stone, as well as medicine ingredients certain, these are your this month moon/month supply, naturally, Palace Lord added that if you have the special need also to report, Core Palace will meet the request that you need with every effort.” “这次我来找你是给你这个月的月供的。”张天龙一笑,当即取出了一个储物袋,“这里面有500块中品元晶石,以及药材若干,这些都是你这个月的月供,当然,殿主还说了,若是你有特殊需要也可以上报,核心殿会尽力满足你所需的要求。” Hehe, other disciple does not have this treatment, wants to obtain the extra premium, only then to take over the Sect duty to obtain corresponding points to exchange, but you are Flawless Martial Spirit naturally are not other people may compare, in addition this time you have defeated Zheng Tianwei, believes that Palace Lord will regard as important you.” Zhang Tianlong slightly narrows the pupil, said that heard your this use that martial arts is temporary practice?” 呵呵,别的弟子可是没有这待遇,想要获得额外奖励,只有以接手宗门任务获得相应的积分点来兑换,不过你身为无暇武魂自然不是旁人可比,加上此次你打败了郑天伟,相信殿主会更加看重你。”张天龙眸子微眯,说道,“听说你这次动用的那武学是临时修炼的?” After hearing this matter his in heart is also quite surprised. 在听到了此事后他心中也是颇为惊讶。 Even if natural talent in high, is impossible to go to this situation! 就算天赋在高,也不可能达到这地步啊! One set of martial arts, to can accept a challenge from practice, least also several days are. 一套武学,从修炼到能应战,最少也得几天才是。 Even if your cultivation level in high, if uses one set of not skilled martial arts, not only cannot strive to turn the tide, will also hold back. 就算你修为在高,若使用一套不熟练的武学,非但不能力挽狂澜,还会拖了后腿。 Therefore Zhang Tianlong to this matter, feels quite curiously. 所以张天龙对此事,也感到颇为好奇。 That Zheng Tianwei boundary is too high, grasps Magic Item, I do not have other good martial arts to be able with it fighting also only then used that Heavenly Flame Five Styles.” Xiao Yun let go the palm to say with a smile, regarding this but actually has not concealed, so long as were eye sinister person one eyes can see then situation. “那郑天伟境界太高,又手持法器,我也没有别的好武学可以与之争锋也只有动用那天炎五式了。”萧云摊了摊手掌笑道,对此倒也没有隐瞒,只要是眼睛毒辣的人一眼就可以看出当时的情况。 Zhang Tianlong slightly one startled, afterward said that your matter I will report to give Palace Lord, was right, if you want to obtain Magic Item while convenient to try to have some Sect assignments, so long as obtained corresponding contribution points, can exchange Magic Item.” 张天龙微微一惊,随后道,“你的事情我会汇报给殿主,对了,你若想获得趁手的法器可以试着接些宗门的任务,只要获得了相应的功劳点,就可以兑换法器了。” Duty?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, said afterward that I was saying the strength promotion first.” “任务?”萧云眸子微眯,随后道,“我先把实力提升在说。” I said goodbye.” Zhang Tianlong round trip in a hurry, departs in light of this. “那我告辞了。”张天龙来去匆匆,就此离去。 Duty?” After Zhang Tianlong departs, Xiao Yun has actually pondered. “任务?”在张天龙离去后,萧云却是不由沉思了起来。 In his hands also has Magic Item besides that damaged halberd, that is captures that Qiu Yuhao as well as Qiu Minghao two Magic Item. 在他手里除了那残戟还有法器,那便是夺得那邱于浩以及邱明浩的两件法器 These Magic Item do not suit him. 只是这些法器并不适合他。 If can be good this Heavenly Flame Halberd repair?” Xiao Yun muttered. “要是能将这天炎戟修复就好了?”萧云喃喃道。 If Heavenly Flame Halberd can repair, that might is absolutely uncommon. 若是天炎戟得以修复,那威力绝对不凡。 Your this Heavenly Flame Halberd rank is too high, only feared that is not the average man can repair.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound conveys suddenly. “你这天炎戟等级太高,只怕不是常人可以修复。”吞天雀的声音突然传来。 Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, he is also knows that this Heavenly Flame Halberd is not Magic Item, at least also has achieved the Spiritual Item rank. 萧云眉头微微一皱,他也是知道这天炎戟绝不是法器,至少也达到了灵器的级别。 Furthermore, if you make the person repair with this Heavenly Flame Halberd, by pit what to do?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that Spiritual Item to Yuan Soul Realm cultivator was tempting, let alone these Yuan Core Realm cultivator, once they had the evil intention to trouble.” “再者,要是你拿这天炎戟去让人修复,被坑了怎么办?”吞天雀道,“灵器就算对元婴境修者来说都是颇具诱惑力,更别说那些元丹境修者了,一旦他们起了歹心可就麻烦了。” You said reasonable.” Xiao Yun nodded, he now beginning Heavenly Yuan Sect, all have not stabilized, if shows the treasure, was coveted that to trouble, after must wait, he had certain foundation to be said by the Sect approval completely. “你说得有道理。”萧云点了点头,他现在初来天元宗,一切都还没有稳定若是将宝物展现出来,被人觊觎那可就麻烦了,一切得等以后他有了一定的根基完全被宗门认可在说。 Shook, Xiao Yun entered him in the courtyard. 甩了甩头,萧云就走进了他所在院子。 After cleaned up turned Xiao Yun directly to enter that Practicing Martial Arts Room the wound slightly, that diligent appearance let be responsible for taking care his two maidservants to pound the tongue. 在将伤口略微清理一翻后萧云直接进入了那炼武室,那勤奋的模样直让负责服侍他的两个侍女砸舌。 Such practice madman, they, but first time meets! 这样的修炼狂人,她们可是第一次遇到啊! However they were also quite happy, because Xiao Yun enjoyed many Medicine Pill, sufficiently promotion strength. 不过她们也颇为高兴,因为萧云赏下了不少的丹药,足以提升实力了。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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