EMS :: Volume #2

#179: The talent is astonishing

Chapter 179 natural talent is astonishing 第179章天赋惊人 This can Xiao Yun unexpectedly with the Senior Brother Zheng head confrontation?” “这萧云竟然能与郑师兄正面交锋?” Looked at his imposing manner as if to start to get the winning side!” “瞧他那气势似乎开始占据上风了!” How I felt that his halberd technique continually is improving, won't he start practice this flame halberd technique a moment ago?” Feng Liang and the others watch in side, in the heart shocks, if, this Xiao Yun natural talent is really terrifying! “我怎么感觉他那戟法在不断完善,他不会刚才才开始修炼这门火炎戟法吧?”冯亮等人在旁边观看,心中震撼不已,若是如此说来,这萧云天赋还真恐怖啊! Xiao Yun seems taking Senior Brother Zheng to practice acquiring a skill.” The Li Ji brow tight wrinkle, saw a clue. 萧云似乎在拿郑师兄练手。”李吉眉头紧紧一皱,看出了一丝端倪。 He vaguely remembered Xiao Yun take action time that move of The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves not is very just adept, intent domain was also insufficient. 他依稀记得萧云出手的时候那招烈焰破浪还不够娴熟,意境也还不够。 But now he every time puts forth the might to be different, making the Zheng Tianwei pressure multiply. 可是现在他每一次使出威力都不同,让得郑天伟压力倍增。 Begins studies can fight with the person, this natural talent......” in the, prepares to look that the Xiao Yun joke as well as obtained nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation discontented disciple to him, at this moment took a deep breath, no matter in Xiao Yun hand whether is Magic Item, comprehends the above progress from his martial arts only, that natural talent went to a shocking situation. “初学就能与人一战,这天赋……”在附近,一些准备看萧云笑话以及对他获得了九级聚元阵不满的弟子,此刻都不由深深吸了口气,不管萧云手中是否是一件法器,单从他那武学领悟上面的进度来看,那天赋真的达到了一种骇人听闻地步。 Must know that this Xiao Yun was attacking the meridians a moment ago, good practice this martial arts! 要知道,刚才这萧云还是在冲击经络,好修炼武学啊! But his a blink can fights this martial arts and person, so natural talent, whose comparable with? 可他一眨眼就能将这武学与人一战,如此天赋,谁人堪比 Suddenly again also nobody dares to suspect that Xiao Yun natural talent, the people brought to pay attention to that war stern-faced silently. 一时间再也没有人敢怀疑萧云天赋了,众人带着一脸凝重默默的关注着那一战。 Bang! 砰! In the broad azure rock road, two forms encounter unceasingly, burst out everywhere golden light, intensely bright. 宽阔的青石路中,两道身影不断交锋,迸发出漫天金光,耀眼夺目。 At this moment, that Zheng Tianwei whole person was covered by the golden light. 此刻,那郑天伟整个人都被金光所笼罩。 Carefully looks that can discover his whole body has golden marks to protect and sustain, just like defended Cultivation Technique Golden Marks Twisting stimulating to movement that. 仔细看去,可以发现他周身有着金纹护持,俨然是将那防御功法金纹绞给催动了起来。 But under that purple fire wave wreaks havoc, Zheng Tianwei felt as before a palpitation, as if own this Golden Marks Twisting defense momentarily has the cremated sign, in this moment, he is realized finally said the Flawless Martial Spirit uncommon place. 可是在那紫色的火流肆虐下,郑天伟依旧是感到一阵心悸,似乎自己金纹绞防御随时都有着被焚化的迹象,在这一刻,他终于是体会道了无暇武魂的不凡之处。 So-called really [gold/metal] does not fear the fire to refine, but Xiao Yun True Fire is flawless, each is the process is repeatedly tempered comes, not to have impurity precise, is Fire True Yuan, but this Zheng Tianwei Gold Spirit Physique value Gold Yuan Qi that only then 40%, that absorption comes concise is impure. 所谓真金不怕火炼,可是萧云真火无暇,每一丝都是经过千锤百炼凝炼而来,没有一丝杂质,为火之真元,可这郑天伟金灵体值只有40,那吸收凝练而来的金元气根本不纯。 Does defense that impure Gold Yuan Qi condenses how could resist quenching of that True Fire? 不纯的金元气凝聚成的防御岂能抵挡那真火的淬炼? This is the physique disparity. 这就是体质的差距。 Flawless Martial Spirit really uncommon.” Zheng Tianwei brows tightly frowns, to felt at this moment finally Flawless Martial Spirit uncommon place, „his damaged item is not simple, runes has broken, can't link up also to play this might unexpectedly?” 无暇武魂真的不凡。”郑天伟眉头紧锁,到了此刻终于感觉到了无暇武魂的不凡之处,“他那残器也不简单,符文已经断裂,没有能衔接起来竟然还能发挥出这威力?” Zheng Tianwei is stern-faced. 郑天伟一脸凝重。 After so fights, he to Xiao Yun also calculates that had understood. 经过这般交手,他对萧云也算有所了解。 True Fire that opposite party Flawless Martial Spirit sends out is very fearful, if own does not have Magic Item to rely on True Yuan middle-stage cultivation level in the hand to be unpleasable, is so, after Xiao Yun uses Heavenly Flame Halberd has put forth the style in Heavenly Flame Five Styles the situation immediately to change. 对方的无暇武魂所散发出的真火十分可怕,若是自己没有法器在手就算凭借着真元中期修为都难以讨好,也是如此,在萧云动用天炎戟使出了天炎五式中的招式后局势立即改变。 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves, this first style refine finally similarly.” Xiao Yun after the actual combat also had some attainments to The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves this move continually, this move only need comprehend a character, that is broken, by absolute strength broken completely all. 烈焰破浪,这第一式终于炼得差不多了。”在连番实战后萧云烈焰破浪这一招也是有了一些心得,这一招只需领悟一个字,那便是破,以绝对的力量破尽一切。 So long as comprehended middle essence, is not only the rough sea waves, even if the mountain also takes a halberd to break. 只要领悟了当中的精髓,不仅是巨浪,就算是山岳也要一戟破开。 Also should finish.” After comprehending middle essence, Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates suddenly, the long halberd moves then forward to cut, not only that his whole person also forward steps, person along with halberd , the halberd sends along with the people's desires. “也该结束了。”在领悟了当中的精髓后,萧云突然眸光一凝,长戟一动便是向前斩去,不仅如此,他的整个人也是向前迈去,人随戟去,又似戟随人意而发。 This halberd might is huge, that roaring flame turnover, might cut crack all, although that halberd blade edge is incomplete, has an irresistible imposing manner, Zheng Tianwei is only thinking that the own whole body was given to cover by fire wave, rays of light that in his hand the long [gold/metal] blooms cannot resist that imposing manner. 这一戟威力巨大,那烈焰吞吐,似可斩裂一切,那戟刃虽然残缺,却拥有着一股不可抵挡的气势,郑天伟只觉自己全身都被一股火流给笼罩,他手中长金绽放出来的光芒根本不能抵挡那气势。 Hateful, this damaged halberd is not Magic Item so is absolutely simple.” Zheng Tianwei brows tightly frowns, must welcome the spear|gun to resist. “可恶,这残戟绝对不是法器那么简单。”郑天伟眉头紧锁,只得迎枪抵挡。 Ding! 叮! A clear sound resounds, the spear|gun halberd confrontation, that halberd glow submerges golden spear glow thoroughly, the place of both confrontation, bursts out the dazzling spark immediately, Zheng Tianwei only thinks that a great strength shakes from the spear|gun's body, his fingers/tiger's mouth trembled to crack. 一声清脆的声音响起,枪戟交锋,那戟芒将金色的枪芒彻底淹没,两者交锋之处,当即迸发出耀眼的火花,郑天伟只觉一股巨力从枪身震来,他虎口都是一颤崩裂了开来。 Thump! 咚咚! Zheng Tianwei personal appearance flying upside down under that great strength, falling maliciously falls on the place. 在那股巨力下郑天伟身形倒飞而出,狠狠的摔落在地。 Clang! 锵! Meanwhile long spear in his hand falls to the ground, sends out together the resounding. 与此同时他手中的长枪落地,发出一道脆响。 Whoosh ! 刷! Zheng Tianwei just now falls to the ground, actually sees the front light twinkle, a person's shadow plunders, followed closely a handle to bring the halberd blade edge of burning hot aura then to arrive in his place of nape of the neck, that burning hot, making his heart crazily jump, the whole body has the chill in the air to rise suddenly. 郑天伟方才落地,却见得前方光影闪烁,一个人影掠来,紧随着一柄带着炙热气息的戟刃便是抵在了他的脖颈之处,那丝炙热,让得他的心头狂跳,全身都有着寒意骤升。 Shouted.” Zheng Tianwei gains ground slowly, a face is incapable, in the front, wears the man of azure mark white clothing to be built on the front, a pair of jet black pupil cold severe incomparable, the stance to overlook is staring at him, was the scene formerly how so similar by him? “呼。”郑天伟缓缓抬头,一脸无力,在面前,一个身穿青纹白衣的男子正立于面前,一双漆黑的眸子冷厉无比,以俯视的姿态盯着他,这般场景以他先前何其相似? Now he became the overlooked object. 只是现在他成为了被俯视的对象。 You defeated.” Xiao Yun is grasping long spear, shot a look at that Zheng Tianwei to say lightly. “你败了。”萧云手持着长枪,淡淡的瞥了一眼那郑天伟道。 „Did I defeat?” In the Zheng Tianwei pupil reveals a confusedness, the pupil winks, wants to refute to be actually speechless. “我败了?”郑天伟眸中露出一丝迷茫,眸子眨动,想要反驳却又无话可说。 If said this Xiao Yun because of the Magic Item win, but the opposite party is only damaged item, Magic Item that furthermore he first leaves. 若说这萧云是因为法器取胜,可对方只是一件残器,再者还是他先出的法器 If said cultivation level, he also compared with on a Xiao Yun enough high small boundary, even though in the Zheng Tianwei heart in unwilling must swallow this tone. 若说修为,他还比萧云足足高上一个小境界,纵使郑天伟心中在不甘也只得咽下这口气。 Later do not let me see you to bully Junior Sister Duan, otherwise I start not to be forgiving.” A Xiao Yun face is callous, in that simple words actually resembles to have a flavor without a doubt, is very obvious, if Zheng Tianwei dares to violate next time again, finally definitely is not this. “以后别让我在看到你欺负段师妹,不然我下手绝不会在留情。”萧云一脸冷酷,那简单的话语中却似拥有着一股毋庸置疑的味道,很显然,若是郑天伟下次敢再犯,结果肯定不是这样。 This time calculates that you are fierce.” To so cold severe the tone be being been scolding by Xiao Yun, Zheng Tianwei became angry out of shame for a while, he clenched teeth, a face is gloomy, after stared at Xiao Yun one maliciously, works on the ground long spear, sets out then to walk. “这次算你厉害。”被萧云以如此冷厉的口气呵斥着,郑天伟一时又不由恼羞成怒了起来,他咬了咬牙,一脸阴森,在狠狠的盯了萧云一眼后,抓起地上的长枪,起身便走。 We walk.” Zheng Tianwei greeted one toward that Li Ji two people, must leave. “我们走。”郑天伟向着那李吉二人招呼一声,就要离开。 „Did we such walk?” Li Ji and Feng Liang moved forward to meet somebody, in taking a look at a that long hair was disorderly, after the corners of the mouth have Zheng Tianwei of blood, somewhat unwilling saying, if such dingy walked, how later they also mix in Rising Stars Peak! “我们就这么走了吗?”李吉冯亮迎了上去,在瞅了一眼那长发凌乱,嘴角有血的郑天伟后,有些不甘的说道,若是就这么灰溜溜的走了,以后他们还如何在新秀峰混啊! This gathering place I will sooner or later look.” Zheng Tianwei coldly snorted, after coldly stared Xiao Yun turns around then to walk. “这场子我迟早会找回来的。”郑天伟冷哼一声,在冷冷的瞪了一眼萧云后转身便走。 Here person of many mixed, he was already defeated, if also pestering not to be good to the reputation, therefore Zheng Tianwei do not continue the meaning of take action. 这里人多口杂,他已然落败,若还在纠缠下去对名声不好,所以郑天伟并没有要继续出手的意思。 Senior Brother Xiao, I thought that this Zheng Tianwei will not give up!” After Zheng Tianwei departs, that Wang Lei and Zhou Ping walked. 萧师兄,我看这郑天伟不会善罢甘休啊!”在郑天伟离去后,那王磊周平走了上来。 Might as well.” Xiao Yun brows slightly raise, then damaged halberd in hand receives Swallowing the Heavens Tower, has not placed in that Zheng Tianwei the heart. “无妨。”萧云眉头微挑,便是将手中残戟收入吞天塔,并没有将那郑天伟放在心中。 Heard that Zheng Tianwei has elder brother named Zheng Tianxiang, is Gold Spirit Physique, has 45% spirit values, now has stepped into True Yuan late-stage, if he acts, perhaps later will be very thorny!” Zhou Ping sees Xiao Yun that indifferent appearance, in the heart slightly reveals the doubts, but cannot bear remind one, after this matter, he were many to the latter several points of respect. “听说郑天伟有个兄长名为郑天翔,也是金灵体,却有着45的灵值,如今已经踏入了真元后期,要是他出面,恐怕以后会很棘手啊!”周平萧云那淡然的模样,心中略露疑惑,不过还是忍不住提醒一句,经过此事,他对后者不由多了几分敬意。 True Yuan late-stage?” Hears this word, a Xiao Yun brow micro wrinkle, at once the corners of the mouth raise a light curve saying that hopes he does not come to annoy me, otherwise I did not mind punishes one to deter others actually with him, so may also give to omit troublesome some for me.” 真元后期?”听得此言,萧云的眉头微一皱,旋即嘴角掀起一丝淡淡的弧度道,“希望他别来惹我,不然我倒是不介意拿他杀鸡给猴看,如此也可替我给省去一些麻烦。” When speech Xiao Yun pupil light unintentional goes toward the courtyard glance of four directions. 说话时萧云眸光有意无意的向着四方的院落扫视而去。 In the, he can the clear feeling have about ten people to watch this matter secretly. 在附近,他可以清晰的感觉到有着近十人在暗自观看此事。 These people mostly are Xiao Yun together basic disciple, enjoys nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation not to be convinced to him, little had not ridiculed a moment ago, after Xiao Yun has defeated Zheng Tianwei, refusing to accept in these person of hearts obviously reduced. 这些人多半都是和萧云一起入门的弟子,对他享有九级聚元阵并不服气,刚才还没少讥讽,不过在当萧云击败了郑天伟后,这些人心中的不服显然减少了许多。 That hostility actually not weak many. 只是那敌意却并没有弱多少。 After all at the same time Core Disciple, is the competitor. 毕竟同时核心弟子,都将是竞争对手。 Who hoped own many strong matches? 谁希望自己多一个强劲的对手了? Saw Xiao Yun and not caring, Zhou Ping and Wang Lei is not talking too much. 萧云并不在意,周平王磊也不在多言了。 After this post-war, Xiao Yun in their eyes already became somewhat immeasurably deep. 经过此战后,萧云在他们的眼中已然变得有些深不可测了起来。 Senior Brother Xiao, a moment ago you really in practice martial arts?” Nearby Wang Lei sudden eye one bright, the pupil narrows the eyes to have several points of simple and honest smiling face to ask, remembered scene his heart cannot help but straight crazily to jump, felt the blood in boiling. 萧师兄,刚才你真的是在修炼一门武学吗?”旁边的王磊突然眼睛一亮,眸子眯起带着几分憨厚的笑容问道,一想起刚才的情景他的心就不由得直狂跳跳,感到血液在沸腾 The people often said that making a last-ditch effort is unrecommendable, but this Xiao Yun then changed the situation by this! 人们常说临时抱佛脚不可取,可这萧云便是以此扭转了局势啊! Nod of Xiao Yun shows neither approval nor disapproval. 萧云不置可否的点了点头。 Really?” hear speech/words, Wang Lei stared in a big way the eye. “真是?”闻言,王磊不由瞪大了眼睛。 Your this did natural talent also too exaggerate?” That Zhou Ping is also surprised, although had already expected, but sees the Xiao Yun default now, in the heart feels to shock as before incomparably, generally speaking jumps over high-level martial arts to be hard practice to succeed on exceed. “你这天赋也太夸张了吧?”那周平也是一脸惊讶,虽然早就有所预料,可现在见萧云默认,心中依旧感到震撼无比,一般来说越高级武学就越难以修炼成功。 On such as this Earth Rank martial arts. 就如这地阶武学来说吧。 Even if their these talent practice Earth Rank martial arts initial-stage cross the threshold also day of time. 就算他们这些天才修炼地阶武学就算初步入门也得一天时间。 How long but this had Xiao Yun used a moment ago? 可这萧云刚才用了多久? Among several breaths made a connection with the vein, the moment grasped the style, has been able to meet the enemy. 只是几息间就打通了脉络,片刻就掌握了招式,已经可以应敌。 This natural talent who comparable with? 天赋谁人堪比 This fellow is really monstrous talent.” Zheng Tianwei departed, the youth but who hides in some not far away courtyard old trees has not actually left, wants to search an actual situation as before, now all sees Xiao Yun to tacitly approve this matter to be shaken shook. “这家伙果然是一个妖孽。”郑天伟已经离去,可是在不远处一些院落古树中潜藏的少年却并没有动身,依旧想探个虚实,如今见得萧云默认了此事皆是被震了一震。 It seems like is a powerful enemy.” On giant tree, a Chen Feng brow wrinkle felt a pressure, in light of this departs afterward. “看来是个劲敌。”一颗巨木上,陈锋眉头一皱感到了一股压力,随后才就此离去。 Senior Brother Xiao, this time many thanks you.” Duan Ling'er walks up, in the beautiful pupil is bringing some different light, the fine beautiful face reappeared to blush, she lifted looks at Xiao Yun, in the mouth is having the countless words to say that finally said such one. 萧师兄,这次多谢你了。”段灵儿走上前来,美眸中带着些许异光,精致的玉容浮现出了一丝红晕,她抬望着萧云,口中有千言万语要说最后却只是说出了这么一句。 Hehe, you chatted.” Departure that the appearance that sees Duan Ling'er that starting to speak but hesitating, Zhou Ping Wang Lei is quite tactful. 呵呵,你们聊。”见段灵儿那一副欲言又止的模样,周平王磊颇为识趣的离去。 Slight effort that's all. Xiao Yun said with a smile, „were we same side why so are polite?” “举手之劳罢了。萧云笑道,“我们都是同门何必如此客气?” Is only the slight effort?” In seeing a Xiao Yun light appearance, the look that in Duan Ling'er that bright pupil appears losing, her white teeth tight pursing the lips lip, why in the heart does not know, as if there is one breath to suppress. “只是举手之劳吗?”在见得萧云一副平淡的模样,段灵儿那明亮的眸子中不由浮现出一丝失落的神色,她贝齿紧抿着嘴唇,心中不知为何,似乎有着一口气憋着。 Must make her open the mouth, that root of the ear felt that blushes. 只是要让她开口,那耳根又是感到一阵羞红。 Senior Brother Xiao, your wound is still bleeding, I help you clean.” Duan Ling'er glances the circulation after hesitant turns then opens the mouth saying that sees Xiao Yun that to feel for scar her heart that own leaves behind loves dearly. 萧师兄,你的伤口还在流血,我去帮你清洗一下吧。”段灵儿眼波流转在犹豫一翻后这才开口说道,见得萧云那为了自己留下的伤痕她那芳心感到一阵心疼。 However what are more is moved. 不过更多的是感动。 The magnificent feat of Xiao Yun this bravely stepping forward gave the young girl of this beginning to be interested in the opposite sex to make the extremely good impression obviously. 萧云这次挺身而出的壮举显然给这个情窦初开的少女留下了极好的印象。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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