EMS :: Volume #2

#178: The roaring flame cleaves the waves

Chapter 178 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves 第178章烈焰破浪 Crossing the threshold of any martial arts is quite important, cannot idle, so easily to be how could successful on the impact meridians? 任何武学的入门都极为重要,不可懈怠,岂能这么轻易就冲击经络成功? „Have meridians attacked successfully?” A Zheng Tianwei brow wrinkle, in the pupil also reveals wipes surprisedly, this speed has exceeded his imagination completely, but also merely is so, how even if the meridians succeed, the martial arts essence so is can it be that easy to grasp? “经络已经冲击成功了?”郑天伟眉头一皱,眸中也是露出一抹惊讶,这速度完全超出了他的想象,不过也仅仅是如此,就算经络成功又如何,武学的精髓岂是那么容易掌握的? Zheng Tianwei grasps Magic Item, the brow is selecting, does not fear Xiao Yun. Ha 郑天伟手持着法器,眉头一挑,根本不惧萧云。哈 Then, lets me and you fights.” The meridians attack successfully, the Xiao Yun confidence increases, immediately before the body , the light twinkle, a long halberd then appeared before his body, this long halberd redness, was the flame sends out burning aura to fluctuate in the combustion probably. “接下来,就让我与你一战吧。”经络冲击成功,萧云信心大增,当即身前光影闪烁,一杆长戟便是出现在了他的身前,这长戟一片赤红,好像是火焰在燃烧散发出一股炙热的气息波动。 Carefully looks that the halberd body is broken, above is covering entirely the scale general trace, has a plain aura to fill the air. 仔细看去,戟身残破,上面布满着鳞片一般的纹路,有着一股古朴的气息弥漫开来。 This long halberd side emergence, nearby air has the subtle change, started to move restlessly. 这长戟方一出现,附近的空气都有着微妙的变化,开始躁动了起来。 Nearby Wang Lei and the others felt that the breath obstructs, is indistinct was seeming to be an invisible oppression tilts toward own under. 附近的王磊等人感觉到呼吸一窒,隐约间似有着一股无形的压迫向着自己倾覆而下。 At this moment all person eye pupils suddenly shrink, tight is staring at that damaged halberd in Xiao Yun hand. 这一刻所有的人眼瞳都是骤然一缩,紧紧的盯着萧云手中的那残戟 „Is this Magic Item?” A Feng Liang face doubt, surprised [say / way]. “这是法器?”冯亮一脸狐疑,惊讶道。 „Is this junk where washes?” Li Ji brow tight wrinkle, shaking has shaken by that damaged halberd imposing manner, from that damaged halberd aura absolutely uncommon, but in looking at that damaged halberd trace break, that halberd blade edge has lacked an opening, a point not after the appearance, he then shook the head quickly, is such ice blade edge also Magic Item? “这是从哪里淘来的破铜烂铁?”李吉眉头紧皱,被那残戟的气势给震了一震,从那残戟的气息来看绝对不凡,可是在瞧得那残戟纹路断裂,就连那戟刃都缺了一个口子,一副锋芒不在的模样后,他很快便摇了摇头,这样的冰刃还算是法器吗? damaged item?” Nearby Wang Lei and Zhou Ping were also startled, „does Senior Brother Xiao want to deal with that Zheng Tianwei Magic Item by this damaged item?” This makes them feel somewhat impractically. “一件残器?”就连旁边的王磊周平也怔住了,“萧师兄是想以这残器应付那郑天伟法器吗?”这让他们感觉有些不切实际。 Although Xiao Yun this damaged halberd imposing manner is uncommon, but the above trace has gone bad, is hard to play the Magic Item proper might, how in that complete Magic Item with that Zheng Tianwei hand to contend, Magic Item will be a damage point will affect bursting out of might! 虽说萧云残戟气势不凡,可上面的纹路已经坏了,难以发挥出法器应有的威力,如何和那郑天伟手中那件完好的法器抗衡,法器就算是缺损一点都将影响威力的迸发啊! Senior Brother Xiao.” Nearby Duan Ling'er beautiful eye blinks, on the fine elegant face has the tears to fall. 萧师兄。”旁边的段灵儿美眸眨动,精致的俏脸上有着泪水滑落。 She has not thought that this Xiao Yun will not hesitate to use one damaged item to fight a decisive battle with the person for own unexpectedly. 她怎么也没有想到这萧云竟然会为了自己不惜动用一件‘残器’与人决战。 This deep friendship will let the person so! 这得多深厚的情义才会让人如此啊! The Duan Ling'er white teeth tight pursing the lips lip, the mist dim pupil rose, stares at that youth, in the heart was raising inexplicable feelings, resembles wanted deeply him gives the brand mark in the mind, took the benefit in this takes martial arts as honor all as the world of premise, only feared also only then this youth will treat so her. 段灵儿贝齿紧抿着嘴唇,雾气朦胧的眸子上扬,盯着那少年,心中不由升起了一股莫名的情愫,似要深深的将他给烙印在脑海,在这个以武为尊一切以利益为前提的世界,只怕也只有这少年会如此待她吧。 Regarding Duan Ling'er this thoughts change, Xiao Yun does not know but actually, his palm tight grasps that damaged halberd to start secret revolution within the body True Fire, will be trying in the induction halberd, only then True Fire can in the smooth induction halberd be able to display that Heavenly Flame Five Styles might. 对于段灵儿这心思变化,萧云倒并不知道,他手掌紧紧的握着那残戟开始暗暗运转体内真火,试着将之导入戟内,只有真火能顺利的导入戟内才可以将那天炎五式的威力发挥出来。 As for this damaged halberd, impressively was initially Xiao Yun in that Heavenly Flame inheritance palace obtained Heavenly Flame Halberd. 至于这残戟,赫然是当初萧云在那天炎遗府所得的天炎戟了。 „Do you want to fight with me with this damaged halberd?” Zheng Tianwei took a look in a Xiao Yun hand that damaged halberd, formerly also shaking has shaken by that imposing manner, in discovering that scarlet halberd runes break, after seriously was damaged, did not have the worry. “你想用这残戟与我一战?”郑天伟瞅了一眼萧云手中那残戟,先前也是被那股气势给震了一震,不过在发现那赤戟符文断裂,已经严重受损后也就没有了顾虑。 Zheng Tianwei own has Magic Item, naturally knows some simple principles of Magic Item. 郑天伟自己就拥有法器,自然知道法器的一些简单原理。 Magic Item first selects material very importantly, can decide Magic Item quality, what is most important is above inscription runes, this is the Magic Item key is, if the runes attrition or the break of Magic Item are serious, the Magic Item might will also plummet. 法器首先取材很重要,可以决定法器品质,可是最为重要的还是上面刻篆符文,这才是法器的关键所在,若是法器符文磨损或者断裂过于严重,法器的威力也将骤降。 Xiao Yun this scarlet halberd very obviously already broken quickly became the scrap, how could to fight with him? 萧云这赤戟很显然已经残破的快成废品了,岂能与他一战? Idle talk little said that your take action.” Xiao Yun were not many said that pupil light congealed, in the mind has a picture twinkle. “废话少说,你出手吧。”萧云也不多说,眸光一凝,脑海中有着一副画面闪烁。 That is first style in Heavenly Flame Five Styles. 那是天炎五式中的第一式 Extremely arrogant ignorant, looks at the spear|gun!” Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, grasps long spear, the whole person jumps to leap on the stance of according to extremely crazy tyrant to attack toward Xiao Yun, Gold Yuan Nine Styles shortly will be put forth nine types by him, the spear|gun shade has overlapped, mixes piece of golden light runes to wreak havoc, is similar to stormy sea (difficult situation) tilts simply generally, but under must submerge Xiao Yun. “狂妄无知,看枪!”郑天伟眸光一凝,手持长枪,整个人纵身一跃就以极为狂霸的姿态向着萧云攻去,金元九式只是在顷刻间就被他使出了九式,枪影重叠,搅动起一片金色的光纹肆虐开来,简直如同惊涛骇浪一般倾覆而下要将萧云淹没。 This Zheng Tianwei was higher than Xiao Yun on cultivation level, now grasps Magic Item to be so crazy fierce take action, that imposing manner sufficiently makes that True Yuan initial-stage cultivator withdraw three chi (0.33 m), therefore he by stance powerful take action of this crazy tyrant, but this looks like in the Xiao Yun eye is actually stupid. 本来这郑天伟修为上就比萧云高,如今手持法器这般狂猛出手,那气势就足以让得那真元初期修者退避三尺,所以他才会以这狂霸的姿态强势出手,不过这在萧云眼里看来却是愚蠢至极。 Because this Zheng Tianwei jumps to leap, no doubt the imposing manner is arrogant, is actually the empty gate big dew, and other strategic point dew has given the enemy the chest and belly of own, only then breaks his layer on layer to attack, sufficiently gave his serious attack. 因为这郑天伟纵身一跃,固然气势凌人,可是却空门大露,将自己的胸腹等几处要害都露给了敌人,只有破掉他那重重攻击,就足以给予他沉重的打击了。 Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil is calculating that spear glow path at heart, as well as the weakness of these attacks, the expression appears quite calm. 萧云眸子微眯心里计算着那一道道枪芒的轨迹,以及那些攻击的薄弱之处,表情显得颇为淡定。 „Does this boy come this move?” Xiao Yun this calm appearance is to let nearby Li Ji and Feng Liang almost spits blood. “这小子又来这招?”萧云这淡定的模样却是让得旁边的李吉冯亮差点吐血。 This two people vaguely remembers when Zheng Tianwei take action this Xiao Yun is this on the point of death is not for the first time chaotic, but also made them ridicule turned, finally was actually unexpected striking to fly Zheng Tianwei, compelling him to put forth Magic Item, powerful take action. 两人依稀记得就在郑天伟首次出手的时候这萧云就是这样临危不乱,还让他们讥讽了一翻,结果却是出其不意的将郑天伟给击飞了,逼得他使出了法器,强势出手 This time plays the same old trick, Feng Liang and the others, although is confident to Zheng Tianwei, actually did not dare to ridicule that Xiao Yun. 此次故伎重演,冯亮等人虽然对郑天伟颇具信心,却也不敢在讥讽那萧云了。 Who knows that what positive result that boy can do? 谁知道那小子会不会又搞出什么名堂? This Zheng Tianwei True Yuan exhausts, is the air change time, this take action.” Also in this time, Xiao Yun eye one bright, in the hand the long halberd moves, a picture in the mind appears, then his long halberd was similar to that the villain of picture same has waved. “这郑天伟一口真元用尽,正是换气的时候,该出手了。”也就在此时,萧云眼睛一亮,手中长戟一动,在脑海中一副画面浮现,然后他的长戟如同那画面的小人一样舞动了起来。 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 The long halberd moves, almost that picture in Xiao Yun mind with exactly the same that waves. 长戟一动,几乎与萧云脑海中的那个画面舞动的一模一样。 Actually sees that long halberd to cut the crack to be void, on the halberd blade edge the flame twinkle, the roaring flame bursts out together, cleaves the waves the crack spatial imposing manner to cut toward the front by one, that flame institute and place, the golden light starts to be defeated and dispersed, is similar to the wave in that sea by the roaring flame burning completely. 却见得那长戟斩裂虚空,戟刃上火光闪烁,一道烈焰迸发而出,以一股破浪裂空的气势向着前方斩去,那火焰所及之处,金光开始溃散,如同那大海中的波浪被烈焰给焚尽。 Gold Yuan Nine Styles that roaring flame everywhere, that Zheng Tianwei puts forth continuously is similar to stormy sea (difficult situation), has to submerge all imposing manners, that spear glow is similar to thunder in wild waves, often glitters, must give the enemy to attack fatally. 烈焰漫天,那郑天伟连续使出的金元九式就如同惊涛骇浪,有着淹没一切的气势,那一道道枪芒就如同骇浪中的雷霆,不时闪烁而出,要给予敌人致命的攻击。 In threatening strikes, is actually the imposing manner plummets under that roaring flame, burning hot fire wave might burn completely all, these golden Yuan Qi were almost cremated at the naked eye obvious speed, under that fiery clearing the way, the roaring flame such as blade edge tearing an opening, has given to rout spear glow, that intense collision made void shiver. 只是在气势汹汹的一击,在那烈焰之下却是气势骤降,炙热的火流似可焚尽一切,那些金色的元气几乎是以肉眼可见的速度被焚化,在那火热的开道下,烈焰如刃生生的撕裂出了一个口子,将一道道枪芒给击溃,那激烈的碰撞让得虚空都颤抖了起来。 Bang! 砰! Actually sees golden light flashes to tremble, spear glow was routed together, Xiao Yun grasps the long halberd, is similar to cleaves the waves the line, that long halberd crack is spatial, cuts toward that front Zheng Tianwei by the irresistible imposing manner, that style, the imposing manner almost in that Heavenly Flame Five Styles that first style with the blueprint that draws is the same, is coordinating the attack of this Zheng Tianwei, pours has several points of The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves flavor. 却见得金光一颤,一道枪芒被击溃,萧云手持长戟,真的如同破浪而行,那长戟裂空,以不可抵挡的气势向着那前方的郑天伟斩去,那招式,气势几乎都与那天炎五式中那第一式所画的图纸一样,在配合这郑天伟的攻击,倒真的有着几分烈焰破浪的味道。 A flame glitters, has actually broken Zheng Tianwei Gold Yuan Nine Styles, killed to him. 一道火光闪烁,却是破开了郑天伟金元九式,杀向了他本人。 Shout! 呼! The flame , the air current of that burning hot, the imposing manner that as well as that sharp knife blade common roaring flame carries is not frightening. 火光未至,那股炙热的气流,以及那道利刃一般的烈焰所携带的气势却让人心惊。 very powerful imposing manner.” The Zheng Tianwei heart jumps, the pupil closely stares at the front to reveal to be surprised, he has not thought that the attack of opposite party so will be formidable, is only a twinkling, unexpectedly breaking this was possible his Gold Yuan Nine Styles? 好强的气势。”郑天伟心头一跳,眸子紧紧盯着前方露出一脸惊讶,他怎么也没有想到,对方的攻击会如此强大,只是一瞬息,竟将他的金元九式给破了这怎么可能? He grasps Magic Item, is True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment cultivator! 他可是手持法器,还是真元中期大成修者啊! However, Zheng Tianwei thinks without enough time that Xiao Yun has broken rough sea waves to hold the halberd to kill. 然而,来不及郑天伟多想,萧云已经破开了‘巨浪’持戟杀来。 Whoosh ! 刷! The long halberd cuts, on that halberd blade edge has together three chi (0.33 m) roaring flame turnover, is similar to is the hot blade edge cuts to the shoulder of Zheng Tianwei. 长戟斩来,那戟刃上有着一道三尺长的烈焰吞吐,如同是火刃斩向郑天伟的肩膀。 Zheng Tianwei pupil light sinks, does not dare to pull rank, holds a gun to resist hastily horizontally. 郑天伟眸光一沉,不敢托大,连忙持枪横抵挡。 Clang! 锵! The spear|gun halberd junction strikes, collides dazzling rays of light in void, the clear loud acoustic shock person heart and soul, attracted nearby pupil light. 枪戟交击,在虚空中碰撞出耀眼的光芒,清脆的响声震人心魄,吸引了附近一道道眸光 People heart startled, has not understood how Xiao Yun killed a road, two people hardly has actually shaken. 众人心惊,还没有明白萧云是如何杀出一条路,两人却已经硬撼上了。 Shout! 呼! The flame four shoot, void fierce trembles, purple flame that golden total flooding, however the people are noticed that Zheng Tianwei personal appearance trembles, the whole person raising to fly by a formidable impulse, corners of the mouth fresh blood puts out. 火光四射,虚空猛的一颤,紫色的火光将那金色全部淹没,然而众人便是看到那郑天伟身形一颤,整个人被一股强大的冲击力给掀飞了出去,嘴角一口鲜血吐出。 Thump! 咚咚! Zheng Tianwei revolution True Yuan, to remove that fallout strongly, but was shaken by that powerful impulse during landing as before slides seven zhang (3.33 m) talent in the ground, final several stagger, stays behind three cuns (2.5cm) deep footprints to stand firm the personal appearance in the ground. 郑天伟竭力运转真元,以卸去那股余波,可是在落地时依旧是被那股强悍的冲击力震得在地面滑出七丈才,最后几个踉跄,在地面留下一个个三寸深的脚印才稳住身形。 In his front, has the long trace that sole stays behind. 在他的前方,有着脚掌所留下的长长痕迹。 „His does strike so will be how strong?” The Zheng Tianwei double pupil slightly is gloomy, the within the body vitality is tumbling, his double pupil is staring at the front, in that heart raised stormy sea (difficult situation), in the mouth muttered, his practice Heaven Rank Martial Arts? Also is not right, this type Earth Rank martial arts, is not Heaven Rank, is it possible that does damaged item have blessing to this move of might?” “他这一击怎么会那么强?”郑天伟双眸略显暗淡,体内气血在翻滚,他双眸愣愣的盯着前方,那心中掀起了惊涛骇浪,口中喃喃道,“难道他修炼了一门天阶武学?也不对,这一式似地阶武学,绝不是天阶,莫非那残器对这一招威力有所加持?” That damaged item?” Unexpectedly, Zheng Tianwei pupil light moves, tight is staring at opposite that damaged item. “那残器?”蓦地,郑天伟眸光一动,紧紧的盯着对面那件残器 It seems like this Heavenly Flame Halberd, even though incomplete is not general Magic Item may compare.” Saw that own struck broke the Zheng Tianwei offensive, in Xiao Yun heart micro happy, not only this was related with his precise computing power with this Heavenly Flame Halberd also has the greatest relations. “看来这天炎戟纵使残缺了也不是一般的法器可比。”见到自己一击就破了郑天伟的攻势,萧云心中微喜,这不仅和他精确的计算能力有关与这天炎戟也有着莫大的关系。 He can feel that uses this Heavenly Flame Halberd to display Heavenly Flame Five Styles to display all this set of martial arts might. 他可以感觉到,动用这天炎戟施展天炎五式能够将这套武学的威力尽数施展出来。 Zheng Tianwei, meets to incur.” This striking made Xiao Yun fighting intent burst out a moment ago, his sole took forward one step, was grasps the long halberd to attack toward that Zheng Tianwei, this time, as before was in the middle of Heavenly Flame Five Styles first style, The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves. 郑天伟,接招。”刚才这一击让萧云战意迸发,他脚掌向前迈出一步,便是手持长戟向着那郑天伟攻了过去,这一次,依旧是天炎五式当中的第一式,烈焰破浪 Whoosh ! 刷! The long halberd moves, the Purple Flame twinkle, is similar to a fire dragon kicks out from the halberd, makes threatening gestures, goes toward front tearing. 长戟一动,紫炎闪烁,如同一条火龙从戟中扑出,张牙舞爪,向着前方撕裂而去。 this time were also as if many cleaving the waves feeling. 这一次似乎又多了一丝‘破浪’的感觉。 „Were intent domain that this strikes as if many a point?” Sees Xiao Yun to continue take action stern-faced, Zheng Tianwei does not dare to tow in a big way, the palm long moves, the golden light blooms, is meets the approaching enemy to go, a moment ago was because he too negligent will have been hit is caught off guard. “他这一击的意境似乎多了一分?”见得萧云继续出手,郑天伟一脸凝重不敢在拖大,手掌长一动,金光绽放,便是迎击而去,刚才就是因为他太大意了才会被打得措手不及。 Clang clang! 锵锵! The spear|gun shade and goes into seclusion the confrontation, exudes the sonorous sound, two forms keep interlocking, fights is bustling. 枪影和戟影交锋,发出铿锵之声,两道身影不停交错,战得可谓是热火朝天。 Suddenly, two people has fought dozens times, the Xiao Yun take action imposing manner will increase each time. 一时间,两人已经交手几十次,萧云每次出手气势都将有所增加。 So strange, making nearby person look stares dumbfounded. 如此诡异的一幕,让得附近的人看得可谓是瞠目结舌。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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