EMS :: Volume #2

#177: Makes a last-ditch effort?

Does Chapter 177 make a last-ditch effort? 第177章临时抱佛脚? This golden marks condensation forming, has covered immediately the Zheng Tianwei whole body, enabling his mind to stabilize. Kazakh 520 novels 金纹凝聚成形,当即就笼罩了郑天伟全身,使得他心神得以稳定。哈520小说 But in this quarter delaying, Xiao Yun seized the chance to avoid that swift and fierce attack, arrived at the Zheng Tianwei body side, his both hands hauling, fire wave of burning hot sweeps across from within the body, purple Magic Seal suddenly on condensation. 可是在这刻耽搁,萧云已经趁机避开了那凌厉的攻击,来到了郑天伟的身侧,他双手牵引,一股炙热的火流体内席卷而出,一个紫色的法印瞬息间就凝聚而成。 Flame Wild Lion Seal! 火焰狂狮印 Also after Zheng Tianwei defends Cultivation Technique revolving to resist Golden Marks Twisting this that soul has attacked, Xiao Yun Flame Wild Lion Seal has carried the strength of suppression wild Fire Yuan to come, purple a Shizishi in the middle of Magic Seal roared then to plunge Zheng Tianwei. 也就在郑天伟金纹绞这防御功法给运转起来抵挡住了那灵魂攻击后,萧云火焰狂狮印已经是携带着狂暴的火元之力镇压而来,在法印当中一尊紫色的狮子狮吼一声便扑向了郑天伟 Gives me to break.” Zheng Tianwei brows slightly wrinkle, the arm moves, immediately the golden light twinkle, is similar to iron claw tearing takes that Flame Wild Lion void, that sharp claws imposing manner is arrogant, including void might tear, so is attacking Flame Wild Lion Seal to collapse immediately. “给我破。”郑天伟眉头微微一皱,手臂一动,当即金光闪烁,如同一只铁爪撕裂虚空直取那火焰狂狮,那利爪气势凌人,连虚空都似可撕裂,在这般攻击火焰狂狮印当即崩溃。 After all this Zheng Tianwei has True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment cultivation level, is not the average person may compare. 毕竟这郑天伟有着真元中期大成修为,不是一般人可比。 However, had this moment time, the body of Xiao Yun slid has been separated from the Zheng Tianwei attack range. 不过,有了这片刻时间,萧云的身子一滑就脱离了郑天伟的攻击范围。 A moment ago from take action, that Zheng Tianwei was instant unceasing on killing move, the opportunity of almost continually panting for breath has not given Xiao Yun. 刚才自出手的刹那,那郑天伟杀招不断,几乎连喘息的机会都没有给萧云 Made you run away unexpectedly.” Zheng Tianwei brows slightly wrinkle, in the heart felt regarding that inexplicable soul oppression strength a moment ago somewhat inexplicably, but sees Xiao Yun retreat, in the heart also feels relaxed, thinks that this boy does not have too many skills, how otherwise can not follow up a victory with hot pursuit? “竟然让你逃了。”郑天伟眉头微微一皱,心中对于刚才那股莫名的灵魂压迫力感到有些莫名,可是见到萧云后退,心中也就释然,想必这小子也没有太多的本事,不然岂会不乘胜追击? Senior Brother Xiao, do you injure may be heavy?” Saw Xiao Yun retreat, Duan Ling'er welcomed hastily, after her beautiful eye blinks looked at the latter that as before to have the shoulder that the bloodstain flowed, in the heart a pain, among them did not have what friendship to be possible this youth to be actually willing to be own bravely steps forward, the friendship was really so moving, especially has sneaking away at a critical juncture of that Liu Zhong is the contrast, Duan Ling'er knew the weight of this friendship, did not bravely step forward to be so simple merely. 萧师兄,你伤得可重?”见萧云后退,段灵儿连忙迎了过去,她美眸眨动瞧得后者那依旧有着血迹流淌的肩膀后,心中不由一痛,她们之间并没有什么交情可这少年却愿意为自己挺身而出,如此情谊着实让人感动,特别是有着那刘重的临阵脱逃为对比,段灵儿更是知道了这份情谊的重量,仅仅不是挺身而出那么简单。 I am all right, but some bodies injured that's all. Xiao Yun to breathe heavily several tones, afterward was light smiles, indifferent saying. “我没事,只是一些皮肉伤罢了。萧云喘了几口气,随后淡淡一笑,无所谓的说道。 You are bleeding, how to be all right?” The Duan Ling'er black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is tight, the fine jade nose wrinkles, dimly in the pupil of that clever the mist quite worries Xiao Yun staring, is looking at her delicate fine beautiful face, as well as that exquisite clever appearance, in the Xiao Yun heart slightly moves. “你都在流血,怎么会没事呢?”段灵儿黛眉紧蹙,琼鼻皱起,那灵动的眸子中雾气朦胧颇为担忧的将萧云给盯着,瞧她那秀气精致的玉容,以及那小巧灵动的模样,萧云心中不由微微一动。 This appearance looks like his younger sister, Xiao Ling'er! 这模样多么像他的妹妹,萧灵儿啊! At this time Duan Ling'er took out one bottle of hematischesis powder to sprinkle on shoulder that immediately, in Xiao Yun that has bled, that movement gently appeared quite earnest. 这时段灵儿马上取出了一瓶止血散洒在了萧云那流血的肩膀上,那动作轻柔显得颇为认真。 In the Xiao Yun heart sighed slightly, has remembered own younger sister, does not know that she did cross in that Snow Heavenly Sect may be good?” 萧云心中微微一叹,不由想起了自己妹妹,“也不知她在那雪天门过得可好?” Xiao Yun is also because this Duan Ling'er has several points of similar to his younger sister, can resolutely take action. 萧云也是因为这段灵儿与他妹妹有着几分相似,才会毅然出手 Under considers, if everyone dreads the might, comes across these matters not to dare to bravely step forward, when the own family member was bullied, shouldn't own actually in the side, how that? Even if for own younger sister, Xiao Yun must take action. 试想下,若是谁都畏惧强权,遇到这些事情不敢挺身而出,等自己的亲人被人欺负时,自己却又不在身边,那又该如何?就算是为了自己妹妹,萧云也必须出手 At least he will feel better. 至少他心里会好过些。 „Will boy, you only hide?” At this time that Zheng Tianwei has gotten back one's composure, his long spear shook, that formidable strength gives to rout fire wave that Xiao Yun that palm carried directly, after seeing a that Duan Ling'er face loved dearly sprinkled the medicine to Xiao Yun he was burning with anger, immediately got angry exclaims, do not forget our agreement, you must defeat me, otherwise...... Hehe.” “小子,你只会会躲吗?”这时那郑天伟已经回过了神来,他长枪一震,那强大的劲力直接将萧云那一掌所携带的火流给击溃,在见得那段灵儿正一脸心疼的给萧云洒药后他不由怒火中烧,当下怒吼道,“你别忘了我们的约定,你必须打败我,不然……呵呵。” That meaning is very clear, if Xiao Yun does not defeat him, that Duan Ling'er will be his. 那意思很明白,萧云若不打败他,那段灵儿将是他的。 Zheng Tianwei believes that depending on taking advantage of the own great uncle's relations, is giving that Duan Ling'er to promise some advantage, is very easy to subdue this beautiful woman, after all entered Core Palace also same to have the enormous competition, if Elder assisted, that is smoother. 郑天伟相信凭借着自己族叔的关系,在给那段灵儿许下些好处,还是很容易将这美人收服的,毕竟就算进入了核心殿也一样有着极大的竞争,若是有一个长老相助,那一切就顺利多了。 Who can refuse this to entice? 谁又能拒绝这诱惑了? Furthermore, his Zheng Tianwei is also elegant bearing talent disciple! 再者,他郑天伟也算是风度翩翩的天才弟子啊! Sees Zheng Tianwei to clamor in side, the Xiao Yun brow selects slightly, at once hints, making Duan Ling'er stand one side. 郑天伟在旁边叫嚣,萧云眉头微微一挑,旋即示意,让段灵儿站到一边去。 Senior Brother Xiao, this matter you leave alone.” Sees Xiao Yun as if also to want take action, in the Duan Ling'er eyelash light trembling pupil the mist is dim, is having several points of sobbing sound, said that you could rest assured that I will be die will not submit this person, you only need depart, look for Palace Lord Jiang to be able.” 萧师兄,这事你就别管了吧。”见萧云似乎还要出手,段灵儿睫毛轻颤眸中雾气朦胧,带着几分泣声,道,“你放心,我就是死也不会屈服这人的,你只需离去,找姜殿主便可。” In her heart actually knows that these matter Palace Lord Jiang will not meddle mostly, after all that Zheng Tianwei behind has a Elder great uncle, in not enough according to below, who is willing to help her? Here only feared that also few personally dares over except for Xiao Yun? 只是她心中却知道,多半这些事情姜殿主也不会怎么插手,毕竟那郑天伟身后有着一个长老族叔,在没有足够据下,又有谁愿意帮助她了?在这里只怕除了萧云也没有几个人敢出头吧? Sees that Duan Ling'er corner of the eye belt tears, performing is the delicate appearance, in the Xiao Yun heart a pain. 见得那段灵儿眼角带泪,尽是娇弱的模样,萧云心中一痛。 The expression manner and Ling'er of younger sister this young girl is how similar. 这少女的表情神态和灵儿妹妹是多么相似啊。 two people named Ling'er, perhaps this is the fate. 两人都名为灵儿,或许这就是缘分吧。 Xiao Yun took a deep breath, suppresses the mood in heart, afterward pupil light concentrates, said that you could rest assured that today's matter I certainly, so long as there is my Xiao Yun, will not make the person bully you, nobody can bully your.” 萧云深深吸了口气,将心中的情绪压制下来,随后眸光一凝,道,“你放心,今天的事情我管定了,只要有我萧云在,就不会让人欺负你,没有人可以欺负你的。” When spoke of the last few words, Xiao Yun does not know that was said to this Duan Ling'er, was to that moral nature missing younger sister Xiao Ling'er. 说到最后一句话时,萧云也不知是对这段灵儿说,还是对那心底思念的妹妹萧灵儿 In his heart actually already decided that this matter must manage. 只是他心中却已然决定,这事情一定要管到底。 Then, he puts out a hand to move, strokes to fall back on that Duan Ling'er behind, one step takes at once, double pupil tight is staring at the front. 说完,他伸手一动,将那段灵儿拂退到身后,旋即一步迈出,双眸紧紧的盯着前方。 I was a moment ago negligent for a while, will take advantage by you, since you want to experience my strength, then my strongly war.” The Xiao Yun expression is swift and fierce, the double pupil is similar to the sharp knife blade generally tight is staring at front Zheng Tianwei, although the opposite party was higher than a small boundary own, is actually not the reason that he dreads, simultaneously he has not planned to use Extinguishing Soul Spear. “刚才我只是一时大意,才会被你所趁,既然你想见识我的实力,那么接下来我就竭力一战。”萧云语气凌厉,双眸如同利刃一般紧紧的盯着前方的郑天伟,对方虽然比自己高了一个小境界,却不是他畏惧的理由,同时他也没有打算动用灭神之矛 Since must fight, open and aboveboard defeats this Zheng Tianwei, so can get it over and done, deters other people. 既然要战,就堂堂正正的将这郑天伟打败,如此才可以一劳永逸,震慑住旁人。 Hehe, strongly a war?” Saw Xiao Yun to stand, the Zheng Tianwei brow selected, jokes, only hopes that you later did not want to avoid constantly were good, Hehe, my Core Palace each one was elite disciple, although we were also only Rising Stars Peak crossing the threshold disciple, actually cannot fall the reputation, take action, you could rest assured that strongly that I will show mercy.” 呵呵,竭力一战?”见萧云站了出来,郑天伟眉头一挑,讥笑道,“只希望你待会不要在一味躲避就好了,呵呵,我核心殿个个都是精英弟子,虽然我们还只是新秀峰的入门弟子,却也不能落了名头,竭力出手吧,你放心,我会手下留情的。” „Doesn't this boy have the has several points of skill also student hero to rescue beautiful?” Nearby Li Ji and Feng Liang are the pupil dew are all contemptuous. “这小子没有几分本事也学人英雄救美?”旁边的李吉冯亮皆是眸露轻蔑。 Believes in them that Xiao Yun Flawless Martial Spirit is also mediocre, could not take an advantage under Zheng Tianwei that Magic Item. 在他们认为,萧云无暇武魂也不过如此,在郑天伟法器下根本占不了一丝便宜。 Regarding that Zheng Tianwei provocative expression, as well as nearby several people of sarcastic comments, Xiao Yun totally disregards, his mind moves, immediately is has a picture to reappear, that is Heavenly Flame Five Styles always decides, as well as first style practice secret. 对于那郑天伟的挑衅言词,以及旁边几人的冷言冷语,萧云一概无视,他心神一动,立即便是有着一副画面浮现,那是天炎五式的总决,以及第一式修炼要诀。 Under mind moves, that Cultivation Technique integrated during the consciousness of Xiao Yun completely, as if suddenly he had evolved this martial arts a lot, then he consciousness moves, the Purple Flame Martial Spirit rays of light twinkle in Sea of Consciousness, Purple Flame flows the whole body. 心神一动之下,那功法完全融入了萧云的意识当中,似乎在眨眼间他就已经演化过了这武学千百遍,接下来他意识一动,识海内的紫炎武魂光芒闪烁,一股紫炎流遍全身。 If induces to go by mind, can discover that Xiao Yun is controlling within the body Purple Flame to attack the meridians. 若以心神感应而去,可以发现萧云正控制着体内紫炎在冲击经络。 As long as high-level martial arts, has the specific heart law, must make a connection with the within the body specific meridians to be able practice, to achieve the effect that the martial arts essence achieves completely, if has its style, not having heart law practice to get up is also only flower trellis that's all. 但凡高级武学,都有着特定的心法,要打通体内的特定经络才可以修炼,以达到将武学的精髓完全发挥出来的效果,若是只得其招式,没有心法就算修炼起来也只是花架子罢了。 Buzz! 嗡! Purple Flame is wild, under so impact, meridians shortly will make a connection, is similar to the flood wreaks havoc generally, 11 makes a connection with that specific meridians, at the same time, an obscure aura fluctuation also fills the air from Xiao Yun within the body. 紫炎狂暴无比,在这般冲击下,一处经络顷刻就被打通,接下来如同洪水一般肆虐而下,将那特定的经络11打通,与此同时,一股晦涩的气息波动也是自萧云体内弥漫开来。 Shout! 呼! The Xiao Yun clothes robe is calm, air current of burning hot wreaks havoc from his body, making nearby temperature increase suddenly. 萧云的衣袍无风自动,一股炙热的气流从他的身上肆虐开来,让得附近的温度骤增。 Good burning hot air current.” “好炙热的气流。” Was seeming to be in this Xiao Yun within the body vague fire wave is revolving.” After that air current fills the air side several people are startled, especially that Li Ji and Feng Liang two people, they felt that a surprise, this Xiao Yun is doing?” “在这萧云体内似有着一股隐晦的火流在运转。”当那股气流弥漫开来后旁边的几人都是一怔,特别是那李吉冯亮两人,他们感到一阵诧异,“这萧云在干什么?” Is relying on the True Yuan Realm cultivator keen sensation, they can discover that Xiao Yun seems saving True Fire. 凭借着真元境修者敏锐的感知,他们可以发现萧云似乎在积蓄真火 I felt that he seems attacking the meridians.” Hesitates slightly, that Li Ji some not greatly affirmative taking a look have approached Feng Liang. “我感觉他似乎在冲击经络。”略微沉吟,那李吉有些不大肯定的瞅向了冯亮 Attacks the meridians?” The Feng Liang pupil narrows the eyes, mutters, has this sign actually.” “冲击经络?”冯亮眸子一眯,喃喃道,“倒是有这个迹象。” The True Yuan Realm cultivator sensation is very clear, so long as they induce carefully can discover that on Xiao Yun has vague fire wave to follow some meridians to past unceasingly, such is attacking the meridians obviously, is similar to some practice high level martial arts. 真元境修者的感知很清晰,他们只要仔细感应就可以发现萧云身上有着一股隐晦的火流在顺着某一处经络不断流转,那样子明显就是在冲击经络,与修炼一些高阶武学相似。 To Earth Rank, these martial skill, because contains all sorts to change deep meaning, already was called martial arts. 到了地阶,那些武技因为蕴含种种变化奥义,已然被称为武学 This Xiao Yun was just came from Martial Arts Palace probably, is it possible that obtained a Mensh martial arts, planned that met the enemy in this practice?” In not far away, has the disciple of ambush in courtyards to call out in alarm, feels the surprise to Xiao Yun this inexplicable action. “这萧云好像是刚从武学殿而来,莫非是得到了一门什么武学,打算在此修炼应敌?”在不远处,有潜伏在院落间的弟子惊呼,对萧云这莫名的举动感到诧异不已。 Attacks the meridians? practice martial arts?” Nearby Wang Lei and Zhou Ping also gawked. “冲击经络?修炼武学?”旁边的王磊周平也愣了。 Now is faced with an archenemy, now practice is martial arts useful? 现在大敌当前,现在修炼武学有用吗? This is makes a last-ditch effort obviously! 这明显是临时抱佛脚啊! Hehe, Xiao Yun I thought that you exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks.” Zheng Tianwei loudly smiles, quite contemptuous stares at Xiao Yun saying that good, I wait for you to attack successfully the meridians, I to must have a look, you can practice leave any peerless martial arts.” 呵呵,萧云我看你是黔驴技穷了吧。”郑天伟纵声一笑,颇为轻蔑的盯着萧云道,“好,我就等你将经络冲击成功,我到要看看,你能修炼出什么绝世武学。” I only give you a half hour, if after a half hour, you have not succeeded this martial arts practice, but do not blame me not being impolite.” This Zheng Tianwei brow selects, not anxiously take action, but a face contemptuous is staring at Xiao Yun. “不过我只给你半个小时,若半个小时后你还没有将这武学修炼成功,可就别怪我不客气了。”这郑天伟眉头一挑,也不急着出手,只是一脸轻蔑的将萧云盯着。 To the present his can believe that this Xiao Yun did not have what ability. 到了现在他越发的可以相信这萧云没有什么能耐了。 How otherwise at the war in practice martial arts, to attempt to change the situation? 不然岂会在大战的时候在修炼武学,企图扭转局势? Slaughters truly will others give him the practice martial arts opportunity? 真正厮杀的时候别人会给他修炼武学的机会? Now he not anxiously take action, actually he how noble, but wants to portray a good image. 现在他不急着出手,倒不是他多么的高尚,只是想塑造一个好的形象。 After all now beautiful woman in side, can appear he how broadminded. 毕竟现在美女在旁,也可以显得他多么的宽宏大量。 Naturally, what is most important was he has eaten Xiao Yun, fearless can so proudly. 当然,最重要的是他已经吃定了萧云,无所畏惧才会如此傲然。 Did not need to wait, you can now take action.” Also at this time, Xiao Yun fierce gaining ground, a formidable fire wave aura then filled the air from his body, entire void under wreaking havoc of that fire wave, twisted to shiver. “不用等了,你现在就可以出手。”也在这时,萧云猛的抬头,一股强大的火流气息便是从他的身上弥漫开来,整个虚空都在那火流的肆虐下,为之扭曲颤抖了起来。 In just that two breath, his within the body meridians had made a connection. 就在刚刚那两个呼吸间,他体内的经络已经被打通。 Is so quick?” Sees the Xiao Yun imposing manner sudden change, Feng Liang and the others stares. “这么快?”见得萧云气势骤变,冯亮等人都是一愣。 Then how long! 这才多久啊! ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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