EMS :: Volume #2

#176: Kneels down to me?

Does Chapter 176 kneel down to me? 第176章给我跪下? Dragon Snake moves, does not wait for that Zheng Tianwei to defend Cultivation Technique Golden Marks Twisting this to condense completely forms a line has attacked to come, that big dragon moves, routs a piece of golden ripple directly, follows closely that spirit snake to move the tight winding on Zheng Tianwei.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 龙蛇一动,不等那郑天伟金纹绞这防御功法完全凝聚成行就已经攻击而来,那巨龙一动,直接是将一片金色的波纹击溃,紧随着那灵蛇一动紧紧的缠绕在郑天伟身上。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Bang! 砰! The golden light is defeated and dispersed, a dragon and a snake, has the strength of quarrying a mountain crack stone simply, so struck directly striking to fly him on Zheng Tianwei, the within the body vitality tumbled, fresh blood then could not bear emit, the long hair was disorderly, waved against the wind, appeared distressed. 金光溃散,一龙一蛇,简直有着开山裂石之力,这般击在郑天伟身上直接将他给击飞了出去,体内气血翻滚,一口鲜血便是忍不住喷吐而出,长发凌乱,迎风舞动,显得狼狈不已。 Also was Zheng Tianwei stimulates to movement Golden Marks Twisting this to defend Cultivation Technique promptly, otherwise must be seriously injured may not. 也是郑天伟及时催动了金纹绞这防御功法,不然非得受重伤不可。 Thump! 咚! Zheng Tianwei is similar to the kite of broken line, flying upside down, then falling maliciously falls on the place. 郑天伟如同断线的风筝,倒飞而出,而后狠狠的摔落在地。 That sound of landing, is very clear, is not very loud, is actually similar to the startling thunderclap generally resounds through in the beside the ear of people. 那落地之声,很清脆,不是很响,却如同惊雷一般响彻在众人的耳际。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” „Did Senior Brother Zheng defeat?” That two follow the Zheng Tianwei youth to be surprised, shows the incredible look. 郑师兄败了?”那两名跟随郑天伟的少年一脸惊讶,露出不可置信的神色。 This two people personal name is Zhao Ji, has True Yuan middle-stage, big accomplishment cultivation level. 两人一人名为赵吉,有真元中期,大成修为 Another personal name is Feng Liang, has True Yuan middle-stage, small accomplishment cultivation level, at their eyesight, properly speaking should be able to see all that both sides fought a moment ago are, but they do not know how that Xiao Yun will get the winning side. 另外一人名为冯亮,有真元中期,小成修为,以他们的眼力,按理说应该能看到刚才双方交手的一切才是,可是偏偏连他们都不知那萧云怎么就会占据了上风。 This is impossible! Senior Brother Zheng Floating Clouds Steps wonderful quick is incomparable, is coordinating that Profound Gold-Splitting Hands, most suited near body to attack, how will he let slip?” That Feng Liang is puzzled, in heart thinks that does not understand this what's the matter. “这不可能啊!郑师兄浮云步奇快无比,配合着那玄金裂手,最适合近身攻击了,他怎么会失手?”那冯亮一脸疑惑,心中怎么也想不明白这到底是怎么回事。 This Xiao Yun has not only avoided, but also has wounded Zheng Tianwei?” “这萧云不仅避开了,还击伤了郑天伟?” How does he achieve?” Nearby Wang Lei as well as neighbor some are paying attention to this matter's talent disciple to be stunned, feels inconceivable. “他是怎么做到的?”旁边的王磊以及附近一些正在关注着此事的天才弟子都一脸错愕,感到不可思议。 All people are thinking a moment ago looked at the Xiao Yun joke, that Duan Ling'er was also worrying, therefore the unusual person will note the slight change of Xiao Yun, actually he already calculated all, attack of Zheng Tianwei all in the control of Xiao Yun. 刚才所有的人都想着看萧云的笑话,就连那段灵儿也在为之担忧,所以少有人会注意到萧云的细微的变化,其实他早就计算好了一切,郑天伟的攻击皆在萧云的掌控当中。 Relies on formidable soul perception, Xiao Yun can definitely jump the ranks a war. 凭借着强大的灵魂感知力,萧云完全可以越级一战。 What makes Xiao Yun not think is that Zheng Tianwei cultivates defense type Cultivation Technique unexpectedly, own struck a moment ago is only makes him receive a minor wound, but also being insufficient makes him lose battle strength, this but actually appears quite thorny, otherwise this strikes gets it over and done sufficiently. 只是让萧云没有想到的是那郑天伟竟然修有防御类型的功法,自己刚才一击只是让他受了一点轻伤,还不足以让他失去战力,这倒显得颇为棘手,否则这一击足以一劳永逸。 Received Xiao Yun this to strike, Zheng Tianwei also felt that material not, surprised the corners of the mouth while the heart was also appears to wipe cold intent, „, the strength of this boy was also mediocre, if I had already completed the defense, was relying on «Golden Marks Twisting» Cultivation Technique he cannot injure me, was a moment ago negligent for a while, cannot next time certainly make him feel better.” 受了萧云这一击,郑天伟也是感到所料未及,在心中惊讶的同时嘴角也是浮现出了一抹冷意,“哼,这小子的实力也不过如此,若是我早就做好了防御,凭借着《金纹绞功法他根本伤不了我,刚才只是一时大意罢了,下次一定不能让他好过。” After the heart ponders over, Zheng Tianwei spits the bloodstain of corners of the mouth that overflow, at once sets out slowly, in the pupil is bringing several points of fierceness, is staring at opposite Xiao Yun, said that young fellow, the way, what a pity your strength is too a little low, and looked how the father accompanies you to play in a big way.” 心中思忖一番后,郑天伟将嘴角那溢出的血迹吐掉,旋即缓缓起身,眸中带着几分狰狞,盯着对面的萧云,道,“好小子,有一点门道,可惜你实力太低,且看老子怎么陪你玩大的。” After coldly snorted, Zheng Tianwei palm Yuan Qi winds around, a rays of light twinkle on a ring on that middle finger, reappeared unexpectedly a handle weapon, following closely, an obscure aura fluctuation has also been filling the air in the middle of this air. 冷哼一声后郑天伟掌心元气缭绕,在那中指上的一个戒子上光芒一闪烁,蓦地浮现出了一柄兵器,紧随着,一股晦涩的气息波动也是在这片空气当中弥漫了开来。 This is golden long spear, can have seven chi (0.33 m) seven cuns (2.5cm), above inscribes runes, the form is plain. 这是一杆金色的长枪,能有七尺七寸长,上面刻有符文,形式古朴。 Looks the aura that in the middle of this long spear lends to come to see very obviously is Magic Item. 瞧这长枪当中所散发出来的气息来看很显然是一件法器 Looks to snatch.” Zheng Tianwei grasps long spear, the imposing manner of whole person changes suddenly, under that long hair flying upwards, that shining rays of light on golden spear shines appears the heroic bearing thrives, is indistinct to have a swift and fierce aura fluctuation to fill the air on him. “看抢。”郑天伟手持长枪,整个人的气势骤变,那长发飞扬,在金枪上那灿灿的光芒照耀下显得英姿勃发,隐约间在他身上有着一股凌厉的气息波动弥漫开来。 After coldly snorted one, the Zheng Tianwei palm shakes, rays of light twinkle on that long spear, a formidable aura fluctuation starts to collect in the lance point, under that fluctuation, void slightly trembles, the lance point was seeming to be pierces the void imposing manner to save. 冷哼一声后,郑天伟手掌一震,那长枪上的光芒闪烁,一股强大的气息波动开始在枪尖汇集,在那股波动下,虚空都是为之微微一颤,枪尖似有着一股洞穿虚空的气势在积蓄。 Golden Spear Piercing the Sky of Gold Yuan Nine Styles! 金元九式金枪贯空 Zheng Tianwei long spear moves, shakes in the sky, flake gold light blooms, such as mixed a golden vortex, that radiant rays of light punctured the person eyes unable to open, the next quarter, spear glow already pierced the void thorn together to Xiao Yun. 郑天伟长枪一动,当空一震,一片金光绽放开来,如搅动出了一个金色的漩涡,那璀璨的光芒刺得人眼睛都无法睁开,下一刻,一道枪芒已然是洞穿了虚空刺向了萧云 When leaving the spear|gun that golden rays of light is punctures the person eyes to be painful, now strikes in coordinate such thunder, so the offensive, simply is makes the person be incapable of dealing with, has not fought has defeated three points, in adding on that Magic Item might blessing, this spear|gun might sufficiently swept away True Yuan middle-stage ordinary cultivator, even if Xiao Yun also when this person left the spear|gun wrinkled the brow. 在出枪时那金色的光芒已是刺得人眼睛生疼,如今在配合这么雷霆一击,如此攻势,简直是让人无力应付,未战就已经败了三分,在加上那法器的威力加持,这一枪威力之强足以横扫真元中期的普通修者了,就算萧云也在此人出枪的时候皱了一下眉头。 Magic Item!” In a Xiao Yun brow curved pupil appears to wipe dignifiedly, at once the body moves, changes into together the remnant shade, quite thrilling has avoided this spear|gun. 法器!”萧云眉头一弯眸中浮现出一抹凝重,旋即身子一动,化为一道残影,颇为惊险的避开了这一枪。 Also is his Soul Power is greatly strengthened, even if not need the eye to feel to know that spear glow path, otherwise was a moment ago that by the golden light in a flash, affects the visual judgment sufficiently makes him beset with a crisis instant, was wounded by a that Zheng Tianwei spear|gun. 也是他灵魂力极强,就算不用眼睛都可以感知道那枪芒的轨迹,不然就是刚才那被金光一晃,影响视觉判断的刹那就足以让他陷入危机,被那郑天伟一枪击伤。 Must know that the war of powerhouse is a slowness as well as the negligence of breath can make cultivator cherish hatred. 要知道,强者之战就算是一息的迟钝以及疏忽都能让修者饮恨。 Was shunted?” The Zheng Tianwei brow tight wrinkle, „is perception of this boy so how strong?” “又被躲开了?”郑天伟眉头紧紧一皱,“这小子的感知力怎么如此强?” Must know that this spear|gun the speed or the strength achieved average man irresistible boundary general cultivator unable to avoid, but this Xiao Yun appeared quite dexterously has actually avoided . Moreover the astral wind that own that spear glow burst out cannot affect him. 要知道,他这一枪无论是速度还是力量都达到了一个常人不可抵挡的境界一般的修者根本无法躲避,可这萧云却显得颇为轻巧的避开了,而且自己枪芒所迸发出的罡风也没能波及到他。 Snort, you can hide for a while, I do not believe you to hide.” Zheng Tianwei dark snort|hum, immediately is starts to display Floating Clouds Steps, the movement moves, that long spear waves immediately in the sky, shoulders to hide the artificial flower with gold-foil, strikes toward that Xiao Yun. “哼,你能躲得了一时,我就不信你能一直躲下去。”郑天伟暗哼一句,当即便是开始施展浮云步,身法一动,那长枪立即当空舞动,挑起一躲躲金花,向着那萧云击去。 long spear splits the sky! 长枪裂空 The Golden Spear Cleaves the Waves! 金枪破浪 Gold Yuan Sweeping the Skies! 金元卷空 ...... …… Zheng Tianwei locks Xiao Yun, long spear waves, was almost suddenly that Gold Yuan Nine Styles displaying. 郑天伟锁定萧云,长枪舞动,几乎是眨眼间就将那金元九式给施展了一遍。 Gold Yuan Nine Styles is the attacking method that Gold Yuan Qi condenses. 金元九式金元气凝聚成的攻伐手段。 [Gold/Metal] is sharp! 金者锐利也! This each spear|gun is effective, on, the next three same places attack, almost lets Xiao Yun is evades not to be possible to evade. 这每一枪都威力不凡,上,中,下三盘一起攻击,让得萧云几乎是避无可避。 Under this crazy fierce attack, Xiao Yun relied on Soul Power sensation Zheng Tianwei that swift and fierce attack also to become somewhat had too many problems to tackle, saw only his form to keep moving under that spear|gun shade, appeared distressed. 在这种狂猛的攻击下,萧云就算是凭借着灵魂力可以感知郑天伟那凌厉的攻击也变得有些捉襟见肘了起来,只见得他的身影在那枪影下不停挪动,显得狼狈不已。 Dragon Snake fishtails! 龙蛇摆尾! Firecloud Palm! 火云掌 Flame Wild Lion Seal! 火焰狂狮印 Xiao Yun displays various martial arts, to resist that swift and fierce spear glow, actually also being hard whole body draws back. 萧云施展出各种武学,以抵挡那凌厉的枪芒,却也难以全身而退。 This Magic Item was too strong, in addition Zheng Tianwei has the True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment boundary, at is not the Xiao Yun enemy. 法器太强了,加上郑天伟有着真元中期大成的境界,根本不是萧云可敌。 cultivator of this True Yuan middle-stage boundary uses Magic Item, the might was too powerful, if I do not use Extinguishing Soul Spear only to fear that will be hard to win.” Heart of Xiao Yun when resisting these spear glow in secretly hesitates, starts to deliberately consider the plan of meeting the enemy. “这真元中期境的修者动用法器,威力太强大了,我若是不动用灭神之矛只怕将难以取胜。”萧云在抵挡那些枪芒时心中不由暗自沉吟,开始寻思着应敌之策。 Initially he and Qiu Yuhao fought benefits completely is auxiliary from Extinguishing Soul Spear, but the present situation actually differs from, he cannot use this trump card easily, will otherwise leak this secret, then others had the protection, Extinguishing Soul Spear was very difficult the effect that achieved to defeat the enemy by a surprise attack. 当初他与邱于浩一战完全得益于灭神之矛辅助,可是现在的情况却是有所不同,他不能轻易动用这底牌,不然将会泄露这个秘密,如此一来别人有了防备,灭神之矛就很难达到出奇制胜的效果了。 After all here is Heavenly Yuan Sect, he and Zheng Tianwei fights only calculates to compare notes, cannot extinguish him kills, will otherwise cause the high level to be furious. 毕竟这里是天元宗,他和郑天伟一战只算切磋,不能将他灭杀,不然会引起高层震怒。 This discretion Xiao Yun knows. 这点分寸萧云还是知道的。 What to do should?” In the Xiao Yun heart keeps thinking. “该怎么办了?”萧云心中不停思索。 Whoosh ! 刷! Suddenly the spear glow twinkle, pierces toward Xiao Yun heart arteries together. 突然一道枪芒闪烁,向着萧云心脉洞穿而来。 Quite quick.” A Xiao Yun brow wrinkle, because lost concentration a moment ago for a while, almost ahead of time has not induced unexpectedly to this strikes, desperate under his body one short, under the sole the True Yuan circulation, turned toward side to slide hastily, the bonus was so that left shoulder as before is scratched by the strength that spear glow carried together, the clothes burst, a blood stream immediately was dyed red the clothing. “好快。”萧云眉头一皱,因为刚才一时分神,竟差点没有提前感应到这一击,情急之下他身子一矮,脚掌下真元流转,连忙向着旁边滑了过去,饶是如此那右肩依旧是被一道枪芒所携带的劲气划伤,衣服破裂,一股血流当即就是染红了衣衫。 Hehe, I thought that which hiding » you toward see Xiao Yun to be wounded, Zheng Tianwei Hehe smiles, appears excited. 呵呵,我看你往哪躲》”见萧云被击伤,郑天伟呵呵一笑,显得兴奋不已。 A moment ago he was almost fully take action, should ten moves take this Xiao Yun is, but the opposite party as if can always have foresight, ingenious avoided that swift and fierce attack, this let Zheng Tianwei depressed, this time went well finally is a good start. 刚才他几乎是全力出手,理应不出十招就将这萧云拿下才是,可对方似乎总是能未卜先知,巧妙的避开那一次次凌厉的攻击,这让郑天伟郁闷不已,这次得手总算是一个好的开始了。 My this Gold Yuan Spear is low-level middle-grade Magic Item, is effective, Ha Ha, Xiao Yun, I thought that you can also resist my several attacks.” Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, the footsteps move, such as is treading the floating clouds, resembles to go with the wind, that long spear moves to mix several rays of light immediately, has closed off about the Xiao Yun escape route, the rapidness of that take action, very ruthless of starting makes the person look at the heart to be startled simply. “我这金元枪低级中品法器,威力不凡,哈哈,萧云,我看你还能抵挡我几次攻击。”郑天伟眸光一凝,脚步一动,如踏着浮云,似要随风而去,那长枪一动当即搅动起几道光芒,封锁了萧云左右的退路,那出手之快,下手之狠辣简直让人看得心惊。 This can Senior Brother Xiao also deal with?” Nearby Duan Ling'er black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tightens, the white hands grip tightly appear tight, although Xiao Yun has not obstructed greatly, may come to see him simply not to have what method to fight with that Zheng Tianwei from the confrontation. “这萧师兄还能应付下来吗?”旁边的段灵儿黛眉紧锁,玉手紧紧握起显得紧张不已,虽说萧云还没有大碍,可从刚才的交锋来看他根本没有什么手段与那郑天伟争锋。 After all this Zheng Tianwei is higher than a Xiao Yun small boundary, in the hand also has handle Magic Item, the disparity of both sides is insurmountable. 毕竟这郑天伟高出萧云一个小境界,手中还有着一柄法器,双方的差距不可逾越。 It seems like this Xiao Yun is also mediocre, but response quite quick that's all. Feng Liang and Li Ji corners of the mouth pull reveal wipe the contemptuous smiling face, is such character their take action also same can take, is not worth mentioning? Flawless Martial Spirit is also mediocre. “看来这萧云也不过如此,只是反应比较快罢了。冯亮李吉嘴角一扯露出一抹轻蔑的笑容,这样的人物就算是他们出手也一样可以拿下,何足挂齿?无暇武魂也不过如此。 It seems like did not have to dread this Xiao Yun.” In some distant place cultivator hearts ponders darkly, so long as own cultivation level high same does not need to fear him compared with this Xiao Yun, who if when the time comes will have the opportunity to obtain any high-level Magic Item to dread who will be uncertain. “看来也没有好畏惧这萧云了。”远处一些修者心中暗忖,只要自己修为比这萧云高一样不用怕他,到时候若是有机会获得什么高级法器到底谁会忌惮谁还不一定呢。 „His Magic Item was too strong, is not good, I must break this Magic Item.” Concentrates facing that Zheng Tianwei attack Xiao Yun pupil light, a thoughts revolution, had the decision-making immediately, immediately his mind moves, formidable soul fluctuation then sweeps across from Sea of Consciousness. “他这法器太强了,不行,我必须破了他这法器。”面对那郑天伟的攻击萧云眸光一凝,心思一转,马上就有了决策,当下他心神一动,一股强大的灵魂波动便是从识海内席卷而出。 This soul fluctuation is very strong , is very vague, was condensed by Xiao Yun completely, bullies toward that Zheng Tianwei rapidly near. 灵魂波动很强,却也很隐晦,完全被萧云凝聚了起来,向着那郑天伟急速欺近。 Hehe, kneels down to me.” At this time Zheng Tianwei saw a Xiao Yun flaw, his personal appearance leapt, grasps long spear, was in the sky broken, that goal took his shoulder, planned that compelled Xiao Yun to kneel to bend down by the potential of forcing Mount Tai in the place. 呵呵,给我跪下。”这时郑天伟看到了萧云的一处破绽,他身形一跃,手持长枪,便是当空破下,那目标直取他的肩膀,打算以力压泰山之势逼得萧云跪伏于地。 The long spear rays of light twinkle, Divine Weapon, just like this handle Magic Item might all has played under Zheng Tianwei the stimulation of movement of Gold Yuan Qi probably, is only in that flash, that rays of light, Zheng Tianwei felt mysterious fluctuation suddenly slightly. 长枪光芒闪烁,好像一件神兵,在郑天伟金元气的催动下俨然将这柄法器的威力尽数发挥了出来,只是就在那一刹那,那光芒突然微微一顿,郑天伟感觉到了一股晦涩的波动 What is this oppresses?” Soul Power has not invaded the mind, Zheng Tianwei felt that mind trembles. “这是什么压迫?”灵魂力还没有侵入脑海,郑天伟就感觉到心神一颤。 Panic-stricken under he condenses mind hastily, defends strictly spirit, at the same time the whole body True Yuan circulation, changes into golden ripple to protect the whole body a piece by piece, this impressively is that Golden Marks Twisting, to defend Cultivation Technique, if refining up to big accomplishment can change into a golden clothes armor. 惊骇下他连忙凝聚心神,紧守灵台,与此同时周身真元流转,化为一片片金色的波纹护住全身,这赫然是那金纹绞,为防御功法,若是炼至大成可以化为一件金衣铠甲。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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