EMS :: Volume #2

#175: Will I defeat?

Chapter 175 will I defeat? 第175章我会败? Hehe, will I defeat?” Zheng Tianwei face upwards smiles, appears insolent incomparable, good, come, what ability do I to have a look at your this Flawless Martial Spirit to have? Can obtain favoring of Sect elder unexpectedly, if you in name only, as early as possible withdraws.” 呵呵,我会败?”郑天伟仰天一笑,显得张狂无比,“好,来吧,我到要看看你这无暇武魂有什么能耐?竟然能得到宗门长者的厚待,若是你只是徒有虚名,就趁早龟缩起来吧。” Why must to talk too much, grazes a horse.” Sees that Zheng Tianwei to be so haughty, the Xiao Yun corners of the mouth raise a cold curve, deals with this person his many methods, but is not here good to use, the bonus is so, in his heart as before fearless. “何须多言,放马过来吧。”见那郑天伟如此狂傲,萧云嘴角掀起一丝冷冽的弧度,对付这种人他不乏手段,只是在这里不好使用罢了,饶是如此,他心中依旧无惧。 Good.” Zheng Tianwei smiles, such being the case, I help you.” “好。”郑天伟一笑,“既然如此,我就成全你。” Hehe, Junior Sister Duan, you, and is observing at the same time, when I solved this Xiao Yun to report to my great uncle, making him reconcile your me.” Then, Zheng Tianwei then loosened that buckle the hand of Duan Ling'er white hands heart arteries, the stride starts to walk, to Xiao Yun. 呵呵,段师妹,你且在一边观战,等我解决了这萧云在向我族叔禀告,让他撮合你我。”说完,郑天伟这才松开了那扣着段灵儿玉手心脉的手,大步迈开,面向萧云 Duan Ling'er can extricate, directly has not actually hidden in the own courtyard, but is rushing Xiao Yun that the whole face worries about. 段灵儿得以解脱,却并没有径直躲到自己的院子里去,而是满脸担忧的奔向萧云 Senior Brother Xiao, do you have confidence?” Has arrived at the Xiao Yun side, the Duan Ling'er light pursing the lips lip, that fine fine jade nose wrinkles, reveals a face to worry that she personally asked for advice that Zheng Tianwei strength a moment ago, naturally knows the uncommonness of this person. 萧师兄,你有把握吗?”走到了萧云的身边,段灵儿轻抿着嘴唇,那精致的琼鼻皱起,露出一脸担忧,刚才她可是亲自领教了那郑天伟的实力,自然知道此人的不凡。 You could rest assured that my innate discretion, you, and observes in side is.” Xiao Yun extends take action to hint Duan Ling'er to stand one side. “你放心,我自有分寸,你且在旁边观战就是。”萧云出手示意段灵儿站到一边。 You are more careful.” The Duan Ling'er eyelash is very long, that pupil is bright, appears smart, the beautiful pupil stares in the Xiao Yun heart to be not really grateful, although in the heart has the countless words, finally has so is opening the mouth, refuels for this youth secretly. “那你小心些。”段灵儿睫毛很长,那眸子明亮,显得灵气十足,美眸盯着萧云心中不甚感激,虽然心中有着千言万语,最后只得在如此开口,暗暗为这个少年加油。 Hateful.” Zheng Tianwei saw own has let loose Duan Ling'er ran up to side Xiao Yun the pupil dew to roar suddenly immediately, the mandibular joint closely has nipped, in the heart coldly snorted said that „, thinks the hero rescued beautiful, the father makes you black bear today. “可恶。”郑天伟见到自己才放开了的段灵儿眨眼间就跑到了萧云身边顿时眸露怒吼,牙关都紧紧咬了起来,心中冷哼道,“哼,想英雄救美,老子今天就让你成为狗熊。 After heart coldly snorted, a formidable imposing manner bursts out from the body of Zheng Tianwei immediately, he takes unexpectedly forward one step, the blue stone of ground has cracked under his sole, the formidable strength sweeps across the four directions to let nearby Wang Lei and Zhou Ping brow tight wrinkle. 心中冷哼一声后,一股强大的气势顿时从郑天伟的身上迸发而出,他蓦地向前迈出一步,地面的青石都在他那脚掌下开裂了起来,强大的劲气席卷四方让得附近的王磊周平眉头紧紧一皱。 True Yuan Realm middle-stage big accomplishment indeed is not small accomplishment may compare!” In the Wang Lei that slightly simple and honest facial expression also revealed has wiped dignifiedly, he has entered into middle-stage small accomplishment, but compared this big accomplishment Zheng Tianwei obviously. 真元境中期大成的确不是小成可比啊!”王磊那略显憨厚的脸容上也是露出了一抹凝重,他已经迈入了中期小成,可是相比这大成郑天伟明显就有所不及。 True Yuan Realm middle-stage, big accomplishment!” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, is similar to the front formidable imposing manner that hurricane and wild waves turns toward him to wreak havoc to come generally, that invisible fluctuation results in the blood reversal to experience personally the internal injury a cultivator oppression of Innate Realm sufficiently. 真元境中期,大成!”萧云眸子微眯,在前方一股强大的气势如同那飓风与骇浪一般向着他肆虐而来,那种无形的波动足以把一个先天境修者压迫得血液逆转身受内伤。 In experiencing Xiao Yun after various powerhouse early became accustomed to regarding this oppression. 只是在见识了各种强者后的萧云对于这种压迫早已经习以为常。 mind moves, the True Yuan circulation of his within the body, a formidable aura fluctuation also bursts out from the meridians. 心神一动,他体内真元流转,一股强大的气息波动也是从经脉当中迸发而出。 True Yuan Realm initial-stage, small accomplishment! 真元境初期,小成 That Zheng Tianwei corners of the mouth pull, shows a fierce smiling face, really with good that he expects, this Xiao Yun only then the True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment boundary, this cultivation level also wants to fight with him, simply is the joke, immediately his pupil light concentrates saying that prepares to meet to incur.” 郑天伟嘴角一扯,不由露出一丝狰狞的笑容,果然与他料想的不错,这萧云只有真元初期小成境,这种修为也想和他争锋,简直就是笑话,当即他眸光一凝道,“准备接招吧。” Then, his palm moves, has the golden rays of light twinkle, the light ripple flood, is similar to the 1-layer armor protects and sustains generally on his both arms, at once his palm claw, that five fingers golden light twinkle, sends out one to absorb the point of person. 说完,他手掌一动,有着金色的光芒闪烁,淡淡的波纹泛起,如同一重铠甲一般护持在他的双臂上,旋即他手掌化爪,那五指金光闪烁,散发出一股摄人的锋芒。 Looks from afar that the five fingers of this Zheng Tianwei resemble sharp claws Divine Weapon. 远远看去,这郑天伟的五指真的好像利爪神兵 Floating Clouds Steps! 浮云步 Profound Gold-Splitting Hands of Golden Arm Arts! 金臂诀玄金裂手 When a coldly snorted sound falls, this Zheng Tianwei footsteps stagger, is similar to floating clouds has fluttered, suddenly vanished in same place, that speed quick was dumbfounded stunning, if the bystander does not know, but also thinks really he has Wind Spirit Physique to be auxiliary. 待得一声冷哼声落下,这郑天伟脚步错开,如同一阵浮云飘过,眨眼间就消失在了原地,那速度之快让人瞠目结舌,若是外人不知,还真以为他有着风灵体辅助。 Quite quick!” Sees Zheng Tianwei to blink vanishes in same place, Wang Lei and the others lose one's voice to call out in alarm. “好快!”见得郑天伟眨眼就消失在原地,王磊等人不由失声惊呼。 This speed was too fast, has the person of this movement to have the absolute superiority to the wartime. 这速度太快了,拥有这种身法的人在对战时将拥有绝对的优势。 This is Floating Clouds Steps, is the Earth Rank movement.” “这是浮云步,为地阶的身法。” Hehe, the Senior Brother Zheng natural talent is intelligent, not only this Floating Clouds Steps to to learn/to master, that Golden Arm Arts is practice to small accomplishment, the hand such as the profound [gold/metal], under a claw that might comparable with Xuan Weapon, is coordinating this True Yuan Realm boundary, shut off Xuan Weapon sufficiently.” 呵呵,郑师兄天资聪颖,不仅将这浮云步学会了,那金臂诀更是修炼小成,手如玄金,一爪之下那威力堪比玄兵,在配合这真元境的境界,足以切断玄兵了。” I thought how that Xiao Yun does fight with Senior Brother Zheng?” That two disciple face ridicules. “我看那萧云如何与郑师兄争锋?”那两个弟子一脸讥讽。 They crossed the threshold had three months, already to learn/to master some Earth Rank Cultivation Technique, cultivation level also after Xiao Yun this batch basic disciple was higher, because between both this short several months had a hard-to-pass gap. 他们入门已经有三个月了,早已学会了一些地阶功法,修为也比萧云这批后入门的弟子要高,两者之间就因为这短短的几个月时间有了一道难以逾越的鸿沟。 Also is so, that batch of disciple are looking down upon Xiao Yun these people radically. 也是如此,那批弟子根本就瞧不起萧云这些人。 Floating Clouds Steps?” The Xiao Yun corners of the mouth raise wipe the light smiling face, this step is very indeed mysterious, once displaying lets the person like the floating clouds, can flutter at will, Zheng Tianwei also comprehended middle several points of deep meaning, displays wonderful quick to be incomparable. 浮云步?”萧云嘴角掀起一抹淡淡的笑容,这步法的确很玄妙,一旦施展让人身如浮云,可以随意飘荡,郑天伟也领悟了当中的几分奥义,施展起来奇快无比。 If the ordinary person naturally is hard to deal with facing this movement, may regarding Xiao Yun in the exquisite step also be useless, because of his Soul Power can definitely the clear capture the path of opposite party step, the position that as well as is going to tread. 若是一般的人面对这种身法自然难以应付,可对于萧云而言就算在精妙的步法也是无用,因为他的灵魂力完全可以清晰的捕捉到对方步法的轨迹,以及将要踏出的方位。 Under this clear sensation as well as the precise computation, Floating Clouds Steps also became the ordinary step. 在这种清晰的感知以及精密的计算下,浮云步也就成为了普通的步法了。 When that several disciple when calls out in alarm for this reason the Xiao Yun gearing has not moved, because all during his control. 所以当那几位弟子在为此惊呼时萧云连动都没有动,因为一切都在他的掌控之中。 Senior Brother Xiao is careful!” Xiao Yun calm calm standing in same place, nearby Duan Ling'er actually gave to tighten the heart, lost one's voice to call out in alarm hastily, relies on Wind Spirit Physique she to be quite keen to see the Zheng Tianwei form to these wind and cloud flowing. 萧师兄小心!”只是萧云从容淡定的站立在原地时,旁边的段灵儿却是将心都给绷紧了起来,连忙失声惊呼,凭借着风灵体她对这些风云流动颇为敏锐一眼就看到了郑天伟的身影。 Whoosh ! 刷! Only hears sound to get up from out of the blue, in the Xiao Yun left, the golden light glitters, sharp claws tore has carried a swift and fierce strength to fall toward Xiao Yun void, that sharp claws rays of light twinkle, has the golden astral wind turnover, each like sword aura, the imposing manner was scary. 只听得一声破空声响起,在萧云的左侧,金光闪烁,一只利爪似撕裂了虚空携带着一股凌厉的劲气向着萧云落下,那利爪光芒闪烁,有着金色罡风吞吐,每一道都如剑气,气势骇人。 Otherwise imagines, if were ripped by this strength, even if that steel and iron must break off, let alone that golden light shining sharp claws, were Xiao Yun give to worry in this moment nearby Wang Lei as well as Zhou Ping, because had not moved to present this fellow. 不然想象,要是被这劲气撕中,就算是那钢铁也要折断,何况那只金光灿灿的利爪了,在这一刻旁边的王磊以及周平都不由为萧云给捏了一把汗,因为到了现在这个家伙还没有动。 If avoids promptly can also avoid Zheng Tianwei this swiftly and fiercely to strike, the Xiao Yun action almost makes the people grasp crazily. 若是及时躲避还可以避开郑天伟这凌厉一击,萧云的举动却是差点让众人抓狂。 How does this boy hide does not hide?” Zhou Ping could not bear drink one, worried secretly. “这小子怎么连躲都不躲?”周平忍不住喝了一句,暗暗着急。 Isn't he will not have responded?” The Wang Lei pupil narrows the eyes, the appearance that hesitation, then shook at once, thought that responded in slowly, so won't be odd? How to say that this Xiao Yun has also stepped into the True Yuan Realm person! “不会是他没有反应过来吧?”王磊眸子眯起,一副沉吟的模样,旋即便甩了甩头,心想就算反应在慢,也不会这么离谱吧?在怎么说这萧云也是踏入了真元境的人啊! Ha Ha, this boy died.” “哈哈,这小子死定了。” Nine levels are Gathering Yuan Formation also such fool uses for parts? I, must make him lose the best treatment sooner or later.” “九级聚元阵也是这样的蠢蛋配用的?我呸,早晚要让他失去最好的待遇。” Sees this with that two youth who Zheng Tianwei comes together, while taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, is looks to Xiao Yun is not worth a cent. 郑天伟一起来的那两个少年见此,在幸灾乐祸的同时,对萧云也是看得不值一文。 How doesn't know this Xiao Yun strength?” In fact, in not far away of this courtyard, many people are paying attention to this matter secretly, because has not acted concerned about the Zheng Tianwei backstage, so as to avoid later said that the reputation is not of pleasant to hear, now sees Xiao Yun take action, for a while came the interest, wants to have a look at this Flawless Martial Spirit has is having several points of strength. “也不知这萧云实力如何?”事实上,在这处院落的不远处,有许多人在暗暗关注此事,只是因为碍于郑天伟的后台都没有出面,免得以后说出去名声不好听,如今见萧云出手,一时来了兴趣,想要看看这无暇武魂的拥有着到底有着几分实力。 Initially that rank war had not seen Xiao Yun take action, but many people secretly sighed, for this reason felt regret! 当初那次排位战没有看到萧云出手,可是有许多人都暗自叹息,为此感到遗憾啊! After all such inexplicable was obtained in the best treatment people heart unavoidable some not to be unwilling by Xiao Yun. 毕竟就这么不明不白的被萧云获得了最好的待遇众人心中难免有些不不甘。 Who knows that his Flawless Martial Spirit was useful? 谁知道他那无暇武魂到底有什么用了? When the people thoughts vary prepares to look at the Xiao Yun background, a that golden light shining claw already fell. 在众人心思各异准备看萧云的底子的时候,那金光灿灿的一爪已然落下。 This claw dropped the astral wind to wreak havoc, making that void flood ripples, carefully looked that can discover has five dog marks, so looked at the person to be fearful and apprehensive, this struck can tear really quickly void, should that be the what kind strength? 这一爪落下罡风肆虐,使得那虚空都泛起了一阵涟漪,仔细看去可以发现有着五个爪痕,如此一幕看得人心惊肉跳,这一击真的快可以撕裂虚空了,那该是何等力量? People heart startled, is Xiao Yun worried. 众人心惊,同时也为萧云捏了把汗。 Well, other people?” People pupil light concentrates, wants to have a look at the response of Xiao Yun. “咦,他人了?”众人眸光一凝,想看看萧云的反应。 But under this looks, where that to be in-situ also to have the Xiao Yun form! 可是这一看之下,那原地哪里还有着萧云的身影啊! What's all this about?” Nearby several youth are dumbfounded, is staring at the front. “这是怎么回事?”旁边几位少年都是目瞪口呆,怔怔的盯着前方。 That Xiao Yun had not moved a moment ago obviously, will he suddenly disappear to disappear? That how formidable reaction ability! 刚才那萧云明明没有动,他怎么会突然就消失不见了?那得多么强大的反应能力啊! Well, you looked that he arrived at the Zheng Tianwei side.” Suddenly some people call out in alarm, saw a form in side. “咦,你们看,他到了郑天伟的身边。”突然有人惊呼,在旁边看到了一个身影。 That form disappeared in same place Xiao Yun impressively. 那身影赫然就是消失在原地的萧云了。 The Xiao Yun sole went against has moved out of the way three chi (0.33 m) to side, the body inclined by a 360 degrees revolving lateral element slightly appears in the Zheng Tianwei body side, quite thrilling has avoided swiftly and fiercely that struck, he on such as the game in the butterfly of flowering shrubs, did not moisten powder simply. 萧云脚掌顶地向旁边挪开了三尺,身子微微倾斜以一个360度旋转侧体就出现在了郑天伟的身侧,颇为惊险的避开了那凌厉的一击,他简直就如游戏在花丛的蝴蝶,不沾一丝粉末。 Also was at this time, a Zheng Tianwei claw failed, the whole person almost center of gravity was not steady, was his cultivation level good to the control of True Yuan and strength went to an astonishing situation, otherwise this anteversion got down, fell to the ground may leave smelly. 也就是这时,郑天伟一爪落空,整个人都差点重心不稳,也是他修为不错对真元与力量的控制都达到了一个惊人的地步,不然这一个前倾下去,栽倒在地可就出糗了。 This boy reaction ability very powerful.” Strikes to fail, in Zheng Tianwei heart one startled, in the pupil revealed has wiped surprisedly. “这小子反应能力好强。”一击落空,郑天伟心中一惊,眸子中露出了一抹惊讶。 He noticed a moment ago obviously Xiao Yun has not avoided, own that struck only misses half breath to fall got up on this boy, can arrive at the critical moment to be given to avoid by him? This reaction ability only feared, only then Yuan Core Realm does cultivator have? 刚才他明明看到萧云并没有躲避,自己那一击只差半个呼吸就要落在这小子上了,可怎么到了关键时刻就被他给避开了?这种反应能力只怕只有元丹境修者才有吧? This made Zheng Tianwei many for several points to dread to Xiao Yun, was indistinct feels a restlessness. 这让郑天伟萧云不由多了几分忌惮,隐约间感到一丝不安。 „It is not good.” Also in Zheng Tianwei starts to accept contemptuous in heart, his brow jumped, induces strong energy dragon to turn toward in the waist abdomens of own to raid, the fine hair of his whole body has set immediately upright, when he excessively looked that actually saw Xiao Yun both hands inspiring, True Yuan surrounds, was similar to a dragon and a snake, was turning toward his waist abdomen winding to sweep across. “不好。”也就在郑天伟开始收下心中的轻蔑时,他眉头一跳,感应到了一股强劲的气龙正向着自己的腰腹间袭来,顿时他全身的汗毛都竖了起来,待得他偏过头一看,却见得萧云双手引动,真元环绕,如同一龙一蛇,正向着他腰腹缠绕席卷而来。 Zheng Tianwei the revolution heart law, True Yuan sweeps across from his within the body immediately, changes into golden ripple to protect and sustain in the side. 郑天伟立即运转心法,一股真元从他体内席卷而出,化为一个个金色的波纹护持在身边。 These ripple are similar to agitation vortex, protected and sustained has put on an armor before to him. 这些波纹如同一个个搅动的气旋,护持在前似给他穿上了一件铠甲。 This impressively is one set of formidable defense Cultivation Technique. 这赫然是一套强大的防御功法 This is Earth Rank top level defends Cultivation Technique, Golden Marks Twisting.” Some distant place people sent out to call out in alarm, have recognized this Cultivation Technique. “这是地阶顶级防御功法,金纹绞。”远处有人发出惊呼,认出了这功法 This Cultivation Technique customizes for Gold Spirit Physique simply, once that golden vortex forms, is similar to innumerable sharp knife blade agitation cutting, must be twisted broken including that Xuan Weapon, if refining up to big accomplishment, even can resist Magic Item strikes, is nothing less. 功法简直就是为金灵体量身定做,那金色气旋一旦形成,如同无数利刃搅动切割,连那玄兵都要被绞碎,若是炼至大成,甚至可以抵挡法器的一击,不可谓不强。 Roar! 吼! However has not waited for Zheng Tianwei these air/Qi marks to form completely, that a dragon and a snake already brushing maliciously on his body. 不过还不等郑天伟这些气纹完全形成,那一龙一蛇已然狠狠的抽打在他的身上。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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