EMS :: Volume #2

#174: Your deafness?

Chapter 174 your deafness? 第174章你耳聋了吗? What person?” Zheng Tianwei is preparing to embrace into the bosom Duan Ling'er, after hearing this drinks to stop the sound, for a while the interest to plummet, in the heart raised anger, his pupil light one cold, then goes following the prestige, plans to discover the fellow of that being unappreciative. “什么人?”郑天伟正准备将段灵儿揽入怀中,听得这喝止声后一时兴致骤降,心中升起了一股怒火,他眸光一冷,便是循声望去,打算找出那个不识抬举的家伙。 On this broad blue stone trail, a youth step by step walks slowly to this. 在这条宽阔的青石小径上,一个少年正一步步的向此缓缓走来。 The youth are young, but also is less than 17 years old, the appearance appears of outstanding ability extraordinary, the edges and corners are distinct, that pair of jet black pupil bright light glittering, is similar to the alone wolf in dark night, closely is locking the front, that pupil light enables to feel the inexplicable palpitation following True Yuan Realm cultivator that the prestige comes unexpectedly. 少年年纪不大,还不到17岁,模样显得俊逸非凡,棱角分明,那双漆黑的眸子精光闪烁,如同黑夜中的独狼,正紧紧的锁定着前方,那眸光竟然使得循声望来的真元境修者都是感到莫名的心悸。 Who is this boy?” That two abaft the beams are in Wang Lei and youth heart before Zhou Ping body tremble, reveal one with amazement, muttered. “这小子是谁?”那两位正横身在王磊周平身前的少年心头一颤,露出一丝骇然,喃喃道。 pupil light of this boy is good to absorb the person.” That Zheng Tianwei is also the brow tight wrinkle, opposite party that sharp pupil light lets his skin is one lives coldly, probably by the poisonous snake staring, in the heart raised meaning of the inexplicable fear. “这小子的眸光好摄人。”就连那郑天伟也是眉头紧紧一皱,对方那犀利的眸光让他皮肤都是一阵生寒,好像被毒蛇给盯上了,心中升起了一股莫名的畏惧之意。 However Zheng Tianwei quickly restored look. 不过郑天伟很快就恢复了神色。 Was True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment he must step into Peak immediately, the strength in entire Rising Stars Peak also calculates that middle-grade got up. 身为真元中期大成的他马上就要踏入巅峰了,实力在整个新秀峰中也算中等偏上了。 Furthermore, his background is vigorous, not only the body has Gold Spirit Physique, but also has a great uncle to hold the post of Elder in Heavenly Yuan Sect, the backstage is strong, stepped into True Yuan middle-stage Peak disciple not to dare to offend him, can it be that this just basic can disciple compare? 再者,他底蕴浑厚,不仅身具金灵体,还有着一个族叔在天元宗担任长老,后台强硬无比,就连一些踏入了真元中期巅峰弟子都不敢触犯他,岂是这刚入门的弟子可比? The youth who this walks he has not seen, wants to come is also an obscure individual. 这走来的少年他从来没有见过,想来也是一个无名之辈。 Is Senior Brother Xiao.” That Wang Lei as well as Zhou Ping eye one bright, recognized came the person. “是萧师兄。”那王磊以及周平眼睛一亮,认出了来人。 This youth who takes a step to come naturally induces here sound Xiao Yun. 这迈步而来的少年自然就是感应到了这里的动静的萧云了。 Senior Brother Xiao?” Duan Ling'er is also one happy, after taking a look at Xiao Yun, her beautiful pupil low-spirited, has several points to lose appears, is relying on the keen feeling, she can discover that Xiao Yun is also only True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment that's all. 萧师兄?”段灵儿也是一喜,不过在瞅了一眼萧云后,她那美眸不由一阵黯然,有着几分失落浮现,凭借着敏锐的感觉,她可以发现萧云也只是真元初期小成罢了。 This boundary is almost same as own, how with a that Zheng Tianwei war? 这境界和自己几乎一样,如何与那郑天伟一战? Furthermore, 40 days ago, she is Innate late-stage, has also missed one compared with perfection, Xiao Yun at that time is Innate perfection boundary, but 40 days passed by, his cultivation level is unexpectedly same to own, what did this explain? Explained that Xiao Yun natural talent is also ordinary. 再者,在40天前,她才是先天后期,比圆满还差了一丝,萧云那时已经是先天圆满境了,可40天过去了,他修为竟然与自己一样,这说明什么?说明萧云天赋也一般而已。 According to the correct speed, this Xiao Yun should achieve True Yuan initial-stage big accomplishment at this time! 按照正确的速度,这萧云此时应该达到了真元初期大成才是啊! Duan Ling'er actually does not know that Xiao Yun must supply Martial Spirit of big stomach king, otherwise now can it be that this cultivation level? 只是段灵儿却不知道萧云还得供应一个大胃王的武魂,不然现在岂是这点修为 According to the normal speed, 40 days of this time Xiao Yun already should achieve True Yuan middle-stage. 按照正常速度,40天的时间此时的萧云早就应该达到真元中期了。 Resembled the induction Xiao Yun cultivation level, that Wang Lei and Zhou Ping brow was also the tight wrinkle, sighed secretly. 似感应到了萧云修为,那王磊周平眉头也是紧紧一皱,暗暗叹了一口气。 Xiao Yun by this strength, wants to prevent that Zheng Tianwei obviously. 萧云凭借这点实力,想要阻止那郑天伟显然还是有所不及。 Xiao Yun not slow is not slow to walk to this, his perception is astonishing, nearby several people of slight mood fluctuations received in the eye. 萧云向此不缓不慢走来,他感知力惊人,附近几人的细微的情绪波动都收入了眼中。 Why fluctuates he also to judge Wang Lei as well as Duan Ling'er and the others by that type loses. 凭借那种波动他也可以判断出王磊以及段灵儿等人为何失落。 However his has not cared, double pupil as before ice-cold, tight is staring at that Zheng Tianwei, saying of coldly, I make you let loose Junior Sister Duan, your deafness?” Xiao Yun words very ice-cold, even has several points to loathe. 不过对此他并没有一丝在意,双眸依旧冰冷,紧紧的盯着那郑天伟,冷冷的说道,“我让你放开段师妹,难道你耳聋了吗?”萧云的话很冰冷,甚至有着几分厌恶。 This is because Xiao Yun relied on all that soul perception will be having a moment ago to receive in the eye. 这是因为萧云凭借着灵魂感知力将刚才所发生的一切都收入了眼中。 He feels the loathing regarding Zheng Tianwei that behavior, even is deep despising. 对于郑天伟那种行为他感到厌恶,甚至是深深的鄙视。 The gentle and graceful girl, the gentleman quite gathers together, this is the way things should be, if terrorizes men and take their women that not to be right, this at is not the matter that a man should handle, this Zheng Tianwei bullying crazy is incomparable, went to the make the blood boil situation. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑,这本是人之常情,可是若欺男霸女那就不对了,这根本不是一个男人应该做的事情,这郑天伟仗势欺人狂荡无比,已达到了令人发指的地步。 Boy, who you are, you know that was speaking to whom?” Hears in Xiao Yun that ice-cold expression Zheng Tianwei pupil to be burning with anger, who is he? His Zheng Tianwei not only had Gold Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value has been achieving 40, was the Rising Stars Peak best pick of the crop pure. “小子,你是谁,你知道在跟谁说话吗?”听得萧云那冰冷的语气郑天伟眸中怒火中烧,他是谁?他郑天伟不仅拥有着金灵体,灵体值达到了40,为新秀峰拔尖的纯在。 Moreover, his elder brother, his great uncle, which isn't illustrious? 不仅如此,他的兄长,他的族叔,哪一个不是赫赫有名? Who dares to annoy him in this Rising Stars Peak? 在这新秀峰谁敢惹他? Is such status, but front does this youth dare to interrogate him in this ice-cold expression unexpectedly? 就是这样的身份,可面前这个少年竟然敢以这冰冷的语气质问他? Your deafness? 你耳聋了吗? These characters are similar to that keep reverberating in the mind thunderously, exceed listens, the Zheng Tianwei anger is more abundant. 这几个字如同那雷鸣不停在脑海中回荡,越听,郑天伟的怒火就越盛。 Who I am unimportant, more importantly you, if in does not let loose Junior Sister Duan not to blame me not being impolite.” A Xiao Yun face is light, such as ancient well without ripples, his corners of the mouth raise wipes the ice-cold curve light Zheng Tianwei staring, not slow not slow saying. “我是谁不要紧,重要的是你若在不放开段师妹就别怪我不客气了。”萧云一脸平淡,如古井无波,他嘴角掀起一抹冰冷的弧度淡淡的将郑天伟给盯着,不缓不慢的说道。 „Is Hehe, impolite?” Zheng Tianwei cannot help but face upwards smiles, at once double pupil unexpectedly one cold, stares the front youth saying that your trivial True Yuan initial-stage boundary also does want not to be impolite to me? father grows this big has not listened to such brain remnant words.” 呵呵,不客气?”郑天伟不由得仰天一笑,旋即双眸蓦地一冷,瞪着前方的少年道,“你区区真元初期境也想对我不客气?老子长这么大还没有听过这么脑残的话。” Gives you an opportunity, hurries to kneel down to me knocks three knocks, this matter only then relinquishes, otherwise father being probable makes you know that what is impolite, his mother's just entered Rising Stars Peak disciple also to dare with father to clamor, you think really you are the Palace Lord son!” A Zheng Tianwei face is fierce, the expression is insolent, Xiao Yun placing in eye. “给你一个机会,赶紧跪下给我磕三个响头,此事方可作罢,不然老子非得让你知道什么叫不客气,他娘的一个刚入新秀峰弟子也敢跟老子叫嚣,你真以为你是殿主的儿子啊!”郑天伟一脸狰狞,语气张狂无比,根本就没有将萧云给放在眼中。 How could trivial True Yuan Realm small accomplishment does cultivator contend with him? 区区真元境小成修者岂能与他抗衡? Ha Ha, does not know the fool who where braves, on True Yuan Realm small accomplishment also thinks the hero does rescue beautiful? Did not fear that the hero hasn't made instead becomes the black bear?” Youth of before that two abaft the beams body in Wang Lei and Zhou Ping are also the ridicule smile. “哈哈,也不知是从哪里冒出来的傻子,就真元境小成也想英雄救美?就不怕英雄没有做成反而成为狗熊了吗?”那两位正横在王磊周平身前的少年也是讥讽一笑。 This two people has stepped into True Yuan Realm middle-stage, naturally cannot pay attention to Xiao Yun. 两人都踏入了真元境中期,自然不会将萧云放在眼里。 Your two people is staying honestly side, otherwise cultivates to blame us not being impolite.” When teased Xiao Yun that two youth to turn toward Wang Lei and Zhou Ping shouts to clear the way, simultaneously that True Yuan middle-stage imposing manner also completely burst out. “你们两人给老老实实呆着旁边,不然修怪我们不客气。”在取笑萧云的时候那两个少年不由向着王磊周平喝道,同时身上那真元中期的气势也是完全迸发而出。 Feels this two people the brow of imposing manner Wang Lei and Zhou Ping is being the tight wrinkle. 感受着这两人的气势王磊周平的眉头都是紧紧一皱。 It seems like you were really incurable.” Sees these three people so to be insolent, the Xiao Yun brow moves slightly, knows that wants to subside this matter easily is impossible, now the only method is powerful take action, by military force solution. “看来你们真的是没救了。”见这三人都这么张狂,萧云眉头微动,知道想要轻易平息这件事情已经是不可能了,现在唯一的方法就是强势出手,以武力解决。 After coldly snorted, Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, then turns toward Zheng Tianwei to walk, that Soul Power also has released at the same time, closely is paying attention to latter aura fluctuation, as well as every action and every movement, are good when take action make own make the best judgment. 冷哼一句后,萧云眸光一凝,便向着郑天伟走去,与此同时那灵魂力也释放了出来,紧紧的关注着后者身上的气息波动,以及一举一动,好在出手时让自己做出最佳的判断。 Senior Brother Xiao, you inform Palace Lord Jiang quickly, has you to open the mouth, they will definitely act.” Sees Xiao Yun face cold severe, walks step by step, in the Duan Ling'er heart is moved, although opposite party cultivation level is insufficient, may have this regard to be too rare, before that Liu Zhong after hearing the Zheng Tianwei status distressedly departed, thinks that also has many people therefore simply not to act in neighbor. 萧师兄,你快去通知姜殿主,有你开口,他们肯定会出面的。”见萧云一脸冷厉,步步走来,段灵儿心中一阵感动,虽然对方修为不够,可有这份心意太难得了,之前那刘重可是在听到了郑天伟的身份后就狼狈离去,想必在附近还有着许多人因此根本没有出面吧。 Thinks that the Zheng Tianwei strength, Duan Ling'er also felt a helplessness, must open the mouth to make Xiao Yun move the reinforcement. 只是想到郑天伟的实力,段灵儿也是感到一阵无奈,只得开口让萧云去搬救兵。 After all thinks to be able by the Xiao Yun status please Core Palace elder. 毕竟以萧云的身份想必还是能请得动核心殿长者的。 As for other disciple, was really finally difficult to say. 至于其它弟子,结果还真难说。 This girl but actually also a little conscience.” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, were many to that Duan Ling'er several points of favorable impression. “这丫头倒还有点良心。”萧云淡淡一笑,对那段灵儿不由多了几分好感。 This Duan Ling'er places the crisis now, if trades to do to leave, how can think that many? 段灵儿如今身处危机,若是换做别,岂会想那么多? Definitely was makes opposite party take action try to say. 肯定是让对方出手试试在说。 But Duan Ling'er is actually the calm ponder, making Xiao Yun move the reinforcement. 段灵儿却是冷静思考,让萧云去搬救兵。 First, is thinks that Xiao Yun cannot be a worthy opponent with Zheng Tianwei, take action is also the futile effort. 其一,是认为萧云不能与郑天伟匹敌,出手也是徒劳。 Second, then do not hope that Xiao Yun therefore receives the senseless wound. 其二,便是不希望萧云因此受无谓的伤。 No matter which point, can explain that this Duan Ling'er is calm, is a good-hearted girl. 不管是哪一点,都可以说明这段灵儿冷静心细,还是一个心地善良的女孩。 This made Xiao Yun want the heart of take action to be firmer. 这让萧云出手的心更加坚决了。 „Are you surnamed Xiao?” Suddenly, Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, has realized anything, coldly stares at Xiao Yun to say. “你姓萧?”突然,郑天伟眸光一凝,意识到了什么,冷冷的盯着萧云道。 Good.” Xiao Yun slows pace, has been away from Zheng Tianwei, only then three zhang (3.33 m), his light said that how in the heart actually considers take action, if this Zheng Tianwei has been holding under duress Duan Ling'er, if take action will not injure rashly unavoidably and innocent. “不错。”萧云慢步走来,已经距离郑天伟只有三丈,他淡淡的道了一句,心中却思量如何出手,若是这郑天伟一直挟持着段灵儿,若是贸然出手难免不会伤及无辜。 Xiao? New disciple of this passing through the gate has one from now on surnamed Xiao, is it possible that are you that Xiao Yun?” Zheng Tianwei pupil light sinks, the expression slightly is dignified, stares at Xiao Yun saying that he also has the detailed understanding regarding this batch of new basic disciple. “萧?这次后进门的新弟子只有一个姓萧的,莫非你就是那萧云?”郑天伟眸光一沉,表情略显凝重,盯着萧云道,对于这批新入门的弟子他也是有着详细的了解。 Because this batch of disciple are their competitors. 因为这批弟子将是他们的竞争对手。 Xiao Yun? Is it possible that is that has Flawless Martial Spirit Xiao Yun?” At this time another two youth complexions changed also stay for several points surprisedly staring Xiao Yun, they already heard in newly arrived 18 disciple had Flawless Martial Spirit, was the biggest competitor. 萧云?莫非是那个拥有无暇武魂萧云?”这时另外两个少年脸色一变也是呆着几分惊讶将萧云给盯着,他们早就听说了新来的18个弟子中有一个无暇武魂,是最大的竞争对手。 These 40 days Xiao Yun has been closing up, therefore these also missed to see him in several months of basic disciple. 只是这40天来萧云一直在闭关,所以那些在几个月入门的弟子也无缘见到他了。 „Below.” Xiao Yun said. “正是在下。”萧云说道。 Really is he!” That two youth brow wrinkles, slightly reveal for several points to dread. “真是他!”那两个少年眉头一皱,略露几分忌惮。 Not only stemming from dreading of Flawless Martial Spirit, more important they knows that this Xiao Yun is Core Palace wants the trained object, the status is not the average person can compare, if offended his consequence is also inconceivable, therefore in the heart had scruples. 不仅是出于对无暇武魂的忌惮,更重要的他们知道这萧云核心殿要培养对象,地位可不是一般人能比,若是得罪了他那后果也是不堪设想,所以心中有所顾忌。 Has not thought that you are that have Flawless Martial Spirit Xiao Yun.” The Zheng Tianwei look also slightly changes, has been short of several points of insolent, meaning that but he do not compromise, instead interestinging is staring at Xiao Yun, the double pupil circulation, does not know that is pondering anything. “没有想到你就是那拥有无暇武魂萧云。”郑天伟神色也是微微一变,少了几分张狂,不过他并没有要妥协的意思,反而是饶有兴趣的盯着萧云,双眸流转,不知在沉思着什么。 Everybody is a same side, you have put Junior Sister Duan.” Xiao Yun let go the palm, stares at Zheng Tianwei to say. “大家都是同门,你还是放了段师妹吧。”萧云摊了摊手掌,盯着郑天伟说道。 If can the peace solve this matter him to be also glad idly, if the opposite party insists on so, then also has take action. 若能和平解决此事他也乐得清闲,只是若对方执意如此,那么也就只好出手了。 Same side?” Zheng Tianwei smiles, said that good, I can put him, but you won me to be good.” “同门?”郑天伟一笑,道,“好,我可以放了他,不过得你赢了我才行。” Has won you?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, in the pupil has some swift and fierce rays of light twinkles, it seems like fought is unavoidable. “赢了你?”萧云眉头一弯,眸中有着些许凌厉的光芒闪烁,看来一战是在所难免了。 Hehe, heard that you have Flawless Martial Spirit, thinks that the strength decides however is not weak, does not know that can dare to fight with me?” A Zheng Tianwei face is arrogant, shoots a look at Xiao Yun to say slantingly, naturally, the courage that if you fight with me does not have, then get lost to me.” 呵呵,听说你拥有无暇武魂,想必实力定然是不弱,不知可敢与我一战?”郑天伟一脸倨傲,斜瞥着萧云道,“当然,若是你连与我一战的勇气都没有,那么就给我滚吧。” When spoke of finally, this Zheng Tianwei expression immediately was also becomes haughty. 说到最后时,这郑天伟的语气当即也是变得狂傲了起来。 Although Flawless Martial Spirit is rare, only then Xiao Yun of True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment boundary really by Zheng Tianwei placing in eye. 一个无暇武魂虽然难得,可是只有真元初期小成境的萧云还真没有被郑天伟给放在眼中。 Go away?” Hears last, the Xiao Yun complexion was also becomes cold severe, his brow closely wrinkled a wrinkle, at once the double pupil narrows the eyes, was similar to the alone wolf is ordinary, tight was staring at that Zheng Tianwei, saying of being loud and clear, good, I then fought with you, if you have defeated, from do not let me see you to bully Junior Sister Duan hereafter again, otherwise did not take it ill my Xiao Yun to be heartless.” “滚?”听得最后一句,萧云的脸色也是变得冷厉了起来,他眉头紧紧皱了一皱,旋即双眸一眯,如同独狼一般,紧紧的盯着那郑天伟,掷地有声的说道,“好,我便与你一战,若是你败了,从此后别让我再看到你欺负段师妹,否则休怪我萧云无情。” ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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