EMS :: Volume #2

#173: Beautiful woman disturbance

Chapter 173 beautiful woman disturbance 第173章美女风波 This young girl Xiao Yun knew that is with his same batch of to join Core Palace disciple, named Duan Ling'er. 这少女萧云认识,正是与他同一批拜入核心殿弟子,名为段灵儿 Surrounds youth named Zheng Tianwei before front gate as for that is three months ago to join Core Palace is also new disciple. 至于那围堵在院门前的少年则名为郑天伟,为三个多月前拜入核心殿也算是新弟子 Hehe, Ling'er Junior Sister, were you so why indifferent?” Zheng Tianwei brows lightly raise, in the pupil brings several points of burning hot to take a look to Duan Ling'er, said with a smile embarrasedly, I heard that you were Wind Spirit Physique, looked for this Wind Yuan Fruit especially, believes that can help you.” 呵呵,灵儿师妹,你何必如此冷漠了?”郑天伟眉头轻挑,眸中带着几分炙热瞅向段灵儿,讪讪一笑道,“我听说你是风灵体,特地找来了这风元果,相信可以对你有所帮助。” Said that this Zheng Tianwei palm turns, the palm presented Spirit Fruit of orange size. 说完这郑天伟手掌一翻,掌心出现了一颗橘子大小的灵果 This Spirit Fruit is glittering and translucent carving, is glittering shining brilliance, has these lines on face to surround above, probably is the runes vein, takes a quick look around knows that is not every thing, only then quenchings to breed such Spirit Fruit after Yuan Essence of day ground wind. 这颗灵果晶莹剔透,闪烁着灿灿光华,在上面有这一些细纹环绕,好像是符文脉络,一眼看去就知道不是凡物,只有经过天地风之精元淬炼才能孕育出这么一颗灵果 Duan Ling'er is much longer simple and beautiful, eyelash is very long, appears clever is incomparable, her beautiful pupil winks to shoot a look at Wind Yuan Fruit that Zheng Tianwei has handed over slightly, is relying on the Spirit Physique induction of own, this fruit indeed is Yuan Essence of breeding wind. 段灵儿长得秀气清丽,睫毛很长,显得灵动无比,她美眸微微眨动瞥了一眼那郑天伟递来的风元果,凭借着自己灵体感应,这颗果子的确是风之精元孕育而出。 If took this fruit to be very helpful to her Spirit Physique, even can promote half Spirit Physique value to make own natural talent increase, can say that this Wind Yuan Fruit was enormous to her enticement, the average person was very difficult facing this spiritual object maintains calm. 若是服用了这果子对她的灵体很有帮助,甚至可以提升半个灵体值使得自己天赋有所增加,可以说这风元果对她的诱惑极大,一般人面对这种灵物很难保持淡定。 Looked at the line of sight of Duan Ling'er to fall on own control Spirit Fruit, in the middle of the Zheng Tianwei pupil glittered self-satisfied rays of light, regarding girl's that thoughts he again also familiar, therefore after knowing this Duan Ling'er was Wind Spirit Physique finds the way to seek such Spirit Fruit. 瞧得段灵儿的视线落在了自己手心的灵果上,郑天伟眸子当中就不由闪烁出一丝得意的光芒,对于女孩的那点心思他再也熟悉不过了,所以在得知这段灵儿风灵体后就想办法寻来了这么一颗灵果 Snort, I do not believe you not to move.” The Zheng Tianwei corners of the mouth appear a happy expression of demon, was taking a look at the opposite that attractive young girl secretly, in the heart already flood the intermittent ripples, evil fire welled up to be careful, father has gotten up the charming female, has gotten up the plentiful tender person, has not gotten up this makings to be elegantly beautiful actually, spiritual energy threatening young miss.” “哼,我就不信你不动心。”郑天伟嘴角浮现出一丝邪魅的笑意,暗暗打量着对面那灵秀的少女,心中已然泛起了阵阵涟漪,一股邪火涌上心来,“老子上过妩媚的女子,也上过丰满的娇人,倒是没有上过这气质冷艳,又灵气逼人的小姑娘。” Although this Duan Ling'er stature was not very hot also has actually sufficed, actually does not know that what flavor can be?” “虽然这段灵儿身材还不够火辣却也够了,却不知上起来会是什么味道?” Thinks of here, the pupil of this Zheng Tianwei has narrowed the eyes, middle glitters completely is evil filthy rays of light. 想到这里,这郑天伟的眸子不由眯了起来,当中所闪烁的尽是邪秽的光芒 Sorry, this Wind Yuan Fruit I do not need.” Has several points of hope regarding Wind Yuan Fruit Duan Ling'er, but she in looking at that Zheng Tianwei evil filthy pupil light back of the body understands clearly, knows that this man definitely is not any good person, if own accepted his good intention, will make the hard to deal with trouble, therefore has rejected this matter simply, the lotus steps take to move toward the own courtyard. “抱歉,这风元果我不需要。”对于风元果段灵儿还是有着几分期许,可是她在瞧得那郑天伟邪秽的眸光后心中了然,知道这男子肯定不是一个什么好人若是自己接受了他的好意,将惹上难缠的麻烦,故而索性拒绝了此事,莲步迈出就要走向自己的院子。 Junior Sister Duan, are you so heartless?” Sees Duan Ling'er as before is so chilling, on the Zheng Tianwei face somewhat is obviously unhappy, he one step in the front, said horizontally that this Wind Yuan Fruit was I intrudes Storm Valley to cut to kill several Monster Beast especially to obtain, didn't you such spare a glance?” 段师妹,你就这么无情吗?”见段灵儿依旧是这般冷硬,郑天伟脸上明显有些不快,他一步横在前方,道,“这风元果可是我特地闯入疾风谷斩杀了几头妖兽才获得,你就这么不屑一顾?” I, if needs Wind Yuan Fruit, own will seek.” Duan Ling'er pupil dew loathing, the white hands raise turn toward that to block Zheng Tianwei before body to whisk off, thinks that is clear a path to be good to arrive in the own courtyard, so long as in had not feared that some people harassed. “我若需要风元果,自己会去寻。”段灵儿眸露厌恶,玉手一扬就向着那拦在身前的郑天伟拂去,想清出一条道路好走到自己的院子里,只要到了里面也就不怕有人骚扰了。 The white hands of which only Duan Ling'er this stroked actually happen to pats the arm of Zheng Tianwei, one that Wind Yuan Fruit of that palm shouted was to then fall falls on the place, the disruption, Yuan Essence of faint trace rich wind changed into a fresh air dissipation to be spatial in light of this immediately. 哪只段灵儿的玉手这一拂却正好拍中了郑天伟的手臂,那掌心的风元果呼的一声便是摔落在地,就此碎裂,一丝丝浓郁的风之精元当即就化为一股清气消散在空。 „Did your rather it break to pieces unexpectedly has not bought my tack?” “你竟然宁可它碎了也不领我的情?” Was looking at Wind Yuan Fruit of that disruption thoroughly, Zheng Tianwei pupil light gloomy. 望着那碎裂的风元果,郑天伟眸光彻底阴沉了起来。 He picks up the little girl not to let slip, nobody so will not give his face, has not thought that this time will arrive at Heavenly Yuan Sect to meet such a chilling little girl, this almost made Zheng Tianwei probably become angry out of shame, within those eyes, has the spunk to condense. 他泡妞从来没有失手过,也没有人会如此不给他的面子,没有想到此次来到天元宗就会遇上这么一个冷硬的妞,这让得郑天伟差点就要恼羞成怒了起来,那双眸中,有着怒意在凝聚。 „Is this your own is not careful, what matter closes my?” In the Duan Ling'er heart is also angry incomparable, own is goes out, has not thought that came back to be stopped up in the entrance, bountiful rejected in every possible way tactfully, this Zheng Tianwei is not willing to allow to pass through, now also strange own? “这是你自己不小心,关我什么事?”段灵儿心中也是恼怒无比,自己就是出门一趟,没有想到一回来就被堵在了门口,饶是百般委婉拒绝,这郑天伟就是不肯让路,如今还怪自己 If not for own does not have what backstage, how could she does swallow this tone? 若不是自己没有什么后台,她岂能咽下这口气? No matter how, you, since has pulverized this Wind Yuan Fruit, accepted my gift.” The Zheng Tianwei corners of the mouth pull show several points of fierce smiling face, the double pupil is staring at Duan Ling'er, saying of quite crazy tyrant, from the present, you will be my girlfriend.” “不管如何,你既然弄碎了这风元果,就是收下了我的礼物。”郑天伟嘴角一扯露出几分狰狞的笑容,双眸盯着段灵儿,颇为狂霸的说道,“从今后,你就做我女朋友。” Mental illness.” The Duan Ling'er air/Qi results in the silver tooth to nip tightly, wishes one could to want take action to be very good to teach turns this to ascend the disciple prodigal son. “神经病。”段灵儿气得银牙紧咬,恨不得要出手很好教训一翻这个登徒浪子。 „Do you dare to scold me?” Zheng Tianwei pupil light sinks, the heart said that looks like does not select the lesson to her today, this girl will not submit to me.” “你竟敢骂我?”郑天伟眸光一沉,心道,“看来今天不给她点教训,这小妮子是不会屈服于我了。” After coldly snorted, this Zheng Tianwei shouted to clear the way unexpectedly, you defended the gate, do not allow her to enter the courtyard, since she pulverized my Wind Yuan Fruit I to collect an interest, Hehe, you not chilling? I make you chilling.” 冷哼一声后,这郑天伟蓦地喝道,“你们两个守住门,别让她进入了院子,她既然弄碎了我的风元果我就得收点利息,呵呵,你不是冷硬吗?我让你冷硬。” Then, his pupil light concentrates, a formidable imposing manner then bursts out from the body. 说完,他眸光一凝,一股强大的气势便是从身上迸发而出。 True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment?” After this Zheng Tianwei imposing manner bursts out, but, Duan Ling'er tender body cannot help but trembling body again and again retreat, the breath felt that was soon impeded, her natural talent is good, in the clan is the day the arrogant female, but knows to Heavenly Yuan Sect that outside the Tianwaitian people have the person, therefore after crossing the threshold, has been closing up, has stepped into True Yuan Realm after one month of effort finally. 真元中期大成?”当这郑天伟的气势迸发而出后,段灵儿娇躯不由得一颤身子连连后退,呼吸都感觉到快要不畅了,她天赋不错,在族内是天之骄女,可是到了天元宗才知道,天外天人外有人,所以入门后就一直在闭关,经过一个月的努力总算是踏入了真元境 But she also merely achieved True Yuan Realm small accomplishment to miss a small boundary with this Zheng Tianwei. 可她也仅仅只是达到了真元境小成与这郑天伟足足差了一个小境界。 Hehe, looks at the claw.” Sees personal appearance direct retreat of Duan Ling'er under the imposing manner oppression of own, the Zheng Tianwei pupil dew grins fiendishly, by his strength crush young girl, later also wasn't own wants to be how what kind of sufficiently? 呵呵,看爪。”见段灵儿自己的气势压迫下身形直接后退,郑天伟不由眸露狞笑,凭借他的实力足以碾压这个少女了,以后还不是自己想怎么样就怎么样? Then, his palm moves, then changes into a great claw to search toward Duan Ling'er. 说完,他手掌一动,便化为一个巨爪向着段灵儿探去。 This is martial arts that by seizing to be evolved adeptly, named Golden Dragon searches the top, a claw falls, True Yuan sweeps across the astral wind to wreak havoc then must cover that Duan Ling'er, this martial arts is very direct, is not mysterious, but in situation that in both sides differ a small boundary, is very difficult to resist. 这是由擒拿手演化成的武学,名为金龙探顶,一爪落下,真元席卷罡风肆虐便要将那段灵儿笼罩,这种武学很直接,并不怎么玄奥,可是在双方相差一个小境界的情况下,却很难抵挡。 Wind Ling'er pupil light concentrates, body moves, is similar to gust is ordinary, fended unexpectedly one side. 灵儿眸光一凝,身子一动,如同一阵风儿一般,竟然闪避到了一边。 Wind Spirit Physique, the speed is really fast.” Zheng Tianwei smiles, wants to shunt my palm, you have actually missed a point.” 风灵体,速度果然快。”郑天伟一笑,“不过想要躲开我的手掌,你却还差了一点。” Floating Clouds Steps! 浮云步 Zheng Tianwei grins fiendishly, the footsteps steps, such as the foot pedal floating clouds, move with the wind follow closely Duan Ling'er to go unexpectedly. 郑天伟狞笑一声,脚步迈动,如脚踏浮云,随风而动竟然紧随着段灵儿而去。 Although Duan Ling'er the movement is extremely quick, but because the two people distance is distanced not far, suddenly spreads out very much difficultly. 段灵儿虽然身法极快,可由于两人距离相距不远,很难一时间拉开距离。 Shout! 呼! Only hears the sound to get up from out of the blue, the Zheng Tianwei great hand moves, is similar to eagle claw general tearing void takes the fragrant shoulder of Duan Ling'er. 只听得破空声响起,郑天伟巨手一动,便如同鹰爪一般撕裂虚空直取段灵儿的香肩。 Duan Ling'er avoids for a while, impatient under has take action to resist. 段灵儿一时躲避不及,心急下只得出手抵挡。 Tornado Slash! 旋风斩 The Duan Ling'er white hands raise, the nearby sudden gust of wind gets up suddenly, changes into the vortex wind blade edge then to cut toward the great claw of that Zheng Tianwei, these wind edges howl, probably the sharp knife blade must cut the void might also can be underestimated generally, if not resist the ice blade edge to break off. 段灵儿玉手一扬,附近突然疾风骤起,化为一个个气旋风刃便是向着那郑天伟的巨爪斩去,那些风刃呼啸,好像利刃一般要切割虚空威力也是不容小觑,若不抵挡冰刃都要折断。 Smelly woman, is ruthless enough.” Sees these wind blade edge Xi to come, Zheng Tianwei pupil light concentrates, on the arm has the golden light twinkle unexpectedly. “臭娘们,够狠。”见得那些风刃席来,郑天伟眸光一凝,手臂上蓦地有着金光闪烁。 Profound Gold-Splitting Hands of Golden Arm Arts, gives me to break to pieces! 金臂诀玄金裂手,给我碎! Sees only on that Zheng Tianwei right arm the golden light twinkle, has the 1-layer heavy trace flood, is similar to the iron mark attaches on his arm generally, swept across the astral wind that came resisting these unexpectedly, in these wind edges must fall when his arm, his right arm fiercely changed, blooms iron who a flake gold light probably profound [gold/metal] casting became, tore fiercely. 只见得那郑天伟右臂上金光闪烁,有着一重重纹路泛起,如同铁纹一般依附在他的手臂上,竟是将那些席卷而来的罡风给抵挡了下来,就在那些风刃也要落在他手臂上时,他右臂猛地一变,绽放出一片金光好像一只玄金浇铸而成的铁手,猛地撕裂而出。 That Profound Gold Giant Hand moves, is glittering swift and fierce rays of light, has resisted these wind edges unexpectedly all. 玄金巨手一动,闪烁着凌厉的光芒,竟是将那些风刃给尽数抵挡了下来。 Profound Gold-Splitting Hands?” Looks at that to glitter [gold/metal] arm, the Duan Ling'er eye pupil is shrinking suddenly, looks the wind blade edge that helplessly own evolves was routed all, afterward golden light flashes dodges, a great hand then fell on her shoulder. 玄金裂手?”望着那闪烁着金芒的手臂,段灵儿眼瞳骤然一缩,眼睁睁看着自己演化出来的风刃尽数被击溃,随后金光一闪,一只巨手便是落在了她的肩膀上。 Bang! 砰! Duan Ling'er only thinks that own fragrant shoulder eats the pain, is similar to is hit by the tacks in the sole, the bone is about to have disrupted. 段灵儿只觉自己的香肩一阵吃痛,如同被铁掌击中,骨头都快碎裂了开来。 Follows closely her tender body to tremble, was struck to depart several meters. 紧随着她娇躯一颤,便是被击飞出了几米。 Also wants to revolt on your this strength?” A Zheng Tianwei face is arrogant, the brow selects then turns toward Duan Ling'er to walk. “就你这实力也想反抗?”郑天伟一脸傲慢,眉头一挑便向着段灵儿走去。 „Is your this must do?” In not far away, has three youth to walk to this, shouted to clear the way hastily. “你们这是要干什么?”在不远处,有着三个少年向此走来,连忙喝道。 These youth past and Duan Ling'er together basic disciple. 这几个少年正是昔日与段灵儿一起入门的弟子 Named Wang Lei, named Liu Zhong, another personal name is Zhou Ping 一个名为王磊,一个名为刘重,另外一人名为周平 Without your matters, gives me to stay to honestly at the same time.” Sees this two people to walk, selects with the Zheng Tianwei together two youth brows then turns toward the front to prevent to go, a formidable aura fluctuation also sends out. “没有你们的事情,给我老实呆到一边去。”见得这两人走来,与郑天伟一起的两个少年眉头一挑便向着前方阻止而去,一股强大的气息波动也是随之散发而出。 We are Core Palace disciple, why do you bully the person?” A Wang Lei face is simple and honest, double pupil very greatly tight stares at that Zheng Tianwei and other hostages to ask, you , if not stop, I may be going to report Palace Lord, when the time comes must handle you according to the sect rule.” “我们都是核心殿弟子,你们凭什么欺负人?”王磊一脸憨厚,双眸很大紧紧的盯着那郑天伟等人质问道,“你们若是不住手,我可将要禀告殿主,到时候必会依门规处置你们。” Ha Ha, reported Palace Lord?” That two youth sneer, said that Senior Brother Zheng has the great uncle in the gate is Elder, is quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, you go not to fear that has destroyed the own future? The knowing the limitation words quickly get lost, otherwise does not take it ill us not to be impolite.” “哈哈,禀告殿主?”那两个少年冷笑一声,道,“郑师兄有族叔在门中为长老,乃准元婴境强者,你们去告不怕毁了自己的前途吗?识相的话赶快滚,不然休怪我们不客气。” Elder?” 长老?” quasi- Yuan Soul Realm?” Hears this word, Wang Lei and the others closely to knit the brows. 准元婴境?”听得此言,王磊等人都是紧紧皱眉。 I thought this matter.” Liu Zhong frowns saying, this Zheng Tianwei I have heard, indeed has the clansman is Elder, cannot offend, his Elder Brother is a talent, offended them, we later are very difficult to mix in Core Palace.” “我看此事就算了吧。”刘重皱眉道,“这郑天伟我听说过,的确有族人为长老,不可得罪,他哥哥更是一个天才,得罪了他们,我们以后很难在核心殿混下去。” Then, he retreats unexpectedly on own initiative, only leaves behind Wang Lei and Zhou Ping. 说完,他竟然是主动退走,只留下王磊周平 What to do?” Zhou Ping is also reveals to fear intent. “怎么办?”周平也是露出惧意。 Hehe, Ling'er Junior Sister, so long as with me, later takes care of you in Heavenly Yuan Sect future light.” But at this time Zheng Tianwei had already arrived at that Duan Ling'er side, his palm moves, is similar to You Dragon searches the snake, one covered latter's jade wrist, convenient area, must enter in the bosom it embracing. 呵呵,灵儿师妹,只要跟着我,以后保管你在天元宗前途一片光明。”而这时郑天伟已然走到了那段灵儿的身边,他手掌一动,如同游龙探蛇,一把扣住了后者的玉腕,顺手一带,就要将之揽入怀中。 Smell sharp aroma enters, the Zheng Tianwei double pupil narrows the eyes, is enthralled. 一股香气扑鼻而入,郑天伟双眸眯起,一阵入神。 Wang Lei and Zhou Ping were stopped up by two True Yuan middle-stage cultivator, is unable the take action aid. 王磊周平被两个真元中期修者堵住,根本无法出手援助。 Lets loose me quickly.” The Duan Ling'er wrist|skill was covered, heart one chaotic, immediately loudly shouted, you, if dares to move me, I definitely will report Palace Lord Jiang this matter.” “快放开我。”段灵儿手腕被扣住,芳心一乱,顿时大呼了起来,“你若敢动我,我肯定会将此事禀告姜殿主。” Hehe, I will when the time comes report my great uncle, making him take responsibility you permits to me, Palace Lord Jiang thinks that will not reject.” Zheng Tianwei does not fear, the smiling face even more was instead bright, as if he likes seeing this Duan Ling'er this appearance. 呵呵,我到时候会禀告我族叔,让他做主将你许给我,姜殿主想必也不会拒绝。”郑天伟丝毫不惧,笑容反而越发灿烂了起来,似乎他就喜欢看到这段灵儿这幅模样。 Beautiful woman, lets me now first own perfumed hair-oil, accepts the Wind Yuan Fruit interest, later I will then make the great uncle act.” Then, the Zheng Tianwei pupil narrows the eyes, must kiss unexpectedly toward that Duan Ling'er, that action makes the latter heart want broken, on that delicate fine beautiful face has two lines of teardrops to fall, her present heart arteries was covered fundamentally is incapable of resisting. “美人儿,现在就让我先一亲芳泽,算是收下风元果的利息,稍后我便会让族叔出面。”说完,郑天伟眸子一眯,竟是要向着那段灵儿亲去,那举动让得后者芳心欲碎,那张清秀精致的玉容上有着两行泪珠滑落,她如今心脉被扣住根本无力抵挡。 Stops to me.” Also at this moment, ice-cold sound resounds together suddenly. “给我住手。”也就在这时,一道冰冷的声音骤然响起。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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