EMS :: Volume #2

#194: Deep fruit?

Chapter 194 Nether Fruit? 第194章摩罗冥果 Zheng Tianxiang has not only stepped into True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary, but also the body has the Gold Spirit Physique 49% Spirit Physique values, so physique as well as cultivation level, in Core Palace that Leaping Dragon Peak are also existences of best pick of the crop, can cope with new basic disciple is also not easy as pie? 郑天翔不仅踏入了真元后期圆满境,还身具金灵体49的灵体值,如此体质以及修为,在核心殿跃龙峰中也算是拔尖的存在,要对付一个新入门的弟子还不是易如反掌? If waited for big brother own to step into half Yuan Core, even was Yuan Core Realm, then own status also along with it rising suddenly. 若真等自己大哥踏入了半步元丹,甚至是元丹境,那么自己的地位也将随之暴涨。 Especially that Profound Yuan Battlefield quota. 特别是那玄元战场的名额。 Once Zheng Tianxiang obtained that quota, even if Elder must respect several points to its ritual. 一旦郑天翔获得了那名额,就算是长老都得对其礼敬几分。 Because no one knows that these disciple after stepping into Profound Yuan Battlefield can obtain the chance of world, henceforth fish dive Dragon Gate. 因为谁也不知道这些弟子在踏入玄元战场后会不会得到天地的机缘,从此鱼跃龙门。 Naturally, is not all disciple so, only then which natural talent outstanding people especially will be paid attention. 当然,也不是所有的弟子都会如此,只有哪些天赋出众的人才会被格外关注。 Because participates in Profound Yuan Battlefield each time, more people are the set-off also or the cannon fodder. 因为每次参加玄元战场,更多的人则是陪衬亦或是炮灰。 If the own big brother stepped into Yuan Core Realm naturally to have boundless prospects. 若是自己的大哥踏入了元丹境自然是前途无量了。 Boy, I will certainly make you attractive, this time first lets off you.” Thinks that big brother own steps into all sorts of advantage Zheng Tianwei faces after Yuan Core Realm to be gloomy, the glance of coldly Xiao Yun in that level area, in that pupil completely is the color of hatred. “小子,我一定会让你好看,这次就先放过你。”想到自己大哥踏入元丹境后的种种好处郑天伟一脸阴森,冷冷的扫视了一眼那山坳中的萧云,那眸中尽是怨毒之色。 Especially he noticed that after that Duan Ling'er is similar to bird is following Xiao Yun generally, that face on such as maliciously is stepped on a foot. 特别是他看到那段灵儿如同小鸟一般跟随着萧云后,那脸就如被人狠狠的踩了一脚。 This difference was too big, without doubt slap in the face. 这种差别实在太大了,无疑是打脸。 Initially this Duan Ling'er rather refused that Wind Yuan Fruit not to be willing with him in the same place! 当初这段灵儿可是宁可拒绝了那风元果也不愿意和他在一起啊! Walks.” After Zheng Tianxiang shot a look at one group of youth in level area lightly, turns around then to depart. “走吧。”郑天翔淡淡的瞥了一眼山坳中的一群少年后,转身便离去。 In his eyes, these just basic disciple simply had not cared, his goal is to step into Yuan Core Realm enters Profound Yuan Battlefield by this, participates that Hundred Sects Great War, there is his battlefield, can let his hovering soaring recklessly. 在他眼中,这些刚入门的弟子根本没有放在心上,他的目标是踏入元丹境以此进入玄元战场,去参加那百宗大战,那里才是他的战场,才能让他肆意的翱翔腾飞。 These five people round trip in a hurry, has not left a trace, Xiao Yun in level area at this moment is actually slightly gaining ground line of sight one revolution, takes a look to that summit that Zheng Tianxiang and the others had stood a moment ago, in his corners of the mouth curve raising slowly. 这五人来去匆匆,没有留下一丝痕迹,不过在山坳中的萧云此刻却是微微抬头视线一转,瞅向了刚才郑天翔等人所站立的那个山巅,在他的嘴角一丝弧度缓缓的掀起。 True Yuan Realm late-stage perfection?” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders one darkly, the corners of the mouth has some happy expressions of pondering to reappear. 真元境后期圆满?”萧云心中暗忖一句,嘴角有着些许玩味的笑意浮现。 When that Zheng Tianwei and the others are staring at Xiao Yun by that sharp pupil light he had detected. 就在那郑天伟等人以那锐利的眸光盯着萧云的时候他就已经有所发觉。 Xiao Yun even gave their conversation contents received in the ear all, but these people did not know that's all. 萧云甚至将他们的交谈内容都给尽数收到了耳朵里,只是这些人并不知道罢了。 He did not fear but actually this True Yuan late-stage Zheng Tianxiang looks for trouble. 他倒不怕这真元后期郑天翔来找麻烦。 If flagrantly provokes he also to disregard, two people is not peak disciple, can definitely refuse to challenge, if that Zheng Tianxiang is constantly aggressive, Xiao Yun naturally will not mind that borrows the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow strength to teach his well. 若是公然挑衅他也可以无视,两人不是一个峰的弟子,完全可以拒绝挑战,若那郑天翔一味咄咄逼人,萧云自然是不会介意借用吞天雀的力量好好教训他一下。 Since is not the fair competition, why deferred to the custom to handle affairs? 既然不是公平竞争,又何必按照规矩行事了? Therefore by the Xiao Yun present strength, almost can not fear the provocation of any fellow apprentices. 所以凭借萧云现在的实力,几乎可以不惧任何师兄弟的挑衅。 They must seek for that Nether Fruit, that is the good thing!” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, muttered in a low voice, he obtained inheritance of Purple Flame Pill king, not only inside has the technique of pill refining, but also has the explanation analyses to various medicine ingredients. “不过他们要去寻找那摩罗冥果,那可是好东西啊!”萧云眸子微眯,低声喃喃道,他得到了紫炎丹王的传承,里面不仅有着炼丹之术,还有着对各种药材的讲解分析。 This Nether Fruit has the effect, can wash the muscle to cut down the marrow. 这摩罗冥果有着奇效,可以洗筋伐髓。 What is most important is it can also dispel the impurity that cultivator within the body True Yuan contains. 最重要的是它还能祛除修者体内真元所蕴含的杂质。 Then can promote to step into the Yuan Core Realm probability, achieved the True Yuan perfection boundary person regarding these is rare Spirit Fruit. 如此一来就能让人提升踏入元丹境的几率,对于那些达到了真元圆满境的人来说是难得的灵果 This Nether Fruit effect is actually better than that Profound Condensing Pill. 这摩罗冥果的效果其实比那凝玄丹还好。 Profound Condensing Pill no doubt can step into Yuan Core Realm in a short time, because actually medicine efficacy hinders the following growth of cultivator. 凝玄丹固然可以让人在短时间内踏入元丹境,却会因为药效阻碍修者的后续成长。 But Nether Fruit is one type washes the muscle to cut down Spirit Fruit of marrow, it promotes physique of person, will not leave behind the side effect. 可摩罗冥果是一种洗筋伐髓的灵果,它是提升人的体质,根本不会留下副作用。 „Does here have Nether Fruit?” Hears Xiao Yun to mutter, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow eye in that Swallowing the Heavens Tower one asked suddenly brightly. “这里有摩罗冥果?”听得萧云喃喃自语,那吞天塔内的吞天雀眼睛突然一亮问道。 Em.” Xiao Yun said that listened to that Zheng Tianxiang saying that Nether Fruit should in a named Black Cloud Gorge place.” “恩。”萧云说道,“听那郑天翔说那摩罗冥果应该在一处名为黑云涧的地方。” Black Cloud Gorge?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to that geographic name did not have interest, the pupil rotation to reveal the ponder to start to whisper, this Nether Fruit definitely was because this Black Clouds Mountain Range Nether Qi bred, this place will present this Spirit Fruit should right, since there is Nether Fruit to appear, the nearby should have Rubbing Silk Flower is, Hehe, this was rare opportunity!” 黑云涧?”吞天雀对那地名并没有兴趣,眸子转动露出沉思开始嘀咕了起来,“这摩罗冥果肯定是因为这黑云山脉冥气才孕育而成,此地会出现这灵果应该没错,既然有摩罗冥果出现,附近应该还会有摩罗之花才是,呵呵,这可是难得的机会啊!” Thinks of here, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow inexplicable excited. 想到这里,吞天雀莫名的兴奋了起来。 Rubbing Silk Flower?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, in mind the information twinkle, had found then this Rubbing Silk Flower information immediately. 摩罗之花?”萧云眉头一弯,然后脑海中信息闪烁,马上就找到了这摩罗之花的信息。 This Rubbing Silk Flower and Nether Fruit is accompanying lives, but in that Nether Fruit contains is Nether Yuan Qi, the Lord quenchings the human body, dispelling person within the body all impurities, what this Rubbing Silk Flower contains is Nether Essence, the Lord quenchings, mind of warm and nourish person, is quite precious regarding the practice Soul Power person. 摩罗之花与摩罗冥果是相伴而生,只是那摩罗冥果里面都蕴含的是冥之元气,主淬炼人体,祛除人体内的一切杂质,这摩罗之花蕴含的是冥之精气,主淬炼,温养人的心神,对于修炼灵魂力的人来说颇为珍贵。 If obtains this Rubbing Silk Flower I to could step into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer Peak at one fell swoop.” After having understood Rubbing Silk Flower medicine efficacy, how many minute of excitements in the Xiao Yun heart also has, now his Soul Power was very formidable, if promoting some, that this what kind terror? “若是得到这摩罗之花我或许可以一举踏入灭神诀第二重巅峰。”当了解了摩罗之花药效后,萧云心中也有着几分兴奋,如今他的灵魂力已经很强大了,若是在提升一些,那该何等恐怖? Also is gawking doing? Hurries to go to Black Cloud Gorge with these fellows!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow appears quite anxious, urged. “还愣着干什么?赶紧跟着那些家伙去黑云涧啊!”吞天雀显得颇为焦急,催促道。 Relatively speaking, this Rubbing Silk Flower is bigger to its effect. 相比而言,这摩罗之花对它的效果更大。 Because Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is Monster Spirit, most needs was the supplement of soul energy. 因为吞天雀妖灵,最需要的就是灵魂精力的补充了。 In its present shape, is very difficult to absorb the essence between world to make up for Monster Spirit, now also only then by these spiritual object. 以它现在的形态,根本很难吸收天地间的精气弥补妖灵,如今也只有靠这些灵物了。 Your anxious anything, I know direction as well as region that Black Cloud Gorge is.” A Xiao Yun face despises, lightly saying. “你急什么,我知道那黑云涧所在的方向以及地域。”萧云一脸鄙夷,淡淡的说道 Xiao Yun this batch came to carry out duty examination disciple to obtain Black Clouds Mountain Range some details as well as the maps. 萧云这批前来执行任务考核弟子都得到了黑云山脉的一些详细资料以及地图。 Besides some restricted areas of mountain range deep place, almost the famous mountain range of surrounding in his mind, by chance this Black Cloud Gorge specially mentioned in that jade slip, there is also place of danger, is the Black Clouds Nether Beast gathering place. 除了山脉深处的一些禁地外,几乎外围的有名山峦都记在了他的脑海中,恰巧这黑云涧在那玉简中特别提及,那里也算是一个危险之地,是黑云冥兽的聚集之地。 However this Black Cloud Gorge actually also not by Namibia for the restricted area that cannot step. 不过这黑云涧却还没有被纳为不可涉足的禁地。 In the level area, the disturbance subsides, Yan Zhen and the others is a face are joyful, in the heart did not sob. 山坳中,风波平息,颜真等人都是一脸欣喜,心中不甚唏嘘。 This time they almost must fall into danger area, Don't said examination, the life must lose here. 这次他们本来已经几乎要陷入了绝地,莫说考核,就连性命都要丢在这里了。 But Xiao Yun appears, not only turned around the situation, but also cut to kill most Monster Beast, has plundered that Fire Yuan Peak these disciple points, making them not only save the life, points also rose suddenly, only feared that can also arrange in their peak at front. 可是萧云出现,不仅扭转了危局,还斩杀了多数妖兽,掠夺了那火元峰那些弟子积分,使得他们不仅保住了性命,积分也是暴涨,只怕在他们峰中也可以排在前面了。 Brother Xiao, this time many thanks your take action helps one another!” Yuan Ming and Yan Zhen and the others a face is sincere, holds the fist in the other hand Xie [say / way]. 萧兄,这次多谢你出手相助啊!”袁铭颜真等人一脸诚恳,抱拳谢道。 Everybody is an old friend, is why polite?” Xiao Yun smiled, afterward asked that „did you then plan?” “大家都是故友,何必客气?”萧云笑了笑,随后问道,“你们接下来打算去哪?” This duty examination is allows us to enter Black Clouds Mountain Range for half a month, now after several days, therefore we must be here duller the time.” Yan Zhen smiled, at once pupil light moves, asks, Brother Xiao, where did you plan to go to?” “这次任务考核是让我们进入黑云山脉半个月,现在才过了几天,所以我们还得在这里呆些时候。”颜真笑了笑,旋即眸光一动,问道,“萧兄,你打算去哪里了?” Yuan Ming and the others also throw pupil light that inquired. 袁铭等人也投来询问的眸光 I plan Black Cloud Gorge.” Xiao Yun said. “我打算去黑云涧。”萧云说道。 Black Cloud Gorge?” hear speech/words, Yan Zhen and the others brow is the tight wrinkle, where has many True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast, regards as the restricted area by True Yuan Realm disciple, is not they can visit, therefore they also only then gave up continue follow the Xiao Yun thought. 黑云涧?”闻言,颜真等人眉头皆是紧紧一皱,哪里可是有着不少真元后期妖兽,被真元境弟子视为禁地,不是他们所能踏足,所以他们也只有放弃继续跟随萧云的念头了。 After all their here several wounded, have not been possible to take risk. 毕竟他们这里还有几名伤者,不可在去冒险了。 Senior Brother Xiao do you plan Black Cloud Gorge?” Nearby Duan Ling'er black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is tight, asks. 萧师兄你打算去黑云涧吗?”旁边的段灵儿黛眉紧蹙,问道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nodded saying that there, although the bad risk, may to me actually be a rare informed and experienced opportunity.” “恩。”萧云点了点头道,“那里虽然凶险,可对我而言却是一次难得的历练机会。” , He continued saying that you , if not want to go, might as well.” 顿了顿,他继续说道,“你们若是不想去,也无妨。” Wang Lei and Zhou Ping and the others reveal a face to hesitate. 王磊周平等人都露出一脸沉吟。 We, although does not dare to enter in Black Cloud Gorge, but can actually in that surrounding and other Senior Brother Xiao, how you look?” Zhou Ping said that after arriving at this Black Clouds Mountain Range they have followed Xiao Yun to be used to this coordination. “我们虽然不敢进入黑云涧里面,不过却可以在那外围等萧师兄,你们看如何?”周平说道,在来到了这黑云山脉后他们一直跟随着萧云已经习惯了这种配合。 Furthermore, after experiencing a moment ago this and conflicts of Qiu Yufeng these Fire Yuan Peak disciple their in the heart also knows, if meets True Yuan late-stage powerhouse to provoke they is very difficult to deal with, therefore might as well with Xiao Yun, this also has to take care. 再者,在经历了刚才这次与邱雨枫这些火元峰弟子的冲突后他们心中也是知道,若是遇到真元后期强者来挑衅他们也很难应付,所以还不如跟着萧云,这样也有个照应。 I look at such line.” Nearby Yan Zhen and the others are also the eye one bright, quite supports to this proposition. “我看这样行。”旁边的颜真等人也是眼睛一亮,对这个提议颇为支持。 Although these duty examination will have the matter that the same side bullies rarely, after all can to join Heavenly Yuan Sect person natural talent be good, after everyone is hard to guarantee these people, can obtain any spell of good or bad fortune to soar, now to offend the person only will leave rashly behind the disaster to own. 虽说这些任务考核很少会发生同门相欺的事情,毕竟能拜入天元宗的人都天赋不错,谁也难以保证这些人以后会不会得到什么际遇一飞冲天,现在贸然得罪人只会给自己留下祸患。 But also some people will attack the own personal enemy while this. 可是也有一些人会乘此打击自己的仇人。 On such as this time Qiu Yufeng they. 就如这次的邱雨枫他们。 Such being the case, then we together travel together, waited till Black Cloud Gorge you then to wait for me in the surrounding and that's the end.” Xiao Yun hesitated slightly also agreed this proposition, he took a fast look around the four directions afterward, said that we rest today first for day, tomorrow.” “既然如此,那么我们就一起同行,等到了黑云涧你们便在外围等候我就是了。”萧云略微沉吟也同意了这个提议,随后他扫视四方,说道,“那么我们今天先休息一天,明天在出发。” This war, the people consume to be many restore Yuan Qi to be good. 此次一战,众人都消耗不少得恢复元气才行。 Xiao Yun own also has consumed massive True Fire, no longer Peak condition. 就连萧云自己也耗费了大量的真火,不复巅峰状态了。 In here World's Yuan Qi is containing Nether Qi, very difficult refining, the nearby also not to have Fire Vein, was good to ignite flaming raging flame, fire wave lifted off, the evolution became Fire Yuan Energy, I can also restore Fire Yuan Qi taking advantage of this slightly.” Xiao Yun hesitates slightly, starts to tow nearby Fire Yuan Qi in this level area, here mountain range flame Through Heavens did not fear that some people intruded. “这里天地元气中蕴含着一丝冥气,很难炼化,附近又没有火脉,好在燃起了熊熊烈火,火流升空,演化成为了火之元气,我也可以借此略微恢复一丝火元气。”萧云略微沉吟,就在这山坳中开始牵引附近的火元气,这里的山峦火焰通天也不怕有人闯入了。 Yan Zhen and the others took out the medicine as well as Yuan Crystal Stone starts to restore Yuan Qi. 颜真等人则是取出了伤药以及元晶石开始恢复元气 Appeared quite important in this time Yuan Crystal Stone. 在这种时候元晶石就显得颇为重要了。 After the roasting of flame, that medicinal powder that Yan Zhen they contaminated already burnt did not have the smell. 经过火炎的烘烤,颜真他们所沾染的那药粉早就被烧的没有气味了。 Therefore does not have Monster Beast to attack. 所以也没有妖兽来袭。 After two double-hour, Xiao Yun absorbed nearby Fire Yuan Qi similarly, afterward he took out some fire attribute spiritual medicine to take, increased within the body Fire True Yuan by this, because his natural talent was perfect, Core Palace has given many spiritual medicine actually. 两个时辰后,萧云就将附近的火元气吸收得差不多了,随后他就取出了一些火属性灵药服用,以此增加体内火之真元,因为他的天赋完美,核心殿倒是给了不少灵药 A night later, the Xiao Yun condition gradually restores, side Yan Zhen, Yan Mo and the others also restored about 70% strengths. 一夜下来,萧云的状态逐渐恢复,旁边颜真,颜漠等人也恢复到了七成左右的实力。 As for other wounded, although spreading has gotten down growing flesh powder, as well as various types of medicine, may want in the strength of war, is far from enough, once take action, these wounds definitely will be towed forcefully, causes the recrudescence, therefore they must recuperate slowly. 至于另外一些伤者虽然敷下了生肌散,以及各种伤药,可想要有在战之力,远远不够,一旦强行出手,那些伤口肯定会被牵引,导致复发,所以他们只得慢慢休养了。 Also because of this, Xiao Yun cannot abandon these people, once otherwise meets formidable Monster Beast they definitely to have a casualty. 也是因为这样,萧云才不能抛弃这些人,不然一旦遇到强大的妖兽他们肯定会有所死伤。 Next morning, the fire early has been put out, square wooded mountain one piece in confusion, performing is the black cigarette ash. 次日清晨,大火早已经熄灭,四方的山林一片狼藉,尽是黑色的烟灰。 When a wisp of sunlight by that dim mountain fog refraction, Xiao Yun and the others have also opened the pupil. 当一缕阳光透过那朦胧山雾折射而下的时候,萧云等人也是睁开了眸子。 Can also be able to make a long and wearisome journey?” Xiao Yun deeply inspired, after taking a fast look around four directions asked. “诸位可还能长途跋涉?”萧云深吸了口气,在扫视了一眼四方后问道。 Does not have the issue.” These wounded loud should say that nobody reveals a disabled morbid state. “没有问题。”那些伤者都是高声应道,没有人露出一丝伤残的病态。 Because they know, only then with Xiao Yun is the outlet, continually how if this grief can't withstand that becomes powerhouse? 因为他们知道只有跟着萧云才是出路,若连这点伤痛都承受不了那如何成为强者 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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