EMS :: Volume #2

#170: Steps into really the Yuan

Chapter 170 steps into True Yuan 第170章踏入真元 Nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation are comprised of five formation pillar, above all inscribes mysterious runes, some runes such as the tadpole circulation, is glittering rays of light, but also some runes such as the ancient writing as if contains inexplicable Dao Rhyme, lends the great aura. Ha 九级聚元阵是由五根阵柱组成,上面皆刻有玄奥的符文,有的符文如蝌蚪流转,闪烁着光芒,还有的符文则如古老的文字似乎蕴含中一股莫名的道韵,散发出宏大的气息。哈 Xiao Yun does not understand to Formation, now is unable to study, after sizing up turned has taken back pupil light. 萧云阵法不懂,现在也无法学习,所以在打量一翻后就收回了眸光 Hopes that you can help me to step into True Yuan Realm.” After muttering one, Xiao Yun then sat cross-legged in the middle of Gathering Yuan Formation took out own Token, he said according to Zhang Tianlong starts to pour into Token Yuan Qi, to stimulate to movement this Formation to tow World's Yuan Qi. “希望你能助我踏入真元境吧。”在喃喃一句后,萧云便盘膝在聚元阵当中取出了自己腰牌,他按照张天龙所言开始将元气注入腰牌中,以催动这阵法牵引天地元气 When Yuan Qi poured into the middle of Token latter piece of rays of light to glitter, nearby several formation pillar were towed, starts flood piece of rays of light to give to cover him in middle, simultaneously these rune seal on pillar started to past, probably lived excessively general. 元气注入了腰牌当中后一片光芒闪烁,附近的几根阵柱似受到了牵引,开始泛起一片光芒将他给笼罩在当中,同时柱子上的那些符篆开始流转,好像活了过一般。 At this time Xiao Yun condensed Magic Seal by within the body Yuan Qi. 这时萧云则是以体内元气凝聚成一个法印 Magic Seal is very strange, probably ancient writings, is Zhang Tianlong teaches. 法印很怪异,好像一个古文,是张天龙所教。 Xiao Yun is not scruple, after palm inspiring the Magic Seal condensation forming will then have injected in the middle of that piece of Formation rays of light. 萧云也不迟疑,在将法印凝聚成形后手掌引动便将之注入了那片阵法光芒当中。 After Magic Seal submerges inside, actually sees several formation pillar rays of light erupts, five light beams shoot up to the sky, collects into vortex top this Practicing Martial Arts Room. 法印没入里面后,却见得几根阵柱光芒大作,有五道光柱冲天而起,在这炼武室顶部汇集成为一个气旋 This vortex has as if communicated void, has connected outside void, if carefully looks that can see on this Practicing Martial Arts Room top ceiling also inscribes formation mark, probably a mirror is smooth, now just like is towed to activate. 气旋似乎沟通了虚空,连接了外面虚空,若仔细看去,能够看到这练武室顶部的天花板上也刻有阵纹,就好像一个镜子光滑无比,如今俨然被牵引激活了起来。 When Formation was activated, rich Yuan Qi then starts to flow from that vortex. 阵法被激活,一股浓郁的元气便开始从那气旋中流淌而出。 Moreover, has vortex to form rich Yuan Qi to sweep across from inside by five formation pillar. 不仅如此,在五根阵柱旁边也有着一个个气旋形成浓郁的元气正从里面席卷而出。 These nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation not only can condense world void Yuan Qi, but can also rely on Formation to tow Yuan Qi in earth arteries. 这九级聚元阵不仅可以凝聚天地虚空的元气,还可以凭借着阵法牵引地脉中的元气 This Formation tows the Yuan Qi speed to be indeed quick.” Xiao Yun stimulates to movement Formation to feel that continuously Yuan Qi has been turning toward own to wrap to come, Gathering Yuan Formation of that speed compared with initially in Feng Clan Imperial Palace does not know that wanted quickly many times. “这阵法牵引元气的速度的确快。”萧云才催动阵法就感觉到了那源源不断元气正向着自己包裹而来,那速度比起当初在风族皇宫内的聚元阵不知要快了多少倍。 Because except that this is high-level Formation, in Yuan Qi with Heavenly Yuan Sect on rich also had the direct relations. 除了因为这是高级阵法,与天元宗元气本来就浓郁也有直接的关系。 Heavenly Yuan Sect is very big, in this hills spread all over Yuan Qi earth arteries, moreover these Yuan Qi earth arteries can grow the Yuan Qi quantity is not Feng Clan Imperial Family may compare, not only that also some Fire Yuan earth arteries in this mountain ranges, even also has Thunder Yuan Veins, waits for rare Yuan Veins. 天元宗很大,这群山之间遍布元气地脉,而且这些元气地脉所能衍生元气的量也非风氏皇族可比,不仅如此,在这山峦间还有一些火元地脉,甚至还有雷元脉,等稀罕的元脉 However these Yuan Veins are Heavenly Yuan Sect Old Ancestor forcefully absorbs to come, now was very thin. 不过那些元脉都是天元宗老祖强行摄取而来,如今已经十分稀薄了。 Swallowing the Heavens Arts, swallows to me!” Felt these rich Yuan Qi, Xiao Yun is being impolite then to stimulate to movement Swallowing the Heavens Arts immediately, vortex evolved in his abdomen, he was similar to a greedy person started crazily is swallowing these Yuan Qi. 吞天诀,给我吞!”感受着那些浓郁的元气,萧云也不客气当即便催动起了吞天诀,一个气旋在他的腹部演化出来,他如同一头饿狼般开始疯狂的吞噬着那些元气 These Yuan Qi were swallowed into vortex, quick obtained the refinement, evolves Xiao Yun own Yuan Qi. 这些元气被吞入气旋内,很快就得到了提炼,衍化成萧云自己元气 Does not have the exception, Martial Spirit in this Sea of Consciousness started to brave, two jade green branch dug in Dantian to start to absorb these Yuan Qi, regarding this Xiao Yun was very helpless, had continuously swallowing Yuan Qi, good to absorb Yuan Qi for this Sir. 并没有例外,这次识海内的武魂又开始冒了出来,两根碧绿枝条扎入丹田中开始吸收那些元气,对此萧云很无奈,却也只得源源不断的吞噬元气,好供这个大爷吸收元气 Xiao Yun also knows that own wants to step into True Yuan Realm to satisfy this life source Martial Spirit. 萧云也是知道,自己想要踏入真元境就必须满足这本命武魂 If therefore diligently practice, that for a lifetime do not think that was promoting. 要是因此就不努力修炼,那就一辈子也别想在提升了。 Present life source Martial Spirit could have seven chi (0.33 m) to be high, several branch drag jade-green light to be shining, that jade-green spirit ring even more is also dazzling, wants to come is also the true forming soon, but when this Martial Spirit arrives is promoted Xiao Yun also to lack self-confidence. 如今的本命武魂已经能有七尺高了,几根枝条摇曳碧光灿灿,那个碧色魂环也越发璀璨夺目,想来也是快要真正的成形,只是这武魂到达什么时候才晋级萧云也没有底。 Xiao Yun diligently is deriving Yuan Qi in Formation, although a own point cannot obtain also only then continues, five days blink, saw that several branch were also long thickly, the tender leaves of two pieces of jade-green also had the palm of the hand to be big, the meaning that but it has not stopped, waited for half a month, that Martial Spirit rays of light trembled, finally had the change. 萧云孜孜不倦的汲取着阵法中的元气,虽然自己一点都得不到也只有继续下去,五天眨眼过去,眼瞅着那几根枝条长得又粗了一圈,两片碧色的嫩叶也有巴掌大了,可它还没有停下来的意思,足足等了半个月,那武魂光芒一颤,终于是有了变化。 Buzz! 嗡! Actually sees in that Sea of Consciousness rays of light to dodge, that brilliant jade-green light fierce trembles, top jade tree along with it flood ripples, that dazzling jade-green light started reserved, that jade-green ring was very big, probably a giant umbrella is covering jade tree, but these jade-green light of center start now reserved, the start changes into a ring float to be spatial unexpectedly. 却见得那识海光芒一闪,那光彩夺目的碧光猛的一颤,碧树顶部随之泛起了一阵涟漪,那耀眼的碧光开始内敛,原本那碧环很大,好像一个巨大的雨伞笼罩着碧树,可现在中心处的那些碧光开始内敛,竟然真的开始化为一个圆环悬浮在空。 This was must change into spirit ring.” Xiao Yun mind moved, after feeling the change of Martial Spirit, joyful. “这是真的要化为魂环了。”萧云心神一动,感受到了武魂的变化后欣喜不已。 Before above jade tree also had giant ring, but brilliance bloomed, was similar to an umbrella covers in the place above could not have been regarded is true spirit ring, was only begins to take shape, but now was different, that light halo reserved just like was becomes the spirit ring rhythm. 以前碧树上方也有个巨环,可是光华绽放开来,就如同一个雨伞笼罩在上方还算不得是真正的魂环,只算是初具雏形罢了,可现在却不同了,那光晕内敛俨然就是成魂环的节奏。 spirit ring light halo in unceasing reserved, must evolve a genuine link, Martial Spirit branch also strongly is absorbing at the same time Xiao Yun within the body Yuan Qi, making him have to go all out Yuan Qi that swallows the Formation absorption that to come. 魂环光晕在不断的内敛,要进化成一个真正的环,与此同时武魂枝条也在竭力的吸收着萧云体内元气,让得他不得不拼命的吞噬着阵法吸收而来的元气 Also was this Formation suffices high-level to tow the World's Yuan Qi speed to go to an average man unimaginable situation. 也是这阵法高级牵引天地元气的速度达到了一个常人不可想象的地步。 Furthermore, this Heavenly Yuan Sect Yuan Veins Yuan Qi is rich, can supply the Xiao Yun demand, otherwise this Martial Spirit gave the suck dry unable to be promoted him, beyond difficulty that in feeling Martial Spirit was promoted, Xiao Yun has also realized important of resources to own. 再者,这天元宗元脉元气浓郁,也能供应上萧云的需求,不然这武魂就算把他给吸干了都无法晋级,在感受到武魂晋级的困难之外,萧云也是意识到了资源对自己的重要。 If he has not stepped into Heavenly Yuan Sect, obtains this best nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation , when wants to step into True Yuan Realm not to know to, the bonus is so, the trend that this spirit ring do not form thoroughly, such first even/including Zuzu crossed five talents to change for the better. 如果他没有踏入天元宗,获得这最好的九级聚元阵,想要踏入真元境不知要何年何月,饶是如此,这魂环还没有要彻底形成的趋势,这样一连足足过了五天才得以好转。 Suddenly, entered in Formation to close up from Xiao Yun had 20 days, was he has stepped into Innate Realm, the human body has surmounted the ordinary person (mortal) polarity, one month did not eat and drink absolutely does not have the issue, was adding on Xiao Yun physique simply not to have a matter specially. 眨眼间,距离萧云进入阵法内闭关已经有20天了,也是他踏入了先天境,人体已经超越了凡人的极性,一个月不吃不喝完全没有问题,在加上萧云体质特殊根本没有一点事。 Shout! 呼! In Xiao Yun Martial Spirit, that jade-green light halo was completely reserved, changed into a jade-green light shining ring float in Martial Spirit's Tree above, now this spirit ring emerald green desire drops, probably only then the middle finger was thick or thin, such float on Martial Spirit. 萧云武魂内,那碧色光晕完全内敛,化为了一个碧光灿灿的圆环悬浮在武魂之树的上面,如今这魂环翠绿欲滴,大概只有中指粗细,就这么悬浮在武魂上面。 If induces to go carefully, in that spirit ring has the runes twinkle, is indistinct to have an obscure aura fluctuation to fill the air, unknowingly, Xiao Yun felt that own and this spirit ring sensation became clearer, his mind induced to go, can discover that the structure in spirit ring, that was jade-green runes, has some veins to be connected, was similar to the vein of leaf. 若仔细感应而去,那魂环内有着符文闪烁,隐约间有着一股晦涩的气息波动弥漫开来,不知不觉,萧云感觉自己和这魂环的感知变得更清晰了起来,他的心神感应而去,可以发现魂环内的结构,那是一个个碧色符文,相互间有着一些脉络相连,如同树叶的脉络。 Embodiment runes, did spirit ring take shape finally?” Is inducing in the change Xiao Yun heart of spirit ring inexplicable liking. “内蕴符文,魂环终于成型了吗?”感应着魂环的变化萧云心中莫名的欢喜。 He has one premonition indistinctly, perhaps shortly after own really can reveal the Martial Spirit secret. 他隐约有一种预感,在不久后自己或许真的可以揭开武魂的秘密了。 „Can it be Life Martial Spirit really?” Regarding this Xiao Yun filled has hoped. “它真的会是生命武魂吗?”对此萧云充满了期许。 spirit ring formation, Martial Spirit branch after continue derive double-hour later Yuan Qi then to stop. 魂环成型,武魂枝条在继续汲取了一个时辰后的元气后这才停止了下来。 Xiao Yun by the mind sensation, discovered in the middle of unexpectedly Martial Spirit as if has a consciousness body born. 萧云心神感知,蓦地发现武魂当中似乎有着一个意识体在诞生。 Moreover he can the clear feeling that consciousness body be very mysterious, probably and own has the complicated relation. 而且他可以清晰的感觉到那意识体很玄妙,好像和自己有着千丝万缕的联系。 The careful feeling goes, probably is another own is breeding. 仔细感觉而去,好像是另外一个自己在孕育。 Can be born second I?” Xiao Yun stares, bewildered has emitted such a thought. “难道要诞生出第二个我?”萧云一愣,莫名其妙的冒出了这么一个念头。 Afterward he shook, is not thinking that sooner or later the day of own Martial Spirit secret completely will make known. 随后他甩了甩头,也不在多想,迟早有一天自己武魂的秘密会完全被揭晓出来。 After branch submerged Sea of Consciousness, Yuan Qi that Swallowing the Heavens Arts comes concise can change into Xiao Yun own Yuan Qi finally. 枝条没入了识海吞天诀凝练而来的元气终于是可以化为萧云自己元气了。 Now should be I attack True Yuan Realm the time.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, then revolution Cultivation Technique prepares to attack True Yuan Realm. “现在该是我冲击真元境的时候了。”萧云眸光一凝,便运转功法准备冲击真元境 This Swallowing the Heavens Arts not only can swallow all Yuan Qi, is one set of formidable practice heart law, has the enormous advantage to the following development of cultivator, for example Innate Realm needs to refine Yuan Qi, refining will be True Yuan can step into True Yuan Realm. 吞天诀不仅可以吞噬一切元气,还是一套强大的修炼心法,对修者的后续发展也有着极大的好处,比如先天境需要提炼元气,将之炼化真元才能踏入真元境 General practice magic arts is very difficult the Yuan Qi refinement is True Yuan. 一般的修炼法诀很难将元气提炼为真元 Even if refined True Yuan, may want satisfied cultivator within the body that vast True Yuan demand actually is also by far insufficient. 就算提炼成了真元,可想要满足修者体内那浩瀚的真元需求却也是远远不够。 Also is so, many people are almost unable to step into True Yuan Realm. 也是如此,很多人几乎无法踏入真元境 Even if stepped into True Yuan Realm unable in having a little advance, because of their resources, Cultivation Technique was not enough to support goes a step further again, but Xiao Yun had Swallowing the Heavens Arts not to need to worry for this reason, does not need again the close friend law. 就算踏入了真元境也不能在有所寸进,因为无论是他们身边的资源,还是功法都不足以支持再进一步,可萧云吞天诀根本不用为此烦恼,也没有必要再换心法了。 Two days later Xiao Yun within the body Yuan Qi saved completely has filled, so then can concise True Yuan to attack True Yuan Realm. 两天后萧云体内元气完全积蓄满了,如此便可以凝练真元以冲击真元境了。 Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolves, unceasing refinement, the compression, making Xiao Yun within the body Yuan Qi thick like the water. 吞天诀运转起来,不断的提炼,压缩,使得萧云体内元气变得浓密如水。 The gasification is the fluid, this is a transformation. 气化为液,这是一种转变。 Innate Realm cultivator within the body Yuan Qi is turbulent, may be True Yuan actually becomes after the compression crazily dominates, such as rivers, might submerge all, the gasification is the fluid, was equal to that inside ability was compressed completely, the person within the body can also store up many Yuan Qi, once will erupt the might unable imagine, will go to an average man irresistible situation. 先天境修者体内元气汹涌无比,可在压缩为真元后却变得更狂霸了,如一条河流,似可淹没一切,气化为液,等于是里面的能力完全被压缩,人体内也可以储存更多的元气,一旦爆发起来威力将不可想象,达到一个常人不可抵挡的地步。 Also is so, Innate Realm cultivator is hard to fight with True Yuan Realm. 也是如此,先天境修者才难以与真元境争锋。 Must succeed.” In Xiao Yun is regarding within the body, saw only own within the body Yuan Qi completely to be compressed, many in that vast Dantian fluids of one group of True Yuan, has compared Dantian as well as human body strange after eight lineage/vein, these True Yuan were too few. “要成功了。”萧云内视着体内,只见得自己体内元气完全被压缩了起来,在那浩瀚丹田里多处了一团真元之液,相比丹田以及人体奇经八脉而言,这些真元太少了。 But this is actually representing a transformation and breakthrough. 可这却代表着一个蜕变及突破。 True Yuan Realm, succeeded finally.” Xiao Yun face dew happy expression, persisted for a long time, finally stepping into True Yuan Realm. 真元境,终于成功了。”萧云脸露喜色,坚持那么久,终于踏入了真元境 True Yuan Realm to others perhaps insufficient saying that may not be easy to Xiao Yun! 真元境对别人来说或许不足为道,可对萧云来说却太不容易了! Because he already can enter into this boundary , because of the life source Martial Spirit reason, cannot tread this step, for this reason repeatedly has also encountered others' supercilious look, takes this as to run on a bank his natural talent mediocre laughingstock, but now all these will become the pasts. 因为他早就可以迈入这境界,可是因为本命武魂的缘故,迟迟不能踏出这一步,为此还屡屡遭到了别人的白眼,以此为挤兑他天资平庸笑料,可现在这一切都将成为过去。 Steps into True Yuan Realm is only a start, Xiao Yun believes own is relying on shortly after Swallowing the Heavens Arts as well as these nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation can achieve True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment, and even Peak, so long as there is sufficient resources, his achievement can exceed others absolutely. 踏入真元境只是一个开始,萧云相信自己凭借着吞天诀以及这九级聚元阵不久后就可以达到真元初期小成,乃至巅峰,只要有足够的资源,他的成就绝对可以超越别人。 Returned to normal the mood, Xiao Yun continued to absorb Yuan Qi, was transferring True Yuan Yuan Qi by this stable own boundary. 平复了一下心情,萧云继续吸收元气,在将元气转为真元以此稳固自己的境界。 Also half a month, Xiao Yun had then stopped practice. 又过了半个月,萧云这才停止修炼 But present he had already stepped into True Yuan initial-stage small accomplishment. 而如今的他已然踏入了真元初期小成 True Yuan Realm is divided into initial-stage, middle-stage, late-stage, perfection. 真元境分为初期,中期,后期,圆满 Each small boundary is divided into small accomplishment, big accomplishment, Peak. 每小境界又分为小成,大成,巅峰 Then should have a look at Martial Arts Palace martial arts.” Xiao Yun set out, left Practicing Martial Arts Room. “接下来就该去看看武学殿武学了。”萧云起身,离开了炼武室 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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