EMS :: Volume #2

#169: Nine levels gather Yuan

Chapter 169 nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation 第169章九级聚元阵 During the speeches Zhang Tianlong has led Xiao Yun and the others to arrive at the Rising Stars Peak mountainside. 说话间张天龙已经带领着萧云等人来到了新秀峰的山腰。 Here courtyard in groups, resembled to undergo the special plan, can feel a special fluctuation in each courtyard. 这里院落成群,似经过了专门的规划,在每个院落当中都可以感觉到一丝特殊的波动。 This was other court that you occupied.” Zhang Tianlong carried the people to fall before a other court house number plate said. “这就是你们所居住的别苑了。”张天龙载着众人落在了一处别苑的门牌前道。 The people body one light on an energy by that magic sword was towed the whereabouts in the ground. 众人身子一轻就被那法剑上的一股能量拖着落在了地面。 Inscribes the Rising Stars Court three characters in the memorial arch in this other institute. 在这别院的牌坊上刻有新秀苑三字。 Looks at that memorial arch, Xiao Yun and the others pupil light is congealing, in the heart knows that this will be the places of their following practice. 望着那牌坊,萧云等人眸光一凝,心中知道,这就将是他们接下来的修炼之地了。 Hehe, Senior Brother Zhang, came new disciple!” When Zhang Tianlong and the others fell, before that memorial arch, passed on a flattery sound. 呵呵,张师兄,又来了新弟子啊!”在张天龙等人落下时,那牌坊前传了一声奉承声。 Actually is two middle-aged man who is responsible for guarding this place. 却是两个负责守卫此地的中年男子。 Zhang Tianlong nodded, said that two were laborious.” 张天龙点了点头,道,“两位辛苦了。” Afterward he led Xiao Yun and the others to enter in the middle of that Rising Stars Court. 随后他就带领着萧云等人进入了那新秀苑当中。 Enters inside, the one who first submerges in the middle of the line of sight is a giant school ground, then is blue stone trails to the four directions. 进入里面,首先没入视线当中的是一个巨大的校场,然后便是一条条青石小径通向四方。 Here courtyard is not only divided into nine ranks, in the middle of each courtyard has to suit your physique corresponding courtyard.” Zhang Tianlong said that „, therefore I later will act according to your physique as well as the examination rank arrangement corresponding residence.” “这里的院落不仅分为九个等级,每个院落当中都有适合你们体质的相应院子。”张天龙说道,“所以我稍后会根据你们的体质以及考核的排名安排相应的居所。” Afterward Zhang Tianlong led the people to enter in the middle of the respective courtyard. 随后张天龙带领着众人进入了各自的院子当中。 In here courtyard has restriction to protect and sustain, wants to enter must result in has corresponding magic token to be good. 这里的院子都有禁制护持,想要进入里面必须得有着相应的法牌才行。 The courtyard of everyone in the different places, probably is small villas, is fully equipped in inside, not only has the tower palace, but also has the small bridge over the flowing stream, during ancient wood/tree is towering, places places oneself completely in the fog works as, such as a wonderland. 每个人的院子都在不同的地方,就好像是一个个小别墅,在里面五脏俱全,不仅有着楼台殿宇,还有着小桥流水,古木参天,身处当中完全置身在云雾当里,如一个人间仙境。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao this was your residence.” 呵呵,萧师弟这就是你居所了。” Afterward, Zhang Tianlong brings Xiao Yun to enter the courtyard, how arrives in Practicing Martial Arts Room to inform him to stimulate to movement that Gathering Yuan Formation . 随后,张天龙带着萧云进入院子,来到一间练武室内告知他如何催动那聚元阵 This is Practicing Martial Arts Room, has Gathering Yuan Formation in inside, can through stimulating Formation tows various Yuan Qi.” “这是练武室,在里面有着一个聚元阵,可以通过激发阵法牵引各种元气。” After opening restriction of courtyard, Zhang Tianlong introduced slightly that brought in Xiao Yun a slightly remote room. 在打开院子的禁制后,张天龙略微介绍,就将萧云带到了一个略显偏僻的屋子里。 This Practicing Martial Arts Room has the hundred zhang (333m) to be broad very much, center has complicated Formation, the above crystal columns inscribe obscure runes, these runes interweave mutually, appears mysterious incomparable, compared with initially Xiao Yun in Feng Clan Imperial Family that Formation does not know that wants abstruse many times. 炼武室很大有百丈宽广,最中心有着一个繁复的阵法,上面一根根晶柱刻有许多晦涩的符文,这些符文相互交织,显得玄奥无比,比起当初萧云风氏皇族的那个阵法不知要深奥多少倍。 This Formation to is good.” The Xiao Yun slight bow, is quite satisfactory to this Gathering Yuan Formation . “这阵法到是不错。”萧云微微点头,对这聚元阵颇为满意。 Hehe, that is.” Zhang Tianlong also quite esteems to this Formation, says with a smile, this is nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation , in entire Rising Stars Peak was also best Gathering Yuan Formation , even if were Core Palace these old disciple also nobody can enjoy this treatment, believes that Junior Brother Xiao had this Formation, then can step into True Yuan Realm not long, later will certainly become top level disciple in Core Palace.” 呵呵,那是。”张天龙对这阵法也是颇为推崇,笑道,“这可是九级聚元阵,在整个新秀峰也是最好的聚元阵了,就算是核心殿的那些老弟子也无人可以享受到这种待遇,相信萧师弟有此阵法在,不用多久便可以踏入真元境,以后必将成为核心殿中的顶级弟子。” Core Palace top level disciple?” Xiao Yun smiles embarrasedly, this may also not be his ultimate objective. 核心殿顶级弟子?”萧云讪讪一笑,这可还不是他的最终目标呢。 This Gathering Yuan Formation stimulation of movement is very simple, so long as you pour into the middle of Token to stimulate Formation above restriction Yuan Qi, then in forming corresponding Magic Seal, pours into Formation, Formation naturally will tow Yuan Qi that wants for you.” Zhang Tianlong said. “这聚元阵催动很简单,只要你将元气注入腰牌当中就可以激发阵法上面的禁制,然后在结成相应的法印,注入阵法内,阵法自然就会替你牵引来想要的元气了。”张天龙道。 Is so mysterious?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, is surprised to this Formation ability. “这么神奇?”萧云微微一怔,对这阵法的能力感到惊讶。 This is Heavenly Yuan Sect top level Gathering Yuan Formation , the nature is uncommon.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. “这可是天元宗顶级聚元阵,自然不凡。”张天龙笑道。 I later will then send the Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Disciple clothing to you, so long as at the appointed time you went to Core Palace to attend the basic ceremony are officially became Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple.” After told all Zhang Tianlong then in light of this said goodbye. “我稍后便会给你送来天元宗核心弟子的服饰,届时你们只要去核心殿参加入门仪式便算是正式成为了天元宗弟子了。”在将一切都吩咐完后张天龙便就此告辞。 Xiao Yun sees off Zhang Tianlong, afterward stands on high stage, is sizing up own the courtyard. 萧云送别张天龙,随后站在一处高台上,打量着自己的这处院子。 This courtyard is located in the Rising Stars Peak mountainside, broad incomparable, simply probably is a mansion. 这院子位于新秀峰的山腰,宽阔无比,简直就好像是一个府邸。 Stands on high stage, square fog winds around, Xiao Yun such as places oneself the clouds, when the double pupil looks toward the front feel unexpectedly is choked up with emotions, has one type to overlook the feeling of world, here will be he will step the start of Martial Dao Peak, Heavenly Capital Domain, will not be far! 站在高台上,四方云雾缭绕,萧云如置身云端,双眸向着前方望去时蓦地的感到心潮澎湃,有着一种要俯视天下的感觉,这里将是他踏上武道巅峰的开始,天都域,不会太远! Hehe, here is actually good, believes that you can go a step further not long again, but you want to surface in Profound Yuan Battlefield that Hundred Sect's War are far from being so simple, therefore in the following time you must double practice.” In Xiao Yun felt within the body blood when boiling, in heart ambitious, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound is actually inopportune spreading. 呵呵,这里倒是不错,相信不用多久你就可以再进一步,不过你想要在玄元战场百宗之战中脱颖而出却远远没有这么简单,所以在接下来的时间里你必须加倍修炼。”就在萧云感觉体内血液在沸腾,心中雄心万丈时,吞天雀的声音却是不合时宜的传出。 „Do you know Profound Yuan Battlefield?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, asked. “你知道玄元战场?”萧云眉头一弯,问道。 Slightly has hearing.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying. “略有耳闻。”吞天雀淡淡的说道 You said that looks.” Xiao Yun asked that Profound Yuan Battlefield he understood that was not deep, only knows that there steps into the Heavenly Capital Domain only shortcut, otherwise an average person wanted to visit Heavenly Capital Domain from Southern Border simply is fantasy story, only if sought for some ancient Formation to ride instead of walking. “你说说看。”萧云问道,对于玄元战场他了解也不深,只知道那里是踏入天都域的唯一捷径,不然一个普通人想要从南疆踏足天都域简直就是天方夜谭,除非寻找到了一些古阵法代步。 This Profound Yuan Battlefield is Ancient Battlefield, inside bad risk is incomparable, enters inside person whether to live is achieving that Hundred Sect's War location or a different matter smoothly, in brief is incomparable in inside danger, has the greatest chance.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “这玄元战场是一个古战场,里面凶险无比,进入里面的人能否活着顺利达到那百宗之战地场地还是另外一回事,总之在里面危险无比,同时也有着莫大的机缘。”吞天雀说道。 Chance?” Regarding the danger, Xiao Yun does not care, he has experienced several times the person of life and death crisis, how to care about these? So long as there is a chance he to dare to give it all, because Xiao Yun knows that this is one surmounts others' exceedingly good shortcut. “机缘?”对于危险,萧云并不在意,他是经历过了数次生死危机的人,岂会在意这些?只要有机缘他就敢放手一搏,因为萧云知道这是一个超越别人的绝好捷径。 Because that is Ancient Battlefield, leaves leeway the vestiges of many ancient times, once has harvested in, even if ordinary cultivator may soar, even dominates above these talent disciple, but can these treasure can it be that average people result in?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „, therefore wants to walk in inside, and emerges, must own have enough background to be good.” “因为那是古战场,留有许多古时的遗迹,一旦在里面有所收获,就算普通修者都可一飞冲天,甚至凌驾于那些天才弟子之上,可是这些宝物又岂是一般人可得?”吞天雀道,“所以想在里面走下去,并且脱颖而出,必须自己有着足够的底蕴才行。” I will try hard.” Heard in Profound Yuan Battlefield also to have the chance, Xiao Yun to there many several points of hope. “我会努力的。”听得玄元战场里面也有机缘,萧云对那里更多了几分期许 If elite disciple competitions with major Sect, what meaning also there is? 若只是与各大宗派的精英弟子比赛,又有什么意思了? You could rest assured that so long as relies on your natural talent to have the opportunity diligently.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying. “你放心,只要努力凭借你的天赋还是有机会的。”吞天雀淡淡的说道 „Do you also know that Profound Yuan Battlefield other situations not?” Xiao Yun continues to ask. “你还知道那玄元战场的其它情况不?”萧云继续问道。 Profound Yuan Battlefield is only small Ancient Battlefield that Heavenly Capital Domain controls, I also slightly had hearing in the past, did not understand.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying, in any case your present goal is practice, practice, unceasing promotion strength, other does not need to think.” 玄元战场只是天都域所掌控的一个小古战场罢了,我当年也只是略有耳闻,并不了解。”吞天雀淡淡的说道,“反正你现在的目的就是修炼,修炼,不断的提升实力,其它的不必多想。” Em.” Xiao Yun nodded. “恩。”萧云点了点头。 After half double-hour, Zhang Tianlong arrives, provided that Core Palace unique clothing to the people. 在半个时辰后,张天龙到来,将那核心殿的特有服饰发放给了众人。 „, Goes to Core Palace to hold the basic ceremony along with me now.” “诸位,现在随我去核心殿举行入门仪式。” After provides the thing, Zhang Tianlong then called Xiao Yun and the others to go to Core Palace. 在将东西发放完毕后,张天龙便召集萧云等人前往了核心殿 In Core Palace, Palace Lord Jiang with did the Core Palace member early to wait there for some time. 核心殿内,姜殿主与一干核心殿的成员早已经静候多时。 Inside atmosphere slightly is solemnly silent. 里面的气氛略显肃静。 Xiao Yun and the others set up in an array, expression with deep veneration, double pupil tight is staring at the main hall front. 萧云等人一字排开,表情肃然,双眸紧紧的盯着大殿前方。 Has a giant statue there, is long beard elder, such as the immortal in picture scroll, passes sends out one to escape every makings. 在那里有着一尊巨像,为一个长须长者,如画卷中的仙人,透发出一股脱凡的气质。 Indistinct within has formidable field of energy to fill the air from that statue, making Xiao Yun and the others feel that the breath must coagulate. 隐约间有着一股强大的气场从那雕像中弥漫开来,让得萧云等人感觉呼吸都要凝固。 That oppression makes people feel fearful and apprehensive, is simply stronger than the oppression of Yuan Soul Realm. 那种压迫让人感到心惊肉跳,简直比元婴境的压迫还强。 Conceivable, the person of this statue is terror how. 可以想象,这雕像的人是多么的恐怖。 This is my Heavenly Yuan Sect opening sect Old Ancestor, on Heavenly Yuan the person.” A Palace Lord Jiang face with deep veneration, said toward people. “这就是我天元宗的开宗老祖,天元上人。”姜殿主一脸肃然,向着众人说道。 „Is this Heavenly Yuan Sect Old Ancestor?” People heart startled, a statue has this imposing manner, that is Old Ancestor this terrifying? “这是天元宗老祖?”众人心惊,一个雕像就有此气势,那老祖该多么恐怖? „Really is this statue?” Xiao Yun slightly is also startled, in the heart has been full of the respect. “这真是一个雕像吗?”萧云也是微微一怔,心中充满了敬意。 This is only carves insect small technique that's all. Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying, powerhouse strength Through Heavens, intent and day about naturally can leave behind a potential in this statue, when you arrived at certain boundary also to comprehend the unsurpassed mystery.” “这只是雕虫小技罢了。吞天雀淡淡的说道,“强者实力通天,意与天合自然可以留下一股势在这雕像当中,等你到了一定的境界也可以领悟当中的无上奥妙。” intent domain?” Xiao Yun suddenly, remembers giant tablet that Heavenly Phoenix Mountain Range that Feng Clan ancestor has left behind suddenly. 意境?”萧云恍然,突然想起了天凰岭风族先祖留下的巨碑 Enters my Sect, when venerates the founder, honors the teacher and respects his teachings, all take the Sect benefit as on, must respectfully follow the sect rule, works with concerted efforts, carries forward Sect together......” Palace Lord Jiang under the statue starts to read out the basic ceremony, as well as explained some Sect customs, wait / etc., but Xiao Yun actually immersed in the middle of that statue imposing manner. “入我宗门,当尊崇祖师,尊师重道,一切以宗门的利益为上,需谨遵门规,同心协力,将宗门一起发扬光大……”在雕像下方姜殿主开始宣读入门仪式,以及讲解一些宗门规矩,等等,可是萧云却已经沉浸在了那雕像当中的气势当中。 Why does not know, in his heart has a clear(ly) to become aware suddenly, probably caught anything, as if anything does not have. 不知为何,他心中突然有着一丝明悟,好像抓到了什么,却又似乎什么都没有。 Chen Feng and other disciple is a face reverent readout instruction of Palace Lord Jiang after listening. 陈锋弟子则是一脸虔诚的在听后姜殿主的宣读教诲。 At this time nearby youth walked, took Liu Ye to start the water spray on the people. 这时旁边一个青年走来,拿着柳叶开始在众人身上洒水。 This is holy water implication for crossing the threshold disciple washes off this world, quite makes them mount Grand Dao. 这是‘圣水’寓意替入门弟子洗去凡尘,好让他们登上大道 When this holy water falls on, Xiao Yun then recovers. 当这‘圣水’落在身上时,萧云这才回过神来。 Salutes!” The Palace Lord Jiang sound is melodious, such as from Nine Heavens, irresistible, has been full of the unsurpassed dignity. “行礼!”姜殿主声音悠扬,如来自九天,不可抗拒,充满了无上威严。 At this time the Xiao Yun associative compound saluted with disciple of side immediately together. 这时萧云会意立即与旁边的弟子一起行礼。 The ritual finishes, the people then set out. 礼毕,众人这才起身。 Was good, will start from now on is Heavenly Yuan Sect crossing the threshold disciple.” Palace Lord Jiang took a fast look around people sincere saying, you, because crosses the threshold quite, the beginning is low, the competition that later faces is also big, when works with concerted efforts is.” “好了,诸位从今开始便是天元宗的入门弟子了。”姜殿主扫视了一眼众人语重心长的说道,“你们因为入门较为,起点低,以后面临的竞争也大,所以当同心协力才是。” disciple respectfully follows the Palace Lord instruction.” The people said with one voice. 弟子谨遵殿主教诲。”众人齐声道。 Palace Lord Jiang said that has time examination in six months, is not only among you examination, on a number of new disciple will also carry on the tournament, if you can in examination surface, and in the challenge a number of new disciple will succeed will obtain granting of Sect, simultaneously some Elder can also watch, which Elder if you by had a liking, will obtain their directions, but that lucky reason will be great.” 姜殿主道,“在半年后将有着一次考核,不仅是你们之间的考核,上一批新弟子也会进行排位赛,你们若是能在考核中脱颖而出并且挑战上一批新弟子成功将得到宗门的赏赐,同时一些长老也会来观看,若是你们被哪位长老看上,得到他们的指点,那福缘可是不浅。” examination?” Hears here, the people eyes all are one bright, [say / way] with one voice, we certainly will try afterward hard practice, fulfills the Palace Lord great expectations.” 考核?”听到这里,众人眼睛皆是一亮,随后异口同声的道,“我们一定会努力修炼,不负殿主厚望。” Was good, you get down.” Palace Lord Jiang said that medicine ingredients that your each month practice need wait / etc. some people will be responsible for providing.” “好了,你们下去吧。”姜殿主道,“你们每月修炼所需的药材等等都会有人负责发放。” Yes!” Afterward the people all left Core Palace. “是!”随后众人皆是离开了核心殿 After leaving Core Palace, Xiao Yun then arrives in the courtyard that Rising Stars Peak own lived. 离开核心殿萧云便来到了新秀峰自己所居住的院子里。 When Xiao Yun comes this time, in courtyard were just like many several maids. 萧云来此时,院子里俨然多了几位侍婢。 These people are responsible for considering the Core Disciple daily life diet. 这些人都是来负责照顾核心弟子的起居饮食。 This treatment only then Core Disciple has, disciple clothing anything of other mountain peak is Outer Sect Disciple is responsible. 这种待遇只有核心弟子才有,别的山峰的弟子衣物什么都是外门弟子负责。 Nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation , how also doesn't know the effect?” After scrubbing turns, Xiao Yun entered in that Practicing Martial Arts Room impatiently, he has stepped first into that Gathering Yuan Formation , within both eyes has several points of hope to reveal, is sizing up these runes on Formation. “九级聚元阵,也不知效果如何?”在洗刷一翻后,萧云迫不及待的进入了那炼武室内,首先他就踏入了那聚元阵内,双眸中有着几分期许流露,打量着阵法上的那些符文 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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