EMS :: Volume #2

#168: Hopes

Chapter 168 hopes 第168章期许 Hehe, Xiao Yun, so long as you quite diligently, display with your natural talent corresponding strength, later Sect must to training that strongly you are outspoken.” Palace Lord Jiang the eyes shows a smile, said toward Xiao Yun that the words appear quite polite. 呵呵,萧云,只要你好生努力,表现出与你天赋相应的实力,以后宗门必会对你毫无保留的竭力培养。”姜殿主眸露笑容,向着身边的萧云说道,话语显得颇为客气。 May with not be possible to ask like talent disciple, feels including him somewhat joyful inexplicable. 像这样的天才弟子可遇不可求,连他也是感到有些欣喜莫名。 Many thanks the Palace Lord cultivation, Xiao Yun not lets people down settledly.” Xiao Yun salutes saying that to Heavenly Yuan Sect he more and more several points of sense of belonging, this is one place that so long as will have the strength not bury, Sect inside elder will therefore not attack the talent. “多谢殿主栽培,萧云定当不负众望。”萧云施礼道,对天元宗他越来越多了几分归属感,这是一个只要有实力就不会被埋没的地方,宗门里面的长者也不会因此打击天才。 Naturally outside person who has the private grudges except for these. 当然除了那些有私怨的人外。 Em.” Sees Xiao Yun face dew firm and resolute confident appearance Palace Lord Jiang slight bow. “恩。”见萧云脸露坚毅一副信心满满的模样姜殿主微微点头。 After knowing Xiao Yun Martial Spirit is Acquired obtained, he were also just like many to the former several points of hope. 在得知萧云武魂后天所得后,他俨然又对前者多了几分期许 If Innate Martial Spirit can only explain this youth extraordinary natural talent, but Acquired obtained can actually explain that he has the big will, is not the generation of that empty boasting, had the big will to add on big destiny what Chou unable to become true powerhouse shows disdain for Nine Heavens? 若是先天武魂只能说明这个少年天赋异禀,可后天所得却能说明他拥有大毅力,不是那种浮夸之辈,有了大毅力在加上大气运何愁不能成为一个真正的强者傲视九天 Since Xiao Yun very came fully to explain his uncommonness under Qiu Family that attack. 既然萧云邱家那种打击下都挺了过来足以说明他的不凡。 Knows several points regarding these matter Palace Lord Jiang that Wind Moon Kingdom has. 对于风月国发生的这些事情姜殿主还是知道几分的。 A Deacon Qin face is gratified, he is also first time fortunately unearths such talent in Heavenly Yuan Sect these many years. 秦执事一脸欣慰,在天元宗这么多年他也是第一次有幸挖掘出这样的天才。 Was good, then your 17 people conduct the second round test, that is the actual combat competition.” Palace Lord Jiang sinking sound track. “好了,接下来你们17人进行第二轮测试,那就是实战比赛。”姜殿主沉声道。 Yes!” That 17 people have tidied up the mood, immediately prepares to deal with the next test. “是!”那17人收拾了一下心情,马上就准备应付下一场测试。 Although first had the ownership, but they still cannot neglect, so long as because own is obtaining some points to be able for later practice to fight for some resources at the actual combat, as the matter stands will not lose to others on the starting line. 虽然第一名已经有了归属,不过他们依然不能怠慢,因为只要自己在实战在多获得一些积分就能为以后的修炼多争取到一些资源,这样一来才不会在起跑线上输给别人。 At once the people then arrived on martial arts stage of school ground place, starts to get ready to compete. 旋即众人便是来到了校场处的一个演武台上,开始准备比赛。 As for Xiao Yun with these Deacon on martial arts stage opposite high stage, remote watches. 至于萧云与那些执事则是在演武台对面的一个高台上,遥相观看。 In as before is that youth who on martial arts stage stands, Zhang Tianlong. 演武台上所站立的依旧是那个青年,张天龙 This time you will carry on to the decisive battle, as well as challenge tournament.” Zhang Tianlong takes a look to that 17 people, said that competition is very simple, first you will branch out eight groups to carry on the showdown, comes out eight people, then the loser in challenges these eight people, each challenge will win one time to obtain five points, after Challenger will be defeated, is subtracted five points, will win will also obtain five points.” “这次你们将进行对决战,以及挑战赛。”张天龙瞅向那17人,说道,“比赛很简单,首先你们将分出八组进行对决,决出八个人,然后失败者在去挑战这八人,每挑战赢一次将获得五积分,被挑战者失败后将被减去五分,赢了也将得到五分。” Remember, in person three times challenge opportunities that first round is defeated, the same person also can only be challenged three times, as a result of the population issue, the person who Chen Feng can become challenged, if nobody challenges him, he will obtain directly 15.” “记住,在第一轮失败的人都有三次的挑战机会,同一个人也只能被挑战三次,由于人数问题,陈锋可以成为被挑战的人,若是无人挑战他,他将直接获得15分。” Because present points of Chen Feng in these people are first, can enjoy this privilege. 因为陈锋在这些人中现在积分算是第一,可以享受这特权。 What can you have not to understand the place?” Zhang Tianlong pupil light concentrates, takes a fast look around these Junior Brother to say. “你们可还有什么不明白地方?”张天龙眸光一凝,扫视那些师弟道。 No.” People saying of one voice. “没有。”众人异口同声的说道。 Although in the Chen Feng surface profited, but actually also lost an opportunity. 虽说陈锋表面上占了便宜,可是却也算是失去了一个机会。 Because he has been short of a competition, if middle some people win streak four, can obtain for 20 points. 因为他少了一场比赛,若是当中有人连胜四场,便可获得二十分了。 Naturally, now Chen Feng points is highest, even if some people win streak four, is very difficult to threaten his rank. 当然,如今陈锋积分最高,就算有人连胜四场,也很难威胁到他的排名。 Only if some people challenge Chen Feng, making him lose one game after several other. 除非是有人挑战陈锋,让他连输几场。 Good, comes the ballot.” Zhang Tianlong told one, in the hand to present a round earthen bowl, was putting 16 wooden signs on inside, respectively was carving eight digit, if pulled out to the corresponding digit, you will carry on the war of first round showdown.” “好,过来抽签。”张天龙吩咐一句,手中出现了一个圆钵,“在里面放着16块木牌,分别刻着八个数字,若是抽到相应的数字,你们就将进行第一轮对决之战。” This is very but actually fair.” On opposite high stage, the Xiao Yun slight bow, is quite satisfactory to the Heavenly Yuan Sect procedure. “这样倒很公平。”在对面的高台上,萧云微微点头,对天元宗的做法颇为满意。 That 16 disciple hear speech/words, then go forward to draw lots immediately. 那16个弟子闻言,立即便上前抽签。 Quick, eight groups are going cultivator of showdown to pull out. 很快,八组将要对决的修者就被抽了出来。 Is very good, below you go to these competition stage to carry on the finals.” Zhang Tianlong pupil light concentrates, points at this martial arts stage front saying that has quite narrow competition stage there impressively, only then seven zhang (3.33 m) broad, surrounds in the martial arts stage four directions that they are. “很好,下面你们去那些比赛台进行决赛。”张天龙眸光一凝,指着这演武台前方道,在那里赫然有着一个个比较狭窄的比赛台,只有七丈宽阔,都环绕在他们所在的演武台四方。 Very obviously, what they stand is a key station. 很显然,他们所站立的是一个主台。 The people nod, start to plunder to these competition stage. 众人点头,开始向那些比赛台掠去。 Afterward opens to the decisive battle immediately. 随后对决战立即开启。 These 16 people had 14 people to step into True Yuan Realm, other that Duan Ling'er had Innate Realm, in addition a named Zhao Hai youth also had Innate perfection boundary, they were very unfortunate, the match of first meeting was True Yuan Realm powerhouse. 这16人有14个人都踏入了真元境,其余那段灵儿只有先天境,另外还一个名为赵海的少年也只有先天圆满境,他们很不幸,第一场遇到的对手就是真元境强者 Although this two people has Wind Spirit Physique and Water Spirit Physique separately, what a pity other people have Spirit Physique, first under the boundary disparity round quick is defeated, compares competition stage that these two institutes are, another six competition stage above competitions appeared want intensely. 虽然这两人分别有着风灵体水灵体,可惜其它人也有灵体,在境界的差距下第一轮很快就落败,相比这两个所在的比赛台,另外六个比赛台上面的竞争就显得要激烈了起来。 These person of each ones displayed secret art, all fully a war, hit is inextricably involved. 这些人各自都施展出了绝学,皆全力一战,打得可谓是难解难分。 Although Xiao Yun has not attended the competition actually also in distant place watching silently, is good to understand the fit and unfit quality among each Spirit Physique. 萧云虽然没有参加比赛却也在远处默默的观看,好了解各个灵体之间的优劣。 Each Spirit Physique varying superiority, must decide the victory and defeat to depend finally personally to the comprehension of martial arts, displays the pinnacle the own strong point, as well as the fight experience win, the body has Spirit Physique is not multipurpose, has the superiority before the average person merely.” After the observation turns in the Xiao Yun heart had the background, such as that Wind Spirit Physique, can make the cultivator speed extremely quick, round trip like wind. “每个灵体都各异优势,要决出胜负最终还是靠个人对武学的领悟,将自己的长处发挥到极致,以及战斗经验取胜,身具灵体并不是万能,仅仅只是在普通人面前有优势而已。”在观察一翻后萧云心中就有了底子,如那风灵体,可以使得修者速度极快,来去如风。 This Spirit Physique striking power is what a pity insufficient, wants to also depending on this forcing outstanding heroes probably have fiercer killing move assistance, or displays the pinnacle to this Wind Spirit Physique superiority, overall, determination which physique that is very difficult to be arbitrary is strongest. 可惜这灵体攻击力不够,想要凭此力压群雄必须还得有更厉害的杀手锏辅助,或者对这风灵体的优势发挥到极致,总体而言,很难武断的判定哪个体质最强。 Quick, the first round competition ended. 很快,第一轮比赛结束。 Below starts the challenge tournament. 下面就是开始挑战赛了。 Senior Brother, can I give up challenging?” That Duan Ling'er said. 师兄,我可以放弃挑战吗?”那段灵儿说道。 Ok.” Zhang Tianlong said that can have self-knowledge to be also commendable, later promotes cultivation level is.” “可以。”张天龙道,“能有自知之明也难能可贵,以后将修为提升上来便是。” Afterward two Innate Realm disciple gave up the challenge. 随后两个先天境弟子放弃了挑战。 Because their boundary was too low, is almost impossible to win. 因为他们境界太低了,几乎不可能胜。 Then was the challenge tournament, after several fought some people to succeed, some people were defeated. 接下来就是挑战赛了,经过几番交手有人成功,有人失败。 Afterward several half-day time obtained a result finally. 随后几个半天时间终于得出了一个结果。 That Chen Feng obtained most high score finally, afterward is that has Returning Yuan Martial Spirit youth Wang Lei. 陈锋最终获得了最高分,随后则是那拥有回元武魂的少年王磊 This Wang Lei not only has mysterious Martial Spirit to resume the within the body consumption in a short time Yuan Qi, own cultivation level as well as to martial arts the comprehension of are also uncommon, therefore after is turning fights, the within the body Yuan Qi sufficient superiority quickly obtained manifestation. 王磊不仅拥有神奇的武魂可以在短时间内恢复体内消耗的元气,自身的修为以及对武学的领悟也是不凡,所以在一翻交手后,体内元气充足的优势很快就得到了体现。 This batch of disciple are good, that Chen Feng and Wang Lei have the huge potential.” After the competition ended Palace Lord Jiang slight bow, is quite satisfied to these youth's performance, this 18 people appeared three had Martial Spirit can be a pleasant surprise. “这批弟子不错,那陈锋王磊也有着巨大的潜力。”在比赛结束后姜殿主微微点头,对这些少年的表现都颇为满意,此次18个人就出现了三个拥有武魂的可以算是一次意外的惊喜了。 The remaining these have the Spirit Physique youth to be also uncommon, but relatively speaking actually or has missed a point. 剩下那些拥有灵体的少年也不凡,只是相比而言却还是差了一分。 Hopes that this basic disciple can some people amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, has displayed in that Profound Yuan Battlefield.” Deacon said. “希望这次入门的弟子能有人一鸣惊人,在那玄元战场有所表现。”一个执事道。 Profound Yuan Battlefield that seven years time Hundred Sects Great War is also not long going to hold!” “不用多久玄元战场那七年一次的百宗大战也将要举行了啊!” Hundred Sects Great War?” Mentioned this matter, these elder revealed several to segregate heavily, simultaneously within both eyes was also has some rays of light to glitter, „, if they can surface in Hundred Sects Great War, that seriously was the luck of my Heavenly Yuan Sect!” 百宗大战?”提及此事,这些长者不由露出几分凝重,同时双眸中也是有着些许光芒闪烁,“若是他们能在百宗大战中脱颖而出,那当真是我天元宗之福啊!” Actually does not know that he can be willing to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield not?” Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil, the split vision of eye took a look to Xiao Yun, the Profound Yuan Battlefield danger was incomparable, as long as went to there informed and experienced disciple to live is coming back is quite rare, wanted to emerge that in Hundred Sects Great War to be the true talent extremely, was a pity that his boundary was lower.” “却不知他会愿意进入玄元战场不?”姜殿主眸子微眯,眼睛的余光不由瞅向了萧云,玄元战场危险无比,但凡去那里历练的弟子能活着回来已经是颇为难得了,想要在百宗大战中脱颖而出那就必须是真正的绝顶天才,“可惜他的境界还低了一些。” Quick Palace Lord Jiang shook the head. 很快姜殿主就是摇了摇头。 Present Xiao Yun Innate perfection boundary, even if natural talent is good, thinks that is also very difficult to meet that requirements in the short time. 如今的萧云先天圆满境,就算天赋再好,想必也很难在短时间能达到那个要求。 Heavenly Dragon, you according to these data, arranges their residence.” After hesitating slightly, Palace Lord Jiang also no longer thinks that immediately pupil light concentrates toward that Zhang Tianlong said that as for Xiao Yun, so long as is the Core Palace resources all may for its use.” 天龙,你依照这些数据,去安排好他们的居所吧。”略微沉吟后姜殿主也不再多想,当即眸光一凝向着那张天龙说道,“至于萧云,只要是核心殿的资源皆可为其所用。” Yes!” Zhang Tianlong results in the command, after counting the good data then to lead the people to run away toward other court that new disciple occupies. “是!”张天龙得令,在统计好数据后便带着众人向着新弟子所居住的别苑遁去。 Core Palace subordinates Main Peak, is the housing of disciple is in nearby these side peaks, old disciple lives in that Leaping Dragon Mountain Peak, your just basic disciple lived in this Rising Stars Peak, because also 65 new disciple are because has been recommended and is unearthed to cross the threshold the several months when travelling by certain elder, other court that therefore you occupy will also separate.” Zhang Tianlong offers a sacrifice to handle long sword line of Magic Item to carry 18 new disciple to escape to void, simultaneously directs nearby mountain range to say. 核心殿隶属主峰,在旁边这些侧峰则是弟子的居住所在,老弟子居住在那个跃龙山峰,你们这些刚入门的弟子则是居住在这新秀峰,不过由于还有65个新弟子是因为得到举荐及被某些长者在游历时挖掘出来已入门数月,所以你们居住的别苑也会分开。”张天龙祭出一柄长剑飞法器载着18个新弟子遁向虚空,同时指点着旁边的山峦道。 Hears the introduction of Zhang Tianlong, several new disciple one faces are enthralled, these words in the heart, turns toward nearby these mountain range glances to go, wanting the place that has a look at own to be going to stabilize for a long time to have any difference. 听得张天龙的介绍,十几位新弟子都一脸入神,将那些话记在心中,同时也向着旁边的那些山峦扫视而去,想要看看自己将要长久安定下来的地方到底有着什么不同。 Xiao Yun also takes a look toward these mountain ranges by the fog. 萧云也是透过云雾向着那些山峦瞅去。 Main Peak reaches to the sky, has several in the side peak that by it attaches to fully, or tall Huoai, appears quite uncommonly obviously can feel that has this rich Yuan Qi to wind around in the ravine, these Yuan Qi are rich compared with nearby mountain range. 主峰高耸入云,在它旁边所依附的侧峰足有十几个,或高或矮,都显得颇为不凡明显可以感觉到当中有这浓郁的元气缭绕在山间,那些元气比起附近的山峦都要浓郁。 Meanwhile, he can also see these other institutes in the middle of that Rising Stars Peak. 与此同时,在那新秀峰当中他也可以看到有这一座座别院。 A other court group situated in mountainside, must approach the summit. 一个别苑群位于在山腰,一个则要接近山巅。 Senior Brother, what difference will our residences have?” Suddenly, nearby Liu Zhong opens the mouth to ask. 师兄,我们的居所将有什么不同?”突然,旁边的刘重开口问道。 Naturally has the difference.” Zhang Tianlong pupil light concentrates, said that in same other court, inside residence courtyard also divides to have the rank.” “当然有区别。”张天龙眸光一凝,道,“同一个别苑内,里面的住所院落也分有等级。” „.” Heard that the word people came interest. “哦。”闻言众人都来了兴趣。 Respectively is nine ranks.” Zhang Tianlong said that „the first level of courtyard, inside Gathering Yuan Formation condenses the World's Yuan Qi speed to be lowest, Gathering Yuan Formation that in the second-level courtyard has slightly strong, and so on, has supported Yuan Qi that can gather to nine levels of that is the eighth level of several fold, Hehe, naturally, these cross the threshold early several months of Senior Brother compared with you, their courtyards are slightly better than you, these are depend upon the rank to come, therefore after you, so long as diligently, has the opportunity of being promoted.” “分别为九个等级。”张天龙道,“第一级的院落,里面的聚元阵凝聚天地元气的速度将最低,二级院落里面所拥有的聚元阵将略强,以此类推,到了九级那里面所拥能聚集来的元气将是第八级的数倍,呵呵,当然,那些比你们入门早几个月的师兄,他们的院落比你们略好,这些都是依靠排名得来,所以你们以后只要努力,还有晋级的机会。” Originally also obtains such in detail.” The people suddenly, no wonder these Deacon that take seriously this rank. “原来还分得这么详细。”众人恍然,怪不得那些执事那么重视这排名。 If obtained the best residence, ranks high person disciple to depend on this, often can show disdain for the outstanding heroes. 若是得到了最好的居所,排名高的人弟子凭此,往往可以傲视群雄。 In natural talent differs in not big situation, the resources appeared quite important. 天赋相差不大的情况下,资源就显得颇为重要了。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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