EMS :: Volume #2

#167: When is first

Chapter 167 works as is first 第167章当为第一 Flawless Martial Spirit! 无暇武魂 When the final several characters appear tests Crystal Ball instant, the eyelid of that Palace Lord Jiang cannot bear jumps. Kazakh 520 novels 当最后几个字浮现在测试晶球的刹那,就连那姜殿主的眼皮都是忍不住一跳。哈520小说 Flawless Martial Spirit? Is this real?” Palace Lord Jiang felt that the heart of own is jumping crazily, must know that the core previous time has recruited 65 new disciple, in addition these 18 people are 83 people, spirit value in this highest is also only one achieves 72% disciple, that disciple has been honored as the talent, has the enormous opportunity to emerge in Profound Yuan Battlefield. 无暇武魂?这是真的吗?”姜殿主感觉自己的心在狂跳,要知道,核心上次招收了65名新弟子,加上这18人就是83人,在这当中灵值最高的也只是一个达到72的弟子,那弟子已经被誉为天才,有着极大的机会在玄元战场脱颖而出。 But this Xiao Yun unexpectedly is Flawless Martial Spirit, what is that representing? 可是这萧云竟然是无暇武魂,那代表着什么? Must know, the average person no matter Spirit Physique or Martial Spirit can have 40% minute of values are good. 要知道,一般人不管是灵体还是武魂能有40的分值已经算是不错了。 But Xiao Yun is actually flawless. 萧云却是无暇 On high stage, another eight Deacon were also shocked, the double pupil stares at the captions feeling that front that is reappearing to be somewhat inconceivable. 高台上,另外八个执事也都愣住了,双眸盯着前方那浮现出的字幕感觉有些不可思议。 Flawless Martial Spirit!” 无暇武魂!” Only feared that Heavenly Yuan Sect these for hundred years haven't presented one? 只怕天元宗这百年来也没有出现一个吧? This has certainly made a mistake, certainly has made a mistake, how is Wind Moon Kingdom possible Flawless Martial Spirit?” That Huang Deacon shakes the head again and again, said that must know, entire Southern Border can leave Flawless Martial Spirit is rare, how can he have Flawless Martial Spirit?” “这一定是错了,一定是错了,风月国怎么可能出一个无暇武魂?”那黄执事连连摇头,道,“要知道,整个南疆能出一个无暇武魂已经算是难得了,他怎么能有无暇武魂?” Right, can be this tests Crystal Stone to make a mistake?” Nearby elder doubt said. “对,会不会是这测试晶石出错了?”旁边一个长者狐疑道。 This was too inconceivable, does hundred years of rare talent at present appear in own? 这太不可思议了,百年难得一出的天才怎么会在自己眼前出现? Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Tested Crystal Stone to make a mistake?” Instantly, a person pupil light revolution of audience, slight bow. “测试晶石出错了?”霎时,全场的人眸光一转,都微微点了点头。 Definitely made a mistake.” That Chen Feng pupil light concentrates saying that how, if this Xiao Yun does have Flawless Martial Spirit is also only Innate Realm?” “肯定是出错了。”那陈锋眸光一凝道,“若这萧云无暇武魂怎么还只是先天境?” This tests on Crystal Stone formation mark as before, has not presented a careless mistake, how to make a mistake?” Zhang Tianlong pupil light that is responsible for testing concentrates, lightly saying, he already inspected this to test Crystal Ball, was saying these disciple had not made a mistake a moment ago! “这测试晶石阵纹依旧,并没有出现一点纰漏,岂会出错?”负责测试的张天龙眸光一凝,淡淡的说道,他早就检查过了这测试晶球,在说了刚才那些弟子也没有出错啊! Looks at data that Xiao Yun tests, his heart was also shaken shook, blood of within the body already boiling. 只是看着萧云测试出来的数据,他的心也被震了一震,体内的血液已经沸腾了起来。 This result has far exceeded his expectation. 这结果远远超出了他的预料。 Palace Lord, whether to examine again?” That Huang Deacon did not lose heart as before, takes a look said to nearby Palace Lord Jiang. 殿主,可否再检验一下?”那黄执事依旧不死心,瞅向了旁边的姜殿主道。 Good.” Palace Lord Jiang hesitates slightly, at once said that anyone of you do want to go forward to test turns?” “好。”姜殿主略微沉吟,旋即道,“你们谁愿意在上前测试一翻?” Palace Lord Jiang naturally cannot believe that tests Crystal Stone to make a mistake, but he also feels to Xiao Yun this test result inconceivable, now tries again one time, happen to cancels the doubts of own, determines this matter. 姜殿主自然不会相信测试晶石会出错,只是他对萧云这测试结果也感到不可思议,现在再试一次,正好打消自己的疑惑,确定此事。 I come.” That Chen Feng pupil light concentrates, takes forward one step, the sinking sound track. “我来。”那陈锋眸光一凝,向前迈出一步,沉声道。 Original Chen Feng is the outstanding people in this 18 disciple, the crest of wave is unmatched, which will only be depressed by Xiao Yun, in the heart has stopped up the one breath, at this moment has the opportunity naturally to by the body test, quite makes own relieved, making others test has not felt relieved. 本来陈锋为此次18名弟子中的佼佼者,风头无人可比,哪只会被萧云压下,心中堵了一口气,此刻有机会自然是要以身测试,也好让自己安心,让别人来测试还不放心呢。 You come.” Palace Lord Jiang said. “那你来吧。”姜殿主道。 Yes!” Chen Feng one step takes, is stand forth. “是!”陈锋一步迈出,便是向前走去。 Junior Brother Xiao, you for the time being await calmly in side.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. 萧师弟,你就暂且在旁边静候吧。”张天龙笑道。 Em.” Xiao Yun let go the palm, has fallen back on side of crystal column. “恩。”萧云摊了摊手掌,退到了晶柱的旁边。 This time result Xiao Yun own also slightly feels the accident, but he has not thought that but awaits calmly in the one side. 这次的结果萧云自己也略感意外,不过他也没有多想,只是静候在一旁。 Chen Feng walks up, he started revolution own the strength of Martial Spirit source to pour into that Crystal Stone. 陈锋走上前去,他开始运转自己武魂本源之力注入了那晶石内。 The next quarter, Crystal Stone above Formation was activated, the scale division of that crystal column starts to rise slowly. 下一刻,晶石上面的阵法被激活,那晶柱的刻度开始缓缓上升。 The person on this time high stage as before appears very tense, tight is staring at the front. 这一次高台上的人依旧显得很紧张,紧紧的盯着前方。 Later, that result came out. 不大一会,那结果就出来了。 Chen Feng, has Profound Hawk Martial Spirit, the Martial Spirit inheritance value is 41%, belongs to middle-grade. 陈锋,拥有玄鹰武魂,武魂传承值为41,属于中等 Not wrong?” Looks at this result, the people on high stage is gawking, afterward a pupil light revolution, took a look to test crystal column nearby Xiao Yun, the look on people face started to transform, in the heart whispered, „did he have Flawless Martial Spirit really?” “没有错?”望着这结果,高台上的人都是一愣,随后眸光一转,不由瞅向了测试晶柱旁边的萧云,众人脸上的神色都开始有所转变,心中嘀咕了起来,“难道他真有无暇武魂?” What kind, present can believe?” In the Palace Lord Jiang heart chuckles to oneself, is a face asks as before with deep veneration. “怎么样,诸位现在可信服了?”姜殿主心中窃喜,却依旧是一脸肃然问道。 Can make Xiao Yun test one time?” Several Deacon smile embarrasedly, said. “能不能让萧云在测试一次?”几位执事讪讪一笑,说道。 Under your opinion how?” A Palace Lord Jiang pupil light revolution, took a look to nearby Xiao Yun. “你意下如何?”姜殿主眸光一转,瞅向了旁边的萧云 Might as well.” Xiao Yun shrugs, the footsteps started to walk arrive at that to test on Crystal Ball. “无妨。”萧云耸了耸肩,脚步迈开就走到了那测试晶球上面。 Before arriving at the test panel, Xiao Yun continues revolution Purple Flame Martial Spirit, starts to test. 来到测试台前,萧云继续运转紫炎武魂,开始测试。 After Purple Flame flows out, the Crystal Ball rays of light twinkle, later, rises dramatically along with that scale division unceasingly, finally has demonstrated. 紫炎流出后,晶球光芒闪烁,不大一会,随着那刻度不断飙升,结果又显示了出来。 Xiao Yun, has Acquired Purple Flame Martial Spirit, Martial Spirit and mind integration 100%, Martial Spirit flame value 100%. 萧云,拥有后天紫炎武魂,武魂心神融合程度100,武魂火炎值100。 For Flawless Martial Spirit! 无暇武魂 After seeing this result people thoroughly in same place. 当看到这结果后众人彻底愣在了原地。 „Can you have the opinion?” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light concentrates, sweeps said to several Deacon. “你们可还有意见?”姜殿主眸光一凝,扫向几位执事道。 No.” Several Deacon nod in abundance, does not dare to talk too much. “没有。”几位执事纷纷点头,不敢在多言。 Must also pester to this degree, only will be continuous disgusting. 都到了这程度要还纠缠不休,只会惹人厌恶。 Furthermore, if this Xiao Yun grows, they are also unpleasable. 再者,要是这萧云成长起来,他们也难以讨好。 Has the Flawless Martial Spirit talent, can that potential who compare? 一个拥有无暇武魂的天才,那潜力谁人可比? Such character has enormous opportunity to step into Yuan Soul Realm. 这样的人物有着极大的机会踏入元婴境 Flawless Martial Spirit, Hehe, this boy unexpectedly is Flawless Martial Spirit.” This time Deacon Qin was very happy, that pair of pupil narrowed the eyes to feign to do slightly as before calm, satisfying is actually cheering, such talent hundred years were rare, his occupied the distinguished merit without doubt. 无暇武魂,呵呵,这小子竟然是无暇武魂。”这时候的秦执事别提有多高兴了,那双眸微微眯起依旧佯作淡定,可心中却在欢呼不已,这样的天才百年难得一见,他无疑首居奇功。 Deacon Qin, you can unearth this grade of talent, Sect must meet the generous recompense, these and you protect and sustain Xiao Yun Manager also to be granted together.” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light concentrates, saying that intent has referred, if not for initially these people protected and sustained only feared that Xiao Yun is also hard to arrive at today. 秦执事,你能挖掘出这等天才,宗门必会重赏,那些和你一起护持过萧云管事也将得到赏赐。”姜殿主眸光一凝,意有所指的说道,当初若不是这些人护持只怕萧云也难以走到今天。 Regarding Xiao Yun and Qiu Family matter, Palace Lord Jiang has understood clearly in the brother, will have a few words such. 对于萧云邱家的事情,姜殿主已经了然于兄,才会有这么一句话。 However nearby these Deacon actually do not know. 不过旁边那些执事却是不知道。 Many thanks Palace Lord.” A Deacon Qin hear speech/words face is joyful, bows in salute to salute hastily. “多谢殿主。”秦执事闻言一脸欣喜,连忙作揖施礼。 This is you earns.” Palace Lord Jiang beckoned with the hand to say. “这是你应得的。”姜殿主摆了摆手道。 Hehe, Brother Qin, you are really the good luck overhead!” Nearby Deacon starts to reveal to smile, the congratulation said that „, if later this Xiao Yun steps into Yuan Soul Realm, or has stepped into a higher level, but your advantage are many!” 呵呵,秦兄,你真是鸿运当头啊!”旁边的执事开始露出满脸笑容,祝贺道,“若是以后这萧云踏入元婴境,亦或踏入了更高的层次,你的好处可是不少啊!” Hehe, if after you, therefore stepped into Yuan Soul Realm not to forget our group of youngest brothers!” Also spoke running on to ridicule that a moment ago Deacon Qin elder the complexion changed reveals to smile immediately, congratulated to flatter toward him. 呵呵,若是你以后因此踏入了元婴境可别忘记我们这群老兄弟啊!”刚才还出言挤兑嘲笑秦执事长者当即脸色一变都露出满脸笑容,向着他祝贺奉承了起来。 The Deacon Qin beckoning with the hand hand, had not said that when takes a look to Xiao Yun the double pupil completely is pupil light that hopes. 秦执事摆了摆手手,并没有多说,只是瞅向萧云时双眸尽是期许的眸光 Flawless Martial Spirit?” Huang Deacon was actually dark snort|hum one, appeared very depressed. 无暇武魂?”黄执事却是不由暗哼了一句,显得很郁闷。 Junior Brother Xiao, this is your Token.” At this time, that Zhang Tianlong smiled, puts out Token to give Xiao Yun together. 萧师弟,这是你的腰牌。”这时,那张天龙一笑,拿出一块腰牌递给萧云 Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, bringing several points of inexplicable mood to receive in the hand that Token. 萧云眸子微眯,带着几分莫名的情绪将那腰牌接到了手中。 Looks in the Token his heart of palm not to sob. 望着掌心的腰牌他心中不甚唏嘘。 From hereafter him was Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Disciple. 从此后他就是天元宗核心弟子了。 Because your Martial Spirit value was perfect, therefore was one percentage points.” Zhang Tianlong continues saying that is adding on the Martial Spirit additional 50 points, your this same place obtains will be 155, I think that should nobody be higher than you.” “因为你刚才的武魂值为完美,所以是一百分积分。”张天龙继续说道,“在加上武魂附加的五十分,你此次一起获得的将是155分,我想应该没有人会比你高了。” 150.” The youth who at this time these tested was also took a deep breath. “150。”这时那些测试完毕的少年也是深深吸了一口气 Nobody will be indeed higher than Xiao Yun. 的确没有人会比萧云高了。 Must know that test is divided value highest Chen Feng is also only Sishiba that's all. 要知道,那测试分值最高的陈锋也只是四十八罢了。 Even if four total victory of Chen Feng in later competition, is only the additional 20 points, is equal to 68 together. 就算陈锋在稍后的比赛中四场全胜,也只是加二十分,一起等于68分。 These 68 and Xiao Yun 150 bad is not a least bit. 这68分和萧云的150差的可不是一点半点。 Therefore you can not attend the following competition.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile, „the resources that this rank you for first acquisition will also be over on batch of new disciple first, because nobody had your this flawless Martial Spirit, should obtain the best resources.” “所以你可以不参加后续的比赛了。”张天龙笑道,“这次的排名你为第一所获得的资源也将超过上批新弟子的第一名,因为无人有你这无暇武魂,理应得到最好的资源。” „.” After Xiao Yun hear, slightly one happy, own relied on the own strength to obtain proper all finally. “哦。”萧云听后微微一喜,自己总算是凭借着自己的实力得到了应有的一切了。 Senior Brother, Martial Spirit is not be only do seven points attach? How can he have 50 points?” All youth puzzled asking. 师兄,武魂者不是只有七分附加吗?他怎么能有五十分?”一切少年不解的问道。 Nearby person is also pupil light that throws to have doubts. 旁边的人也是投来疑惑的眸光 Although Xiao Yun first became fact, but in people heart as before puzzled. 虽然萧云第一已经成为了事实,可众人心中依旧不解。 Hehe, what Junior Brother Xiao has is Flawless Martial Spirit, the attaching awarded marks that obtains are higher than the average person.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. 呵呵,萧师弟拥有的是无暇武魂,所得到的附加分比一般人高。”张天龙笑道。 But his isn't Acquired Martial Spirit?” “可他的不是后天武魂吗?” Chen Feng said that Acquired Martial Spirit does not come from Source Mark, the potential should limited be.” 陈锋说道,“后天武魂并非源自本源印记,潜力应该有限才是。” After nearby person listens, nodded. 旁边的人听后也是点了点头。 This Innate Martial Spirit from the inheritance mark, but Acquired Martial Spirit mostly from the chance, is actually no comparison between them. 先天武魂来自传承印记,可后天武魂却多半是源自机缘,不可同日而语。 You, if such understands, made a mistake.” A Zhang Tianlong face with deep veneration, the explanation said that Innate Martial Spirit from the inheritance mark, the potential is indeed infinite, but can result in Acquired Martial Spirit can it be that ordinary person (mortal)? Especially what Junior Brother Xiao obtains is Flame Martial Spirit, asked that can change into own Martial Spirit in the present age several people when Innate Realm on the fusion variation fire remnant soul?” “你们若这么理解的话,就错了。”张天龙一脸肃然,讲解道,“先天武魂源自传承印记,的确潜力无限,可是能得后天武魂者又岂是凡人?特别是萧师弟所得到的是火炎武魂,试问在当世有几人可以在先天境时就融合异火残魂化为自己武魂?” Hears this saying, all people stare, has held afterward breath cold air, that took a look to Xiao Yun pupil light becomes somewhat strange, that several Deacon pupil light also moved, as if has thought of anything matter. 听到这话,所有的人都是一愣,随后不由倒吸了一口凉气,那瞅向萧云眸光都变得有些怪异了起来,就连那几位执事眸光也是一动,似乎想到了一些什么事情。 Although these people do not have this experience, actually also heard. 这些人虽然没有这种经历,却也是有所听闻。 In this world, wants to fuse any spiritual object is own Martial Spirit has the greatest danger, is not the average person may be, especially this Flame Martial Spirit, once will have carelessly burning mind by that roaring flame slightly, the body perishing [say / way] will disappear in light of this. 在这个世界,想要融合任何一种灵物自己武魂都有着莫大的危险,不是一般人可为,特别是这种火炎武魂,一旦稍有不慎就会被那烈焰给焚掉了心神,就此身殒道消。 As long as can the successful integration Martial Spirit person not be has heaven defying Cultivation Technique, has the big will. 但凡能成功融合武魂的人不是身具逆天功法,就是有着大毅力。 No matter which person that potential is absolutely inestimable. 不管是哪一种人那潜力绝对不可估量。 natural talent is no doubt important, may in many elder eyes, the will be the first place. 天赋固然重要,可在许多长者眼里,毅力才是首位。 The die talent were too many, because many people do not have the big will, the big wisdom cannot grow finally. 殒落的天才太多了,许多人因为不具备大毅力,大智慧不能成长到最后。 Instead these have big will person actually to arrive at Martial Dao Peak. 反而那些拥有大毅力的人却能走到武道巅峰 Present Xiao Yun is only 16 years old, melted Flame Martial Spirit, obviously does he have the what kind will? 如今的萧云才16岁而已,就已经融化了火炎武魂,可见他有着何等的毅力? Thinks of here, many person hearts are startled. 一想到这里,许多人心头都是不由一惊。 This Xiao Yun potential will go far beyond his natural talent, once gives his enough growth space, the later future is limitless, thinks of here, these elder do not dare to snort contemptuously to this youth, within those eyes all has the rays of light twinkle of awe. 这个萧云的潜力将远远超过他的天赋,一旦给予他足够的成长空间,以后的前途不可限量,想到这里,那些长者再也不敢对这少年嗤之以鼻,那双眸中皆有着敬畏的光芒闪烁。 Xiao Yun works as for first, does not need to discuss again.” Saying that nearby Palace Lord Jiang also slight bow is loud and clear. 萧云当为第一,无须再论。”就连旁边的姜殿主也是微微点头掷地有声的说道。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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