EMS :: Volume #2

#166: Has no time Wu Hun

Chapter 166 Flawless Martial Spirit 第166章无暇武魂 Essence?” hear speech/words, nearby old man cannot bear joke, Hehe, said that you very did have the confidence to this youth?” “精?”闻言,旁边的老者忍不住讥笑道,“呵呵,这么说你对这少年挺有信心了?” That is natural.” Deacon Qin said. “那是自然。”秦执事说道。 Hehe, Innate perfection boundary cultivator also fine?” The Huang Deacon corners of the mouth pull speaking to joke, „, if his real has several points of natural talent, how also in Innate Realm? You had not noticed that here person many have stepped into True Yuan Realm?” 呵呵,一个先天圆满境修者也算精?”黄执事嘴角一扯出言讥笑道,“若他真的有几分天赋,岂会还在先天境?你没看到这里的人多数都踏入了真元境吗?” Several other elder also threw ridicule pupil light more or less. 其余几位长者或多或少也投来了嘲笑的眸光 Here indeed also has two people Innate Realm, but this two people is only 15 years old, was smaller than other people nearly one year old. 这里的确还有两人先天境,可这两人都只有15岁,比其他人足足小了近一岁。 Boundary can promote, natural talent is actually inherent, perhaps this disciple can go against all your people.” Deacon Qin does not pay attention to people's ridicule taunt, lightly saying, such as such talent grows truly, value how appreciable?” “境界可以提升,天赋却是与生俱来,这一个弟子说不定就可以顶得上你们所有的人。”秦执事也不理会众人的讥笑嘲讽,淡淡的说道,“如这样的天才真正成长起来,价值岂可估量?” boast shamelessly?” Huang Deacon sneers saying that also wants top here all people on the youth who you do unearth?” 大言不惭?”黄执事冷笑道,“就你挖掘出来的这个少年也想顶过这里所有人?” Brother Qin, you rather were also too petty.” That personal appearance micro fat Deacon is also somewhat disgruntled, saying of coldly, „didn't you lose an opportunity? Waits to choose a talent in you several years later next time and that's the end, why such damages us?” 秦兄,你也未免太小家子气了吧。”那个身形微胖执事也是有些不悦,冷冷的说道,“你不就是失去了一个机会吗?等在过几年下次你挑选出一个天才就是了,何必这么损我们?” Hehe, facts speak louder than words.” Deacon Qin smiles lightly, was not saying that his slightly narrows the pupil then locked the line of sight in the front, there, Xiao Yun has arrived by the crystal column, he has gotten down the footsteps, after taking a look at that Crystal Ball , the pupil dew hesitated. 呵呵,事实胜于雄辩。”秦执事淡淡一笑,也不在多说,他眸子微眯便将视线锁定在了前方,在那里,萧云已经走到了水晶柱旁边,他顿下了脚步,瞅了一眼那水晶球后眸露沉吟。 How has this boy stopped?” “这小子怎么停顿了下来?” Really is a country bumpkin, is he is looking at that to test Crystal Ball?” Youth corners of the mouth that these have tested pull the smiling face of revealing the ridicule, Deacon Qin said a moment ago Xiao Yun could go against them, making the people heart have the disgruntledness. “真是一个乡巴佬,他是在看那测试晶球吗?”那些已经测试完毕的少年嘴角一扯纷纷露出讥讽的笑容,刚才秦执事萧云或许可以顶得过他们所有人,让得众人心有不悦。 „Won't he have Spirit Physique?” That Huang Deacon and the others are also pupil ridicules, took a look to Deacon Qin. “他不会是没有灵体吧?”那黄执事等人也是眸露讥讽,瞅向了秦执事 Deacon Qin slightly narrows the pupil disregards to these people of words directly. 秦执事眸子微眯直接对这几人的话无视。 Junior Brother Xiao, so long as also or Spirit Physique True Yuan poured into your Martial Spirit's strength tests Crystal Ball to be OK.” Crystal column nearby youth is actually the eyes shows a smile, quite temperate saying, this person of surnamed Zhang, named Heavenly Dragon, the year 20, early have stepped into Yuan Core Realm. 萧师弟,只要将你的武魂之力亦或是灵体真元注入测试晶球就可以了。”晶柱旁边的青年却是眸露笑容,颇为温和的说道,这人姓张,名为天龙,年过20,早已经踏入了元丹境 Is the test that I obtain divides the value to be higher, the resources that obtains are also more?” The Xiao Yun brow rose to take a look to the front youth, he tested with any strength in the consideration a moment ago, was not Martial Spirit so is simple in his within the body. “是不是我获得的测试分值越高,得到的资源也就越多?”萧云眉头上扬瞅向了前方的青年,刚才他在考虑到底是用什么力量来测试,在他体内可不是一种武魂那么简单。 Em.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile embarrasedly, „a minute of value was higher, you can obtain the corresponding resources, these data can also compare with several months ago that batch of new disciple, the data was better, regarding you were the only shortcut of catching up.” “恩。”张天龙讪讪一笑道,“分值越高,你就可以获得相应的资源,这些数据也会和几个月前的那批新弟子做比较,数据越好,对于你而言是后来居上的唯一捷径。” Many thanks Senior Brother direction.” Xiao Yun nods, did not have scruples, now he lacks is the resources, therefore this time must obtain first, has the corresponding resources, as the matter stands among the competition to later fellow apprentices has very big advantage. “多谢师兄指点。”萧云点头,也没有了顾忌,现在他缺的就是资源,所以这次必须获得第一,拥有相应的资源,这样一来对以后师兄弟间的竞争有着很大的好处。 I use Purple Flame Martial Spirit the strength of flame actually to test.” Xiao Yun hesitated slightly has made decision. “我就用着紫炎武魂火炎之力却测试吧。”萧云略微沉吟就做出了决定。 He had the True Fire matter almost entire Wind Moon Kingdom big influence to know, does not need to conceal desirably. 他拥有真火的事情几乎整个风月国的大势力都知道了,也没有必要刻意隐瞒。 As for that life source Martial Spirit extremely mysterious, he has not wanted to expose. 至于那本命武魂太过神秘了,他不想暴露出去。 After all Heavenly Yuan Sect these Deacon are Yuan Core Realm powerhouse, the vision is open, can perhaps see some clue. 毕竟天元宗的这些执事都是元丹境强者,眼界开阔,说不定就可以看出些端倪。 Xiao Yun took a look at front test Crystal Ball, can feel that above has complicated formation mark, but that formation mark was extremely mysterious, looked that will feel to have a dizzy spell, obviously Formation Dao is not general cultivator can contact. 萧云瞅了一眼面前的测试晶球,在上面可以感觉到有着一个繁复的阵纹,不过那阵纹太过玄奥了,多看一眼就会感觉头晕目眩,显然阵法一道不是一般的修者能接触。 Shook, Xiao Yun mind moves, True Yuan that starts revolution within the body that Purple Flame Martial Spirit to contain, air current of burning hot also fills the air from his palm along with it, when this flow divergence nearby air has the slight fluctuation. 甩了甩头,萧云心神一动,开始运转体内紫炎武魂所蕴含的真元,一股炙热的气流也是随之从他的掌心弥漫开来,当这股气流扩散开来附近的空气都是有着细微的波动。 These Deacon sensations are what kind keen, this air current fluctuation produces has induced, set up the pupil staring front, in that eye pupil all has surprised look to reveal, because this fire wave was very not as if ordinary! 那些执事的感知是何等的敏锐,这气流波动才一产生就有所感应,一个个立起了眸子凝视前方,那眼瞳中皆有着一丝惊讶之色流露出来,因为这股火流似乎很不一般! Burning hot air current!” Still waited to look at the Xiao Yun joke in the ridicule a moment ago a Huang Deacon brow lock, is reveals the surprise pupil light, at once was staring at the front youth, that heart was kicking jumps crazily, felt a restlessness. “一股炙热的气流!”刚才还在讥讽等着看萧云笑话的黄执事眉头一锁,也是露出诧异的眸光,旋即怔怔的盯着前方的少年,那颗心在扑腾狂跳,感到了一丝不安。 Not was only these Deacon felt difference, disciple that these have tested had also detected that the eyes reveals an unusual look, their most people have all achieved True Yuan Realm, although the sensation was inferior that Yuan Core Realm was actually not the average person may compare. 不仅是这些执事感到了异样,就连那些已经测试完毕的弟子也有所发觉,皆眸露异色,他们多数人都达到了真元境,虽然感知不如元丹境却也绝不是一般人可比。 In an instant, on high stage all people collected the line of sight on the body of Xiao Yun, the atmosphere appeared slightly strange. 刹那间,高台上所有的人都将视线汇集在了萧云的身上,气氛显得略怪异。 Compared the people a moment ago that ridicule pupil light, now that expression actually appears somewhat dignified. 相比众人刚才那嘲笑的眸光,如今那表情却显得有些凝重。 Shout! 呼! Also at this moment, the Xiao Yun palm has purple fire wave to gush out, poured into that to test on Crystal Ball under his control, under the stimulation of this fire wave, tested on Crystal Ball runes to glitter flood ripples, afterward then that fire wave absorption. 也就在这时,萧云掌心有着一股紫色的火流涌出,在他的控制下注入了那测试晶球上,在这股火流的激发下,测试晶球符文闪烁泛起一阵涟漪,随后便将那火流吸收。 After testing Crystal Ball absorbs fire wave, that below crystal column starts to have the purple light twinkle, that scale division starts to rise slowly. 在测试晶球火流吸收后,那下方的晶柱开始有着紫光闪烁,那刻度开始在缓缓上升。 Started to rise.” Sees this, the people all turn very quiet, double pupil stubbornly stares at that crystal column to pay attention to the trend of scale division, did not know, has remembered why a moment ago the Deacon Qin words, after comprehensive this youth within the body purple True Yuan, they felt the inexplicable crisis. “开始上升了。”见此,众人皆屏住呼吸,双眸死死的盯着那晶柱注意着刻度的走向,不知为何,一想起了刚才秦执事的话,在综合这少年体内的紫色真元后,他们感觉到了莫名的危机。 Especially that obtains first Chen Feng, his brow closely has locked. 特别是那获得第一的陈锋,他眉头都紧紧锁了起来。 The scale division on crystal column rises slowly, appears not slow is not slow, within two breath achieves the mark is in ten scale divisions. 晶柱上的刻度缓缓上升,显得不缓不慢,两个呼吸间就达到标记为十的刻度上。 To ten.” In some people of hearts calls out in alarm, closely stared at the front, the palm has been emitting the perspiration. “到十了。”有人心中惊呼,紧紧盯着前方,掌心都冒出了汗。 21! 21! To 33! 到33了! Is rising unexpectedly still?” Still after seeing that scale division arrives at 33 to rise, all people mentioned in the heart the throat, appears anxious, in the middle of disciple of these tests, 33 is the good result, but this Xiao Yun scale division is still rising, then can achieve 37? Also or achieves 40? “竟然还在上升?”当见得那刻度已经到达33后还在上升,所有人都将心提到了嗓子眼里,显得紧张不已,在这些测试的弟子当中,33就已经算是不错的成绩了,可这萧云的刻度还在上升,那么是否能达到37?亦或是达到40? 36! 36了! A twinkling that scale division has achieved 36. 只是一眨眼那刻度就达到了36。 Hasn't arrived at the extreme?” In this moment, the nerve of people completely tightened. “还没有到极点吗?”在这一刻,众人的神经都全部绷紧了起来。 Meaning that because in the middle of that crystal column purple True Yuan in rise slowly, has not stopped at this time. 因为此时那水晶柱当中的紫色真元还在缓缓的上升,并没有停下来的意思。 This came from the Wind Moon Kingdom youth to is has several points of natural talent, Huang the brother, the talent status that it seems like you unearth will not guarantee!” Deacon slightly narrows the pupil, some saying of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, that Huang Deacon was quite a moment ago arrogant, making him somewhat not be feeling well, so as to avoid at this moment digs out one. “这来自风月国的少年到是有几分天赋,黄兄,看来你挖掘出来的天才地位将不保了啊!”一个执事眸子微眯,有些幸灾乐祸的说道,刚才那黄执事颇为傲慢,让他有些不爽,此刻免得挖出一句。 Isn't 36? So long as has not achieved 41, all are in vain however, this spirit value is in the difference a value, natural talent also has heaven and earth's difference to separate, Hehe, moreover this Chen Feng is Profound Hawk Martial Spirit, can it be that can the average person compare?” Huang Deacon smiles lightly, in him thinks that this Xiao Yun also has Fire Spirit Physique, wants compared with Profound Hawk Martial Spirit, but also is far from enough. “不就是36吗?只要没有达到41,一切都是枉然,这种灵值就算是差上一个分值,天赋也有着天差地别,呵呵,况且这陈锋乃是玄鹰武魂,岂是一般人可比?”黄执事淡淡一笑,在他认为这萧云也不过是拥有火灵体罢了,想要和玄鹰武魂相比,还远远不够。 Spirit Physique can be intimate with World's Yuan Qi, the potential is indeed uncommon. 灵体可以亲近天地元气,潜力的确不凡。 But Martial Spirit is actually inherent, but also is containing Martial Spirit Magical Powers, once big accomplishment that advantage is not general Spirit Physique may compare. 武魂却是与生俱来,还蕴含着武魂神通,一旦大成那好处可不是一般灵体可比。 To 39!” In Huang Deacon smiles lightly, suddenly some people call out in alarm said. “到39了!”也在黄执事淡淡一笑时,突然有人惊呼道。 Meaning that Heavens, has not stopped, is this must break 40?” 天啦,还没有停下来的意思,他这是要破40吗?” 39?” Hears this word, the Huang Deacon eye pupil to shrink suddenly, double pupil tight is staring at the front. “39了?”听得此言,黄执事眼瞳骤然一缩,双眸紧紧的盯着前方。 40?” At this time that scale division already arrived at 40. “40?”这时那刻度已然到了40。 At this time the palm of Huang Deacon had cannot help but gripped tightly, his Adam's apple was wriggling, swallows the saliva appears quite tight. 这时黄执事的手掌不由得紧紧握了起来,他的喉结在蠕动,咽了咽口水显得颇为紧张。 45! Has achieved 45 unexpectedly.” That calls out in alarm falls, that scale division has achieved 45 unexpectedly, moreover had not stopped the sign, audience almost piece of boiling, these youth talents could not bear call out in alarm at this moment. “45!竟然已经达到45了。”那惊呼才落下,那刻度竟然已经达到了45,而且还没有停下了的迹象,这一刻全场几乎一片沸腾,那些少年天才都忍不住惊呼了起来。 „Is this possible? His spirit value scale division is still rising dramatically, was my vertigo?” “这怎么可能?他的灵值刻度还在飙升,是我眼花了吗?” Still is rising, his is natural talent this terrifying?” When these did not spare a glance the talent youth who take a look to Xiao Yun at this moment to Xiao Yun has been full of the awe, is indistinct also to have one type to dread to reappear, this youth was too terrorist. “还在上升,他的天赋该多么恐怖?”那些原本对萧云不屑一顾的天才少年此刻瞅向萧云时充满了敬畏,隐约间还有着一种畏惧浮现而出,这个少年太恐怖了。 Can this natural talent who compare? 这种天赋谁人可比? Present Xiao Yun was higher than the people dozens spirit values! 现在的萧云已经比众人足足高了几十灵值啊! Scale division not, therefore stops, several Deacon early are dumbfounded, was shocked to unable to speak. 刻度并没有因此停下来,几位执事早已经是目瞪口呆,被震惊得说不出话来了。 „Above it seems like his natural talent imagines in me.” The Deacon Qin pupil at the same time also has the mighty waves that one trivial cannot be looked up to raise, because that scale division has achieved 49 now, but also in the unceasing rise, such talent character in entire Core Palace is also few. “看来他的天赋远在我想象之上。”一边的秦执事眸中也有着一丝微不可查的波澜掀起,因为现在那刻度已经达到了49,还在不断的上升,这样的天才人物在整个核心殿中也是屈指可数。 As if coagulated to present high stage on air, nobody dares to belittle Xiao Yun again. 到了现在高台上的空气似乎已经凝固,再也没有人敢小觑萧云 Palace Lord Jiang is also slight bow, the pupil dew is joyful. 就连姜殿主也是微微点头,眸露欣喜。 55! 55! 60! 60! 70! 70! That scale division continually rises, is looking at these figures, the people of audience have been dumb as a wooden chicken. 那刻度不断上升,望着那些数字,全场的人都已经呆若木鸡了。 Also can rise?” Zhang Tianlong pupil that side is responsible for testing tight stared at that scale division, the brow was bending, shock in heart was hard to speak, he was responsible for testing that many disciple, strongest also had 72% spirit values. “还要上升吗?”旁边负责测试的张天龙眸子紧紧的盯着那刻度,眉头不由弯了起来,心中的震撼难以言说,他负责测试了那么多弟子,最强的也只有72的灵值。 This can Xiao Yun break the record? 难道这萧云要刷新纪录吗? Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly, a dull thumping sound spreads, that scale division stopped. 突然,一声闷响传出,那刻度停止了下来。 The people are took a deep breath, in the heart darkly ponder, finally stopped!” 众人都是深深吸了口气,心中暗忖,“终于停了下来啊!” But when they saw that scale division stops after digit, thorough was scared. 可是当他们看到那刻度所停在的数字后,彻底傻眼了。 100! 100! How possible, unexpectedly is 100, is flawless Spirit Physique?” Eight Deacon are surprised, shows the incredible look, because that scale division rose dramatically unexpectedly 100, this situation in the Heavenly Yuan Sect hundred years was also rare! “怎么可能,竟然是100,难道是无暇灵体?”八位执事都一脸惊讶,露出不可置信的神色,因为那刻度竟然飙升到了100,这种情况在天元宗百年也是难得一见啊! How can Wind Moon Kingdom have this talent?” 风月国怎能有这种天才?” When the people are surprised, that tests Crystal Ball rays of light to dodge, captions are start to evolve immediately. 就在众人惊讶的时候,那测试晶球光芒一闪,一个字幕当即便是开始演化出来。 What physique can he be?” At this moment, the people felt that the heart of own soon jumped, tight is staring at the front. “他会是什么体质?”这一刻,众人感觉自己的心都快要跳了出来,紧紧的盯着前方。 Because now impressively was the making known result final time. 因为现在赫然是揭晓结果的最后时刻了。 Xiao Yun, Acquired Purple Flame Martial Spirit, Martial Spirit and mind integration 100%, Martial Spirit flame value 100%. 萧云,后天紫炎武魂,武魂心神融合程度100,武魂火炎值100。 For Flawless Martial Spirit! 无暇武魂 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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