EMS :: Volume #2

#165: Profound hawk Wu Hun

Chapter 165 Profound Hawk Martial Spirit 第165章玄鹰武魂 The Southern Border region is remote, the material is deficient, causes the cultivator aptitude also overall deviation, this Liu Zhong can have 27% Spirit Physique values to calculate well, if willing diligent practice to be a good seedling, therefore several Deacon are the slight bows. Ha 南疆地域偏僻,物质贫乏,导致修者资质也整体偏差,这刘重能有27的灵体值已经算不错了,若是肯勤奋修炼到是个不错的苗子,所以几位执事都是微微点头。哈 Then Wang Lei comes out to test.” After Liu Zhong gets down, that youth continues to open the mouth to say. “接下来王磊出来测试。”当刘重下去后,那个青年继续开口道。 Afterward a robust youth goes out, he brings to be happy, arrives by that crystal column to start to test. 随后一个虎头虎脑的少年走出,他带着一脸憨笑,走到那水晶柱旁边开始进行测试。 This time has True Yuan to reveal in his palm, but is piece of pale azure color rays of light, is partly visible in the palm. 这次在他掌心有着真元流露,不过是一片淡青色光芒,在掌心若隐若现。 What physique is this?” The people stare, for by this strange True Yuan fearing. “这是什么体质?”众人一愣,为被这奇异的真元给惊住了。 Hehe, this is rare Martial Spirit, named Returning Yuan Martial Spirit, can make cultivator restore True Yuan in a short time, once big accomplishment, in the fight time is to have the enormous advantage, moreover this Martial Spirit can also let his practice speed promotion.” That personal appearance micro fat elder shows a faint smile, this youth as before is a talent that he unearths. 呵呵,这是一种稀罕的武魂,名为回元武魂,可以让修者在短时间内恢复真元,一旦大成,在战斗时刻是有着极大的好处,而且这武魂还可以让他的修炼速度提升。”那身形微胖的长者微微一笑,这个少年依旧是他挖掘出来的一个天才。 Returning Yuan Martial Spirit? So Martial Spirit also is really uncommon.” Hears this to explain nearby several Deacon to feel amazed, when pupil light takes a look to that youth has shown the look of envying, has this Martial Spirit, in did not fear when with person battle consumed True Yuan. 回元武魂?如此武魂还真是不凡。”听得这讲解旁边的几位执事都是感到惊诧,眸光瞅向那个少年时不由露出了羡慕的神色,有这武魂在也就不怕与人争斗时耗费真元了。 Must know, when powerhouse war, often always one point of True Yuan is relating the life and death! 要知道,强者大战时,往往每多一分真元都关系着生死啊! Isn't one restores Martial Spirit of? In this world battle-type Martial Spirit is King Dao.” Side that red old man is actually corners of the mouth pulls, reveals wipes to disdain, that pupil light unintentional taking a look has approached a hawk nose youth. “不就是一个恢复型的武魂吗?在这个世界战斗型武魂才是王道。”旁边那红老者却是嘴角一扯,露出一抹不屑,那眸光有意无意的瞅向了身边的一个鹰鼻少年。 This is the true talent. 这才是真正的天才。 In the red painted-face old man heart coldly smiles, simply the talent that unearths side that several Deacon has not paid attention. 红脸老者心中冷冷一笑,根本没有把旁边那几个执事挖掘出来的天才放在眼里。 Also when people secret heart startled, on that Crystal Ball flood light screens, this Wang Lei test result already came out. 也就在众人暗暗心惊时,那水晶球上泛起了一片光幕,这王磊的测试结果已然出来。 Wang Lei, Returning Yuan Martial Spirit, the Martial Spirit inheritance value 32%, are middle-level low-grade Martial Spirit! 王磊,回元武魂,武魂传承值32,为中级低等武魂 Good.” The young man nodded, immediately has dispatched magic token, said that this is your Token, because your body has Martial Spirit, has the Spirit Physique cultivator potential to be bigger than the body, therefore adds three points, this examination you obtain 35.” “不错。”那青年男子点了点头,随即递出了一个法牌,说道,“这是你的腰牌,因为你身具武魂,比身具灵体修者潜力要大,所以多加三分,此次考核你获得35分。” Many thanks Senior Brother.” Wang Lei smiles quite delightedly, accepts that Token, withdraws in light of this. “多谢师兄。”王磊憨厚一笑,颇为欢喜的将那腰牌收下,就此退出。 What? Can Martial Spirit award marks?” Gets this answer, these as in waiting for test disciple are actually not glad, on the face has revealed the obvious disaffection, their body has Spirit Physique, thinks that is not worse than Martial Spirit, why on the Martial Spirit awarded marks? “什么?武魂能多加分?”得到这答案,那些依旧在等候着测试的弟子却是不乐意了,脸上露出了明显的不满,他们都身具灵体,自认为并不比武魂差,凭什么就武魂加分? Especially that Liu Zhong, the brow has closely locked. 特别是那刘重,眉头紧紧锁了起来。 Martial Spirit is human body Source Mark, once awakens completely, the abilities in various cultivator aspects will obtain the archery target to fly upwards, the potential is by far stronger than Spirit Physique, if not he is not battle-type Martial Spirit, but restored Martial Spirit to be short of several points of striking power, otherwise coca seven points.” The young man answered, Palace Lord Jiang in nearby slight bow, has not intervened these small matters. 武魂为人体本源印记,一旦完全觉醒,修者各方面的能力都将得到质的飞升,潜力远远比灵体强,若非他不是战斗型武魂,只是恢复型武魂少了几分攻击力,不然可加七分。”那青年男子解释道,姜殿主则是在旁边微微点头,并没有干预这些小事情。 Hears this explanation, these disciple stop discussing, but in the heart also has several points not to be quick. 听到这解释,那些弟子才停止议论,只是心中也有着几分不快。 These person proud and arrogant, think that own is the talent, how in the body will have in front of the Martial Spirit talent to lower the head? 这些人都心高气傲,认为自己是天才,岂会在身具武魂的天才面前低头? „When later competition examination looked that what effect this Martial Spirit can achieve?” Some people whispered secretly. “等待会比赛考核时看他这武魂能发挥出什么效果?”有人暗自嘀咕道。 Then, some youth go to test. 接下来,又有少年前去测试。 Duan Ling'er, the body has Wind Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value 39%, is middle-level Spirit Physique. 段灵儿,身具风灵体,灵体值39,为中级灵体 This is a young girl, has the Innate late-stage boundary. 这是一个少女,只有先天后期境。 39%, very good physique.” Sees this test result, Deacon on high stage again and again nods, they do not know that has seen many such tests, therefore has known about physique of Southern Border talent. “39,很不错的体质了。”见得这测试结果,高台上的执事都是连连点头,他们也不知见过多少次这样的测试,所以对南疆天才的体质还是有所了解的。 Afterward cultivator go to test, these people have Spirit Physique, or has Martial Spirit. 随后一个个修者前往测试,这些人都有灵体,或者有武魂 Nobody spirit value misses 40%, has perfect Spirit Physique or Martial Spirit conceivably how difficult. 只是没有人灵值错过40,可以想象拥有一个完美灵体武魂是多么的难。 A meeting, 18 youth only remaining four people have not tested. 只是一会,18个少年也就只剩下四人没有测试了。 Xiao Yun comes latest, therefore arranged at finally. 萧云来的最晚,所以排在了最后。 At this time, a figure was slim, the five fingers fair youth walked to go forward, he extended the take action palm, gently according to that Crystal Ball, saw only the rays of light twinkle, a light cry resounded through from that palm unexpectedly, was seeming to be Profound Hawk in long cry, the sound was incisive. 这时,一个身材修长,五指白皙的少年走上前,他伸出手掌,轻轻的按在那晶球上,只见得光芒闪烁,一声轻鸣蓦地从那掌心响彻而起,似有着一只玄鹰长鸣,声音尖锐刺耳。 „Is this Martial Spirit?” Hears this long cry, these elder all change countenance, this very obviously is Martial Spirit, otherwise is unable to have this birds long cry sound, suddenly the people fell pupil light on the body of that youth, the expression appeared excited. “这是武魂?”听得这声长鸣,那些长者皆是动容,这很明显是武魂,不然无法有这种鸟兽长鸣声,一时间众人都将眸光落在了那个少年的身上,表情显得激动不已。 Naturally, Bloodlines also has this possibility. 当然,血脉也有这可能。 Has the birds Bloodlines person to be quite rare, generally is the Antiquity Big Clan descendants. 只是拥有鸟兽血脉的人极为稀罕,一般都是上古大族的后裔。 Actually does not know that what Martial Spirit he is?” “却不知他是什么武魂?” The youth pupil dew on high stage is astonished. 高台上的少年都眸露讶异。 These many people had tested a moment ago, is actually Spirit Physique, only then that Wang Lei had Martial Spirit, but also was only one restores Martial Spirit, now also some people have Martial Spirit to make their hearts tighten, felt curious. 刚才这么多人测试了,却都是灵体,也只有那王磊拥有武魂,还只是一个恢复型的武魂,如今又有人拥有武魂让得他们的心都绷紧了起来,同时也是感到好奇不已。 After that long cry sound gets up, the youth palm light twinkle, was seeming to be Profound Hawk submerged on Crystal Ball. 当那长鸣声响起后,那少年掌心光影闪烁,似有着一只玄鹰没入了水晶球上。 Afterward in the crystal column has True Yuan to pour into, that scale interval starts to rise dramatically. 随后水晶柱内有着真元注入,那刻度值开始飙升。 10%. 10。 30%. 30。 35%! 35! After has turned very quiet that scale division to 35% people, the facial expression appears quite intense. 当那刻度到了35后众人都屏住呼吸,神情显得颇为紧张。 Because of that scale division also in rise slowly. 因为那刻度还在缓缓的上涨。 „Can he reach 40% Martial Spirit inheritance values?” In the people heart ponders darkly, especially these have tested disciple, their one face is tight, the fist has gripped tightly, double pupil stubbornly is staring at that scale interval. “难道他要达到40的武魂传承值吗?”众人心中暗忖,特别是那些已经测试过了的弟子,他们都一脸紧张,拳头都紧紧握了起来,双眸死死的盯着那刻度值。 If this person has achieved 40%, is adding on the Martial Spirit attaching awarded marks value, can that also? 若是此人达到了40,在加上武魂的附加分值,那还得了? Only feared that this time rank few people can fight with him. 只怕这次的排名很少有人可以和他争锋了。 Unexpectedly, that scale division stopped, Crystal Ball rays of light dodged, appears row of captions. 蓦地,那刻度停止了下来,水晶球光芒一闪,浮现出了一排字幕。 Chen Feng, has Profound Hawk Martial Spirit, the Martial Spirit inheritance value is 41%, belongs to middle-grade. 陈锋,拥有玄鹰武魂,武魂传承值为41,属于中等 41, have achieved 41 unexpectedly!” Looks at this inheritance value, several Deacon eyes have shone. “41,竟然达到了41!”瞧得这传承值,就连几位执事眼睛都亮了起来。 In Core Palace, in the middle of all new disciple groups Martial Spirit inheritance can achieve 40 has been short extremely, may be called extremely the talent. 核心殿,所有新弟子群当中武魂传承能达到40的已经极少了,可被称为绝顶天才。 If this Chen Feng achieves 41 is few. 如这陈锋达到41的更是屈指可数。 This inheritance value, differs a value, practice natural talent between that has the greatest disparity. 这种传承值,就是相差一个分值,那之间的修炼天赋都将有着莫大的差距。 After seeing this inheritance value, in the Palace Lord Jiang pupil that side that had not opened the mouth also appears to wipe surprised look, at once quite polite saying: Hehe, 41% Martial Spirit inheritance values, Huang Deacon, this time you have contributed unexpectedly to a great merit!” 见得这传承值后,就连旁边那一直没有开口的姜殿主眸中也是不由浮现出一抹惊讶之色,旋即颇为客气的说道:“呵呵,竟有41的武魂传承值,黄执事,这次你可是立了一大功啊!” Hehe, lucky that's all. that red painted-face old man slightly narrows the pupil, appears quite self-satisfied. 呵呵,侥幸罢了。”那红脸老者眸子微眯,显得颇为得意。 This is your Token.” The youth who at this time that was responsible for testing took out Token to give that stature slender youth, said that „, because your this Profound Hawk Martial Spirit belonged to battle-type Martial Spirit, therefore this time may attach seven points, together 48.” “这是你的腰牌。”这时那负责测试的青年取出了一个腰牌递给了那身材修长的少年,道,“因为你这玄鹰武魂属于战斗型武魂,所以此次可附加七分,一起得48分。” Many thanks Senior Brother.” Chen Feng received Token, in the pupil brims with the self-satisfied look, he retreats the arrangement in light of this among the people, when his pupil light takes a look to other people unintentional will reveal for several points to select lightly, that appearance appears arrogant incomparable. “多谢师兄。”陈锋接过腰牌,眸中洋溢出得意的神色,他就此退去排列在众人之间,不过他的眸光瞅向旁人时有意无意将流露出几分轻挑,那模样显得倨傲无比。 As if other person is nothing to speak in his eyes. 似乎别的人在他眼里都不值一提。 Sees this Chen Feng manner to be so arrogant, nearby some youth are somewhat disgruntled, actually must swallow this tone. 见这陈锋态度如此傲慢,旁边的一些少年有些不悦,却也只得咽下这口气。 Because this Chen Feng not only has Martial Spirit, oneself has also stepped into True Yuan initial-stage Peak, if adds on battle strength that Martial Spirit has, in the people the unusual person may with it fighting, so long as he obtains a good position in the next game, sufficiently was first. 因为这陈锋不仅拥有武魂,自身也踏入了真元初期巅峰,若加上武魂拥有的战力,在众人之中将少有人可与之争锋,只要他在下场比赛中获得一个不错的名次,就足以位列第一了。 Therefore nearby youth also only then tacitly approved this fact secretly. 所以旁边的少年也只有暗暗默认这个事实了。 The following several people test one after another, nobody detects to have Martial Spirit, spirit value also separately in 30 to 33. 接下来几人陆续测试,都没有人测出拥有武魂,灵值也分别在30到33之间。 Hehe, Huang the brother, congratulates you, this Chen Feng thinks that can rank first, then he will obtain the best resources, later cultivation level can definitely progress by leaps and bounds, if when the time comes can intrude in several months ago new disciple in small competition, you had the luck.” Nearby several Deacon just like also think that this Chen Feng can obtain first to start to that to blush Deacon to congratulate. 呵呵,黄兄,恭喜你啊,这陈锋想必是可以排名第一了,如此一来他将得到最好的资源,以后的修为肯定能突飞猛进,若到时候在小比中能闯入几个月前的新弟子中,你就算有福了。”旁边几位执事俨然也认为这陈锋可以获得第一名开始向那红脸执事道贺。 How by old boy picking up a bargain?” “怎么就被着老小子给捡了便宜了?” Early knows that I went to that Nanfeng Kingdom to be responsible for examination.” Also several people of face darkens, the pupil dew is unwilling, secretly regret. “早知道我去那南丰国负责考核了。”也有几人脸色阴沉,眸露不甘,暗自后悔。 Nearby Deacon Qin is a face is as before indifferent. 旁边的秦执事依旧是一脸淡然。 Suddenly, on the entire stage also had Xiao Yun not to test. 眨眼间,整个台上也就只有萧云没有测试了。 Wind Moon Kingdom, Xiao Yun, please come out to test. „ The youth took the list in own hand to look at one, at once takes a look to the opposite youth, in that pair of pupil has a different glittering, corners of the mouth shows a smile, resembled to have several points curiously with hoping. 风月国,萧云,请出来测试。“那青年拿着自己手中的名单看了一眼,旋即瞅向了对面的少年,那双眸子中有着一丝异光闪烁,嘴角露笑,似带着几分好奇与期许。 Yes!” Xiao Yun accepts one, then forward unhurriedly walking. “是!”萧云应承一句,便向前不慌不忙的走去。 Does not know that what aptitude this did stir wind and cloud Xiao Yun also to have in the Wind Moon Kingdom examination field?” Sees Xiao Yun to walk, youth slightly narrows the pupil, in the pupil filled has hope that the matter that Wind Moon Kingdom had already spread to Heavenly Yuan Sect, only then these high levels know that this youth followed about Palace Lord Jiang, passed on disciple for it, naturally also obtained some news. “也不知这个在风月国考核场搅起了一阵风云的萧云又有着什么样的资质了?”见得萧云走来,那青年眸子微眯,眸中充满了期许,风月国发生的事情早就传入了天元宗,不过只有那些高层知道,这青年跟随姜殿主左右,为其亲传弟子,自然也得到了一些消息。 However this news actually also merely limited to the high level, the majority of people radically knows nothing. 不过这消息却也仅仅是限于高层,大部分的人根本对此一无所知。 After all if such matter passed on exited to some Sect many adverse impacts. 毕竟这样的事情要是传了出去对宗门多少还是有些不利影响。 Hehe, Brother Qin, your this luck is really not good, unearthed such a fish slip through unexpectedly?” Sees Xiao Yun stand forth, a black face old man pupil narrows the eyes, how many minute of laughters having to tease, said that Wind Moon Kingdom so is bad? All talents already acted swiftly to get there first, has integrated the hanger-on? I thought that Elder Qiu of that water peak then received one to have Martial Spirit of Ice disciple, it is said in his clan also has a youth to have Fire Spirit Physique, what a pity actually already to join Fire Yuan Peak, as you like had not entered this Core Palace!” 呵呵,秦兄,你这次运气可是真不好啊,竟然只是挖掘出了这么一个漏网之鱼?”见得萧云向前走去,一位黑脸老者眸子一眯,带着几分嬉笑调侃,道,“风月国难道就这么不济?还是所有的天才早就被人捷足先登,已经纳入了门下?哦,我想起来了,那水峰的邱长老便收了一个拥有冰之武魂弟子,据说他族中也有着一个少年拥有火灵体,可惜却早就拜入火元峰,并没有随你入这核心殿啊!” Qiu Yufeng is intimate with Fire Yuan Qi, is Fire Spirit Physique, but that Qiu Zhong is the Fire Yuan Peak person therefore has not come this. 邱雨枫亲近火元气,也算是火灵体,不过那邱衷正好是火元峰的人所以没有来此。 Can obtain better inheritance there him, does not need to compete. 在那里他能得到更好的传承,根本不用竞争。 Person is valued in fine, how could by quantity weight?” A Deacon Qin face is indifferent, not slow not slow saying. “人贵在精,岂能以数量衡量?”秦执事一脸淡然,不缓不慢的说道。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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