EMS :: Volume #2

#164: Potential test

Chapter 164 potential test 第164章潜力测试 Innate perfection boundary?” Also seven elder by the red painted-face old man, their respective sides have 2-3 disciple, after inducing to Xiao Yun, only then Innate perfection boundary, has several elder corners of the mouth to reappear to wipe the ridicule the happy expression. “才先天圆满境吗?”在红脸老者旁边还有七个长者,他们各自身边都有着两三个弟子,在感应到萧云只有先天圆满境后,当中有着几个长者嘴角都浮现出了一抹讥讽的笑意。 Regarding the expressions of these people, Deacon Qin gives a calm smile, his big hand strokes, bringing Xiao Yun then to float to fall on high stage. 对于这些人的表情,秦执事却是淡然一笑,他大手一拂,带着萧云便漂落在高台上。 Hehe, in!” Deacon Qin smiles embarrasedly, holds the fist in the other hand toward people slightly, afterward is the black ink robe man in high stage bows in salute to salute, said that has seen Palace Lord Jiang, this is I disciple that seeks from Wind Moon Kingdom, Xiao Yun.” 呵呵,诸位都在啊!”秦执事讪讪一笑,向着众人微微抱拳,随后便是高台中的墨袍男子作揖施礼,道,“见过姜殿主,这位便是我从风月国寻来的弟子,萧云。” Has seen Palace Lord Jiang.” Xiao Yun also salutes to the old person. “见过姜殿主。”萧云也是向老人施礼。 Is overly courteous.” Palace Lord Jiang shot a look at Deacon Qin lightly, at once pupil light concentrates, then fell the line of sight on Xiao Yun, vaguely can see several points of unusual rays of light in the middle of his pair of pupil, saying of faint smile, Hehe, was really the youth talent, lived up to reputation, has several points of makings, hopes that you can also surface in this Core Palace.” “无须多礼。”姜殿主淡淡的瞥了一眼秦执事,旋即眸光一凝,便将视线落在了萧云身上,在他那双眸子当中依稀可以看到几分异样的光芒,似笑非笑的说道,“呵呵,果然是少年天才,名不虚传,有着几分气质,希望你在这核心殿也可以脱颖而出。” disciple decides however can not lose Palace Lord to look.” Xiao Yun said. 弟子定然会不负殿主所望。”萧云道。 Em.” Palace Lord Jiang slight bow. “恩。”姜殿主微微点头。 Fulfils expectations? Depending on your this Innate perfection boundary?” Nearby several Deacon hear speech/words brows are actually the mouth dew ridicules. “不负所望?就凭你这先天圆满境?”旁边几位执事闻言眉头却是嘴露讥笑。 Does not know that this Palace Lord Jiang will hold in high esteem to this boy? Is his clansman?” Has the will of the people dew doubts. “也不知这姜殿主怎么会对这小子刮目相看?难道是他的族人?”有人心露疑惑。 If no matter, even if this Xiao Yun is the Palace Lord Jiang clansman, he cannot go bad the Core Palace custom, our people same have the opportunity to obtain the high rank, the talent that so long as I unearth does not arrange at the lowliest place, can obtain Sect to grant.” Several Deacon pupil light circulation thoughts vary, only then that Deacon Qin appears quite indifferent, regarding this does not have what idea. “不管如果,就算这萧云姜殿主的族人,他也不能坏了核心殿的规矩,我们的人一样有机会获得高排名,只要我挖掘的天才不排在末位,就可以得到宗门赏赐。”几位执事眸光流转心思各异,只有那秦执事显得颇为淡然,对此并没有什么想法。 After knowing the Xiao Yun success he were then many to the former several points of inexplicable confidence. 在知道了萧云的战绩后他便对前者就多了几分莫名的信心。 Since Deacon Qin also came, then should carry on to rank to these disciple?” That wears elder of linen clothing to narrow the eye to smile, has three youth as well as a young girl in his side, is the talents, once these people surface in Core Palace, he can obtain corresponding contribution points, can exchange to grant. “既然秦执事也来了,那么是不是该给这些弟子进行排位了?”那个身穿着麻布衣衫的长者眯着眼睛一笑,在他的身边有着三个少年以及一个少女,都是天才,一旦这些人在核心殿中脱颖而出,他就可以得到相应的功劳点,可以兑换赏赐。 To their this degrees, if in has further the opportunity to step into half step Yuan Soul, although is only a half step, but that status will actually have the huge transformation, half Yuan Soul Realm in entire Sect calculates that can become existence of high weight. 到了他们这个程度,要是在进一步就有机会踏入半步元婴,虽然只是一小步,可那地位却将发生巨大的转变,半步元婴境在整个宗门内都算能成为一尊位高权重的存在了。 Good, since you were in attendance, then starts to carry on the rank.” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light concentrates to say. “好,既然你们都到齐了,那么就开始进行排位吧。”姜殿主眸光一凝说道。 That sentiment is good.” Nearby several Deacon all smile. “那感情好。”旁边几位执事皆是一笑。 Here altogether has eight Deacon, is leads to go from Heavenly Yuan Sect near empire to choose the disciple head. 这里一共有着八位执事,都是带队前往距离天元宗较近的帝国挑选弟子的负责人。 Besides Deacon Qin, the people more or less have two to three talent disciple. 除了秦执事外,众人身边或多或少都有着两到三个天才弟子 This on behalf of their harvests. 这代表了他们的收获。 In addition Xiao Yun, altogether has 18 people, 17 man and a young girl. 加上萧云,算起来一共有18人,17个男子及一个少女。 These person of ages are very young, about 16 years old, almost nobody over is 17 years old. 这些人年纪都很轻,在16岁左右,几乎没有人超过17岁。 Xiao Yun and another 17 people after a instruction arrange in the high stage edge. 在一声吩咐后萧云和另外17人都排列在高台边缘。 Palace Lord Jiang stands by a crystal column on high stage. 姜殿主则是站在高台上的一个水晶柱旁边。 Also two 20 over years the youth side Palace Lord Jiang, are the Core Palace people. 姜殿主身边还有两个20出头岁的青年,为核心殿的人。 Is the God's favored ones from various countries, later the future is inevitably limitless, are many your such characters in Core Palace, therefore you want to obtain more resources to have the corresponding strength, natural talent is good.” Palace Lord Jiang takes a fast look around the 18 youth under stage saying that when Core Palace, crosses the threshold cultivation level not as the only reference, natural talent is most important, because only then natural talent suffices, you have enough potential to step Martial Dao Peak.” “诸位都是来自各国的天之骄子,以后前途必然不可限量,不过在核心殿不乏你们这样的人物,所以你们想要获得更多的资源就得有着相应的实力,天赋才行。”姜殿主扫视着台下的18个少年道,“在核心殿,入门时的修为并不是作为唯一的参考,天赋才是最重要,因为只有天赋够强,你才有着足够的潜力踏上武道巅峰。” , Palace Lord Jiang continued saying that „, otherwise, your natural talent is insufficient, even if steps into the True Yuan late-stage potential to be also limited now.” 顿了顿,姜殿主继续说道,“反之,你天赋不够,就算现在踏入了真元后期也潜力有限。” The youth under stage is listening respectfully to the Palace Lord Jiang words silently, because this will be relating their future. 台下的少年默默的聆听着姜殿主话语,因为这关系着他们的未来。 Therefore natural talent is most important, if naturally has natural talent, you insufficiently diligently are also in vain however.” “所以天赋才是最重要,当然若是只有天赋,你们不够勤奋也是枉然。” Hears here, in the middle of these 18 talents has two people to relax. 听到这里,这18个天才当中有两人不由松了一口气。 This two people separately is a frail youth, as well as a spiritual energy threatening young girl, they are only Innate Realm cultivation level, if discussed the victory and loss by the boundary, they are unable to arrange at front very much obviously, especially that young girl she a moment ago appeared quite anxious. 两人分别是一个文弱的少年,以及一个灵气逼人的少女,他们都只是先天境修为,若是以境界论输赢,他们很显然无法排在前面,特别是那个少女她刚才显得颇为紧张。 Because of her, only then the Innate late-stage boundary, misses a point compared with perfection, if ranked her definitely to arrange by the strength theory in final. 因为她只有先天后期境,比圆满还差一分,若以实力论排名她肯定是排在最后了。 Now without doubt were many several extension meetings, therefore after she hears Palace Lord Jiang this saying , the pupil rays of light twinkle of clever relaxed secretly. 现在却无疑多了几分机会,所以她听得姜殿主这话后灵动的眸子光芒闪烁暗自松了口气。 Has not fluctuated Xiao Yun to too many mood, but static is listening to the explanation of Palace Lord Jiang. 萧云到没有太多的情绪波动,只是静静的听着姜殿主的讲解。 In Core Palace, had the new basic disciple altogether 65 people, old disciple 180 people, no matter new disciple old disciple will obtain the corresponding resources according to the respective rank, your this batch of person altogether 18 people, will carry on the initial-stage rank.” Palace Lord Jiang continues saying that „, in view of the fact that you just crossed the threshold, therefore the rank is divided into two parts, its one looks at natural talent, its two look at the strength, middle a natural talent minute of value will be high, will be the hundred-mark system, the strength rank will calculate by your competition results, each victory one will obtain five points, altogether four competitions, total victory may result in 20 points.” “在核心殿,已经有新入门的弟子一共65人,老弟子180人,不管是新弟子还是老弟子都会按照各自的排名得到相应的资源,你们这批人一共18人,也会进行初步排名。”姜殿主继续道,“鉴于你们是刚入门,所以排名分为两个部分,其一看天赋,其二看实力,当中天赋的分值将较高,为百分制,实力排行将以你们的比赛胜负来计算,每胜一场将获得五积分,一共将有四场比赛,全胜者可得二十分。” Hundred-mark system?” Heard this word, the youth under stage to start to hesitate, some people liked, some people were tense. “百分制?”听得此言,台下的少年开始沉吟了起来,有人欢喜,有人紧张。 If natural talent is the hundred-mark system, then the natural talent high person lost in the strength competition same has also been able to obtain the quite good position. 天赋为百分制,那么天赋高的人就算在实力比赛中输了也一样可以得到比较好的名次。 Heavenly Yuan Sect is actually fair.” Xiao Yun is also the secret nod, as the matter stands these natural talent high because actually family background not trained does not need to worry, so long as obtained the sufficient resources they also to progress by leaps and bounds, instead surpassed these boundary high people. 天元宗倒是公平。”萧云也是暗暗点头,这样一来那些天赋高却因为出身没有得到培养的就不必担忧了,只要获得了足够的资源他们也就可以突飞猛进,反超那些境界高的人。 Below starts to test natural talent.” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light concentrates, sinking sound track. “下面开始测试天赋。”姜殿主眸光一凝,沉声道。 When the Palace Lord Jiang words fall, behind immediately then has a young man to stand in him. 姜殿主的话语落下,在他身后当即便有着一个青年男子站了出来。 Liu Zhong, comes to test.” This young man pupil light concentrates, after taking a look at the personal name that in a own hand has registered said. 刘重,前来测试。”这青年男子眸光一凝,瞅了一眼自己手中登记的人名后道。 Yes!” hear speech/words, youth pupil light one happy, glitters several points of frantic, then slightly runs to go toward the front crystal column. “是!”闻言,一个少年眸光一喜,闪烁出几分狂热,便是向着前方的水晶柱小跑而去。 This is one high approximately three chi (0.33 m) seven crystal columns, is mounting glittering and translucent carving Crystal Ball in pillar crown, vaguely can see that on Crystal Ball has the runes twinkle, is carving complicated Formation, seems to be comprehensive in. 这是一个高约三尺七的水晶柱,在柱子顶部处镶嵌着一颗晶莹剔透的水晶球,依稀可以看到水晶球上有着符文闪烁,刻着一个繁复的阵法,在里面似乎包罗万象。 This was tests Crystal Ball, was not only the Myriad Yuan Source Crystal refinement that precious Crystal Ball was likes, was that Formation that above carved is also extraordinary, the general kingdom was very difficult to find such one to test Crystal Ball, only then Heavenly Yuan Sect this big faction had. 这便是测试晶球了,不仅是那珍贵的晶球是喜欢的万元母晶炼制而成,就是上面刻的那阵法也是非凡,一般的王国很难找到这么一个测试晶球,也只有天元宗这种大派才有。 Revolves your attribute Yuan Qi or Martial Spirit True Yuan pours into Crystal Ball, can detect your physique.” That middle-aged man opens the mouth to say. “运转你的属性元气武魂真元注入晶球内,便可测出你的体质。”那个中年男子开口道。 Palace Lord Jiang stands, waiting test result. 姜殿主则是站在旁边,等待测试结果。 That eight Deacon also sides stand in side, watching silently, in the pupil all has the rays of light twinkle that hopes. 那八名执事也侧立在旁,默默的观看,眸中皆有着期许的光芒闪烁。 Liu Zhong arrives by that crystal column, the pupil reveals wipes frantically, sees only his pupil to congeal, revolution within the body True Yuan, a formidable aura fluctuation then fills the air silently from his palm, carefully looked that has arrives at earth color True Yuan to pour into that Crystal Ball, Crystal Ball Formation immediately by these True Yuan stimulating. 刘重走到那水晶柱旁边,眸子露出一抹狂热,只见得他眸子一凝,默默运转体内真元,一股强大的气息波动便是从他的掌心弥漫开来,仔细看去有着一到土色真元注入了那水晶球当中,晶球当中的阵法当即就被那些真元给激发了起来。 Incites! 滋滋! That Crystal Ball rays of light twinkle, flood the earth color circles, on the crystal column have water line together to start to rise finally slowly. 晶球光芒闪烁,泛起一个个土色的圆圈,最后晶柱上有着一道水线开始缓缓上升。 This is a scale division, from one to 100, represented the conner to have the physique spirit value, as well as Martial Spirit inheritance degree. 这是一个刻度,从一到100,代表了测试者拥有体质灵值,以及武魂传承程度。 If this scale division when the test is higher, represents this person of natural talent to be better. 若是在测试时这刻度越高,就代表着此人天赋越好。 Is Spirit Physique, there is half Spirit Physique, false Spirit Physique as well as Innate Spirit Physique, wait / etc.. 同是灵体,也有半灵体,伪灵体以及先天灵体,等等。 Martial Spirit is also, what some people awaken is only this Martial Spirit standard 10%, some people have awakened 20%, often is higher, that natural talent as well as the potential have very big disparity, therefore wants to know that in Sect which people have the training value, this test is essential. 武魂也是,有人觉醒的只是这武魂标准的一成,也有人觉醒了两成,往往只是高出一点,那天赋以及潜力都有着很大的差距,所以在一个宗派中想要知道哪些人有培养价值,这种测试是必不可少的。 When the scale division on that crystal column starts to rise, almost on high stage all people collected pupil light in middle. 当那水晶柱上的刻度开始上升时,几乎高台上所有的人都将眸光汇集在了当中。 Especially that unearths this Liu Zhong that micro fat Deacon, the nerve of his whole body tightened. 特别是那个挖掘出这刘重的那个微胖执事,他的全身的神经都为之绷紧了起来。 During breath, that scale division rose dramatically from zero ten, moreover presented the growing stance. 只是一个呼吸间,那刻度就从零飙升到了十,而且还呈现持续增长的姿态。 Looks scale division Liu Zhong that continually is rising is slightly is also anxious, within the body True Yuan unceasing pours into toward that Crystal Ball. 望着那不断上升的刻度刘重也是略显紧张,体内真元不断的向着那水晶球注入。 Finally, that scale division stopped when 27. 终于,那刻度在27时停了下来。 Stopped?” Liu Zhong looks at earth color True Yuan that scale division is stopping not in rise brow tight wrinkle strongly revolution True Yuan, attempts to make this scale division continue to rise, what a pity that Crystal Ball does not absorb his True Yuan, the sign that the scale division has not risen. “就停了?”刘重望着那刻度停下的土色真元不在上升眉头紧紧一皱竭力运转真元,企图让这刻度在继续上升,可惜那水晶球再也不吸收他的真元,刻度也没有上升的迹象。 Was good, can stop.” That young man, pupil light concentrates to say. “好了,可以停下来了。”那个青年男子,眸光一凝道。 hear speech/words, Liu Zhong then does not prefer loosened the hand, follows closely that Crystal Ball rays of light twinkle, in the middle of crystal column earth color True Yuan is dissipating immediately, on that Crystal Ball runes evolved to tremble in the sky, presented three chi (0.33 m) light screen. 闻言,刘重这才不情愿的松开了手,紧随着那水晶球光芒闪烁,晶柱当中的土色真元顿时消散,那晶球上一个符文演化出来当空一颤,出现了一个三尺大小的光幕。 Has a row of writing to appear on this light screen impressively. 在这光幕上赫然有着一排文字出现。 Liu Zhong: Earth Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value 27%, physique is low-grade! 刘重:土灵体,灵体值27,体质低等 low-grade?” Looks at these two characters, the Liu Zhong eye pupil is shrinking suddenly, on face disappointed self-evident, can be low-grade? My practice speed is falling the moon/month country, but existence of top level, how was only low-grade?” This result makes him feel incomparably disappointedly. 低等?”望着这两个字,刘重眼瞳骤然一缩,脸上的失望不言而喻,“怎么会是低等?我的修炼速度在落月国可是顶级的存在,怎么只是低等了?”这结果让他感到无比失望。 Was good, your this wheel test obtains 27.” That man said that this is your Token.” “好了,你此轮测试获得27分。”那个男子道,“这是你的腰牌。” Then, he dispatched magic token to give Liu Zhong. 说完,他递出了一个法牌刘重 This above has his all information, the result of this test was also inducted a moment ago inside. 这上面有着他的一切信息,刚才这测试的结果也被导入了里面。 So long as this magic token is Core Disciple everyone will have one. 这种法牌只要是核心弟子每人都将有一个。 27?” Liu Zhong received magic token, being absentminded has arrived at side. “27分?”刘重接过法牌,失魂落魄的走到了旁边。 Do not be disheartened, in Southern Border this lands, as long as may be called the Spirit Physique person is the rare talent, you 27% Spirit Physique values, the potential is uncommon now, first has a look at others' result.” That personal appearance micro fat Deacon comfort said. “别丧气,在南疆这片土地,但凡可称为灵体的人已经是难得的天才,你如今有27的灵体值,潜力不凡,先看看别人的结果吧。”那个身形微胖的执事安慰道。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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