EMS :: Volume #2

#171: Wu Xuedian

Chapter 171 Martial Arts Palace 第171章武学殿 This Xiao Yun closes up enough 40 days, when he comes out the two maidservants in courtyard welcomed immediately. Kazakh 520 novels 这次萧云闭关足足有40天,当他出来时院子里的两个侍女立即就迎了过来。哈520小说 Young Master, can you be hungry?” 公子,你可饿了?” Young Master, do you need to boil water to bathe?” Two maidservants, age in 16 years old, live in 18 years old fine movingly, beautiful pupil bright and intelligent has the spiritual energy, these people also will step into Innate Realm, placed the ordinary families also to calculate rarely. 公子,你需要烧水沐浴吗?”两个侍女,年纪一个在16岁,一个在18岁都生得精致动人,美眸水汪汪的颇具灵气,这些人也堪堪踏入先天境,放在普通人家也算难得了。 They at this moment in Heavenly Yuan Sect are actually the maidservants. 只是她们此刻在天元宗却是侍女。 But is this, their this quotas were in the clan the elder strive to obtain as before for a long time. 可就是这样,她们这名额依旧是族中长辈争取了许久才得到。 Because can take care these talent disciple in Core Palace, is the most beautiful assignment, regarding these young girls , not only can in this Rising Stars Peak practice, derive richest Yuan Qi, but also has the opportunity to obtain the favors of these talents, if both sides develop became the lover relate, that may profiting lifelong, will therefore obtain the greatest advantage including the entire family. 因为能在核心殿服侍那些天才弟子,是最美的差事,对于这些少女来说不仅可以在这新秀峰修炼,汲取最浓郁的元气,还有着机会得到那些天才的青睐,若是双方发展成为了情侣关系,那可将受益终身,连整个家族都会因此得到莫大的好处。 Even if cannot so, so long as took care these disciple same to obtain rich granting. 就算不能如此,只要服侍好了这些弟子一样可以得到丰厚的赏赐。 Um, you prepare food, as well as hot water.” Xiao Yun nodded, regarding this Core Disciple treatment is also quite satisfied. “嗯,你们去准备一下食物,以及热水。”萧云点了点头,对于这核心弟子的待遇也是颇为满意。 Was good, immediately comes.” Hears the Xiao Yun words, two maidservants have taken immediately care. “好了,马上就来。”听得萧云的话,两个侍女马上就张罗了起来。 The hot water already burnt, Xiao Yun comfortably has taken a bath quickly. 热水早就烧好,萧云很快就舒服的泡了个澡。 Middle a maidservant must take care, was actually rejected by him. 本来当中一个侍女要服侍,却被他拒绝了。 Now his wholeheartedly practice, does not want to waste the time at anything. 如今他一心修炼,不想在任何事情上浪费时间。 If after only seeks after for a while quick will let him, loses. 若是只贪图一时之快会让他以后失去更多。 After taking a comfortable bath has enjoyed the fine food Xiao Yun then to leave, runs away toward Rising Stars Peak Martial Arts Palace. 在泡了个舒服的澡享用了美餐后萧云便是动身,向着新秀峰的一处武学殿遁去。 This Martial Arts Palace is located in the Rising Stars Peak summit, has the specialist to guard, so long as is Core Palace disciple can enter inside observes and emulates martial arts, here has almost top level martial arts of Heavenly Yuan Sect each peak department, here does not need to be worried unable to find suitable own martial arts. 武学殿就位于新秀峰的山巅,有着专人看守,只要是核心殿弟子就都可以进入里面观摩武学,在这里几乎有着天元宗各个峰系的顶级武学,在这里根本不必担心找不到适合自己武学 Those who guard Core Palace is 50 years elder, Old Wu. 守卫核心殿的是一个五旬长者,吴老 Old Wu had already stepped into Yuan Core 9-layer, but actually cannot go a step further, will receive such an assignment. 吴老早就踏入了元丹九重,只是却迟迟未能在进一步,才会接下这么一个差事。 Before this Martial Arts Palace gate, is placing a table, this Old Wu is in a place, slightly narrows the pupil, appears somewhat lazy. 武学殿门前摆放着一个桌子,这吴老则是座里面,眸子微眯,显得有些慵懒。 Any wants to enter the Martial Arts Palace people to his here register. 任何想入武学殿的人都必须在他这里登记。 Hello, I am come Martial Arts Palace to observe and emulate martial arts.” Before Xiao Yun arrives at the palace, then turns toward that old man to salute to say. “您好,我是来武学殿观摩武学。”萧云走到殿前,便向着那老者施礼道。 „Are you new disciple?” Sees Xiao Yun this strange face, this Old Wu shows a face languid expression, said that new basic disciple can only watch Earth Rank martial arts of two buildings temporarily, wants to watch Heaven Rank Martial Arts to have enough contribution points.” “你是新弟子?”看到萧云这陌生的面孔,这吴老露出一脸懒洋洋的表情,道,“新入门的弟子暂时只可以观看二楼的地阶武学,想要观看天阶武学必须拥有足够的功劳点。” Only can watch Earth Rank martial arts?” Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, contribution points?” “只可以观看地阶武学?”萧云眉头微微一皱,“功劳点?” Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple, no matter how your natural talent wants to obtain high-level martial arts, as well as Magic Item must receive the duty that Sect sends, is placing secretly, has been rewarded correspondingly, such as watches high-level martial arts, or obtains granting of Magic Item.” Old Wu languid saying, you just came now, a lot did not understand that believes did not need Takuya to receive the duty, now first puts out Token has registered.” 天元宗弟子,不管你天赋如何想要得到高级武学,以及法器都必须接收宗门派下的任务,在暗自排名,得到相应奖励,如观看高级武学,亦或是得到法器的赏赐。”吴老懒洋洋的说道,“你现在刚来,很多事情不了解,相信不用多久也该接到任务了,现在先将腰牌拿出了登记一下吧。” Reward?” Heard these words, Xiao Yun also calculates to understand, thinks that this was Heavenly Yuan Sect to drive as well as whet disciple will make such strategy, only then such these talent disciple will try hard practice striving for success, otherwise had high-level martial arts conveniently, Magic Item also appeared too easy. “奖励?”听到这些话,萧云也算明白了,想必这是天元宗为了激励以及磨砺弟子才会做出这样的策略,只有这样那些天才弟子才会努力修炼拼搏,不然随手就有高级武学,法器也显得太容易了。 Easy and comfortable only dispirited, only then unceasing tempering can grow. 安逸只会让人颓废,只有不断的磨砺才能让人成长。 Also expressed the support for Heavenly Yuan Sect strategy Xiao Yun, therefore did not have the objection to take out own Token immediately. 对于天元宗的策略萧云也表示赞同,所以并没有异议当即就取出了自己腰牌 „If no contribution points, each disciple one month can only come Martial Arts Palace one time, the observing and emulating time is two double-hour.” When Old Wu received Xiao Yun magic token, lightly saying, the speech his palm Yuan Qi circulation has poured into the middle of that magic token, immediately inside light runes twinkle, some information reappeared, after looking at these information, the complexion of old man immediately changes, Flawless Martial Spirit!” “若没有功劳点,每个弟子一个月只能来武学殿一次,观摩时间为两个时辰。”吴老接过萧云法牌,淡淡的说道,说话时他掌心元气流转注入了那法牌当中,当即里面光纹闪烁,一些信息就浮现了出来,当瞧得这些信息后,老者的脸色立即一变,“无暇武魂!” Sees look that old this that changes, Xiao Yun slightly felt the surprise, the brow bent. 见得老这那微变的神色,萧云略感诧异,眉头不由弯了起来。 You...... Are you that have the Acquired Flawless Martial Spirit youth, Xiao Yun?” In the Old Wu expression is having several points of vibrato, the expression appears somewhat excited, his eyelid jumped jumping, suddenly sets out, is staring at front Xiao Yun. “你……你就是那个拥有后天无暇武魂的少年,萧云?”吴老的语气中带着几分颤音,表情显得有些激动,他眼皮跳了跳,不由霍然起身,怔怔的盯着面前的萧云 Em.” Xiao Yun nodded, said that how?” “恩。”萧云点了点头,道,“怎么了?” In his heart some surprise, are because own did close up too for a long time loses entered the Martial Arts Palace opportunity? 他心中有些诧异,难道是因为自己闭关太久失去了进入武学殿的机会? Not.” Under Old Wu gawked some little time returned to normal in the heart that excited mood, at once smiles to have several points to flatter embarrasedly, said that Palace Lord Jiang once some instruction, so long as you wanted this Martial Arts Palace martial arts to you to open.” “没有怎么。”吴老愣了好一会才平复下心中那激动的情绪,旋即讪讪一笑带着几分谄媚,道,“姜殿主曾经有吩咐,只要你愿意这武学殿武学都可以对你开放。” „.” hear speech/words, Xiao Yun eye one bright, initially Palace Lord Jiang indeed had expressed must train him strongly. “哦。”闻言,萧云眼睛一亮,当初姜殿主的确表示过要竭力培养他。 Hehe, Martial-Nephew Xiao, can you enter the Earth Rank pavilion the Heaven Rank pavilion? In martial arts of Earth Rank pavilion, although is inferior to the Heaven Rank pavilion, but is actually suiting True Yuan Realm cultivator, naturally, if you must enter the Heaven Rank pavilion obsolete also for you to open.” Old Wu said with a smile. 呵呵,萧师侄,你要进入地阶阁了还是天阶阁?在地阶阁的武学虽然不如天阶阁,不过却正适合真元境修者,当然,若是你要进天阶阁的话老朽也可以为你开启。”吴老笑道。 „Can I go to have a look?” Xiao Yun asked. “我可以都进去看看吗?”萧云问道。 This naturally.” Old Wu the eyes shows a happy expression, the expression appeared quite temperate with former desolate sentenced simply, if two people. “这个当然可以。”吴老眸露笑意,语气显得颇为温和与之前的冷淡简直判若两人 Good, I enter the Earth Rank pavilion to have a look first.” Xiao Yun said. “那好,我先进入地阶阁看看。”萧云道。 Good, and you come along with me.” Old Wu smiles embarrasedly, then leads Xiao Yun to walk toward the Martial Arts Palace two buildings. “好,你且随我来。”吴老讪讪一笑,便领着萧云向着武学殿的二楼走去。 These two buildings are very broad, take a broad view to look, is a long winding corridor, has rooms in side, is equipped with each indication, such as Water Element Cultivation Technique, Wood Element Cultivation Technique, wait / etc., is equipped with restriction in these rooms, the special opening method is unable to enter inside. 这二楼很宽阔,放眼望去,是一条长长的回廊,在旁边有着一间间屋子,设有各个标示,如水系功法,木系功法,等等,在这些屋子都设有禁制,没有专门的开启方法根本无法进入里面。 Does not know where Martial-Nephew Xiao can enter?” Old Wu said with a smile. “不知萧师侄要进入哪里?”吴老笑道。 First enters in Fire Element to have a look.” Xiao Yun took a fast look around these to have the martial arts room, afterward said. “先进入火系里面看看。”萧云扫视了一眼这些藏有武学的屋子,随后说道。 The Xiao Yun body has Purple Flame Martial Spirit, that Purple Flame is having the uncommon destructive power, good that so long as displays, is stronger than general True Yuan Realm cultivator, but he has actually lacked formidable martial arts, although that Raging Flames Wild Lion Seal is good, the crazy tyrant has, has been short of several points of clever. 萧云身具紫炎武魂,那紫炎拥有着不凡的破坏力,只要发挥的好,比一般的真元境修者还强,只是他却缺少了一种强大的武学,那烈焰狂狮印虽然不错,却狂霸有余,少了几分灵动 This martial arts will often have too many problems to tackle when meeting the enemy, accepts. 武学在应敌时往往会捉襟见肘,应接不暇。 Good.” The Old Wu master rubbish, immediately then opened that Fire Element room. “好。”吴老爷不废话,当即便是开启了那火系的屋子。 This room is very broad, the four directions are placing various martial arts, the having a mind law, there is martial skill. 这屋子很宽阔,四方摆放着各种武学,有心法,也有武技 Xiao Yun goes toward the four directions glance, starts martial arts that seeks for own to admire. 萧云向着四方扫视而去,开始寻找着自己心仪的武学 Regarding the Fire Element heart law, he does not have the demand, because Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts can help his unceasing swallowing Fire Yuan Energy, even can also swallow variation fire to integrate in the middle of Purple Flame Martial Spirit, then Xiao Yun did not need to be worried about being promoted of Martial Spirit. 对于火系心法,他并没有需求,因为吞天灭神诀可以助他不断的吞噬火元之气,甚至还可以吞噬异火融入紫炎武魂当中,如此一来萧云也就不用担心武魂的晋级了。 Fire Yuan Cultivation! 火元功 Fire Yuan Slash! 火元斩 Raging Flames Collapse! 烈焰崩 One of Xiao Yun on these martial skill sweeps, looked at that dazzling martial arts, the brow slightly was tightening. 萧云在那些武技上面一扫而过,望着那琳琅满目的武学,眉头不由微微紧锁了起来。 What martial arts should study?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, reveals the color of hesitation. “到底该学什么武学了?”萧云眸子微眯,露出沉吟之色。 martial arts in fine, not in many, if can achieve mastery through a comprehensive study martial arts, goes to the reach a high degree of proficiency situation also to be able strength broken Myriad Laws, can send out the formidable might, the rank of martial arts will also limit the development of cultivator. 武学在精,不在多,若是能将一种武学融会贯通,达到炉火纯青的地步也就可以一力破万法,举手投足间都能发出强大的威力,不过武学的等级也会限制修者的发展。 Hehe, what martial skill Martial-Nephew Xiao did you need?” Old Wu tags along in Xiao Yun behind, sees latter brows tightly frowns, a face scruple appearance, he smiles embarrasedly, quite polite saying, „, if you have any need perhaps obsolete to raise 0.12.” 呵呵,萧师侄你需要什么样的武技了?”吴老尾随在萧云身后,见得后者眉头紧锁,一脸迟疑的模样,他讪讪一笑,颇为客气的说道,“若是你有什么需要或许老朽可以提0.12。” Also good.” Xiao Yun shot a look at Old Wu, the pupil has narrowed the eyes saying that I wanted one set of might strong Earth Rank martial skill.” “也好。”萧云瞥了一眼吴老,眸子一眯道,“我想要一套威力较强的地阶武技。” „Is might strong?” Old Wu slightly narrows the pupil said that what demand can have?” “威力较强?”吴老眸子微眯道,“可还有什么需求?” This old man appears has the patience, must serve till the Xiao Yun satisfaction appearance. 这老头显得颇有耐心,一副要服务到萧云满意为止的模样。 This Old Wu age is not small, steps into Yuan Core 9-layer for a long time, actually cannot go a step further again, now Core Palace left Flawless Martial Spirit with great difficulty, naturally must flatter to be intimate with strongly, people who if this youth grows almost to raise indirectly has selected his can be granted. 吴老年纪也不小了,踏入元丹九重已久,却迟迟不能再进一步,如今核心殿好不容易出了一个无暇武魂,自然是要竭力讨好亲近,若是这少年成长起来几乎所有间接提点过他的人都可以得到赏赐。 How could this opportunity does he miss? 这种机会他岂能错过? Person who potential since the ancient times can have Flawless Martial Spirit is infinite, if can draw in the relations after this Xiao Yun he keeps old friendships in mind to bestow any spiritual object to make him further step into half step Yuan Soul or Yuan Soul Realm again, that may be a greatest chance! 自古以来能拥有无暇武魂的人潜力无限,若是能与这萧云拉上关系以后他念旧赐下些什么灵物让他再进一步踏入半步元婴或者元婴境,那可就是一个莫大的机缘啊! May be many in Heavenly Yuan Sect such Liezi. 天元宗这样的列子可不少。 Some talent disciple have harvested in Profound Yuan Battlefield, has stepped into Heavenly Capital Domain, thinks and the former friendship will also grant some spiritual object to Sect some elder, wait / etc., but Sect elder obtained the kindness also to the later generations and clansmen of these talents gives to look. 一些天才弟子玄元战场有所收获,踏入了天都域,念及旧情也会给宗门的一些长者赏赐些灵物,等等,而宗门长者得到了恩惠也会对这些天才的后辈及族人给予关照。 This is offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress, so long as bet had not feared right has not harvested. 这是互惠互利,所以只要赌对了就不怕没有收获。 What fears is that disciple strength is insufficient, cannot emerge in Profound Yuan Battlefield. 怕的是那个弟子实力不够,不能在玄元战场脱颖而出。 Also is so, has potential disciple to be quite warm to these in Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Palace elder generally. 也是如此,在天元宗核心殿长者一般都对那些有潜力的弟子极为热情。 The shift in attitude toward this Old Wu, Xiao Yun too many mood have not fluctuated, this world is so, if you do not have enough ability, who will look at your one eyes high? Only then own enough, displayed certain potential to win the dignity. 对这吴老的态度变化,萧云并没有太多的情绪波动,这个世界便是如此,你若没有足够的能力,谁会高看你一眼?只有自己足够强,表现出了一定的潜力才能赢来尊严。 Old Wu, does here have martial arts along with cultivator strength promotion, martial arts also continually to promote?” Xiao Yun sudden brow one curved, asked that martial arts also had the limit, some martial arts refine big accomplishment, even if the cultivator strength has been increased, the might was also so, the potential that has not risen again, therefore after and other cultivator strengths were increased, has to continue in choice high-level martial arts. 吴老,请问这里有没有武学可以随着修者本身的实力提升,武学也不断提升?”萧云突然眉头一弯,问道,武学也有限制,有些武学炼到大成,就算修者实力有所提升,威力也就是如此,再也没有上升的潜力,所以等修者实力提升后不得不继续在选择更高级武学 But as the matter stands too wasted the time, therefore Xiao Yun wants to choose one set to have potential martial arts. 可是这样一来太浪费时间了,所以萧云想挑选一套有潜力的武学 That was Heaven level martial arts.” Old Wu pupil light concentrates, said that „, but, your present cultivation level is too low, practice Heaven level martial arts also somewhat reluctantly, only fears to be hard to strive, here arrives has one set of martial arts, is Earth Rank top level martial arts, almost may with Heaven Rank Martial Arts comparable with.” “那就只有是天级武学了。”吴老眸光一凝,道,“不过,你现在修为太低,修炼天级武学还有些勉强,只怕难以精进,这里到是有着一套武学,为地阶顶级武学,几乎可和天阶武学堪比了。” „.” Xiao Yun eye one bright, asked that what martial arts was?” “哦。”萧云眼睛一亮,问道,“是什么武学?” Old Wu pupil light moves, in these lay aside in the martial arts dark check to take a fast look around to go. 吴老眸光一动,在那些放置武学的暗格中扫视而去。 martial skill in this Martial Pavilion hides in the dark check, outside attaches marking, only then can open through disciple Token. 武阁中的武技都藏在暗格当中,外面贴有标识,只有通过弟子腰牌才可以开启。 This.” Suddenly, Old Wu pupil light moved, locks before a dark check. “就这本了。”突然,吴老眸光一动,锁定在了一个暗格前。 Attaches several characters outside the dark check. 在暗格外面贴有几个字。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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