EMS :: Volume #2

#161: Life Wu Hun?

Chapter 161 Life Martial Spirit? 第161章生命武魂 Many thanks Emperor Feng reminder.” Xiao Yun has taken down this matter secretly. “多谢风皇提醒。”萧云暗暗记下了此事。 „The matter about Yuyao, I also hopes that you can keep secret.” Emperor Feng a face stern said at once, this matter, once passes on, only feared that also will cause mighty waves, you will also stare, when the time comes the consequence will be dreadful, is not your I can control.” “关于羽瑶的事情,我也希望你能保密。”风皇旋即一脸正色说道,“此事一旦传出去,只怕也会引起一场波澜,你也会被人盯上,到时候后果将不堪设想,不是你我能掌控。” Xiao Yun knows.” Xiao Yun nodded, he naturally knows the gravity of this matter. 萧云知道。”萧云点了点头,他自然知道这事情的严重性。 Since initially that Feng Clan person will start to Seventh Princess, once knew the princess restores such as beginning, how to give up? 既然当初那风族的人会对七公主下手,一旦知道了公主又恢复如初,岂会罢手? As the matter stands he also became the object who copes with start. 这样一来他也将成为了对付下手的对象。 Feng Clan formidable Xiao Yun can also guess correctly to obtain. 风族的强大萧云也是可以猜出得出的。 Especially after feeling the strength of Princess Yuyao within the body that formidable Bloodlines has then been able to imagine leaves that to be a formidable clan, Magical Powers that initially Emperor Feng showed is also uncommon, therefore he silly to giving own will look for trouble. 特别是在感觉到了羽瑶公主体内那股强大的血脉之力后便能想象出那该是一个何等强大的氏族,当初风皇所展现出来的神通也是不凡,所以他也不会傻到给自己找麻烦。 That is good.” Emperor Feng satisfied nod. “那就好。”风皇满意的点了点头。 Afterward two people was talking turned, that several formation flag that Xiao Yun will obtain initially have given back to Emperor Feng. 随后两人在交谈了一翻,萧云将当初得到的那几杆阵旗还给了风皇 Although this formation flag uncommon actually must to have Feng Clan Bloodlines as well as the special method can stimulate to movement, Xiao Yun is remaining uselessly. 阵旗虽然不凡却得要有风族血脉以及特殊的法门才可以催动,萧云留着也无用。 Xiao Yun returns to the phoenix range, immediately then sinks to mind Swallowing the Heavens Tower. 萧云回到风凰岭,当即便是将心神沉入吞天塔内。 Has anything to ask that you said.” Feels that soul fluctuation, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow body in tower moves, then one dodges from inside, the small birds that changes into a fist size fell on the shoulder of Xiao Yun, languid saying. “有什么要问的,你说吧。”感受到那股灵魂波动,塔内的吞天雀身子一动,便从里面一闪而出,化为一只拳头大小的雀鸟落在了萧云的肩膀上,懒洋洋的说道。 You may know that what origin my this Martial Spirit does have?” Xiao Yun mind moves, jade-green branch appears in the palm, this branch jade-green light is shining, blooms the dim mist, causes Xiao Yun palm probably blue seas, branch is hidden in middle, drags slightly. “你可知道我这武魂到底有什么来历?”萧云心神一动,一根碧色枝条在掌心浮现,这枝条碧光灿灿,绽放出朦胧的雾气,使得萧云的掌心好像一片碧海,一根枝条则是隐于当中,微微摇曳。 In your this Martial Spirit is containing life essence, spirit bead that not only breeds can also make the person restore Yuan Essence, but also has to swallow all world's essence abilities, through this all sorts of signs, I to feeling it is like of Life Martial Spirit that Antiquity 10 Strongest Martial Spirits.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow carefully observes branch that the Xiao Yun palm is reappearing, after hesitating turns, said. “你这武魂里面蕴含着生命精气,不仅孕育出来的灵珠还可以使人恢复精元,还有着吞噬一切天地精气的能力,通过这种种迹象来看,我到感觉它像似那远古十强武魂之一的生命武魂。”吞天雀仔细的观察着萧云掌心浮现出来的枝条,沉吟一翻后说道。 Life Martial Spirit?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, the expression slightly is stunned, he first time heard regarding Life Martial Spirit. 生命武魂?”萧云眉头一弯,表情略显错愕,对于生命武魂他还是第一次听说。 If I have not guessed that should be mistakenly so.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “若是我没有猜错应该是如此。”吞天雀说道。 This Martial Spirit?” Xiao Yun asked that has filled curiously to this Life Martial Spirit. “还有这种武魂吗?”萧云问道,对这生命武魂充满了好奇。 That is natural.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that Martial Dao is vast, the world is mysterious, powerhouse are innumerable, some Supreme cultivated all sorts of deep meaning, changed into for the god, even though die, his Magical Powers also will get down to inheritance by Bloodlines or the Martial Spirit way.” “那是自然。”吞天雀说道,“武道浩瀚,天地玄妙,强者无数,一些至尊修得了种种奥义,化为为神,纵使殒落,他的神通也会以血脉武魂的方式给传承下去。” Such as Feng Clan special Bloodlines, that Fang Hao Martial Spirit of Ice from this, but the respective manifestation differs from, this is only the tip of the iceberg, after you, stepped into that vast world to experience to arrive will be more.” “如风族的特殊血脉,那方浩冰之武魂都是源自于此,只是各自的表现方式有所不同罢了,这只是冰山一角,等你以后踏入了那个浩瀚的世界所见识到的将更多。” Said that my Martial Spirit is also inheritance to Bloodlines?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, said that „, but my Xiao Family ancestor stays behind is not this Martial Spirit, but is another formidable Battle Spirit, will I have this Life Martial Spirit? Comes from my mother?” “这么说我的武魂也是传承血脉?”萧云眉头一弯,道,“可是我萧家先祖留下的可不是这种武魂,而是另外一种强大的战魂,我怎么会拥有这生命武魂?难道源自我母亲?” Except that Xiao Yun is very in addition difficult to think of other results. 除此外萧云很难想到其他结果。 Also or he at is not Xiao Family Bloodlines. 亦或者他根本不是萧家血脉 I think that should be inheritance to your mother.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light has different, resembles is hesitating to think deeply about anything afterward lightly saying. “我想应该是传承至你的母亲吧。”吞天雀眸光有异,似在沉吟思索着什么随后淡淡的说道 My mother?” Xiao Yun said that you, since should hear from Heavenly Capital Domain which clan all Life Martial Spirit is, my mother's status should also be able to guess?” Xiao Yun pupil light slightly appears somewhat excited, then he can also find Xiao father. “我母亲?”萧云道,“你既然来自天都域应该听说过生命武魂为哪个氏族所有,那我母亲的身份也应该能猜测出来了?”萧云眸光略显得有些激动,如此一来他也就可以找到萧父了。 Life Martial Spirit rank in Antiquity 10 Strongest Martial Spirits tenth.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. 生命武魂排行在上古十强武魂第十。”吞天雀说道。 Pats tenth?” A Xiao Yun brow curve, what that first nine are Martial Spirit?” “拍名第十?”萧云眉头一弯道,“那前九个武魂是什么?” Ranked first Martial Spirit is Six Paths Martial Spirit, the legend has this Martial Spirit to hold six samsara, is having battle strength of ultra god, in antiquity times who even has six one with the word of fighting, conceivable this Martial Spirit has terror how.” In the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow expression is having several points of respect, as if quite declines to that Six Paths Martial Spirit, the meaning of not having blasphemed. 排行第一武魂六道武魂,传说拥有此武魂者可掌六道轮回,拥有着超神的战力,甚至在上古时期有六道一出谁与争锋之言,可以想象这武魂有多么的恐怖。”吞天雀语气中带着几分敬意,对那六道武魂似乎颇为推辞,并没有亵渎的意思。 Six Paths Martial Spirit?” In Xiao Yun mouth twittering, secretly this Martial Spirit at heart. 六道武魂?”萧云口中呢喃一句,暗暗将这武魂记在了心里。 Ranked second is Life and Death Martial Spirit.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow continues saying that body has Life and Death Martial Spirit, if cultivates to perfection may hold Life and Death Gates, one leaf is Life Gate, not only may save others in the bones of the dead, but can also guarantee own soul flesh body not dead, another leaf of Death Gate, Death Gate opens, but dying out all living things, once evolves completely, but that strength is almost irresistible.” 排行第二的则是生死武魂。”吞天雀继续说道,“身具生死武魂者,若修至圆满可掌生死门户,一扇为生门,不仅可救人于白骨中,还可以保自己的灵魂肉身不死,另外一扇死门,死门一开,可寂灭众生,一旦完全演化而出那股力量几乎不可抵挡。” Therefore this Life and Death Martial Spirit by Ranked second , even may fight with that Six Paths Martial Spirit.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also quite esteems to Life and Death Martial Spirit, hearing these to introduce that Xiao Yun is also secretly the heart startled, holds the gate of life and death, is this manpower behavior? “所以这生死武魂排行第二,甚至可与那六道武魂争锋。”吞天雀生死武魂也是颇为推崇,听得这些介绍,萧云也是暗自心惊,掌生死之门,这还是人力所为吗? This clearly is the gods has the ability that! 这分明是神明才有的能力啊! Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow continues to open the mouth, is Xiao Yun explains remaining several Martial Spirit. 吞天雀继续开口,为萧云讲解剩下的几种武魂 Is situated seventh is Battle Martial Spirit.” “排行第七的则是战武魂。” What, is Battle Martial Spirit situated seventh?” Suddenly, the Xiao Yun eye pupil shrinks suddenly, within both eyes passed over gently and swiftly surprised, because his father has then awakened Battle Martial Spirit, but he has not actually thought that this Martial Spirit can have such big reputation. “什么,战武魂排行第七?”突然,萧云眼瞳骤然一缩,双眸中掠过一丝惊讶,因为他父亲便觉醒了战武魂,只是他却从来没有想到这武魂能有这么大的名头。 What strange does this have?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this Battle Martial Spirit may be Martial Spirit so is not only simple, It’s also a type of Dao, once comprehended the mystery in Martial Spirit, inheritance within the body the strength of inheritance unceasing has been promoted, even Battle Martial Spirit refining up big accomplishment also with sixth Twin Martial Spirit to fight, this Martial Spirit may be seventh so is not only simple.” “这有什么稀奇?”吞天雀道,“这战武魂可不仅仅是一种武魂那么简单,还是一种道,一旦领悟了武魂中的奥妙,传承体内传承之力将不断的得到提升,甚至战武魂炼到大成还可以与第六的双子武魂争锋,这武魂可不仅仅是第七那么简单。” Is so intrepid?” In the heart of Xiao Yun has raised stormy sea (difficult situation). “这么强悍?”萧云的心中掀起了惊涛骇浪 In the middle of after this mystery, you knew.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow light said that the pupil dew muttered afterward scruple, „, since your father has awakened Battle Martial Spirit, properly speaking you should also have the opportunity to obtain inheritance, why can obtain Life Martial Spirit?” “这当中的奥妙以后你就知道了。”吞天雀淡淡的道了一句,随后眸露迟疑喃喃道,“既然你父亲觉醒了战武魂,按理说你也应该有机会得到传承,可为什么只是得到了生命武魂?” Is this, because two Martial Spirit can't with saving?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow puzzled muttered. “难道是这因为两个武魂不能同存?”吞天雀一脸疑惑喃喃道。 This I do not know.” Xiao Yun is also the doubt. “这个我也不知道。”萧云也是狐疑不已。 Xiao Yun has awakened since childhood this Life Martial Spirit, but this Martial Spirit actually derived his massive Yuan Qi to make him feel depressed. 萧云从小就觉醒了这生命武魂,可是这武魂却汲取了他大量的元气让他感到郁闷。 Perhaps is because Life Martial Spirit needs the massive essence, cannot simultaneously awaken by your physique two Martial Spirit.” After Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hesitates slightly said that perhaps will wait for your within the body Yuan Essence to save enough or triggers within the body Martial Spirit Bloodlines to awaken the Battle Martial Spirit opportunity, otherwise was you simply has not inherited your father's Martial Spirit inheritance.” “或许是因为生命武魂需要大量的精气,凭借你的体质不能同时觉醒两个武魂。”吞天雀略微沉吟后说道,“也许等你体内精元积蓄足够或触发了体内武魂血脉才会有着觉醒战武魂的机会,不然就是你根本没有继承你父亲的武魂传承。” „After the hope, has the opportunity to awaken.” Xiao Yun let go the palm saying that has not had the too high hope regarding awakening of Battle Martial Spirit, because Martial Spirit inheritance is very strange, then uncertain father awakened the son to continue to obtain inheritance. “希望以后有机会觉醒吧。”萧云摊了摊手掌道,对于战武魂的觉醒并没有抱太大的希望,因为武魂传承很奇怪,便不一定父亲觉醒了儿子就能够继续得到传承 Even if there are is also very difficult to reach the father that Martial Spirit altitude. 就算有也很难达到父亲那武魂的高度。 Naturally, Martial Spirit that also some people of people of father's generation awaken is very weak, Martial Spirit that but the son can awaken strong person of father's generation's person has been greatly was also. 当然,也有人父辈觉醒的武魂很薄弱,可儿子能觉醒的武魂强过父辈的人也是大有所在。 Martial Spirit has the division of strong and weak, also has the relations with the Martial Spirit mark degree of awakening. 武魂有强弱之分,同时与觉醒的武魂印记程度也有关系。 Mark that Martial Spirit awakens if closer ancestor, that ability will be stronger, the potential will be also bigger. 武魂觉醒的印记若是越接近先祖,那能力将越强,潜力也将越大。 Afterward, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow continues to explain remaining several Martial Spirit. 随后,吞天雀继续讲解剩下的几种武魂 „The ninth type is Void Martial Spirit.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this Void Martial Spirit is quite uncommon, once awakens to cause the person completely and coincides void, not only can the body hide in the middle of void, but can also be intimate with void Grand Dao, comprehends all sorts of unsurpassed Magical Powers, this Martial Spirit is quite formidable, has the greatest potential, if inheritance natural talent is astonishing, the rank even can also go forward.” “第九种为虚空武魂。”吞天雀说道,“这虚空武魂颇为不凡,一旦完全觉醒可以使人与虚空相合,不仅能身藏于虚空当中,还能亲近虚空大道,领悟种种无上神通,这武魂颇为强大,有着莫大的潜力,若是传承天赋惊人,排名甚至还可以前进。” Void Martial Spirit.” In the Xiao Yun mouth muttered, filled to this Martial Spirit had yearned that can cause the person and coincides void, is intimate with void Grand Dao, should this be what kind Magical Powers? When melts in really void with person battles is terror how? 虚空武魂。”萧云口中喃喃自语,对这武魂也是充满了向往,能使人与虚空相合,亲近虚空大道,这该是何等神通?若真融于虚空与人交战时将是多么的恐怖? This character take action who can guard? 这种人物出手谁能防备? This Martial Spirit can rank ninth is also the name will follow reality. 这种武魂能排名第九也是实至名归。 As for tenth was Life Martial Spirit.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light provoked, to take a look to Xiao Yun said that this Life Martial Spirit legend, once grew to be able the real life and death flesh bones of the dead, the self-recovery ability was formidable compared with that Life and Death Martial Spirit Life Gate, Life Martial Spirit not only contained world's essence, may hold myriad things source, even can also enable to have flesh body not dead, achieving immortality Inextinguishable.” “至于第十名便是生命武魂了。”吞天雀眸光挑动,瞅向了萧云道,“这生命武魂传说一旦成长起来可以真的生死人肉白骨,自愈能力比起那生死武魂生门还强大,生命武魂不仅仅包含天地精气,可容纳万物本源,甚至还可以使得拥有着肉身不死,达到不朽不灭。” „Doesn't flesh body die?” After Xiao Yun hear , the heart shakes. 肉身不死?”萧云听后心头一震。 Doesn't die? 不死? This should be any concept! 这该是什么概念啊! Present Xiao Yun is only Innate perfection boundary cultivator, in his eyes, that Yuan Core Realm, Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse formidable was incomparable, at least also by far is not present he can follow, may hear Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow after the introductions of this antiquity ten big Martial Spirit his in the heart has raised stormy sea (difficult situation), such as the front has a mammoth world to launch slowly. 如今的萧云只是一个先天圆满境修者,在他眼里,那元丹境,元婴境强者就已经强大无比了,至少还远远不是现在的他可以望其项背,可听到吞天雀对这上古十大武魂的介绍后他心中掀起了惊涛骇浪,如前方有着一个波澜壮阔的世界在慢慢展开。 Especially after now Xiao Yun hears own Martial Spirit can reach this altitude, that type unable to speak excitedly. 特别是现在萧云听到自己武魂能达到这个高度后那种激动无法言说。 If this Jade Tree Martial Spirit is really Life Martial Spirit, that own later future what kind broad? 若这碧树武魂真是生命武魂,那自己以后的前途该何等的宽阔? Life Martial Spirit is containing many mysteries, for one of the most mysterious Martial Spirit, because if not for lacks battle strength, should not arrange at tenth, but also some ancients think little to Life Martial Spirit, thinks that it should not be situated in tenth.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that naturally, this is only the rank of common people, fights to be hard truly very much this is the basis.” 生命武魂蕴含着诸多奥妙,为最玄奥的武魂之一,若不是因为缺乏战力,不应该排在第十,可是也有一些古人对生命武魂不以为意,认为它不应该排行在第十。”吞天雀说道,“当然,这只是世人的排名罢了,真正战斗起来很难以此为根据。” Furthermore, Martial Spirit in some fables, even may place on a par with that Six Paths Martial Spirit, but since ten thousand years nobody must see, therefore had not arranged in order in middle, now do not want to be too many, these are extremely remote to you.” “再者,还有一些传说中的武魂,甚至可与那六道武魂相提并论,只是万载以来无人得见,所以也就没有被人列在当中,你现在也不要想太多,这些对你而言太过遥远。” Um.” Xiao Yun nodded, he is also knows that now said anything is too early. “嗯。”萧云点了点头,他也是知道现在说什么都为时过早。 First, he had not determined that now own this is Life Martial Spirit. 其一,他现在还没有确定自己这就是生命武魂 Second, even if jade tree in his Sea of Consciousness is Life Martial Spirit, but same Martial Spirit also has the division of strong and weak. 其二,就算他识海内的碧树生命武魂,可同一种武魂也有着强弱之分。 The Martial Spirit inheritance mark that if he obtains are extremely few, 1/10 of ancestor, the future will be also limited. 若是他得到的武魂传承印记极少,不过先祖的1,前途也将有限。 To step Martial Dao Peak unable merely to depend on Martial Spirit, what is most important is the cultivator will, has heart of the powerhouse, only then has the heart of powerhouse, does not fear the difficulty, only then cuts completely all thorns to step the road of that powerhouse. 想要踏上武道巅峰也不能仅仅靠武魂,最重要的还是修者的意志,是否具备一颗强者之心,只有拥有强者之心,不惧怕困难,方可斩尽一切荆棘踏上那条强者之路。 True powerhouse not only needs natural talent, but must have the big will to be good. 真正的强者不仅需要天赋,还得有大毅力才行。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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